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Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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(2) Starting forces and setup
« on: October 30, 2018, 02:58:28 PM »
    This post will be amended after C# becomes available to reflect all the details of the various powers.

    House Rules
    • No missiles. All Earth powers start with beam weapons and only battle experience will unlock the paradigm shift.
    • No fighters. The concept of fighters is too radical at first and requires time to be accepted.
    • No shields. I'm trying to recreate the slugging matches of WW1 in space, so shields will be an alien invention to be discovered.
    • Jump Point Theory will not be researched until the Sol system is properly exploited and the nations have sufficient motivation for it. This means that for the first phase of the game, all action will be contained in Sol.
    • Jump Point Stabilisation technology (former Jump-Gate Construction) will also be secret alien tech, to be discovered later. This is to encourage the use of jump tenders for initial interstellar expansion.
    • No Mesons. This exotic weapon is forbidden from humans and remains unique for the Swarm. The only exception is if an NPR uses Mesons and a human power captures/salvages them.

    Game Rules
    • Precursors ON, Star Swarm ON, Invaders OFF, Rakshasa ON
    • Realistic Promotions ON Fleet Training ON Asteroid Movement ON
    • Maintenance ON Jump Tenders ON
    • Real Stars ON
    • Research Speed 50% Terraforming Speed 100% Survey Speed 50%
    • Aliens will be handled both by me as well as NPR's, per plot demands. I plan for Earth powers to encounter both conventional and TN aliens.

    Starting Facilities
    All powers start with the following:

    Ground Force Construction Complex (Minor powers have 1, Major and Great powers have 2)
    Military Academy (Minor powers have 1, Major and Great powers have 2)
    Naval Headquarters

    Starting nations will be divided into three categories: Great Powers, Major Powers, and Minor Powers. Note that the preferred beam weapon will depend on what scientists each nation has. If they have scientists with MK and EW specialties, then the nation will research both. If they only have one, they will focus on that one and ignore the other. These are only for the game start, combat experience can and will affect their preferences.

    Starting populations have been adjusted to take into consideration new pop demands by facilities.

    Great Powers


    The Imperial Germany of 1890 is one of the two Great Powers on Earth. While her colonial Empire was largely lost during the Martian War, the resources and population of central Europe ensured that Germany remained the most powerful country on the continent, if not the planet. Politically, Germany has remained a parliamentary monarchy. The large autonomous powers of the 38 separate German states were successfully curtailed during the Martian War, which significantly strengthened Germany as a whole - no longer would Bavaria have its own War Ministry or Saxony have its own postal service. Germany has the best social programs to ensure good labor conditions and the Deutsches Heer, led by the famous Großer Generalstab, is widely considered the premium military force.

    Still, Germany has its issues. The Polish question remains a thorn in her side, and tensions with France are simmering now that the threat of extinction has passed. The German parliament is largely a rubber stamp for the Reichskanzler (Otto von Bismarck) and the Kaiser (Wilhelm II). There has been significant tension between the two men, as well as between the conservative and socialist elements in the Parliament. Many suspects that as soon as the Martian threat has been eradicated, the Kaiser will force chancellor Bismarck to retire. How this will affect Germany in the future, remains to be seen.

    Population: 100 million
    Industry: 500 conventional
    Research: 10 labs
    Naval prefix: SMS
    Highest naval rank: Grand Admiral
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Firepower
    Beam preference: Laser / Rail

    Great Britain

    The supreme colonial power, Great Britain, has had her vast holdings dramatically reduced by the Martian War but remains the other Great Power. The near-complete destruction of India and China spelled the end of lucrative colonial trade, and the destruction of much of Africa was almost as severe of a blow. Through great efforts and hardship, Britain managed to keep the Empire going. The Dominions of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa have gained some measure of independence but are still well tethered to London. Britain maintains mandates and protectorates around the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, as well as all three oceans. Despite losses to the Martian Flying Machines, the Royal Navy is still considered the most powerful naval force on the planet.

