Author Topic: Battle of Groombridge 1618 - Part 2  (Read 2434 times)

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Offline Erik L (OP)

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Battle of Groombridge 1618 - Part 2
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:50:44 PM »
13 more enemy missiles destroyed. No friendly hits.

Howell receive 8 more hits and lost 2 AMM tubes. Her magazine took a hit but survived. Twelve more enemy missiles interdicted. Some form of sensor on the AMM missiles might improve secondary intercepts. Must send a note to BuShips.

14 more intercepts. Enemy fire not slacking yet, so either they haven't seen our missiles yet, or are not concerned.

Howell takes 4 more hits, all stopped by armor. Her armor must be swiss cheese by now. The Hamlets intercept 15 more missiles.

The Howell takes 4 more hits, losing a magazine. Her speed is still up, so I am keeping her with the fleet. Only 3 enemy missiles intercepted.

Howell takes another 4 hits, miraculously stopped by her armor. Nine more enemy missiles intercepted. I've been so focused on intercepts that I neglected to notice that there are no more incoming salvos. Either our missiles have been noticed, or they've run out of AMM.

Howell takes 5 more hits, with slight damage to a magazine and an engine. Their speed hasn't dropped, so I am keeping them here. And now there are no incoming missiles. Whether this is good or bad is yet to be determined.

Long range scan indicates 15 of our missiles were interdicted.

Another 24 missiles interdicted by their PD. However, 6 of our missiles got through. We got another chunk of their drives as the thermal signature dropped to 375. Their active sensor also went offline, so hopefully they are blind. The Golf was the only ship exhibiting an active scanner.

Another 8 missiles stopped.

Captain Flair reporst the Biela has successfully brought her AMM launcher back online. The Golf seems to be retreating. The two Kilo and two Joliets are still heading for close intercept.

Another 8 missiles shot down. We need larger salvos to over come their point defense.

And another 8 missiles lost.

Three more missiles shot down. TacIntel tells me the missiles are being stopped by close in PD, either beam weapons or CIWS. There have been no AMM detonations. This makes the idea of using our Hamlets in an offensive role more likely of succeeding.

20 missiles stopped by the enemy's PD. Echo 002 hit by 11 missiles. Kilo 002 hit by 6 missiles. We got a chunk of both drives on them as they dropped thermal signature and speed.

Echo 002 takes another 5 hits and is destroyed. I can almost hear the cheering from the other ships. It certainly is loud here.

Another 23 missiles shot down. I give the order to close to 5 million km.

29 missiles shot down. Kilo 001 takes 2 solid hits.

51 missiles stopped. Kilo 001 takes another 2 hits. The Afghanistan is dry on her magazines. I make a note to get a Kongo FSV attached to the 101st.

52 missiles intercepted. No hits detected. Our offensive fire is starting to thin out as the magazines start to dry up.

Another 39 missiles shot down.
[ooc]The missile intercepts above are condensed into one entry, when in reality they occurred spread out over the time between entries.[/ooc]

16 more missiles stopped. I do not relish closing to beam ranges with the enemy, but I may have to.

30 missiles stopped for no hits.

32 more missiles shot down.

27 missiles shot down. Our offensive missiles are gone, but the enemy is at 7.5 million km, and my Tactical Officer tells me they can get firing solutions with the Hamlets. I give the order to open up with the AMMs. The first salvo of 83 missiles goes out.

The last 21 Shianzpla missiles are shot down.

The Biela has repaired her EM scanner.

28 Hamlets get shot down, but the Golf takes 13 hits and blows up. With the Golf gone, I give the order to close to point blank range with the Kilos and Joliets.

The Kilo and Joliet classes are definite escorts as we just picked up R1 active scanners from all four ships.

The Hamlets have entered attack range. 21 are shot down, however, Kilo 001 takes 62 hits. Unbelievably, it is still intact, though slowed.

