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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #120 on: August 04, 2021, 08:44:01 PM »
Tea and biscuits the true fuel of the Duraniam Legion
-Brought to you by BritCo Light Refreshments Incorporated
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #121 on: August 05, 2021, 05:18:56 AM »
I have to admit that I was developing slight withdrawal symptoms. :D And of course congratulation for your personal success Dr. nuclearslurpee.
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #122 on: August 05, 2021, 09:13:39 AM »
Tea and biscuits the true fuel of the Duraniam Legion
-Brought to you by BritCo Light Refreshments Incorporated

It is truly amazing just how far the British have managed to infiltrate into this futuristic society so long after Britain itself has ostensibly ceased to exist. It is, of course, for the best.

I have to admit that I was developing slight withdrawal symptoms. :D And of course congratulation for your personal success Dr. nuclearslurpee.

You and me both! And thank you for your congratulations.  ;D
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #123 on: August 05, 2021, 09:28:38 AM »
the important thing is;  every PhD is a PhD in Light Refreshments, if you play your cards right
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Offline El Pip

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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #124 on: August 05, 2021, 04:47:14 PM »
My word that was quite the monstrous update, congratulations indeed. You achievement of becoming an academic doctor was unquestionably well deserved if you poured anything like the same effort into it.

I'll be honest I feel somewhat overwhelmed by it, it absolutely deserves a detailed quote-reply fest to highlight and probe it's wonders. But it's 6,500 words and the Pipettes are determined to deny me sleep so it all seems too much. Some small highlights;

  • Medals as a way of doing Scientist/Academic ranks, I am stealing that idea it is most clever
  • Some excellent pretentious titles
  • This trend of scientist trying to get into design will end badly, because it always does. They are not engineers and should not attempt it
  • Lord Admiral Gaia Pandia remains a favourite as she fights the good fight to no noticeable impact
  • Lord Imperator Daedalus Poseidon is an incredible name in all respects.
  • As noted the return of light refreshments raised the tone considerably. And it is inconceivable the Legion could be so successful if they had not been fuelled by tea
  • It is pleasing the Legion has enough spare 4" rail gun barrels to use them as props
  • "In the grim darkness of the far future there is only Imperial measurements haphazardly converted to metric"
  • I remain disappointed the Reactors are quoted in Terrawatts and not GigaBTU/sec
  • Proper many year plans are being made, adds a nice touch of verisimilitude to events

There are doubtless many more things I could (and should) have pulled out and admired, alas this meagre gesture will have to suffice.
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Offline nuclearslurpee (OP)

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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #125 on: August 06, 2021, 10:23:59 AM »
the important thing is;  every PhD is a PhD in Light Refreshments, if you play your cards right

Indeed, else there is no reason to bother.

My word that was quite the monstrous update, congratulations indeed. You achievement of becoming an academic doctor was unquestionably well deserved if you poured anything like the same effort into it.

I'll be honest I feel somewhat overwhelmed by it, it absolutely deserves a detailed quote-reply fest to highlight and probe it's wonders. But it's 6,500 words and the Pipettes are determined to deny me sleep so it all seems too much. Some small highlights;

  • Medals as a way of doing Scientist/Academic ranks, I am stealing that idea it is most clever
  • Some excellent pretentious titles
  • This trend of scientist trying to get into design will end badly, because it always does. They are not engineers and should not attempt it
  • Lord Admiral Gaia Pandia remains a favourite as she fights the good fight to no noticeable impact
  • Lord Imperator Daedalus Poseidon is an incredible name in all respects.
  • As noted the return of light refreshments raised the tone considerably. And it is inconceivable the Legion could be so successful if they had not been fuelled by tea
  • It is pleasing the Legion has enough spare 4" rail gun barrels to use them as props
  • "In the grim darkness of the far future there is only Imperial measurements haphazardly converted to metric"
  • I remain disappointed the Reactors are quoted in Terrawatts and not GigaBTU/sec
  • Proper many year plans are being made, adds a nice touch of verisimilitude to events

There are doubtless many more things I could (and should) have pulled out and admired, alas this meagre gesture will have to suffice.

I for one shall consider this sufficient.   Though I do note that while I would never recommend such a colossal use of time, one can always re-read the work should one feel the urge to produce additional comments. However in the case of Pipettes I suspect that this is even less recommended than usual.

I really did consider splitting this update at the refreshments break, and perhaps I should have, but at the same time I do have a reputation to uphold and more importantly must remain on ever-vigilant guard against the tendency to increasingly salami-slice the updates.
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The Duranium Legion - Chapter XXI, Part 5: The Command Cruiser Debate
« Reply #126 on: August 26, 2021, 12:54:18 PM »
OOC Note: As a reminder for the benefit of the reader, the agenda and attendance for the Naval Conference can be found in the first post of Chapter XXI and may be of some use to keep track of the various personalities involved as well as to be apprised of upcoming topics of discussion - about which speculation is as always encouraged!


