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Offline RedKing (OP)

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The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:12:11 AM »
15 Mar 2075, TAS Vengeance (CV-3), on station in Earth geosynchronous orbit

Rear Admiral Russ Amano sat awake in his quarters. It was well into mid watch, but he was unable to sleep. UniCom was in a bad way. Hell, the whole Alliance was in a bad way. Two and a half months ago, as the Alliance was busy congratulating itself on its 50th anniversary, the terraforming ship Astraeus had discovered a Bastani squatter colony on Fort Yoshioka. That was Alliance territory, and in flagrant breach of the Sterley-B'salqi Treaty of 2069. Granted, the rock wouldn't be habitable to humans for at least another 10 years, but that was beside the point. It was in the Third Ring. Inside the Core. This was always the way with the Bastani. They just kept expanding, kept pushing, never asked for permission. Over the last ten years, they had thrown up jumpgates across half the Ursa-Draconis sector. While it made planning and commercial traffic a lot easier, it also made Earth a lot more vulnerable. The Bastani never seemed to understand that. When the diplomats complained, they just gave that same blank, blue-lipped stare.

But just as big a problem was UniCom itself. The "old man", Admiral Alphonse Corino, was really the old man now. He had just turned 89, and he was well past his prime as a commander. Several strokes over the last few years had left him bedridden and partially paralyzed. If he had any dignity, or UniCom still operated like an efficient military organization, Corino would have been forced out a decade ago. But as one of the architects of the Alliance and a hero of the Great War, Corino was sancrosanct. No one dared move against the great peacemaker. When Amano had first been briefed on the squatter colony, he had gathered with two of the other rear admirals, Lin Pagani and Jesse McColl. As commanding officers of the three Alliance battle squadrons (after Squadron 2 was lost in Voyna four years ago), they were the most prominent flag officers in the fleet. Technically they were outranked by Vice Admirals Delvalle and Hegde, but they were both Survey Command officers. They'd spent their entire careers picking through soil samples, not commanding ships. And they were nearly as old as Corino himself. Amano, Pagani and McColl were young, ambitious and restless. It seemed as though once the Wraiths had been pushed out of the 3rd Ring in 2069, the old man had gotten soft. He stopped sending combat missions after the Wraith, and whenever a Wraith enclave was discovered, it was just interdicted and written off. But the one thing that Amano could never get over was the way Squadron 2 had been abandoned.

The Invincible and her missile boats had just completed a "friendship" tour to Bastan Prime. UniCom had chosen to turn it into a reconaissance-in-force mission by having them check out some of the unexplored jumproutes in the area. They discovered a backdoor into Groombridge 1830, or Voyna as it was called now. The Alliance had lost an Explorer here over a decade ago, and the system had been interdicted. But since there was an entire battle squadron this time around, UniCom dispatched them to Xanadu, an Earthlike planet in the system and the area where the Zheng He had been lost in 2056. No one ever quite figured out what happened after that. There was a garbled distress signal from the Concord three days later. By the time Squadrons 1 and 3 had gotten there, 12 days after the distress call....there was nothing to find. Wreckage everywhere, but no lifepods. Not even dead lifepods. Even though they now had two fully armed squadrons, UniCom ordered all ships to depart the system without further reconnaissance and interdicted the system. Amano had a lot of friends in that unit, and he still occasionally had nightmares of his friends being experimented on by the Wraiths, screaming and asking why they were abandoned. He had intended to ask the same question of Admiral Corino when he got back to Earth, but by then the Admiral had just had his 2nd stroke and doctors barred all visitors for months. Amano wondered if the Admiral really did have a stroke, or just used it to avoid having to face up to what he'd done.

The vidcom tone sounded.

"Amano here."

The voice of his communications officer came across the speaker.  "Sir, I know it's late but..."

"Don't worry about it. I was up anyways. What's up?"

"Sir, it's the skipper of the Cousteau. They just got into port from a survey mish, and he says he shuttled over here right after that."

