Author Topic: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Completed)  (Read 5991 times)

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Offline Krictic (OP)

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Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Completed)
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:39:34 PM »
340 years ago, Humanity´s last bastion of civilization fell to a unknown alien race, who consumed the whole Terran Galactic Empire, only a handful of the best and brightest of what humanity had to offer were saved via the Generation Fleet, commonly known as the Last Hope Fleet, but theese efforts were severely diminished by both internal and external factors, first they were pursued relentlessy by said alien race, at every step, at every jump point, they were followed, but they resisted and survived against all odds.

Next post i will talk about the other generation ships who colonized Offenbach´s system and will talk about the planet itself.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 06:42:10 PM by Krictic »

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2015, 12:52:45 AM »
Tecnocracia Brasileira (Brazillian Technocracy)

Population: 675.000
Government: Meritocracy
Leader:Admiral Marcos Silva Valenciano
Industrial: 250%
Wealth Creation: 50%
Conventional Industries: 175
Mines: 0
Research Center: 3
Research Points: 250.000

Their technological advancement concentrates mostly on cloaking tech, low-speed, low EM/thermal signature, advanced armor tech (they begin wikth high-density duranium), electronic warfare and hardening, orbital habitats, high-tonnage ships with lots of armor and laser/meson weapons.

Their military doctrine is to anihilate the enemy with highly advanced tech, their cloaking are the best in all the generation ships.

Republik der Neu Hoffen stats (Republic of New Hope):
Population: aprox. 2.000.000
Government: Plutocracy
Leader: Plutocrat Reinhard von Lohengramm
Industrial: 125%
Wealth Creation: 150%
Conventional Industries: 50
Mines: ?
Research Center: 1
Research Points: 150.000

Tianchao Xin Xiwang (Celestial Empire of New Hope)

Tianchao Xin Xiwang stats:
Population: aprox. 3.500.000
Government: High Imperial Monarchy
Leader: Emperor Yang Wen Li (the heresy of this...)
Industrial: 200%
Wealth Creation: 75%
Conventional Industries: 100
Mines: ?
Research Center: 2
Research Points: 180.000

Republica de la Nueva Esperanza (Republic of New Hope)

República de la Nueva Esperanza stats:
Population: aprox. 1.600.000
Government: Republic
Leader: President Corazon Santiago
Industrial: 190%
Wealth Creation: 100%
Conventional Industries: 40
Mines: ?
Research Center: 1
Research Points: 125.000

Shin Sekai Yori no Bakufu (Shogunate of the New World)

Shin Sekai Yori no Bakufu stats:
Population: aprox. 2.500.000
Government: Republic
Leader: Shoguness Koubuin Yuuhi
Industrial: 150%
Wealth Creation: 150%
Conventional Industries: 75
Mines: ?
Research Center: 2
Research Points: 205.000

The Commonwealth of New Hope

The Commonwealth of New Hope stats:
Population: aprox. 1.300.000
Government: Representative Democracy
Leader: Prime-Minister Helen Smith
Industrial: 125%
Wealth Creation: 100%
Conventional Industries: 60
Mines: ?
Research Center: 1
Research Points: 160.000
Shiyards: 2

Cosmopolitan Republic of the People  stats:
Population: aprox. 3.250.000
Government: Republic
Leader: President Nereus Mohammad
Industrial: 125%
Wealth Creation: 100%
Conventional Industries: 50
Mines: ?
Research Center: 1
Research Points: 160.000
Shiyards: 1

Facts about Planet New Hope:

Official Name: Offenbach A-III
System: Offenbach
Star Spectral Class:K4-V (Diameter 1.1m, Mass 0.69, Luminosity 0.20)
Body Type: Terrestrial
Surf. Temp.: 13.8 C°
Orbital Distance: 86.000.000 km
Nitrogen 79%
Oxygen 13.6%
Carbon Dioxide 13.0%
Diameter:16.800 km
Hydrosphere: Liquid
Extent: 32%
Day:12 Hours
Year: 190 Days
Axial Tilt: 30°
Tectonics: High
Mass: 1.9071
Density: 0.84
Escape:13.4 km/s
Mag. Field: 0.3
Tidal: no
Albedo (best girl): 1.01
Grenhouse: 1.27

Brazillian Technocracy: 675.000
Republik der Neu Hoffen: 2.000.000
Tianchao Xin Xiwang: 3.500.000
Republica de la Nueva Esperanza: 1.600.000
Shin Sekai Yori no Bakufu: 2.500.000
The Commonwealth of New Hope: 1.300.000
Cosmopolitan Republic of the People: 3.250.000
Total: 13.725.00 est.

