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Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on February 22, 2023, 01:02:55 AM »
wow it is working again...  ;D

was that something you did Gyrfalcon ? (Or was it a delayed post-reboot result of pressing delete button?)
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on February 21, 2023, 12:10:49 PM »
My Chrome has no problem staying on the http version :o

Neither did mine until a few days ago :( It automatically reverts to HTTPS whatever I do. Is OK in Incognito though if I remove the s.

Query of in Chrome Domain Security Policy page for HSTS/PKP returns a list of policies including ...

"dynamic_upgrade_mode: FORCE_HTTPS"

Delete function does not work, meaning it is preloaded.

So if admins want to do something about that it looks like you can remove a domain from the preloading list. Scroll down for the removal form link.
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by Garfunkel on February 21, 2023, 06:47:48 AM »
My Chrome has no problem staying on the http version :o
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by Gyrfalcon on February 21, 2023, 06:30:58 AM »
Your browser may be forcing https for the website. The images... don't like that.

If you strip the s from the URL, your browser may (or may not) accept it and show the site as normal. I know in my case that my Chrome redirects me straight back to the https site. Funny enough, Incognito mode gets around that, but I'm not going to visit the aurora boards in incognito every time.
Forum Issues / unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on February 21, 2023, 04:58:56 AM »
All icons are being displayed as text with a default broken image link icon and have been for a week or so.

I tried DNS clear.

See screeny.

Is this server side?

The header link bar DDLs are behaving strangely as well. The subforum name e.g. "Changes / Help / Unread Posts" disappears when the DDL drops and the list is visible but hovering in limbo.
Space News / 12 New Moons Discovered For Jupiter
« Last post by fischyk on February 12, 2023, 07:00:22 PM »
Sources: https://www. cnn. com/2023/02/06/world/jupiter-new-moons-scn/index. html
https://skyandtelescope. org/astronomy-news/astronomers-find-a-dozen-more-moons-for-jupiter/

12 new moons have been confirmed for Jupiter.  9 of these 12 are the outermost Jovian moons.  The other 3 are prograde moons that lie between the Galilean moons and the "far-out retrograde moons".
This brings Jupiter to 92 recorded moons, compared to Saturn's 83. 

Your move, Saturn.
Forum Issues / Re: #403 (Forbidden) on all forum images
« Last post by Prapor on February 09, 2023, 09:07:32 AM »
Some necro
I can't access http because it automatically redirects me to https.
Game/Book Reviews / Re: Has anyone tried NEBULOUS: Fleet Command?
« Last post by Snoman314 on February 03, 2023, 05:07:03 PM »
It's been on my wish list for quite a while now, but I haven't bought it mainly because I was waiting for it to get further along. Looks super fun though.

It's far enough along to be a lot of fun. Mainly they're just adding different factions and campaign mode now. The ship design and combat side of the game is basically done. Plus there's already way more modded factions on the Workshop than are planned for the final version of the game.
Game/Book Reviews / Re: Has anyone tried NEBULOUS: Fleet Command?
« Last post by Nori on February 03, 2023, 01:37:45 PM »
It's been on my wish list for quite a while now, but I haven't bought it mainly because I was waiting for it to get further along. Looks super fun though.
Game/Book Reviews / Re: Has anyone tried NEBULOUS: Fleet Command?
« Last post by TheBawkHawk on February 03, 2023, 11:12:22 AM »
Yeah, I've played Nebulous on and off for a few months now. It is extremely fun, and does a great job of allowing for customization of your ships. Well over half of my time is in the ship and missile designers. The combat is tense and tons of fun, and rewards clever use of terrain, electronic warfare, and strategic thinking. My favourite strategy thus far has been a wolfpack of gun and torpedo armed light cruisers, waiting in ambush outside of capture points. If a small ship comes in to try and capture, we poke around the asteroid and blast it with guns. If it's a bigger ship, we make a show of running away, bait it around the corner of the asteroid into point blank range, and unload a volley of torpedoes into it. 50% of the time, it works every time.

Plus, the game is surprisingly good looking. Shell and missile impacts, railgun rounds piercing through ships and continuing on through the other side, and the bridge lights shutting off and red emergency lights slowly flickering on when the reactor is damaged. I wasn't expecting it to be as immersive as it is.

I'd 100% recommend giving it a shot. The general balance of the game has obvious parallels to Aurora which should lessen at least some of the learning curve. Missiles are (generally) king, but you can make a strong showing with guns if you remember to bring enough ewar and point defense.
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