"He shuttled? Why no comms?"

Lt. Allen, the comms officer, sounded hesitant. "Sir, he....he said this has to go strictly in-person. I don't know what it is he needs to talk to you about, but sir, if I might say so he looks like he just saw a Wraith in the head, if you know what I mean, sir."

Amano chuckled. "All right, Allen. Let's not keep our pioneer friend waiting. Send him up to my quarters."

A few minutes later, a distinctly nervous officer sat across the desk from Amano.

"Captain....Treadaway is it? You look familiar. Were we in academy together?"

"Class of '56."

"Ahh, I was '58. Probably saw you at some of the intraclass tactical competitions."

"I....I doubt it, sir. I was never very good at tactics. My training was mostly in geophysics and crystallography. The Cousteau is my first command, and I've only had her two years." Amano winced slightly, though he tried to hide it. Great, another rockhound playing skipper. Just what UniCom needs more of.

"Ah. Well then, Captain. What brings you to my ship at two bells?"

"Sorry, didn't know. We use a different watch system on the Pathfinders."

"Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to know how things are done in the real Navy. Like I said, why are you here?"

"Well sir, I tried to bring this to Admiral Corino, but the doctors--"

"Yeah, I know all about the doctors. The Admiral is....let me be diplomatic here and just say that the Admiral is rather preoccupied with personal survival of late."

Treadaway paused, as if trying to parse Amano's meaning. "Okay. So, anyway, the watch officer at Canfield told me that you were senior ranking officer in-system, so I came here."

"Fine. So tell me whatever you were going to try and wake Corino out of his daily coma for."

"Well, we were returning from a survey mission in the Ursa-Draconis sector, in the Alsafi arm. We had gone as far as Mu Cassiopeiae and were returning for a refit, and--"

"Captain, I don't need your travel itinerary. Let me make this abundantly clear to you. I am a combat officer in command of one of the three remaining hammers this Navy has. If you found some Wraiths, you needn't bother me. Congratulations on surviving, and I'm sure the Admiral will interdict whatver godforsaken piece of space they're in. Unless you found me something to shoot at, you're probably better off telling Survey Comm--"

Treadaway's frustration boiled over and he blurted out, "It's the Bastani!"

Amano caught himself in mid-rant. "What about them?"

"They were in Vorota, sir."

Amano's eyes widened. "Merchant ships?"

"No! Well, yes. Several, actually. That was what got our attention. We wondered what the heck a convoy of Bastani merchants was doing so far from home. So we backtraced their trajectory and it went right to the first planet."


"Sir...they've got a colony there. Not a little squatter outpost, either. I couldn't tell you the population but the EM and thermal readings were significant. Maybe a couple hundred thousand, or else they've got a PDC down there."

Amano's blood ran cold. Vorota was in the First Ring, practically next door. He could give the order to weigh anchor and be in Vorota in less than a week. This wasn't just a breach of treaty, this was tantamount to invasion. His thoughts raced.

"Who else knows about this?"

"No one so far, other than you, me and my crew."

Amano punched the vidcom's transmit button. "Allen!"

"Yes, sir?"

"Command directive to be issued to the Wartsila yard: Under command authority 146-delta, the crew of the TAS Cousteau is to be confined to ship until further notice. Marines to be posted to the airlocks."

"Yes, sir."

Treadaway jumped up. "Sir, with all due respect! You can't just--"

"I can, and I just did. Captain, do you know what could happen if your crew heads down for shore leave, and word gets out that the Bastani are on our goddamn doorstep?? The squatter colony on Fort Yoshioka is already a huge diplomatic incident. This....this is....Captain, the Alliance is on shaky ground these days, you realize that, right?"

"Well, I know there's a lot of the civvies that want to see Admiral Corino step down, talk about him being a tinpot dictator and all, but..."

"It's not just the civvies. There's a lot of people in UniCom that think he needs to go too. Senior officers included."

