Author Topic: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread  (Read 95984 times)

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Offline xeryon

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2014, 09:55:34 PM »
I am playing a fairly standard Sol start and when exploring neighboring systems I encountered a non-Empire NPR that auto generated when I explored the system.  Three things have arisen from that:

First: It was obvious that an auto-generating race had been found as that particular turn caused my CPU cycles to spike and fans to all ramp up.  At that time 5 day turns took 5-6 seconds to pass (early game fun!) and this particular turn required a good 20+ seconds.  It's not much of a surprise when a quirk of the game alerts me to what happened.  Not sure if there is any way to smooth this out but the scenario is the same every time I meet an auto-generating race where the specific time cycle involved in system discovery takes 2x-3x longer than other new system discovery turns.

Second: ever since encountering this system my auto-turn function is broke.  I can run any turn length I want but it won't run more than one turn.  It behaves like a NPR interrupt break but never interferes with full turn time and affects 5 second all the way to 30 day increments.  I have no ships in the NPR system and they are unable to exit the system so there should be no sensor detection.  This seems like it would be really hard to pin down and very possibly could be a quirk of my local game.  I haven't tested on any other games yet.

Third: The one thing that probably can be solved pretty quickly.  This particular auto-generated NPR appears in my Empire pull-down list on the Population and Production window (and any other place when I can select other Empires).  If I select it I am prompted for the SM password to view populations.  I have not entered in a SM password (which there isn't one) and just hit cancel.  I get the warning that I cannot view their populations (because I didn't enter in a password).  Now the currently selected Empire is the NPR and most of the PaP tabs are still my empire except for Teams/Academy and the Scientists and Create New Research Project fields in the Research tab. I cannot see the NPRs populations but I can see all of their scientists, all of their unresearched technologies (if I hit the radio button at the bottom I can see everything they finished researching) and all of their available navel, ground and admin personnel that can be placed into a team.  It resulted in a hybrid of their personnel overlaid into my population page.

*edit: I can reproduce the ability to see the NPR staff on the Teams/Academy page every time as long as that isn't the currently selected tab when I select the alien NPR from the Empire tab and cancel the SM password window.  I haven't found the exact trigger for the Research tab though and cannot forcibly reproduce it.  Just sometimes it seems to happen and others it does not.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 10:01:03 PM by xeryon »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2014, 01:46:12 PM »
NPR Methane Breathers on Titan are at war with an Earth-start NPR in another, seperate game.  Both races are military-neutral to me.  I'm not sure if theyre at war with both earth based races or just one.

I don't think the methane breathers are respecting exclusion zones either - i can't be sure, but they sent military to my homeworld of Ceres and are just sitting there.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 01:49:56 PM by TheDeadlyShoe »

Offline 381654729

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2014, 03:58:30 PM »
Upon advancing time by 5 days, I get this error:

I installed 6.30 using the AcidWeb's portable download, but updated to 6.40 and 6.41 using Steve's exe and database downloads, and not the 6.41 portable version.

Clicking OK results in 4 consecutive Error 91s then this same window again. The pattern of this window followed by four 91s continues for some time then the turn processes normally. This seems to happen every construction cycle since it happens once for every time I press "5 days".

I have met an alien race who decided to share geo and grav survey data but I (think I) have not located their homeworld.

The campaign is about 30 in-game years.

Restoring a save from prior to this then playing up to this point generated the same error at about the same in-game time.

There has been some shortened intervals prior to this error.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 04:33:44 PM by Montecchio »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2014, 04:52:32 PM »
Upon advancing time by 5 days, I get this error:

I installed 6.30 using the AcidWeb's portable download, but updated to 6.40 and 6.41 using Steve's exe and database downloads, and not the 6.41 portable version.

Clicking OK results in 4 consecutive Error 91s then this same window again. The pattern of this window followed by four 91s continues for some time then the turn processes normally. This seems to happen every construction cycle since it happens once for every time I press "5 days".