    Yet problems persist. The Irish question remains to be solved, and the two Boer Republics in Africa are a possible threat. There is a clamour for more independence among the White Colonies, and many in the parliament demand for a return to both India and China as soon as possible, while others press for more daring expansion to space. Social unrest, dampened by the war, is likely to make a return once the Martian threat has passed even if the current monarch, Queen Victoria, is beloved. Her Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, not so much.

    Population: 100 million
    Industry: 500 conventional
    Research: 10 labs
    Naval Prefix: HMS
    Highest naval rank: First Space Lord
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Firepower
    Beam preference: Plasma / Gauss

    Major Powers


    The twin-kingdoms of Austria and Hungary form the Austro-Hungarian Empire, one of the oldest and most diverse in Europe. Long a rival of Germany, events in the second part of the 19th century convinced Vienna that competing with Germany was a doomed path, and ever since the Austrian chancellors have guided their emperors to maintain friendly relations with Berlin. The Martian War did not change this - armies of both powers worked together to defeat the invaders from the Red Planet. Balkans, long considered the powder keg of Europe, suffered badly during the invasion and it is unlikely that the smaller powers there would pose any threat to Austro-Hungary in the short term.

    Austro-Hungarian leadership, in the form of Kaiser Franz Joseph I and the Common Ministers for War (Ferdinand von Bauer) and Foreign Policy (Count Gustav Kálnoky de Köröspatak), is in a difficult crossroads position. The multi-ethnic empire is barely hanging together and it has only been the threat of Martian genocide that has kept nationalist dissidents at bay. The cumbersome dual rule was proven ineffective and inefficient during the Martian War, but real progress has been blocked both by Germans and Magyars for their own reasons. The possibilities of funneling population growth to space while directing wealth back to Earth is seen as a real possibility of maintaining the Empire. The fact that k. u. k. A-H is seen as the junior partner of the Dual Alliance bristles with many in both Vienna and Budapest.

    Population: 50 million
    Industry: 250 conventional
    Research: 8 labs
    Naval Prefix: SMS
    Highest naval rank: Grand Admiral
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Firepower
    Beam preference: Particle / Rail


    The French Third Republic weathered the storm of Martian invasion relatively well. Her colonial landings were lost but metropolitan France and its North-African holdings were spared the worst of destruction. French army and navy performed reasonably well against the Martian Death Machinery, doing much to restore the prestige of the Republic after the disastrous war of 1870. François Sadi Carnot, the current President, has worked hard to maintain the Republic against attacks from both the Left and the Right, as well as forming a tentative alliance with Russia in order to contain Germany.

    France has pledged support for the Grand Alliance and has lofty plans for its future. While there are tensions with Germany, the domestic situation, for once, is calm. While France cannot directly challenge either Germany or Great-Britain, it is hungrily eyeing the solar system, with space resources as a possible shortcut back to greatness.

    Population: 50 million
    Industry: 250 conventional
    Research: 8 labs
    Naval Prefix: none
    Highest naval rank: Grand Admiral
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Armour
    Beam preference: Laser / Gauss


    The Empire of Russia, ruled by the Czars under a divine mandate, is the last remaining absolute monarchy in Europe. A staggeringly vast country, it is plagued by backwardness, despite the attempts of multiple rulers to modernize it. The Martian attacks struck Russia hard, laying waste to many areas, though luckily with haphazard targeting. The Russian industry was mostly spared, whereas her agriculture was devastated. Combined with the low technological level of farming, this means that half of the Russian population is directly tied to their farms, considered illiterate serfs, and not available for the government to use in other sectors.

    Tsar Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich, a highly conservative man, wants to turn back the clock and the Martian War has been a good excuse for that. The modest liberal reforms of his predecessor have been overturned and Aleksander III has initiated wide-sweeping Russification programs across the empire. The autonomous rights of Finns, Poles, Jews, Germans, and other minorities have been swept away and the Okhrana have been given a free hand in suppressing activists of all kinds, as well as squashing even the idea of land reform. In foreign policy, he has agreed to the alliance with France, in order to contain any future German ambitions. Needless to say, these programs have not gone down well amongst the population. The peasants hate their Imperial "land captains" and the ethnic minorities plan uprisings and revolts.