Treadaway hesitated, trying to gauge what Amano meant by that last part. "But sir, he's a war hero and--"

"He's an old man in a near-coma who's afraid to do anything. If we don't stop the Bastani, they'll be putting up colonies on Luna next. Then what?"

Treadway was silent for several seconds. "I suppose this means I'm confined to quarters as well?"

"You're confined to this ship. I'll get you a stateroom and put in your transfer papers, at least until this is all sorted out." Amano's tone softened slightly. "Look...I'm sorry it has to go down this way. But think of yourself as a modern-day Paul Revere."

"Forgive me, Admiral, but I don't remember Revere being locked in someone else's house after his ride."

Offline Sotak246

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 03:23:16 PM »
Enjoying your write-ups alot.  Just a history side note;  Revere never finished his ride, he was captured and questioned by the British but released that night near Lexington.  Just had to bring it up, it's a subject that bothers me ever since a high school argument with a teacher, I was right but students never win ;D.


Offline Tanj

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 03:41:41 PM »
This is great! Eagerly awaiting the next installment :)

Offline RedKing (OP)

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 12:52:44 PM »
Recording of inter-ship conference feed between Alliance carriers Vengeance, Valhalla, and Valkyrie, 15 Mar 2075. Rear Admirals Russ Amano, Lin Pagani and Jesse McColl identified as correspondants.

MCCOLL: Amano, you better have a good reason for this. I've got my boys out shadowing every bluelip transport, shuttle and freighter we can find. So I really don't have time for distractions.

PAGANI: He's right. Our Corsairs are stretched to the limit trying to get a handle on all the shipping traffic here. We might not be able to shoot, but by God we're gonna intimidate them. Make 'em think twice about landing any more squatters down there.

AMANO: We've got bigger problems than a few thousand Bastani on a distant rock.

PAGANI: Corino? Did he wake up and object to our operation?

AMANO: No, as far as I'm aware the Admiral is still in la-la land. Look...a few hours ago, one of the Pathfinders came in for an R&R. Their skipper came to see me. He found a Bastani colony in Vorota.

PAGANI: Mother of God....

MCCOLL: He had to be mistaken. We have ships going through Vorota on a daily basis. They've never spotted anything.

AMANO: Merchant ships only have enough sensors to spot a big chunk of rock in time to dodge it. And our military boats typically aren't running through there sensors hot. Besides, if they're headed between Sol and Xingmen, they don't even come that close to the inner system. He said the colony is on the first planet. I took the liberty of having his ship's scan logs sent over. They're legit.

PAGANI: Why would they squat an airless rock like Vorota?

AMANO: It's not squatters, Lin. I saw the readings. EM and thermals are in the thousands. Given the amount of merchant traffic they saw--

MCCOLL: It's a forward base.

AMANO: Yeah, that's my thought too. The Sterley treaty is out the window, apparently.

PAGANI: Have you told Corino?

AMANO: No. I don't think it would matter anyways. But if I had to guess, he'd mumble something about wanting to preserve peace and then just interdict Vorota.

PAGANI: Surely not. Interdicting Vorota would mean basically writing off the entire Draconis sector. The Asian bloc would be pissed.

AMANO: Exactly. Hell, if they even find out we've allowed the Bastani to claim-jump half the sector, they're going to be pissed. I know they don't have any independent forces, but the regiments are still organized along national lines. Most of the 4th Brigade is Chinese. So are the 9th Volunteers and the 1st Military Police. And the 2nd and 3rd Special Operations Companies are mostly Russian.

MCCOLL: Surely you're not suggesting a civil war?

AMANO: You tell me. I don't think they'd win, mind you. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't try something.

PAGANI: He's right. The Asian bloc is already fuming over the Nomenclature Act. They feel like they got shafted because the Europeans got all the systems past Frontier. A revelation like this could convince them to try and break away and restart their own armed forces.

MCCOLL: So what do we do?

AMANO: We drive them out.