17 Hamlets destroyed. Kilo 001 takes 66 more hits and drops speed considerably.

Kilo 001 takes 27 more hits and is destroyed, Joliet 002 takes 56 hits. The Joliet class has very thin armor, TacIntel informs me, a mere value of 1.

4 Hamlet are shot down. Joliet 002 takes 24 more hits. The thermal signature drops from 375 to 125.

5 Hamlet are intercepted. Joliet 001 takes 37 hits, Joliet 002 takes 27 hits. Both ships seem to have lost their active scanners.

3 more Hamlets are shot down. Joliet 001 takes another 38 hits and slows down more.

13 Hamlets are shot down. Kilo 002 takes 8 hits. Joliet 002 takes a single missile hit and explodes. Kilo 002 slows and we've detected secondary power explosions. TacIntel is unsure if it was the Kilo or the Joliet that had the secondaries.

Joliet 001 takes 14 hits and is destroyed.

Kilo 002 takes 41 hits and slows down.

Kilo 002 takes 69 more hits, losing her actives and more of her engines.

Kilo 002 takes 28 more hits and is destroyed. This leaves just the Indigo and Hotel contacts around A-II.

Biela has repaired her fuel cells.

Howell has repaired an AMM launcher.

Howell has repaired her last out of commission AMM tube.

We are within firing range of A-II. Both the Hotel and Indigo mount R1 AMM scanners. The first salvos are away.

Hostile incoming. TacIntel counts 52 AMM class missiles inbound. All ships retarget from the Hotel and Indigo to hostile missiles.

22 incoming missiles destroyed by our PD.

31 missiles hit the Biela. She's lost 3 AMM launchers, 3 drive units, 2 magazines, her scanner and a crew quarters. I order Captain Flair to proceed to the JP.

Hotel 001 takes 45 hits and the Hamlets stop 20 missiles.

An additional 21 missiles are shot down by our point defense.

Biela takes 11 more hits, slowing her further. 22 missiles are stopped by our point defense, and the Hotel 001 takes 60 hits.

21 additional missiles are stopped by our point defense.

Hotel 001 takes 28 hits, and Indigo 001 takes 24, and the Biela takes 9.

61 missiles impact on Hotel 001 and Indigo 001. Incoming fire has stopped, so all of our Hamlets are in an offensive role now.

54 missiles hit both targets. Both targets are down their active scanners.

4 Hamlets hit Hotel 001.

Hotel 001 is hit by 45 missiles.

Hotel 001 takes another 5 missiles and is destroyed.

Indigo 001 takes 12 hits.

Indigo 001 takes another 37 hits.

With 44 more hits, the Indigo 001 is destroyed. Time to pick up our detached ships and head home for repairs and resupply. The next job is for the 1005th Salvager Squadron.

Offline Garfunkel

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Re: Battle of Groombridge 1618 - Part 2
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 08:15:06 PM »
Interesting battle, for sure. You were quite lucky that the enemy did not have heavier missiles, considering how many got through your AMM and PD fire.

Offline Erik L (OP)

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Re: Battle of Groombridge 1618 - Part 2
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 08:43:29 PM »
I did get extremely lucky.

Their warheads were doing 6 points of damage. Mine were doing 7.

Until the end when all we had left were the AMM. And I was seriously not looking forward to the possibility of having to close to beam range and face the 22 railguns on the Kilos.

Add in the fact they had ECM 3 and I had no sort of EW capabilities at all, I'm surprised I did as well as I did. It came down to who had more missiles, and I think I had the edge there in AMM. Each DDE had almost 800 of them, and I had 12 of the DDE.

All considered, I should have pulled back and fixed the missile issues prior to forcing the issue.

Offline Erik L (OP)

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Re: Battle of Groombridge 1618 - Part 2
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 09:07:32 PM »
I should mention, I'd gotten so engrossed in trying to keep my ships alive, that when they stopped their AMM fire, I was actually surprised. That's when I checked the levels on my AMMs. I think at that point most of the escorts were around 75% full. Which was a very nice surprise.