Author Topic: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani  (Read 7810 times)

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Offline Marski (OP)

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The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:43:06 PM »
Stepping into 19th of April, 2070. At precicely 15:01 when one of our Gravitational (scans places for jump-points) & Geosurvey (scans system bodies and their mineral deposits) vessel shortly after jumping into the System called "Epsilon Eridani", picks up contacts in it's passive thermal and electromagnetic sensors.

Let's take a look what our intellegience has to s-

jesus christ how horrifying

Apparently they don't like the looks of us either, and we are already at -35 diplomatic relations. Oh my.

It wouldn't be as panic inducing if I'd have any warships, but I don't. And the first one is about 75% done and finished around October. Oh, and Epsilon Eridani is one jump away from Earth. So that's double negative.

But maybe they are peaceful, maybe they are just desperate to make a contact with another sentient race for reason or another?

Well, by the sounds of reports received from our vessel, it looks like they are making a fly-by. But at what speeds? Oh dear.

I really hope the sensors are wrong and being ding dong from being within the vicinity of a planet. Because one of our newest missiles propelled by Internal-Confinement-Fusion-Drive can go only about 30,000km/s. And those things flying past now have a detected tonnage of 2000 tons. Slightly unnerving I say.

But what's that? Are they turning around? Golly, they must have realized that our survey vessel is unarmed and clearly with no hostile intentions. Most likely to initiate communications with us. Maybe we will find peace between us despite our structural differences?

Well, any second now we should make co-

-oh you motherfrakkers

Not even a minute passed from first contact before we are at war with another race. Humanity at it's finest.

Oh well, the captain seemingly saw what was coming along with 108 other crewmembers or so, and got in time into the escapepods.

Hopefully the aliens can't trace back the ship's point of entry, because the only thing protecting Earth is two wings of fighterbombers. Ground Forces are not even worth mentioning because they are the first ones to receive some precision radioactive mail delivery from orbit in any case.

Nonetheless, the survivors must be rescued.
A secondary survey vessel is sent out to secure the escapepods and flee. That's the plan atleast, I don't have anything to shoot missiles on any ship whatsoever.

It took about five days to recall the third survey vessel, couple of minutes to jump into system. The survivors captured by aliens by morning. And only 12 hours to have missiles coming at it again.

Immediately they are given order to turn tail and try to run it to the jump-point




Well, atleast they didn't die completely useless, before killing themselfs they relayed some useful info about their crafts. Which by our standards is seemingly a Fast Attack Craft. It seems that those contacts were F.A.C's instead of missiles because the survey vessels aren't fitted with radars with enought small resolution that they could detect missiles.

Or maybe not, I have no idea how the detection systems work in this game when it comes to real combat.

Anyway, week later and all is quiet at Solar System, all resources now being focused on finishing those ships is greatly increasing the speed of construction. Tanker is being sent to watch the jump point and give any early warning by blowing up if anything comes throught.

Two years later with no encounters, the first destroyer fleet  consisting of 2 jump capable destroyers, and 3 missile frigates practicing movements around Earth. They still have to go throught some Task Force practices to decrease the wobbly moving of the escorting frigates.

We end this part of our story with the specs of the forementioned designs

No need to understand the odd names, I named them that way myself so that I can easily remember what anything meant.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:51:16 PM by Marski »

Offline Beersatron

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 01:45:28 PM »
the images arent loading for me

Offline Marski (OP)

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 01:47:21 PM »
Ya I'm working on them, the heck is this site's problem with imagetags?
They are exactly the same as in the 2 other forums yet here they go completely ballistic

They mess up the hxxp:  addresses in the links to the pictures

Wait, why this site automatically turns http to hxxp? I cant make the pictures work without bloody http : //
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 01:54:23 PM by Marski »

Offline welchbloke

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 02:23:55 PM »
Ya I'm working on them, the heck is this site's problem with imagetags?
They are exactly the same as in the 2 other forums yet here they go completely ballistic

They mess up the hxxp:  addresses in the links to the pictures

Wait, why this site automatically turns http to hxxp? I cant make the pictures work without bloody http : //
To prevent spamming I believe Erik has set a 10 post limit before you can post links.