PAGANI: Have you seen the latest intel documents? Their navy is huge. The intel team on Bastan Prime has tracked at least 140 unique vessel signatures.

AMANO: I know. But I also know that it says their tech is outdated. They're still using ion drives and fission reactors. I'm not saying it wouldn't be bloody, and I'm not calling for a total war. Just a series of armed interventions to oust any colonies inside the 3rd Ring. It's not a land grab, it's making them respect the damned treaty they signed.

PAGANI: You know that we can't do this without Corino's authorization. 146-Delta only goes so far. It's meant to allow you to keep the Navy running while the Admiral is incapacitated. But declaring hostilities...

AMANO: I know. I keep hoping Nature will take care of that for us. But if he continues to linger on...I might have to take things into my own hands.

MCCOLL: I know you didn't just say what I thought you said.

PAGANI: Russ, what are you thinking? I will not be a party to treason and mutiny.

AMANO: I know. I don't want to either. But the Bastani may not give us a choice. If we're going to wait, we need to rearm. I've got some basic design requirements that I'm going to send over to Research Command and see what they can come up with in a hurry. If we're going to do this, we'll need picket cruisers to make sure that no squatters sneak back in after we've cleared them out. Keep up the pressure there in Fort Yoshioka for now. I'll contact you again when I have more to report.

PAGANI: Promise me you won't do anything stupid. Promise me.

AMANO: ...I promise, Lin. Amano out.
End of recording.

Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2012, 08:53:07 AM »
I hope you are going to post some more on this in the not too distant future! Great reading to date.

Offline RedKing (OP)

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2012, 02:50:02 PM »
Excerpted from Jane's Ships of the Alliance, 2078

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. This is certainly the case with the Orion-class light cruiser. In early 2075, Research Command received an urgent request for rapid development of a cruiser design capable of long-duration independent action, sufficient firepower to deter lightly armed vessels, and the speed to intercept and interdict shipping traffic. Although not specifically stated in the command directive, it was widely understood that this vessel would be used to deter Bastani incursions into Alliance space.

To avoid the delays inherent in the prototyping process, a decision was made very early on in the design process to utilize only existing hardware already found on Alliance vessels. So it came to pass that the Orion was fitted with the large, broad-spectrum sensors of a Vanguard-class carrier and the particle cannons, powerplants and fire controls from the Thales G-5 Corsair. The Orion was outfitted with the X820S50 high-yield fusion thruster design, which was not in use by any Alliance vessels, but had already been prototyped and cleared as operationally ready. The lack of a ready surplus of these thrusters was the chief obstacle to rapid deployment of the Orion. To support the extended-duration requirement, no missile weapons were used in the design, allowing it to operate independent of logistics support for years at a time.

Code: [Select]
Orion class Light Cruiser    6,500 tons     517 Crew     1639 BP      TCS 130  TH 330  EM 0
5076 km/s     Armour 10-31     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 14     PPV 14
Maint Life 4.57 Years     MSP 630    AFR 84%    IFR 1.2%    1YR 49    5YR 735    Max Repair 144 MSP

MilFus X820S50 (6)    Power 110    Fuel Use 72%    Signature 55    Armour 0    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 96.1 billion km   (219 days at full power)

Zeus Particle Cannon (2)    Range 200,000km     TS: 6250 km/s     Power 10-4    ROF 15        4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Goalkeeper II (4x8)    Range 1000 km     TS: 25000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
Corsair LongTouch (1)    Max Range: 384,000 km   TS: 5000 km/s     97 95 92 90 87 84 82 79 77 74
Corsair Core Mk1 (2)     Total Power Output 8    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Vanguard Missile Defense Radar I (1)     GPS 42     Range 4.6m km    Resolution 1
Vanguard Active Radar I (1)     GPS 1680     Range 46.2m km    Resolution 16

ECCM-3 (1)         ECM 20

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Offline RedKing (OP)

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2012, 03:59:50 PM »
Recording of diplomatic meeting, 4 Apr 2075, Geneva, Switzerland, Terran Alliance Headquarters. Participants are UniCom Deputy Commander R. Adm. Russ Amano, Central Council representative Regina Verges, and Bastani Ambassador Mura'at. For clarity, only Ambassador Mura'at's vocoder audio has been transcribed.