I have met an alien race who decided to share geo and grav survey data but I (think I) have not located their homeworld.

The campaign is about 30 in-game years.

Restoring a save from prior to this then playing up to this point generated the same error at about the same in-game time.

There has been some shortened intervals prior to this error.

I think I know what the problem is (bit not 100% sure :)). Please install the new v6.42 patch and let me know if that fixes it,7054.0.html

Offline xeryon

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2014, 12:53:47 PM »
This may be a preexisting issue that I cannot find information on but I don't seem to recall having this problem previously.  Civilian colony ships do not seem to take into account available space on a colony and respond with a somewhat reasonable action.  If the colony is over-populated to start off they won't deliver new but they will happily overpopulate the snot out of it in the following situation:

Situation: one fledgling colony 200+ days travel for my civilian cargo and colony ships.  Colony is a high cost body that hasn't been terraformed into shape yet.  Civilian cargo ships deliver a few infrastructure to the colony and create some head-space for new colonists.  The following time increment the ENTIRE civilian colony ship fleet sets sail.  We are talking a few million colonists launch from orbit and head toward a colony that has just had infrastructure delivered that made enough space for about 50,000.  Half a year+ later they are dumped planetside to the groan of civilian administrators and the delight of morticians colony-wide.  The population change percentage goes into the -500% range and the body goes into stability chaos.  Immediately cargo ships grab available infrastructure and head for the 200 day trip to the colony.  Of course it is no where near enough.  By the time they reach the planet 90%+ of the colonists previously delivered have already died.  The new infrastructure fixes the problem with the few remaining colonists and creates new population head-room.  Rinse, Repeat.

This one colony is now mankinds largest loss of human life ever recorded.  Well over 100m people have died in the effort to bring it's population to about 5m.  The only way I can stem the tide is to cancel the ship orders every time it happens but that is tedious and a stop-gap solution anyway.

Offline Bgreman

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2014, 02:34:20 PM »
This may be a preexisting issue that I cannot find information on but I don't seem to recall having this problem previously.  Civilian colony ships do not seem to take into account available space on a colony and respond with a somewhat reasonable action.  If the colony is over-populated to start off they won't deliver new but they will happily overpopulate the snot out of it in the following situation:

Situation: one fledgling colony 200+ days travel for my civilian cargo and colony ships.  Colony is a high cost body that hasn't been terraformed into shape yet.  Civilian cargo ships deliver a few infrastructure to the colony and create some head-space for new colonists.  The following time increment the ENTIRE civilian colony ship fleet sets sail.  We are talking a few million colonists launch from orbit and head toward a colony that has just had infrastructure delivered that made enough space for about 50,000.  Half a year+ later they are dumped planetside to the groan of civilian administrators and the delight of morticians colony-wide.  The population change percentage goes into the -500% range and the body goes into stability chaos.  Immediately cargo ships grab available infrastructure and head for the 200 day trip to the colony.  Of course it is no where near enough.  By the time they reach the planet 90%+ of the colonists previously delivered have already died.  The new infrastructure fixes the problem with the few remaining colonists and creates new population head-room.  Rinse, Repeat.

This one colony is now mankinds largest loss of human life ever recorded.  Well over 100m people have died in the effort to bring it's population to about 5m.  The only way I can stem the tide is to cancel the ship orders every time it happens but that is tedious and a stop-gap solution anyway.

Canceling the ship orders also just dumps those colonists overboard, so you're losing them either way.  This is an issue that has existed for years.  The issue is that once enough room for a single load of colonists is created, every ship in the civilian fleet goes, "Oh hey, there's enough room for my colonists, set course!"  They do this independently, without checking whether any other ships are heading there.

I could swear that at one point Steve said he had fixed this, but if you're still reporting it, I guess not.

Steve, not sure how exactly the civs are making the decision, but maybe the following algorithm might work.

