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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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The Great Crusade - Updates
« on: January 16, 2019, 11:12:29 AM »
Starting Forces:
2x Dominator class CA:  Emperor’s Wrath, Ultima Praetor
1x Defiant class CJ:  Defiant
3x Firestorm class FF: Firestorm, Maelstrom, Vortex
1x Tempest class FJ: Tempest
4x Apollo class GSV:  Achilles, Agamemnon, Apollo, Arethusa
4x Venture class GEV: Valiant, Venture, Voyager, Vigilant
2x Cerberus class TJ: Cerberus, Medusa
2x Hercules class TG: Hercules, Atlas
5x Carrack class FT
3x Caravel class CS

10 January 2300
GEV Venture discovers fourteen million tons of accessibility 0.8 Duranium on Venus, along with a similar deposit of Tritanium and minimal accessibility deposits of Neutronium and Gallicite. Unfortunately, the concurrent survey of Mars confirms that no minerals are present. Nevertheless, a small colony is established on the red planet to incentivise civilian shipping operations.

14 January 2300
GEV Voyager detects 4.5 million tons of Sorium at 0.7 accessibility in the atmosphere of Saturn. Twelve hours later, a jump point is discovered on the inner edge of the asteroid belt, just two hundred million kilometres from Earth. Rather than divert one of the eight survey ships, the head of the Imperium High Command, Vice Admiral Asteroth Cain, orders the commercial jump tender Cerberus to break orbit of Terra and transit the new jump point.

Cerberus arrives one hundred and forty-three million kilometres from a Y class brown dwarf, known only as WISE 0855?0714, located 7.3 light years from Sol. The mass of the primary is little more than 1% of Sol so the system is fairly compact, with two gas giants, two dwarf planets, seven moons and more than one hundred asteroids within a billion kilometres of the star. All the rocky bodies are barren and freezing. Cerberus returns to Sol and holds position on the jump point. The Emperor issues an edict, stating that the first star system to be explored by humanity must have a more inspiring name than WISE 0855?0714. Therefore, the Imperium will adopt a policy that lesser known stars will be named to honour great victories or past Heroes of the Imperium. In this case, with the symbolism that WISE 0855?0714 will be humanity’s first gateway to the stars, it is renamed Tannhauser Gate.

5 February 2300
With many of the inner system bodies surveyed by the four Venture class Geological Survey Vessels and so far no planets or moons with more than two or three easily accessible minerals, Vice Admiral Cain orders Vigilant into Tannhauser Gate to begin the first extra-solar survey. The other Ventures continue their mission in Sol.

8 February 2300
A second jump point is discovered in Sol, just outside the orbit of Saturn. The commercial jump tender Medusa is ordered to investigate. She jumps on February 17th 2300 and emerges within half a billion kilometres of the red dwarf star HH Andromedae. All five planets in the system are gas giants, two of which are tide-locked. The other three has fifty-four moons between them. The system name is shortened to simply Andromeda.

7 March 2300
Agamemnon discovers a third jump point in Sol close to the orbit of Uranus. It is thirty-six degrees of arc clockwise from the Andromeda jump point and almost a billion kilometres further out. As Medusa is stationed on the Andromeda jump point, Vice Admiral Cain orders her C.O., Captain Ezekiel Maladon, to conduct his second exploration mission.

15 March 2300
Medusa jumps into Alpha Centauri, arriving four point six billion kilometres from the yellow G2-V primary. The companion star, an orange K1-V, is currently at a similar distance, although its orbit will bring it within one point two billion kilometres in four or five years. Alpha Centauri-A has four planets; a tide-locked gas giant, a terrestrial world with five moons and two dwarf planets. The rocky worlds and one of the moons are between colony cost 2.00 and 2.90. With no atmospheres, two with low gravity and only one with water, they will probably not be targets for terraforming when that technology is available.

Alpha Centauri-B has four terrestrial worlds and a gas giant, with a total of twenty-four moons. One planet, with a thin nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of 0.14 atm, would be an ocean world if the temperature wasn’t -98C. Medusa returns to Sol to report. Voyager, currently in the Jupiter Trojans, is ordered to complete its immediate task and then move into Alpha Centauri.

