Author Topic: Multiple NPRs in One System  (Read 15290 times)

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Offline Caplin (OP)

Multiple NPRs in One System
« on: January 04, 2018, 07:07:38 PM »
Hi All,

So I've been getting back into Starfire again, and have managed to get to a point where i have multiple NPRs, one high-tech and the other around Ind-1, in a single star system. I'm still trying to feel my way through Starfire Assistant, as I'm only about turn 5, and trying to stick as close to the official rules as possible.

I believe I'll have to go through the race creation process  for both races, but what I'm not quite sure on is how to handle the Amalgamation.

Could anybody walk me through the mechanical parts in Starfire Assistant so I end up with things as expected? I feel like I'll obviously be doing this in SM mode. Is it as simple as changing the political state and making the racial attitude adjustments?

Thanks much :)