24 May 4009

0800: Session on Jump Vessel Assessment and Future Prospects, Duranium Legion Naval Conference

After the dramatic events of the previous day’s session, particularly during the latter presentations, the general consensus amongst the Lords Admiral had been that they, collectively, had been in urgent need of drinks that evening. Lord Admiral Absolus Criasus had observed this consensus optimistically, hoping that the worst parts of his coworkers’ natures might get the better of them. After all, he reasoned, an assembly of sleep-deprived and hungover Lords Admiral would be far less raucous and thus less stressful to manage for the Speaker. If he was really lucky, he had dared to dream, one particular pair of his coworkers might have gotten themselves into a bar fight and knocked each other out, at least for one or two more sessions of the Naval Conference.

It can therefore be predicted by the reader that Lord Admiral Criasus arrived at the Conference chamber at precisely 0758 to receive a most profound disappointment. Apparently, the members of the assembly had been eagerly anticipating the day’s session, as nearly all of the Lords Admiral were very much awake, full of energy, and ready for another day of stimulating debate. Even Lord Grand Admiral Tethys Argyron and Lord High Admiral Jack Macaria were hale, hearty, and worst of all alive. The sole exception among the bright-eyed assembly was Lord Admiral Gaia Pandia, who was sitting in the back of the Conference chamber cradling her head in her hands and muttering something about “the idiots [she] was forced to work with”. While this was not a promising start to his morning, the Speaker was nevertheless duty-bound and thus at 0800 promptly called the morning session to order.

The topic of the day was, officially, the performance and future directions of the Legion Navy’s jump vessels over the previous decade. Unofficially, and in practice, the topic would be how the future command cruisers of the Legion Navy would be designed - a topic closely tied to the very fundamentals of jump ship doctrine. To begin with, Lord Admiral Criasus ordered that the two primary proposals which were competing for acceptance should be presented by their chief proponents, to review for the assembly not only the ship designs to be considered but also the underlying doctrinal considerations which had led to each design. As the original command cruiser concept had been his own idea originally, Lord Admiral Adrien Agamemnon was called upon first. In preparation for that morning’s session, he had taken some time to refine the original proposed design for a command cruiser, and this refinement is reproduced below for the benefit of the reader:

Off-Topic: Agamemnon Variant class Command Cruiser • show
Agamemnon Variant class Command Cruiser      20,000 tons       530 Crew       3,208.4 BP       TCS 400    TH 2,000    EM 0
5000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 6-65       Shields 0-0       HTK 88      Sensors 72/72/0/0      DCR 18      PPV 0
Maint Life 2.36 Years     MSP 2,444    AFR 178%    IFR 2.5%    1YR 601    5YR 9,016    Max Repair 500 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 500 tons     
Captain    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   FLG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Flight Crew Berths 40    Morale Check Required   

XN-402 Fleet Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 20100 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3

X-1000 Heavy Cruiser Engine (2)    Power 2000    Fuel Use 24.75%    Signature 1000    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 553,000 Litres    Range 20.1 billion km (46 days at full power)

XS-102 Long-Range Array (1)     GPS 21600     Range 101.7m km    Resolution 150
XS-41 High-Resolution Array (1)     GPS 1440     Range 41.3m km    Resolution 10
XSM-19 Missile Warning Array (1)     GPS 144     Range 19.1m km    MCR 1.7m km    Resolution 1
XR-67 RF Wave Array (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  67.1m km
XT-67 Infrared Array (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  67.1m km

To begin, Lord Admiral Agamemnon noted for his audience that any proposed command cruiser class would require scientific improvements in the field of jump drive construction, as more efficient drive technology would be needed to fit both a jump drive and the necessary sensor suite, etc. onboard such a ship. Much to the relief of the assembly, the Lord Admiral did not immediately launch into a lengthy technical exposition on the subject, but simply proceeded onwards with the main elements of his presentation.

In Lord Admiral Agamemnon’s view, the command cruiser filled three principal doctrinal roles. The first of these was of course the fleet command role, which was accommodated by introducing a new flag bridge component into the ship design, which was distinct from the ship’s bridge and from which a flag officer could direct the entire fleet separately from the cruiser’s captain. The second role was to provide comprehensive sensor coverage for a fleet, effectively replacing the Bellerophon class in this role. While simply emplacing the Bellerophon sensor suite into the new class would be adequate, Lord Admiral Agamemnon instead proposed a revised suite of five new sensors, each of 450 tons displacement, with the major intention of matching the similar-sized sensors discovered on both Belaire and Mongolican vessels to ensure that the Legion Navy did not fall behind its opponents in sensor capabilities. Finally, and most controversially, the command cruiser would serve as a fleet jump tender, able to transit an entire fleet of heavy cruisers and smaller by itself but not equipped to carry out jump point assaults except in truly emergency circumstances. This would necessitate a specialized jumpship squadron to carry out such an assault, but would otherwise retain the strategic mobility so essential for Legion fleet operations.

As these three distinct roles demanded a significant fraction of the ship’s displacement, not even a point defense armament would be mounted and the armor, while adequate, would be a small compromise being only as thick as that of the Invincible-class light cruisers rather than that of the planned heavy cruisers. As the very thick armor of the latter ship class was expected to only be of great importance in a jump point assault or a similar close-range railgun brawling scenario, this small compromise could be considered acceptable given the impressive capabilities of the proposed command cruiser class. Lord Admiral Agamemnon was optimistic that future technological development would eventually allow the armor compromise to be rescinded, and even a point defense railgun suite to be mounted given longer-term research developments.

