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Offline boggo2300

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2014, 02:53:21 PM »
The game does not reward playing a mage, you use 1 spell fireball; I am swapping between summoning an anorarch, lightening, healing (me or lydia), utility spells and the game sucks at that.  And Mage robes are necessary if you want to be able to regen magica fast enough to cast more than a few spells.  But likely the big difference is I play on an Xbox and hence have no mods you play with mods so in principle you aren't playing Skyrim you are playing something else.

I obviously gave the wrong impression,  I MAINLY use fireball but I actually use quite a few spells,  and I completed the main quest line of Skyrim with nothing but graphics mods.  You have to remember that ES games are MEANT to be played with mods, thats why they've included the mod toolkit with every ES game since Daggerfall, and I'm not sure I agree that for instance adding hotkey support suddenly means I'm not playing Skyrim.  Though I'm coming at things from a vastly different perspective than you, having put many many hours into every Elder Scrolls game from Arena onwards.

All in all though It's probably the MMO I've enjoyed most since LotRo (and my enjoyment of Lotro has been steadily diminishing since they took the fog out of the barrow downs in about book 9) I've also been looking forward to this since it was announced, and my experience so far has exceeded my expectations (though I am a little hesitant about the RvR PvP theyre using, last game that relied on that was Warhammer, and look what happened to that!
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2014, 02:56:43 PM »
Skyrim pretty but too easy.

Unfortunately teso is significantly easier than Skyrim,  I'm hoping the difficulty ramps up after the starter areas,  it's also a little disconcerting in an Elder Scrolls game for as much stuff to be non-interactable!
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2014, 04:22:52 PM »
The difficulty does indeed go up. Sharply in some cases. One of the complaints from beta is you got the "hold your hand" "on rails" starter zones, got to the first city zone, and then got to the main city area and stuff got much tougher, fast.

That was 8 to 10ish on the last beta. Past 10, things slowed down noticeably from a leveling perspective, and the difficult ramps up fast. I had hell killing some of the mobs at level. There were a couple that I could not kill at level, I had to come back.

Weapon management gets much easier at 15, you get to swap between two weapons sets, which helps. Mobs are grouping more, and more aggressive.

There we complaints actually, that the difficulty went from "too easy" to "freaking hard" very quickly. Lots of folks had issues finishing class quests in the Ebonheart zones, and the main storyline was VERY hard for anyone that did not have fast burst damage.

The Beta for this coming weekend looks pretty good so for, 2000+ bugfixes, I am looking forward to seeing what is no longer broken.

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2014, 03:34:26 PM »
yeah a 6+gb patch implies theres been a bit of work done  :)
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Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2014, 08:50:27 AM »
Well I got into this last beta and was on the European megaserver.

I didn't play my mage but started a Nord-Templar since they asked for new character experiences.  First thing was the fact that I can't really see that much different about the start where you get a sword as opposed to pick your weapon of choice.  The battle before the engine was somewhat more interesting I guess but I otherwise don't think that the tutorial is better or worse.  I looted a lot more from it though.

I did have a problem with my Nord and that was for no reason I understood I was surrounded by cats and elves when I left coldharbor.  I went to the starting island feeling confused but the Cat I spoke with seemed to be expecting me...and I got to lvl 6 before I suddenly realized that I had accidently selected "Dominion" as alligence and "Nord" as race...I only spotted this when I created a High Elf character and found myself in the identical start.  This being the case I decided to skip the starter island and plunge into the main Island quests and see what the difference was.  The difference is immense.  If you go to the starter islands you find stuff, you get you feet wet and you pick up gear.  Starting on the main Island I was using from arrival to lvl 8 the same weapon...a lvl 1 dagger and a green lvl 4 hand axe.  I had partial armour (as in no full set) and that was a mix and match affair.  I got to lvl 6 then found myself doing a lvl 8 quest since the adventure path sends you out of the main city at lvl 5 but when you get where it tells you to go suddenly the level is 8.  I died several times trying to do the last battle and gave up and spent a lot of time hunting down scraps of leather.  Oh...I was a high elf nightblade using axe and dagger.  I died a lot...probably close to 750 gold in repair bills lots.  I found either things worked died in 1-3 hits from the rear or else I was up the creek.  In stand up fights I got clobbered, which I think is probably my fault but it is hard to sort out the combat system as things happen fairly quickly.  I pretty much need to learn to block more often I suspect.  Still as opposed to my mage I was dieing both with my Nord twohanded sword wielder or with my axe-dagger wielding nightblade far more often.  Part of the problem is your health is pretty minimal...and that means things go from bad to worse and it is hard to figure out why.  It is frustrating though when you have to get the steath hit in to survive the fight and the starting condition doesn't allow it.

So the difficulty seems turned up.  With collision I found myself trapped a few times, and that is bad.  The biggest issue is that it is often very hard to sort out what is killing you.  No log file and so on.

