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Offline ThatBlondeGuy (OP)

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Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:02:45 AM »
Decimus Tyranis Report Annual Report.

This report was commissioned by Caeser to further understand the state of the Empire at it's formation, and after all of the reforms that were made during his Consulship.

Wealth and Economy

We expect to be making around 1600 Denarii a year from our current state of the economy, and we are expending very little for Palaces and soldiers compared to what we are making.

We have what appear to be a large complex in Caledonia which seem to be a forge of some sort, for construction. It amounts to what appear to be five large construction platforms - It is possible to match this sort of output, however we will have to apply a lot of manpower to it. We may even be able to replicate the buildings that we can find here.

There are no signs of Divine mines like the one we have found, however our scholars think that there are similar minerals elsewhere that we could mine conventionally, using tools made from the Complexes we have found. However we believe that if we keep looking there may be a chance we could find more Divine mines, and Complexes. To assist with this, we have as you have ordered a creation of a XenoBarbarian Team which will look through complexes and try to uncover more.

Scholarly Pursuits.

Aulus Saunio and his team is researching ways to replace, and better mobilize the Legions. As well as anyway to improve the weapons we have discovered.
Tiberius Perpanna and his team is taking apart Gauss Ballistae and trying to find ways to improve them, and build new weapons using them.
Quinitus Porcus and his team, is experimenting with the Divine Minerals to find new ways to exploit them, and also exploring what powers the complexes.


Legions as of January 1st

Legio I Roma – Your personal Legion.
Legio II Iberia – Commanded by Brutus.
Legio III Germanica – Commanded by Octavian your nephew.
Legio IV Aegyptus – Commanded by Mark Antony.
Legio V Brittania – Commanded by one of Octavians Legates by the name of Marcus Varius Volusianus
Legio VI Greece – Commanded by Vibius Lucius
Legio VII Gaul – Commanded by one of Octavians Legates
Legio VIII Dacia – Commanded by one of Vibius’ Legates.

We are training another Two Legio. The Legio IX Macedon and the Legio X Sicilia

Standard Auxillia Equipment and Structure

Each Auxillia is a Cohorte strong, each cohorte is lead by a Praefect.

2x Tumae of Equites - the horses being armoured with light Duranium plates (not powered) giving them greater protection, Armed with long Duranium Sabres, a Duranium Lance, and a Duranium Buckler the equites can crush anything.
2x Contubernia of Light Infantry - Modeled after the Hastati, the exception being the armour is not powered yet they are still given the Gauss Bows.
2x Contubernia of Heavy Infantry - Thick Duraniam plates, and war axes along with slight power armour. Even weaker than that given to the Hastati of the Legio. Yet still makes them far far stronger than any standard soldier.
1x Gauss Ballista - Ten men operating a Single Gauss Ballista.

We have begun outfitting the Auxilia with the Duranium Weapons that we are producing in excess, although we are not giving them powered armour that is of the same calibre as the Legio. They will be best to garrison captured territories, and the current Auxillia are as follows.

Auxillia Regiments as of January 1st

Auxillia I Gallica
Auxillia II Gallica
Auxillia III Germanica
Auxillia IV Iberia

We are training a further Auxilia from Iberia and Germanica the Auxilia VI Germanica and the Auxilia V Iberia.

We also have two units of Siege Engineers that are equipped with construction, and siege tools that will help us in the future including Gauss Onagars.

Siege Engineers I
Siege Engineers II

Diplomacy Report

The following is what we know of Neighbouring States.

Parthian Empire – Approximate population 10-20 million, if we annexed them we could use there manpower to further our industry as well as any scholars they have could be press ganged into furthering the research of the Rome. If they are on a similar scale to us, that is around 5 scholars. There military is nowhere near to the same calibre as ours.

Sarmatian, and Suomi tribes – The tribes of the north number maybe 10 Million at the most; they are mostly thick headed barbarians but would make perfect slaves.

Further afield, there is word of the Han dynasty, and the Xiongnue Khanate, and the Tribes of India. Although they are nothing more than Names, from what we know, the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu Khanate are almost always at war.

Once Caeser had read the report, he presented the findings to the Senate which he also immediately announced would be reshuffled. Each Province is allowed two senatorial representatives, which would bring the senate to 52 members. These two representatives are to be given the status of Consul of the province, and are to administer it for the term of two years once that term is up they must stand an election. He also immediately upon finishing the report, said that he wants one of these every year.


Offline ThatBlondeGuy (OP)

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 01:52:55 PM »
Timeline of the first Year of the Roman Empire.

3rd of January - Parthia which borders the Roman Empire begins researching and spying on the new technology of Rome.  They begin projects searching for any clues that might lead them to 'Divine' Technology, this includes an espionage team

10th of January - Caeser begins preparing to Invade the Sarmatian tribes. He orders Legio III Germanica and Legio VIII Dacia to begin making preparations to invade.

12th of January - Caeser gives the order to being the attack on the Sarmatian Tribes.

18th of January - Realising that the war wouldn't be as won as quickly as he had hoped. due to the massive expanses of land in Sarmatia and Suomi the rest of the Roman Legions mobilized and also attacked.

28th of January - Massive blows struck on the Sarmatia tribes, one of the tribes is estimated to be only at around 50% of the strength they were at before.

3rd of February - Attacking carried on and the commands of two minor Legions gained further experience that will help them in further Military escapades.

8th of February - In a massive three pronged attack lead by Octavius, Brutus and Mark Antony, inflicted decisive casualites to the Suomi and Sarmatian combined forces that opposed them. Estimates range from 40-62% of those that faced the attack died.

9th of February - Roman Senate finally reshuffled, and the representatives of each Province has been decided.

10th of February - Caeser commisions the design of a Gauss Ballistae, that can be stationed in a fort and not moved.

13th of Feruary - Mark Antony and his two accompanying Legions keep striking into Sarmatian Homelands.

18th of February - Parthia begins constructing a massive fortress to defend the Border with Rome. On the same day, Mark Antony surrounds besieges and destroys one of the largest Hillforts in Sarmatia.

20th of February - Vibius strikes his first blow of the war, surrounding and almost destroying a massive group of Sarmatian Cavalry which were trying to circumvent the Roman Lines.

28th of February - Brutus made a mistake; Sarmatians tricked a portion of his army into charging of a cliff, only around 3% of the troops were lost to the waves but it had rippling effects throughout the Roman army by lowering Morale and the Readiness to fight. On the same day one of Octavius' centurions destroyed a Suomi Tribal Fortress.

2nd of March - Mark Antony further showed his skills on battle. By forcing the tribes into a battle which he would easily win. On the same day however one of Octavius' sub commanders fell for the same trick as Brutus, fortunately no one was lost.

10th of March - Some Skirmishes engaged with the Sarmatians, most of them are fortifying and retreating to hilltop positions.

18th of March - Another Sarmatian tribe was pacified and wiped out, in there hillfort, after three days of them being besieged.

23rd of March - The last Suomi and Sarmatian tribes fell, all that remain are bands of roving Sarmatian Cavalry that are preventing full occupation of the Sarmatian Tribelands.

24th of March - The Parthian spies in Rome, hear word that they are searching for 'Divine temples left for Rome' a few days pass and they realise that there are hidden temples or something that the Romans are searching for, fearing that the military advantage Rome has built is due to Divine Intervention, they also form a team to scour Parthian lands for the 'temples'

1st of April - The Parthian Fortress has been finally constructed, the Parthian Generals order it garrisoned immediately.

3rd of April - Marcus Brutus destroys the last bands of Cavalry, pacification of the Sarmatian and Suomic lands begins.

