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Offline Varee (OP)

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Missle and sensor
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:04:13 AM »
Ok after messing around for a while i came up with a few other question
First set is about missiles
A if am not mistaken I think you can fire missile at a way point withinthe firecontrol range right? Will missile fir like this hit thinks in it way?
B what does active sensor do on a missle? Does it make them homing toward target or just allow you to fire n that target?
C i saw the wiki mention drone engine but i cant find them.  Is it something you gotto research, low fuel consumption engine or aomething form previous version that no longer exist
D assuming i fire 2two stage missile with 6 missile payload, will thatcount as 1 salvo with 12 or 2 salvo or what if i use one firecontrol
E i was thinking of making like a rapid fire missile boat with like 2 firecontrol firing 2 missile every 5-10 sec nonstop will that be effective against enermy AMM? Or should i better just fire them all?

Next geoup is about active search sensor, i am thinking of how should i make em so i want to ask if these will work, i got a big termal and a decent em on my targetng ship already so space is quite limited
A putting a big sensor into my sensor ship to detect enermy
Pro -reusable -easier to control - harder to be destroy Cons -give away my position -range is not as high
B making a 2 stage missle the launch a scaning bouy at a certain range
Pro - dont give position away as much -safe - larger scanable range Cons -need launcher -1use -need reload
C deploying a smaller scout loaded with bouy to place around
Pro -decoy to draw fire away - can be use as distraction - flexible range Cons -extra ship to manage carry extra bouy
D use a smalle ship or fighter to carry sensor
Pro -dont give away my position -reuseable Con -fragile -extra construction -slower

 Ps am using this fleet for mid-long range in about mid game, the main missile boat got avout 51Mkm range on it MIRV so what method is the best? Also if i make mistake pls correct it so am not misinformed

Offline sublight

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Re: Missle and sensor
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 07:19:24 AM »
Unguided missiles: Non-homing. Unguided missiles require the target to be illuminated by an active scanner. If contact is lost or the controlling firecon is destroyed an unguided missile will self destruct.

(self)Guided missiles: Homing. If the primary target is lost a self-guided missile will switch to on-board guidance and continue to the point the target was last seen. These will retarget on anything that enters on-board sensor range.

A) Firing a guided missile at a waypoint and then deleting the waypoint will cause a guided missile to home in on anything between it and the waypoint that enters sensor range. Please note that missile sensor ranges are very short, so this requires very careful aiming, luck, and an unusually large on-missiles sensor. This is not a recommended tactic.

B) It makes them homing. See above.

C) The drone engine option has been replaced in 6.x by custom engine design. You can recreate one by designing a large missile engine with a low power modifier.

D) If 2 multistage missile are launched in the same salvo then all the 12 payload missiles should also be in the same salvo.

E) If you achieve this by cycling between multiple missile launchers with 15s+ reload times then yes, it can be (slightly) more effective at penetrating AMM defenses. If you have 4 or more 5-10s reload launchers then no, restricting yourself to only two launchers firing will not help unless you are only trying make the defenders run out of AMMs. Either tactic will be much less effective against beam point defenses.

2-A) The simplest and most reliable method. This should be longer ranged than a similarly sized thermal sensor. While EM sensors have even longer ranges at detecting enemy active scanners, the AI tends to leave their active scanners off until they know you are within sensor range.

2-B,C) This will only work if the enemy fleet is not moving.

2-D) Effective. More effective than A if you detect the enemy on passive sensors before they detect you, less effective than A if they find you first. The fighter or small ship must be able to light up the enemy while staying outside of enemy antimissile range or Bad Things will happen.

51m km sounds closer to medium than mid-long, but should work fine for a fleet of missile boats. I'm assuming a missile boat is <3,500 tons. If your missile boats are larger you may want a longer range.

Edited to clarify previous terms 'guided' and 'unguided' as 'homing' and 'non-homing'
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 08:31:30 AM by sublight »

Offline Varee (OP)

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Re: Missle and sensor
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2013, 08:32:54 AM »
Thx for the reply , redisgned a bit and make the gunboat 170m km range without making it too big.  Not sure if it is very good or not it is about 6600 ton with 2 luancher and fc but i cant get it to go fast ,only 3000 km/s which kind of suck but i need better engine i think
Made a new longrange missle with low power for pdc and large ship it is kind of overkill i think, the max range is 5000m km which i think is too much but i dont know how large the systems get but i think this should be fine.  Well it is kind of slow but it seperate at 3. 5m km into a faster missles with some sensor.  Up for more suggestion :D

Offline Varee (OP)

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Re: Missle and sensor
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2013, 08:13:32 PM »
Quote from: sublight link=topic=6094. msg62493#msg62493 date=1366201164
2-A) The simplest and most reliable method.  This should be longer ranged than a similarly sized thermal sensor.  While EM sensors have even longer ranges at detecting enemy active scanners, the AI tends to leave their active scanners off until they know you are within sensor range.

2-B,C) This will only work if the enemy fleet is not moving.

2-D) Effective.  More effective than A if you detect the enemy on passive sensors before they detect you, less effective than A if they find you first.  The fighter or small ship must be able to light up the enemy while staying outside of enemy antimissile range or Bad Things will happen.

Well tried them all ut anyway and i found that B is quite effective on even a mobiel target, i madea bouy that is around 100mkm range and when put in cover it is about size 60, the scout carry 3 of them and fire into enermypath form passive, enermy completely ignor the bouy and when i shut off my emgine they cant track my fleet anymore then they get bombard by my missle :)