What I am noticing though is a few "quality of life" issues.  Pack capacity is absolutely necessary and exceptionally expensive.  Also all character share the same bank.  This isn't my idea of a good time.  My characters are seperate individuals so why do they share a bank?  But the real issue is crafting takes a huge amount of storage space.  You have Jute/cloth, scraps/rawhide, ore/iron, rought/sanded maple, then water plus a dozen types of flowers, then add in 3 kinds of runes each of which comes in several flavors.  Then food requires 2 ingrediants per recipe so you have say 6 raw ingrediant piles and 3 finished ones, plus say 6 or more potions and another 4 glyphs.  Add that us and you get say 30 things in your pack at a minimum.  Add in fish, bait, gems for crafting, misc items and gear you pick up and I was often even with a pack capacity of 60 completely full.

Dungeons...I tried a few out.  Uhm...they are a zerg fest.  And I hate zergs.  I died often enough in these things to realize you go into them with a party or stay away.  Unless you like running around in a zerg of course.

I did a few dark anchors.  Uhm another Zeg fest.  Chaos and more Chaos.  Not enough to say if they were fun or not.  Then I was in a few of those things where a mini-engine would deposite some beasts...alone you die...  But I took on these with PUGs and that was fun...but didn't lead to any interaction.  In fact that is my main issue with the one talking in local.

I hit another bugged reset on a quest (aide the northern priestes) and no matter how often I said "please leave the area and let it reset" in yell people didn't.  I gave up and logged out and when I logged in early the next morning there was only one person there and dove in and we did it without a even reset.  So I helped the next group.  I hit the same thing with the guild quest "aide Alisa" she was also not reseting but that was at the end of my play time.  I really have to say that they need to instance the main story more because it destroys immersion when you have a dozen people doing the same "secret" mission.

World exploring both in Skyrim (with my recreated Pack Nord...Halldor Hildirson) was interesting.  But I spent most of my time with my Altmer nightblade...surrounded by cats, half naked savages er bosmer, and other les.. er less well known races populating our busy port island.  We are all friends and allies...yes?   At last I know where the wolves hide for hides...I was about ready to kill people who just can't seem to not kill things as they walk around and then just rush off...I was stalking that wolf for a purpose dingbat!

I also found a special crafting station but I don't know if I can get it to work...I'll have to go back next time, if there is a next time and see.  I got to lvl 9.

I have to say I can't fathom how they expect to get the game to work with a subscription fee.  My guess is that with 3 sets of players PC/MAC, XBox, and PS they will have around 1 m people total.  I'd guess 3-5 m will try the game for between 1-3 months.  I don't see them retaining more than 10-15% of the people who try.  They should use the system in the next ES game though it is a lot better than the current on they have in my view.

But thinking on what the head of it said..."it is the elder scrolls" and "it is online."  Well it is the elder scrolls, I have had a blast exploring the various islands and reading the books and stuff...but it is online which means about half the time the people are anoying, a quarter the time or less they are useful, and the other part of the time they are just ignorable.

I'm waiting to see what happens...which should be obvious by june or july.  I've purchased SWTOR, STO, CoH/V, and AoC so buying the client doesn't faze me...but I'm dubious they will stay subscription for long.  Equally so I know "Free to Play" is "Free to Pay" as that just means they nickle and dime the money out of you.  Both LoTRO and NW are that way.  Since PvP is supposed to be important to the game I'm a bit dubious how well FtP was the reason WAR never could do that change over, as Free to Play become "Pay to Win."  But they have to give people a pretty big incentive to compete for subscription money.

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2014, 09:36:32 AM »
I played for a couple of hours on Saturday, got bored/frustrated and logged to play some Civ V. :)

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2014, 01:28:49 PM »
Hmmm...well if it was single player game it would be the first elder scrolls game I'd be interested in buying.  The single player story experience is great...unfortunately it doesn't blend in at all well with the MMO aspect.  The whole emergent story thing is pretty much wiped out when someone blunders into the middle of your story and bounds around and runs off...  And they have no social it is like the world is populated by mute wierdo's.  I've had someone run up when I was one step from a rune stone and nab it, or kill the wolf I was closing in on...and bound off to kill a mud crap and at this time I was desperate for leather scraps and wolves are I had been hunting wolves and imps for several hours trying to get enough leather to make my armour.  I guess that is "emergant story" but it is a bit different then the kind people mean when talking about skyrim.

I really don't know how this is going to work for them.  I can see people buying the game playing for a month or two to experience the story and then stopping.  They claim 5 m beta but well TSW and SWTOR had big betas and then retention was in both cases "less then expected."  Basically by June we should see the writing on the wall is my view.