7th of April - Full Pacification of Sarmatian lands complete, the land was split into five Provincial jurisdictions. The Auxilia Gallica, were transfered to the Sarmatian Lands along with Legio VIII Dacia. It is estimated around 400 Denarii worth of loot was... Looted from the Sarmatian lands.

10th of April - Caeser, with the war complete orders that through any means necessary the construction platforms in Caledonia, must be replicated. He also has sent Sarmatian tribesmen and prisoners into the very depths of the Earth to haul out any Minerals they can find.

19th of April - Caeser splits the Legions in half. Sending half to Sarmatia to attack Parthia from the north and half to the standard Roman border, preparing to siege the Great Fortress.

20th of April - Caesers spies in Parthia uncover the plans of the fortress.

Border Castle class Fortress    2547700 tons     25 Crew     22885.5996 BP      TCS 50954  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 5-1661     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control 1     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 14369%    IFR: 199.6%    Maintenance Capacity 0 MSP
Troop Capacity: 1000 Battalions    Spare Berths 4224   

This ship is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre

23rd of April - The attack on Parthia begins.

3rd of May - Gauss Ballistas completed, Caeser begins plans to mount them on Triremes, to siege the fortress that is effectively impenetrable.

10th of May - Parthia is almost fully occupied although, the fortress at the heart of the country prevents any full scale use of the land. Caeser orders five Gauss Triremes to be constructed.

Trireme class Naval Trieme    650 tons     19 Crew     52.6 BP      TCS 13  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 5-6     Sensors 1/12     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 4
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 15   

Gauss Ballista (2)    Range 10,000km     TS: 1250 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 1    ROF 5        1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gauss Ballista Crew (2)    Max Range: 30,000 km   TS: 1250 km/s     67 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Roman Spotter (1)     GPS 240     Range 2.7m km    Resolution 20

This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre and can be pre-fabricated in 1 sections

7th of June, suddenly the xeno-Barbarian team make a massive fine. A massive huge chain of complexes in the Alps. First count 125 recoverable rooms, and complexes. Caeser orders the Engineer Teams to begin work, with the scholars to organize a way to get them operational.

19th of July - A Divine mine is recovered, furthering the gain of Minerals for the Roman Empire. Digging deep into the Alps it improves the rate of Mineral recovery by almost 25%.

3rd of September - Trireme Victory completed, immediately ordered to sail to Parthia and begin shelling the fortress.

19th of September - A Small construction platform, seemingly to create some sort of small vehicle is recovered.

10th of October - Trireme Victory nears position ready to fire.

11th of October - Something is wrong with the Gauss Ballistae on the Triremes, scaled up to the size Caeser ordered, and they won't fire through the Atmosphere at all....

13th of October - After day and night deliberations in the senate, it is ordered to storm the fortress.

28th of November - While the battle for fort Parthia continues, 500 tons of a Mineral known as Gallicite is recovered in the Alps.

30th of December - Just before the new year began Aulus made discoveries that should improve the fighting effectiveness of the Legions.


Offline ThatBlondeGuy (OP)

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 02:00:23 PM »
A Soldiers account of the 'Cliffside Charge'

From Suetonius History: First days of the Galactic Roman Empire

'We charged...Brutus gave the order, and we charged...The Sarmatian defenders were backed against the edge of a cliff, I think it was Brutus' plan that if we charged them we would force them to there deaths in the waves below. That didn't happen, the Sarmatian Tribes Men, stood cold faced with with there wooden shields. Facing the thirty mile an hour wave of our Hastati. When we reached them after what seemed like an age, they jumped into the water as Brutus had expected, but what he did not expect was our momentum. We followed them. 4,000 men charging off a cliff at thirty miles an hour into the waves and rocks below. Obviously our armour protected us, well it protected most of us. Yet we still lost more Roman Soldiers to the bravery of those Sarmatians that stood, and took our charge, than any other day of the war.'

Suetonius attributes this tactic employed by the Sarmatians to historic and ancient hunting techniques, where the hunters would drive the herd of Uroch, or according to some pieces of Artwork great mammoth of off similar cliffs and ridges and watch them plunge to their death the Sarmartian warleads saw fit to employ this tactic to the advancing legions, and trickery and cunning prevailed albeit not decisively over the Legions of Rome. This attack and Brutus' catastrophic error had ripling implications across the whole of the warfront.

It boosted the Morale of every single surviving Sarmatian soldier, as well as draining that of every single Roman Soldier and Auxilia. It is said that when Caeser informed the senate of the Catastrophe his only defense for his generals actions was 'I just hope Brutus charged of the cliff with his men, otherwise his political career is most definitely finished.'

Offline ThatBlondeGuy (OP)

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 02:06:02 PM »
The Victory Trireme - An Ironic Name

The Victory Trireme, was the first piece of military technology that incorporated large scale weaponry. With two Giant Gauss Ballista on the bow, and a crew of twenty. The Victory class Trireme was Caesers plan to crush the fortress of J'Ziska or Fort Parthia as the Romans called it. The plan was simple, the giant Gauss Ballistae would pierce and destroy large portions of the Defensive Complex, enabling the Legions to storm it with little effort and occupy Parthia. Yet Caesers scholars made a terrible mistake, and they had the honour of fighting in the arena to repay their debt and failure to the Empire. The more they scaled the Ballistae up from the small field versions, and hand held Gauss Bows.. The more energy the projectile required, which was something they didn't know, or know how to rectify. So when the Captain of the Victory gave the order to fire. The Gauss round harmlessly slid out the front of the Ballista and into the ocean.

The Victory later came known amongst the fleet as the 'Defeat' yet this didn't stop Caeser producing a second, and actually calling it 'Defeat' to forever mock the Scholars that designed it.

Victory class Naval Trireme    650 tons     19 Crew     52.6 BP      TCS 13  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 5-6     Sensors 1/12     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 4
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 15    

Gauss Ballista (2)    Range 10,000km     TS: 1250 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 1    ROF 5        1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gauss Ballista Crew (2)    Max Range: 30,000 km   TS: 1250 km/s     67 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Roman Spotter (1)     GPS 240     Range 2.7m km    Resolution 20

This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre and can be pre-fabricated in 1 sections

((this was actually myself... Failing to remember Gauss weapons don't work in atmos of 1.00 so yeah ))
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 02:16:51 PM by ThatBlondeGuy »

Offline ThatBlondeGuy (OP)

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2012, 04:32:42 AM »
Decimus Tyranis Report Annual Report.
The Second annual report, commissioned in January year 1, Caeser demanded to know what the war with Sarmatia and the Suomi tribes had gained them.

Wealth and Economy

Last year we made 2000 Denarii, yet we loaned and spent around 5000. Our largest expenditure was payment for Scholarly activities; I estimate that most of this was spent on the Development of the Victory class Naval Vessal.
If we slow down the Scholars we may be able to continue to fund the war against Parthia.

Report of Roman Imperial Provinces.


Population – 83.95M
Divine Construction Temples – 3
Conventional Workforce – 100
Unknown Small Vehicle Temple – 1
Conventional Mine – 1
Divine Mines – 2
Scholars – 25
Legion Training Facilities – 4

Sarmatian, and Suomi tribes –They are occupied and protected by the Legio Praesidio Suomi and Sarmatia. A full report of the lands is as follows.

Population – 20.26 Million

Annual Wealth from Province – 162

If we Mobilize their expertise in construction, we estimate they have around 9 conventional units of workforce.

We found one scholar amongst the ruins of the Sarmation homelands and are preparing to transfer him to Rome.

We found one area suitable for Military training and are making use of it to produce a Legio-Praesidio Sarmatia.