    Population: 60 million (the number of available population)
    Industry: 250 conventional
    Research: 8 labs
    Naval Prefix: none
    Highest naval rank: Fleet Admiral
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Speed
    Beam preference: Plasma / Rail

    United States

    The large Republic of United States of America has vast potential, but several problems as well. The scars of the bloody Civil War had barely begun to heal when the Martian Invasion fused the population together behind the Star-Spangled Banner. American industrial power played an important part in empowering her military to repel Martian invaders, while the European powers were busy elsewhere. This event cracked the traditional isolationism prevalent in US politics, and President Grover Cleveland has leveraged his wartime popularity into having good chances of becoming the first US President to be elected for a third term, as he commands wide support from both parties. It doesn't hurt that her young wife, Frances Folsom Cleveland, is immensely popular.

    The US, perhaps more than any other power, is in a position to shake up the old balance. She has no ancient burdens or ethnic tensions like her European competitors, and there are no conventional threats in North-America that she would need to worry about. While the Great Powers dismiss America as an upstart, the US is adamant about establishing itself as an equal.

    Population: 60 million
    Industry: 250 conventional
    Research: 8 labs
    Naval Prefix: USS
    Highest naval rank: Fleet Admiral
    Highest army rank: General of the Army
    Ship priority: Firepower
    Beam preference: Particle / Gauss

    Minor Powers


    The Kingdom of Italy has barely had time to unify after centuries of war and strife when the Martians landed. Sardinia was completely wiped off the map by a Martian bomb and only glowing rocks remain. The Italian Army and Navy performed abysmally poorly against the Martians and, to the shame of the nation, had to accept help from other powers. However, this had led to a national fever of modernization, that the reigning king, Umberto I, has channeled towards productive measures. The Italians have managed to progress by leaps and bounds, though they still have ways to go.

    Italy is keen to advance to the ranks of major players on the world stage and views expansion into space as a safe way to do it, without triggering conflict with her larger neighbors.

    Population: 30 million
    Industry: 100 conventional
    Research: 5 labs
    Naval Prefix: none
    Highest naval rank: Grand Admiral
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Speed
    Beam preference: Laser / Rail


    The Rising Sun of the East, Empire of Japan, has astounded foreign observers with its rapid transformation from a medieval agrarian society to a modern industrial one. The Martian Invasion bypassed most Japanese islands, which was an important boon to the fledgling industrial sector. Japanese Army acquitted itself well in anti-Martian campaigns in Korea and China. Her colonial ambitions have been curtailed by the Martian War, as not even the most ardent militarists can justify waging war on other human powers while the Martian Killing Machines still pose a threat. However, thanks to the Martian destruction of most of China, Japan has managed to expand to the island of Formosa and to Chinese coastal areas.

    Japan is desperate to prove herself to the European powers and views the invasion of Mars as only a first step on this path.

    Population: 40 million
    Industry: 100 conventional
    Research: 5 labs
    Naval Prefix: none
    Highest naval rank: Marshal-admiral
    Highest army rank: Marshal-general
    Ship priority: Speed
    Beam preference: Plasma / Gauss

    Iberian Union

    The Martian invasion caused a collapse of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. Out of the ashes rose a new country, the Iberian Union. In reality, it was the re-emergence of an old 16th-century political union. Both countries had been in economic and political trouble before the invasion, as their colonial status had been on the descent for years. Survivors of the initial attack had to face reality and the various areas banded together. Charles I of Portugal, the only surviving immediate member of an Iberian royal family, ascended to the throne of the Union at the age of 21, becoming the youngest ruler in the world.

    The Iberian Union is bent on revenge and rebuilding. It has no territorial ambitions on Earth and its main goal is to kill all aliens.