Code: [Select]
  UnusedPopulationSpace = GetUnusedPopulationSpaceForColony(populationID);
  ColonistsEnRoute = GetTotalColonistsEnRoute(populationID);

  if (ColonistsEnRoute >= UnusedPopulationSpace)
    // Optional recursion, if you want to keep ColonistsEnRoute saturated.  You'd need to do other checking to not get stuck in a recursive loop (not enough colony ships to meet the return criteria above, for example)

  SELECT {Cargo} FROM Ships WHERE {Ship is colony ship} AND {Ship has an order to unload colonists at populationID};

  ForEach (record in QueryResult)
      ColonistsEnRoute += {colonists from this ship}
  return ColonistsEnRoute;
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 02:39:10 PM by Bgreman »

Offline xeryon

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #51 on: April 29, 2014, 03:23:22 PM »
I am aware the canceling the orders jettisons the colonists into space.  Meh, they were frozen anyway so what's the difference?  I haven't seen this recently so I think it was previously fixed and recently re-broken.  SM provides a host of ways to work around it so it isn't a game stoppage problem, just an irritation is all.

Offline Nathan_

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2014, 10:21:10 PM »
It looks like civilian shipping lines do not take spaceports into account for loading, and possibly unloading as well.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2014, 10:45:36 PM »
I just posted this in the suggestion thread, but a very easy partial fix for this would be to make the "stable" option available on low population bodies so you can manually ban ships from dumping onto new colonies. The best way around this bug currently is to just set every large planet you have as stable, the CIV ships shouldn't take anyone off them, the small colonies then should be fine as "destination of colonists" is still checked, but as there is nowhere to take from the CIVS should still sit idle.
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Offline Nathan_

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2014, 12:36:24 PM »
The Huge freighter(and possibly colony) designs the civs use don't seem like they are being updated for new engine technology. I just saw a F1 Huge freighter replace an F2 large freighter for example.

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #55 on: May 01, 2014, 09:42:21 AM »
Reposting bugs from the 6.30 thread that are still present in 6.42:

1. Combat Drop Module (Cryo) - Battalion and Combat Drop Module (Cryo) - Company both have typos in their descriptions: "...unit is hled in cryogenic stasis and does not suffer moral penalties" should be "held in stasis... morale penalties."

2. Ground units held in standard (non-cryogenic) Combat Drop Modules do not suffer morale penalties even after two years in the module. Tested on both battalion-sized and company-sized modules.


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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #56 on: May 02, 2014, 09:21:25 AM »
started another new game v6.42 with 3NPR on earth and i'm at war with one of them  :( everything was fine until i got a pair of civi freighters and the NPR rammed them a few days later then promptly bombed my ground units to bits :-X

edit: i makes me think that the civi ships are being identified by their corporation name as their empire rather than their empire owner thus become targets not triggering the truce programming code, this would answer why the NPRs are fighting early also, whoever gets the first civi ships get attacked
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 02:22:50 PM by wilddog5 »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #57 on: May 02, 2014, 11:21:30 AM »
A workaround is to disable sensors in the sol system until the truce period expires.

Offline Haji

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #58 on: May 03, 2014, 01:14:53 PM »
In the case of underground infrastructure the population will continue to grow even after the planet in question is overpopulated (for comparison, in the case of normal infrastructure population growth is negative when a planet is overpopulated). This happened in a single game, but for two different colonies for two different player races. For example I currently have 150 million people on Pluto with space for 102 million and 5% growth rate.
It should be noted that I still get unrest points for overpopulation.

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Re: Official v6.40 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Reply #59 on: May 03, 2014, 10:16:27 PM »
In my community game, a civilian mining colony was established, when I went to look at it the minerals screen was showing that it was expecting usage, this was odd to me, the industry tab showed that the colony was attempting to build 0.6 mines, and 187 Svedlov Anti-Missile Missiles, this design has been created by no players in the game. Not exactly game breaking, but I thought it was quite strange.