Estimated time to full integration -2 years.

Scholarly Pursuits.

Last year the Scholars made many advances.
We Designed the large scale Gauss Ballista, despite it being ineffective for the role it was intended the design may be useful in the future. We also designed and operated a training method for it’s crew, and by using new spotting techniques we can use these Ballista at the edge of their range...
Aulus Aufidius Saunio, completed both of his projects that he set out to accomplish. A replacement legion that can replace any losses inflicted upon the ground forces. Also using what was learnt against the Sarmations and in the first stages of the war with Parthia, the fighting ability of our Legions has improved by a significant amount.
Galerius Atrius Hirrus, the man we placed in charge of the construction projects who was in charge of replicating the complexes and temples we found, while not making massive improvements he has improved the rate at which we can work on these projects by a small amount which is a trivial effect.



We won the war against the Sarmatian and Suomi tribes. Fully occupying their lands and receiving a war chest of 400 Denarii. The war was a decisive victory.
We are at war with the Parthian Empire. There entire land is occupied and under our control, but we cannot make use of it until Fort Parthia has been destroyed. Unfortunately this massive Cliffside abomination is almost impenetrable. Yet we are assaulting it day and night, despite the losses.

Legions as of January 1st 1

Legio I Roma – Stationed in Rome, and commanded by yourself. Your subcommander is currently using this Legio in Parthia against Fort Parthia. This legion is at 35% strength, and needs to be reinforced.

Legio II Iberia – The Iberian legion commanded by Marcus Brutus is also currently fighting the Parthians. This is also the most experienced Legion within the army. Yet it is still undermanned at only 26%

Legio III Germanica – Octavians legion is similarly engaged in the Parthian War. Only 20% of this Legion Remain

Legio IV Aegyptus –  Mark Antonys Legion is currently stationed in the Sarmatian lands, and is attacking Parthia from this direction. 34% of Mark Antonys legion remain.

Legio V Brittania – Marcus Varius Volusianus is also one of the Legions stationed in Sarmatia, and is also supporting the attack on Parthia. 30% of the Brittania Legion is ready to fight.

Legio VI Greece – Vibius Pinarus Lucius Legion, is supporting Octavian’s legion and is remaining strong. 28% of Vibius soldiers remain.

Legio VII Gaul – Commanded by Sextus Domitius Valerian, this unit is also currently in Parthia attacking from the Sarmatian border. Sextus’ Legion is the one that remains strongest and at highest morale with 49% of the soldiers remaining ready to fight.

Legio VIII Dacia – Commanded by Appius Statilius Petreius, is supporting Legio VII Gaul in it’s duties. Numerically the smallest Legion only at 10% operating capacity.

We are training another Two Legio. The Legio IX Macedon and the Legio X Sicilia. It is estimated the Sicilia Legio will be complete by the end of the year, at current estimates. Macedon shortly after that.

Auxillia Regiments as of January 1st 1

Auxillia I Gallica
Auxillia II Gallica
Auxillia III Germanica
Auxillia IV Iberia

We are training a further Auxilia the Auxilia VI Germanica is almost complete expected to be fighting fit in April. The Iberian V Auxilia completed training. We are also recruiting some Sarmatian Auxilia, due to the need for soldiers during this time. We are proposing a renaming of the Auxilia Legions, as their current role is Garrison and Defensive duties we propose that they be known as Legio-Praesidio. Consequently they should also be named after their station rather than their origin. This will make organization easier; as such they have been renamed and reorganized as the following.

Legio-Praesidio Iberia – Was Auxillia IV Iberia.
Legio-Praesidio Germanica – Was Auxillia III Germanica.
Legio-Praesidio Brittania – Was Auxilia V Iberia.
Legio-Praesidio Sarmatia – Was Auxilia I Gallica.
Legio-Praesidio Suomi – Was Auxilia II Gallica.

To further organize this we have reclassified the Auxilia, as replacement units that are fully equipped as Legionaries and are ready to be called up at a moment’s notice. As such we have begun training the Auxilia I Gaul. Testing this new Auxilia structure with the most loyal of our subjects from Gaul,

We also have two units of Siege Engineers that are equipped with construction, and siege tools that will help us in the future including Gauss Onagars.

Siege Engineers I
Siege Engineers II
Both units of siege engineers are working to recover complexes and installations we have uncovered.

Diplomacy Report

The following is what we know of Neighbouring States.

Parthian Empire – Approximate population 30-50 million, if we annexed them we could use their manpower to further our industry as well as any scholars they have could be press ganged into furthering the research of the Rome. From our accounts of the area we have occupied, they have around five scholars that could be of use, four large training facilities for the Parthian Cataphracts and around 40 large scale construction workforces that we could make use of.

Further afield, the news of the Han and Xiongnu is increasing, as are the tribes of India. The Han Dynasties size is impressive, and there land army far outnumbers ours perhaps even numbering into the Millions. Even with our advantage in military technology it would be a hard war to win. The Xiongnu must be similarly brilliant due to their daring attacks on the Chin.


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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2012, 01:26:01 PM »
Time Line

January 28th - The attack on Fort Parthia ceases, Caeser orders development of a weapon that will work from a Trireme.

January 30th - Caeser orders all Conventional Industry, and scholars from Sarmatia to be integrated forthwith. All that shall remain is the Training areas and the population.

February 8th - The engineer teams uncover a complex that converts the mineral Sorium into a liquid, experiments begin with this liquified mineral with the project under Quintius Pulinius Porcus

February 12th - Tiberius Fennus Perpenna begins work on some Catapult that can accelerate the speed of the projectile using some thing called an 'Accelerating Rail'

February 13th - Parthian Cataphracts leave fort J'ziska and assault the Sarmatian homelands.

February 20th - Parthia Cataphracts retreat, realising assaulting the Roman defenders is a incredibly bad idea.

February 29th - In an effort to improve the economy, Caeser allowed the public access to excess of the Divine Minerals, estimated to boost the civilian sector by around 20%

March 4th - A massive breakthrough by Qunitus Plinius Porcus. He discovered that by heating the Sorium Liquid and using it to heat a tank of water, the water created massive quantities of steam. That can be used to push anything. This Sorium reactor prototype was shown to Caeser two days later.

March 8th - Caeser wonders if this reactor could be used to power Oars of a ship.

March 20th - A Sorium powered Trireme roars out of the Roman docks.

April 1st - Qunitus begins working in secret to create a high powered engine that could be used to reach the skies.

April 20th - Development of advanced breaching weapons to breach the walls of Parthia Begins.

April 26th - Engineers begin experimenting with the steam technology.

May 12th - Development of a Steam-Oar for a Gausswarhead begins.

May 17th - Civilian Contractors begin exploring Roman Territory for Divine Temples, and start freighting materials from Sarmatia to Rome. Volusensus Shipping Lines is formed.

May 19th - Pugio Steam Shell is designed and ready to be put into production.

May 20th - Caeser orders the construction of a production centre for the Pugio Steam Shell.

June 7th - After a few failed excavations the Engineering team finally turn on a complex they haven't seen before. It appears that it pumps gases of some types into the air. Although beyond this nothing is none, The Senate voted Unanimously not to touch it.

June 10th - Legio-Praesidio  Gaul completes training. The now available Legio training centre is devoted to producing Auxiliary replacement units. Starting with the Auxilia Aegyptus, and Auxilia Epirus,

June 17th - Caeser orders the immediate construction of two Grand Forum and Curia. These two offices of Financial and wealth generation will greatly boost the coffers of the Government. Within two weeks these conventional buildings are complete. One in Sarmatia-Primus, the largest Roman Fort and City in the Sarmatia heartlands and the other in Rome.

