With the Alliance currently developing HT-9 systems, there is a great debate in the Admiralty over the upcoming refits to modernize the fleet. The admission of the T’Pau has incorporated three distinct design styles into the Alliance Navy, although the T’Pau have been strongly influenced by the D’Bringi because of their long occupation by that race. As the integration of the three full member races continues, there has been an increasing call for standardizing the Navy’s designs to reduce the plethora of different ship types currently deployed. All three major races have been actively campaigning for a new strategy based on their conception of the needs of the fleet.
The T’Pau favor big, heavy ships as the primary combatant of the fleet, with fast battlecruisers and carriers being relegated to a secondary, support role to the capital ships. To this end the T’Pau have fielded a number of assault battleships, and are currently prototyping a capital-missile equipped superdreadnought design. The D’Bringi are very opposed to that strategy, preferring fast carriers as the primary offensive wing of the fleet, supported by fast battlecruisers and defended by escort ships. The D’Bringi only begrudgingly admit the potential usefulness of larger ships, and then only in specialized roles such as warp point assault. The Rehorish hold a more complex view, and have been trying to balance the two diametrically opposed viewpoints of the other two races. As the most economically powerful race in the Alliance, the Rehorish hold the balance of influence, but cannot force a solution on the other two, so negotiations and maneuvering continue.
Currently, numerous examples of older designs still exist throughout the fleet, partially because of deployment demands, and partially because of the way the Alliance was forged out of independent navies. The Navy intends to make the upcoming refit cover every existing unit, to bring the entire navy up to current standards, including mothballed units.
The Karhae class is somewhat controversial within the Alliance. The D’Bringi were against the construction of larger capital units, on the grounds that each larger ship could be replaced by smaller, fast units that were more strategically mobile and combat effective, in the D’Bringi opinion. The T’Pau were adamant, though, and developed this design in spite of D’Bringi opposition. The Rehorish supported them and helped push through the funding for the prototype, in exchange for the prototype being built in Rehorish yards. The first unit of this class will be launched in month 212.
KARHAE class SD AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 8
130 RCP 20 MCP Trg:6 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 3084/ 462.6
HTK 84 S0x15 Aix15 Dzx7 Fcx1 Rcx12 Mgx3
200x CM, 60x CM LT1, 15x EDM (Mg), 6x ADM (Mg)
The Haruna class is a Rehorish design intended for warp point assault duties. The class was developed at the same time as the Brutus class, below, but before the T’Pau were amalgamated, so the Haruna class was the only Alliance assault design available for a short period of time before the T’Pau officially became a full member. Given the fact that the T’Pau have built six of their assault designs, while the Rehorish have only built one of theirs, the Alliance will likely be going with the T’Pau Brutus design in the future.
HARUNA class BB AM 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[3] S0x20Aix22H(BbL)(III)(III)(III)(III)Ex3QDzPgPgEx3XrsPgPgM5EEPg!2DzLh?2DzZiQ(III)E [5]
100 RCP Trg:6 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 2349/ 352.4
HTK 84 S0x20 Aix22 Dzx3 Pgx5 Ex9
This T’Pau design carries heavier defenses than the Rehorish Haruna class, at the cost of the plasma gun broadside carried by the Rehorish design. The Mk II upgrade replaced the standard datalink with the improved datalink system, and replaced the larger long-range scanners with targeting sensors.
BRUTUS class BB AM 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[3] S0x10Aix44ZH(BbS)(III)(III)(III)QEEDz(III)Ex3Dz!2M3EEDzDzEDzXrDzLh?2Q(III)E [5]
100 RCP Trg:4 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 2307/ 346.1
HTK 94 S0x10 Aix44 Dzx6 Ex9
BRUTUS MK II class BB AM2 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x10Aix44H(BbS)(III)(III)(III)QEEDz(III)Ex3Dz!2M3EEDzDzEDzXrsDzZiLh?2Q(III)E [5]
100 RCP Trg:4 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 2387/ 358.1
HTK 94 S0x10 Aix44 Dzx6 Ex9
The Talron class carrier is a D’Bringi design, and their largest carrier design yet. The class has one plasma gun for close-in defense, and mounts point defense and a long range sensor, so in theory it is capable of independent operations. It is unlikely that units of this class will be operating independently, given their cost, and the cost of the munitions they are carrying. Only one unit of this class exists, although the Alliance intends to make this their primary carrier class moving forward.
CV TALRON class CV AM 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x8Aix8ZH(BbS)(III)Vx12(II)Vx12MgQQ(III)Vx12(II)Vx6MgQQ(III)DzQLhXrDz?2Qs(II)Pg [6]
85 RCP 15 MCP 42 FCP Trg:1 Bmp +4 Cost = 2003/ 300.5
HTK 90 S0x8 Aix8 Dzx2 Pgx1 Vx42 Mgx2
10x EDM (Mg), 84x fG, 420x fR
The Zuikaku III class BC is the primary Rehorish beam combatant. The ongoing debate about unifying designs and the upcoming upgrade also includes the type of beam weapons the next generation of close-assault ships will carry. The Rehorish have a preference for force beam weapons, while the T’Pau prefer energy beams. The D’Bringi don’t really care, having focused primarily on carrier operations. At this point it appears that the T’Pau are going to carry the day with the development of the capital energy beam, meaning that most beam-armed ships in the Alliance navy will be re-equipped with capital energy beams as part of the coming refit.
ZUIKAKU III class BC AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x10Aix12ZH(BbS)Q(III)PgPg(II)Fx3Dz(III)FPgPgDzFFDzFM4Xr(II)LhDz(III)Q(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:5 Cost = 1782/ 267.3
HTK 61 S0x10 Aix12 Dzx4 Pgx5 Fx7
This is the long-range version of the Rehorish battlecruiser designs. The Rehorish prefer to keep a balanced fleet, with both long and short-ranged ships, and so this class will likely be found anyplace that the beam armed Zuikaku class is located. The III version upgrades the point defense to datalinked point defense.
ZUIKAKU(LR) R2 class BC AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 6
[3] S0x7Aix11ZH(BbS)Q(III)Rc(II)Rcx3MgD(III)FRcDRcMgFDM2DXr(II)LhQ(III)(II) [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1515/ 227.3
HTK 55 S0x7 Aix11 Dx4 Fx2 Rcx6 Mgx2
120x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)
ZUIKAKU(LR) III class BC AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x7Aix11ZH(BbS)Q(III)Rc(II)Rcx3MgDz(III)FRcDzRcMgFDzM2Xr(II)LhDz(III)Q(II) [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1615/ 242.3
HTK 55 S0x7 Aix11 Dzx4 Fx2 Rcx6 Mgx2
120x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)
The Imperial Glory class is the D’Bringi capital-missile battlecruiser design. Missile ships have traditionally been considered backwater assignments for captains, and were considered unpopular. This design began as a Keeper warship, as the clans preferred beam-armed designs almost exclusively. The professionalization of the D’Bringi navy after the amalgamation has ended the Keeper/Clan distinction, and eased the old prejudice against missile combatants, at least a bit. The R3 version replaced the standard force beam with a HET laser and increased the shielding, at the expense of a capital missile launcher.
IMPERIAL GLORY R2 class BC AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x6Aix14ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2DzRcRc(III)LhDzRcRcMgXrDz(II)QF [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1571/ 235.7
HTK 56 S0x6 Aix14 Dzx3 Fx1 Rcx7 Mgx2
140x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)
IMPERIAL GLORY R3 class BC AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x9Aix13ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2RcRcDz(III)LhDzRcMgXrDzZi?2(II)Q(HET) [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1740/ 261
HTK 58 S0x9 Aix13 Dzx3 (HET)x1 Rcx6 Mgx2
140x CM, 5x EDM (Mg)
The Clan Leader was the D’Bringi Clan’s premier warship prior to the amalgamation, and continues as the primary combatant since that time. The R1 version slightly reduces the armor protection in favor of improved datalink and the latest ECM installation.
CLAN LEADER(E) class BC AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1680/ 252
HTK 65 S0x8 Aix22 Dzx3 Ex9
CLAN LEADER(E) R1 class BC AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x8Aix18H(BbS)(III)E(II)E(III)M2EE(II)DzEEDz(III)QLhXrEEDzZi?2Q(II)E [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1829/ 274.4
HTK 62 S0x8 Aix18 Dzx3 Ex9
The Osiris class is the T’Pau race’s battlecruiser design, intended for heavy, close-in assaults. The Mk III version adds the improved datalink system at the cost of reducing the ship’s sensors from long-range sensors to the smaller targeting sensors, and improved the ECM and ECCM suite.
OSIRIS BCF MK II class BC AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x16Aix15ZQHs(BbS)(III)(II)(III)Ex3PgDz!1Dz(II)EEM4EPg(III)DzEXr?1LhQ(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:5 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 1810/ 271.5
HTK 69 S0x16 Aix15 Dzx3 Pgx3 Ex7
BCF OSIRIS MK III class BC AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x16Aix15QHs(BbS)(III)(II)(III)Ex3PgDz!2Dz(II)EEM4EPg(III)DzEXrs?2LhZiQ(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:5 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 1935/ 290.2
HTK 69 S0x16 Aix15 Dzx3 Pgx3 Ex7
The BCR Osiris design is the primary T’Pau combatant. The T’Pau prefer missile combat, and the T’Pau originally intended to field more of these than the Osiris BCE class, although funds ran short before the full class allotment could be built.
BCR OSIRIS MK III class BC AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x19Aix18QHs(BbS)(III)(II)(III)RcRcDz!2D(II)RcRcDzM4(III)RcMgPgDzXrZiLh?2Q(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP 20 MCP Trg:5 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 1850/ 277.5
HTK 73 S0x19 Aix18 Dzx3 Pgx2 Rcx5 Mgx1
The Yamato class is a Rehorish design, and is the Rehorish navy’s primary carrier combatant.
YAMATO CVL class CVL AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0Aix6ZHs(BbS)(II)Vx6QsVx6(II)Vx6QsVx6(II)QsVx6(II)Q(II)QXr?1LhDzQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP 30 FCP Trg:1 Bmp +2 Cost = 1343/ 201.5
HTK 63 S0x1 Aix6 Dzx1 Vx30 Mgx1
8x EDM (Mg), 60x fG, 300x fR
The Patton class is a T’Pau design, and it was ultimately superseded by the Osiris class. Unlike the Rehorish and D’Bringi, who sold most of their cruisers to the newer members of the Alliance, the T’Pau intend to keep their cruisers and place them in mothballs once the current emergency is finished. The Mk IV design added improved datalink at the cost of slightly weaking the shielding, and improved the ECM and ECCM suites.
PATTON MK III class CA AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x14Aix11ZQHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)E(II)M4E!1Pg(II)DzEXrELhPg?1DzQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:5 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 1310/ 196.5
HTK 56 S0x14 Aix11 Dzx2 Pgx3 Ex4
PATTON MK IV class CA AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x12Aix11QHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)E(II)M4E!2Pg(II)DzEXrELhPg?2ZiDzQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:5 Bmp +4 Tem -2 Cost = 1433/ 215
HTK 54 S0x12 Aix11 Dzx2 Pgx3 Ex4
At one time the Anklenumb class was one of the D’Bringi clan’s primary warships, however, that time has long passed. Most of the units of this class were either sold to the younger races, or were upgraded to the Anklenumb(V) class. Only five units in this class remain in service.
ANKLENUMB(R3) class CA AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x12Aix17Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QM2DzDz(HET)x3PgZiLh(II)?2QPg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1322/ 198.3
HTK 56 S0x12 Aix17 Dzx2 Pgx2 (HET)x3
The (V) refits for D’Bringi cruisers were intended to get more fighters into combat at a time when carriers were scarce. The Alliance Navy can always use more carriers, but the time when they were considered scarce is passed. There was some debate about refitting these ships to a standard cruiser design, or mothballing or selling the remaining units of this class, but their utility in independent operations has been noted, and there is a drive to give at least some of these units’ long-range sensors, which would make them excellent patrol and guard ships for important systems throughout the Alliance. The R3V refit places the volatile DEC/Lx system with the more reliable HET lasers, and adds improved datalink.