    Population: 25 million
    Industry: 50 conventional
    Research: 5 labs
    Naval prefix: none
    Highest naval rank: Captain-General
    Highest army rank: Captain-General
    Ship priority: Armour
    Beam preference: Particle / Rail

    The Rim Pact

    The Rim Pact is another international compromise to emerge from the ashes of the  Martian War. It consists of five smaller European Kingdoms that banded together in order to avoid de facto vassalisation by their larger neighbors during the tumultuous events of past years. Despite lacking a common language and being geographically diverse, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden have managed to, at least so far, stick to a common foreign policy and joint military force. While there are minor religious and ethnic issues among them, the practical need to maintain their independence between France, Germany, and Russia has ensured a smooth existence. The five states all maintain full control of their domestic policies and organizations, and there are no attempts to promote one language or culture above the others.

    The Rim Pact is fiercely independent and neutral, having no interest in colonialism after their few colonial possessions were destroyed by the Martians, or in adventurous saber-rattling. They are only involved in the invasion of Mars in order to ensure that the other powers take them seriously and respect the independence of its member states after the war.

    Population: 20 million
    Industry: 50 conventional
    Research: 5 labs
    Naval prefix: KKS
    Highest naval rank: Chief of Navy
    Highest army rank: Field Marshall
    Ship priority: Speed
    Beam preference: Laser / Gauss

    I ended up having each country start with no ground forces. It is assumed that they maintain non-TN equipped national armies but creating and maintaining them is significant amount of work for no gain.[/list]
    « Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 02:08:47 PM by Garfunkel »
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    Offline Father Tim

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #1 on: October 30, 2018, 05:07:57 PM »
    I'm excited to see someone else doing very much what I have planned for my first C# Aurora campaign. . . though more ambitiously, as I hadn't planned on more than two or three factions.

    I really hope the 'No fighters' rule gets relaxed enough to allow 'scouting floatplanes' (unarmed sensor fighters) and 'dirigibles' (FACs; although probably quite slow Fast Attck Craft).  Or maybe not, because then they'll be special to my game.
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    Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #2 on: October 30, 2018, 05:58:37 PM »

    I expect that FACs will make an entrance fairly early on, as gunboats in space, but fighters - in any form - will not arrive until maybe TL2 for 'scouting floatplanes' and even later for armed versions. So your story will stand out if you plan on having them right from the beginning!

    Offline Kurt

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 09:10:49 AM »
    Looks like a very interesting setup!  I have worked up a similar campaign start, set in the early 1900's, based on a failed Martian invasion.  In my campaign, the US, Great Britain, and Germany manage to capture a few Martian's and keep them alive, giving them the keys to TN tech.  They then rapidly use that tech to dominate (but not conquer) the rest of the world, but for quite a while have only a very limited understanding of what they've got. 

    I have a feeling that my campaign would be very different from yours, but for my first C# game I'll probably go for something completely different, just to avoid any comparisons.  I've got several campaign starts worked up, more or less, so no loss. 

    It seems like it still might be some time before Steve releases C# Aurora in a workable condition, though.  We'll have to see. 

    Looking forward to your campaign!

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    Offline Steve Walmsley

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #4 on: October 31, 2018, 09:20:25 AM »
    It seems like it still might be some time before Steve releases C# Aurora in a workable condition, though.  We'll have to see. 

    Yes, this is true. It will be months rather than weeks I suspect. I am now eleven years into the first test campaign and the first ships have been launched. I have fixed several minor bugs and UI issues so far but there is still some development required (finish AI, several smaller windows, checking ahead to set the correct turn length, etc) and a huge amount of testing ahead before I will have a stable release. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel though :)

    Plus, I am really enjoying playing my first Aurora campaign in 2.5 years :)
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    Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #5 on: October 31, 2018, 12:16:39 PM »
    I'm also quite adamant about having a fairly extensive low-tech period. The invasion of Mars will be done with conventional engines, for example, and will have era appropriate infantry supported by some scavenged Martian Death Machines. Due to the very limited number of tech labs and the technology bleeding over between nations on the same planet, the campaign will not leap to TL3 or TL4 levels anytime soon. I really want to have a sort of Scramble for Africa but IN SPACE!!! thing going on, which will lead to a WW1 IN SPACE!!! Only after that will Jump Point Theory be researched and the surviving powers expand to other systems.

    Or that's the big plan. We'll see what happens, since no plan survives contact with the enemy.