10 May 2300
The gravitational survey of Sol is completed. Apollo and Arethusa have already moved into Tannhauser Gate to conduct a new survey, so Achilles and Agamemnon head for Andromeda.

19 May 2300
Given the low mass of the Tannhauser Gate brown dwarf star, the survey of Apollo and Arethusa progresses quickly and reveals two jump points within one hundred and thirty million kilometres of the primary. Vigilant has recently completed her geological survey of the system, which located several small but useful mineral deposits on asteroids, so she moves to investigate. The first jump point leads to YZ Ceti, a planetless red dwarf system that is renamed as Nocturne. Vigilant begins a geological survey of the system’s three comets.

25 May 2300
Galenus Interstellar Colony Limited, a newly-formed civilian shipping line, launches a small freighter

29 May 2300
With the gravitational survey of Tannhauser Gate completed, Apollo probes the second of the new jump points and discovers the system of Bernard’s Star. The M4V red dwarf star is orbited by ten planets, including five terrestrial worlds, two superjovians, two gas giants and a dwarf planet. Unusually, one of the terrestrial worlds has ten moons and a moon of the inner superjovians is larger than Terra. Apollo and Arethusa begin a gravitational survey.

6 July 2300
The Terran Academy is increased in size by 50%. The Imperium is suffering a significant gap between income and expenditure which cannot continue beyond the short term. As the Imperium has a lack of experienced planetary governors, especially in the area of wealth management, the Academy has been expanded and an administrator has been assigned the role of Academy Commandant.

17 July 2300
Voyager explores a jump point in Andromeda that leads to the white dwarf star WD 1145-645, which has two dwarf planets, each with a small moon, and three comets. The system is renamed Taranis.

31 July 2300
The first Trans-Newtonian ground forces are trained. The basic manoeuvre formation for the infantry of the Imperium is the Imperial Guard Company. An Imperial Guard Regiment comprises four companies plus a headquarters formation. Each company includes six hundred Guardsman, eighteen Autocannon (CAP) teams to enhance the anti-infantry firepower, twelve Lascannon (LAV) anti-tank teams, six Hydra flak platforms (MAA), eight supply vehicles, a Vox Caster unit to direct orbital fire support and the company headquarters. The regimental headquarters formation comprises thirty-six heavy mortars, thirty supply vehicles, twelve Hydra flak platforms, six Land Crawler construction vehicles and the regimental HQ. A regiment is intended to operate a whole, although companies may be detached to guard outposts or conduct small raids. The Cadian Regiment is the first to be fully trained.

5 September 2300
The gravitational survey of Andromeda is completed. One additional jump point has been discovered in addition to the jump points to Sol and Taranis. Agamemnon carries out the probe mission and emerges in Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Sol in real space terms but two jumps away via Andromeda. The M6V red dwarf star has five unremarkable planets, ten moons and a small, scattered asteroid belt. Agamemnon and Achilles begin a gravitational survey and Voyager soon arrives to conduct the geological survey.

12 October 2300
Apollo and Arethusa complete their survey of Bernard’s Star, revealing three new jump points. The survey ships conduct probes, which reveal the following systems:
  • Epsilon Eridani: An orange K2-V primary with a single unremarkable planet
  • Sirius: Bright A1V with D1-VII white dwarf companion. The primary has two terrestrial planets with one moon each. One of the terrestrial worlds is the first realistic terraforming target. It has a 1.16 atm nitrogen-methane atmosphere, with traces of ammonia and water vapour, and a liquid ocean covering 63% of the surface, Gravity is 1.08G and the temperature is 79C. The dominant terrain is Rift Valley. The other terrestrial world is Venusian. The downside is that the jump point is at 8.4 billion km.
  • Procyon: F5-IV sub-giant with white dwarf companion. There are two rocky planets, one of which is a terrestrial colony cost 2.00 world with high mountains. The planet has oceans covering 79% of the surface, a nitrogen – methane atmosphere of 0.3 atm and temperature of 40C.
24 October 2300
Voyager completes the geological survey of Proxima. As the ongoing gravitational survey has located a new jump point, she investigates and discovers a binary with L-class and T-class brown dwarves. The primary is planetless, while the companion has a single dwarf planet and a dense asteroid belt. The system is renamed from Luhman-16 to Macharia.