In a break from the tradition of recent sessions, Lord Admiral Criasus made an immediate proclamation as his colleague finished his presentation, to the effect that no immediate discussion of the specific ship proposal would be had at this juncture. Instead, the open floor discussion would take place only after both proposals had been presented for consideration, and would focus on the doctrinal approach to be taken rather than the mundane details of the ship designs, which after all were not themselves even detailed enough to receive a Z-type planning designation from the procurement offices. Having proclaimed thusly, the Speaker recognized, with barely-concealed trepidation, Lord High Admiral Jack Macaria who would present the second major command carrier proposal under consideration that morning. This design proposal is, as with the previous one, reproduced below for the benefit of the reader:

Off-Topic: Macaria Variant class Command Cruiser • show
Macaria Variant class Command Cruiser      20,000 tons       506 Crew       3,177.8 BP       TCS 400    TH 2,000    EM 0
5000 km/s    JR 4-250      Armour 8-65       Shields 0-0       HTK 91      Sensors 8/8/0/0      DCR 20      PPV 0
Maint Life 2.21 Years     MSP 2,386    AFR 160%    IFR 2.2%    1YR 657    5YR 9,862    Max Repair 682.6 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 500 tons     
Captain    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   FLG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Flight Crew Berths 40    Morale Check Required   

X-402 Squadron Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 20100 tons    Distance 250k km     Squadron Size 4

X-1000 Heavy Cruiser Engine (2)    Power 2000    Fuel Use 24.75%    Signature 1000    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 558,000 Litres    Range 20.3 billion km (46 days at full power)

Scamander Corporation Series XVI Missile Warning Array (1)     GPS 96     Range 15.6m km    MCR 1.4m km    Resolution 1
Scamander Corporation Series XVI Long-Range Array (1)     GPS 14400     Range 83.1m km    Resolution 150
Scamander Corporation Series VIII RF Wave Scanner (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Scamander Corporation Series VIII Infrared Scanner (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

As with the previous proposal, the “Macaria variant” also fulfilled three principal doctrinal roles, however one of these was fulfilled in quite a different manner and another was entirely different from the role considered by Lord Admiral Agamemnon. The first role, providing fleet command capabilities, was largely unchanged and was accomplished identically to the earlier proposal, this being the most necessary and straightforward role for the class to fill in any case. The second role, provision of sensor coverage for fleet operations, was in principle the same but was accomplished quite differently. Rather than slightly expanding the sensor suite as Lord Admiral Agamemnon’s proposal had done, Lord High Admiral Macaria’s proposal called for a significant reduction of the sensor suite, by a factor of two-thirds compared to its predecessor on the Bellerophon class, and notably excising the high-resolution sensor array entirely. While the Lord High Admiral claimed that this had been done because this sensor type had proven unnecessary in battlefield operations, it was clear to all present that this decision had truly been made in service of the third design role of the class. This role was, of course, to provide not only fleet jump capability but in fact jump assault capability for a squadron of heavy cruisers, thus a significantly greater amount of space was necessary compared to the “Agamemnon variant” for the jump drive machinery of the class.

While the component type was superficially similar, the true divergence of this latter role was in its implications for the rest of a Legion Navy battle fleet. In Lord High Admiral Macaria’s vision, a fleet would retain full, organic jump assault capability and the command cruiser would be the leading element of this capability, providing not only strategic but also tactical mobility. The price to be paid for this mobility, of course, would be not only the reduced sensor capabilities of the proposed design but also the necessity for a substantial fraction of a fleet to remain as low-threat jump ships rather than high-threat railgun warships - a price many among the Lords Admiral were hesitant at best to pay. Nevertheless, this approach had been Legion Navy tradition for the past decade and such a tradition had led to many great successes, thus to continue in this direction was an attractive prospect to equally many of the Lords Admiral. To break this deadlock was the present task facing the assembly, and it was in full awareness of this (and, doubtless, with no optimism regarding the accomplishment of this task) that Lord Admiral Criasus now opened the floor for discussion, debate, and ideally few if any punching matches.

In the following hours, reams upon reams of wholly insubstantial rhetoric was hurled across the Conference chamber. In the midst of this gratuitous mudslinging, occasional nuggets of useful thought were found which eventually could lead to some form of meaningful conclusion, and it is to these latter moments that the attention of the reader is now directed.