VERGES: Greetings and thank you for responding to our request to meet, Ambassador.

MURAAT: Talking is welcomed. Inquiring what gracious hosts wish?

AMANO: What we wish is that you withdraw your people from our territory.

VERGES: Admiral, please.  Ambassador, you must forgive the Admiral, he is not a diplomat.

MURAAT: Offense is not taken. Direct speech is valued. Inquiring which people are indicated?

AMANO: There is an unauthorized colony of your people on an Alliance-claimed world. We call it Fort Yoshioka, in the Struve 2398 system here.

MURAAT: Knowing this system. Our people call it Semichi. If you wish our people to leave Semichi, I advise you to speak to them.

AMANO: You're the ambassador. Why should I have to speak to them?

VERGES: Ambassador Mura'at is an unofficial representative from the Bastani, Admiral. He has no authority to impose any restrictions.

AMANO: Then why waste my time? Where's the official ambassador?

VERGES: There is no official ambassador, Admiral. The Bastani lack what we would term a hierarchy of governance. There is no single body of authority and hence no single entity to negotiate with.

MURAAT: Speaker Verges is being correct. We have no..."government". The people in Seimichi may well wish to avoid conflict, may leave if asked.

AMANO: There's another unauthorized colony. In Vorota.

VERGES: Vorota? Admiral, we have had no news of th--

AMANO: You haven't been briefed on it. UniCom is keeping this on a strictly need-to-know basis, to avoid any popular unrest.

VERGES: Admiral, I must protest! The Alliance Charter clearly states that the Central Council is to be kept informed of all matters relating to--

AMANO: You're informed now. We only discovered this ourselves a few weeks ago. Have a look.

VERGES: Ambassador, this is disturbing information. Do you have any response?

MURAAT: As was said, I am only unofficial representative. I do not control our people. Always we have moved as we wish.

AMANO: But your predecessor, Ambassador B'salqi. He signed a treaty recognizing Alliance ownership of those systems.

MURAAT: Honored B'salqi agreed to recognize this, but he is but one of our people. Our people go where they wish. But we avoid conflict.

AMANO: You call planting a major colony one jump away from Earth avoiding conflict?

MURAAT: Our people do not seek conflict. Our people would never colonize a world where your people already reside. These worlds are empty. Unused.

AMANO: Fort Yoshioka has had an Alliance terraformer over it for months now! Do we need to plant outposts on every rock in the Core to keep you damn bluelips out of our territory?

VERGES: Admiral, that is quite enough. I will not have such language used against the Ambassador or any other Bastani. Ambassador, I deeply apologize.

MURAAT: Apology is unnecessary. Puzzled by this term, blue lip. Understanding that it is intended to convey hostility, but unclear why hostility is conveyed by pointing out accurate physiological trait. Would humans find "furred head" or "smooth skin" to be hostile phrases?

AMANO: Wow. How did your people ever make it into space? Not an aggressive bone in your bodies, no chain of you even have warships?

MURAAT: Admiral, our people are also surprised that humans survived long enough to become spacefaring. Your history shows tendency of repeated fratricide and regression. To answer question, we do not have warships because we do not war. We do have protector vessels to defend ourselves against known threats like the Wraiths. There is a saying among our people that when a lion-bear attacks a village, it is redirected back into the wilderness. If it attacks again, it is driven off. If it attacks a third time, it must regrettably be killed for the protection of others.

AMANO: Sounds like one we have. Three strikes and you're out. Yoshioka was one, Vorota Prime is two. If we find a third colony in Alliance space, we will take action to remove all of them and make sure that no more get established.
End recording.