2 January 2301
A team led by Ophelia Gordian completes research into the Terraforming module. Terra has only four commercial shipyards, three of which are tooled to build freighters, colony ship and fuel harvesters while the fourth is of recent construction. Therefore, a space station is designed with five terraforming modules. The Gaia class Terraforming Base will be built in orbit of Terra by construction factories supported by the Spaceport and towed to its destination by one of the Hercules class tugs.

Gaia class Terraforming Base      126,550 tons       516 Crew       2,713.2 BP       TCS 2,531    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 69      Sensors 5/6/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 13    Max Repair 500 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG 
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Terraformer: 5 modules producing 0.0025 atm per annum

Commercial Active Augur Array (1)     GPS 1440     Range 23.6m km    Resolution 120
Commercial Electromagnetic Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km
Commercial Thermal Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  17.7m km

14 January 2301
Voyager transits a recently discovered jump point in Macharia and enters 61 Cygni, a binary system of two orange K-class stars. The K5-V primary has four terrestrial planets and a dwarf planet, while the distant companion has six planets and a small asteroid belt. Three of the planets are colony cost 2.00 but all of them lack water and atmosphere so are not good terraforming prospects. The system is renamed Anvilus.

23 January 2301
The first Ambrosia class fuel harvester is built by the Taurus Shipbuilding Company. The ship is dispatched to the adjacent system of Andromeda, where the fourth planet is a gas giant with 70,000 tons of accessibility 1.0 Sorium. The commercial jump tender Medusa will escort her into the system.

27 January 2301
Apollo and Arethusa complete the gravitational survey of Nocturne and probe two newly discovered jump points. They lead to Hesperus (formerly Ross 128), a red dwarf star with four planets, and Arcadia (formerly Groombridge 1618), an orange K8-V star with five planets. Neither has any good terraforming prospects. So far, the Imperium has entered fourteen systems without finding any habitable worlds or significant mining opportunities.

27 March 2301
Venture is conducting a geological survey of the Hesperus system, located three jumps from Sol via Tannhauser Gate and Nocturne. She discovers thirty-six million tons of accessibility 1.0 Sorium in the atmosphere of Hesperus IV. This is likely to become the long-term fuel production centre of the Imperium once more harvesters are constructed. Apollo and Arethusa are also in Hesperus, carrying out a gravitational survey. With less than half the system surveyed, two new jump points have already been located.

1 May 2301
The Gaia class terraforming base is completed by the construction factories on Terra. For the moment, the base cannot leave the Sol system, due to the 75,000-ton maximum capacity of the jump drive on the Cerberus class tenders. While a jump point stabilisation ship has been designed, there is no shipyard large enough, except for the single slipway shipyard of the Taurus Shipbuilding Company, which is currently tooled for the Ambrosia class fuel harvester. A new yard is being expanded but is only at a capacity of 24,000 tons, while the other two commercial yards are building freighters and colony ships.

To solve this problem, the Gateway class Jump Stabilisation Station has been designed. This can be built by construction factories and then towed into place at a jump point where it can carry out the stabilisation process.

Gateway class Jump Stabilisation Station      50,700 tons       116 Crew       1,093.1 BP       TCS 1,014    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 13      Sensors 5/6/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 13    Max Repair 1000 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG 
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Jump Point Stabilisation: 180 days

Commercial Active Augur Array (1)     GPS 1440     Range 23.6m km    Resolution 120
Commercial Thermal Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  17.7m km
Commercial Electromagnetic Augur Array (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  19.4m km

Construction of Typhoon, the second Tempest class jump frigate, is completed by the Torgaddon Enterprises Shipyard. The ship joins her sister in orbit of Terra.

A civilian mining colony is established on Venus, which should help a little toward the deepening financial crisis faced by the Imperium. Half of the Imperium’s slipways are empty and expenditure still significantly exceeds income. A research project is underway to boost the civilian economy. 