In favor of the sensor-heavy Agamemnon variant, several arguments emerged in addition to the supposed increase in fleet combat power as previously described. Lord Admiral Pothos Aleus of the Training Corps repeated an earlier point of his, noting that the doctrine of separate jump assault squadrons would allow crews and officers to receive specialized training in squadron jump tactics rather than being occupied by full-time fleet operations. Besides the natural ability to take leadership in jump assault operations, the crews and officers with this training would surely spread throughout the rest of the fleet over time, providing a source of institutional knowledge. A second and perhaps questionable argument was raised quite vocally by Lord Admiral Niobe Chryson, who noted that the weak sensors of the Macaria variant class would provide a compelling case for continued widespread deployment of the fatally-flawed Bellerophon class. As this would be, of course, intolerable, Lord Admiral Chryson was all but forced to support the far more sensible proposal of Lord Admiral Agamemnon. This argument, along with the fact that the originator of the proposal was her own subordinate, persuaded Lord High Admiral Hilaera Antilochus to support this variant as well, the elimination of the sensor frigate class from the Legion Navy being a high priority of her own as well. A tertiary benefit was noted by Lord Admiral Caerus Priapus, who observed that the jump drive technology required for Lord Admiral Agamemnon’s proposal would place considerably lower demands on the Legion’s scientific establishment, doubtless allowing for far more rapid deployment of the command cruiser class. This last argument was somewhat dampened when other members of the assembly asserted that the required shipyard expansion time would likely prove a greater limitation than the required research and development period, although the astute student of history should note that this was by no means a certain basis for refutation.

Those arguing in favor of the assault-capable Macaria variant were similarly industrious, a phrase here indicating that amidst the cacophony a similarly small but important number of salient advantages were highlighted. Lord Admiral Glycon Limos, in particular, proved stridently insistent on pointing out that the Macaria variant class offered the ability for a Lord Captain to command a jump point assault, a role not only of (arguable - as several Lords Admiral were not shy in noting) importance for a fleet but also which would bring great glory to such brave leaders of the Legion Navy. Careful analysis of the Conference meeting notes indicates that at one point, Lord Admiral Limos asserted that Lord Captains who commanded a jump point assault from a “safe distance” were inherently less valorous than those who led from the front, raising the ire of, and several choice expletives from, Lord Captain Selene Styx in the Honored Guests gallery. A second key point in favor was raised in reply to the assertions of Lord Admiral Aleus, as his immediate superior Lord High Admiral Geras Makedon on multiple occasions rebutted said assertions by emphasizing that the broader doctrine for jump-capable forces espoused by the Macaria plan would ensure that jump ship crews and officers were experienced in training and operating with their better-armed compatriots, with unit cooperation arguably a stronger intangible benefit than jump operations-specific expertise.

While this was considered a reasonably good point by the members of the assembly, arguably the strongest point was raised by the beleaguered Lord Admiral Pandia, who is recorded as having interrupted the debate at a particularly energetic peak by loudly shouting “I HAVE A COMMENT!” from her distant corner, shocking her fellow Lords Admiral with the audacity of her directness. The Lord Admiral is then recorded as having proceeded sotto voce, noting that the shipbuilding logistics of the command cruiser would be immensely complicated by the Agamemnon plan, which would require three distinct classes of 20,000-ton vessels which would not be buildable out of fewer than three shipyards, given the increased cost of both the jump drives and 203 mm railgun batteries required. By reducing the future fleet register to only two classes of this size, not only would the shipyards of Duratus be sufficient for the tasks at hand but the overall building-up of the fleet could proceed perhaps 25% more rapidly. Having made her traditional logistics-oriented comment for the morning, the Lord Admiral finished her interjection by kindly requesting that the lights in the Conference chamber be dimmed, a request which was duly granted.

The dimming of lights appeared to have a similar effect on the Lords Admiral, as the arguments soon died down to a few loud murmurs, no doubt to the great relief of Lord Admiral Pandia. Sensing the mood of the room, Lord Admiral Criasus quickly called the assembly to a vote, an act which proved predictably futile as despite having spent multiple hours arguing until hoarse the Lords Admiral had made no headway in actually resolving the issue at hand. Thus for the second session in a row, the decision fell to Lord Admiral Criasus who was by now thoroughly over being the only mature adult in the chamber. Or it would have, had not Lord Admiral Imperator Aurai Valance interrupted for the second session in a row with a preemptive veto, denouncing the divisiveness of the assembly and strongly recommending that the bickering Lords Admiral develop some form of compromise which all present could be equally dissatisfied with.

In saying this, the Imperator of the Conference succeeded where no man nor woman had done before, that is to say the Lords Admiral were rendered speechless for multiple minutes. After a prolonged, uncomfortable silence, Lord Captain Styx quietly requested the floor, and as none of the Lords Admiral mustered any objection to this the Speaker was satisfied to grant this request. Having been granted the floor, the Lord Captain addressed the Assembly with a simple question: “Why not both?”