    And yeah, I really shouldn't be getting this excited over a new campaign since it's still ways away but I can't help it  :P

    Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #6 on: November 05, 2018, 01:24:23 PM »
    I'm leaving this up for posterity but due to changes in the ground combat model (this was written when things were still on the planning stage), I've changed things around.

    Tentative Ground Forces Organisation for all countries.

    Through the years of war, the various national quirks of armies have been worn down, thanks to several multi-national operations. All powers are in the process of replacing their horses with the newfangled automobiles and tractors, though this process is ongoing and currently such vehicles are only used to ease the transportation of heavy equipment.

    The old line and square formations of Napoleonic Wars turned out to be nothing but a recipe for a massive butcher's bill. After the first year of the Martian War, all powers had delegated the lowest leadership level from captains to lieutenants and sergeants, meaning that no longer was the company the smallest manoeuvre element, it was now the platoon. Even this was not sufficient against the firepower of the Martian Death Machines, and as the war progressed, the importance of the squad was realised. Thus was born the new rifle squad, led by a senior corporal or a sergeant, that utilised movement in pairs and individual marksmanship. Consisting of 10 riflemen, it formed the basis of the armies of all powers.

    Supporting the riflemen are two important weapons - one brand new, and the other an already existing one that rose to prominence. The Maxim machine-gun, water-cooled and with tremendous stamina, proved its worth and very quickly every country adopted it, if it had not already done so before the Landing. Stories told of Maxim gunners who pissed in the gun to keep it from overheating. Rough and durable, it was still light enough to be moved by its crew. The new weapon was the Rocket-Grenade, invented by Max von Foerster in Germany during the first year of the Martian War. Many of the Martian Death Machines were impervious to bullets and artillery was not always available quickly to prevent them from rolling up entire trench lines. Foerster was a mining engineer and had refined the shaped charge design for mining. Realising the potential it had in fighting the Martians, he was granted nearly unlimited funds by the German military to fast-track a prototype. The first version was a complete disaster, more often exploding at the hands of the operator, but refinement and improvements followed. The current model, the Marsshreck, as it became to known, was soon adopted by other powers as well, and is now an effective, albeit short-ranged weapon.

    Two Grenadier teams and two Maxim teams, together with three infantry squads, form the Infantry Platoon, sized 186 tons and using 32 GSPs per combat round.

    Infantry Company consists of three infantry platoons, supported by a Mortar Platoon (3 Light Bombardment) and a Infantry Gun Platoon (3 Heavy Crew-served Anti-Personnel). The mortars are light enough to be moved by their crew, as are the infantry guns - exact models vary from country to country but they are generally in the 50-80 mm area, using high-explosive ammunition. The captain has a Headquarters Squad to facilitate command and communications (HQ 1250) and the Light Column uses horse-carriages to transport munitions, food and other supplies (3 Logistics Module - Small). All in all, the Infantry Company takes up 726 tons and uses 147 GSPs per combat round. It can support itself for three combat rounds before needing supply from parent formations.

    Infantry Battalion consists of three infantry companies, supported by a Anti-Air Platoon of three Quad Maxims on a high-angle tripod (Light Anti-Aircraft). The Maxims are not especially effective against Martian Flying Machines, but four of them put together, firing at the same point, are generally sufficient to harass them. The battalion also has an Observer Platoon, that has the experts and the equipment to provide fire observation for artillery, and two Heavy Columns (1 Logistic Module each) carry enough supplies for two combat rounds for the entire battalion. This is in excess of the organic company supply. Thus the battalion can fight for five combat rounds without needing external supply. The battalion major has an HQ platoon to help him the formation. It clocks in at 2,458 tons and uses 447 GSPs per combat round.

    Infantry Regiment consists of three infantry battalions, supported by another Anti-Air Platoon, and an Observer Platoon, as well as a HQ company, three Heavy Column, and Engineers. While the construction equipment of the engineers is not sufficient to fortify the entire regiment quickly, it is enough to facilitate it. Parent formations are expected to provide more engineering support when necessary. Thanks to the additional Heavy Columns, the regiment can fight eight combat rounds without needing resupply from the division. The regiment takes up 7,919 tons and eats 1347 GSPS per combat round.