July 2nd - The Parthian Espionage team in Rome was captured. They were caught out by the Roman Guards as they were snooping around the Senate offices. Caeser orders the creation of the Praetorian Guard a counter espionage and spy unit.

July 12th - The 'Pugio' Sorium Powered Trebuchet was completed and the first prototype was constructed. Although testing can't be completed due to the lack of shells, or trained crew.

July 21st - Two of the 'Pugio' Launchers are complete and ready for fitting onto a ship.

July 27th - The training methods and equipment for the Fireteams for the 'Pugio' Launchers are complete, and the two crews for the two launchers in production begin training.

August 17th - The Ordinance factory comes online, and a minor accident occurs almost immediately... Minor meaning twenty slaves died. It is obvious some way to contain and store the shells safely will need to be designed, work begins immediately. In the meantime Caeser orders another assault on Fort Parthia, just to see if anything has changed.

August 29th - The attacks go nowhere, logistic and supply issues cause innumerable problems for the Legions and prevent any assault of Fort Parthia.

October 8th - A mine was discovered and almost immediately slaves are put to work with Duranium pick axes.

October 10th - A large storage area with what appear to be 10 large cyclical spool with a liquid pump. One of the scholars tried pumping various liquids into it, with heated Sorium the cyclical thing vanished. Causing quite a disturbance and the Scholar in question to be taken with the object in question. All nine of them are now locked away. The Scholars aide is fearlessly continuing the research that his master and mentor was undertaking.

November 2nd - Early November everything for the Pugio launched was prepared, the shells, the launchers and the fire teams. Storage for the shells to be safe on the Trireme however was not prepared and would take longer.

November 19th - A massive store of Liquid Sorium is found. This suggests to the Scholars who discover it that the mineral is of high value and importance.

December 9th - From equipment the Romans left behind after the first attacks on Fort Parthia, the Parthian Empire has discovered the Divine Minerals, and has begun researching them. Specifically looking for weapons to fight Rome with.

December 19th - Shell Storage Area designs finally near completion and prototypes go into production.

December 29th - Just before the New year, the design for the siege Trireme is put forward to the Senate.

Victory II class Siege-Trireme    325 tons     9 Crew     33.2 BP      TCS 6.5  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 5-4     Sensors 1/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 2
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 4   
Magazine 17   

Pugio Sorium Powered Trebuchet (2)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 15
Pugio Fireteam (2)     Range 9.0m km    Resolution 100
Pugio SteamShell (15)  Speed: 4,000 km/s   End: 472.4m    Range: 113.4m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 13 / 8 / 4

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre and can be pre-fabricated in 1 sections

The senate immediately order the production of one, and also order 11 more shells to give it a full complement of firepower.


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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 02:27:38 PM »
Decimus Tyranis Report Annual Report.

The Third annual report, commissioned in January year 2, Caeser demanded to know what the war with Sarmatia and the Suomi tribes had gained them.

Wealth and Economy
Last year the treasury still ran at a loss. 2324 Denarii came in, yet we spent almost 3000. Again almost 90% of our expenditure was on research. Slowing down research may help the economy situation, yet the war with Parthia although now limited to border actions is still highly costly; not least due to the fact we have to resupply all our Legio’s losses.

Report of Roman Imperial Provinces.


Population – 87.45M up 3.5M
Annual wealth from province 2123
Divine Construction Temples – 4  - up 1
Conventional Workforce – 106 - up 6 (Integrated from Sarmation Tribes)
Unknown Small Vehicle Temple – 1 – Same as last year
Conventional Mine – 4 – up 3
Divine Mines – 2 – Stayed the same.
Scholars – 26 – One integrated from Sarmatia
Legion Training Facilities – 4
Grand Forum – 1 – up 1

Sarmatian, and Suomi tribes –They are occupied and protected by the Legio Praesidio Suomi and Sarmatia. A full report of the lands is as follows.

Population – 21.63 Million up 1.37M
Annual Wealth from Province – 326
Grand Forum – 1 – Up 1
Legion training Ground 1 – up 1

Estimated time to full integration – Unknown.

Scholarly Pursuits.

Last year the Scholars made some advances, although not as many as before.

Qunitus Plinius Porcus completed work on a reactor, that can power almost anything, using information found in the installations we have developed small ‘engines’ that propel things forward. Using the steam and Sorium reactors.
The Pugio Shell and weapon system was designed and put into production, with the aim to breach the walls of Fort Parthia.
Improvements into these engines have been made, trying to see if they are fit to make anything of use.



The war with Parthia continues, neither side has made advances yet we are sure the longer this draws out the better Parthia’s position becomes. We don’t have the man power to directly attack Fort Parthia, and the Parthian military is not strong enough to attack us. It is a stalemate, we fear that they may have recovered some military technology from the two failed sieges.

Legions as of January 1st 2

Legio I Roma – Stationed in Rome, and commanded by yourself. It is reinforced incredibly slowly and is at only 15% readiness.
Legio II Iberia – The Iberian legion is reinforcing slowly, it is currently at 10% readiness, yet it is still reinforcing.
Legio III Germanica – Also at 10% readiness and is reinforcing.
Legio IV Aegyptus – The Aegyptus legion is at 13.5% readiness.
Legio V Brittania – Also at 10% readiness to fight.
Legio VI Greece – Recurring theme amongst the top three legions, they are all at 10% strength despite this they all are very high on the Morale front.
Legio VII Gaul –The strongest and most ready to fight, the Gauls are at 29% readiness.
Legio VIII Dacia –Reinforcing and currently at 10% readiness.
Legio X Sicilia - In Training
Legio XI Macedon - In Training.

Praesidio Regiments as of January 1st 2

Legio-Praesidio Iberia – 78% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Germanica –  78% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Brittania – 78% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Gaul – 86.6% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Sarmatia – 78% to readiness fight.
Legio-Praesidio Suomi – 78% to readiness fight.
Legio-Praesidio Saxones – In training.

Auxilia Aegyptus - In Training.
Auxilia Epirus - In Training.

We also have two units of Siege Engineers that are equipped with construction, and siege tools that will help us in the future including Gauss Onagars.

Siege Engineers I – Due to accidents and dangers recovering the complexes only at 17% readiness.
Siege Engineers II Due to accidents and dangers recovering the complexes only at 11% readiness.

Both units of siege engineers are working to recover complexes and installations we have uncovered.

Diplomacy Report

The following is what we know of Neighbouring States.

Parthian Empire – The Parthian Empire grows stronger by the day, however once the Victory II class Trireme destroys the walls of Fort Parthia, we will easily reign victorious. We are concerned however that technologically they will be uncovering the secrets of the Divine Metals that we have discovered. If this is the case we may have some problems.

Further afield, the news of the Han and Xiongnu is increasing, as are the tribes of India. The Han Dynasties size is impressive, and there land army far outnumbers ours perhaps even numbering into the Millions. Even with our advantage in military technology it would be a hard war to win. The Xiongnu must be similarly brilliant due to their daring attacks on the Chin.

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2012, 03:22:48 PM »
1st of January - Decimus report published, findings conclusive. Research must be cut down, Caeser orders all non military projects to be cut.

12th of January - 450 tons of unrefined Sorium found in a large underground storage bunker in the Alps.

17th of February - Another Sorium Refinery is found on the Alps.

10th of March - Construction Brigade II find a door, they eventually pry it open inside is a vault of Thousand upon Thousand of Robotic Legions, the next month fierce fighting occurs, the incident becomes known as "Day of the Titans"

9th of May - Victory II is completed, and sets sail for Parthia.