Offline Marski (OP)

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 02:51:48 PM »
Alrighty, I got the pictures now working.
I will post another part tomorrow.

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 06:49:16 PM »
LOL, nice had me laughing out loud a few times!!


Offline Marski (OP)

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2012, 04:03:00 AM »
El-oh-el indeed

Continuing where we were left off

While waiting for new destroyer escorts to be ready, I order our 1st destroyer fleet for task force excercise (this important, improves greatly the grade quality of onboard crews, thus decreasing their time to act)

Seen here they move around the system automatically as they practice stuff

Meanwhile, our last survey vessel explores the last unexplored jump point after narrowly escaping a jump which led next to a black hole. The new system is called "sirius"

Moving forward a year.
The 1st Destroyer Task Group is given 3 new, shiny destroyer escorts. Excercises are done, and it's time to take the fight back to the xeno scum. But first, we have to test the jump capability at a safe system.

Finds out that I have to split the fleet into two, and divide the ships for each destroyer so that they would make the jump.

With now every precaution taken, ships loaded with ammunition, it's time to take our first offensive step into Epsilon Eridani.

Jump succesfull
reactors; online, sensors; online, weapons; online
All systems nominal

No hostiles detected upon entry, proceeding to quickly move the ships into position. And then move towards the last known location of our survey vessel.

About 16 hours later, our ships report that they have contacts closing in on their radars. New hostile ship classes are dubbed "interceptor", and "Valour". Both vary around 5000-7000 in tonnage, and so far they have been observed of going speeds up to 5800~km/s. Relatively on the same level with our ships.


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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2012, 12:51:42 PM »

reactors; online, sensors; online, weapons; online
All systems nominal

Go MechWarrior, Go!   :)
Ralph Hoenig, Germany

Offline Marski (OP)

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2012, 02:45:41 AM »
My fraps frakked up and didn't took any screenshots after that last picture. Only noticed it after the battle was over.

So anyway, after the last report, our fleet set 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the hostile fleet, with frigates and the one escort to switch from eastern side to the west for maximum protection and firepower. A series of navigational waypoins were set for the fleet to follow in order to manouveur the fleet.

All frigates were given independet targets within the enemy fleet, but due to the hostile Electronic-Countermeasures, the maximum targeting range of our missile guidance systems were reduced from 60 million kilometers to 47. And since we couldn't outfit our ships in time with any Electronic-Counter-COUNTERmeasures, the enemy fleet didn't have such problems. And because of the ECM activity, our anti-missile radars and CIWS' detection range was reduced awfully lot, which bited us in the ass as tens of salvoas hit our fleet, with about 90% shot down before they reached their target.

Once we got into range, we had already lost Missile Frigate "Katumus". The Captain of the ship didn't make it and we couldn't afford being any longer being shot at, so we left the lifepods behind, to be picked up after the hostiles were destroyed.

After couple of minutes, we finally got them within our range, and after short delay, several salvos were launched. The "Valor" class hostile ship was obliterated by the first 4 salvoes. With the 3 next one self destructing because their target had vanished (and they didn't have thermal sensors/active sensors attached on them). The rest of the missiles continued towards the "interceptor" class vessels. Most of them were shot down by point defence guns, only handful hitting their target and causing unknown damage.

I then ordered the destroyer task force to change their course towards the Gas Giant Epsilon Eridani A-VII in order to intercept the enemy fleet and use their guns. While still shooting missiles towards the hostile fleet. After about 15 minutes, the K7 missile stocks were depleted. But at this point the enemy had too emptied their magazines. Depending on the sensor readings, their size suggests that they don't have any short-range capabilities save for their CIWS. However, due to their speed we couldn't reach them, and had to resort shooting our point-defence missiles at them. Half of them shot down while other half hitting them and causing limited damage due to the small warheads.

