Author Topic: step by step tutorial how to set multiple earth nation game anybody ?  (Read 3428 times)

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Offline sneer (OP)

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6.4 is out
All I know is that I have to use SM mode for this but I'd like to avoid multiple restarts due to forgotten or wrongly placed stuff
so maybe somebody with experiance would prepare short tutorial how to setup such game ?
I'd be grateful

Offline Sharp

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SM Mode, System View (the one where you can see all bodies in the system in the menu, to the left of the Galactic Map IIRC)

Then on the bottom right you have the bunch of options to add stuff, one if them is adding an Empire and once you click on that you can set if you want that to be playable or NPR, you can also fiddle about with minerals on body if you want multi-sol start to say have starting faction on Mars or something, just remember that any race set up on a world will use that world as it's base-line for race environmental tolerances, the game will warn you though if the body is unsuitable though so you will have to terraform it by creating a colony on it and then with SM mode insta-terraform it.

Also once NPRs are created they will use Fast OOB creation to instantly bring out fleets right from the start.

Offline sneer (OP)

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thanks , it seems I have it running :)
will be fun

Offline sneer (OP)

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how to generate officers , scientists and other personel ?
my sm race seem to be biggest problem so far
I did not notice RP spent so did it myself but I lack any scientist who could start research
I also experiance problem of not surveyed earth ...even when under SM mode I push body survey on earth

i tried to use add extra for new personel but it added nothing
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:51:01 AM by sneer »

Offline Sharp

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Adding officers is done in the officers menu, you can't specify which or what officers you want, you can just add an amount and they will be sorted randomly into Navy, Ground, Civil Admin and Scientists.

You can retire any excess if you just want to add like 500 and then retire 470 ones.

I dunno about the survey one, it should work, can you see the minerals? There is another text box there which shows if JP Survey is complete which will normally be incomplete but that's only for jump points not minerals. Can try getting rid of survey for all bodies then survey body again for Earth.

Offline sneer (OP)

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well I could not and it was weird
But I decided I dont need SM made game for my race and started traditionally and added other earth factions later
so far it seems better and working

Offline sneer (OP)

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game seem to be fully setup
but lots of other earth nations ships and ensors around lows game
how to stop treating other nations potentially hostile in terms of game mechanics during the homeworld truce ?

elf edit ...somehow it regulated itself after few more turns :)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:24:26 AM by sneer »

Offline Jorgen_CAB

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When I run multiple factions I usually turn of the sensor calculations for ships until there is a conflict, this speeds up the game considerably.

You find this under the "Sensors" tab in the main map screen.

Another thing to note is that you can also use "Space Time Bubble" during military conflict in a system where lots of things is going on if there are not much happening elsewhere. I usually do this when missiles start flying. This setting find in the "Contacts" tab on the main map.

Also you should be logged on as SM at all time and then use the Production overview where you can now see what all factions are up to and when stuff is finished. This is a very handy tool if you govern several factions yourself that is.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 06:26:27 AM by Jorgen_CAB »

Offline Mikeck

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I haven't played in a year but I am thinking of restarting here. So I understand, I can - using the SM- set up 3 different races on earth with 2 being NPR and 1 controlled by me correct? I want to simulate earth factions competing for solar resources and nearby worlds

Offline NihilRex

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Yes, you can.

However, if you have ruins in system - there will eventually be a surprise war.

There are also reports that NPRs may not respect the truce rules with respect to each other, but I have not personally seen it.

I would suggest using SM to turn off sensors in Sol, and changing your DR to make them allied\friendly for the first yr or so, to prevent surprise war the instant the truce expires.

Offline Mikeck

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Thank you for the info. One more question? Is been a while since I messed around with it but is it possible to limit NPR creation to "none" and limit the number of systems to 5 or 6 off sol? In the past, I have set up systems but then the game adds a bunch more to wormholes

Offline JacenHan

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You need to uncheck the "Real Stars" option for the system limit to apply.

Offline SteelChicken

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Some questions about this...I was attempting to get this work last night and was running into some issues, presumably because I don't know exactly how to do it.

In Steve's Solarian Empires, he has a handful of NPR's setup on Earth, and then his player Empire in the Jovian system.    Wanting to set up a similar starting point, I couldn't get it to work very well.   If I used the F9-create new empire functionality, if I made the empires "NPR", I could no longer see them under select race and therefore couldn't edit them.   If I didn't select the "make NPR" option, then they weren't under programmatic control and didn't do anything...

Do I need to use the designer mode to create all these different NPR's and get them setup the way I want? Or is there someway to tell Aurora to "provide computer control" for this particular race?

Offline NihilRex

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The only way to control NPRs that I know of is to vary the Wealth and Industrial percentages along with their populations when you create them.

Oh, and also to nuke them from orbit, its the only way to be sure.