12 May 2301
GEV Venture probes the inner of two unexplored jumps in Hesperus. She arrives among the Trojan asteroids of the sixth planet of Tau Ceti, three billion kilometres from the yellow G8-V primary. The system has eight planets in total, including two gas giants, two dwarf planets and four terrestrial worlds. Tau Ceti III has a nitrogen – CO2 atmosphere of 0.45 atm with 0.01 atm of oxygen, ice sheets covering a third of the surface and a temperature of -46. The dominant terrain is Tundra. The available water means that it does have some potential for terraforming, although the CO2 would have to be reduced to no more than a trace, which would result in the temperature dropping even lower. Venture begins a geological survey.

14 May 2301
Voyager arrives in Hesperus and heads for the other unexplored jump point. She discovers Gryphonne
(formerly EV Lacertae), a red dwarf with eight planets, and begins a geological survey.

12 June 2301
The first Gateway class Jump Stabilisation Station is completed at Terra and towed to the Tannhauser Gate jump point.

23 June 2301
The First Light Armour Company completes training on Terra. Each light armour company comprises sixteen Hellhound Anti-Infantry Tanks, which mount two Autocannon on a medium tank chassis, Two Salamander Command vehicles, two Hydra Flak Tanks and two Supply Vehicles. The light armour companies are intended to provide support to Imperial Guard Regiments as required.

9 July 2301
Valiant transits an unexplored jump point in Taranis. She discovers Lorentian (formerly IRAS 21500+5903), a dim M9-V red dwarf orbited by three gas giants.

23 July 2301
Incandescent, a Firestorm class frigate, is completed in Terra orbit.

28 July 2301
The first Gateway class platform is completed and towed to the Tannhauser Gate jump point.

19 August 2301
Achilles transits unexplored jump point in Taranis and enters Eta Cassiopeiae, a binary with a planetless G0-V primary and an orange K7-V companion orbiting at eleven billion kilometres. The companion has nine unremarkable planets and almost a hundred moons. Meanwhile in Sol, the Firestorm class frigate Incendrius, the fifth of her class, is launched from the Eisenhorn Navy Yard.

19 October 2301
Vanguard, the second Defiant class Jump Cruiser, is launched from the Cain Naval Shipyard.

24 October 2301
A civilian mining colony is established on the comet Faye. Both mining colonies are being taxed to aid the income of the Imperium.

28 October 2301
The Sol – Tannhauser Gate jump point is stabilised. The Gateway class platform is towed into Tannhauser Gate so it can work on stabilising the far side.

30 October 2301
A second Terran shipping line, Morax Colony Limited, has been formed. The existing shipping line, Galenus Interstellar Colony Limited, has two freighters and a colony ship in service.

20 November 2301
Vigilant explores a jump point in Arcadia, a system three jumps from Sol via Tannhauser Gate and Nocturne. She discovers the binary system of Typhon (formerly Herschel 5173), which comprises an orange K3-V primary, a red dwarf companion orbiting at seven billion kilometres and a total of fifteen planets, one hundred and fifty moons and a hundred asteroids. Despite so much real estate, there are no bodies with colony costs less than 5.00. The Imperium continues to struggle to find habitable worlds, even with twenty known systems.

9 December 2301
A team led by Exalta Invictus finishes a research project into boosting the civilian economy. Due to the financial crisis, Terran construction factories have been inactive for several months so the additional income should allow them to at least partially resume construction work.

23 May 2302
Arethusa conducts the first jump point exploration in six months when she transits the single new jump point found during the survey of Gryphonne. She emerges four hundred and forty million kilometres from Prospero (formerly Gliese 438), an orange K0-V star with eleven planets, almost sixty moons and a substantial asteroid belt. The innermost planet is a terrestrial world with a nitrogen – oxygen atmosphere of 0.38 atm, acceptable gravity and a temperature of -9C. The atmosphere has sufficient oxygen but it comprises 37% of the atmosphere, which is too high for humans. Although that could be corrected relatively easily, the planet also lacks any water, which is a more significant problem to solve. Arethusa begins a gravitational survey and will soon be joined by Apollo.

5 July 2302
With only two locations left to survey, GSV Agamemnon discovers an unexplored jump point in Alpha Centuari. Sol has three jump points, which lead to Tannhauser Gate, Andromeda and Alpha Centauri. While the jump point networks beyond the first two have been explored out to three or four jumps, this will be the first system to be investigated beyond Alpha Centauri. Agamemnon transits into the Athena system (formerly Groombridge 34), a binary of two red dwarf stars. The primary has five planets, seventy-three moons and more than three hundred asteroids, while the companion, orbiting at twenty-four billion kilometres has six planets and thirty-five moons.