Much to the Lord Captain’s apparent surprise, this simple question threw the assembly into a sudden fit of incredulity, culminating in Lord Admiral Limos inquiring as to how exactly building four ship classes instead of three was supposed to be any kind of feasible compromise. Realizing her misstep, the Lord Captain hastily clarified that this was not what she had meant, rather her idea was to combine both proposed classes, and more broadly proposed doctrines, into a single compromise class which could perform both roles adequately. This was a bold proposal, sufficient to pique the interest of even Lord Admiral Pandia from the rear wall of the chamber. Seeing that she had her audience’s attention, Lord Captain Styx quickly began to sketch out on a convenient nearby whiteboard something similar to the design proposal reproduced below:

Off-Topic: Styx Compromise Variant class Command Cruiser • show
Styx Compromise Variant class Command Cruiser      20,000 tons       523 Crew       3,264.3 BP       TCS 400    TH 2,000    EM 0
5000 km/s    JR 4-250      Armour 8-65       Shields 0-0       HTK 87      Sensors 8/72/0/0      DCR 20      PPV 0
Maint Life 2.02 Years     MSP 2,040    AFR 160%    IFR 2.2%    1YR 666    5YR 9,983    Max Repair 682.6 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   FLG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

X-402 Squadron Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 20100 tons    Distance 250k km     Squadron Size 4

X-1000 Heavy Cruiser Engine (2)    Power 2000    Fuel Use 24.75%    Signature 1000    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 563,000 Litres    Range 20.5 billion km (47 days at full power)

XSM-19 Missile Warning Array (1)     GPS 144     Range 19.1m km    MCR 1.7m km    Resolution 1
XS-102 Long-Range Array (1)     GPS 21600     Range 101.7m km    Resolution 150
XR-67 RF Wave Array (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  67.1m km
Scamander Corporation Series VIII Infrared Scanner (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

This compromise proposal did appear to lean towards the Macaria variant at first glance, preserving the assault-capable jump engine and armor layout. However, it soon became apparent that Lord Captain Styx’s rough design sketch succeeded in preserving the most essential sensor capabilities of the Agamemnon variant, omitting only the high-resolution sensor which most of the Lords Admiral did admittedly agree had proven rather superfluous, and keeping only a minimal infrared scanner more out of adherence to traditional Legion Navy doctrine than any felt practical need. The key development had been the removal of the hangar space for R-56 and AR-56 reconnaissance craft, which had until this point been considered essential. While several of the Lords Admiral, upon realizing this, raised objections, Lord Captain Styx offered her assurances that she had considered this and that her justification fell under a broader doctrinal framework.

This brought to the forefront the second key problem facing the Lords Admiral: how to reach a tolerable compromise on jump warfare doctrine. As a solution, Lord Captain Styx presented a time-honored traditional solution to the problem, namely the idiomatic solution of kicking the can down the road. In practice, she said, any change in fleet doctrine would take several years to fully implement, not only in construction of new warships but also in terms of upgrading other classes with new technology and reorganizing the various Legion Navy battle fleets. This was a process she had been witnessing in the field with the introduction of the Hellfire and Invincible classes, and thus this was a process she was well acquainted with.

Therefore, her recommendation was to begin the Legion Navy doctrinal transformation by maintaining the existing “3+1” squadron organization and introducing the heavy cruiser squadrons as soon as this was feasible. However, as the technology was developed to support larger jump assault squadrons and thus construct improved classes of jump warships, some fleet units should be converted to non-assault-capable fleets in line with the Agamemnon proposal. Since not every fleet would be upgraded at once, this would allow a trial period in which the two competing doctrines could be compared against each other through field operations and respective fleet battle records, thus allowing a more informed and final decision to be made at an indeterminate future date. Finally, she noted, as a knock-on effect of this transition process the Defiant and Grand Cross light cruisers could be repurposed as optional attachment squadrons to bring reconnaissance craft as well as additional supporting firepower and armor when necessary to augment a battle fleet. While this would be a marked shift in reconnaissance fighter doctrine, the Lord Captain pointed out that the small craft were really specialized assets and were not necessary for every operation, much like the Bellerophon or Hellfire class in this way.

The proposal of Lord Captain Styx was a compromise in the truest sense, as none of the Lords Admiral were satisfied with it. However, the proposal did have three major factors in its favor. First, while none among the assembly were satisfied with the outcome, most present could honestly agree that it would be a tolerable outcome. Second, while the actual compromise was not satisfying in its content, it was satisfying in its essence, in other words the Lords Admiral were admittedly glad that they might not be forced to make a firm decision when instead they could table the matter for future review, given a larger body of evidence and more importantly a new group of Lords Admiral upon whom to foist the decision-making responsibilities. Third, and arguably most importantly, the Lords Admiral were getting hungry.

Thus, while it was not unanimous an informal voice vote confirmed that the majority of the Lords Admiral would support the compromise proposal of Lord Captain Styx, the Agamemnon supporters accepting that some doctrinal progress would be made while the Macaria supporters were content that only some doctrinal progress would be forced upon them. With the matter thus settled, the Naval Conference was adjourned for a light luncheon.


OOC Notes: Thus has the command cruiser question been resolved, the design is almost certain to be a compromise not only in the literal sense but also on the battlefield, but a command cruiser class will be constructed and that is what matters. The presentation for this update has been shortened, assuredly as a service to the readership and not at all because the author is eagerly anticipating a light luncheon of his own.

Any readers who experience distress at the complete lack of images in the preceding update may rest assured that the following part will be much more closely aligned with their tastes.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2022, 09:57:23 PM by nuclearslurpee »
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #127 on: August 27, 2021, 08:14:23 AM »

Great Light Refreshments 3 and British Light Refreshments 3 2199 both part of BritCo`s new 3rd Millenia Classics line of products, a marketing push attempting to recoup the losses of recent years and once more revitalize the nearly two millennia* year old company.
*BritCo claims decent from one of the last corporations founded in the True Republic of the British Isles, a successor state to the United Kingdom through a surprisingly complex line of noble and corporate linage that`s truly quite bizzare.