    On the artillery side, things have changed less radically. All powers now divide their guns into three categories: Field Artillery for the medium pieces meant for closer support, Heavy Artillery for heavy pieces to support the Schwerepunkt, and Siege Artillery that has become to mean special pieces with long-ranges, instead of the old siege mortars with very limited range, generally placed on special rail carriages. Thanks to first experiments with Trans-Newtonian minerals, the large railroad guns are now being transplanted to tractor platforms, basically a square Duranium carriage with multiple tracks underneath it, allowing the guns to move outside the rail network. Without this improvement, the long range guns could not be brought to Mars alongside their lighter counterparts.

    Unlike infantry, the smallest element of artillery is the battery. A Field Artillery Battery houses six field guns, a Heavy Artillery Battery houses six howitzers, and a Siege Artillery Battery has three railroad guns. Batteries never operate alone, thus the smallest formation is the battalion.

    Field Artillery Battalion has three FA batteries, three Becker guns for air cover, a Heavy Column for supply, and a HQ squad to coordinate the fire. The battalion takes up 890 tons and uses 78 GSP per combat round.

    Heavy Artillery Battalion has three HA batteries and is otherwise identical to a FA Bn. It does require more space at 1250 tons and uses 168 GSP per combat round.

    Siege Artillery Battalion has three SA batteries and is otherwise identical to the FA and HA battalions. With fewer guns per battery, it takes up 620 tons of space and 78 GSP per combat round.

    An Artillery Regiment combines three FA battalions and one of both HA and SA battalions each, with five heavy Oerlikon guns for air defence, two Heavy Columns for supply and a HQ company to run the regiment, for a total space of 4840 tons and using 570 GSP per combat round. All lower supply combined, an artillery regiment can go for at least five combat rounds or, possibly as many as eight combat rounds depending on consumption, before it needs external supply.

    This is a work-in-progress post, more will be added in due time.
    « Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 02:29:18 PM by Garfunkel »

    Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #7 on: April 13, 2020, 07:35:48 PM »
    Quick update:

    I am using 1.20 and I've created all 10 Earth factions. I'll create the Martians next after which the campaign itself can start.
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    Offline Mark Yanning

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #8 on: April 13, 2020, 07:51:56 PM »
    That's a really nice setup.  Is there a way to have the file to try this scenario? o/

    Offline Ektor

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #9 on: April 13, 2020, 09:00:53 PM »
    I loved reading this. I like it that you are reviving it.

    Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #10 on: April 14, 2020, 09:31:18 AM »
    Unfortunately, there will be a slight delay. It seems there are few nasty bugs that 1.30 fixes and there are few nasty bugs already reported which will be fixed by the 1.40 patch so that means there's little reason for me to press ahead as it is.

    I'll wait until 1.40 is out and try again.

    Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #11 on: April 15, 2020, 04:18:10 PM »
    I recreated the 10 Earth nations in 1.40 only for 1.50 to come out. Unfortunately, both STOs and Orbital Habitats are currently bugged and I do need both working for the campaign so I'll wait until 1.60.

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #12 on: April 15, 2020, 04:25:56 PM »
    As much as I would like to follow this right now, if you want this to be a longer-running campaign it might be worth waiting a week or two for the patches to slow down :).

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #13 on: April 15, 2020, 04:29:23 PM »
    Or just be like me and redo the same campaign like fifty times hahaha

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    Re: (2) Starting forces and setup
    « Reply #14 on: April 15, 2020, 04:38:19 PM »
    As much as I would like to follow this right now, if you want this to be a longer-running campaign it might be worth waiting a week or two for the patches to slow down :).

    Agreed, I think we should all be focused on creating very fast campaigns using the pre-assigned tech and designs so to spot as many bugs as possible and as fast as possible. This will allow a very stable release in no time considering that thanks to COVID Steve is not going anywhere soon. Trust me you don't want this little bug mess to keep standing when he'll be able to put his hands on the new motorhome...