To be updated:
The individual backgrounds for each faction.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 05:04:59 AM by Krictic »

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2015, 01:15:02 AM »
Such insanely low popukation, I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
Edit: btw the industrial percentage number only changes how much an empire starts with compared to the default for that population level, sadly it doesn't give a permanent bonus as I had hoped.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 01:17:53 AM by MarcAFK »
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2015, 01:20:04 AM »
Such insanely low popukation, I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
Edit: btw the industrial percentage number only changes how much an empire starts with compared to the default for that population level, sadly it doesn't give a permanent bonus as I had hoped.

Worse, the minerals on the planets are few and most are 0.4 acessibility, thankfully, Sorium, Duranium and Neutronium seems to be in good shape. But it will become a huge problem once we begin competing for resources.

Damn it, i thought it was meant to be the industrial capacity.
Oh well, nothing i can do about now that the scenario is done, im currently writing the background for the factions and setting up the techs the Brazillians begin with.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 01:23:21 AM by Krictic »

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2015, 01:21:47 AM »
It might be a good idea to increase the accessibility, they've got it hard enough .
Carbon dioxide 13%?
It's worse than I thought, anything over 1% is uncomfortable, above 5% starts giving severe symptoms, but 10% is generally fatal. Your guys have to either do everything in breathing equipment or some kind of technobabble that removes excess co2 from the blood. Lowest tech version is lye which absorbs co2 and releases it when heated.
Under ideal conditions I might assume you might use a rebreather type system that takes in ir, scrubs out the co2 recirculates it into the lungs until the oxygen gets too low , then takes in more air. A person produces a kilo of co2 a day but since your air has as much co2 as oxygen you might need to scrub out 10 kilos a day to get the air for a single person. Or alternatively keep co2 levels at about 4% and oxygen levels around 7% to use around a third as much rebreathing equipment.
Poor bastards.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 01:43:07 AM by MarcAFK »
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2015, 01:26:07 AM »
It might be a good idea to increase the accessibility, they've got it hard enough .

Yea, you right, i´ve tweaked the acessibility to the minimum of  .8
this should help with them.


Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2015, 01:29:04 AM »
But because they have such low populations, i fear the NPR doesn´t have mines, but i can´t confirm it, if need be, i will begin the scenario again with largers pops, sadly this will have several side-efects to the lore im building.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2015, 01:44:43 AM »
Conventional industries work as less efficient combined mine, factory and fuel refineries.
Did you make them as NPRs? I notice conventional industry which I think requires setting them as conventional , I believe you can't make them NPR if they're conventional.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 01:47:23 AM by MarcAFK »
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2015, 01:57:43 AM »
Conventional industries work as less efficient combined mine, factory and fuel refineries.
Did you make them as NPRs? I notice conventional industry which I think requires setting them as conventional , I believe you can't make them NPR if they're conventional.

All of the NPRs and my PR are Trans-Newtonian.
It wasn´t the original idea, but it will work.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2015, 02:04:26 AM »
I just checked, conventional industry is worth a tenth of a mine and a construction factory, and a twentieth of a refinery.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2015, 02:12:17 AM »
I just checked, conventional industry is worth a tenth of a mine and a construction factory, and a twentieth of a refinery.

Ok, i made a few adjustments with this in mind.

Now, back on writing...

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2015, 03:04:36 AM »
Republik der Neu Hoffen background:

By the last years of the old Terran Galactic Empire, the german colonies were among the first to be attacked by the aliens, they were the first who had built a Generation Ship, named "Der Kampf des Überlebens" (The Struggle for Survival), the Emperor had ordered they wait for the other Generation Ships once it was done, and so they did, waitedd on the safest place imaginable, a high-density nebula on the outskits of the Milky Way Galaxy, and they waited there...for 8 years, until the rest of the fleet encountered them, by the time they found the Kampf they had already developed intensse distrust of the other colonists, but even them, their discipline and loyalty to the last orders the Emperor gave, they waited, risking their own lives, because if the aliens had found them, they wouldn´t flee and would be promptly destroyed, so absolute was their determination. It was by this time too they had developed the fundamentals of their Plutocratic Oligarchy regime, founded by the first Plutocrat, the legendary Osmund von Lohengramm, who have also founded the Lohengramm family, their current leader, the young Reinhardt is also from this respected family. The other families are: Bauhaus, Messerschmitt, Bösch, Wittgenstein, Oppenheimer, Gerber, Heidegger, Bach, Aust and Kant. All of those families had, at one point or another on their Generation Ship´s Era, a Plutocrat among their ranks.

They were also the de facto leader of the Generation Fleet, and they were the ones who decided that the Planet Offenbach A-III was to be colonized, and no one, exhausted as they were, objected to the decision, even if it meant they would have to divide the planet among them. After planetfall, the germans were the first ones to retire themselves from the Offenbach Conference, the first political negotiations, the mentors of the conference had hoped they would be able to create at least a loose cooperation alliance to strenghten the human race in case of another Alien attack, but their ideological dfferences wered too large and, in the end, only the Replublica de La Nueva Esperanza and the Commonwealth remained, and they too decided an alliance would be out of the picture due to their own differences, the Offenbach Conference was a complete failure and now, all the 6 factions remain independent, mutually isolated and non-cooperative.

