Author Topic: Conquered and alien pop. Now what?  (Read 1500 times)

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Offline tryrar (OP)

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Conquered and alien pop. Now what?
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:11:13 PM »
So, I finally managed to get this alien civ in Alpha Centauri under my control, and I have a quick question: if I find a planet that's perfect for them, but not quite for me, would they automatically get moved there by my civilian colony ships(assuming I'd built jump gates between the systems in question of course), or would I need to manually move them there? How do I keep them from revolting? Anything else I'd need to know about integrating them into my society?

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Re: Conquered and alien pop. Now what?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2012, 12:18:39 PM »
The same factors that effect your own pops happiness effect conquered ones, they will be at a disadvantage no matter what for a few years as they integrate into your empire.

If you damaged the environment with bombardment, unrest will happen, if you damaged it too much, then significant deaths will occur. At a minimum, ground troops stationed in sufficient numbers will reduce unrest levels. They need protection like any other colony, and since it likely is a homeworld they might need a lot of it, or you can just let the ground troops keep order.

As to colonization, you may have to start it manually by placing a few on there, but after that the civilian shipping should take over in their own way. It has been a bit since I observed this myself though so there is a possibility I am incorrect.

Offline tryrar (OP)

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Re: Conquered and alien pop. Now what?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2012, 09:29:23 PM »
New issue: When I conquered the civ, all their remaining ships surrendered, which amounted to a couple gravsurvey ships and a geosurvey ship. Instead of diverting my own scout ships to finish surveying the system, I decided to keep those ships for now and use them, after modernizing them, of course(via SM). Now, however, the ships have a large excess of crew, and I'm not sure how to move the excess crew off the ship

Edit: NVM, I just sm'd up a couple copies of the design and deleted the others. Now I have another issue: I need to know what's a good bomb design for taking out troops on planets I'm not particular about.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 01:29:05 AM by tryrar »

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Re: Conquered and alien pop. Now what?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2012, 01:31:44 PM »
When you make a colony it's set population is what ever you have selected in the F9 window.  The exception is colonies made by you dropping stuff onto a world without a colony, then it's either your default race or if it's a population you are dropping then it will be of that race.  Yes, civilians will move your new race just like your old race (It's just another commodity to make money moving around to them.)

On bombs, prior 6.0 you just made a missile with out any (almost no) engines.  In 6.0 (which I have yet to play because of errors stopping me from playing non-sol (humans are to generic, give me a race with base temp of 189C and base grav of 2.3 and now you are talking) but I'm going to guess that you either add no engines, or a really cheap and negligible power engine.  Also probably no fuel as well.  I've made size 8 bombs and size 4 (the 4s were used in the fleet's standard launcher and the 8 were put on the mine layer, in two different games) and I went for warhead, since that's all you need.

If the planet has population and you want to wipe them out in a slow (and some consider horrific) way then you can research the rad warhead tech.  It reduces the WH strength but increases the radioactive fallout from the bomb. 
It's not like I ran a game where I built PDCs that were only there for a Scorched Earth policy and each was armed with 20 suicide bombs.

Offline tryrar (OP)

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Re: Conquered and alien pop. Now what?
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 02:53:05 PM »
{snip}It's not like I ran a game where I built PDCs that were only there for a Scorched Earth policy and each was armed with 20 suicide bombs.

....Why does that sound like a Suspicously Specific Denial?;D

Anywho, I'll re-add my question about increasing/decreasing/transferring crew members aboard/off ships, since I'm running into that issue in other games as well