Author Topic: The Concordance  (Read 11170 times)

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Offline MarcAFK

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Re: The Concordance
« Reply #60 on: February 25, 2015, 12:41:49 AM »
Er no, Dreadnought was the first of the "all big gun" battleships, what made her radical was her Uniform Main Battery,  unheard of in 1906, though she still had a secondary battery of 12 pounders,  pretty much all Battleships continued with secondary batteries, and later ones had AA batteries as well,  so "All Big-Gun" only refers to the main battery, not overall.

Interestingly the last Royal Navy pre-Dreadnoughts (the Lord Nelson-class) were actually completed and commissioned after Dreadnought

and actually the latest Dreadnought was a Nuclear Submarine  ;D
Sorry, I meant pre-Dreadnaught, haha. I need more sleep.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline boggo2300

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Re: The Concordance
« Reply #61 on: February 25, 2015, 02:54:32 PM »
* one of my complaints with a lot of sci-fi is it degenerates into "world war II in space" which is cool sure but not ad infinitem. I've drawn the primary inspiration for my ships off of 18th and 19th century naval warfare, and you can see that in the emphasis on large slowfiring broadsides.

I tend to classify through function,  though of late I don't use wet warship types very often,  I have Scouts (SC) Patrol vessels (PV), Escort Vessels (EV), Missile Combatants (MC), Laser Combatants (LC), Kinetic Combatants (KC) (which are gauss/railgun jobbies)  I still call fighters fighters, carriers I usually call Motherships (MS),  I also have Jump and Leader versions of a lot of those (J in front of designator for Jump, and L following the designator for Leaders), as well as Light and Heavy variants (L or H at the end of the designator) with nothing for the usual sized ones, so for example a line of battle Jump drive and sensor/flagbridge equipped laser armed ship, of a large size (what would be a Beam Battleship ordinarily) would be  a Heavy Jump, Laser Combatant Leader (JLCLH), an Escort Frigate equivalent would be a Light Escort Vessel (EVL) and the equivalent for a Missile Cruiser would be a Missile Combatant (MC)


The boggosity of the universe tends towards maximum.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: The Concordance
« Reply #62 on: February 26, 2015, 12:19:32 AM »
I've decided on a naming convention based on role, with the main strength of the fleet coming from the venerable destroyer which shall be built as large as I can field slipways en-masse, only a few significantly larger slipways will exist and they'll be reserved for specialised sensor ships, carriers, jump point defence breeching dreadnaughts etc.

Destroyer: Large missile armed ships designed as self sufficient with average speed, range, armour, and minimal active defences.
Destroyer escort: Similar but specialised for anti missile and anti fighter operations.
Cruiser: Beam armed offensive oriented ship designed with significantly more speed than the rest of the wall of battle. Should be optimised for greatest possible beam range to allow kiting enemy beam formations, less armour and significantly less range than a destroyer is likely.
Cruiser Escort: Is to cruiser what destroyer escort is to destroyer: Cruiser specialised for anti missile/fighter work, lower resolution sensors with longer range, faster firing but less damage beam weapons.
Battleship: Beam armed offensive ships designed to crush opposition wherever they travel, should be armed with the heaviest available beam weapons and be more greatly armoured than destroyers, can be slower than a destroyer, have less fuel and minimal sensors. Saved weight allows significantly more tonnage to be devoted to weapons, must be escorted at all times due to it's sensor blindness.
Dreadnaught: Even more specialised for offence than a battleship. Ponderous, heavily armoured, range measured in days but equipped with a crippling broadside of plasma carronades to wipe out any stationary opponent unlucky enough to be caught.
FAC: a small cheap platform designed to deliver a certain weapon to bear quickly onto a target, has no sensors and minimal defences, very short range but extreme speed .
Corvette: Large FAC, should have some armour, less speed and greater range.
Frigate: Long range Corvette designed with similar attributes as a destroyer but able to operate as a group independently without the rest of the fleet, speed like a Cruiser. Frigates should be my ship of choice for scouting at the beginning of the game. Designed to run away from overwhelming force if nessicary.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "