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Cold War: Ship Designs
« on: October 16, 2020, 10:44:58 AM »
Ship Designs for the Cold War Campaign

Offline Kurt (OP)

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Month 115: Russian Assault Designs
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2020, 10:45:17 AM »
In the aftermath of their defeats by advancing D’Bringi and Rehorish fleets, it became clear to the Russian High Command that they would need dedicated warp point assault ships and mine sweepers.  The Skory class, below, was their first attempt at a dedicated minesweeper/assault ship, however, because of their need to replace their heavy losses, it was decided that heavy cruisers were too large and took to long to build, so design studies were conducted on smaller hulls.  In the end they decided to settle upon light cruisers, as destroyers were seen as too small. 

This was the proposed class for the warp point assault role and the minesweeping role, however, as discussed above, it was decided that it was too large and would take too long to build.  No units of this class have been built. 
Code: [Select]
SKORY class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x6Aix23ZHs(II)Q(II)(II)(II)(II)(BbL)M2DFDFDFXrsDLh?1(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2     Cost =  1115/ 167.2
HTK 58 S0x6  Aix23  Dx4  Fx4 

The Borodino class is the Russian’s premier assault and minesweeper class.  This class is sheathed in heavy armor to counter mine attacks and DSB-L’s, and mounts enough point defense to counter standard strength mine attacks.  Its force beam weaponry can be used to sweep mines, when used in conjunction with its long-range scanners, or to attack any defenders that venture close enough to the warp point to be targeted. 
Code: [Select]
BORODINO class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
[3] Sx3Aix25ZHs(BbS)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)DDFDXrLh?1(I)QF [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  752.5/ 112.9
HTK 49 Sx3  Aix25  Dx3  Fx2 

The A variant of the Borodino has had its force beam weaponry removed and its point defenses reduced to make room for boat bays.  This boat bay capacity is used to carry ten assault shuttles capable of attacking DSB-L’s.  Because the point defense suite has been reduced this unit will not be used to sweep minefields.  At the current time this class is considered experimental.  The class has to survive long enough to launch its assault shuttles, which is not guaranteed.  Four are under construction or are planned.
Code: [Select]
BORODINO(A) class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
[3] SSAix25ZHs(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)(BbS)DD(BbL)D(BbL)Xr(BbL)Lh?1(I)Q [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  728.5/ 109.3
HTK 49 Sx2  Aix25  Dx3 

This class is also experimental, however, desperate to add new technology to their fleet, the Russian High Command has authorized construction of multiple units of this class.  The fact that the lasers mounted by this unit outrange standard lasers by 50%, rivaling the range of standard missiles, and their damage output is twice that of the standard laser, became too tempting to the admirals.  There is a sizeable minority of the design staff and fleet commanders that have expressed concern about the volatile nature of the weaponry installed on this class, however, construction has gone ahead.
Code: [Select]
GORDI class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
[3] SAix13ZHs(BbS)Lxx3M2Lx(Dec)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)DLh(I)Q [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  711.5/ 106.7
HTK 35 Sx1  Aix13  Dx1  Lxx4 

Note: For those of you not familiar with Starfire tech, the (DEC)/Lx combo is controversial.  It out performs standard lasers and other beam weaponry, but at a significant cost.  And that cost is, it can destroy the ship!   This is an X-Ray laser weapons system, where the beam is generated by a nuclear explosion inside the DEC unit, inside the ship.  If the DEC fails, which can happen every time it fires, the possibilities range from the fail-safes working to the destruction of the entire ship.  Obviously not something you want to put on your shiny new superdreadnought, or a very large asteroid fort.  I tend to limit its use to races that are desperate, or those that don’t really care that much about their crews.   
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Cold War: Russian Ship Designs
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2020, 10:52:23 AM »
Author's Note: I've been poking around in the folder I use for the Cold War campaign, and I noticed a number of documents I meant to post, but for some reason I by-passed.  This is one.  It's short because I already posted some of these designs in the previous Russian design post. 

The Kara class was intended the be the lead ship of the USSR’s premier capital ship class.  Construction on the Kara was started in month 107, just as the war with the D’Bringi began anew.  The first Kara is planned to launch in month 122.
Code: [Select]
KARA class BB  AM 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 6
[3] Sx13Aix20ZH(BbS)(III)(III)(III)(III)QRcRcMgDDRcx3M3DDRcRcMgXrDD?1Lh(III)QF [5]
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2     Cost =  1918/ 287.7
HTK 73 Sx13  Aix20  Dx6  Fx1  Rcx7  Mgx2 
90x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Grisha class was the second design to be accepted from the Ragnarok Design Bureau.  The Grisha is a small, but surprisingly durable attack ship intended to be built quickly on planetary surfaces.   
Code: [Select]
GRISHA class ES  (AC) 2 XO Racks 12 Hull TL 5
[2] Aix3Hs(I)(I)QsD(I)P [8]
12 RCP  13 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  165.4/ 24.8
HTK 10 Aix3  Dx1  Px1 
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Cold War: D'Bringi Designs as of Month 115
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2020, 11:00:05 AM »
D’Bringi Ships
D’Bringi warships are divided into two groups, those deployed by the Keepers, and those deployed by the Clan fleets.  The Keepers, as the originators of most of the technology now in use by the D’Bringi people, had much control over design standards in the early days of D’Bringi expansion into space.  An example of this control was the universal use of commercial engines by D’Bringi designs.  The D’Bringi fleet was intended to be used as a raiding fleet from almost the first, and commercial engines were seen as a way of crossing the vast distances of space quickly, and then descending upon their enemies before they knew of the threat.  Therefore, the weaknesses of the commercial engine designs, although known, were discounted because of the advantages gained, and because the D’Bringi leaders never contemplated a large-scale, drawn out war like the one with humanity. 

Keeper Forces
The D’Bringi Keepers are a “supra-national” organization independent of the Clans, intended to look at the “big picture” of the long-term good of the D’Bringi race as a whole, rather than the short-term good of a single clan or group of clans.  The Keepers are the ones that led the D’Bringi into space, and while the official history of the Keepers states that Keeper scientists discovered the drive field and associated technologies, rumors persist that the Keepers are in contact with an advanced race that favors the D’Bringi and gifts them with high technology at unpredictable intervals.  While no one in any position of authority has either confirmed this, or even stated that they believe this to be true, these rumors do conveniently explain several jumps in D’Bringi tech levels that are otherwise inexplicable. 

In any case, the Keepers currently operate the D’Bringi race’s only battlecruisers, although there are rumors that several of the clans are considering developing their own battlecruiser-based designs to replace their older cruisers.   To date, the Keepers also have the only units using missile weaponry, which the clans tend to avoid out of a preference to close to knife-fighting range.  As the Keepers are focused on the big picture, they also are the only D’Bringi organization to maintain actual defenses, as the Clans prefer an offensive mindset. 

The Imperial Glory is the Keeper’s prime combat unit, replacing the Imperial Favor class units as the main combatant.  The Imperial Glory, unlike other D’Bringi combat units, was never equipped with commercial engines, and instead was designed from the first with military engines to allow it to close on enemies and then maintain the range.  In keeping with the D’Bringi focus on offense, the Imperial Glory has relatively light passive and active defenses, allowing it to mount a heavy offensive broadside and a single force beam for close-in offensive actions. 

The first unit of this class was launched in Month 84, with its squadron mates being launched in Month 91.  All three of these units received the R1 refit in Month 97.  This class is the Keeper’s primary combat unit. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL GLORY class BC  16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 5
[4] Sx3Ax7ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2DRcRc(III)LhDRcRcMgXrD(II)QF [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1355/ 203.3
HTK 46 Sx3  Ax7  Dx3  Fx1  Rcx7  Mgx2 
140x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)

The R1 refit merely added improved armor to the design, doubling its armor protection, giving the unit much better survivability in heavy combat.  The three original units of this class were refitted to this level in Month 97, and all units built subsequently were built to this standard. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL GLORY R1 class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 5
[3] Sx3Aix14ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2DRcRc(III)LhDRcRcMgXrD(II)QF [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1472/ 220.8
HTK 53 Sx3  Aix14  Dx3  Fx1  Rcx7  Mgx2 
140x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)

The Imperial Favor class was the Keeper’s first warship design, and mounted commercial engines, as did all D’Bringi warships of the time.  The Imperial Favor class was built by the Keepers to patrol D’Bringi space, defend against incursions, and to support Clan fleets, if necessary. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL FAVOR class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[3] Sx3Ax3ZH(BbS)(IcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)QRcRcMgDRcx3MgXrLhDQ(IcIc) [4]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  817/ 122.6
HTK 30 Sx3  Ax3  Dx2  Rcx5  Mgx2 
200x CM

The R refit to the Imperial Favor coverts the design from commercial engines to military engines.  These refits took place in and around month 95, as the entire D’Bringi fleet was refitted to this standard before the new offensive against humanity started. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL FAVOR(R) class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[3] Sx3Ax3ZH(BbS)(II)(II)(II)QRcRc(II)RcRc(II)DRcRcXrDLhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  935/ 140.2
HTK 34 Sx3  Ax3  Dx2  Rcx6  Mgx1 
90x CM, 2x EDM (Mg)

The R1 refit adds improved armor, more than doubling the armor protection of this class.  All surviving units of this class have been refitted to this standard.  Up to now the Keepers have focused on building battlecruisers for the most part, although that is changing as the demand for new warships has grown, and the cruiser designs can be built faster than the battlecruisers.  Two new units of this class were launched in month 113. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL FAVOR(R1) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx3Aix7ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)QRcRc(II)RcRc(II)DRcRcXrDLhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1017/ 152.6
HTK 38 Sx3  Aix7  Dx2  Rcx6  Mgx1 
90x CM, 2x EDM (Mg)

The R2 refit adds improved shields, further improving the ship’s passive defenses.  To date, none of the existing units of this class have been refitted to this design, as they are all deployed outside of the home system.  Three new units of this class are under construction in the home system yards, and will be launched in month 121. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL FAVOR(R2) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x7Aix8ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)QRcRc(II)RcRc(II)DRcRcXrsDLhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1026/ 153.9
HTK 43 S0x7  Aix8  Dx2  Rcx6  Mgx1 
90x CM, 5x EDM (Mg)

The Keeper’s responsibility for defense has led them to deploy units capable of controlling automated weapons, to allow them to throw up ‘road blocks’, if necessary, to slow alien incursions if a clan offensive should go wrong.  This class was an early design proposal for such a unit.  The CAC design would be capable of controlling automated weapons as well as defending itself.  The Keepers decided to use this class as a testbed to mount an experimental weapon, the plasma packet launcher (a precursor of the plasma gun). 

Only two units of this class was built, and one was lost in battle against Soviet forces in the last days of the first offensive, when the main clan fleets withdrew from human space.  Although the ship was lost, its mission was considered a success because the Soviets were slowed and unable to follow the clan fleets as they withdrew.  The second unit of this class oversees automated weapons deployed to the Yeack system in support of the clan fleets conducting the current offensive against the humans. 

To date, the only remaining unit of this class has been forward-deployed, and thus has not been refitted.  The Keepers intend to build several more units of this class, however, the demand for new warships, and for repairs on existing warships, has outstripped the shipyard’s capabilities, and the clan chiefs, who primarily control the yards, have been reluctant to divert construction capacity away from primary combat units. 
Code: [Select]
CAC class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
[3] SSAx5ZH(BbS)Q(IcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)(DCS)PlPlDM2PlPlLhXrDTPlMgQ(IcIc) [4]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  882/ 132.3
HTK 32 Sx2  Ax5  Dx2  Plx5  Tx1 

The R1 upgrade adds improved armor. 
Code: [Select]
CAC R1 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] SSAx5ZH(BbS)Q(IcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)(DCS)PlPlDM2PlPlLhXrDTPlMgQ(IcIc) [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1102/ 165.3
HTK 45 Sx2  Aix13  Dx2  Plx6  Tx1 

The R2 refit adds improved shields, and converts the ship to military engines.  In addition, this refit replaces the plasma packet launchers with the newly developed plasma guns, greatly boosting the ship’s combat capabilities. 
Code: [Select]
CAC R2 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x4Aix13ZHs(BbS)(II)Pgx4(II)M2PgPg(II)TPgPg(II)(II)XrQD(DCS)LhDQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1253/ 188
HTK 50 S0x4  Aix13  Dx2  Pgx9  Tx1

The Keepers introduced mine technology in Month 70, and this class was designed to control the new automated weapons.  Initially, the Keepers had intended to utilize a modified CAC design, as the cruiser hulls have long been the D’Bringi preferred class, but yard capacity shortages would have meant a significant delay to the deployment of the newly developed mines, therefore, the Keepers decided to rush a corvette class control ship into production.  This decision turned out to be fortuitous, as the Clan Chiefs begrudged yard capacity devoted to Keeper warships and sometimes made it extremely difficult for the Keepers to expand their fleet, but corvette classes tended to go beneath their notice, and so it was with this class.  To date the Keepers have been able to field four units of this class, and it is unlikely that they would have been able to get as many cruisers authorized during the same period. 
Code: [Select]
MINE TENDER class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 6
[2] Ax3H(Ic)Xr(MCS)D(Ic)Qs [4]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  254/ 38.1
HTK 10 Ax3  Dx1 

Clan Fleets
The three largest D’Bringi clans control the bulk of the offensive strength of the D’Bringi nation.  The B’Regest, K’Rorin, and T’Chau clans control the cruiser fleets that are the main striking power of the D’Bringi.  In times past, each clan controlled enough strength to overshadow the Keepers, however, the expansion into interstellar space and the demands of the long war against the humans has allowed the Keeper fleet to grow larger than it has in the past. 

The Clans disdain the use of missiles as they greatly prefer to close to point blank range and rend their enemies with powerful short-ranged weapons.  The Clan Chiefs were the primary motivators behind the changeover from commercial engines to military engines, and this motivation came largely from their desire to be able to close quickly with an enemy. 

Early Clan cruiser designs tended to mount a variety of weapons, giving them a broad swath of capabilities.  As the D’Bringi gained more combat experience, the designs evolved.  The primary change was that the later designs focused on a single type of weaponry, as the early mixed-weapons designs tended to step on themselves in terms of effect, as designs mounting both lasers and energy weapons had problems maximizing their effectiveness. 

D’Bringi clan designs have names meaningful to the clans.  The designators given below are from human combined fleet archives. 

The Anklenumb class is used primarily by the B’Regest clan, with several units also in service in the T’chau fleet.  Units of this class participated in the raids on the human’s home system, as well as the attacks on the Doraz, Torqual, and T’Pau races.  All ships of this class have been refitted to subsequent versions of this class. 
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
[3] SSAx6ZH(BbS)(IcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)QLLFpM2FpEpcEpcLhDQ(IcIc) [4]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 779/116.9
HTK 30 Sx2  Ax6  Dx1  Fpx2  Lx2  Epcx2 

The R refit converted the ship to military engines, and replaced the older force projectors and lasers to the newly developed force beams.  This was the first step in reducing the multiplicity of weapons on the D’Bringi cruiser designs.  One unit of this refit class remains in service with the T’Chau fleet, and is currently being refitted to the latest version of this class. 
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB(R) class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 4
[3] Sx3Ax9ZH(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEpcFEpcM2FFDLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  907/ 136.1
HTK 38 Sx3  Ax9  Dx1  Fx4  Epcx2 

The R1 refit adds improved armor to the design, greatly increasing its survivability in close-combat.  The bulk of the surviving units of this class are of this design. 
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB(R1) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx3Aix19ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEpcFEpcM2FFDLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1025/ 153.7
HTK 48 Sx3  Aix19  Dx1  Fx4  Epcx2 

The R2 refit adds improved shields, and converts the entirety of the ship’s weaponry to X-Ray lasers.  The risky nature of this weapons system fits in perfectly with the D’Bringi mindset, which is to inflict the maximum damage possible to enemies, regardless of the risks to one’s self.  At the current time, the B’Regest clan has deployed two units of this design, one refitted from an older cruiser and one new construction.  It is likely that all new units of this class will be deployed by the B’Regest, as the T’Chau have decided to focus on the Bumblepuff class as their primary combatant. 
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB(R2) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x9Aix18ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QM2DLhLxx4(Dec)Dc(II)?1QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2     Cost =  1098/ 164.7
HTK 55 S0x9  Aix18  Dcx1  Dx1  Lxx4  Mgx1 

The Ballmuck class has always been primarily a K’Rorin clan design, and currently only clan K’Rorin fleets use this class.  Units of this class participated in the raids on the human’s home system, as well as the attacks on the Doraz, Torqual, and T’Pau races.  All ships of this class have been refitted to subsequent versions of this class. 
Code: [Select]
BALLMUCK class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 769/115.4
HTK 30 Sx2  Ax6  Dx1  Lx4  Epcx2 

The R refit converted the class to military engines, and replaced the older lasers with force beams.  Two units of this refit class remain, however, both are currently being refitted to the R2 design. 
Code: [Select]
BALLMUCK(R) class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 4
[3] Sx3Ax9ZH(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEpcFM2EpcFFDLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  907/ 136.1
HTK 38 Sx3  Ax9  Dx1  Fx4  Epcx2 

The R1 adds improved armor to this design, greatly improving its survivability in close-in combat.  Two units of this class exist, one of which is deployed with the forward fleets while the other is being refitted to the latest design. 
Code: [Select]
BALLMUCK(R1) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx3Aix19ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEpcFM2EpcFFDLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1025/ 153.7
HTK 48 Sx3  Aix19  Dx1  Fx4  Epcx2 

The R2 refit converts the class over to energy weapons, which the K’Rorin clan greatly favors.  Unfortunately, in their rush to get the newly developed energy beam into use, the clan K’rorin leadership pushed the class into production before the improved shields, which were under development, were entirely ready. 
Code: [Select]
BALLMUCK(R2) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] Sx3Aix19ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)EQEEM2Ex3DLh(II)QE [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1080/ 162
HTK 49 Sx3  Aix19  Dx1  Ex7 

This class is used primarily by clan T’Chau.  Units of this class participated in the raids on the human’s home system, as well as the attacks on the Doraz, Torqual, and T’Pau races.  All ships of this class have been refitted to subsequent versions of this class. 
Code: [Select]
BUMBLEPUFF class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 771/115.7
HTK 33 Sx2  Ax7  Dx1  Epcx2  Gx4  Mgx1 
100x GM

The R refit converts the class to military engines.  Two units of this class remain.  One is deployed to the Mintek border, while the other is being refitted to the R2 standard. 
Code: [Select]
BUMBLEPUFF(R) class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
[3] Sx3Ax10ZH(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEpcGM2XrGx3MgLhD(II)QEpc [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  869/ 130.4
HTK 41 Sx3  Ax10  Dx1  Epcx2  Gx4  Mgx1 
90x GM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The R1 refit adds improved armor.  One unit of this class remains, and is deployed with the forward fleets in the war with the humans. 
Code: [Select]
BUMBLEPUFF(R1) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx3Aix21ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEpcGM2XrGx3MgLhD(II)QEpc [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  993/ 149
HTK 52 Sx3  Aix21  Dx1  Epcx2  Gx4  Mgx1 
90x GM, 4x EDM (Mg)

Clan T’Chau leadership debated long and hard about the future of the Bumblepuff design before settling on a new R2 design.  The clan fleet ship commanders preferred maximizing the gun armament of the class, and getting rid of the energy weapons completely.  On the other hand, the political leadership of the clan preferred the newly developed energy beams, purely because of the capture potential inherent in the energy beam’s nature.  In the end the leadership won out. 
Code: [Select]
BUMBLEPUFF(R2) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] Sx3Aix21ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QEEM2XrEx3LhD?1(II)QE [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2     Cost =  1133/ 170
HTK 52 Sx3  Aix21  Dx1  Ex6 

The Knucklepuff class is the clan’s answer to the long-range capabilities of both the Keepers and their various alien enemies.  Knucklepuff units of various refit designs are currently in service with all three clans.  All existing Knucklepuff units have been upgraded from the class. 
Code: [Select]
KNUCKLEPUFF class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
[3] SSAx5ZH(BbS)Q(IcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)Wx3DMgWx3LhXrDWWMgQ(IcIc) [4]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  777/ 116.6
HTK 34 Sx2  Ax5  Dx2  Wx8  Mgx2 
400x SM

The R refit converts the class to military engines.  The additional space freed up is devoted to an additional missile launcher and increased armor.  Four units remain of this class.  Three are deployed with the forward fleets facing humanity, while the fourth is deployed to the Mintek border. 
Code: [Select]
KNUCKLEPUFF(R) class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
[3] SSAx6ZH(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)XrQWx3MgWx3DWx3LhD(II)QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  887/ 133.1
HTK 40 Sx2  Ax6  Dx2  Wx9  Mgx2 
393x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)

The R1 refit adds improved armor to the design.  Two units of this class exist, one with the forward fleets and the other is deployed to the Mintek border. 
Code: [Select]
KNUCKLEPUFF(R1) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] SSAix13ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)XrQWx3MgWx3DWx3LhD(II)QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  987/ 148.1
HTK 47 Sx2  Aix13  Dx2  Wx9  Mgx2 
390x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)

The R2 refit adds improved shields to the design.  No units of this class have been refitted to this standard, although one unit has been built for the K’Rorin clan.   

Units of this class are not liked by their commanders and there has been an ongoing debate amongst clan leadership about the future of this class.  Within the major clans, assignment to this class is considered a punishment duty, and most commanders and officers will go to lengths to avoid assignment to a Knucklepuff class cruiser.  At the current time there is no plans to build further units, and the clan leaders are considering converting the existing units to more traditional designs, if they can ever be withdrawn from the front lines. 
Code: [Select]
KNUCKLEPUFF(R2) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x4Aix13ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)XrQWax3MgWax3DWax3LhD(II)QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1318/ 197.7
HTK 49 S0x4  Aix13  Dx2  Wax9  Mgx2 
300x SM, 5x EDM (Mg)

As the D’Bringi empire expanded, the clans were forced to admit that their beloved cruisers could not be everywhere.  Thus, the Bonefumble class was initiated.  The Bonefumble is intended to ‘fill in the cracks’, and be where the larger cruisers couldn’t cover.  Originally, almost all of the Bonefumbles were deployed to occupation duties in the conquered systems, however, the need to build combat ships as fast as possible to replenish the forward fleets has forced the clan commanders to agree to build additional Bonefumbles to fill out the forward fleet’s roster.   

There was some pressure to install long-range scanners on this class, however, the clan leaders resisted this as it would have either eliminated the weaponry on this class, or greatly reduced its passive protection.  The decision to go with the combat version, as opposed to the scout version, has resulted in a combat-capable design, but has also limited the number of Xr equipped ships available to a D’Bringi fleet commander.  Six units of this original design class remain, all assigned to occupation duties. 
Code: [Select]
BONEFUMBLE class CT  (AC) 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 4
[2] SAx3H(I)(I)(I)DQs(I)F [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  184/ 27.6
HTK 12 Sx1  Ax3  Dx1  Fx1 

The R1 refit adds improved armor to the design.  Eighteen units of this design exist, and are scattered across the D’Bringi Expanses in various assignments. 
Code: [Select]
BONEFUMBLE R1 class CT  (AC) AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[1] SAix7ZHs(I)(I)(I)DQs(I)F [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  266/ 39.9
HTK 17 Sx1  Aix7  Dx1  Fx1 

The R2 refit adds improved shielding, and converts the class weaponry to plasma guns.  Only one unit of this class has been built to date, for Clan B’Regest, however, more are planned. 
Code: [Select]
BONEFUMBLE R2 class CT  (AC) AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 6
[1] S0S0Aix7ZHs(I)(I)(I)DPgQs(I)Pg [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  304/ 45.6
HTK 19 S0x2  Aix7  Dx1  Pgx2 

Captured Units
The D’Bringi have captured several warships during their various conquest campaigns, and these units are repaired and converted to D’Bringi use with refits as necessary.  Generally the D’Bringi do not tend to build more of these kind of units, instead preferring to build their own designs. 

Two Conquest class destroyers were captured during the conquest of the Doraz Contingency and converted to D’Bringi use.  The Clan Chiefs had no interest in this design, with its long-range weaponry and sensors, and so both were sold to the Keepers.  The Keepers currently use them as scouts assigned to their automated warfare units.   
Code: [Select]
CONQUEST class DD  6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 4
[3] Sx3Ax3ZH(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)DGRaDMgXr?0(I)Qs(I)(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +1     Cost =  472/ 70.8
HTK 24 Sx3  Ax3  Dx2  Rax1  Gx1  Mgx1 
25x GM, 50x SM

The Keepers decided to upgrade the two destroyers of this class to this design, however, when the new offensive against the humans started those plans were placed on hold.  It is likely that if these units are ever upgraded, it will not be to this design as technology has bypassed it. 
Code: [Select]
CONQUEST R1 class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx3Aix7ZHs(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)DWWDMgXr?0(I)Qs(I)(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +1     Cost =  524/ 78.6
HTK 28 Sx3  Aix7  Dx2  Wx2  Mgx1 
60x SM

The Clans captured one unit of this design from the Doraz Contingency during the conquest, and sold it along with the Conquest class destroyers to the Keepers. 
Code: [Select]
CRUSHER class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 4
[2] SSAx3ZH(I)Xr(I)?0DQs(I)(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +1     Cost = 254/38.1
HTK 15 Sx2  Ax3  Dx1 

Independent Clan Designs
The smaller clans are prohibited from building or maintaining warships by the big 3, however, they have been allowed to build and maintain ships in the support classes.  The major clans consider operating these kinds of ships beneath them, but ensure that the smaller clans operating these units operate to the larger clan’s benefit.  Still, the smaller clans have been able to reap considerable benefits in these areas, including obtaining the rights to establish smaller mining and colonization sites within newly discovered systems. 

Code: [Select]
CLODDUMB class EX  (AC) 1 XO Racks 7 Hull TL 3
[2] H(BbS)XiQs(Ic) [4]
7 RCP  18 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  140.7/ 21.1

Code: [Select]
MSY class FT5  (AC) 45 Hull TL 6
[3] S0S0AiHs(BbL)(IcIc)(Ic)(IcIc)(SYM)QsD(Ic) [4]
45 RCP  55 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  361.9/ 19.6
HTK 16 S0x2  Aix1  Dx1 
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D'Bringi Alliance Ship Designs as of Month 135
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2021, 05:38:01 PM »
D’Bringi Alliance Designs, as of Month 135

D’Bringi Clan Designs
The D’Bringi Clan Fleet is focused on offense almost to the exclusion of all else, and the Clan’s preferred hull is the cruiser.  The cruiser, in their opinion, offers the best balance of speed and payload (weapons and defenses), and the Clan leadership have been singularly unimpressed with the superdreadnoughts employed by the Mintek.  The three major clans are considering upgrading their cruiser fleets to battlecruisers instead of heavy cruisers, but this will be a lengthy process.  Construction was started on the first proposed new clan battlecruiser in Month 132 (see below).

A note on D’Bringi class names: The names given for D’Bringi classes below are code names assigned to the classes by the Soviet Navy, and do not necessarily correspond to what the D’Bringi themselves call the ships. 

The Clan Leader class is the D’Bringi clans next generation of combat cruiser, and now that construction has started the three main clans anticipate phasing out their smaller heavy cruiser designs gradually over the next several years.  This class is essentially an up-gunned Ballmuck class, with more of everything that made that class so successful.  There is some pressure to create additional battlecruiser designs corresponding to the various heavy cruiser classes currently deployed, but no decisions have been made yet. 
Code: [Select]
CLAN LEADER(E) class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1680/ 252
HTK 65 S0x8  Aix22  Dzx3  Ex9 

D’Bringi Keeper Fleet
The Keepers fill a special role within D’Bringi society.  The Clans are traditionally focused on economic and military rivalry with other clans, and now with aliens, while the Keepers were formed, in the old days, to focus more on what was considered good for the entire D’Bringi race.  Quite often this means that the Keepers are mediators, working out differences between the various clans, particularly since the development of nuclear weapons made the traditional method of resolving clan differences, a sharp war, obsolete and dangerous.  In some ways the Keepers can be considered a fourth major clan, as they maintain military fleet forces, just like the other major clans, but this is misleading.  The clans are organized along family lines, and emphasize familial loyalty and a responsibility to the future in the form of the next generation of clan members, while the Keepers are more akin to a religious sect, in that their loyalty is to their mission of ensuring the D’Bringi survive as an independent race. 

Indeed, it was the Keepers that championed the current situation, by advocating for peace with the humans, and bringing the Rehorish in to help moderate their approach to their subjugated races.  And while the Keepers generally remove themselves from the decision to conquer new territories as more properly a clan function, the Keepers have been adamant that the Mintek are an ongoing threat to the entire D’Bringi way of life, and have been acting to keep the clan’s focus on the Mintek threat. 

The Keeper fleet has generally never been a rival to any of the clan fleets, and the Keepers have opted for missile weaponry to differentiate themselves from the typical clan fleet that relies heavily on beam weapons.  This quite often means that Keeper forces are requested by the clans to support clan fleets, where their missiles can be used to counter enemy missiles while the clan beam ships close to their own range.  This approach has proved quite useful in the past, and because of this the clan leaders have been more open to the Keepers building up their fleet than they might have been in the past. 

One of the most deeply held secrets in D’Bringi society, known only to the highest within the clans, is that the Keepers have been the source of much of the innovation that took the D’Bringi clans to the stars.  It was the Keepers that first revealed drive field technology and its associated tech systems, and it was the Keepers that developed several critical systems over the years since, including capital missiles and battlecruiser hulls.  There are many theories in the clans to account for this, but no one except for the Keepers knows whole story.  The latest example is the Keeper development of small attack craft and their carriers.  The clans have been dismissive of this development, as they were of the Mintek superdreadnoughts, but the Keepers have fielded these new attack craft in defenses for the home system and a small fleet of escort carriers, and they seem sure of the utility of the new development. 

D’Bringi Keeper Designs
This is the latest version of the Keeper flagship that led the clan fleets into battle in the Solar System against the earliest human fleets. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL GLORY R2 class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x6Aix14ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2DzRcRc(III)LhDzRcRcMgXrDz(II)QF [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1571/ 235.7
HTK 56 S0x6  Aix14  Dzx3  Fx1  Rcx7  Mgx2 

There is some debate within the Keeper ranks of retiring these cruisers in favor of either more of the larger and better protected battlecruisers, or the new carriers.  There are eight units of this class in action, with a ninth under construction to round out the third datagroup.  Recently, the Torqual approached the Keepers about the possibility of buying one or two datagroups of these cruisers as the cornerstone of their new defense force, and the proposal is under consideration.
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL FAVOR(R3) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x7Aix8ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)QRcRc(II)RcRc(II)DzRcRcXrsDzLhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1076/ 161.4
HTK 43 S0x7  Aix8  Dzx2  Rcx6  Mgx1 

This class is the latest expression of the Keeper’s devotion to advanced technology.  The Keepers are eager to prove the utility of this new weapons system, but the shipyards have been dominated by the major clans and their refit programs.  Currently six ships of this class have been launched. 
Code: [Select]
MUNCHNIT class CVE  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiAiZ(I)(I)(I)(I)QVx3(I)Vx6(I)Vx6DLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  15 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  626/ 93.9
HTK 32 S0x2  Aix2  Dx1  Vx15  Mgx1 
2x EDM (Mg), 30x fG, 240x fR

The Keepers are largely responsible for the defenses of the D’Bringi home system, and throughout the Expanses, as the clans have little interest in defense.  As the Keepers don’t have enough personnel to crew all of the bases and other necessary ships, most of the crews, and even some of the officers, are drawn from trained personnel from the minor clans or even from the clanless. 

The Keepers learned their lesson from the cruiser-sized DSB control ship (CAC design), as the clan chiefs felt proprietary about heavy cruiser designs and meddled endlessly in the design process.  The Keeper design bureau therefore proposed a corvette design for their mine tender.  As expected, the Clan Chiefs cared little about a corvette, and allowed the Keepers to design the class as they wanted.  The earlier versions of this class mounted a point defense unit and heavier armor.  As this unit was not expected to be in direct combat, those systems were replaced by a small fighter group for defense or limited attacks. 
Code: [Select]
MINE TENDER MK 2 class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsQs(I)(I)(I)Xr(MCS)Vx3Qs(I)Mg [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP  3 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  374/ 56.1
HTK 14 Aix1  Vx3  Mgx1 
3x EDM (Mg), 6x fG, 30x fR

The Keepers have begun building prefab versions of this base for emplacement in the Phyriseq system.  While the first prefabbed units have been transported to Phyriseq, their assembly will have to wait until the mobile shipyard group completes refits on some of the fleet units stationed there. 
Code: [Select]
FORWARD DEF BASE class BS0  3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix5HsVx3DVx3QsMg [0]
15 RCP  6 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  314/ 15.7
HTK 19 S0x4  Aix5  Dx1  Vx6  Mgx1 
12x fG, 100x fR

This asteroid fort is almost as large as the bases encountered in the Mintek home system.  The base was designed and built by the Keepers, in their role as guardians of the home system, and the two under construction will be emplaced at the warp point in the home system. 
Code: [Select]
WP DEFENSE BASE class AF  33 XO Racks 165 Hull TL 8
165 RCP  24 FCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2     Cost =  2547.5/ 127.4
HTK 136 S0x30  Apx50  Dcx3  Dx3  Pgx3  Rcx5  Vx24  Tx1  Mgx3 
140x CM, 15x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 240x fR

This is the standard defense base built and maintained by the Keepers for home system defense.  Nine units of this class are active in the home system, but none have yet been upgraded to this version.  Six of this class are still in their original version, equipped with old-fashioned energy pulse cannons and standard lasers.  Refits are underway to upgrade three of these older units to this version, and the Keepers plan on upgrading all units of this class to this version if given enough time.   
Code: [Select]
THIMBLEGRUMBLECLOWN R3 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x6Aix17ZHs(BbS)QPgx6M2DzEx3Pgx3XrPgx5Ex3DzPgPgLhPgQE [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1661/ 83.1
HTK 57 S0x6  Aix17  Dzx2  Pgx17  Ex7

Standard Keeper repair and assembly ship. 
Code: [Select]
MSY class FT5  (AC) 45 Hull TL 6
[3] S0S0AiHs(BbL)(IcIc)(Ic)(IcIc)(SYM)QsD(Ic) [4]
45 RCP  55 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  361.9/ 19.6
HTK 16 S0x2  Aix1  Dx1 

Doraz Contingency
The Doraz Contingency was conquered by the D’Bringi, but was recently released by the D’Bringi after signing an agreement to join the D’Bringi Alliance.  The agreement requires the Doraz to build a small defense fleet, consisting of no less than three and no more than six heavy cruisers, along with twelve smaller ships as needed.  The Doraz have access to their mothballed stockpile of ships from before their conquest, as it was hidden in the outer system and its location was never revealed to the D’Bringi.  The D’Bringi strongly suspected that it existed, of course, but were not able to locate it during their occupation.  The treaty recognizes the existence of the mothballed units, and allows the Doraz to keep them, as long as they don’t violate the limits on active units.   

The Spearpoint class was the Contingency’s primary combat unit.  The Doraz know that it is hopelessly outdate, but have plans to reactivate three units of this class from mothballs to serve as the basis for their new fleet. 
Code: [Select]
SPEARPOINT class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 4
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +1     Cost = 921/138.2
HTK 44 Sx6  Ax5  Dx4  Gx6  Mgx2 
120x GM

Torqual Benignity
The Torqual, like the Doraz, had a mothball fleet located in a secret location in their system, and like the Doraz the D’Bringi never found it.  The Torqual prefer to remain peaceful, but understand their requirements under the treaty and will likely begin reactivating several Upholder class units in the next several months. 

This was the primary combat unit for the Torqual fleet prior to the conquest.  The D’Bringi have agreed to allow the Torqual to use this class to fulfill their treaty obligations for local defense, but are requiring that the Torqual maintain six in service as they are smaller than heavy cruisers. 
Code: [Select]
UPHOLDER class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 2
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:2     Cost = 562.5/84.4
HTK 31 Sx6  Ax4  Dbx1  Fpx2  Wx3  Mgx1 
200x SM

T’Pau Syndicate
The T’Pau Syndicate are still settling into their new role as partners in the Alliance.  Prior to their elevation they maintained their fleet only because the D’Bringi required them to, and they were reluctant participants in the Alliance’s wars.  Now, though, they are coming to realize that as full partners they will need a larger fleet to ensure their position in the Alliance, as their current fleet is no where near to matching those of the other partners.  Even so, the economic opportunities that have opened up for them as full partners has been enticing, and they have so far focused their efforts on colonization and other economic matters rather than their fleet.  With HT-6 systems under development, a debate rages within the naval establishment as to the future of the Patton class and the Rakshasa class.  Both the Rehorish and the D’Bringi consider the standard sprint missile launcher (G), and the laser as old-fashioned and obsolete.  The T’Pau naval design bureau has been forced to admit that both weapons systems are less than optimal at this point, but each continues to present advantages, even in the face of more advanced technology.  Standard lasers continue to be the only system that can circumvent an enemy’s shields, and sprint missiles pack a decent punch and are effective out to medium range, and they cannot be intercepted by point defense.  The T’Pau Navy is concerned about their lack of long ranged combatants, and it is likely that when they begin expanding the navy this weakness will be remedied. 

The Patton class is the premier T’Pau combat unit, and the cornerstone of its fleet.  New systems are under development which will allow the T’Pau to raise the effectiveness of this class, but no design has been finalized as of yet. 
Code: [Select]
PATTON class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 896/134.4
HTK 41 Sx7  Ax3  Dx2  Lx3  Gx4  Mgx2 
200x GM

The Rakshasa class is viewed as an adequate companion for the Patton, and will likely continue as a main unit of the navy for the foreseeable future. 
Code: [Select]
RAKSHASA class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 3
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 649.5/97.4
HTK 29 Sx5  Ax2  Dx2  Lx5 

The Rehorish Stellar Dominion
The Rehorish state sets great stock by their military, and prefers a smaller, well trained and equipped military, to a larger, less trained mob.  At the start of the Alliance’s war with the humans, the core of the Rehorish fleet were their Akagi class heavy cruisers.  These ships, while lower tech than their D’Bringi ally’s heavy cruisers, were numerous and well trained, and gave a good account of themselves in every battle that they participated in during the war. 

Because the Rehorish take such time and effort to train and equip their crews, they are not interested in attrition warfare, but rather are proponents of misdirection and critical strikes against opponents that are not as proficient as they are.  Eschewing attrition warfare also means that the Rehorish tend to favor larger ships over small, and so, now that the refits are done, the Fleet plans on replacing the older and smaller heavy cruisers with the larger, more powerful, battlecruisers.  The Fleet believes that the battlecruisers will be more survivable in battle, thus ensuring that more of their precious crews survive each battle to fight again. 

The Zuikaku(LR) class is the Fleet’s premier missile combatant, and the current plans call for the construction of twelve ships of this class, replacing the six smaller Akagi(LR) ships currently in the fleet.  Current Fleet doctrine calls for the long-range ships such as this class to support the beam-armed ships in the fleet during their charge towards the enemy, distracting and weakening the enemy before the beam-armed ships can perform the death-blow. 
Code: [Select]
ZUIKAKU(LR) II class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 6
[3] S0x7Aix11ZH(BbS)Q(III)Rc(II)Rcx3MgD(III)FRcDRcMgFDM2DXr(II)LhQ(III)(II) [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1515/ 227.3
HTK 55 S0x7  Aix11  Dx4  Fx2  Rcx6  Mgx2 
120x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Zuikaku class battlecruiser is intended to replace the smaller Akagi class beam armed heavy cruisers.  Current plans call for the construction of eighteen Zuikaku class beam armed battlecruisers to replace the twenty-one Akagi class heavy cruisers.  The smaller heavy cruisers will be placed in mothballs as the newer battlecruisers are launched. 
Code: [Select]
ZUIKAKU II class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 6
[3] S0x10Aix12Ax6ZH(BbS)Q(III)PgPg(II)Fx3D(III)FPgPgDFFDFM4DXr(II)LhQ(III)(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5     Cost =  1682/ 252.3
HTK 61 S0x10  Aix12  Dx4  Pgx5  Fx7 

The Akagi class are the backbone of the fleet, and will continue to be so over the short to medium term. 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI III class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)F(II)FDF(II)DFDDFM2Xr(II)Lh(II)PgQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1156/ 173.4
HTK 48 S0x8  Aix9  Dx4  Pgx2  Fx5 

The Akagi(LR) class was designed in response to D’Bringi input about the necessity of having missile-armed combatants to harass comparable human missile-armed ships during the charge of the primary striking wing of the fleet, the beam-armed heavy cruisers.  This latest version mounts advanced rapid firing missile launchers and a force beam for close-in defense. 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI(LR) III class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x10Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDRa(II)DRaDDRaMgM2Xr(II)LhQ(II)(II)F [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1128/ 169.2
HTK 51 S0x10  Aix9  Dx4  Fx1  Rax6  Mgx1 

Prior to contact with the D’Bringi the Kongo class was the primary striking arm of the fleet, and was replaced just prior to contact by the Akagi class.  Although no new Kongo class units have been built in quite some time, and numerous examples still exist.  The Kongo class is the primary screening unit for Rehorish fleets, intended to protect larger Akagi and Zuikaku class units from attacks from smaller enemy screen ships. 
Code: [Select]
KONGO III class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix11ZHs(BbS)(I)EQs(II)D(I)E(II)E(I)DDM2(II)QsE [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  817.5/ 122.6
HTK 41 S0x8  Aix11  Dx3  Ex4 

Units of the Hosho class can be found in every fleet and independent squadron of the Rehorish nation.  The Fleet’s commanders prize the Hosho for its long-ranged sensors, which makes them a perfect scout to keep an eye on enemy fleet movements.  The Hosho class is optimized for independent deployment, and is not intended to act as a screening unit for larger fleet units. 
Code: [Select]
HOSHO II class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 6
[2] S0S0Aix5ZHs(I)(I)WaQs(I)DWa(I)M2Xr(I)DWa(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  646/ 96.9
HTK 26 S0x2  Aix5  Dx2  Wax3  Mgx1 

The Hyuga class is a fleet support unit, intended to resupply missile armed combatants after battle. 
Code: [Select]
HYUGA class CT  (AC) 3 XO Racks 15.5 Hull TL 1
[2] Hs(BbS)(I)Mgx3(I)Mgx3(I)Mgx3(I)Qs [8]
15.5 RCP  9.5 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  207.6/ 31.1
HTK 16 Mgx9 
440x GM, 800x SM, 30x EDM (Mg)

This is the latest version of the system defense base that protects the Stellar Dominion’s home system.  Refits have begun on three of the home system’s oldest bases, and once these are complete refits will start on the next three.   
Code: [Select]
TAIHO III class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 6
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1388/ 69.4
HTK 58 S0x16  Aix15  Dx5  Ex5  Fx8 

These bases were designed in response to the peace treaty with the humans.  Rather than tie down valuable ships, the Fleet decided that the contact points with the new human border state in the Novosibirsk system would be guarded by these units.  The Fleet intends to prefabricate these bases in the home system, then ship them to the Kure and Sapporo systems, where they will be assembled by the mobile shipyards of the repair groups. 
Code: [Select]
BS1 class BS1  5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x4Aix11ZHsPgPgM4!1TPgPgDQsPg [0]
25 RCP    Trg:5  Tem -1     Cost =  504/ 25.2
HTK 27 S0x4  Aix11  Dx1  Pgx5  Tx1 
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Mintek Ship Designs as of Month 173
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2021, 12:46:41 PM »
In Month 169, the Mintek government completed development of the latest technological systems for their fleet, and a massive refit program was begun to bring the Mintek Fleet up to the latest technological standard.  The refit program was the next step, after the development of the technology itself, towards the completion of preparations for Operation Thunderbolt, which was the planned attack into the D’Bringi Alliance through the Phyriseq system.  Because the ships of the D’Bringi and their subjects outnumber and out-mass those available to the Mintek, the navy of the Faithful must have every advantage possible.  Therefore, new designs for every class were produced, and several new ship classes were planned to fulfill roles in the planned attack. 
The Artemis class was not planned to participate in Operation Thunderbolt given the length of time it would take to proto-type the new hull.  Instead, the new light monitor class was intended to fill future needs of the navy.  In spite of the intent for this class to be primarily a missile combatant, it carries a heavy complement of beam weaponry to fend off close range attacks that will be almost certain given its slow speed. 
Code: [Select]
ARTEMIS class ML  AM2 33 XO Racks 165 Hull TL 9
165 RCP  35 MCP    Trg:8  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  4227/ 634
HTK 129 S0x26  Acx39  Dzx6  Dcx4  Pgx5  (HET)x4  Rcx8  Mgx3 
160x CM-a, 14x SBM, 80x SBM-a, 12x EDM (Mg)

The venerable G5 class battlecruiser undergoes a major design change with this refit.  Not only is the older armor replaced by composite armor, the weapons loadout is changed to heavily favor long-range missile weaponry.  This change was made because of the battlecruiser’s new role of fighter attack support.  With the primary striking arm of the fleet now the fighter corps, battlecruisers are seen as more of a support arm, attacking heavy concentration of enemy ships as fighter strikes go in, complicating the defensive efforts of the enemy.  To this end the ship’s entire beam weapon complement was replaced by capital missile launchers, with the exception of a single plasma gun.  In addition, the ship’s multiplex tracking was downgraded, and its long-range sensors were replaced by the smaller targeting scanners.   All of the Alowan battlecruisers captured during the conquest of that race are scheduled to be converted to this design. 
Code: [Select]
G-5 MK 3 class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x8Acx33HQ(II-It)(BbS)(III-It)(II-It)M3(III-It)!2DzRcx4?2(II-It)RcDzDzZiXrsLhQ(III-It)PgMg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2102/ 315.3
HTK 82 S0x8  Acx33  Dzx3  Pgx1  Rcx5  Mgx1 
60x CM-a, 30x SBM-a

The data-group leader version of the G-5 mounts a massive improved multiplex tracking system, as well as long-range sensors.  A single capital missile launcher was removed to find space for these installations, and the ship’s armor was reduced as well.  Each datagroup will consist of one data-group leader, and two standard G-5 class battlecruisers. 
Code: [Select]
G-5(DGL) MK 3 class BC  AM2 16 XOa Racks 80 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x8Acx24HQ(II-It)(BbS)(III-It)(II-It)M6(III-It)!2DzRcx4?2(II-It)DzDzXrMi1ZiLhQ(III-It)PgMg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2266/ 339.9
HTK 72 S0x8  Acx24  Dzx3  Pgx1  Rcx4  Mgx1 
60x CM-a, 30x SBM-a

Earlier versions of the G-5 class fleet command ship were intended to operate outside of the fleet itself, away from combat and safe from interference during battle.  However, this proved to be problematic in many of the battles the fleet has been involved in, as having an entire battlecruiser forced to remain away from the battle was seen as a waste of resources.  Both Strategos Brammer and Strategos Neroon argued for a change, either moving the command duties to a smaller hull that could be spared in battle, or by integrating the command battlecruisers into the battleline.  This class is intended to fill the second option, taking the place of the normal data-group leader design in a datagroup.  Strategos Brammer is reportedly unhappy with this design, though, as the designers were forced to sacrifice forty percent of the standard design’s missile launchers to fit in the command center and communications equipment required to make this ship capable of fleet command. 
Code: [Select]
G-5(CDGL) MK 3 class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x8Acx24HQ(II-It)(BbS)(III-It)(II-It)(III-It)!2DzRcx3?2(II-It)DzXrMi1Zi(CC)(CIC)LhQ(III-It)PgMg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2227/ 334
HTK 71 S0x8  Acx24  Dzx2  Rcx3  Mgx1 
60x CM-a, 30x SBM-a

The original Halifax class was an Alowan design, and thirteen units of this class were captured during the conquest of that race.  The original design mounted a single plasma torpedo launcher, a weapons system the Mintek had little experience with.  Subsequent to the decision to convert the Haymans class destroyers (see below) to an anti-fighter DDE design, Fleet Command decided to make the updated Halifax class destroyers the primary anti-ship escorts for the capital ships of the fleet.  The capital force beam installed on this class significantly outranges and out-powers the smaller and older beam weaponry expected to be encountered on D’Bringi Alliance units, giving this class an advantage.  In addition, this class mounts jammer ECM technology, which will disrupt enemy datalinks if they try to close on the capital units being screened by units of this class. 
Code: [Select]
HALIFAX(M) MK 2 class DD  AM2 6 XOa Racks 30 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x4Acx12ZH(I)(I)Qs(I)(I)(I)(I)DzDz!2MgQs?2?j(I)Fc [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  837/ 125.5
HTK 33 S0x4  Acx12  Dzx2  Fcx1 

The Haymans Mk 3 DDE is a departure for the venerable Haymans class, and a recognition by Fleet Command that the primary threats to fleet units in the future is likely to be fighters rather than enemy ships.  The DDE carries an out-sized datalinked point defense suite, and its single capital point defense emplacement allows it to engage fighters at a longer range than it otherwise would be capable of doing with other weapons.  The ship mounts a single plasma gun for defense against enemy ships. 
Code: [Select]
HAYMANS MK 3 class DDE  (AC) AM2 6 XOa Racks 30 Hull TL 9
[1] S0S0Acx6ZH(I)Qs(I)(I)M2(I)!2(I)Dc?2DzDz(I)DzDzXrsQs(I)Pg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  857/ 128.6
HTK 29 S0x2  Acx6  Dzx4  Dcx1  Pgx1 

The Iroquois class ships are intended to be deployed as scouts for main fleet units.  Like the Halifax class destroyers, The Iroquois class ships were captured from the Alowan and converted to Mintek use. 
Code: [Select]
IROQUOIS(M) CTS MK 2 class CT  AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 9
[1] S0S0Acx3ZH(I)(I)(I)XrDzQs(I)F [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  332/ 49.8
HTK 15 S0x2  Acx3  Dzx1  Fx1 

Assault Fleet
The Assault Fleet is intended to be used to attack defended warp points, and thus its ships are heavily armored and shielded to protect them from the point-blank weapons fire they are expected to endure in the early stages of any attack.  The captains of the Assault Fleet have been frustrated by the strategic realities that have forced Fleet Command to use their ships as mobile defense bases to protect threatened warp points, rather than offensively as was originally intended.  Operation Thunderbolt will change all of that, deploying the Assault Fleet as a sword to slash through D’Bringi defenses, opening the way for the fleet to make deep strikes into the D’Bringi interior once their defensive crust has been penetrated. 

The original Olifant design proved to be less than successful in their first encounters with the D’Bringi in the battles in the Phyriseq system.  Opinions are divided as to whether this is due to an inherent design flaw, or because of the way they were deployed, or just simply because they were outnumbered during the battle.  In any case, after the defeats in the Phyriseq system, Fleet Command decided to devote the remaining Olifant class units to the warp point assault role.  Their capital missile launchers were removed and replaced with increased armor and shields, and a fighter squadron.  The latest redesign added composite armor and jammer ECM to the design. 
Code: [Select]
OLIFANT MK 3 class SD  AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 9
130 RCP  20 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3859/ 578.8
HTK 144 S0x30  Acx51  Dzx5  Pgx8  (HET)x4  Vx6  Mgx1 
20x CAM (Mg), 6x EDM (Mg), 18x fG, 54x fR-a, 18x fL, 108x fM-a

Much like the G-5 battlecruiser design, Fleet Command decided to create a data-group command version of the Olifant rather than mount the large and expensive improved multiplex system on every ship.  The ship’s armor is slightly reduced, and a single HET laser is removed to find space for the improved multiplex system. 
Code: [Select]
OLIFANT(DGL) MK 3 class SD  AM2 26 XOa Racks 130 Hull TL 9
130 RCP  20 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3934/ 590.1
HTK 140 S0x30  Acx48  Dzx5  Pgx8  (HET)x3  Vx6  Mgx1 
20x CAM (Mg), 4x EDM (Mg), 18x fG, 54x fR-a, 18x fL, 108x fM-a

The planners for Operation Thunderbolt were concerned about the enemy’s deployment of a fighter CSP around the warp point in the Phyriseq system, and the need for a way to get Mintek fighters into the system during the assault to counter those fighters.  Obviously, any ship used to fill this role would have to be heavily armored and shielded, precluding the use of standard carriers, so an Odysseus class carrier was redesigned, removing eighteen fighter bays, replacing them with an increased point defense suite, a heavily reinforced armor system, and a HET laser for close-in fights that the carrier might not be able to avoid.  Fleet Command does not intend to send the Dionysus class through the warp point first during an assault, but rather they will go through after the Olifant class SDA’s, taking advantage of the confusion those ships will have created during their attack to hopefully survive long enough to launch their fighters. 
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DIONYSUS class CV(A)  AM2 17 XOa Racks 85 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x10Acx36H(BbS)(III)(II)Q(III)Vx6(II)Vx6QDzVx6Dz(III)DzVx6Q(HET)DzLh?2QZi?jPg(II)MgMg [6]
85 RCP  15 MCP  24 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  2484/ 372.6
HTK 103 S0x10  Acx36  Dzx4  Pgx1  (HET)x1  Vx24  Mgx2 
10x CAM (Mg), 6x EDM (Mg), 72x fG, 120x fR-a, 72x fL, 360x fM-a

The Apollo class assault cruiser is Fleet Command’s method of dealing with the heavy minefields that will almost certainly be encountered around any protected warp point.  The Apollo class is armed with advanced gun/missile launchers capable of launching four missiles a minute.  The Apollo class will be equipped with anti-mine missiles, which will give it a standoff capability against minefields, removing the necessity of actually exposing the ship to enemy minefields to sweep the mines. 
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APOLLO CAA MK 2 class CA  AM2 12 XOa Racks 60 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x5Acx39Hs(BbL)(II)Wa(II)QsWa(II)Wa(II)WaQs(II)WaDzDzDzXr?2Zi(II)QsMg [6]
60 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  1560/ 234
HTK 73 S0x5  Acx39  Dzx3  Wax5  Mgx1 
100xBAM-R, 86x SM-a, 4x EDM (Mg)

Carrier Fleet
The Mintek Carrier Arm is viewed as the primary striking arm of the Mintek Fleet, and all other branches are expected to support the carriers during their attacks on enemy fleet units. 

The Odysseus class is intended to be the premier Mintek carrier unit, and the heart of its Carrier Strike Groups.  For now, though, only three Odysseus class carriers have been built, and all three are slated to be refitted to Dionysius class assault carriers in the near future.  This will mean that for the near future the fleet will have to rely on smaller carriers to fill the primary strike role.   
Code: [Select]
ODYSSEUS MK 2 class CV  AM2 17 XOa Racks 85 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x6Acx6ZH(BbL)(III)Vx6Qs(II)Vx6(III)Vx12MgQ(II)Vx6DzQVx6(III)DzQVx6MgQXrDzLhQ(II)Pg [6]
85 RCP  15 MCP  42 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  2200/ 330
HTK 86 S0x6  Acx6  Dzx3  Pgx1  Vx42  Mgx2 
12x EDM (Mg), 126x fG, 378x fR-a, 126x fL, 800x fM-a

Nine Hercules class light carriers have been built to date, and more are slated for the near future to replace the Odysseus class carriers being converted to assault carriers.  There are no current plans to refit the existing Hercules class units to take advantage of the latest technology, as increased armor protection is not viewed as a critical improvement for a carrier never intended to be in direct combat.  It is likely, though, that any new units constructed will be Mk 2 units with composite armor. 
Code: [Select]
HERCULES class CVL  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiZHs(BbL)(II-It)(II-It)Vx6(II-It)Vx6MgQ(II-It)Vx6Dz(II-It)QVx6QLhXrQDz(II-It)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  24 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1559/ 233.9
HTK 58 S0x2  Aix1  Dzx2  Vx24  Mgx2 
8x EDM (Mg), 76x fG, 380x fR-a, 76x fL, 760x fM-a

Only one unit of this class was built, and no more are scheduled for construction at the current time, as this class was merely intended as a necessary step from escort carrier hulls to light carrier hulls. 
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AGAMEMNON class CVS AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0Aix3Hs(BbS)(II-It)(I-It)(II-It)Vx6Q(I-It)Vx6Q(II-It)Vx6QLhDzQ(I-It)Mg [6]
45 RCP  80 MCP  18 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1141.5/ 171.2
HTK 47 S0x2  Aix3  Dzx1  Vx18  Mgx1 
6x EDM (Mg), 54x fG, 162x fR-a, 54x fL, 324x fM-a

Twenty Achilles class units have been built, making them the class carrying the most fighters in the current fleet.  As with the Hercules class there are no plans to refit the units of this class to the latest technology, although new units will almost certainly include the new tech. 
Code: [Select]
ACHILLES class CVE  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x3AiAiZHs(I)Vx6(I)Vx6(I)Q(I)(I)(I)XrLhDzQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  678/ 101.7
HTK 32 S0x3  Aix2  Dzx1  Vx12  Mgx1 
4x EDM (Mg), 36x fG, 128x fR-a, 36x fL, 180x fM-a

Defensive Fortifications
The fortifications deployed to protect the home system from attacks by the Faithless are seen as critical to the security of the Faithful and are considered high prestige postings by most officers and crews.  Most of the fortifications listed below are deployed in the Mintek Home system, which by far boasts the highest concentration of the Faithful in the entire Union, although several asteroid forts have been constructed in surrounding systems to protect warp points leading to systems occupied by the Faithless. 

The Perseus class is intended to be a long-range combatant that can engage intruders with either missile weaponry or fighters, or both.  Three Perseus class units have been built to date.  One is deployed in the home system at the warp point to the Phyriseq system, one is located in orbit over the home planet, and the third is located in the Ephesos system, defending the warp point to the Rehorish Kure system. 
Code: [Select]
PERSEUS class AF  53 XO Racks 267 Hull TL 8
267 RCP  58 MCP  30 FCP    Trg:4     Cost =  3709.5/ 185.5
HTK 210 S0x30  Apx100  Dzx5  Pgx3  Rcx10  Vx30  Tx2  Mgx2 
50x CM-a, 20x SBM-a, 1x EDM (Mg), 102x fG, 255x fR-a, 102x fL, 510x fM-a, 1x ADM (Mg)

These asteroid fortresses were designed to act as storage for fighters that are excess to current need.  Originally intended to store fighters built to act as replacements for losses, they now store older F0 fighters that have been replaced by the latest F1’s currently being deployed to the fleet.  These F0’s will act as a reserve against future losses.  Two of these forts have been deployed in orbit over the home planet. 
Code: [Select]
AF - STORAGE class AF  13 XO Racks 67 Hull TL 1
[1] Apx10H(BbL)Hx30QHx20LhQ [0]
67 RCP  33 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  374.5/ 18.7
HTK 65 Apx10 

The Asteroid Fort, Warp Point Defense class unit is a close-in combatant designed to be emplaced close to the defended warp point.  It mounts tractors to grab and slow invading enemy ships, and heavy capital force beams to damage anything that comes close.  One unit of this class has been built and deployed to the warp point to the Phyriseq system.   
Code: [Select]
AFWPD class AF  44 XO Racks 223 Hull TL 8
223 RCP  27 MCP    Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2858.5/ 142.9
HTK 189 S0x50  Apx100  Dzx6  Pgx6  Fcx6  Tix5 

This is the standard defense base for the Mintek Home System.  Nine units of this class are deployed to the warp point to the Phyriseq system.  It was bases of this class that stopped the attempted D’Bringi assault on the home system by decisively crushing the leading waves of their attack force.  The Mark 3 version of this design includes composite armor and jammer ECM suite to disrupt enemy data groups. 
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BUFFEL MK 3 class BS5  AM 36 XO Racks 180 Hull TL 9
180 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:7  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3696/ 184.8
HTK 148 S0x42  Acx51  Dzx9  Pgx16  (HET)x5  Rcx9  Mgx3 
160x CM-a, 80x SBM-a, 18x CAM (Mg), 6x EDM (Mg)

Much like the capital ships of the fleet, the Buffel class will have a data-group leader class equipped with improved multiplex tracking.  Two capital missile launchers were sacrificed to install the large new tracking system, with the excess space devoted to additional armor. 
Code: [Select]
BUFFEL(DGL) MK 3 class BS5  AM 36 XO Racks 180 Hull TL 9
180 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3786/ 189.3
HTK 152 S0x42  Acx57  Dzx9  Pgx16  (HET)x5  Rcx7  Mgx3 
160x CM-a, 80x SBM-a, 18x CAM (Mg), 6x EDM (Mg)

The Protecteur class BS5 was an Alowan design captured during the conquest of that system.  The Mark 2 refit brings the converted Alowan bases up to the latest technological standard.  Fleet Command originally intended to convert the Protecteur’s captured from the Alowan to the Buffel Mark 3 design, however, with the bases located in the Alowan home system a long-range design made more sense, as the bases would be deployed in orbit over Alowan Prime, both to defend the planet and to enforce Mintek rule. 
Code: [Select]
PROTECTEUR MK 2 class BS5  AM 36 XOa Racks 180 Hull TL 9
180 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:8  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3748/ 187.4
HTK 134 S0x20  Acx57  Dzx8  (HET)x5  Rcx15  Vx12  Mgx3 
129x CM-a, 60x SBM-a, 8x EDM (Mg), 36x fG, 108x fR-a, 36x fL, 216x fM-a, 16x ADM (Mg)

Data-group leader design for the Protecteur class.  Space for the improved multiplex tracking system was found by significantly reducing the armor protection. 
Code: [Select]
PROTECTEUR(DGL) MK 2 class BS5  AM 36 XO Racks 180 Hull TL 9
180 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3753/ 187.6
HTK 110 S0x20  Acx33  Dzx8  (HET)x5  Rcx15  Vx12  Mgx3 
129x CM-a, 60x SBM-a, 8x EDM (Mg), 36x fG, 108x fR-a, 36x fL, 216x fM-a, 16x ADM (Mg)

In the aftermath of the incursion into the Home System by an unknown race, Strategos Brammer recommended that these PDC’s be built on both Mintek Prime and Mintek Secundus, as a last defensive line to hold off invaders until the fleet can return from out-system, if necessary.  Originally, the Mintek hoped to build six of these monstrous bases on each of their most heavily populated planets, but the cost to maintain such large bases would be prohibitive, so likely fewer will be built.   
Code: [Select]
PRIME PDC class PDC  976 Hull TL 9
976 RCP  1000 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Tem -2     Cost =  4752/ 475.2
HTK 798 Apx700  Dzx10  Rcx40  Mgx10 
500x CM-a, 400x SBM-a

The population of Mintek Tertius was not large enough to support the construction of a Prime class PDC, so this smaller PDC was designed for construction on that world.  The base’s small complement of point defense will be supplemented by additional point defense PDC’s are planned for all inhabited planets. 
Code: [Select]
TERTIUS PDC class PDC  198 Hull TL 9
[1] Apx100HRcx5QDzRcx5QDzQ?jQRcx4!2Mi1LhQDzZiMgx3 [0]
198 RCP  250 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Tem -2     Cost =  1592/ 159.2
HTK 131 Apx100  Dzx3  Rcx14  Mgx3 
110x CM-a, 150x SBM-a

Survey Command
Mintek Survey Command is charged with finding new worlds for the Faithful, and new races that can be brought to the Faith.  Currently, the Survey Command relies on the Metje class light cruisers as its primary, and only, survey vessels.  With the advent of new technology, Survey Command has been arguing for a new class of larger survey ships, either heavy cruiser or battlecruiser sized.  The larger ships would be more capable in general, and would be better able to defend themselves if necessary.

Code: [Select]
METJE V3 class CL  AM2 9 XOa Racks 45 Hull TL 9
[1] S0S0AiAiZH(BbL)(BbM)(IcIc)Vx6Qs(Ic)Qs(IcIc)DzXcXrXc?1DzQs(Ic)Mg [4]
45 RCP  5 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  1361.5/ 204.2
HTK 31 S0x2  Acx3  Dzx2  Vx6  Mgx1 
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Cold War: older D'Bringi and Rehorish designs
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2021, 09:59:49 AM »
D’Bringi and Rehorish Designs, as of Month 177
Author’s Note: The ship designs below belong to the Rehorish and D’Bringi, and generally are pre-amalgamation designs.  After the amalgamation I decided to clean out the ship design section of SA for the new union of the D’Bringi and the Rehorish, but as I began clearing stuff out I realized there were a lot of designs I never posted.  So here they are.

The Akagi class cruiser was the main Rehorish combatant until the advent of battlecruiser hulls.  Rehorish fleet deployment strategy called for a strong attack force of short-range equipped cruisers, supported by a smaller number of missile hulls to distract an enemy while the beam-armed cruisers close to decisive range.  Many of the Akagi class were sold to Alliance members when the battlecruisers began being deployed.   
Code: [Select]
AKAGI class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 3
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 922/138.3
HTK 39 Sx3  Ax4  Dx4  Lx3  Gx4  Mgx1 
100x GM
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AKAGI R1 class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 4
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  952/ 142.8
HTK 39 Sx3  Ax4  Dx4  Fx3  Gx4  Mgx1 
90x GM, 12x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)
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AKAGI R2 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1040/ 156
HTK 44 Sx3  Aix9  Dx4  Fx3  Gx4  Mgx1 
90x GM, 12x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)

The Akagi(LR) design was intended to support the beam-armed cruisers with long-range missile fire.  Unlike the various human navies, which gave priority to missile armed combatants, these units were only ever intended to be secondary support units to the primary striking power of the fleet, the beam armed units. 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI(LR) class CA  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 4
[3] Sx5Ax4ZH(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDRa(II)DRaDDRaMgM2Xr(II)LhQ(II)(II)F [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1000/ 150
HTK 41 Sx5  Ax4  Dx4  Fx1  Rax6  Mgx1 
186x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)
Code: [Select]
AKAGI(LR) R2 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx5Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDRa(II)DRaDDRaMgM2Xr(II)LhQ(II)(II)F [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1088/ 163.2
HTK 46 Sx5  Aix9  Dx4  Fx1  Rax6  Mgx1 
186x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)
The Kongo class were intended to support the larger cruisers and for independent missions that did not require heavy cruisers or battlecruisers. 
Code: [Select]
KONGO class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 3
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 685.5/102.8
HTK 26 Sx2  Ax1  Dx3  Fpx1  Lx3  Epcx1 
Code: [Select]
KONGO R1 class CL  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 4
[3] SSAx3ZH(BbS)(I)(II)FQsDEpc(I)DDFEpcM2(II)Qs(I)(II) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  694.5/ 104.2
HTK 27 Sx2  Ax3  Dx3  Fx2  Epcx2 
Code: [Select]
KONGO R2 class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 5
[2] SSAix7ZHs(BbS)(I)FQs(II)D(I)Epc(II)F(I)DDEpcM2(II)Qs [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  761.5/ 114.2
HTK 31 Sx2  Aix7  Dx3  Fx2  Epcx2 

The Hosho class destroyers have been a mainstay of Rehorish fleets since before the interstellar era.  Rehorish fleet commanders use the Hosho’s as scouts, a role they are well suited for with their long-range weaponry and long-range scanners. 
Code: [Select]
HOSHO class DD  6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 3
[3] ZH(I)(I)GQs(I)DG(I)DGWMgM2Xr(I)Qs(I)(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 479/71.9
HTK 20 Dx2  Wx1  Gx3  Mgx1 
60x GM, 20x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)
Code: [Select]
HOSHO R1 class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 5
[2] SAix5ZHs(I)(I)GQs(I)DG(I)DGMgM2Xr(I)Qs(I)(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  518/ 77.7
HTK 25 Sx1  Aix5  Dx2  Gx3  Mgx1 
60x GM, 6x SM, 2x EDM (Mg)

The Taiho class is the primary system defense base for the Rehorish nation.  The Rehorish are firm believers in a strong defense and have made sure to keep their defenses updated with the latest weaponry.
Code: [Select]
TAIHO class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 3
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 1109/55.5
HTK 36 Sx5  Ax6  Dx5  Fpx1  Lx9  Epcx3 
Code: [Select]
TAIHO R1 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 4
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1180/ 59
HTK 37 Sx6  Ax7  Dx5  Fx8  Epcx4 
Code: [Select]
TAIHO R2 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 5
[1] Sx6Aix15ZHs(BbS)QFEpcFFEpcFEpcFDFDFM2DEpcDLhQDF [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1226/ 61.3
HTK 45 Sx6  Aix15  Dx5  Fx8  Epcx4 

This is the primary defense base for the D’Bringi nation.  Code-named Thimblegrumbleclown, this base is primarily stationed at the home system’s sole warp point, the warp point from the D’Bringi system to the T’Pau system.
Code: [Select]
THIMBLEGRUMBLECLOWN class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 3
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost = 1115/55.7
HTK 34 Sx3  Ax8  Dx2  Lx8  Epcx5 
Code: [Select]
THIMBLEGRUMBLECLOWN R1 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 5
[1] Sx3Aix17ZHs(BbS)QEpcFEpcFM2DXrEpcFEpcFEpcFx3DLhQF [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1247/ 62.4
HTK 43 Sx3  Aix17  Dx2  Fx8  Epcx5 
Code: [Select]
THIMBLEGRUMBLECLOWN R2 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x6Sx3Aix17ZHs(BbS)QPgx6M2DEx3Pgx3XrPgx5Ex3DPgPgLhPgQE [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1611/ 80.6
HTK 57 S0x6  Aix17  Dx2  Pgx17  Ex7 
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Cold War: Bedu Ship Designs
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2021, 10:57:04 AM »
The Bedu were discovered by the Bjering in Month 140.  After a lengthy contact process the Bjering tried to draw the Bedu into an alliance, however, the leadership of the Bedu Republic decided to remain isolated due to recent instabilities and problems.  In Month 160, the Bedu Republic achieved HT-9, and began development of the various systems available at that level.  By Month 187 the Bedu have largely updated their fleet to the latest technology. 

The Bedu view their carriers as their primary combat vessel.  The Hebron class is intended to he the epitome of the carrier class, a pure carrier platform with light defenses capable of deploying six squadrons of the latest F1 fighters.  The Bedu fighter-intensive strategy became somewhat problematic with the advent of anti-matter weaponry, due largely to the cost of such weapons.  The current loadout of the Hebron costs almost as much as the entire carrier, making it an expensive proposition to build a new carrier and fill its magazines. 
Code: [Select]
HEBRON R1 class CV  AM2 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 9
85 RCP  15 MCP  36 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  2341/ 351.1
HTK 93 S0x8  Acx12  Dzx4  Vx36  Mgx2 
10x EDM (Mg), 108x fG, 216x fR-a, 108x fL, 540x fM

The Abadan class was once the Bedu fleet’s primary strike vessel, however, the advent of fighters relegated the battlecruisers to the secondary role of protecting the carriers. 
Code: [Select]
ABADAN BC R1 class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x8Acx15H(BbS)Rcx3DzM3Rcx3DzRc(III)(II)(III)(II)(III)QDzXr!2?2LhZiDzQ(II)MgMg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1842/ 276.3
HTK 61 S0x8  Acx15  Dzx4  Rcx7  Mgx2 
120x CM-a, 55x SBM-a, 6x EDM (Mg)

The Mersin class was intended to act as a scout for fleet deployments, and as a scout-killer when used for fleet defense.  The Mersin class was undergoing a re-evaluation at the start of the crisis with the Mintek, as doesn’t mount enough launchers or defenses to stand in the line of battle, and fighter squadrons were better scout-killers.  In addition, fleet commanders were pressing for more scouts for their fleets, and the Mersin class was large and expensive, leading Fleet HQ to examine smaller hulls as a potential replacement for the Mersin. 
Code: [Select]
MERSIN R1 class CL  AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x4Acx9H(BbM)RcDzRcM2QsDzRcXr(I)(II)(I)(II)!2?2ZiQs(I)(II)Mg [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1009.5/ 151.4
HTK 37 S0x4  Acx9  Dzx2  Rcx3  Mgx1 
50x CM-a, 30x SBM-a, 6x EDM (Mg)

The Mosul class is the standard escort for both Abadan class BC’s and Hebron class carriers. 
Code: [Select]
MOSUL DD R1 class DD  AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x3Acx6HsQs(HET)Pg(HET)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)DzZiQs(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  652/ 97.8
HTK 24 S0x3  Acx6  Dzx1  Pgx1  (HET)x2 

The Bierut class BS5 is the standard Bedu defense base deployed in the home system.  They are large and expensive, so there are currently only four deployed in the home system. 
Code: [Select]
BIERUT BS5 R1 class BS5 36 XO Racks 180 Hull TL 9
180 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:8  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3562/ 178.1
HTK 146 S0x38  Acx51  Dzx8  (HET)x5  Rcx12  Vx12  Tix3  Mgx4 
200x CM-a, 108x SBM-a, 8x EDM (Mg), 40x fG, 80x fR-a, 40x fL, 240x fM-a
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Cold War: Doraz Ship Designs
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2021, 08:01:07 AM »
Since the Doraz have been active lately, I thought I'd post some of their designs. 

Month 190
Alliance Member Nation, Doraz Contingency

The Doraz are highly militaristic slugs who tend to respond to every problem with military force.  Since incorporation into the Alliance, they have been trying to build up their fleet at the same time as growing their economy, a balancing act that they have accomplished well, at least so far.  The Doraz prefer larger ships, the larger the better, and relatively heavy defenses, and ‘pure’ ships with either beam weaponry or missile weaponry. 

The Annihilator class battlecruiser is slated to become the Doraz Navy’s primary capital ship.  Once the prototype is launched in Month 195, work will begin on a capital missile version as well. 
Code: [Select]
ANNIHILATOR class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x16Aix17ZHs(III)(II)(BbS)(III)QFFXrDzFFDzM4Fx3Dz(II)(III)Dz?1LhQ(II)F [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +2     Cost =  1743/ 261.5
HTK 69 S0x16  Aix17  Dzx4  Fx8 

The Doraz purchased three D’Bringi Knucklepuff class cruisers when that race began downsizing their heavy cruiser force in favor of battlecruisers.  At that time the D’Bringi cruisers were more advanced than anything that the Doraz could build, but as of Month 190 they are considered, if not obsolete, then out of step with current Doraz fleet strategies.  The Knucklepuffs will likely be converted to the Spearpoint(R) design below. 
Code: [Select]
KNUCKLEPUFF(R2) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x4Aix13ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)XrQWax3MgWax3DWax3LhD(II)QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1318/ 197.7
HTK 49 S0x4  Aix13  Dx2  Wax9  Mgx2 

The Spearpoint is the original Doraz capital ship, and has undergone steady refits as Doraz tech increased.  The Spearpoint(F) class is equipped with force beams and is intended to runt to close range under missile cover from the long-range cruisers and then engage the enemy closely.  There have been discussions between the Doraz High Command and the Alliance about the possibility of selling some of their Spearpoint class cruisers to the lower tech races in the Alliance now that the Annihilator battlecruisers are going to be coming online, however, at this time the Doraz are leaning towards mothballing at least a portion of their heavy cruiser fleet against future need.
Code: [Select]
SPEARPOINT V1.2F class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x11Aix12ZHsQ(II)(II)(BbS)(II)FFDM3DFDDFFXr?1(II)LhQ(II)(II) [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2     Cost =  1171/ 175.7
HTK 53 S0x11  Aix12  Dx4  Fx5 

Unlike the D’Bringi, who have a marked preference towards close-range beam combat, the Doraz have no particular preference and prefer fleets of balanced long and short-range ships.  The Spearpoint-R class ships complement the close-range Spearpoint-F ships. 
Code: [Select]
SPEARPOINT V1.2R class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x11Aix10ZHsQ(II)(II)(BbS)(II)RcRcDM3DRcDDRcMgXr?1(II)LhQ(II)(II) [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2     Cost =  1133/ 170
HTK 51 S0x11  Aix10  Dx4  Rcx4  Mgx1 
80x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Mangler class was intended for limited independent missions and for escort duties for Spearpoint-R cruisers.  It is not a popular class and will likely be phased out in favor of a larger light cruiser class at some point in the future. 
Code: [Select]
MANGLER MK 3 class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix7ZHs(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)DFDXr?1T(I)Qs(I)(I) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  580/ 87
HTK 32 S0x8  Aix7  Dx2  Fx1  Tx1 

The Crusher class is intended for scouting duties and a limited number have been built to fulfill this role. 
Code: [Select]
CRUSHER MK 3 class CT  AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x4AiZHs(I)Xr(I)DQs(I)(I)F [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  308/ 46.2
HTK 15 S0x4  Aix1  Dx1  Fx1 
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Cold War: Colonial Union Ship Designs to Month 195
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2021, 03:58:55 PM »
Author’s Note: The Cold War campaign has been through a lot of changes during the 195 turns that it has been running, and a lot of races have appeared and then been amalgamated over those turns.  The two biggest races, the Alliance and the Colonial Union, have both amalgamated numerous smaller races/governments over those turns.  Recently, I decided to clean all of the old, outdated designs and classes from the SA database, because they were clogging up the design and class view windows, and they were just annoying.  I wanted to document those designs, though, before just deleting them, so I’ve created this document and a design doc for the Alliance.  However, I realized while creating this one that I hadn’t posted any ship designs for the Colonial Union since before there was a Colonial Union.  In fact, I think the last designs I posted were back before the fall of the USSR.  Because there were so many versions of the same class for most of the designs, I decided to only include the designs that were still active.  That means some designs have disappeared completely, such as the Sligo battlecruiser, or intervening versions might be missed.  Including all of those designs would be time consuming and a pain, so I thought this was a good compromise, especially as some of these designs never saw combat. 

The Colonial Union Navy’s fleet strategy is to deploy a strong battleline of large missile ships as the primary combatants, supported by smaller medium and short-ranged ships to screen them while engaging the enemy.  To this end they have deployed a large number of battlecruisers that are slowly being supplanted by superdreadnoughts, escorted by cruisers, light cruisers, and destroyers.  With the advent of fighter technology, the Union Navy will be deploying its new carriers in a support role in the main fleets, to harry enemy forces and protect the battleline from enemy fighters. 

The UK class superdreadnoughts were Humanity’s answer to the Alliance’s superior economy.  Intelligence on the Alliance’s Navy was limited, but what was obtained, mostly from the Commonwealth, indicated that the Alliance had maintained battlecruisers as their main fleet offensive units.  The Colonial Union’s government, feeling a lingering sense of inferiority after the destruction of most of the Earth’s population, wanted something that visibly showed humanity’s inherent superiority over the alien races.  The superdreadnought was intended from the first to be a showcase of humanity’s might and military prowess.  The UK is designed to smash battlecruiser datagroups as they close on the SD’s by overwhelming their point defense with concentrated missile fire.   
Code: [Select]
UNITED KINGDOM MK II class SD  AM 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 7
[4] S0x20Aix26ZH(BbS)(IIII)Q(IIII)(IIII)Q(IIII)!1Rcx5MgDzRcx5MgDzRcRcMgDzXrDzLh?1DzQ(IIII)F [5]
130 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  2773/ 416
HTK 97 S0x20  Aix26  Dzx5  Fx1  Rcx12  Mgx3 
200x CM, 84x CM LT1, 9x EDM (Mg)

The Kara class was the predecessor to the United Kingdom class, and is based on a Soviet design study commissioned before the fall of the USSR.  The battleship was never intended to be anything more than a transitional class between battlecruisers and superdreadnoughts, and only three have been built.  The Union Assault Corps has requested the existing BB’s be turned over to them for conversion to assault designs, and it is likely that the request will be granted before the next round of refits.   
Code: [Select]
BB KARA MK 3 class BB  AM 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 7
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2     Cost =  2187/ 328.1
HTK 87 S0x26  Aix20  Dzx5  Pgx3  Rcx7  Mgx2 
120x CM, 70x CM LT1, 5x EDM (Mg)

The Queensland class is a descendant of the Coalition’s battlecruiser design, which was adopted by the young Colonial Union navy largely because very few Soviet battlecruisers survived the last war.  While many of the Navy’s officers have staunchly maintained their belief that the battlecruisers are the queen of battle, and that the new superdreadnoughts are too ungainly and slow to be effective on the strategic stage, it is hard to deny comparisons that show that the superdreadnoughts mount twice as many launchers, and have nearly twice as much passive defenses as the battlecruisers, for less than twice the cost.  Regardless of the endless debates between the battlecruiser captains and the superdreadnought captains, the politicians love the huge SD’s and it is clear that the BC’s days as the queen of the fleet are numbered. 
Code: [Select]
BCR QUEENSLAND MK IV class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x10Aix16ZH(BbS)(III)(II)(III)(II)(III)QXrRcRcMgDzM2Rcx3Dz!1RcMgPgDzLh?1Q(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1658/ 248.7
HTK 64 S0x10  Aix16  Dzx3  Pgx2  Rcx6  Mgx2 
120x CM, 72x CM LT1, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Oregon class was designed from the keel up to escort the battlecruisers and superdreadnoughts, screening them from beam-armed threats known to exist in the Alliance navy.  The Mk II refits added datalinked point defense, greatly increasing this class’s missile defense capacity. 
Code: [Select]
OREGON CAE class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x10Aix19ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)!1QFM2FDFDF?1DLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1128/ 169.2
HTK 58 S0x10  Aix19  Dx3  Fx5 
Code: [Select]
OREGON CAE MK II class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix19ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)!1QFM2FDzFDzF?1DzLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1203/ 180.5
HTK 58 S0x10  Aix19  Dzx3  Fx5 

The Rodney class is a descendent of the old Coalition cruiser class, and while few are being built, the existing fleet is valued as the core of medium squadrons assigned to picket important systems across the Colonial Union. 
Code: [Select]
CAR RODNEY MK III class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix12ZH(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)Wax3DzM3WaWaQDz!1WaWaMgDz?1LhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1395/ 209.3
HTK 55 S0x10  Aix12  Dzx3  Wax7  Mgx2 
280x SM, 8x EDM (Mg)

After the debacle in the Tomsk system, the Union Assault Corps demanded larger ships to supplement its fleet of light cruisers.  The result was the Prince of Wales class assault cruiser.  The class eschews the volatile Dec/Lx weaponry of the light cruisers, instead mounting traditional force beams.  To save month, only forty percent of the designs point defenses are datalinked.  This gives the design sufficient point defenses to be a mine sweeper without raising the cost of having fully datalinked point defenses that aren’t that useful against minefields. 
Code: [Select]
PRINCE OF WALES CAA class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x5Aix32ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)DQFDDFDz?1DzXrLh(II)QF [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  1170/ 175.5
HTK 65 S0x5  Aix32  Dzx2  Dx3  Fx3 

This is the CU’s proto-type strike carrier design.  The proto-type mounts H’s in the place of V’s because the fighter bays hadn’t been finalized when construction was started. 
Code: [Select]
SCIPIO(P) class CVS  9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 5
[2] AiHsHx27(II)Q(I)(II)Q(I)Q(II)XrLhQ(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP  155 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  613.5/ 92
HTK 45 Aix1  Mgx1 
Code: [Select]
CVS SCIPIO class CVS 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsVx27(II)Q(I)(II)Q(I)Q(II)XrLhQ(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP  30 MCP  27 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  856.5/ 128.5
HTK 45 Aix1  Vx27  Mgx1 
6x EDM (Mg), 54x fG

The class was designed in response to the debacle in the Tomsk system, and was intended to be a counter to the Bjering fighters.  Now that the CU is deploying its own carriers, the demand for this class will likely diminish. 
Code: [Select]
ROMMEL CLE class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x8Aix13ZHs(BbS)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)Dzx6XrLhDzDzQ(I)F [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1030.5/ 154.6
HTK 45 S0x8  Aix13  Dzx8  Fx1 

This is the Union Assault Corps standard minesweeper/assault ship.  The ship is equipped with heavy armor plating to resist mines and extend its lifetime in the heavy combat environment expected to be encountered on a contested warp point.  The design is descended from a Soviet design that went into production just before the Final War. 
Code: [Select]
BORODINO CLM MK II class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x6Aix25ZHs(BbS)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)DzDzFDzXrLh?1Q(I)F [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  896.5/ 134.5
HTK 52 S0x6  Aix25  Dzx3  Fx2 

The Gordi class is another old Soviet design, utilizing an X-ray laser system.  The Gordi class performed well during the Tomsk incursion, but the risk involved with the Dec/Lx system means that they will likely be replaced by HET lasers once the current R&D effort is completed. 
Code: [Select]
GORDI MK 2 class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0S0Aix13ZHs(BbS)Lxx3M2Lx(Dec)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)DzLh(I)Q [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  789.5/ 118.4
HTK 36 S0x2  Aix13  Dzx1  Lxx4 

The Brazwell is an old Coalition design that has been updated for the CE navy.  This class is intended to escort battleline units and act independently if needed, but its lack of long-range sensors means that it would need to be escorted by scouts if assigned to independent missions.  This class is overdue for refit and will up upgraded to the latest tech as soon as it is available.   
Code: [Select]
BRAZWELL MK 3 class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 5
[2] Sx4Aix8ZH(BbS)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)FDM2FDF?0LhD(I)QF [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +1     Cost =  768.5/ 115.3
HTK 35 Sx4  Aix8  Dx3  Fx4 

The Revenge class is the CU Navy’s first carrier class.  Given the carrier’s support role within the fleet deployment scheme, the navy has opted for a stripped-down fighter-carrier that eliminates all unnecessary systems in favor of fighter bays. 
Code: [Select]
CVE - REVENGE(P) class CVE  6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 5
[2] AiHsHx17(I)Q(I)Q(I)(I)(I)(I)LhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  120 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  383/ 57.5
HTK 31 Aix1  Mgx1 
Code: [Select]
CVE REVENGE class CVE  6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsVx17(I)Q(I)Q(I)(I)(I)(I)LhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  45 MCP  17 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  536/ 80.4
HTK 31 Aix1  Vx17  Mgx1 
4x EDM (Mg), 30x fG

The Spruance class was designed at the same time as the Oregon and Rommel class ships, and for the same reason.  The Spruance class is intend to escort battleline units and protect them from fighter attacks. 
Code: [Select]
SPRUANCE DDE class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x6Aix7ZHs(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsDzx3?1XrsDzQs(I)F [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  683/ 102.5
HTK 31 S0x6  Aix7  Dzx4  Fx1 

The Marshal class is an old Soviet design.  One unit of this class has survived and is still in use.  Given their utility, it is likely that the design will be updated and more will be constructed. 
Code: [Select]
MARSHAL class DD  6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 3
[3] SAx4ZH(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsXr(CC)D(CIC)D(I)Qs [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  541/ 81.2
HTK 21 Sx1  Ax4  Dx2 

This is the CU Navy’s standard destroyer class. 
Code: [Select]
NELSON MK VI class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x7Aix8ZHs(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsFDz?1DzQs(I)F [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  608/ 91.2
HTK 31 S0x7  Aix8  Dzx2  Fx2 

This is an old Coalition design that has survived to the present day.  Numerous Outreach class scouts can be found throughout the fleet. 
Code: [Select]
OUTREACH MK V class FG  AM 4 XO Racks 22 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x5Aix8ZHs(I)(I)(I)(I)XrDz?1(I)QsF [7]
22 RCP  3 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  451/ 67.7
HTK 25 S0x5  Aix8  Dzx1  Fx1 

Only two Krivak class units have survived from the old Soviet Union, and both have been mothballed in the Epsilon Eridani Reserve Fleet. 
Code: [Select]
KRIVAK R3 class CT  (AC) 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[2] Aix9ZHs(I)(I)(I)DQs(I)P [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  260/ 39
HTK 18 Aix9  Dx1  Px1 

Numerous Discovery class units have survived from the old Coalition navy, and the design has been modernized over the years.  The latest Mk VII refit added augmented shielding and datalinked point defense. 
Code: [Select]
DISCOVERY MK 6 class CT  AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[1] SAix6ZH(I)(I)(I)DQs(I)F [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  258/ 38.7
HTK 16 Sx1  Aix6  Dx1  Fx1 
Code: [Select]
DISCOVERY MK VII class CT  AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 7
[1] S0S0Aix6ZH(I)(I)(I)DzQs(I)F [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  291/ 43.7
HTK 17 S0x2  Aix6  Dzx1  Fx1 

The Grisha class was an old Soviet design constructed towards the end of its war with the D’Bringi, and was intended as an emergency construction alternative.  After the near complete destruction of the Soviet Fleet by D’Bringi forces, the USSR needed to get warships into space as quickly as possible to fend off an anticipated invasion of the Solar System.  The Grisha class was their answer, and numerous units were built before the Last War.  Thirty-seven units of this class still exist, all in mothballs where they are likely to stay, being considered too small and limited for current fleet duties.
Code: [Select]
GRISHA class ES  (AC) 2 XO Racks 12 Hull TL 5
[2] Aix3Hs(I)(I)QsD(I)P [8]
12 RCP  13 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  165.4/ 24.8
HTK 10 Aix3  Dx1  Px1 

The Blackjack class was a Sligo system design, built for their system navy during their war with the Tarek.  Six units still survive and are in mothballs in the Sligo system. 
Code: [Select]
BLACKJACK class ES  (AC) 12 Hull TL 1
[2] SAAH(I)(I)Qs(I)L [8]
12 RCP  13 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  110.4/ 16.6
HTK 9 Sx1  Ax2  Lx1 
Twenty units of this old Coalition design still exist and are active in the CU Navy, mostly assigned to the Sligo detachment, or to deployments around that system.  It is likely that these ships will be mothballed in the near future. 
Code: [Select]
NAPOLEON MK 4 class ES  (AC) AM 2 XO Racks 12 Hull TL 5
[1] SAix4ZH(I)(I)F(I)Qs [8]
12 RCP  13 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  193.4/ 29
HTK 12 Sx1  Aix4  Fx1 

The Fleet HQ asteroid fortress was originally designed and deployed in the Solar System by the USSR.  Two units of this class survived the Last War, and have been upgraded and relocated to the warp point from Sol to Sigma Draconis.  An additional unit of this class was built in the Sligo system and is currently orbiting Sligo itself. 
Code: [Select]
FLEET HQ MK III class AF  119 XO Racks 599 Hull TL 7
599 RCP  26 MCP    Trg:4     Cost =  5839.5/ 292
HTK 595 S0x200  Apx300  Dzx8  Rcx14  Wax10  Tix4  Mgx5 
200x SM, 280x CM, 50x CM LT1, 40x EDM (Mg)

This class was built by the Coalition to defend its territories from USSR attack.  One PDC, located in the Western US, survived the last war.  After the war it was repaired and placed in mothballs, where it remains. 
Code: [Select]
PDC TERRITORY MK 4 class PDC 1957 Hull TL 6
1957 RCP    Trg:1     Cost =  9006/ 900.6
HTK 1708 Apx1500  Dx100  Gx25  Wax25  Wx25  Mgx30 

This is a Tarek design, mothballed and turned over to Colonial Union forces when the CU took control of the Tarek planet.  There has been some debate about reactivating the PDC’s and using them as strongpoints for the occupying forces, and as a threat to ensure Tarek compliance, but the current leadership is leaning towards scrapping the PDC’s to prevent their use against CU warships if the Tarek should rebel.  Four units of this class exist, three Mk II and one Mk III. 
Code: [Select]
PDC MK II class PDC  414 Hull TL 2
[1] Apx300HRx10MgDbx4Rx10MgDbx4Rx10MgDbDb [0]
414 RCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1309/ 130.9
HTK 344 Apx300  Dbx10  Rx30  Mgx3 
Code: [Select]
PDC III class PDC  414 Hull TL 2
[1] Apx300HRx10MgDbx4Rx10MgDbx4Rx10MgDbDb [0]
414 RCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1609/ 160.9
HTK 344 Apx300  Dbx10  Wx30  Mgx3 

This is an old Coalition design, built to defend Coalition cities against Soviet missiles.  In large part these bases helped limit Coalition casualties and ‘win’ the Final War.  Six survive and continue to be operated by the Unified Earth Government. 
Code: [Select]
PDC-AM class PDC 73 Hull TL 3
[1] Apx50Dx3QDx6LhQD [0]
73 RCP  100 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  426/ 42.6
HTK 63 Apx50  Dx10 

Three units of this class have been built to defend the warp point in Sigma Draconis to the Centaurus system.  The Centaurus system is the route the D’Bringi used to mousetrap the Soviet fleets during their war, and there are at least two closed warp points to D’Bringi territory suspected to exist in Centaurus and the two systems laying beyond it.  This is an old Soviet design, which will likely be merged with the BS3R design below during the next round of refits. 
Code: [Select]
BS3 MK II class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 5
[1] Sx6Aix22ZH(BbS)RcRcQDMgRcx3DM2XrRcx3MgDFLhD?0!1QF [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +1  Tem -1     Cost =  1224/ 61.2
HTK 54 Sx6  Aix22  Dx4  Fx2  Rcx8  Mgx2 
190x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

This is an old Coalition design in use throughout the CU, assigned to guard important planets and critical warp points. 
Code: [Select]
BS3R MK II class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x10Aix19ZHs(BbS)Rcx3MgQRcx3DzDzM3Rcx3Mg!1XrFLh?1DzQF [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1373/ 68.7
HTK 55 S0x10  Aix19  Dzx3  Fx2  Rcx9  Mgx2 
129x CM, 60x CM LT1, 6x EDM (Mg)

This is an old Soviet design utilizing the volatile DEC/Lx combo.  Six units of this class have been built for the defenses at the Sigma Draconis-Centaurus warp point.   
Code: [Select]
BS2L MK II class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x10Aix15ZHsLxTiLxLxDzXrsLxTiTx(Dec)?1LhDzQMg [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  856/ 42.8
HTK 42 S0x10  Aix15  Dzx2  Lxx4  Tix2  Mgx1 

This class was designed by the Sligo system and five units were built and deployed to defend the Sligo system’s warp points. 
Code: [Select]
BS2(AW) MK II class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x7Aix12ZHs(BbS)(MCS)XrTiEEDzE!1Dz?1(DCS)LhQE [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  981/ 49
HTK 36 S0x7  Aix12  Dzx2  Ex4  Tix1 

This is an old Coalition design.  Three units of this class still exist, deployed to defend the Sol-Sigma Draconis warp point. 
Code: [Select]
BS1 MK 3 class BS1  5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 5
[1] Sx3Aix10ZHTD!1FDQsF [0]
25 RCP    Trg:1  Tem -1     Cost =  363/ 18.1
HTK 22 Sx3  Aix10  Dx2  Fx2  Tx1 

Numerous units of this class have been built and deployed throughout the CU in locations deemed critical choke points.  These are warp point defense bases, and all existing units of this class are deployed at warp points to defend these chokepoints.  Only one Mk 3 still exists, and will be refitted to the latest standard with the next round of refits. 
Code: [Select]
BS0 MK 3 class BS0  3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 5
[1] SSAix6ZHTDQsF [0]
15 RCP  10 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  202/ 10.1
HTK 14 Sx2  Aix6  Dx1  Fx1  Tx1 
Code: [Select]
BS0 MK V class BS0  3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x4Aix6ZHTiDzQsF [0]
15 RCP  10 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  248/ 12.4
HTK 16 S0x4  Aix6  Dzx1  Fx1  Tix1 

This is an old Soviet design, and all units of this class have been built and deployed in the Sigma Draconis class to defend the Sigma Draconis-Centaurus warp point.  This design will likely be merged with the BS0 deign above during the next round of refits. 
Code: [Select]
WP DEF BASE MK II class BS0  3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x5Aix6ZHsPgTiDzQsPg [0]
15 RCP  10 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  284/ 14.2
HTK 18 S0x5  Aix6  Dzx1  Pgx2  Tix1 
« Last Edit: November 15, 2021, 06:13:02 PM by Kurt »
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Cold War: Month 195 Alliance Ship Designs
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2021, 09:28:52 AM »
With the Alliance currently developing HT-9 systems, there is a great debate in the Admiralty over the upcoming refits to modernize the fleet.  The admission of the T’Pau has incorporated three distinct design styles into the Alliance Navy, although the T’Pau have been strongly influenced by the D’Bringi because of their long occupation by that race.  As the integration of the three full member races continues, there has been an increasing call for standardizing the Navy’s designs to reduce the plethora of different ship types currently deployed.  All three major races have been actively campaigning for a new strategy based on their conception of the needs of the fleet. 

The T’Pau favor big, heavy ships as the primary combatant of the fleet, with fast battlecruisers and carriers being relegated to a secondary, support role to the capital ships.  To this end the T’Pau have fielded a number of assault battleships, and are currently prototyping a capital-missile equipped superdreadnought design.  The D’Bringi are very opposed to that strategy, preferring fast carriers as the primary offensive wing of the fleet, supported by fast battlecruisers and defended by escort ships.  The D’Bringi only begrudgingly admit the potential usefulness of larger ships, and then only in specialized roles such as warp point assault.  The Rehorish hold a more complex view, and have been trying to balance the two diametrically opposed viewpoints of the other two races.  As the most economically powerful race in the Alliance, the Rehorish hold the balance of influence, but cannot force a solution on the other two, so negotiations and maneuvering continue.   

Currently, numerous examples of older designs still exist throughout the fleet, partially because of deployment demands, and partially because of the way the Alliance was forged out of independent navies.  The Navy intends to make the upcoming refit cover every existing unit, to bring the entire navy up to current standards, including mothballed units. 

The Karhae class is somewhat controversial within the Alliance.  The D’Bringi were against the construction of larger capital units, on the grounds that each larger ship could be replaced by smaller, fast units that were more strategically mobile and combat effective, in the D’Bringi opinion.  The T’Pau were adamant, though, and developed this design in spite of D’Bringi opposition.  The Rehorish supported them and helped push through the funding for the prototype, in exchange for the prototype being built in Rehorish yards.  The first unit of this class will be launched in month 212.
Code: [Select]
KARHAE class SD  AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 8
130 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3084/ 462.6
HTK 84 S0x15  Aix15  Dzx7  Fcx1  Rcx12  Mgx3 
200x CM, 60x CM LT1, 15x EDM (Mg), 6x ADM (Mg)

The Haruna class is a Rehorish design intended for warp point assault duties.  The class was developed at the same time as the Brutus class, below, but before the T’Pau were amalgamated, so the Haruna class was the only Alliance assault design available for a short period of time before the T’Pau officially became a full member.  Given the fact that the T’Pau have built six of their assault designs, while the Rehorish have only built one of theirs, the Alliance will likely be going with the T’Pau Brutus design in the future. 
Code: [Select]
HARUNA class BB  AM 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[3] S0x20Aix22H(BbL)(III)(III)(III)(III)Ex3QDzPgPgEx3XrsPgPgM5EEPg!2DzLh?2DzZiQ(III)E [5]
100 RCP    Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2349/ 352.4
HTK 84 S0x20  Aix22  Dzx3  Pgx5  Ex9 

This T’Pau design carries heavier defenses than the Rehorish Haruna class, at the cost of the plasma gun broadside carried by the Rehorish design.  The Mk II upgrade replaced the standard datalink with the improved datalink system, and replaced the larger long-range scanners with targeting sensors.   
Code: [Select]
BRUTUS class BB  AM 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[3] S0x10Aix44ZH(BbS)(III)(III)(III)QEEDz(III)Ex3Dz!2M3EEDzDzEDzXrDzLh?2Q(III)E [5]
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2307/ 346.1
HTK 94 S0x10  Aix44  Dzx6  Ex9 
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BRUTUS MK II class BB  AM2 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x10Aix44H(BbS)(III)(III)(III)QEEDz(III)Ex3Dz!2M3EEDzDzEDzXrsDzZiLh?2Q(III)E [5]
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2387/ 358.1
HTK 94 S0x10  Aix44  Dzx6  Ex9 

The Talron class carrier is a D’Bringi design, and their largest carrier design yet.  The class has one plasma gun for close-in defense, and mounts point defense and a long range sensor, so in theory it is capable of independent operations.  It is unlikely that units of this class will be operating independently, given their cost, and the cost of the munitions they are carrying.  Only one unit of this class exists, although the Alliance intends to make this their primary carrier class moving forward. 
Code: [Select]
CV TALRON class CV  AM 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x8Aix8ZH(BbS)(III)Vx12(II)Vx12MgQQ(III)Vx12(II)Vx6MgQQ(III)DzQLhXrDz?2Qs(II)Pg [6]
85 RCP  15 MCP  42 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  2003/ 300.5
HTK 90 S0x8  Aix8  Dzx2  Pgx1  Vx42  Mgx2 
10x EDM (Mg), 84x fG, 420x fR

The Zuikaku III class BC is the primary Rehorish beam combatant.  The ongoing debate about unifying designs and the upcoming upgrade also includes the type of beam weapons the next generation of close-assault ships will carry.  The Rehorish have a preference for force beam weapons, while the T’Pau prefer energy beams.  The D’Bringi don’t really care, having focused primarily on carrier operations.  At this point it appears that the T’Pau are going to carry the day with the development of the capital energy beam, meaning that most beam-armed ships in the Alliance navy will be re-equipped with capital energy beams as part of the coming refit. 
Code: [Select]
ZUIKAKU III class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x10Aix12ZH(BbS)Q(III)PgPg(II)Fx3Dz(III)FPgPgDzFFDzFM4Xr(II)LhDz(III)Q(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5     Cost =  1782/ 267.3
HTK 61 S0x10  Aix12  Dzx4  Pgx5  Fx7 

This is the long-range version of the Rehorish battlecruiser designs.  The Rehorish prefer to keep a balanced fleet, with both long and short-ranged ships, and so this class will likely be found anyplace that the beam armed Zuikaku class is located.  The III version upgrades the point defense to datalinked point defense.
Code: [Select]
ZUIKAKU(LR) R2 class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 6
[3] S0x7Aix11ZH(BbS)Q(III)Rc(II)Rcx3MgD(III)FRcDRcMgFDM2DXr(II)LhQ(III)(II) [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1515/ 227.3
HTK 55 S0x7  Aix11  Dx4  Fx2  Rcx6  Mgx2 
120x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)
Code: [Select]
ZUIKAKU(LR) III class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x7Aix11ZH(BbS)Q(III)Rc(II)Rcx3MgDz(III)FRcDzRcMgFDzM2Xr(II)LhDz(III)Q(II) [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1615/ 242.3
HTK 55 S0x7  Aix11  Dzx4  Fx2  Rcx6  Mgx2 
120x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Imperial Glory class is the D’Bringi capital-missile battlecruiser design.  Missile ships have traditionally been considered backwater assignments for captains, and were considered unpopular.  This design began as a Keeper warship, as the clans preferred beam-armed designs almost exclusively.  The professionalization of the D’Bringi navy after the amalgamation has ended the Keeper/Clan distinction, and eased the old prejudice against missile combatants, at least a bit.  The R3 version replaced the standard force beam with a HET laser and increased the shielding, at the expense of a capital missile launcher. 
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL GLORY R2 class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x6Aix14ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2DzRcRc(III)LhDzRcRcMgXrDz(II)QF [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1571/ 235.7
HTK 56 S0x6  Aix14  Dzx3  Fx1  Rcx7  Mgx2 
140x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)
Code: [Select]
IMPERIAL GLORY R3 class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x9Aix13ZH(BbS)(III)QRc(II)Rc(III)MgRc(II)M2RcRcDz(III)LhDzRcMgXrDzZi?2(II)Q(HET) [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1740/ 261
HTK 58 S0x9  Aix13  Dzx3  (HET)x1  Rcx6  Mgx2 
140x CM, 5x EDM (Mg)

The Clan Leader was the D’Bringi Clan’s premier warship prior to the amalgamation, and continues as the primary combatant since that time.  The R1 version slightly reduces the armor protection in favor of improved datalink and the latest ECM installation. 
Code: [Select]
CLAN LEADER(E) class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1680/ 252
HTK 65 S0x8  Aix22  Dzx3  Ex9 
Code: [Select]
CLAN LEADER(E) R1 class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x8Aix18H(BbS)(III)E(II)E(III)M2EE(II)DzEEDz(III)QLhXrEEDzZi?2Q(II)E [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1829/ 274.4
HTK 62 S0x8  Aix18  Dzx3  Ex9 

The Osiris class is the T’Pau race’s battlecruiser design, intended for heavy, close-in assaults.  The Mk III version adds the improved datalink system at the cost of reducing the ship’s sensors from long-range sensors to the smaller targeting sensors, and improved the ECM and ECCM suite. 
Code: [Select]
OSIRIS BCF MK II class BC  AM 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 7
[3] S0x16Aix15ZQHs(BbS)(III)(II)(III)Ex3PgDz!1Dz(II)EEM4EPg(III)DzEXr?1LhQ(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1810/ 271.5
HTK 69 S0x16  Aix15  Dzx3  Pgx3  Ex7 
Code: [Select]
BCF OSIRIS MK III class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x16Aix15QHs(BbS)(III)(II)(III)Ex3PgDz!2Dz(II)EEM4EPg(III)DzEXrs?2LhZiQ(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1935/ 290.2
HTK 69 S0x16  Aix15  Dzx3  Pgx3  Ex7 

The BCR Osiris design is the primary T’Pau combatant.  The T’Pau prefer missile combat, and the T’Pau originally intended to field more of these than the Osiris BCE class, although funds ran short before the full class allotment could be built. 
Code: [Select]
BCR OSIRIS MK III class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x19Aix18QHs(BbS)(III)(II)(III)RcRcDz!2D(II)RcRcDzM4(III)RcMgPgDzXrZiLh?2Q(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1850/ 277.5
HTK 73 S0x19  Aix18  Dzx3  Pgx2  Rcx5  Mgx1 

The Yamato class is a Rehorish design, and is the Rehorish navy’s primary carrier combatant. 
Code: [Select]
YAMATO CVL class CVL AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0Aix6ZHs(BbS)(II)Vx6QsVx6(II)Vx6QsVx6(II)QsVx6(II)Q(II)QXr?1LhDzQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  30 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  1343/ 201.5
HTK 63 S0x1  Aix6  Dzx1  Vx30  Mgx1 
8x EDM (Mg), 60x fG, 300x fR

The Patton class is a T’Pau design, and it was ultimately superseded by the Osiris class.  Unlike the Rehorish and D’Bringi, who sold most of their cruisers to the newer members of the Alliance, the T’Pau intend to keep their cruisers and place them in mothballs once the current emergency is finished.  The Mk IV design added improved datalink at the cost of slightly weaking the shielding, and improved the ECM and ECCM suites. 
Code: [Select]
PATTON MK III class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x14Aix11ZQHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)E(II)M4E!1Pg(II)DzEXrELhPg?1DzQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1310/ 196.5
HTK 56 S0x14  Aix11  Dzx2  Pgx3  Ex4 
Code: [Select]
PATTON MK IV class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x12Aix11QHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)E(II)M4E!2Pg(II)DzEXrELhPg?2ZiDzQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1433/ 215
HTK 54 S0x12  Aix11  Dzx2  Pgx3  Ex4 

At one time the Anklenumb class was one of the D’Bringi clan’s primary warships, however, that time has long passed.  Most of the units of this class were either sold to the younger races, or were upgraded to the Anklenumb(V) class.  Only five units in this class remain in service. 
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB(R3) class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x12Aix17Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)QM2DzDz(HET)x3PgZiLh(II)?2QPg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1322/ 198.3
HTK 56 S0x12  Aix17  Dzx2  Pgx2  (HET)x3 

The (V) refits for D’Bringi cruisers were intended to get more fighters into combat at a time when carriers were scarce.  The Alliance Navy can always use more carriers, but the time when they were considered scarce is passed.  There was some debate about refitting these ships to a standard cruiser design, or mothballing or selling the remaining units of this class, but their utility in independent operations has been noted, and there is a drive to give at least some of these units’ long-range sensors, which would make them excellent patrol and guard ships for important systems throughout the Alliance.  The R3V refit places the volatile DEC/Lx system with the more reliable HET lasers, and adds improved datalink. 
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB(R2V) class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x8Aix17ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)QsVx6(II)QM2LhLxx3(Dec)Dz(II)?2QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1253/ 188
HTK 58 S0x8  Aix17  Dzx1  Lxx3  Vx6  Mgx1 
4x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR
Code: [Select]
ANKLENUMB(R3V) class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x8Aix17Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)QsVx6(II)QM2Lh(HET)x3DzZi(II)?2QMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1383/ 207.5
HTK 57 S0x8  Aix17  Dzx1  (HET)x3  Vx6  Mgx1 
4x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR

Like the Anklenumb class, the Ballmuck class cruisers were once a primary combatant for the D’Bringi clans, but most have been sold or refitted.  Three remain in service at the current time.
Code: [Select]
BALLMUCK(R3) class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x8Aix17ZHs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)EQEEDzM2EEDzZiLh?2(II)QE [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1288/ 193.2
HTK 53 S0x8  Aix17  Dzx2  Ex6 

Like the D’Bringi cruisers, the Rehorish cruisers were mostly sold or mothballed when battlecruisers came into widespread use.  Nine units of this class remain in service, and will likely be converted to a standardized Alliance cruiser design in the next round of refits.  The IV class adds improved datalink and datalinked point defense, and improves the ship’s armor and shielding at the cost of reducing its point defense suite by a quarter. 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI R3 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)F(II)FDF(II)DFDDFM2Xr(II)Lh(II)PgQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1156/ 173.4
HTK 48 S0x8  Aix9  Dx4  Pgx2  Fx5 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI IV class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix11ZHs(BbS)Q(II)F(II)FF(II)DzFDzFM2Xr(II)Lh(II)PgDzQ(II)Pg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1226/ 183.9
HTK 51 S0x10  Aix11  Dzx3  Pgx2  Fx5 

Six units of this class remain, and will likely be refitted to a standardized Alliance design in the coming rounds of refits.  The IV refit added improved datalink and datalinked point defense. 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI(LR) R3 class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x10Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDRa(II)DRaDDRaMgM2Xr(II)LhQ(II)(II)F [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1128/ 169.2
HTK 51 S0x10  Aix9  Dx4  Fx1  Rax6  Mgx1 
Code: [Select]
AKAGI(LR) IV class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix9ZHs(BbS)Q(II)Ra(II)RaRaDzRa(II)DzRaDzRaMgM2Xr(II)Lh(II)QDz(II)F [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  1228/ 184.2
HTK 51 S0x10  Aix9  Dzx4  Fx1  Rax6  Mgx1 
170x SM, 6x CM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Kagero class is a Rehorish design, and was considered a transitional class.  Only unit ship of this class was built, as a test-bed for the larger carrier class. 
Code: [Select]
KAGERO II CVS class CVS AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] AiZHs(II)Vx6(I)Vx12Q(II)Vx6Q(I)Dz(II)XrDzLhQ(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP  24 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1006.5/ 151
HTK 44 Aix1  Dzx2  Vx24  Mgx1 
6x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 192x fR

The Doofsnark class is a D’Bringi design, and unlike the Rehorish CVS design, multiple units of this class were built to fill out the carrier strength of D’Bringi, and then Alliance, fleets. 
Code: [Select]
DOOFSNARK class CVS AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] AiZHs(BbS)(II)Qs(I)XrVx6(II)Vx6Q(I)Vx6(II)Vx6LhQDzQs(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP  24 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  991.5/ 148.7
HTK 45 Aix1  Dzx1  Vx24  Mgx1 
4x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 192x fR

The Rakshasa class is a T’Pau design, and is intended to escort larger ships and protect them from close attack. 
Code: [Select]
RAKSHASA MK III class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x7Aix6ZHs(BbS)(I)(II)(I)QsEDz(II)EM2E(I)EPg?1DzQs(II)Pg [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2     Cost =  926.5/ 139
HTK 37 S0x7  Aix6  Dzx2  Pgx2  Ex4 

The Kongo class is a Rehorish design, and has seen use throughout the Alliance in many roles.  While intended primarily to protect larger ships from close attack, the Kongo class has been pressed into service as a primary combatant in several locations due the Alliance’s vast commitments and near constant shortage of hulls to meet those commitments.  The IV refits added improved datalink and datalinked point defense, and increased the shielding and armor at the expense of removing part of the point defense suite. 
Code: [Select]
KONGO III class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 6
[2] S0x8Aix11ZHs(BbS)(I)EQs(II)D(I)E(II)E(I)DDM2(II)QsE [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  817.5/ 122.6
HTK 41 S0x8  Aix11  Dx3  Ex4 
Code: [Select]
KONGO IV class CL  AM 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x10Aix13ZHs(BbS)(I)EQs(II)Dz(I)E(II)E(I)M2DzQs(II)E [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  862.5/ 129.4
HTK 44 S0x10  Aix13  Dzx2  Ex4 

The Hosho is another Rehorish design, and is in wide use throughout the Alliance.  The Hosho class is in demand by fleet commanders as it mounts long-range scanners and medium range missile weaponry, making it an excellent scout and scout killer.  The advent of anti-matter weaponry, which is currently being researched, will only make these units even more valuable.  The III refits added datalinked point defense. 
Code: [Select]
HOSHO R2 class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 6
[2] S0S0Aix5ZHs(I)(I)WaQs(I)DWa(I)M2Xr(I)DWa(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  646/ 96.9
HTK 26 S0x2  Aix5  Dx2  Wax3  Mgx1 
150x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)
Code: [Select]
HOSHO III class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0S0Aix5ZHs(I)(I)WaQs(I)DzWa(I)M2Xr(I)Wa(I)DzQs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  696/ 104.4
HTK 26 S0x2  Aix5  Dzx2  Wax3  Mgx1 
150x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Conquest class was a destroyer design captured by the D’Bringi during their early days of conquest.  The D’Bringi had no real use for a destroyer class, and ultimately turned this class into a test carrier class.  Only two units of this class exist, and no additional units are planned. 
Code: [Select]
CONQUEST R1V class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[2] S0ZHs(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)QsDXr?0(I)(I)Vx6QsVx6Mg(I)Qs [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +1     Cost =  815/ 122.3
HTK 30 S0x1  Dx1  Vx12  Mgx1 
3x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR

This is a Rehorish design.  The first units of this class were laid down before the Rehorish deployed fighter technology, and are intended to screen larger ships from fighters. 
Code: [Select]
MOGAMI DDE class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x3Aix4ZHs(I)QsDz(I)Dz(I)Dz(I)Dz(I)Dz(I)!1DzXrs?1Pg(I)Qs [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  773/ 116
HTK 28 S0x3  Aix4  Dzx6  Pgx1 

The Munchnit is a D’Bringi carrier design.  As is typical for the D’Bringi, this class crams in as many fighter bays as it can in the hull.  The R2 refit adds datalinked point defense. 
Code: [Select]
MUNCHNIT class CVE AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiAiZ(I)(I)(I)(I)QVx3(I)Vx6(I)Vx6DLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  15 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  626/ 93.9
HTK 32 S0x2  Aix2  Dx1  Vx15  Mgx1 
2x EDM (Mg), 30x fG, 240x fR
Code: [Select]
MUNCHNIT R2 class CVE AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0AiAiZ(I)(I)(I)(I)QVx3(I)Vx6(I)Vx6DzLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  15 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  686/ 102.9
HTK 32 S0x2  Aix2  Dzx1  Vx15  Mgx1 
1x EDM (Mg), 30x fG, 300x fR

This is the Rehorish escort carrier design.  The class carries less fighters than the equivalent D’Bringi design, but is more capable of independent actions, mounting a long-range sensor and better point defense. 
Code: [Select]
KAMIKAZE MK 1 CVE class CVE AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] AiZHs(I)Vx6(I)Vx6(I)QLh(I)XrDz(I)Dz(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  12 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  716/ 107.4
HTK 29 Aix1  Dzx2  Vx12  Mgx1 
4x EDM (Mg), 24x fG, 120x fR

The Hunchback is a T’Pau design.  The T’Pau came to fighter technology later than the other Alliance members, and the Hunchback class reflects that.  The Hunchback is designed to get as many fighters to the fleet as quickly as possible, as the T’Pau felt that they were behind the other races.  The Rehorish, in particular, feel that this is nothing more than a ‘fighter-barge’, and have been dismissive of its utility, while the D’Bringi have been closely watching this classes performance. 
Code: [Select]
HUNCHBACK CVE R2 class CVE 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsQVx17QLh(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)Qs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP  17 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  546/ 81.9
HTK 31 Aix1  Vx17  Mgx1 
6x EDM (Mg), 34x fG, 252x fR

The Phoenix Hawk is a T’Pau design, intended to remedy their lack of small ships capable of handling scouting duties.  It is likely that the next round of refits will see the Phoenix Hawk class refitted to the standard D’Bringi CT(V) standard, as those units have been the preferred scouts of the Alliance fleet commanders for some time. 
Code: [Select]
PHOENIX HAWK class CT  AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 6
[1] S0S0Aix3ZHs(I)(I)XrD(I)Qs(I)E [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  309/ 46.4
HTK 15 S0x2  Aix3  Dx1  Ex1 

This is a Rehorish design, intended to give fleet commanders the capability to probe warp points without having to expose full-sized ships to the dangers present on the far side of warp points.  The class carries four pinnaces. 
Code: [Select]
PINNACE CARRIER class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[2] AiHs(I)(BbL)(I)(BbL)(I)(BbM)XrQs(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  214/ 32.1
HTK 11 Aix1 

The Bonefumble is a D’Bringi design.  The class is ubiquitous throughout D’Bringi territory, and nearly every Alliance formation will have some of this class assigned as scouts.  The class is very popular as a scout design, as it has long-range scanners and its fighters give it a punch beyond what would be expected of a standard corvette. 
Code: [Select]
BONEFUMBLE R2V class CT  (AC) AM 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 8
[1] S0Hs(I)(I)QsVx6(I)XrQs(I)Mg [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  390/ 58.5
HTK 16 S0x1  Vx6  Mgx1 
12x fG, 120x fR

The Kuma class is a Rehorish design, intended to support anti-fighter small craft in the fleet defense role.  The class can carry ten AFSC.  Since the introduction of fighters into the Rehorish arsenal, all units of the Kuma class have been refitted to the Bonefumble standard. 
Code: [Select]
KUMA class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 5
[2] AiHs(BbL)x3(BbS)(I)(I)(I)Qs(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  179/ 26.9
HTK 11 Aix1 

D’Bringi design intended to support fleet operations with munitions to support fleet’s operating away from the main Alliance worlds. 
Code: [Select]
MAGAZINE SHIP class CT  16 Hull TL 1
[2] HMgx10(I)(I)(I)Qs(I) [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  196/ 29.4
HTK 16 Mgx10 
400x SM, 150x CM, 50x CM LT1, 30x CAM (Mg), 30x EDM (Mg), 2000x fR, 10x ADM (Mg)

The Hyuga class is the corresponding Rehorish design to the magazine ship shown above. 
Code: [Select]
HYUGA class CT  (AC) 3 XO Racks 15.5 Hull TL 1
[2] Hs(BbS)(I)Mgx3(I)Mgx3(I)Mgx3(I)Qs [8]
15.5 RCP  9.5 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  207.6/ 31.1
HTK 16 Mgx9 
415x SM, 200x CM, 50x CAM (Mg), 10x EDM (Mg), 1000x fR

This is the standard Alliance minefield tender ship, equipped with fighter bays for a short fighter squadron instead of internal weaponry. 
Code: [Select]
MINE TENDER MK 2 class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsQs(I)(I)(I)Xr(MCS)Vx3Qs(I)Mg [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP  3 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  374/ 56.1
HTK 14 Aix1  Vx3  Mgx1 
3x EDM (Mg), 6x fG, 30x fR

Alliance Fortification Command
The Alliance’s fortifications are in even more disarray than its fleets.  The type, tech level, and number of system and warp point defenses varies quite a bit across the Alliance, and for the most part there has been little attention paid to defenses over the last couple of years, so focused has the Alliance been on absorbing and integrating its new members.  The Alliance Council has recently become aware of the poor state of the Alliances fixed defenses, and intends to use the next round of refits to standardize the defenses of the Alliance home worlds, and to rationalize their deployments. 

The Orbital Defense Base asteroid fort is a Rehorish design, and the only existing unit of this class orbits Rehorish Prime, protecting the Rehorish home world and its orbiting infrastructure.  The II refit reduced the capital missile broadside in favor of adding forty-two fighter bays. 
Code: [Select]
AF- ORBITAL DB class AF  95 XO Racks 478 Hull TL 7
478 RCP  22 MCP    Trg:11  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  5184/ 259.2
HTK 381 S0x100  Apx200  Dzx10  Pgx5  Ex5  Rcx20  Tx5  Mgx4 
370x CM, 15x EDM (Mg)
Code: [Select]
AF- ORBITAL DB II class AF  100 XO Racks 500 Hull TL 8
500 RCP  42 FCP    Trg:11  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  6386/ 319.3
HTK 423 S0x100  Apx200  Dzx10  Pgx5  Ex5  Rcx15  Vx42  Tx5  Mgx6 
400x CM, 30x EDM (Mg), 124x fG, 620x fR

This is a D’Bringi design.  Originally intended to be deployed to the warp point in the D’Bringi system, where it would control the automated weaponry deployed there, the sole unit of this class was constructed in D’Bringi Prime’s orbit and remains there, guarding the home planet and its orbiting shipyards.  The D’Bringi intended to deploy more units of this class, however, fortifications have long been unpopular with the offensive-minded D’Bringi and their fortress program has languished under inadequate funding for years. 
Code: [Select]
WP DEFENSE BASE class AF  33 XO Racks 165 Hull TL 8
165 RCP  24 FCP    Trg:4  Bmp +2     Cost =  2547.5/ 127.4
HTK 136 S0x30  Apx50  Dcx3  Dx3  Pgx3  Rcx5  Vx24  Tx1  Mgx3 
140x CM, 15x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 240x fR

The Warp Point Defense Base is a variant of the design above, and has been deployed to the D’Bringi home system’s sole warp point.   
Code: [Select]
WPDB R2 class AF  39 XO Racks 199 Hull TL 8
199 RCP  24 FCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4     Cost =  3054.5/ 152.7
HTK 143 S0x30  Apx50  Dzx3  Dcx3  (HET)x3  Rcx5  Vx24  Tx1  Mgx3 
140x CM, 10x EDM (Mg), 48x fG, 240x fR

This is an Alliance design, originally intended to bolster the fighter complements of warp point defenses, however, the two units of this class that have been built have been deployed to orbit over the home worlds of the D’Bringi and Rehorish as orbital defenses. 
Code: [Select]
WPDB(V) class AF  30 XO Racks 153 Hull TL 8
153 RCP  48 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  2936.5/ 146.8
HTK 153 S0x30  Apx50  Dzx6  (HET)x1  Vx48  Tx1  Mgx2 
20x EDM (Mg), 100x fG, 500x fR

This is a T’Pau design, and one unit of this class has been built and deployed to T’Pau Prime orbit.  The T’Pau originally intended to deploy six of these in orbit over their home planet, however, their need to build up their fleet and deploy carriers in significant numbers overran their resources and construction capacity, so only one unit of this class has been built, and it has not been modernized. 
Code: [Select]
ORBITAL DEFENSE BASE class BS4  24 XO Racks 120 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x18Aix21ZHsQRcx5Mg(BbM)DRcx5DM3DRcx5DMgXrQLhQDE [0]
120 RCP  30 MCP    Trg:4     Cost =  1775/ 88.7
HTK 71 S0x18  Aix21  Dx5  Ex1  Rcx15  Mgx2 
190x CM, 5x EDM (Mg)

This is a T’Pau design.  When the D’Bringi gave the T’Pau autonomy, they also gave the T’Pau the responsibility for defending the warp point in their system that led to human space.  The Alliance believes that the location of the warp point on the human side remains unknown to the humans, as it is a closed warp point and there have been no confirmed sightings of human ships within range of the warp point to have observed Alliance ships transiting the warp point, however, the Humans certainly know the general location of the closed warp point in their territory, and have claimed to know its exact location in the past.  Given the fact that the Humans are a potential enemy, the T’Pau have taken the threat seriously.  The Excalibur class is their front-line base for the defense of the warp point.  Four units of this class have been deployed to date, along with two of the AW control versions below, and all of them have been modernized as new tech has become available. 
Code: [Select]
EXCALIBUR MK III class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x12Aix13ZHs(BbM)QEDzEEPgEPgTi!1EPgEPgDzEM5PgEPgEPgLhDz?1EQPg [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:6  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1631/ 81.6
HTK 56 S0x12  Aix13  Dzx3  Pgx8  Ex10  Tix1 

This is the AW control version, sacrificing armament to mount mine and deep space buoy control systems.  Two units of this class have been built and deployed to defend the warp point to human space in the T’Pau system. 
Code: [Select]
EXCALIBUR MK III(AW) class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x14Aix13ZHs(BbM)Q(DCS)(MCS)DzEEPgEEPgDzEM5Ti!1PgEPgEPgLhEDz?1QPg [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:6  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1683/ 84.2
HTK 56 S0x14  Aix13  Dzx3  Pgx6  Ex8  Tix1

The Taiho class is the standard defense base for the Rehorish.  This class is optimized for close combat, and so is deployed to defense the Rehorish home system’s warp points. 
Code: [Select]
TAIHO IV class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x16Aix15ZHs(BbS)QFEFFEFEFDzFDzFM2DzEE!1Dz?1LhDzQF [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1     Cost =  1513/ 75.7
HTK 58 S0x16  Aix15  Dzx5  Ex5  Fx8 

This is the standard defense base for the D’Bringi.  Like the Rehorish base above, it is optimized for close-in combat and is deployed to defend the D’Bringi system’s single warp point. 
Code: [Select]
THIMBLEGRUMBLECLOWN R4 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x6Aix17ZHs(BbS)QPgx6M2DzEx3Pgx3XrPgx5Ex3DzPg?2LhPgZiQE [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  1716/ 85.8
HTK 57 S0x6  Aix17  Dzx2  Pgx16  Ex7 

This is an Alliance design, intended to be prefabbed in the Alliance’s home system shipyards and shipped to critical systems where it would be assembled by construction ships.  This class is intended to be deployed within capital missile range of the defended warp point, and is capable of controlling automated weapons deployed at the warp point. 
Code: [Select]
COMMAND BASE class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x9Aix9ZH(DCS)(MCS)RcRcDzRcXr(CIC)Dz?2LhQMg [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  951/ 47.5
HTK 33 S0x9  Aix9  Dzx2  Rcx3  Mgx1 
60x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)

This design is deployed in conjunction with the Command Base, above.  It lacks the AW control systems mounted in the Command Base, and replaces those with a heavier broadside. 
Code: [Select]
COMMAND BASE DEFENDER class BS2 10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x9Aix9ZHRcx4DzRcRcDz?2DzLhQMg [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  821/ 41
HTK 33 S0x9  Aix9  Dzx3  Rcx6  Mgx1 
89x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)

This class was designed and first deployed after the end of the D’Bringi/Rehorish-Human war, and was intended to be used to fortify the border with the human buffer state.  Since then, this class has been deployed to numerous locations throughout the Alliance to bolster defenses as needed.  The II refit added datalinked point defense.   
Code: [Select]
BS1 class BS1  5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 6
[1] S0x4Aix11ZHsPgPgM4!1TPgPgDQsPg [0]
25 RCP    Trg:5  Tem -1     Cost =  504/ 25.2
HTK 27 S0x4  Aix11  Dx1  Pgx5  Tx1 
Code: [Select]
BS1 II class BS1  5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x4Aix11ZHsPgPgM4!1TPgPgDzQsPg [0]
25 RCP    Trg:5  Tem -1     Cost =  529/ 26.5
HTK 27 S0x4  Aix11  Dzx1  Pgx5  Tx1 

This is a D’Bringi design, intended to add fighters to fixed defenses wherever they might be needed.  It is small enough that even mobile shipyards can build them quickly, and many units of this class can be quickly prefabbed and deployed wherever needed.  The R3 refit increased the fighter complement at the cost of nearly all of the base’s defenses. 
Code: [Select]
Forward Defense Base R2 class BS0 3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix5ZHsVx3DzVx3QsMg [0]
15 RCP  6 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  379/ 19
HTK 20 S0x4  Aix5  Dzx1  Vx6  Mgx1 
2x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 120x fR
Code: [Select]
FDB R3 class BS0 3 XO Racks 15 Hull TL 8
[1] AiHsVx5QVx5LhQMg [0]
15 RCP  35 MCP  10 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  384/ 19.2
HTK 16 Aix1  Vx10  Mgx1 
3x EDM (Mg), 20x fG, 120x fR
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Cold War: Chirq Ship Designs
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2021, 07:17:31 AM »
Chirq Coop Ships and Bases

This was designed to be the primary orbital defense base for the Chirq Coop.  Eventually, they intended to field three of these in orbit over their home planet, however, their focus on building up their exploration corps diverted shipyard resources and money away from the defense-oriented spending and only one unit of this class was built. 
Code: [Select]
BS2R class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 2
[1] Sx3AAH(BbS)Wx3DbWx3M1DbWx5LhDbQMg [0]
50 RCP    Trg:2     Cost =  542/ 27.1
HTK 25 Sx3  Ax2  Dbx3  Wx11  Mgx1 
200x SM

The Chirq government knew that they could never field a force of warships comparable to the fleets of the Alliance, so instead they decided to build a small patrol force intended to patrol their territories and picket important systems.  The Alliance Navy recommended against the escort design, as it was too small to be effective to be upgraded when higher tech systems became available, but the Chirq decided on this design anyway, partially as a cost-savings measure. 
Code: [Select]
WODEN PS class ES  (AC) 2 XO Racks 12 Hull TL 2
[2] H(BbS)(I)DbQs(I)L [8]
12 RCP  13 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  133.4/ 20
HTK 9 Dbx1  Lx1 

Khozuni Imperial Guard
Using technology transferred from their benefactors, the Khozuni fielded this class.  The science instruments were thrown into the design at the last minute to make the class a hybrid warship-explorer design, but as used, the science instruments were little more than expensive armor for the ship. 
Code: [Select]
RAIDER class CT  (AC) 3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 2
[2] SAAH(I)(I)(I)XDbQs(I)L [8]
16 RCP  9 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  164/ 24.6
HTK 12 Sx1  Ax3  Dbx1  Lx1 
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Cold War: Colonial Union HT-8 Refits
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2022, 10:29:41 AM »
Colonial Union HT-8 designs
The CU Navy regards fighters as primarily a defensive weapon, to be used to protect their battle line from enemy fighters.  Additionally, the CU is aware that the Bjering have deployed fighters throughout their fleet, and suspects that the D’Bringi Alliance has fighter technology as well.  Therefore, being behind the other major races, the CU has focused on deploying as many fighters as possible on as few hulls as necessary, therefore, most of its carrier designs are considered little more than “fighter-barges”, capable of deploying large numbers of fighters but little else. 

The HT-8 refits for the CU Navy are primarily aimed at improving the ECM/ECCM capabilities of the fleet, replacing older datalink systems with improved datalink, and, finally, replacing older beam weaponry with the newly developed HET lasers.  While the new HET lasers are not quite considered true medium ranged weaponry, as those weapons must have a range of five light seconds, and the HET laser’s maximum range is four light seconds, these new lasers are much longer ranged and more capable than all earlier beam weapons.  The CU Navy decided to use the HET laser as its primary beam weaponry over the capital force beam because of the HET laser’s capability of by-passing shields, making it invaluable in taking down heavily shielded opponents. 

The CU Navy intends for this round of refits to be thorough, as there are many older versions of the various classes still in service for various reasons. 

The UK class SDR’s of the CU Navy are the premier combat units, and the pride of the fleet.  As of Month 201, the CU has fifteen of these massive ships, forming the core of their battle line. 
Code: [Select]
SDR UNITED KINGDOM MK 3 class SD  AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 8
130 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2964/ 444.6
HTK 100 S0x25  Aix25  Dzx5  (HET)x1  Rcx11  Mgx3 
200x CM, 88x CM LT1, 4x EDM (Mg)

The Kara class was the United Kingdom class’s predecessor, and only three units exist, all assigned to the CU’s primary offensive unit, the 1st Battle Group, currently stationed in the Sligo system.  This update to the design adds improved datalink and replaces the plasma guns with a HET laser.  In addition, ECM is added to improve survivability.  There is some controversy about this design, and the Union Assault Corps has made a bid to assume control of the three existing hulls (see below for their proposed design).  Given the large number of SD’s available, and the fact that the Navy does not plan to build any more Kara’s, the UAC may indeed be able to take control of these ships.   
Code: [Select]
BB KARA MK 4 class BB  AM2 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x25Aix19H(BbS)(III)(III)(III)(III)QRcRcDzMgDzRcx3M3DzRcRcMgZiDzXr?2DzLhQ(III)(HET) [5]
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4     Cost =  2267/ 340.1
HTK 83 S0x25  Aix19  Dzx5  (HET)x1  Rcx7  Mgx2 
120x CM, 70x CM LT1, 5x EDM (Mg)
This is the UAC’s proposed design for what they hope will be their lead assault ships. 
Code: [Select]
BBA KIROV class BB  AM2 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x36Aix38H(BbS)(III)(III)(III)(III)Xrs(HET)Q(HET)DzM3(HET)DzDz!2Dz?2Zi(HET)LhQ(III)(HET) [5]
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2364/ 354.6
HTK 108 S0x36  Aix38  Dzx4  (HET)x5 

There are thirty-three units of the venerable Queensland class deployed throughout Union territory.  The Mk 5 refits include improved ECM/ECCM and improved datalink systems.  There was a push to replace the plasma guns with a HET laser, however, the extra space required would have to come from somewhere, and in the end, rather than reducing something else, the designs decided to keep the plasma guns. 
Code: [Select]
BCR QUEENSLAND MK 5 class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x9Aix15H(BbS)(III)(II)(III)(II)(III)QXrRcRcMgDzM2Rcx3Dz!2RcMgPgDzZiLh?2Q(II)Pg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1798/ 269.7
HTK 62 S0x9  Aix15  Dzx3  Pgx2  Rcx6  Mgx2 
120x CM, 70x CM LT1, 3x EDM (Mg)

Upgrade classes for both of the CU’s heavy cruiser classes were developed, however, the decision has been made to only move forward with the Oregon class.  The Mk 3 refits convert the ship’s weaponry to HET lasers, add a tractor beam, and replace the datalink system with improved datalink. 
Code: [Select]
CAE OREGON MK 3 class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x9Aix18Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)Ti!2QM2(HET)DzDz(HET)?2DzZiLhQ(II)(HET) [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1353/ 203
HTK 55 S0x9  Aix18  Dzx3  (HET)x3  Tix1 
Code: [Select]
CAR RODNEY MK 4 class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x9Aix11H(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)Wax3DzM3WaWaQDz!2WaWaMgDzZi?2LhQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1520/ 228
HTK 53 S0x9  Aix11  Dzx3  Wax7  Mgx2 
280x SM, 4x EDM (Mg)

This is the refit class for the UAC’s primary assault ship.  The refit replaces the older force beams with HET lasers and upgrades the ECM suite.   
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CAA PRINCE OF WALES MK 2 class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x5Aix30Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)DQDD(HET)Dz?2DzZiXrLhQ(II)(HET) [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  1292/ 193.8
HTK 62 S0x5  Aix30  Dzx2  Dx3  (HET)x2

The Rommel class was designed in response to the Bjering use of fighters during the incident in the Tomsk system, and is intended to screen larger units from fighter attacks.  The Mk 2 refits upgrade the weaponry to a HET laser, at the cost of weakening the ship’s point defense suite.  In addition, improved datalink systems are added to the design. 
Code: [Select]
CLE ROMMEL MK 2 class CL  AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x7Aix12ZHs(BbS)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)Dzx5XrDzDzZiLhQ(I)(HET) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1075.5/ 161.3
HTK 42 S0x7  Aix12  Dzx7  (HET)x1 

The Gordi class is one of two light cruiser designs that are the mainstay of the UAC’s assault fleet.  This upgrade is a significant improvement, replacing the old, and dangerous, DEC/Lx combo with newer and more reliable HET lasers.  Some of the room freed up by this changeover was used to improve the design’s passive defenses as well. 
Code: [Select]
CLL GORDI MK 3 class CL  AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x3Aix18Hs(BbS)(HET)M2(HET)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)DzZiLhQ(I)(HET) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3     Cost =  890.5/ 133.6
HTK 40 S0x3  Aix18  Dzx1  (HET)x3 

The Borodino is the UAC’s primary anti-minefield unit, designed from the ground up to counter minefields with its point defense, ECM, and heavy armor belt. 
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CLM BORODINO MK 3 class CL  AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x5Aix24Hs(BbS)(II)(I)(II)(I)(II)DzDzFDzXrDzZiLh?2Q(I)(HET) [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  1021.5/ 153.2
HTK 50 S0x5  Aix24  Dzx4  (HET)x1 

This upgrade replaces the older force beams with a HET laser, improves the ECM and the armor belt, and adds improved datalink.
Code: [Select]
DD NELSON MK 7 class DD  AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x7Aix10Hs(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsDz?2DzZiQs(I)(HET) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  691/ 103.7
HTK 32 S0x7  Aix10  Dzx2  (HET)x1 

This much needed upgrade for the venerable deep-space buoy control ship improves the ship’s passive defenses and point defenses, and adds a plasma gun for last-ditch defensive actions. 
Code: [Select]
DD(DSB) MK 3 class DD  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x4Aix4ZHXr(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsDz(DCS)DzQs(I)Pg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  639/ 95.9
HTK 24 S0x4  Aix4  Dzx2  Pgx1 

This was originally a USSR design, and only one unit survived in the CU Navy’s inventory.  This refit brings the class into the modern age, and the Navy plans to build several of these units to lead its fleets and detachments. 
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DDC MARSHAL MK 2 class DD  AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0ZHVx6MgQs(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsXr(CC)(CIC)(I)Qs [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP  6 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  726/ 108.9
HTK 23 S0x2  Vx6  Mgx1 
2x EDM (Mg), 12x fG, 60x fR

The Mk 2 upgrades replace the force beam with a HET laser, at the cost of reducing the ship’s passive defenses.  In addition, the ship’s ECM is improved.   
Code: [Select]
DDE SPRUANCE MK 2 class DD  AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix5ZHs(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)QsDzx3?2XrsDzQs(I)(HET) [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  748/ 112.2
HTK 27 S0x4  Aix5  Dzx4  (HET)x1 

The Outreach class receives a much-needed update with this refit.  The refit replaces the force beam with a HET laser and improves the ECM, at the cost of reducing the passive defenses. 
Code: [Select]
FG OUTREACH MK 6 class FG  AM 4 XO Racks 22 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x3Aix6ZHs(I)(I)(I)(I)XrDz?2(I)Qs(HET) [7]
22 RCP  3 MCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  481/ 72.2
HTK 21 S0x3  Aix6  Dzx1  (HET)x1 

The Colonial Union perceives itself to be behind the other major races in the deployment of fighters.  Therefore, its carrier designs are optimized for one thing, to bring fighters to the battle.  This carrier can deploy thirty-six fighters and an armed pinnace.  The first unit of this class was laid down in Month 201 and will be launched in month 209.
Code: [Select]
CVL - UDALOY class CVL  12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 8
[2] AiZHs(BbL)Vx36(II)Q(II)Q(II)Q(II)Q(II)LhQMg(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  36 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1162/ 174.3
HTK 60 Aix1  Vx36  Mgx2 
4x EDM (Mg), 76x fG, 380x fR

The first unit of the Scipio class was launched recently, and is undergoing refits to bring it up to the design below from its proto-type class.  While a standard ‘fighter-barge’ design, it does mount long-range scanners for independent operations. 
Code: [Select]
CVS SCIPIO class CVS 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsVx27(II)Q(I)(II)Q(I)Q(II)XrLhQ(I)Mg [6]
45 RCP  30 MCP  27 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  856.5/ 128.5
HTK 45 Aix1  Vx27  Mgx1 
54x fG, 270x fR

This is the original carrier design for the CU Navy, and by Month 201 the CU had launched forty-two units of this class. 
Code: [Select]
CVE REVENGE class CVE 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHsVx17(I)Q(I)Q(I)(I)(I)(I)LhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  45 MCP  17 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  536/ 80.4
HTK 31 Aix1  Vx17  Mgx1 
2x EDM (Mg), 34x fG, 170x fR

The CU has varying schemes to provide fighters defenses for its main shipbuilding systems.  For the Solar System, the plan is to upgrade Earth’s orbiting shipyards to include defenses and fighter bays, as below. 
Code: [Select]
EARTH ORBITAL YARDS MK 2 class SS  23 XO Racks 1023 Hull TL 8
1023 RCP  60 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  9937.5/ 110.7
HTK 257 S0x30  Aix30  Dzx6  (HET)x2  Vx60  Mgx2 
7x EDM (Mg), 140x fG, 560x fR

This asteroid fortress design was originally built by the Soviet Union, and both examples in the Solar System survived the Last War and are currently guarding the Solar System’s sole warp point.  This upgrade would add fighter bays, along with updating the fortresses defenses and electronics. 
Code: [Select]
AF FLEET HQ MK 4 class AF  133 XO Racks 669 Hull TL 8
669 RCP  31 MCP  30 FCP    Trg:7  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  7641.5/ 382.1
HTK 639 S0x200  Apx300  Dzx8  (HET)x5  Rcx14  Wax10  Vx30  Tix4  Mgx6 
200x SM, 280x CM, 50x CM LT1, 20x EDM (Mg), 64x fG, 640x fR

This is the standard missile defense base for the CU.  The Mk 3 refits replace the force beams with HET lasers and increase the base’s passive defenses.  This base is designed for orbital defense of important planets, or stand-off defense for warp points. 
Code: [Select]
BS3R MK 3 class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x17Aix22Hs(BbS)RcRcQMgRcx3MgDzM2XrRcx3Mg!2DzLhDzZi?2Q(HET) [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1447/ 72.3
HTK 64 S0x17  Aix22  Dzx3  (HET)x1  Rcx8  Mgx3 
160x CM, 80x CM LT1, 4x EDM (Mg)

This refit replaces the dangerous DEC/Lx combo with HET lasers, and increases the design’s passive defense, as well as upgrades its ECM.
Code: [Select]
BS2L MK 3 class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x13Aix20HsTi(HET)DzXrsTxTi(HET)?2LhDzZiQ(HET) [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  934/ 46.7
HTK 47 S0x13  Aix20  Dzx2  (HET)x3  Tix2 

This design is intended to be paired with the above bases.  The upgrade improves the design’s ECM/ECCM, replaces its energy beams with HET lasers, and improves its passive defenses. 
Code: [Select]
BS2(AW) MK 3 class BS2 10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x8Aix17Hs(BbS)(MCS)XrTi(HET)Dz!2(DCS)DzZi?2LhQ(HET) [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1042/ 52.1
HTK 40 S0x8  Aix17  Dzx2  (HET)x2  Tix1 

This base receives the standard upgrade to HET lasers, improved ECM, and improved datalink. 
Code: [Select]
BS1 MK 4 class BS1  5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x7Aix16HsTi!2DzQsZi(HET) [0]
25 RCP    Trg:1  Tem -2     Cost =  467/ 23.4
HTK 30 S0x7  Aix16  Dzx1  (HET)x1  Tix1 

This is a new design for the CU, intended to give fighter capability to warp point or planetary defenses. 
Code: [Select]
BS1V class BS1  5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 8
[1] Aix3HsVx12QVx6QLhQsMg [0]
25 RCP  25 MCP  18 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  698/ 34.9
HTK 27 Aix3  Vx18  Mgx1 
36x fG, 180x fR
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 05:46:58 PM by Kurt »
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Cold War: Alliance HT-9 Designs
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2022, 05:44:17 PM »
Alliance HT-9 refits
The Alliance intends to use the HT-9 refits to establish a degree of uniformity throughout its fleet.  Being an amalgamation of three different national fleets, the Alliance fleet has a plethora of designs for every size warship, making coherent and efficient deployment decisions difficult.  The decision to standardize the fleet is understandable, however, it did lead to vigorous, and sometimes heated, debate throughout the halls of Alliance Naval HQ between the various factions.  These factions were usually, but not always, built around racial lines, with the T’Pau arguing for a solid core of large capital ships, supported by carriers and smaller, faster ships, while the D’Bringi argued for a battle line of battlecruisers and fast carriers, with larger capital ships reserved for specialized roles, like warp point assault.  The Rehorish typically supported a comprise approach, with a battle line divided between BC’s and SD’s, with heavy carrier support capable of independent action. 

In the end, compromises were made.  The D’Bringi were essentially ‘given’ control of carrier design and deployment strategies, and they tended to favor designs capable of minimal defense while maximizing fighter capacity.  The T’Pau were given control of SD and BB design and deployment, while the Rehorish took battlecruiser and smaller ships, with heavy influence from the D’Bringi, who felt considerable ownership over battlecruiser designs. 

The Karhae class SD’s are the pride and joy of the T’Pau.  The HT-9 refits are, for the T’Pau, a ‘proof-of-concept’.  The inclusion of the new Mi-x in the command variant gives this datagroup a significant advantage when engaging smaller capital ships, in particular battlecruisers, which the Alliance has determined are too small to mount a similar system.  Instead of mounting it on every SD, the Alliance has decided to field a ‘command’ variant, equipped with Mi-x, to provide targeting information for an entire datagroup.  To mount this large system, the command variant sacrifices a capital missile launcher and its long-range scanners.  In exchange, the command variant mounts tracking sensors, giving it independent targeting capability in the unlikely possibility that it is acting alone. 

A Rehorish faction within the Fleet Design Bureau put up a vigorous fight to include engine tuners in the design, however, the T’Pau felt that the tuners took up too much space. 
Code: [Select]
SDR KARHAE MK II class SD  AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 9
130 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3103/ 465.4
HTK 102 S0x14  Acx33  Dix3  Dzx4  Fcx1  Rcx11  Mgx5 
176x CM, 88x CM-a, 88x SBM, 88x SBM-a
Code: [Select]
SDR KARHAE(C) MK II class SD  AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 9
130 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  3118/ 467.7
HTK 99 S0x14  Acx33  Dzx4  Fcx1  Rcx11  Mgx5 
176x CM, 88x CM-a, 88x SBM, 88x SBM-a

The Mk III version of this assault design incorporates composite armor into the design, along with datalink jamming systems.  In addition, this class, like almost all other classes mounting beam weaponry, has been converted over to mount force beams.  Despite of the T’Pau penchant for energy weaponry, the Alliance Naval Design Bureau decided to utilize capital force beams as its primary beam weaponry, largely at the urging of the D’Bringi factions that saw the extended range of the force beam weaponry as assisting their fight to make beam-armed battlecruisers the secondary offensive arm of the fleet, after carriers.  The T’Pau view this class as serving a secondary duty of screening the larger superdreadnoughts now under construction, when not being used in their primary role of assault ships. 
Code: [Select]
BRUTUS MK III class BB  AM2 20 XO Racks 100 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x10Acx60H(BbS)(III)(III)(III)QFcDz(III)FcDz!2M3DzDzFcDzFsXrsDzZiDiLh?2?jQ(III)Fc [5]
100 RCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2666/ 399.9
HTK 108 S0x10  Acx60  Dix1  Dzx6  Fsx1  Fcx4 

The D’Bringi intend for this class to become the primary carrier for the Alliance Fleet, and if they had their way every one of them would be built by and crewed by D’Bringi.  Given the need for carriers this is unlikely to happen, but the Alliance has agreed to settle on this design as its standard for carriers moving forward. 
Code: [Select]
CV TALRON MK II class CV  AM2 17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x6Acx3ZH(BbS)(III)Vx12(II)Vx12QQ(III)Vx12(II)Vx12QQ(III)DzQLhXrDz?2Qs(II)MgMg [6]
85 RCP  48 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +4     Cost =  2039/ 305.9
HTK 88 S0x6  Acx3  Dzx2  Vx48  Mgx2 
5x EDM (Mg), 144x fG, 432x fR, 288x fR-a, 96x fL, 570x fM

The D’Bringi fought hard for their proposal to upgrade their Imperial Glory class BCR’s, however, in the end the Alliance decided that the T’Pau Osiris class long-range missile combatant would be the preferred Alliance design. 
Code: [Select]
BCR OSIRIS MK IV class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x14Acx18HQ(BbS)(III)(II)(III)RcRcDz!2(II)RcRcDzM4(III)RcDzXrZiLh?2?jQFc(II)MgMg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1948/ 292.2
HTK 69 S0x14  Acx18  Dzx3  Fcx1  Rcx5  Mgx2 
80x CM, 40x CM-a, 40x SBM, 20x SBM-a

This class is an update of the Rehorish beam-armed BC design that has stood their navy in good stead since BC’s were introduced to the fleet.  The D’Bringi were upset that neither of their BC proposals were accepted, but given the Alliance’s preference for D’Bringi carrier designs, the inevitable D’Bringi claim of favoritism in the design selection process fell on deaf ears.   
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BCB ZUIKAKU MK IV class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x10Acx21H(BbS)Q(III)Fc(II)Fc(III)FcDzFcDzM4Xr!2(II)?2LhDzZi(III)?jQ(II)Fs [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2079/ 311.8
HTK 65 S0x10  Acx21  Dzx3  Fsx1  Fcx4 

For various reasons the D’Bringi were not big proponents of the CVL class, and thus they did not submit a proposal for the CVL class, which led to the Rehorish design being accepted.  It is unlikely that many more of this class will be built, as the Alliance intends to focus on larger fleet carriers, supported by smaller carrier-barge type CVE’s and CVS’s. 
Code: [Select]
CVL YAMATO MK II class CVL AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 9
[1] S0Acx6ZHs(BbS)(II)Vx6QsVx6(II)Vx6QsVx6(II)QsVx6(II)Q(II)QXr?1LhDzQ(II)MgMg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  30 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +2     Cost =  1359/ 203.8
HTK 64 S0x1  Acx6  Dzx1  Vx30  Mgx2 
90x fG, 360x fR, 90x fR-a, 60x fL, 450x fM

The Akagi class has become the default heavy cruiser design for the Alliance.  Ironically, the short-ranged beam cruiser now mounts weaponry that out-ranges the medium missile armed design.  This class mounts a datalink-jammer as well. 
Code: [Select]
CAB AKAGI MK V class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x7Acx15Hs(BbS)(II)(II)(II)FcQDz(II)!2DzM2(II)?jXrsFsZiDz?2LhQ(II)Fc [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1514/ 227.1
HTK 51 S0x7  Acx15  Dzx3  Fsx1  Fcx2 

Originally, the Alliance Navy intended to discontinue this variant and refit all heavy cruisers to the standard Akagi class above, however, the development of anti-matter weaponry has given this class a new lease on life. 
Code: [Select]
CAM AKAGI MK V class CA  AM2 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x9Acx18Hs(BbS)Q(II)Wa(II)WaDzRa(II)Dz!2WaWaDzWaWaM2Xr(II)Lh(II)Q?2ZiDz(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1586/ 237.9
HTK 60 S0x9  Acx18  Dzx4  Wax6  Mgx1 
115x SM, 70x SM-a, 4x EDM (Mg)

This is an update the venerable D’Bringi automated warfare cruiser, giving it modern passive defenses and fighters for protection, as well as modern point defenses.  Rehorish and T’Pau detractors have dismissed this class as being a victim of the D’Bringi habit of putting fighter bays on anything that moves, but it is undeniable that the refit will product a much more effect ship. 
Code: [Select]
CA(AW) MK III class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 9
[2] S0x3Acx9ZHs(BbS)(II)Vx6(II)Vx6(II)Ti(II)Q(II)XrQDz(DCS)(MCS)LhDzQFc(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1510/ 226.5
HTK 51 S0x3  Acx9  Dzx2  Fcx1  Vx12  Tix1  Mgx1 
36x fG, 144x fR, 36x fR-a, 24x fL, 180x fM

This T’Pau design will become the Alliance’s standard light cruiser design once the refits are complete. 
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CLE RAKSHASA MK V class CL  AM2 9 XO Racks 45 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x5Acx18Hs(BbS)(I)(II)(I)QsFc!2Dz(II)TiM2(I)Zi?2Dz?jQs(II)Fc [6]
45 RCP  5 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1140.5/ 171.1
HTK 46 S0x5  Acx18  Dzx2  Fcx2  Tix1 

There was much debate about the design(s) to be selected for the Alliance Fleet’s destroyers, and there is still controversy over the final selection.  Prior to the standardization of the fleet’s designs that has been taking place with this round of refits, the Alliance fielded several destroyer classes of varying capabilities.  Basically, the varying designs fell into three broad categories, anti-fighter, anti-ship, and scout designs.  The bulk of the Alliance’s destroyer hulls were Hosho class destroyer-scouts, a Rehorish design highly prized by fleet admirals and squadron commanders.  Unlike many other smaller ships, the Hosho class were equipped with long-range scanners, making them excellent scouts and scout-hunters.  However, their utility both as scouts and scout-hunters had been declining since the corvette-carrier class was introduced.  The corvette-carriers were both faster and carried a heavier and longer-ranged punch than the Hosho class destroyers, and the fact that the Alliance could build three CT(V)’s for the cost of two Hosho class DD’s sealed the fate of the scout-destroyers. 
With the collapse of the scout-destroyer lobby, there was some pressure to approve two designs, a DDE class anti-fighter destroyer, and an anti-shipping destroyer class.  The Alliance naval staff instead decided on a compromise design, that reduced the Mogami DDE’s anti-fighter capacity to increase its anti-ship capabilities.  The resulting design, below, made no one happy, but will be the Alliance’s standard destroyer design going forward. 
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DDE MOGAMI MK III class DD  AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 9
[1] S0Acx6ZHs(I)QsWa(I)Wa(I)Di(I)Di(I)Di(I)DzXrsPgZi?j(I)QsMg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  760/ 114
HTK 27 S0x1  Acx6  Dix3  Dzx1  Wax2  Mgx1 
80x SM, 40x SM-a

This will be the standard escort carrier class for the Alliance in the future. 
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CVE-MUNCHNIT MK III class CVE  AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 9
[1] S0S0Acx3Z(I)(I)(I)(I)QVx3(I)Vx6(I)Vx6DzLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  15 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  693/ 103.9
HTK 33 S0x2  Acx3  Dzx1  Vx15  Mgx1 
45x fG, 180x fR, 45x fR-a, 30x fL, 225x fM

The debate about fixed defenses and the impact that fighters and now SBM technology has had on those defenses is ongoing within the Alliance.  To date no decision has been made about the form the Alliance’s bases, stations, and asteroid forts will take, however, there is significant determination to standardize defenses across the Alliance, as well as designs.  The D’Bringi are pushing to convert every single size and class of base to carrier versions, arguing that such a conversion will make them more capable of resisting an SBM pod attack through a defended warp point, and, further, that the fighters mounted by the bases will give the bases a far longer reach against attacking ships than they would otherwise have.  The newly developed SBM pods are still being tested to determine the best methods to both deploy them offensively, and to defend against them, so the debate is ongoing. 

While the Alliance dithered and debated over fix defense design for the future, several of the member races have commissioned designs of their own and begun refitting their system defenses. 

The two BS4 Orbital Defense Base designs below are T’Pau designs, intended for orbital defense of their home world.  These designs are intended to stand up to enemy superdreadnought datagroups, or to smash enemy battlecruiser groups, but are vulnerable to enemy fighter waves. 
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BS4 ODB MK II class BS4  24 XO Racks 120 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x17Acx33Hs(BbS)QRcx5MgDzRcx5DzQM3DzRcx4!2DzXrDiZi?2LhQFcMgMg [0]
120 RCP  30 MCP    Trg:4  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  2095/ 104.7
HTK 84 S0x17  Acx33  Dix1  Dzx4  Fcx1  Rcx14  Mgx3 
55x CM, 70x CM-a, 70x SBM, 70x SBM-a
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BS4C ODB MK II class BS4  24 XO Racks 120 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x17Acx30Hs(BbS)QRcx5MgRcx5DzQDzRcx4!2DzXrsMi1Zi?2LhQFcMgMg [0]
120 RCP  30 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4     Cost =  2085/ 104.2
HTK 78 S0x17  Acx30  Dzx3  Fcx1  Rcx14  Mgx3 
55x CM, 70x CM-a, 70x SBM, 70x SBM-a

The advent of SBM pods has led the Alliance planners to move defenses away from the warp point, to make them harder to strike with SBM pod waves.  This means that such defenses will likely either be equipped with missiles or fighters.  Although the Alliance has not yet set a standard for fixed defenses, the D’Bringi have taken the lead, creating a new design for its BS4 system defense bases.  The resulting design is suitable for both warp point defense and orbital defense of a major population.  The Rehorish have adopted this design and are refitting several bases in their home system to this standard. 
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[1] S0x5Acx21Hs(BbS)Vx42QPgQM2QDzQPgQsXrDzDz?2DzLhZiQEcMgMg [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP  42 FCP    Trg:3  Bmp +4     Cost =  2452/ 122.6
HTK 90 S0x5  Acx21  Dzx4  Pgx2  Ecx1  Vx42  Mgx2 
5x EDM (Mg), 126x fG, 256x fR, 256x fR-a, 84x fL, 800x fM

This is a T’Pau design as well, intended to defend a closed warp point in their system that leads to the core systems of the Colonial Union.  The Alliance believes that the Colonial Union does not know the location of this closed warp point, but they certainly suspect its existence. The T’Pau do not believe that the Colonial Union has begun deploying SBM pods as of yet, and even if they have they believe that close-in defenses still have value.   
Code: [Select]
BS3CAW EXCALIBUR MK IV(AW) class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x17Acx21Hs(BbS)Q(DCS)(MCS)EcDzEcEcDzM5TiEcx3Dz?2LhMi1ZiQPg [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:9    Atk +1  Bmp +4     Cost =  1934/ 96.7
HTK 58 S0x17  Acx21  Dzx3  Ecx6  Tix1 
Code: [Select]
BS3E EXCALIBUR MK IV class BS3  17 XO Racks 85 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x15Acx21Hs(BbL)QTiEcDzEcx3Ti!2EcEcDzM5EcLhDzZi?2Q?jEc [0]
85 RCP  15 MCP    Trg:6  Bmp +4  Tem -2     Cost =  1957/ 97.8
HTK 59 S0x15  Acx21  Dzx3  Ecx8  Tix2 

Below is a carrier-conversion proposed by the D’Bringi fighter faction.  The original design mounted five plasma guns for close-in defense of a warp point. 
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BS1V MK III class BS1 5 XO Racks 25 Hull TL 9
[1] S0x7Acx9ZHsVx12LhQDzQsMg [0]
25 RCP  12 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  678/ 33.9
HTK 35 S0x7  Acx9  Dzx1  Vx12  Mgx1 
36x fG, 144x fR, 36x fR-a, 24x fL, 180x fM
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Cold War: Month 212, Kingdom of Lothar ship designs
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2022, 12:06:34 PM »
Kingdom of Lothar
The Royal Fleet is built around a core of battlecruisers, supported by heavy escort cruisers and carriers.  Royal fighter tactics and thinking tends to be defensive in nature, as the primary striking force of the fleet is the gunboat force.  While their fighters can be used offensively, their primary mission is to protect the fleet and gunboat forces from other fighters. 

The Boko Tamboko class is a holdover from older designs and carries no gunboats.  This class is currently out of favor, due to that lack, and current plans are to replace its XO racks with gunboat racks during the next round of refits. 
Code: [Select]
BOKO TAMBOKO class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 10
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:3  Bmp +6  Tem -2     Cost = 2409/361.4
HTK 93 S1x30  Acx27  Dcxx3  Fsx1  (HET)x2 

Royal fleet design places capital ships firmly in the strike support role, and they are intended to engage enemy fleets at medium to long range while the fleet’s gunboat force attacks at close range.  The light missile armament is intended to harass the enemy rather than be decisive in and of itself, and it is hoped that by peppering the enemy fleet with long-range fire the battlecruiser force can force the enemy to divide its attention and defenses between the attacking gunboats and the fleet battlecruisers.   The Bombina class is intended to close to medium range to engage with its lasers, while the Tambacounda class BC’s remain at long range. 
Code: [Select]
BOMBINA class BC  AM2 10 XOg Racks 80 Hull TL 10
80 RCP  20 MCP  100 FCP    Trg:6  Bmp +6  Tem -2     Cost = 2549/382.4
HTK 80 S1x21  Acx18  Dcxx3  (HET)x3  Rcx1  Mgx1 
20x CM-a, 40x fG, 160x fR, 80x fR-a, 40x fL, 320x fM2

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TAMBACOUNDA class BC  AM2 10 XOg Racks 80 Hull TL 10
80 RCP  20 MCP  100 FCP    Trg:6  Bmp +6  Tem -2     Cost = 2475/371.2
HTK 72 S1x18  Acx12  Dcxx3  (HET)x1  Rcx4  Mgx1 
16x CM-a, 10x SBM-a, 40x AFM, 40x fG, 160x fR, 80x fR-a, 40x fL, 80x fM2, 2x fXr

The Yoshinu Camamba class are intended to escort carriers and battlecruisers and provide close-in defense with either anti-matter tipped missiles or anti-fighter missiles as needed. 
Code: [Select]
CAE YOSHINU CAMAMBA class CA  AM2 7 XOg Racks 60 Hull TL 10
[1] S1x6HQ(II-It)(BbS)(II-It)(II-It)Q(II-It)Wax5(II-It)?3LhQDcxWaWaDcxXrZi(II-It)Mgx3 [6]
60 RCP  70 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +6     Cost =  1919/ 287.9
HTK 45 S1x6  Dcxx2  Wax7  Mgx3 
140x SM, 210x SM-a, 140x AFM, 28x fG, 112x fR, 56x fR-a, 28x fL, 112x fM2, 2x fXr

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CHUKUDU GOZIMI class CVL AM2 7 XOg Racks 60 Hull TL 10
[1] S1x12Acx3HQ(II-It)(BbS)(II-It)(II-It)(II-It)XrQ(II-It)Vx12QLhQDcx?3DcxVx6QZi(II-It)Mg [6]
60 RCP  15 MCP  88 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +6     Cost = 2057/308.6
HTK 65 S1x12  Acx3  Dcxx2  Vx18  Mgx1 
82x fG, 159x fR, 110x fR-a, 82x fL, 330x fM2, 6x fXr

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KHALKFONTEIN class CVE AM2 1 XO, 3 XOg Racks 30 Hull TL 10
30 RCP  45 MCP  36 FCP    Trg:1  Bmp +6     Cost = 960/144
HTK 35 S1x6  Acx6  Dcxx1  Vx6  Mgx1 
3x fXr, 30x fG, 168x fR, 42x fR-a, 30x fL, 168x fM2

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