Athena-A II is the most habitable world discovered outside the Sol system, with a colony cost of 0.18. The planet is huge, with a diameter of 25,000 kilometres, double that of Terra, and gravity of 1.71G, just within human tolerance. The average temperature is -30C, although as Athena-A II is tide-locked, the inhabitants can live in the temperate zone between the light and dark sides. Water covers 30% of the surface and the dominant terrain is forested mountains. Even though Athena is only two jumps from Terra, the jump point layout means that Athena-A II is sixteen billion kilometres away. There are now three Gateway class stabilisation stations in service with a fourth being construction. Once the fourth station is ready, it will begin work on the Sol – Alpha Centauri jump point.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: The Great Crusade - Updates
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 11:45:02 AM »
Galactic Map as of January 1st 2303. BTW I didn't arrange the map - the program arranged the systems as they were discovered and I haven't touched it yet. I still need to do some work on the arrangement code, but obviously better than VB6 right now :)

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: The Great Crusade - Updates
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2019, 11:18:21 AM »
This is only a minor update as I have been distracted lately by the BattleTech expansion and Battlefleet Gothic Armada II. Also, I am probably going to start a new campaign soon and go back to a multiple Sol start, perhaps with NPRs in Sol or with multiple player races and non-Sol NPRs. Having that multiple start adds to the immediate competition and will makes the AAR more interesting early on. I may also change some of the balancing factors such as chance of ruins and chance of ground survey. BTW maintenance facilities are a lot more important now and become a serious option when considering what to construct.

15 September 2302
The first extra-solar colony is created on the inner moon of Procyon-A II, three jumps from Sol via Tannhauser Gate and Bernard’s Star. The moon has one point four million tons of accessibility 1.0 Duranium, plus smaller accessible deposits of six other minerals. 120,000 colonists are landed. The moon is colony cost 2.94 and has no water or atmosphere, although its relatively small diameter of 2000 km should make it easier to terraform than a full size world.

Procyon-A II – Moon 1 Survey Report
Duranium:   1,411,200   1.00
Corbomite:   280,900   0.60
Tritanium:   348,100   0.90
Boronide:   8,100   0.60
Sorium:   25,600   0.50
Corundium:   115,600   0.80
Gallicite:   10,000   0.60

23 October 2302
The 12,000-ton Dominator class cruiser Hammer of Justice is launched from the Invictus Shipyard. She is the third unit of the class and will serve alongside her sisters Emperor’s Wrath and Ultima Praetor.

25 October 2302
A small colony is established on the only moon of Sirius-A I. The moon has accessible deposits of several minerals and is colony cost 2.00, although it has no atmosphere and no water. Even so, the moon is only 1200 km in diameter with a gravity of 0.12G so it should be relatively easy to terraform. The main problem for the colony will be the eight point four billion kilometre distance from the jump point, which will limit the rate at which the colony can receive new settlers.

Sirius-A I - Moon 1 Survey Report
Duranium:   145,800   0.90
Corbomite:   156,816   0.80
Tritanium:   161,604   0.80
Uridium:   34,596   0.80
Corundium:   230,400   0.90

27 October 2302
The survey of an asteroid in Athena reveals ten accessible mineral deposits. Apart from Terra, this body has the highest number of deposits in known space.

Athena Asteroid #96 Survey Report
Duranium:   231,200   0.90
Neutronium:   15,376   0.80
Corbomite:   2,304   0.80
Tritanium:   32,400   1.00
Mercassium:   118,336   0.80
Vendarite:   4,096   0.80
Sorium:   92,416   0.80
Uridium:   4,096   0.90
Corundium:   30,976   1.00
Gallicite:   85,264   0.80

18 November 2302
Agamemnon detects a jump point on the edge of the Athena system. As the survey ship is so close to the new jump point, her C.O., Captain Regulus Tacitus, decides to investigate. Agamemnon transits into the Damocles system (formerly LHS 288), which comprises am M4-V red dwarf star with eight planets, eighty moons and a dense asteroid belt with almost five hundred asteroids.