10th of May - Arrives, and organizes the Shells.

11th of May - Opens Fire.

19th of May - The Shells do incredible damage to the area, the Roman gunners can't even see what there shells have done but the dust thrown up suggests that the fortress is going to be destroyed. Yet when the dust settles on the 19th it is clear the great walls were barely marked.

29th of May - The Dust and Radiation from the Shells dissipates at last. The Senate vote 60-50% to build more Victory II's so that the Fort will be pounded into the dirt.

1st of June - Caeser vetoes the Senate, for the first time in the Empires brief history he exercises his right to veto. He does this to preserve the fragile Roman Economic Recovery.

19th of July - Parthia Discovers how to create Duraniam weapons and armour. They begin researching how to use this to better Garrison Fort J'ziska

8th of August - Parthia Converts all of it's levy Infantry into Levy garrisons. Expected Training will be complete in October

19th of August - Rome Learns of this, and goes back on the offensive, Assaulting and attacking Fort Parthia.

24th of August - Fort Parthia Falls, due to the Valiant actions of Hastatus Valerian and his Contubernia - See Interlude Battle for Fort Parthia when I finish writing it.

7th of October - Parthia falls, Legions re-organized to better defend the new borders. Caeser sets his sights on India.

10th of November - Order the construction of a Grand Forum per province. Gaul, Germanica, Iberia, Britannia, Saxones, Suomi, Etrusca, Aegyptus, Parthia Superior, Parthia Inferior, Syria, Macedon, Mauretania, Crete, Cyprus, Greece. for a total of fifteen new Grand Fora, these new Fora will greatly improve the Roman Economic Situation.

28th of November - The Grand Forums are complete.

19th of December - India begins to sharpen it's swords. Ready to defend itself from Romes Legions.


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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2012, 10:42:12 AM »
Decimus Tyranis Report Annual Report.

The Third annual report, commissioned in January year 2, Caeser demanded to know what the war with Sarmatia and the Suomi tribes had gained them.

Wealth and Economy
Last year our income was approximately 2780 Denarii. This was no were near enough to cover our expenditure of 3498, however with the warchest we recovered from the victory over Parthia we managed to have a positive treasury, now resting at around 850 Denarii, although we are still losing money.

Report of Roman Imperial Provinces.


Population – 91.45M up 4.1M
Annual wealth from province 2509D
Divine Construction Temples – 7  - up 3
Conventional Workforce – 100 – Down six due to conversion into Divine technology
Unknown Small Vehicle Temple – 1 – No change.
Conventional Mine – 7 – up 3
Divine Mines – 3 – up 1
Scholars – 26 – No change.
Legion Training Facilities – 4 – No Change.
Grand Forum – 13 –up 12
Liquid Sorium Refinery - 2
Cloud centre – 2 – Inoperable.

Sarmatian, and Suomi tribes –They are occupied and protected by the Legio Praesidio Suomi and Sarmatia. A full report of the lands is as follows, the population is slowly warming to Roman Rule and are a ‘Candidate population’ for further refinement.

Population – 23.23 Million up 2M
Annual Wealth from Province – 505D – up 200D
Grand Forum – 3 – Up 2
Legion training Ground 1 – No Change.

Estimated time to full integration – A year to two.
Parthian Imperial States.
Population – 56.28M at last census
Annual wealth from province 314
Conventional Workforce – 43
Conventional Mine – 7 – up 3
Scholars – 10 – possibly to be integrated into Rome.
Legion Training Facilities – 4
Grand Forum – 6

Scholarly Pursuits.

Due to cutbacks in the research budget advances were, less than anticipiated.
Due to excavation on the Ancient and Divine complexes we discovered advanced storage methods for supplies.
Tiberius Fenius Perpenna discovered ways to improve the launch velocity of Ballistae using Rails.


Victory over Parthia, yet it was costly and hardly decisive.
A few border skirmishes with India, although nothing conclusive nor has war been declared.

Legions as of January 1st 3

Legio I Roma – Stationed in Rome, and commanded by yourself. It is reinforced incredibly slowly and is at only 36% readiness, and is reinforcing from last year.
Legio II Iberia – The Iberian legion is reinforcing slowly, it is currently at 16.5% readiness, yet it is still reinforcing.
Legio III Germanica – Also at 16.5% readiness and is reinforcing.
Legio IV Aegyptus – The Aegyptus legion is at 15% readiness.
Legio V Brittania – Also at 15% readiness to fight.
Legio VI Greece – Reinforcing and currently at 15%
Legio VII Gaul –Reinforcing and is at 17.5%
Legio VIII Dacia –Reinforcing and currently at 15% readiness.
Legio X Sicilia – Completed training, but due to losses in the final assault of Parthia only at 40%
Legio XI Macedon – Full complement of 100%

Praesidio Regiments as of January 1st 2

Legio-Praesidio Iberia – 99.7% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Germanica –  78.4% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Brittania – 96% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia I – 84.9% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Sarmatia – 66% to readiness fight.
Legio-Praesidio Suomi – 66% to readiness fight.
Legio-Praesidio Saxones – In training.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia II – In training.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia III – In training.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia IV – In training.
Legio Praesidio Parthia V – In training.

Auxilia Gaul - In Training.
Auxilia Etruscan - In Training.
Auxilia Macedon - In Training.
Auxilia Mauretania - In Training.

We also have two units of Siege Engineers that are equipped with construction, and siege tools that will help us in the future including Gauss Onagars.

Siege Engineers I – Due to accidents and dangers recovering the complexes only at 33.3% readiness.
Siege Engineers II Due to accidents and dangers recovering the complexes only at 37.6% readiness.

Both units of siege engineers are working to recover complexes and installations we have uncovered.

Diplomacy Report

The following is what we know of Neighbouring States.

Now with a direct border with the Maurya Indian Empire we are safe to make estimates about the state. We estimate a population of around, 60-80M, they have mostly tribal infantry and some war elephants although I expect the Legions will prevail if it comes to war.
There is news of the Xiongnu, and the Han Dynasty attacking each other, this is good as it will make conquest of them even easier.
The African tribes to the south across the great desert number around 15M, and would be easily subjugated without any need for actual warfare. We suggest that we send the Aegyptus Legio to subjugate this population to sell as slaves and improve the nation’s finances.

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2012, 05:50:13 AM »
Timeline of the Third Year of Caesar's rule.

4th of January - Decimus Tyranis report published

5th of January - As a result Caeser orders Legio IV Aegyptus to prepare to attack the african tribes.
9th of January - Auxilia Gaul finish training, and are almost immediately used to reinforce the Legions.
15th of January - Scholars slow down research to save money.

3rd of February - A large complex room. With massive displays, comes into life in the Alps. The Roman engineers have powered a large tracking station. When the display powers into life it reveals a round Earth - It appears the greeks were right a scholar muses as he looks at the display - Standing back and taking another look he notices that the entire marble slab is displayed the solar system, all the planets moving in real time. He orders a Legio to place his palm against 'Mars' the soldier does, and the large 3D image of Earth in the centre of the room is replaced by Mars....The Scholars are amazed, upon further examination of the room they discover hand held devices, and another large piece of machinery similar to the first.

10th of February - The second piece of large machinery is finally powered up and experimented with, it appears to be able to scan deep into the Earths crust in search of minerals. Caeser immediately orders this station to be powered up and used, to further the search for minerals.

11th of February - a meeting between two scholars takes place.

