September 2025 saw the completion of the 10 new financial centres and the redistribution of manufacturing priorities to complete the remaining projects sooner. Additional Mines and Construction facilities are next in the line for the Republic to consider, as such projects will benefit the economy greatly, while also being optional to transfer off-world if such facilities could be established.
Construction Project | Number of | % of Construction | Estimated Completion |
Research Lab | 10 | 20 | Late 2046 |
Ground Force Training | 1 | 30 | Mid 2026 |
Military Academy | 1 | 30 | Mid 2026 |
Ordinance Factory | 40 | 20 | Mid 2029 |
The end of August 2026 saw the completion of the new joint Military Academy and Ground Forces Training Facility. Again the priorities were adjusted to include additional construction facilities and automated mines, with additional factories focusing on completing the new research facilities.
Construction Project | Number of | % of Construction | Estimated Completion |
Research Lab | 10 | 20 | Late 2046 |
Ordinance Factory | 40 | 20 | Mid 2029 |
Construction Factory | 40 | 20 | Late 2030 |
Automated Mines | 20 | 20 | Late 2030 |
January 2027
Russ-Euro Conglomerate
Through a combination of espionage and research, two nations advance into the Trans-Newtonian Age, the Russ-Euro Conglomerate and the United Canadian American States.
The Russ-Euro Conglomerate (REC) formed after the failure of the European Union in 2019, where the United Kingdom had withdrawn from the EU and the mounting Middle-East war and migrant influxes destroyed many EU nations and their economies. The Russ-Euro forms the previous states of Russia and most of eastern Europe, similar to the days following World War Two, however unlike the era of Communist Europe, the REC is a becoming a growing and stabilising force in the region, however most of the Trans-Newtonian technology is located within Russia, at least until the European regions can be made safe and productive again.
Name: | Kliment Nesterov |
Allegiance: | REC |
Position: | President |
Skills: | Factory Production Bonus (+20%), Mining Bonus (+20%), Logistics Bonus (+20%)
Kliment Nesterov succeeded the previous President in 2024 after the disastrous attempt at withdrawing ground troops from the Middle-Eastern Conflict and failure to secure the European states of REC. The past 3 years have been focused on securing the European area of REC and supporting them, while also dedicating research into several top secret projects, which combined with several espionage operations against China, brought Russia into the Trans-Newtonian Age.
The REC industry continues to focus on new mines and construction facilities for the time being, but is likely to change projects now that Trans-Newtonian theory can be applied to reality.
Construction Project | Number of | % of Construction | Estimated Completion |
Mine | 124 | 60 | Mid 2050 |
Construction Factory | 111 | 40 | Mid 2058 |
Russia was already tinkering with advanced laser-style weapons and engine improvements and her research has continued under the REC, the following projects are nearing completion.
Research Project | Estimated Completion |
PP: Fuel Consumption 0.7L | Late 2028 |
PP: Pebble Bed Reactor Technology | Early 2030 |
EW: 12cm Laser Focal Size | Mid 2030 |
However, unlike the Peoples Republic and the UCAS, REC does not have an operational shipyard and it may be several years before one can be constructed.
The United Canadian American States
The United Canadian American States (UCAS) formed in 2020 after the Middle-Eastern War and unrest within the USA reached boiling point, sending the US into a near anarchy like state. Canada managed to step in and quieten down the US and restore order, but not without cost to both nations, with their economic facilities being rattled. The end result was a merger between both states into a single entity, largely with Canada at the helm but with equal opportunity for any person to be someone.
Name: | Mason Savage |
Allegiance: | UCAS |
Position: | President |
Skills: | Political Reliability (+20%), Factory Production Bonus (+15%), Wealth Creation Bonus (+10%), Ground Unit Construction Speed (+10%), Espionage Bonus (+15%) |
The UCAS continues to have great research options available to them, and although they are at least three years behind their Chinese counter-parts, it was the scientists who brought the UCAS into the Trans-Newtonian Age, without the espionage assistance that REC had available. UCAS will likely continue to be a research powerhouse for the next decade, assuming they can maintain their economy against the large economy of China.
Research Project | Estimated Completion |
CP: Expand Civilian Economy | Late 2028 |
CP: Mining Production 12 Tonnes | Late 2029 |
MK: Railgun Launch Velocity 2 | Mid 2028 |
MK: 12cm Railgun | Early 2029 |
Despite their advanced research facilities, the UCAS were pursuing a different approach. Preferring to improve more traditional weaponry compared to the experimental lasers, but they were keen to keep their options open to all technological aspects, pending military and state input. While their manufacturing industry is currently producing several projects and has no specific goal in mind.
Construction Project | Number of | % of Construction | Estimated Completion |
Mine | 6 | 20 | Mid 2029 |
Financial Centre | 18 | 40 | Mid 2030 |
Automated Mine | 4 | 20 | Early 2030 |
Fuel Refinery | 8 | 20 | Early 2030 |
UCAS engineers have re-purposed the International Space Station to produce vessels up-to 2000 tonnes in design, with most of her components being assembled ground side. Due to her age, and severe technological inferiority behind the Chinese yard now in orbit, a new yard will need to be constructed in the future.