25 December 2302
The gravitational survey of Athena is completed. Agamemnon explores a second new jump point, which leads to Carpathia (formerly LHS-292), a red dwarf with a collection of unremarkable planets and a large asteroid belt. Agamemnon begins a gravitational survey while Achilles heads back to Sol for an overhaul.

15 January 2303
Apollo completes the survey of Prospero without finding any additional jumps point, making Prospero the first dead-end system to be encountered.

10 February 2303
Inferno, the sixth Firestorm class frigate, is constructed by the Eisenhorn Navy Yard

16 February 2303
The first three Planetary Defence Forces are trained on Terra. Each one comprises twelve 15cm planetary defence lasers, twelve Hydra flak platforms, six Land Crawler construction vehicles, two hundred planetary defence troopers, two supply vehicles and the planetary defence HQ.

1 March 2303
The tug Atlas delivers both Gaia class terraforming bases to the colony on the inner moon of Procyon-A II. Because the moon has a diameter of only 2000 km and therefore requires far less atmosphere than a terrestrial planet, terraforming will be forty times faster than on an Earth-sized world.

9 March 2303
Research into larger engines, improved fuel consumption and more efficient power modifiers is completed. As a result, a new commercial engine is designed. The Boreale-Vorax BV-216E Commercial Ion Drive is 50% larger than the current Imperium commercial ion drive, yet provides 10% less thrust. The primary benefit though is the 80% reduction in fuel consumption. While this will work out slightly less than 80% in practice due to the greater engine size adding mass to the ship, it still represents a huge reduction in long-term fuel usage. The BV-216E will be used in all new commercial designs.

16 March 2303
Venture surveys a 1500 km diameter asteroid in the Athena system which has large and accessible deposits of seven minerals and sufficient gravity for both normal infrastructure and an atmosphere. In this particular case, the gravity will not help very much because the colony cost is 8.21. However, given the survey results, the asteroid is likely to be a future mining location using either automated mines or by housing the workers in an orbital habitat.

Athena Asteroid #298 Survey Report
Duranium:   616,050   1.00
Neutronium:   342,225   0.90
Corbomite:   24,806   0.70
Sorium:   189,225   0.60
Uridium:   378,225   0.90
Corundium:   146,306   0.70
Gallicite:   497,025   1.00

27 May 2303
A new shipping line is created on Terra – the Torgaddon Transport Group.

27 June 2303
The Dominator class cruisers Dominion and Sward of Retribution are launched from the Invictus Shipyard. They are the fourth and fifth units of the class.

4 July 2303
Agamemnon explores the first of two new jump points in the Carpathia system, three jumps from Sol via Alpha Centauri and Athena. She appears near Van Maanen’s Star, a planetless white dwarf. Agamemnon transits back into Carpathia and probes the second new jump point, which leads to the known system of Bernard’s Star, located two jumps from Sol via Tannhauser Gate. The jump point through which Agamemnon emerges is only fifty-one million kilometres from the red dwarf primary and was not detected during the system survey. This confirms a theory among Terran scientists that some jump points are ‘dormant’ and cannot be detected until a ship transits through them from the far side.

This new connection provides an alternative route to the mineral-rich Athena system via Tannhauser Gate, Bernard’s Star and Carpathia. While the existing route via Alpha Centauri is only two jumps versus four for the new route, in terms of distance the Alpha Centauri route is fifteen billion kilometres compared to less than five billion for the Bernard’s Star route.

13 July 2303
Fortitude, the third Defiant class jump cruiser, is completed in Terra orbit. The recent construction of several large ships is outpacing the availability of maintenance facilities. Terran construction factories are concentrating on remedying this issue.

17 July 2303
A colony of 300,000 settlers is established on Athena-A II. Ten Carrack class freighters unloaded sufficient infrastructure to house almost six million colonists, due to the low colony cost is 0.18, so the colony has plenty of room for growth. The colony ships and freighters arrived in Athena via Alpha Centauri. They will now leave, escorted by a jump tender, through the Carpathia jump point.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 11:22:47 AM by Steve Walmsley »
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