(Or I wanted to practice a bit of pixel art and this seemed like a fun idea, really proud of the GLR3 logo to be honest)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 08:15:58 AM by Warer »
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #128 on: August 27, 2021, 03:59:34 PM »
I am honored to now be among that elite company of AAR authors who have spawned fan art.  ;D

Bonus points for excellent flavor. I cannot place my finger on what exactly it is, but the art itself also hits just the right spot somehow. I may have to take this as inspiration for a future Spotlight.
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #129 on: August 27, 2021, 04:48:55 PM »
I am honored to now be among that elite company of AAR authors who have spawned fan art.  ;D

Bonus points for excellent flavor. I cannot place my finger on what exactly it is, but the art itself also hits just the right spot somehow. I may have to take this as inspiration for a future Spotlight.
<~< Well hadn`t expected that positive of a response so here get my interpretation of the flag of the Duranium Legion, if it`s been described earlier and I`ve just forgotten sorry, and please point me to it. And yeah geometric designs just seem like they`d be something the Legion would like.

[Fringed in Light Grey that represents Steel, the legacy of the Legions first forging in Iron before the discovery of the TransNewtonian minerals that would give it rise and name, honoring when it was one of but two colors.

Fields of Near-Black Grey and Bright Blood Red represent the metal-like spirit of the Legion, as strong or stronger than the armor of its mighty void ships, and the willingness of its soldiers to give their blood for its Glory and Honor in service of the Emperor.

Finally, the green and blue circled in Steel grey, to forever honor the brave founders, and split by the Imperial Scepter of Office (an ornate but surprisingly functional halberd) that represents the Legion's unification of Duratus (Earth) and rule overall its land, sea, and skies. ]

And if your that happy with it feel free to give my DA a check since it`s up there as well, it`s on imgbb because it gives me a url usable in BBcode

In addition just to say I considered going with a Brown-Red color scheme, on the assumption duranium is brown and I suppose it could also represent the unyielding spirit of the Legionaries in the face of the Blood and Mud of the battlefield. Forgot to add this here but GLR came about by accident I got the idea for the image and drew it before my brain caught up with me and asked "Heyyy wait a minute this isn`t BLR", which is why it`s the second image ironically.

The 3 in both names is on account of the whole 3rd millennia throwback gimmick and to represent the passage of time and the powerful legacy of BritCo and it`s many products, or in other words, my thought had been that between that first founding back in the 2100/2200 hundred that there was another major corparation that fell and is the one modern BritCo draws it`s linage from like it did for the 1st company. 
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 04:57:25 PM by Warer »
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #130 on: August 27, 2021, 09:54:56 PM »
More excellent work and much appreciated.

The first post of the AAR does actually have a flag, which is custom-made by myself albeit since I am lazy it is simply a recoloring of an existing flag (#0011 if curious). Reproduced below:

The color scheme in turn is basically cribbed from the Iron Legion banner from Guild Wars 2, though not identical. The dusty blue is more or less the official color of the Duranium Legion now as I am quite attached to it and is RGB (24,32,72). The cream color is the same as is used in Aurora C# for text, etc. and is RGB (255,255,192).

Turning to your vexillological exercise, I must say I am a fan of ornate yet surprisingly functional halberds, and while the Legion itself has a flag already this would be a fitting emblem for, e.g., the Imperial Guard Legion (ground forces formation) or similar, perhaps with a bit of retouching to show the official color as well.

While we are on the subject, I can provide some other colors which are used in medals and etc. which you or anyone else can feel free to take inspiration from at your leisure:
  • Legion dusty blue: (24,32,72)
  • Cream: (255,255,192)
  • Bone: (232,224,184)
  • Legion gold: (255,255,0)
  • Legion silver: (224,224,224)
  • Legion bronze: (128,128,0)
  • Sailor blue: (0,128,255), secondary (128,192,255)
  • Soldier orange: (255,128,0), secondary (255,192,128)
  • Surveyor violet: (128,0,128), secondary (192,128,255)
  • Surveyor pink: (255,128,255), secondary (128,0,64)
  • Academic green: (128,255,128), secondary (0,128,64)
  • Civilian yellow: (255,255,128), secondary (128,128,64)
It is not a terribly imaginative palette, mostly being taken from default colors in the ribbon maker program as I am not much of a colorist, but it is what it is.

Against my better judgment I also provide forbidden knowledge:

Republic of Belaire:

Flag is #0417 in the default game asset files. Colors are red (160,0,0) and gold (255,192,48), these are used on campaign ribbons and the like.

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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #131 on: August 28, 2021, 08:15:23 AM »
More excellent work and much appreciated.