"Lucius, this mineral scanner that we found in the Alpes...I can't help but wonder if it could be used to scan the other solar bodies.... I mean it seems that the room as a whole is made for monitoring and tracking the whole solar system, so why put technology in the vicinity that can only be used on Terra."

Lucius sighed, and looked over at the other man. "Battiatus my friend, if the gods wanted us to fly to the stars they would have given us wings."

"Perhaps we need wings then, Lucius, perhaps we need wings."

"You are in a realm of fantasy, although using the Mineral Sensors we have found 10 more mining locations, that we have been able to put into immediate work with conventional Duranium tools."

"Perfect, that should appease Haetius... He is incharge of the Mining operations after all, one other thing however. Those hand held devices any idea what they do yet?"

"It appears, when powered by a small portable Sorium Generator, that they can be used to project voices over a massive distance, from one of the devices to another. We have numbered them accordingly, and are working on replicating them."

"Perfect... Perfect, anyway I must return to my Villa, and prepare for the Gladiatorial games later this evening, they are pitting twenty Parthian prisoners against a single Gaul in Power armour, they aren't even giving the Gaul weapons. It is truly gong to be a fight for the ages."

"Of course, Of course"

14th of February - Legio IV Aegyptus begins marching south toward Nubia.

20th of February - All of the African tribes are under Roman Control, the occupied provinces become known as 'Grand Province Africanis'

29th of February - Unrest throughout the Empire begins.

2nd of March - The long distance communication tool is complete, and put into production. They are spread amongst officials in the empire, allowing quicker communication and also given to the garrison forces, enabling them to respond to dissent far quicker than before.

10th of March - All rebellion and unrest is quelled, and the use of this radio improve the efficiency of the ground combat troops.

29th of March - A Ballistae is designed that can fire a bolt using two supercharged magnetic rails, this weapon becomes known as the RailBallistae.

3rd of April - Another large pocket of Minerals is found, from the constant scanning from the Alps station, miners are sent immediately.

19th of April - Parthian resistance slowly dies down, and the population grows accustomed to being

28th of June - Another massive tracking station is discovered, this time however it has a massive launch platform nearby. Instead of the Mineral Scanners, Caeser demands an explanation from his scholars.

31st of June - African dissent is almost all diminished, and large portions of the workforce is moved to Province Rome to further create wealth.

8th of July - A large divine mine is found, that begins smelting and forging Duranium bars.

10th of July - A team on Ithaca, lead by Titus Caristanius Novation, designs a Sorium Oar that could power a small vessal into the skies, from the launch platform in the Alps.

12th of July - Caeser orders a ship designed that incorporates this technology.

19th of July - The Battiatius-Lucius team design the

Gaius Marius class Liburnians    950 tons     27 Crew     114 BP      TCS 19  TH 25  EM 0
1315 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 3
Maint Life 16.45 Years     MSP 75    AFR 7%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 1    5YR 8    Max Repair 12 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Spare Berths 0   
Magazine 16   

'Ithacan' Sorium Oar  (2)    Power 12.5    Fuel Use 171.2%    Signature 12.5    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 16.6 billion km   (146 days at full power)

Gauss Ballista (1)    Range 10,000km     TS: 1315 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 1    ROF 5        1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gauss Ballista Fireteam (1)    Max Range: 20,000 km   TS: 1250 km/s     50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

'Pugio' Launcher (1)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Pugio Fireteam (1)     Range 9.0m km    Resolution 100
Pugio SteamShell (16)  Speed: 4,000 km/s   End: 472.4m    Range: 113.4m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 13 / 8 / 4

Roman Spotter (1)     GPS 240     Range 2.7m km    Resolution 20

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Caeser designates the ship to large, and warlike to be used as a scout vessal. Yet the senate oppose his decision to scrap the design, instead compromise is made. The vessal is to be put into production, yet a smaller class of ship is designed to make the first moves into the skies. Utilizing the small construction platforms of what has now been designated a 'Chariot factorum. The 'Maximus' class chariot is designed.

Maximus class Chariot    320 tons     9 Crew     33.5 BP      TCS 6.4  TH 25  EM 0
3906 km/s     Armour 1-4     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 70.76 Years     MSP 65    AFR 0%    IFR 0%    1YR 0    5YR 0    Max Repair 6.25 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months    Spare Berths 11   

'Ithacan' Sorium Oar  (2)    Power 12.5    Fuel Use 171.2%    Signature 12.5    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 10,000 Litres    Range 3.3 billion km   (9 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

9th of August - The Chariot goes into production.

6th of September - Massive breakthroughs are made, nine sites for Mineral extraction are found in Sarmatia, twenty five in Parthia, seven in Africa, and thirteen in Rome. Orders are made to utilize these, unfortunately the Scholars believes that now, the only improvements in the mining sector will come from actual expansion rather than lucky finds. This means Industry must be used to create tools, and new shafts in existing mines.

11th of November - Scholars realise that the 'chariot' factorum was not a single production centre, but a massive complex with ten parralel systems, that can be operated together or one at a time. This increases the speed at which the Maximus will be complete, estimates for completion date range from December to January.

29th of November - Trade begins between India and Rome, rome is using the trade both to improve wealth generation, but to also get spies into India.

13th of December - Maximus I is launched from the Alps, the vessel which resembles a eagle. With a Sorium thruster on the reverse, manages to reach incredible speeds. The pilots and small crew return and land on the alps, recounting what they have done. They claim that in the 5 minutes they were gone, they went around the Earth twice, and even reached Luna and returned.  Caeser is amazed by these reports, and demands that a portable version of the Geological Mineral Scanner is designed that can be retrofitted onto the Maximus' hull, or in the least created and placed onto the larger vessel in construction.

19th of December -  hostilites begin with India. The Legions move back into place and assault from Parthia.

24th of December - both Victory class triremes, and the Victory II are scrapped for parts.

31st of December - Assaults on the Indian empire begin, and it looks like it will be a short and easy war to win.


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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2012, 08:37:03 AM »
Decimus Tyranis Report Annual Report.

Fourth Annual Decimus Tyranis report.

Wealth and Economy
Last year’s income was 4675 denarii, and we spent 5468 leaving us with only 60 in the treasury. We need to further cut research to balance the budget.

Report of Roman Imperial Provinces.

Imperial Roman provinces.

Population – 95.45M up 4M
 Annual wealth from province 2611 – up 100
Divine Construction Temples – 10  - up 3
Conventional Workforce – 117 – Up 17 despite conversion.
Chariot Factorum – 10 – No change – the one large complex was split into ten smaller.
Conventional Mine – 41 – up 34
Divine Mines – 4 – up 1
Scholars – 26 – No change.
Legion Training Facilities – 4 – No Change.
Grand Forum – 13 – No change.
Liquid Sorium Refinery – 2 – no change.
Cloud centre – 2 – Inoperable and no change.

Sarmatian, and Suomi occupied tribes.

Population – 25.23 Million - up 2M
Annual Wealth from Province – 538D – up 20D
Grand Forum – 3 – No change.
Legion training Ground 1 – No Change.
Road, and transport network completed ((Massdrivers for transferring resources))

Estimated time to full integration – A year to two.

Parthian Imperial States.

Population – 59.28M – up 3M – Occupied population.
Annual wealth from province 659 – up 300
Conventional Workforce – 43
Conventional Mine – 25 – up 13
Scholars – 10 –No change.
Legion Training Facilities – 4  - No change
Grand Forum – 6 – No change.
Road and transport network integrated into Roman networks.
Grand Province of Africanis
Population 16.4M – Occupied population.
Wealth creation – 186
Conventional Mines – 7
Grand Forum – 3
Road and Transport network – fledgling.

Scholarly Pursuits.