Offline Theodidactus

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2014, 01:54:18 PM »
"the elder scrolls" has ALWAYS been about the single player experience. It just doesn't make sense to me. "the elder scrolls: The MMORPG" just feels like "Aurora: the first-person shooter" it's a medium that pretty much directly contradicts the message.
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2014, 02:00:50 PM »
SWTOR should have been Kotor 3, 4, 5, & 6 in my opinion. I play it, but if you are grouped for anything other than Heroics/FP/WZ/etc., it is way to simple. And I see ESO following this path. There will be good single player stories, but everyone is the "Chosen one" or whatever. It truly seems pointless to be multiplayer.

I think of games in the last 10 years, Lotro probably had the best way to handle the story. You are not the chosen one. He's off headed to Mordor. You're just a regular person helping keep things safe at home. Sort of. :)

Offline boggo2300

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2014, 03:46:19 PM »
Personally I can't think of any MMO that has a lot of people using local,  it's pretty limiting,  and especially Beta crowds,  they usually have the help channels the busiest as people try and figure out stuff.

Right from the first announcement I've been predicting f2p in 6 months though.

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Offline Theodidactus

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2014, 05:08:19 PM »
And I see ESO following this path. There will be good single player stories, but everyone is the "Chosen one" or whatever. It truly seems pointless to be multiplayer.

This goes back to what I said earlier but I've always been a little confused as to why "fantasy" became the default genre of most MMORPG's. The format seems decidedly "unfantastic". MMORPG culture always seems to be decidedly more martial or corporate (with guilds and raids and such) so like, it always made more sense for me (as a big time RPer) to get really into sci-fi or zombie survival mmorpg's than fantasy ones. When I RP fantasy I like imagining that being a wizard is something special, like, you're not gonna see another one tear across the screen once every 10 minutes. 
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2014, 05:37:33 PM »
Or the inevitable Leggalamb, Legolass, Leggomyass, Aragorrn, Arragorn, Gandalph, Gandyalp, etc, ad nauseum.

Offline Theodidactus

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2014, 06:48:58 PM »
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2014, 03:49:29 AM »
Matt, I'm a roleplayer.  I log on to play my character, I am in character all the time and so the only thing that matters to me is local or group when we have to discuss things like "which quest next."  What is really annoying is that there are no chat bubbles.  In LotRO it is absurd I get this text out of nowhere and I have no idea who said it, ah well, roleplayers don't count.

As for names...I will never forget in AoC I ran into a group of raiders* and one of them introduced himself as "Aragorn, son of Arathorn" --now the game expressly tells you that this is not allowed.  After a bit of talking to these imbiciles I suggested I'd like to invite them all to a participate in a quaint local religious ceremony some time and turned around and walked away.  It should be noted I was playing a set worshiping stygian demonologist and what I meant was:  I'd love to either rip their hearts out or feed them to a snake.  In ESO I ran into someone called "(something) Septim" and had the same sort of whimsy.

*I have very little good to say about raids, or the people who participate in them.  I will say that of the 3 people involved in the incident one was genuinely trying so I'd have spared him from the alter the other two..."blood for power!"  But my other interactions with the unprintable obscenities over the years have convinced me I want nothing to do with them.
Here is an article that basically says the same things we have been saying.  I don't completely agree with everything but that is shading more or less.  I don't have an objection to the starter islands, since even Skyrim has starter areas, and if you wander away from them you die awefully fast to ice wolves or ice cats or whatever.  I felt I could explore unfettered ... I did the main quest at my own pace and walked over the entire island poking into things I found.

On the chosen one story line...I'm mystified.  In TSW you are basically one of many antibodies Gaia created with the Bees, in LotRO you are just an ordinary person in middle earth helping the ring bearers on the sidelines, in WAR you were just a member of the horde (should be obvious which side I was playing), SWTOR well that was harder to say but "chosen one" didn't quite seem to fit...especially because if you had a mixed group you got to experience each others storylines...but clearly you got some starpower.  CoV...well you were just a supervillian amoung super but otherwise not special.  STO...uhm well err...again no feeling of chosen-ness.  But ESO's story is really a single player game story.  And it doesn't sit at all well with the whole concept of a MMO...I'd love to play it in a single player game.   The quests are signficantly better than the ones I've seen in the elder scroll games.  Well until you get to the quest and find out that the NPC is borked and that the respawn is being blocked by people who can't really seem to grasp "You have to move outside the quest area and give the NPC a chance to properly respawn."  A concept that isn't that difficult to grasp I'd think. 

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online Beta
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2014, 08:19:14 AM »
SWtOR does have some of that "chosen one" mentality. All the bounty hunters are winners of the Great Hunt. All of the Jedi consulars are looking for a cure for the disease. And so forth. It's Star Wars, but it is no SWG. Sadly...

I have noticed that a lot of games don't enforce the naming policy, unless it is blatantly offensive. Which on a RP server just sucks.

One thing I did notice there was not a lot of instancing. If I enter tomb X to get the whatchamajiggers, I really don't want to compete with 30 others for them. I had to zone, so make it an instance. That right there would probably clear up a lot of the issues with quests for TESO.