The first post of the AAR does actually have a flag, which is custom-made by myself albeit since I am lazy it is simply a recoloring of an existing flag (#0011 if curious). Reproduced below:

<.< Well that`s a bit embarrassing to have forgotten XD, as a mild apology, and tottaly not because I couldn`t decide nuh uh here`s a few "proposals" for the flag of the Imperail Guard

[The simplest of the proposed flags is a simple color change, Iron Blue representing the pure fighting spirit of the Legion along with Dark Blood Red the unwavering devotion to Duty and Glory]

[Recolor of the sphere, the cream represents the Emperors power over not just Earth or Sol, but all the stars that fall under the dominion of the Legion]

[Simple recolor with the sphere`s colors and orientation switched to represent the mutually supporting natures of Iron and Blood]

[The above given a more complex border, Red on Cream on Blue and Blue on Cream on Red, the Cream representing the all-encompassing light and majesty of Imperial Might]

[Re-Recolor of the sphere, the cream represents the Emperors power over not just Earth or Sol, but all the stars that fall under the dominion of the Legion, the colors of Secpter and Star switched, with a complex border]

[Simple border, but the desgin switched to the Legion Tri-color, the sphere now representing the Iron Blood Crown and the basis of past bloodshed that is the foundation of the Emperor's power]

[Above variant with complex border, though only Red on Cream on Blue and Cream]

Maybe Forbiden Knowledge
Off-Topic: show
[Planetary Flag of Former Belaire, rendition of the former Republic Banner contained in Steel Grey along with White quartering and Legion Red Four Pointed Star representing the submission of the Belaire people to the Rightful Dominion of Duranium Legion, Imperial Scepter on Red to forever reinforce the Legions Right of Conquest] Here`s the link to all of them plus some other stuff.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 10:21:03 AM by Warer »
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #132 on: August 28, 2021, 10:54:24 AM »
Given this necessary and vital discussion on vexillology and heraldry it seems somewhat out of place to actually discuss Chapter XXI Part 5, yet as I have little to add artistically I am forced to do so.

I continue to root for Lord Admiral Pandia, there is little doubt the Legion would be infinitely stronger if she was a Lord Grand Admiral. Which may be a bit ambitious, but surely someone could kick Chalcon out of a quiet airlock (honestly, who would miss him?) and promote Pandia in his place to run Industrial Command. I mean they are going off on their jolly, school trip outing to the Naval Yards after lunch, so that is the ideal time and place for a "tragic" industrial accident.

I suggest this because what is required is someone to promote the idea of getting the designers to consider inter-buildability, sacrificing a bit of the mono-manical focus on the best individual ship and considering the fleet as a whole. If the Agamemnon Plan was for three very closely related designs of 20kT cruiser (Jump, Command and 'standard' variants) which could all be built from the same shipyard, a whole host of problems and objections would surely vanish? Indeed even if the 'Jump' variant proved impossible to inter-build due to the cost/size of the jump drive, the two other variants could surely be inter-buildable. As none of the Lord Admirals from the 'combat' branches would ever lower themselves to consider such base matters it falls to the 'Support' side to make this suggestion and frankly beyond Pandia I have very little faith in any of them.

That said the Styx variant does indeed appear to be a reasonable compromise, though part of me wishes the Lord Imperator had not laid down the law and some abdominal horror had emerged instead. Not that I wish the Legion ill you understand, but because I think it would be interesting.

Speaking of ill-starred ideas, I note the Bellerophons continue to be the spectre at the fleet. I am wondering if the the upcoming session on that particular design, and the follow up session on Fleet Scouting, may provoke more heated discussion than Lord Admiral Criasus can reasonably be expected to tolerate.

In any event it was pleasing that this ended on a double high of both promised artwork and a light luncheon, always important to end on a high note. :)
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #133 on: August 28, 2021, 12:09:14 PM »

[The simplest of the proposed flags is a simple color change, Iron Blue representing the pure fighting spirit of the Legion along with Dark Blood Red the unwavering devotion to Duty and Glory]

This one is I think my favorite candidate. It keeps all the rest of the original symbology but adds that oh-so-fetching Legion Blue.


[Above variant with complex border, though only Red on Cream on Blue and Cream]

This one is also quite attractive. Perhaps an Imperial banner of some sort, it looks a bit more stoic and brutalist which is good for official government purposes.

Maybe Forbiden Knowledge

Some interesting ideas in this one as well. I am not sure whether it would see acceptance by the Legion high command vexillology office, but in fairness this is because we have not yet actually taken Belaire Prime and so the circumstances of occupation liberation remain too vague to settle on a banner I think.

Given this necessary and vital discussion on vexillology and heraldry it seems somewhat out of place to actually discuss Chapter XXI Part 5, yet as I have little to add artistically I am forced to do so.

It is quite curious how these things work out, a mundane argument about jump warship doctrine and command ship design somehow leads to prodigious flagchat. Of course none can complain about the wondrously mysterious workings of the universe when the results are as such.

I continue to root for Lord Admiral Pandia, there is little doubt the Legion would be infinitely stronger if she was a Lord Grand Admiral. Which may be a bit ambitious, but surely someone could kick Chalcon out of a quiet airlock (honestly, who would miss him?) and promote Pandia in his place to run Industrial Command. I mean they are going off on their jolly, school trip outing to the Naval Yards after lunch, so that is the ideal time and place for a "tragic" industrial accident.