ANKLENUMB(R2V) class CA AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x8Aix17ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)QsVx6(II)QM2LhLxx3(Dec)Dz(II)?2QMg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP 6 FCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1253/ 188
HTK 58 S0x8 Aix17 Dzx1 Lxx3 Vx6 Mgx1
4x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR
ANKLENUMB(R3V) class CA AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x8Aix17Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)QsVx6(II)QM2Lh(HET)x3DzZi(II)?2QMg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP 6 FCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1383/ 207.5
HTK 57 S0x8 Aix17 Dzx1 (HET)x3 Vx6 Mgx1
4x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR
Like the Anklenumb class, the Ballmuck class cruisers were once a primary combatant for the D’Bringi clans, but most have been sold or refitted. Three remain in service at the current time.
BALLMUCK(R3) class CA AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x8Aix17ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)EQEEDzM2EEDzZiLh?2(II)QE [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1288/ 193.2
HTK 53 S0x8 Aix17 Dzx2 Ex6
Like the D’Bringi cruisers, the Rehorish cruisers were mostly sold or mothballed when battlecruisers came into widespread use. Nine units of this class remain in service, and will likely be converted to a standardized Alliance cruiser design in the next round of refits. The IV class adds improved datalink and datalinked point defense, and improves the ship’s armor and shielding at the cost of reducing its point defense suite by a quarter.
AKAGI R3 class CA AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)F(II)FDF(II)DFDDFM2Xr(II)Lh(II)PgQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1156/ 173.4
HTK 48 S0x8 Aix9 Dx4 Pgx2 Fx5
AKAGI IV class CA AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix11ZHs(BbS)Q(II)F(II)FF(II)DzFDzFM2Xr(II)Lh(II)PgDzQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1226/ 183.9
HTK 51 S0x10 Aix11 Dzx3 Pgx2 Fx5
Six units of this class remain, and will likely be refitted to a standardized Alliance design in the coming rounds of refits. The IV refit added improved datalink and datalinked point defense.
AKAGI(LR) R3 class CA AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x10Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDRa(II)DRaDDRaMgM2Xr(II)LhQ(II)(II)F [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1128/ 169.2
HTK 51 S0x10 Aix9 Dx4 Fx1 Rax6 Mgx1
AKAGI(LR) IV class CA AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDzRa(II)DzRaDzRaMgM2Xr(II)Lh(II)QDz(II)F [6]
60 RCP 40 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 1228/ 184.2
HTK 51 S0x10 Aix9 Dzx4 Fx1 Rax6 Mgx1
170x SM, 6x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)
The Kagero class is a Rehorish design, and was considered a transitional class. Only unit ship of this class was built, as a test-bed for the larger carrier class.
KAGERO II CVS class CVS AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] AiZHs(II)Vx6(I)Vx12Q(II)Vx6Q(I)Dz(II)XrDzLhQ(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP 5 MCP 24 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 1006.5/ 151
HTK 44 Aix1 Dzx2 Vx24 Mgx1
6x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 192x fR
The Doofsnark class is a D’Bringi design, and unlike the Rehorish CVS design, multiple units of this class were built to fill out the carrier strength of D’Bringi, and then Alliance, fleets.
DOOFSNARK class CVS AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] AiZHs(BbS)(II)Qs(I)XrVx6(II)Vx6Q(I)Vx6(II)Vx6LhQDzQs(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP 5 MCP 24 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 991.5/ 148.7
HTK 45 Aix1 Dzx1 Vx24 Mgx1
4x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 192x fR
The Rakshasa class is a T’Pau design, and is intended to escort larger ships and protect them from close attack.
RAKSHASA MK III class CL AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x7Aix6ZHs(BbS)(I)(II)(I)QsEDz(II)EM2E(I)EPg?1DzQs(II)Pg [6]
45 RCP 5 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +2 Cost = 926.5/ 139
HTK 37 S0x7 Aix6 Dzx2 Pgx2 Ex4
The Kongo class is a Rehorish design, and has seen use throughout the Alliance in many roles. While intended primarily to protect larger ships from close attack, the Kongo class has been pressed into service as a primary combatant in several locations due the Alliance’s vast commitments and near constant shortage of hulls to meet those commitments. The IV refits added improved datalink and datalinked point defense, and increased the shielding and armor at the expense of removing part of the point defense suite.
KONGO III class CL AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix11ZHs(BbS)(I)EQs(II)D(I)E(II)E(I)DDM2(II)QsE [6]
45 RCP 5 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 817.5/ 122.6
HTK 41 S0x8 Aix11 Dx3 Ex4
KONGO IV class CL AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix13ZHs(BbS)(I)EQs(II)Dz(I)E(II)E(I)M2DzQs(II)E [6]
45 RCP 5 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 862.5/ 129.4
HTK 44 S0x10 Aix13 Dzx2 Ex4
The Hosho is another Rehorish design, and is in wide use throughout the Alliance. The Hosho class is in demand by fleet commanders as it mounts long-range scanners and medium range missile weaponry, making it an excellent scout and scout killer. The advent of anti-matter weaponry, which is currently being researched, will only make these units even more valuable. The III refits added datalinked point defense.
HOSHO R2 class DD AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 6
[2] S0S0Aix5ZHs(I)(I)WaQs(I)DWa(I)M2Xr(I)DWa(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 646/ 96.9
HTK 26 S0x2 Aix5 Dx2 Wax3 Mgx1
150x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)
HOSHO III class DD AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0S0Aix5ZHs(I)(I)WaQs(I)DzWa(I)M2Xr(I)Wa(I)DzQs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP 20 MCP Trg:3 Cost = 696/ 104.4
HTK 26 S0x2 Aix5 Dzx2 Wax3 Mgx1
150x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)
The Conquest class was a destroyer design captured by the D’Bringi during their early days of conquest. The D’Bringi had no real use for a destroyer class, and ultimately turned this class into a test carrier class. Only two units of this class exist, and no additional units are planned.
CONQUEST R1V class DD AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[2] S0ZHs(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)QsDXr?0(I)(I)Vx6QsVx6Mg(I)Qs [7]
30 RCP 20 MCP 12 FCP Trg:1 Bmp +1 Cost = 815/ 122.3
HTK 30 S0x1 Dx1 Vx12 Mgx1
3x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR
This is a Rehorish design. The first units of this class were laid down before the Rehorish deployed fighter technology, and are intended to screen larger ships from fighters.
MOGAMI DDE class DD AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x3Aix4ZHs(I)QsDz(I)Dz(I)Dz(I)Dz(I)Dz(I)!1DzXrs?1Pg(I)Qs [7]
30 RCP 20 MCP Trg:1 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 773/ 116
HTK 28 S0x3 Aix4 Dzx6 Pgx1
The Munchnit is a D’Bringi carrier design. As is typical for the D’Bringi, this class crams in as many fighter bays as it can in the hull. The R2 refit adds datalinked point defense.
MUNCHNIT class CVE AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiAiZ(I)(I)(I)(I)QVx3(I)Vx6(I)Vx6DLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP 15 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 626/ 93.9
HTK 32 S0x2 Aix2 Dx1 Vx15 Mgx1
2x EDM (Mg), 30x fG, 240x fR
MUNCHNIT R2 class CVE AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiAiZ(I)(I)(I)(I)QVx3(I)Vx6(I)Vx6DzLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP 15 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 686/ 102.9
HTK 32 S0x2 Aix2 Dzx1 Vx15 Mgx1
1x EDM (Mg), 30x fG, 300x fR
This is the Rehorish escort carrier design. The class carries less fighters than the equivalent D’Bringi design, but is more capable of independent actions, mounting a long-range sensor and better point defense.
KAMIKAZE MK 1 CVE class CVE AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] AiZHs(I)Vx6(I)Vx6(I)QLh(I)XrDz(I)Dz(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP 12 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 716/ 107.4
HTK 29 Aix1 Dzx2 Vx12 Mgx1
4x EDM (Mg), 24x fG, 120x fR
The Hunchback is a T’Pau design. The T’Pau came to fighter technology later than the other Alliance members, and the Hunchback class reflects that. The Hunchback is designed to get as many fighters to the fleet as quickly as possible, as the T’Pau felt that they were behind the other races. The Rehorish, in particular, feel that this is nothing more than a ‘fighter-barge’, and have been dismissive of its utility, while the D’Bringi have been closely watching this classes performance.
HUNCHBACK CVE R2 class CVE 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsQVx17QLh(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP 20 MCP 17 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 546/ 81.9
HTK 31 Aix1 Vx17 Mgx1
6x EDM (Mg), 34x fG, 252x fR
The Phoenix Hawk is a T’Pau design, intended to remedy their lack of small ships capable of handling scouting duties. It is likely that the next round of refits will see the Phoenix Hawk class refitted to the standard D’Bringi CT(V) standard, as those units have been the preferred scouts of the Alliance fleet commanders for some time.
PHOENIX HAWK class CT AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 6
[1] S0S0Aix3ZHs(I)(I)XrD(I)Qs(I)E [8]
16 RCP 9 MCP Trg:1 Cost = 309/ 46.4
HTK 15 S0x2 Aix3 Dx1 Ex1
This is a Rehorish design, intended to give fleet commanders the capability to probe warp points without having to expose full-sized ships to the dangers present on the far side of warp points. The class carries four pinnaces.
PINNACE CARRIER class CT 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[2] AiHs(I)(BbL)(I)(BbL)(I)(BbM)XrQs(I) [8]
16 RCP 9 MCP Trg:1 Cost = 214/ 32.1
HTK 11 Aix1
The Bonefumble is a D’Bringi design. The class is ubiquitous throughout D’Bringi territory, and nearly every Alliance formation will have some of this class assigned as scouts. The class is very popular as a scout design, as it has long-range scanners and its fighters give it a punch beyond what would be expected of a standard corvette.
BONEFUMBLE R2V class CT (AC) AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 8
[1] S0Hs(I)(I)QsVx6(I)XrQs(I)Mg [8]
16 RCP 9 MCP 6 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 390/ 58.5
HTK 16 S0x1 Vx6 Mgx1
12x fG, 120x fR
The Kuma class is a Rehorish design, intended to support anti-fighter small craft in the fleet defense role. The class can carry ten AFSC. Since the introduction of fighters into the Rehorish arsenal, all units of the Kuma class have been refitted to the Bonefumble standard.
KUMA class CT 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[2] AiHs(BbL)x3(BbS)(I)(I)(I)Qs(I) [8]
16 RCP 9 MCP Trg:1 Cost = 179/ 26.9
HTK 11 Aix1
D’Bringi design intended to support fleet operations with munitions to support fleet’s operating away from the main Alliance worlds.
MAGAZINE SHIP class CT 16 Hull TL 1
[2] HMgx10(I)(I)(I)Qs(I) [8]
16 RCP 9 MCP Trg:1 Cost = 196/ 29.4
HTK 16 Mgx10
400x SM, 150x CM, 50x CM LT1, 30x CAM (Mg), 30x EDM (Mg), 2000x fR, 10x ADM (Mg)
The Hyuga class is the corresponding Rehorish design to the magazine ship shown above.
HYUGA class CT (AC) 3 XO Racks 15.5 Hull TL 1
[2] Hs(BbS)(I)Mgx3(I)Mgx3(I)Mgx3(I)Qs [8]
15.5 RCP 9.5 MCP Trg:1 Cost = 207.6/ 31.1
HTK 16 Mgx9
415x SM, 200x CM, 50x CAM (Mg), 10x EDM (Mg), 1000x fR
This is the standard Alliance minefield tender ship, equipped with fighter bays for a short fighter squadron instead of internal weaponry.
MINE TENDER MK 2 class CT 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsQs(I)(I)(I)Xr(MCS)Vx3Qs(I)Mg [8]
16 RCP 9 MCP 3 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 374/ 56.1
HTK 14 Aix1 Vx3 Mgx1
3x EDM (Mg), 6x fG, 30x fR
Alliance Fortification Command
The Alliance’s fortifications are in even more disarray than its fleets. The type, tech level, and number of system and warp point defenses varies quite a bit across the Alliance, and for the most part there has been little attention paid to defenses over the last couple of years, so focused has the Alliance been on absorbing and integrating its new members. The Alliance Council has recently become aware of the poor state of the Alliances fixed defenses, and intends to use the next round of refits to standardize the defenses of the Alliance home worlds, and to rationalize their deployments.
The Orbital Defense Base asteroid fort is a Rehorish design, and the only existing unit of this class orbits Rehorish Prime, protecting the Rehorish home world and its orbiting infrastructure. The II refit reduced the capital missile broadside in favor of adding forty-two fighter bays.
AF- ORBITAL DB class AF 95 XO Racks 478 Hull TL 7
478 RCP 22 MCP Trg:11 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 5184/ 259.2
HTK 381 S0x100 Apx200 Dzx10 Pgx5 Ex5 Rcx20 Tx5 Mgx4
370x CM, 15x EDM (Mg)
AF- ORBITAL DB II class AF 100 XO Racks 500 Hull TL 8
500 RCP 42 FCP Trg:11 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 6386/ 319.3
HTK 423 S0x100 Apx200 Dzx10 Pgx5 Ex5 Rcx15 Vx42 Tx5 Mgx6
400x CM, 30x EDM (Mg), 124x fG, 620x fR
This is a D’Bringi design. Originally intended to be deployed to the warp point in the D’Bringi system, where it would control the automated weaponry deployed there, the sole unit of this class was constructed in D’Bringi Prime’s orbit and remains there, guarding the home planet and its orbiting shipyards. The D’Bringi intended to deploy more units of this class, however, fortifications have long been unpopular with the offensive-minded D’Bringi and their fortress program has languished under inadequate funding for years.
WP DEFENSE BASE class AF 33 XO Racks 165 Hull TL 8
165 RCP 24 FCP Trg:4 Bmp +2 Cost = 2547.5/ 127.4
HTK 136 S0x30 Apx50 Dcx3 Dx3 Pgx3 Rcx5 Vx24 Tx1 Mgx3
140x CM, 15x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 240x fR
The Warp Point Defense Base is a variant of the design above, and has been deployed to the D’Bringi home system’s sole warp point.
WPDB R2 class AF 39 XO Racks 199 Hull TL 8
199 RCP 24 FCP Trg:4 Bmp +4 Cost = 3054.5/ 152.7
HTK 143 S0x30 Apx50 Dzx3 Dcx3 (HET)x3 Rcx5 Vx24 Tx1 Mgx3
140x CM, 10x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 240x fR
This is an Alliance design, originally intended to bolster the fighter complements of warp point defenses, however, the two units of this class that have been built have been deployed to orbit over the home worlds of the D’Bringi and Rehorish as orbital defenses.
WPDB(V) class AF 30 XO Racks 153 Hull TL 8
153 RCP 48 FCP Trg:1 Bmp +4 Cost = 2936.5/ 146.8
HTK 153 S0x30 Apx50 Dzx6 (HET)x1 Vx48 Tx1 Mgx2
20x EDM (Mg), 100x fG, 500x fR
This is a T’Pau design, and one unit of this class has been built and deployed to T’Pau Prime orbit. The T’Pau originally intended to deploy six of these in orbit over their home planet, however, their need to build up their fleet and deploy carriers in significant numbers overran their resources and construction capacity, so only one unit of this class has been built, and it has not been modernized.
ORBITAL DEFENSE BASE class BS4 24 XO Racks 120 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x18Aix21ZHsQRcx5Mg(BbM)DRcx5DM3DRcx5DMgXrQLhQDE [0]
120 RCP 30 MCP Trg:4 Cost = 1775/ 88.7
HTK 71 S0x18 Aix21 Dx5 Ex1 Rcx15 Mgx2
190x CM, 5x EDM (Mg)
This is a T’Pau design. When the D’Bringi gave the T’Pau autonomy, they also gave the T’Pau the responsibility for defending the warp point in their system that led to human space. The Alliance believes that the location of the warp point on the human side remains unknown to the humans, as it is a closed warp point and there have been no confirmed sightings of human ships within range of the warp point to have observed Alliance ships transiting the warp point, however, the Humans certainly know the general location of the closed warp point in their territory, and have claimed to know its exact location in the past. Given the fact that the Humans are a potential enemy, the T’Pau have taken the threat seriously. The Excalibur class is their front-line base for the defense of the warp point. Four units of this class have been deployed to date, along with two of the AW control versions below, and all of them have been modernized as new tech has become available.
EXCALIBUR MK III class BS3 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x12Aix13ZHs(BbM)QEDzEEPgEPgTi!1EPgEPgDzEM5PgEPgEPgLhDz?1EQPg [0]
85 RCP 15 MCP Trg:6 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 1631/ 81.6
HTK 56 S0x12 Aix13 Dzx3 Pgx8 Ex10 Tix1
This is the AW control version, sacrificing armament to mount mine and deep space buoy control systems. Two units of this class have been built and deployed to defend the warp point to human space in the T’Pau system.
EXCALIBUR MK III(AW) class BS3 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x14Aix13ZHs(BbM)Q(DCS)(MCS)DzEEPgEEPgDzEM5Ti!1PgEPgEPgLhEDz?1QPg [0]
85 RCP 15 MCP Trg:6 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 1683/ 84.2
HTK 56 S0x14 Aix13 Dzx3 Pgx6 Ex8 Tix1
The Taiho class is the standard defense base for the Rehorish. This class is optimized for close combat, and so is deployed to defense the Rehorish home system’s warp points.
TAIHO IV class BS3 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x16Aix15ZHs(BbS)QFEFFEFEFDzFDzFM2DzEE!1Dz?1LhDzQF [0]
85 RCP 15 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +2 Tem -1 Cost = 1513/ 75.7
HTK 58 S0x16 Aix15 Dzx5 Ex5 Fx8
This is the standard defense base for the D’Bringi. Like the Rehorish base above, it is optimized for close-in combat and is deployed to defend the D’Bringi system’s single warp point.
THIMBLEGRUMBLECLOWN R4 class BS3 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x6Aix17ZHs(BbS)QPgx6M2DzEx3Pgx3XrPgx5Ex3DzPg?2LhPgZiQE [0]
85 RCP 15 MCP Trg:3 Bmp +4 Cost = 1716/ 85.8
HTK 57 S0x6 Aix17 Dzx2 Pgx16 Ex7
This is an Alliance design, intended to be prefabbed in the Alliance’s home system shipyards and shipped to critical systems where it would be assembled by construction ships. This class is intended to be deployed within capital missile range of the defended warp point, and is capable of controlling automated weapons deployed at the warp point.
COMMAND BASE class BS2 10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x9Aix9ZH(DCS)(MCS)RcRcDzRcXr(CIC)Dz?2LhQMg [0]
50 RCP Trg:1 Bmp +4 Cost = 951/ 47.5
HTK 33 S0x9 Aix9 Dzx2 Rcx3 Mgx1
60x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)
This design is deployed in conjunction with the Command Base, above. It lacks the AW control systems mounted in the Command Base, and replaces those with a heavier broadside.
COMMAND BASE DEFENDER class BS2 10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x9Aix9ZHRcx4DzRcRcDz?2DzLhQMg [0]
50 RCP Trg:1 Bmp +4 Cost = 821/ 41
HTK 33 S0x9 Aix9 Dzx3 Rcx6 Mgx1
89x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)
This class was designed and first deployed after the end of the D’Bringi/Rehorish-Human war, and was intended to be used to fortify the border with the human buffer state. Since then, this class has been deployed to numerous locations throughout the Alliance to bolster defenses as needed. The II refit added datalinked point defense.
BS1 class BS1 5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x4Aix11ZHsPgPgM4!1TPgPgDQsPg [0]
25 RCP Trg:5 Tem -1 Cost = 504/ 25.2
HTK 27 S0x4 Aix11 Dx1 Pgx5 Tx1
BS1 II class BS1 5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x4Aix11ZHsPgPgM4!1TPgPgDzQsPg [0]
25 RCP Trg:5 Tem -1 Cost = 529/ 26.5
HTK 27 S0x4 Aix11 Dzx1 Pgx5 Tx1
This is a D’Bringi design, intended to add fighters to fixed defenses wherever they might be needed. It is small enough that even mobile shipyards can build them quickly, and many units of this class can be quickly prefabbed and deployed wherever needed. The R3 refit increased the fighter complement at the cost of nearly all of the base’s defenses.
Forward Defense Base R2 class BS0 3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix5ZHsVx3DzVx3QsMg [0]
15 RCP 6 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 379/ 19
HTK 20 S0x4 Aix5 Dzx1 Vx6 Mgx1
2x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR
FDB R3 class BS0 3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 8
[1] AiHsVx5QVx5LhQMg [0]
15 RCP 35 MCP 10 FCP Trg:1 Cost = 384/ 19.2
HTK 16 Aix1 Vx10 Mgx1
3x EDM (Mg), 20x fG, 120x fR