Offline RedKing (OP)

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2012, 06:18:47 PM »
Recording of inter-ship conference feed between Alliance carriers Vengeance, Valhalla, and Valkyrie, 26 Apr 2075. Rear Admirals Russ Amano, Lin Pagani and Jesse McColl identified as correspondants.

AMANO: Okay, here's the plan. Diplomacy on the big level is pointless. The concept of treaty just doesn't click with the Bastani. But, they can be deferential on the local level. McColl, I want you to take your squadron to Vorota. Pagani, remain on-station at Fort Yoshioka. Since intimidation hasn't worked, I want you two to try negotiating with the local settlements there. Figure out who the most prominent Bastani are and convince them to leave.

MCCOLL: Seriously? It's just that easy, we're just going to ask them to leave and they'll comply, when they've been ignoring having particle cannons pointed right down their throats for the last month?

AMANO: They don't see the Corsairs as a threat. Hell, maybe they even think we're escorting them in and defending them from Wraiths. Point is, if there's a way to do this without bloodshed, I'd like to try it.

MCCOLL: You're starting to sound like Corino. "The preservation of peace..."

PAGANI: You're out of line, McColl. He's right. The Bastani aren't an enemy. They've been nothing but helpful towards the Alliance since we met them. They just don't...don't understand the concept of boundaries.

AMANO: Yeah, that's one way of putting it. I've already issued a general ultimatum to their ambassador, if you can call him that. Told him if we found any more colonies in the Core, we'd evict all of them and keep them from re-establishing any more.

MCCOLL: Any more? You mean you'd be comfortable leaving them with that base on Vorota? Are you crazy?

AMANO: Look, we still don't have full Council backing on this. They were adamantly opposed to military intervention over the Fort Yoshioka colony. I think they were sobered up when I dropped the Vorota Prime bombshell on them. But there's still no desire to return to war, and no Council majority in favor of action. Yet.

PAGANI: You're painting this into a dangerous corner. What happens if another squatter colony pops up somewhere on the edge of the Core? The Council still might not be swayed, and then they'd have called your bluff.

AMANO: I think it's not a matter of if we find another colony, but when and where and how big and is it enough to sway the Council. If it comes down to it, I think [Lieutenant General Antonio] Finken can use the divisions to apply some pressure.

MCCOLL: A military coup? Maybe you haven't gone soft.

AMANO: Cute, but wrong. Besides, UniCom has been in charge since the day it was formed. You know that, the Council knows that, the whole human race knows it, even if we all fool ourselves and dress it up with councils and committees and civilian oversight boards that never do anything. All I'm saying is that the national governments want to hold on to what little power they've still got left. Having a few brigades of troops on training exercises near their capitals might convince them to authorize an op.

PAGANI: So in the meantime, we talk.

AMANO: Yeah, and hunt for more colonies. I'm handing over command of Vengeance to Gavin Bowdry. McColl, he'll join you at Vorota in a few weeks. Since it's a much bigger colony, we need to have a bigger response in place if need be. I'm redirecting some of the Pathfinders to do sweeps through the Draconis Sector, on the pretense of them being "geological prospecting" runs. We'll see what they turn up. If you need to reach me, I'm moving my command to Canfield. Oh, and I'm also sending orders rerouting Tarawa to New Earth. Reports have filtered in about protests flaring up on the colony. Apparently they feel that since Haven has a brigade of troops in garrison, they should have one too, since they're so much bigger. Last thing I need is a minor revolt in another sector to deal with. I'm posting the 8th Volunteers there for now.

PAGANI: Poor bastards. Five years in a darkroom.

AMANO: Yeah, well, they joined up to see the stars and explore distant worlds. These guys will actually get the chance.
End recording.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 07:38:44 AM by RedKing »

Offline Tanj

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2012, 08:01:35 AM »
Wow! I am really loving this. Any chance of seeing more excerpts from Jane's Ships of the Alliance?

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2012, 09:58:05 AM »
Join unicom! See distant worlds! Defend humanity! Spend the next ten years digging mines!