The Maximus, and Gaius Marius class ships have been designed and put into production.
Ways to scan the ground for minerals have been developed, and ways to contact other citizens over long distances have also been devised.
We have made our first trips into the skies, and if reports can be trusted... Even further.


Legions – due to the nature of the warfare with India, it is difficult to gauge the exact disposition of our forces at this moment, although all Legions are fighting the Mauryan tribesmen.

Legio I Roma – Fighting India.
Legio II Iberia – Fighting India.
Legio III Germanica – Fighting India.
Legio IV Aegyptus – Fighting India.
Legio V Brittania – Fighting India.
Legio VI Greece – Fighting India.
Legio VII Gaul – Fighting India.
Legio VIII Dacia – Fighting India..
Legio X Sicilia – Fighting India.
Legio XI Macedon – Fighting India.


Legio-Praesidio Iberia – 100% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Africanis –  87.9% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Brittania – 100% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia I – 100% readiness to fight.
Legio-Praesidio Sarmatia – 76% to readiness fight.
Legio-Praesidio Suomi – 76% to readiness fight.
Legio-Praesidio Saxones – In training.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia II – 100% readiness.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia III – In training.
Legio-Praesidio Parthia IV – In training.
Legio Praesidio Parthia V – In training.


Auxilia Hispania - In Training.
Auxilia Sicillia - In Training.
Auxilia Roma - In Training.
Auxilia Ithaca - In Training.
Auxillia Parthia – In Training.

We also have two units of Siege Engineers that are equipped with construction, and siege tools that will help us in the future including Gauss Onagars.

Siege Engineers I – Due to accidents and dangers recovering the complexes only at 98.4% readiness.
Siege Engineers II Due to accidents and dangers recovering the complexes only at 100% readiness.

Both units of siege engineers are working to recover complexes and installations we have uncovered.

Diplomacy Report

The following is what we know of Neighbouring States.

News reaching us has revealed the Han Dynasty has fallen to the Xiongnu, this is grave news and means that we are going to have to find a way to combat them before they can oppose us.
Maurya Indian Empire, we are at war with them and we are making good progress. If they try to make a counter attack into Parthia, we are prepared.

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2012, 01:32:16 PM »
Timeline of Year Four.

January - The month of January brought the Roman empire, technological advances into generator power management. Titus Novation managed to discover ways to get that little bit more power out, in return for pumping that quite a bit more fuel in. The siege engineers discovered some plans and designs for technology and buildings that seem to maintain life in the expanse outside of the planet. Along with this we also found suits and apparatus that appear for breathing outside of a vessel or outside of the habitats. The war with India saw some advances with the frontline of Indian infantry taking between 20 and 50% casualties. Also the Libernian Gaius Marius was completed, and started in tests and trials around the alps, not as fast as the Maximus the vessel was slower however it packed one hell of a punch as well. Testing the Gauss weapons and expending a Sorium shell on the moon, the Marius managed to test some of it's fire power. Before heading back to it's docking station in the Alps and awaiting orders.

February - Saw nothing apart from increased combat on the Indian front, and more tests with the Marius. Caesar ordered that the long range communication tools should be outfitted to every official, soldier, and ship in the empire. Once this was done in late february, the secrets and production method of the tools were sold to some senators and business people who started to manufacture ones for public use.

March - The way with India saw many new fronts open up, Legio X, VII, and V all took losses and were surprised by an Indian counter attack. Despite the surprise, the Indian counterattack was still a failure and caused more damage to them than it did to us.

April - Was a time of strife, the war continued and soldiers died on both sides, although 90% of all losses in the war were Indian. Parthia saw some revolts; the public did not seem to agree with Romes expansionist policies. Although quickly the unrest was quelled by the Legio-Praesidio regiments. Late april things changed.

April 26th - Caeser gave the order for the Gaius Marius, to use it's Sorium shell launchers to provide close support to the Legios, and destroy as much of the Indian Nation as possible...

Gaius Marius - Excerpt from Captains log

Today we received orders from the senate and the imperial war office, that we are to expend all of our ammunition not just on the Indian soldiers but on the public. This is a mission that I will do my utmost to fulfill, as the destruction on the Indian nation will demoralize the armour and it will provide me and my crew with much needed experience.

I have also decided that I need to note down my entire crew compliment and roles, as this assignment was a surprising one I have no idea what my men should be doing and this may well perhaps inform future captains in charge of vessel like these, much needed guidance.

My crew complement is XXVII

The 'Pugio' launcher is directly loaded and operated by three men, two loading the shell after it has been fired, and one following the orders of the Pugio Fireteam.

The Pugio Fireteam is a misnomer, as it is only one man. Who uses technology and ranging information from the spotters to direct the fire controller of the Pugio, as to which direction to fire. This man is also in control of the weapon as a whole.

The Storage bay, beneath the crew quarters is the protected and evacuable storage area for the shells, it has one man who looks after it. Who is also the man that must press the 'Vomitaria' button if the shells must be ejected.

The Gauss Ballista is primary operated by two men, who wind and prepare the bolt as well as aim it upon the order of the Gauss Ballista Fireteam - again a misnomer but as he is incharge of the ballista as well it is infact his team - this enables the Gauss ballista to fire a shot every five seconds.

Now the propulsion bay, contains the two 'Ithacan' oars, each of these provides a massive amount of thrust as well as enables turning of the vessel through the power manipulation and smaller thrust ports in various places on the external plating of the ship.  The three men of deck and there centurion, are the primary means of propulsion on the ship.

There is also the Roman spotter team, one is a literal spotter and uses the 360 degree view from the viewing port to use actual eyes to spot anything, whereas the other uses technology ripped out of a tracking station, to create a local real-time replication we call it the Divine-Eye system.

My Bridge is another major viewing port and we have five men stationed there, four of which relays orders to various parts of the ship on my command, and one steers the ship using the Astrogators rudder control.

We also have two engineers that have been trained to repair and maintain various parts of the ship, as well as a small storage area for parts.

That concludes my overview of the ships crew and systems, now I hope we have what it takes to slaughter these Barbarians.

At 5:00 in the morning, on april 26th we arrived above India. Every minute or so we recieved orders from the officers on the ground. I remember quite vividly Mark Antony screaming down the long range comm at my communication officer; ordering us to fire at the walls of the fort they were besieging. We fired, and Antony no longer had a fort to siege, one shell and the place was dust. We fired the launcher sixteen times, we expended every shell and we extinguished every target into dust.  

Imperial Naval Command is telling me that i'm going to get triumphal honours for my business here today, I just can't wait to go back... re arm, and do some more for the war effort.

May - Gaius Marius returns to re-arm. Then sent back out, the mission was the same and the mission was completed in exactly the same way. In may the siege engineer teams found two great factorums, a large one for generalized construction and another for chariots. Both were immediately put into action. A cloud Factorum was also found, but was left inoperational alongside the other three. This month saw massive losses amongst the Indian Forces, around two hundred thousand Mauryan Empire troops died in May alone.

June - The month was uneventful, if you could call war uneventful. Roman troops made advances but no major ones, the previous months lightning fast advance slowed due to the need for logistics. Also a Sorium refinery was found and put into operation.

July - This month saw Hispania, Siciliia, Roma, and Ithaca all produce Auxillia ready to reinforce the Legio's. Tiberius Perpenna also developed a smaller launcher for any type of shell, this technology while making the launcher smaller and easier to fit onto vessels due to size constraints has the unfortunate side effect of making the reload time far far longer.

August - The war continues... 70% of two Indian units fell, and more were marginally wounded. Uprisings in Parthia continue, and are slowly being put down.