Then suddenly we detected another fleet, after a moment we realized they were the same assholes who blew up our unarmed survey vessels. The damned "Nyayo" class ships.

We were left in an awful spot; no missiles whatsoever save for handful of point-defence missiles. And once again we were hit by waves of waves of missiles. During this we lost our last two missile frigates, "Tuonelan Tuoja" and "Viha". However the lifepods were picked up by escort vessel "Pietari Suuri"

Suddenly the interceptor fleet changed course towards the remaining lifepod, which was still around the wreck of Missile Frigate "Katumus". They drove right into our task group's path, unfortunaly we couldn't reach them this time either.

Meanwhile, the other enemy fleet seemingly had emptied their magazines, but kept closing in on our fleet. Perhaps they packed gunturrets and something powerful than their anti-missile defences?

After about 5 minutes, the nyanyao reached our fleet, and surprisingly proceed to try and ram our ships. Every remaining ship let everything go from CIWS, point-defence missiles, to our destroyers six gunturrets. Despite the horrendous pounding we gave them and with no returning fire, they kept on going until all of them were destroyed.

Destroyer "Taipaleenjone Muisto" survived one ramming, while the ramming ship blew up in the attempt. Either way, limited damage was taken.

Rather strange behaviour from our enemy, why are they so desperate to destroy us?

With the other fleet taken out thanks to their suicidal tendencies, the battered 1st destroyer task group proceed to chase the interceptors. Oddly for them, after picking up our lifepod, they turned around and went full speed towards our fleet.

Not before long, the Interceptor fleet reached the Destroyer Task Force. CIWS, and the destroyer guns were brought once again to bear, and started tearing down on the hostiles. But they just kept coming.
The first Escort "Pietari Suuri" shot down one interceptor before being destroyed in a ramming. Going down in a fiery fireball along with all of it's crew and rescued survivors. Next up was Escort "Hurme", targeted by the same ship which rammed "Pietari", due to the Escorts small size, he was able to dodge every attempt while peppering the sodding bastard, and within 15 seconds shot it to pieces. The blast however, caught up the Escorts in it's wake, and both ships were obliterated.

Only two of us, and one of them were remaining. But the last interceptor flared up it's engines, and hit destroyer "Taipaleenjoen Muisto" supposedly head-on, taking down the destroyer along with itself.

The battle was over

Only destroyer "Raatteen Tie" was left barely intact.

No lifepods detected, all the captains along with their crews went down with their ships.

I ordered the destroyer to move to our home system's jump point. This was the first battle for this systems, but most certainly not the last.

For 6 of our ships the enemy lost 10. It could have been worse, but with valuable lessons learned and experience taken, we will hit twice as hard next time.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 02:52:01 AM by Marski »

Offline Garfunkel

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2012, 06:25:51 PM »
Pretty epic battle! Love your ship names.

Offline Marski (OP)

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2012, 02:03:54 AM »
All of my battles are awesome, which is why it's going to hurt like a bitch when I tell you how my Aurora obliterated itself and I lost all of the games I was running.
No more Greater Finland for you guys, sorry.

Offline Beersatron

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2012, 10:45:32 AM »
All of my battles are awesome, which is why it's going to hurt like a bitch when I tell you how my Aurora obliterated itself and I lost all of the games I was running.
No more Greater Finland for you guys, sorry.

Copy the database at the end of every day! (real day, not game day)

Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2012, 11:47:45 AM »
Copy the database at the end of every day! (real day, not game day)

Gotta second that one

Offline Marski (OP)

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 01:00:34 PM »
Copy the database at the end of every day! (real day, not game day)
I also tried to fix it by installing ontop of the old game and it didn't work either.
So it's gone for GOOD
Gotta second that one
Kind of unneccessary given that this is a forum, not a chatroom.

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Re: The First Battle of Epsilon Eridani
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2012, 10:23:25 PM »
This was a great read, thanks for sharing.