Their capital city is Neu München.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 03:22:15 AM by Krictic »

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2015, 03:20:01 AM »
Tianchao Xin Xiwang (Celestial Empire of New Hope), are the descendents of one of the few independent systems of the Galaxy, the Xin Han System (New Han), home to the Han Tianchao, they remained fiercely independent for at least a thousand year (if their historical databases aren´t corrupted) and their culture remained alien to the rest of the Galaxy, but even then, the last emperor of the Han Dynasty, decided they would have to cooperate with the Galactic Emperor, if they would have any chance to survive through the extra-galactic cataclysm, so they sent the best minds and bodys they could afford to, and the billions who werent selected or decided to remain and defend the Han Tianchao in a glorious last stand, the Celestial Emperor himself, remained to their certain doom, pehaps their glorious last stand who give them the favour of the Celestial Bureocracy.

They were the second ones to reach the germans, and tensions between the two factions, mostly due to the Germans absolute loyalty to the Empire and the Chinese fierce independence, almsot escalated to war, thankfully, by this time, the Commonwealth arrived and negotiated peace between the two, but tensions remains to this day.

While on their Great Exodus, they had developed the Wen Li dynasty, partly due to the fact theyh were the closest relatives to the Imperial Family, but mostly because the Wen Li assumed the leadership brilliantly, saving the entire Exodite Fleet more than once, sometimes they almost took leadership from the Germans, but decided to remain subordinate due to recognizing, tacitly, the superior strategic capabilities of the Republik.

Once the Planet was colonized, they were the main reason why the Germans choose isolationism instead of cooperation, they coudn´t ally themselves to traitors who contibuted to the weakening of the Empire by uslessy resisting the only true Emperor of Mankind.

Their capital is Xin Beijing (New Beijing).

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2015, 03:37:42 AM »
The Commonwealth of New Hope

They are the descendants of the first human colonists, and the cultural inheritors of the Galactic Empire, their british descendence had a big influence on their entire history, not only them saw themselves as the carriers of the truly superior culture, in a very roman way, they aways tried to convert others to their own culture, this was no opression, they justified themselves, but it was salvation through their superior way of life, and this cultural exclusivity still remains to this day, they are generaly conservative in heart, but their reasoning was very pragmatic, they had no problem associating themselves to the semi-barbarians of the german colonies or the disgusting chinese, this was thoroughly evidenced by their sucessful peace negotiation between the German Plutocracy and the Chinese Celestial Empire, nevertheless, in their hearts, they knew the reason for such conflicts was the inherent inferiority of the barbarians.

On the era of the Generation Fleet, they decided not to continue the imperial traditions, but forming a Democatic Commonwealth composed of minor cultures and sub-cultures, like the Arabs and the Somali colonists, among many others, the result of this shift was a strange mix of cosmopolitan multiculturalism and cultural exclusivity, the "sub-cultures" had always less rights than the "true british", only the superior culture can guide the way to salvation, it was their moral responsability to take care of those "inferiors".

But once Planetfall happened, and all the factions decided for isolationism on the Offenbach Conference, something surprising happened, a rebellion arose on New Essex City, and the "sub-cultures" decided enough was enough and founded their own faction, the Cosmopolitan Republic of the People, and took over a half of the Commonwealth population.

Nevertheless they are still the "benign" Commonwealth and have not given up on "rescuing" those "misguided souls" to the "true path of salvation".

Their Capital is New Essex.

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2015, 03:42:19 AM »
It might be a good idea to increase the accessibility, they've got it hard enough .
Carbon dioxide 13%?
It's worse than I thought, anything over 1% is uncomfortable, above 5% starts giving severe symptoms, but 10% is generally fatal. Your guys have to either do everything in breathing equipment or some kind of technobabble that removes excess co2 from the blood. Lowest tech version is lye which absorbs co2 and releases it when heated.
Under ideal conditions I might assume you might use a rebreather type system that takes in ir, scrubs out the co2 recirculates it into the lungs until the oxygen gets too low , then takes in more air. A person produces a kilo of co2 a day but since your air has as much co2 as oxygen you might need to scrub out 10 kilos a day to get the air for a single person. Or alternatively keep co2 levels at about 4% and oxygen levels around 7% to use around a third as much rebreathing equipment.
Poor bastards.

Well, they hadn´t much choice in the matter, the Generation Fuels were almost ending, the very fact they found this planet was testament to their unbelievable luck. About the Carbon Dioxide problem, well, guess what? Deus Ex Machina. JK, they use equipments that permits them to filter the CO2, its the 4th millenia after all, science is awesome, don´t ye think? futhermore, they have plans of terraforming the planet in the next hundred or so, years.