September - Ahmose, an Aegyptus scholar discovered ways to better organize the military into a 'Brigade' level. Caeser decides it would be too costly to implement now, however it is an idea for the future. The Sicillia are finally expended, in reinforcing a Legio, and the war continues. Officers gain skills, Indians die and the cycle repeats.

October - Ahmose, finishes the blueprints on the Sorium 'Zeus' Reactor, a power generator intended to power larger ships and weapons such as the Rail Ballista. A large scale construction manfactorum is also discovered and placed into operation. Robotic defenders again awaken, and the intial assault goes well. 24, 18, and 14% of all of the attackers are destroyed in the initial fighting. India surrenders early in october, the Grand Imperial Province of India is created. Caeser turns his gaze toward the Xiongnu Khanate.

November - Legio-Praesidio Parthia III and IV are finally trained and ready for Parthia, this means that Parthia now has declining levels of unrest, as it is seen as being futile to rebel. Tiberius Perpenna, with the prototype Zeus reactor fires a rail ballista for the first time. More robotic defenders are also uncovered.

December - Novation improves engines yet again, and begins working on fuel consumption, other technological breakthroughs are made although the one by Marcus Captio is only of marginal value. While helping the siege teams he discovered small hand held devices that sent a beam of light, experimenting with this he found that the light was focussed through a crystal, eventually he managed to create a prototype of an infrared laser, although not with enough power to damage anything. Continuing with his research he decides to try larger focal crystals, but the senate decide his research is futile and to save money... Cut his budget, lucky for Captio is that he can privately afford to continue his research.


Offline ThatBlondeGuy (OP)

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Re: Part One - Formation of the Empire.
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2012, 05:09:14 AM »
Year five timeline

January - A massive attack on the Xiongnu Khanate begins, the first stages of the war are on the 5th of January were the Senate, Imperial War Command and Caeser all agree on a surprise strike from the Gaius Marius. The mission headed by Primus Spurius Otacilius Herenus was a success the surprise attack on the Khanate enabled them to destroy large portions of the border posts and the garrison forces there, allowing the Legions to make headway into China. Unfortunately the Khanate had ideas of it's own, sending men via a massive Naval fleet into the southern tip of Africanis, they opened up a second front. The defending Praesidio Africanis, could do nothing more than do the best they could slow them down, retreat and call for reinforcements. While they managed to cut the attacking forces by 42% 26% and 3% respectively, as the Khanates men made headway the Praesidio was forced into retreat, losing 17% of it's men. With the war against the Khanate, Caeser orders the Tyranis report to be delayed until the conclusion of the war.

February - Gaius Marius returns to the Alps to rearm, although a lack of Pugio shells in store requires that more be produced. This meant that the Legios of Greece and Gaul suffered 30% losses due to a lack of support. By late February reinforcements had reached Africanis, meaning that the defenders could really dig in and give the cavalry of the Khanate something to worry about.

March - Technology finally begin improving again in early march, with fuel consumption technologies that further improved possibilities of efficient 'oar' designs. Legio-Praesidio Parthia V also finished training, and was almost immediately shipped to Africanis to aid in the defense. Due to the relocation of all garrison forces to aid in the defense of Africanis, the province of Parthia once again went into revolt, although nothing major it could prove problematic.

April - The war continues, with losses on both sides. Africa has become a killing ground for the Khanate, every inch of land they take costs thousands of lives. 69% of all forces sent into Africa in the month of April fell to the defending Roman Troops. Counterattacks in Africa are made, and the troops there are slowly forced back. Gaius Marius receives new orders.

Events aboard the Gaius Marius 6th of April.

The captain of the vessel paced the command bridge of his ship, he was ordered earlier in the day to take the ship out on manouvers, practise flying the damn thing. Like he and his crew hadn't had enough practise flying this ship. Earlier in the day he recieved the first batch of Pugio shells, 8 all together. He was hoping that perhaps he would get the satisifaction of blowing some Mongol barbarians sky high... That order was about to come in.

"Captain, the Imperial war office is on the nuntius. They are requesting we make way immediately to India, then to the Khanates lands were we are to bombard the defending troops there."

"Excellent" the captain replied slowly before continuing "Well you heard the officer, Helmsmen bring us about straight to the land of the Khanate, full speed. Weapons, get the men to begin loading the shells it won't take long for us to get into position."

"Yes sir" the bridge crew said in unison as they went about there duties, three minutes later they were circling above the Khanates lands, the spotter team picking up targets and marking them on the large map on the bridge.

"Sir Legio XII Caledonia, the new reserve force is requesting we fire at there targets... They are just south of HillFort XXII."

"Weapons, target that position. Helmsman take us down a bit I want to see the faces of the Horde before we destroy the lot of them, mars will be proud of us this day men.

The ship dipped it's nose slightly and powered toward the ground, lifting it a few thosund feet over the heads of the Mongols, almost every one of the Archers defending the walls of the fort looked up and saw the metal hull off the Gaius Marius power over head, a millisecond later they were dust. A pugio shell struck the centre of the hillfort and in a bright flash they were dead. The Marius rocked slightly as the shockwave powered through the air as they rode the wave out, the captain cheered along with his men.

"That's the first of many, any more targets yet?" The commander of the ship asked the Nuntius officer...

May - May finally brought economic growth, a large general Manafactorum came into use in the alps, discovered by Siege Engineer II. The war continued and the defending troops kept losing men every day passed more and more died.

June - The war continued, Auxillia Parthia finished training and prepared to be integrated into the units they were borne to replace. The Unrest in Parthia continued to rise but it was not of the Senates concern they were too busy revelling in the news that two hundred thousund Mongolian cavalry were surrounded and destroyed in Africa, and the relief force intended to save that army, lost 30% of it's men. The commander of the Legio-Praesidio Africanis, received triumphal honours for his brilliant military defense and command of the African front.

July - Captio and his privately funded project, managed to produce a mining laser 10CM focal size, he presented his designs to the senate Imperial War committee but they were not impressed. Preferring the physical projectiles of the weapons they had already had and are already improving. Captio disgusted by his rejection, carried on designing these light weapons, hoping it would grant him recognition in the future.

August - More Pugio shells, and construction factorums completed in Rome. The Economic situation is finally leveling out despite the unrest emanating from Parthia. Africanis due to the populations growing camaraderie with the defending Roman troops from the Mongol horde grow to like the Romanization of the province, the population becomes a Candidate for further Imperialization. Four Hundred thousand Mongol Soldiers, infantry, cavalry even siege units are surrounded and destroyed in Africa. Most of the Mongols left in Africa retreat, the front is victorious, and the troops are redeployed back to there original locations to help combat unrest.

September - More units of the Khanate are destroyed, the end of the war is in sight. To top off the already victorious and joyous population of the Roman Empire a Divine Mining Facilitiy is discovered and put into operation.

October - Troop Transport Bays are designed, this means that in the future Legio's could be transported quickly and speedily anywhere in the empire upon larger vessels much like the Gaius Marius. The Last legs of the Khanate are destroyed, his armies are crushed and he is cowering in his tents in the steppes. Victory is within sight.

November - The xiongnu Khanate is annexed, and the Grand Province of Chin is created. A massive amount of money from the Khanate is also looted twenty thousand denarii worth of gold. Efforts are made to levy Legio and Praesidio forces, drafting them and giving them basic training, but no more. To occupy and defend the new lands of Rome.

December - With the war over, Caeser orders the Tyranis report to publish the findings of the entire empires productivity. The Senate receives news that the portable version of the mineral sensors have been designed and completed as well as smaller engineering bays for vessels that can conserve space.