Offline RedKing (OP)

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2012, 12:04:50 PM »
Join unicom! See distant worlds! Defend humanity! Spend the next ten years digging mines!
Heh. No, that's the civvies' job. They'll spend the next ten years standing guard over the guys digging mines. Defending them from...umm....night-blindness? (If you check the Gazetteer thread, you'll see that New Earth is not exactly a hostile planet, nor is in a particular dangerous region of space. It'd be a pretty bleak posting.)

I'll hack up a Jane's Fighting Ships of the Alliance thread to post some more ship designs. Don't know why I hadn't done it before, if only because it leads to the inevitable  "why did you do that? you did this wrong! that's totally inefficent!" kind of stuff.

If I get a chance this afternoon or evening, I'll finish up the Prelude write-ups and get to work on the acutal "war" (more like a border skirmish, since it only lasted 3 weeks...but it did have some dramatic moments.)

Offline RedKing (OP)

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2012, 04:28:10 PM »
Canfield ASFB, Earth (UniCom HQ), 16 Jul 2075 -- transcript of secured communication channel between HQ and TAS Valkyrie.
Rear Admiral Russ Amano and Rear Admiral Lin Pagani identified as correspondants.

PAGANI: I heard the news. Is it true?

AMANO: Yeah. Last night, about 10:30pm local time. They're calling it a massive cerebral hemorrhage.

PAGANI: Russ....some of the things you said before. Did you....

AMANO: No. Absolutely, no. Look, the old man was like a god to me when I first came out of the Academy. He was the first commanding officer to stand down his forces during the Great War. He negotiated the Oslo Treaty. He flew the very first Chippewa when it rolled off the assembly line. I never hated Corino, I hated what he'd become...a tired old man who was too damn proud to know when to retire. But he was still our commanding officer. I'm not a mutineer, Lin. And I'm certainly not a murderer.

PAGANI: I know. I just...I needed to get that out there. So what now?

AMANO: There's an emergency Council meeting this afternoon. I've already gotten the statements of support from most of the other flag officers, and Finken has committed the Army and Star Marines.

PAGANI: They're going to appoint you C-in-C? What about Delvalle and Hegde? Technically, they outrank you.

AMANO: They're survey officers, not fleet officers. Nobody in the fleet wants a rockhound in charge. Especially not after the way the Navy has deteriorated the last decade or so. I've spoken to them, and they agree. Plus, they're getting on in age too. Nobody wants another situation where we have an octogenarian commander who can't effectively make a decision.

PAGANI: So what then?

AMANO: I've read your reports. The negotiations aren't going anywhere. For every transport of Bastani that you and McColl convince to leave, two more show up and set up shop. We've got to remove them and plant some kind of permanent presence there.

PAGANI: So it's a war, then.

AMANO: I didn't say that. We'll be using the Army to enforce the move, but I'm still hopeful that this can be done without bloodshed. We still haven't established full communication with the Oni, so we don't know their intentions. The last thing I want is for us to suddenly be in a two-front war after 50 years of peace and no allies.

PAGANI: How soon?

AMANO: The grunts should be in place in about four days. We'll begin operations on Fort Yoshioka and Vorota Prime simultaneously. Once the campaign operation plans are drawn up, I'll be sending them to you and Bowdry.

PAGANI: Bowdry? What about McColl?

AMANO: ....I don't trust him. My gut says he'd use the first possible excuse to turn things into a bloodbath. Bowdry's squadron should be in place over Vorota in about a week, and I'm planning on ordering McColl to run interference in Novaya Rus, in case the Bastani respond with any kind of real force. That way, at least his aggression will be put to good use.

PAGANI: Hell of a way to start your tenure...sir.

AMANO: You know you never need to call me "sir". And yeah, I know. Here's hoping the Council doesn't try to get in my way on this.
--End Recording--

Offline Rastaman

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Re: The Bastani-Alliance War: Prelude
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2012, 02:22:24 AM »
Amano will have his way.
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