HADM Chalcon's 20% Mining bonus would be sorely missed, although as this is the Naval Conference and not the Mining Conference it is understandable if this has not been conveyed effectively to the readership.

I suggest this because what is required is someone to promote the idea of getting the designers to consider inter-buildability, sacrificing a bit of the mono-manical focus on the best individual ship and considering the fleet as a whole. If the Agamemnon Plan was for three very closely related designs of 20kT cruiser (Jump, Command and 'standard' variants) which could all be built from the same shipyard, a whole host of problems and objections would surely vanish? Indeed even if the 'Jump' variant proved impossible to inter-build due to the cost/size of the jump drive, the two other variants could surely be inter-buildable. As none of the Lord Admirals from the 'combat' branches would ever lower themselves to consider such base matters it falls to the 'Support' side to make this suggestion and frankly beyond Pandia I have very little faith in any of them.

Mechanically, it should be noted that despite my best efforts behind the scenes it has proven challenging at best to design inter-buildable variants at this size, as the expense of the components needed has grown rather too large to work with Aurora's refit/interbuild mechanics in C#. If it were possible, say, to build both the 203 mm railgun-armed heavy cruiser and its associated jump cruiser class out of the same yard the discussion may have been quite different. I suspect we may see more shipyard discussion in a later session.

That said the Styx variant does indeed appear to be a reasonable compromise, though part of me wishes the Lord Imperator had not laid down the law and some abdominal horror had emerged instead. Not that I wish the Legion ill you understand, but because I think it would be interesting.

The laying down of the law has been a political necessity. While in practice Lord Admiral Criasus has the right as Speaker to break any tie vote, in this Conference he has staked his reputation on the air of impartiality and breaking any tie vote would assuredly torpedo this reputation, and likely shortly after the rest of the Conference. Thus, abdominal horrors are an unfortunate victim of political expediency.

Though I do note with some amusement that the resulting design has been a compromise between a quality, efficient design and an abomination, thus all readers who would have preferred one or the other are equally dissatisfied. Truly this is an effective compromise, therefore. 

Speaking of ill-starred ideas, I note the Bellerophons continue to be the spectre at the fleet. I am wondering if the the upcoming session on that particular design, and the follow up session on Fleet Scouting, may provoke more heated discussion than Lord Admiral Criasus can reasonably be expected to tolerate.

There are certainly a few flashpoints which could ignite at any point in the upcoming sessions. However, an unfortunate knock-on effect of this latest session will be the opening of a new role for the Bellerophon class or its replacements which may serve to temper the debate somewhat. By "unfortunate" I mean of course from the perspective of that section of the readership which has been rooting for a hockey league to break out.

In any event it was pleasing that this ended on a double high of both promised artwork and a light luncheon, always important to end on a high note. :)

Always and indeed. 
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Re: The Official Chronicle of the Duranium Legion
« Reply #134 on: August 30, 2021, 12:39:25 PM »

This one is I think my favorite candidate. It keeps all the rest of the original symbology but adds that oh-so-fetching Legion Blue.

This one is also quite attractive. Perhaps an Imperial banner of some sort, it looks a bit more stoic and brutalist which is good for official government purposes.

Some interesting ideas in this one as well. I am not sure whether it would see acceptance by the Legion high command vexillology office, but in fairness this is because we have not yet actually taken Belaire Prime and so the circumstances of occupation liberation remain too vague to settle on a banner I think.

It is quite curious how these things work out, a mundane argument about jump warship doctrine and command ship design somehow leads to prodigious flagchat. Of course none can complain about the wondrously mysterious workings of the universe when the results are as such.

Always and indeed. 

That Blue is indeed quite fetching~ mayhaps the banner of Imperial Military Court? Representing the supreme nature of Imperial justice and authority.

Sad to say due to someone's obsession with talking about slapfights a perfectly fair length description upon what boat should we build and how to use it to kill liberate people and earn glory doing so meant I could naught but ahh totally forget we hadn`t done that yet get ahead of myself with enthusiasm for the Legions inevitable liberation of our Belaire fellows from the oppression of their democratic system of government.

Given this necessary and vital discussion on vexillology and heraldry it seems somewhat out of place to actually discuss Chapter XXI Part 5, yet as I have little to add artistically I am forced to do so.

In any event it was pleasing that this ended on a double high of both promised artwork and a light luncheon, always important to end on a high note. :)

Indeed vexillology and the discussion of the heraldry of our glorious Legion and Empire can not be over stated~ buuut I suppose we may talk about what those boorish admirals were up to as well, I mean they haven`t even conquered liberated a single other intelligent species yet~  definitely not salty because i lost some cash in an office betting pool over that Belaire flag business If they`d just get around to inducting our Belaire siblings into the fold I could get to designing their new flag already.

On a more serious note yeah I had not anticipated making quite so many flags but I hardly mind XD and indeed only BritCo products are of the superlative quality to be served at such an event any implication they`re there because we dumped prices and my brother in law was doing the catering are slander!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 12:44:06 PM by Warer »
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