Author Topic: Revival  (Read 2447 times)

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Offline MeatyBoii (OP)

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« on: January 29, 2022, 04:43:43 PM »
Hi all, this is my attempt at an AAR of sorts.  First post will serve as an introduction and a table of contents for future reference.  I've started this on Discord, but then noticed that the limit of 2000 signs per post was way too little, so here I am.  You should know that I am not a native speaker, and so grammatical and style errors can occur from time to time, but I'm doing my best to mitigate them. 
I'm not an experienced player, but I'll do my best in the game - we'll see how it goes in the future.



Events listed in accordance to standard human calendar (AD)

2221: Human settlements on Mars, Europa and Io become self-sufficient.
2223: Following a drastic increase in material taxes to be paid to the central government, Mars declares itself and its moons Phobos and Deimos "Martian Excluded Zone".  Ships from Earth are diverted back by locally modified freighter ships.  Europa follows suit, as does Io, Callisto and Ganymede.
        Earthen governments formally demand the Excluded Zones to reestablish shipping lanes with Earth.  Demands are unanimously refused, despite threats of military intervention.
        Construction of first purpose-built military space vessel begins on orbit of Earth.
2225: Phobos is outfitted with a long-range mass driver, built in order to protect Mars.  Second battery is built on Deimos.
2227: HSV (Humanity Space Vessel) Revenge is officially put into service after successfully flying across the entire solar system and back.  At 1230 tons, it's one of the biggest ships in service.
        Emergency session at Europe concludes the need to establish an independent navy.  Concept of small patrol crafts is brought up, and quickly approved.
        HSV Revenge departs for Mars.  Construction of another two military crafts begin on Earth.
2228: HSV Revenge arrives on orbit of Mars, easily dodging projectiles launched from Martian satellites.  Despite having no serious armament on its own (except for two small railguns), it's able to block all sort of interstellar shipping around Mars. 
2229: A surface shipyard is established on Callisto, with multiple hulls of small patrol craft being built at the same time.
2231: HSV Mace and Sword are launched into service, and depart for Jupiter satellite system.
        Six small (450 tons each) patrol craft are launched at Callisto, each armed with a single energy weapon system.  They are hidden in shadow of Jupiter from the incoming Terran vessels.
2232: During approach to the Jupiter, Mace and Sword detect six patrol craft hiding behind the gas giant.  Their demands for surrender are met with silence.  Stand off ensues.
        HSV Revenge is called to Jupiter, however due to low fuel levels it departs for Earth first.
2233: After another round of surrender demands, Mace and Sword attempt surprise attack against small craft group.  Their shots are dodged, and they attempt a breakout.  However, the independent crafts are able to inflict some damage to the escaping craft.  First casualty of space combat is reported – weapon officer on HSV Sword was killed after the railgun he was operating was melted by the energy weapon of one of the patrol crafts.
2234: After Mace and Sword return to Earth orbit, UN officially declares war on the rogue coalition of planets and moons.  Specialized troop companies are trained for interstellar combat, freighters are refitted to transport troops.  On the other side of the system, the Federation of Planets and Moons is founded.
2237: First offensive by Terran governments is launched against Callisto, being the main manufacturing plant for FPM military.  Campaign is plagued by problems and lackluster performance by ships and personnel alike, and eventually called off after one freighter is destroyed by operational error and all surrounding combat ships damaged.
2241: First ship of a destroyer line is launched on earth orbit.  Named "Nero", destroyer weighs well over 3000 tons, and is armed with multiple energy weapons, as well as equipped with four long-range bombardment missiles. 
        Escorted by three smaller assault crafts of old Revenge class its first mission is subjugating a lone colony on Oberon.  After short fight, colony surrenders after its life support systems are knocked out by a single missile.  FPM notices the need for serious defense and enacts the Planetary Defense Act.
2242: Nero departs for Mars after receiving resupply. 
        Shipyards of Callisto finish another batch of patrol craft, as well as two vessels sized at about half of Nero.  The new fleet immediately departs for Mars, being joined by the entirety of FPM navy.
2244: Nero and its escorts are intercepted by FPM navy a few days before the braking point.  A single combat pass ensues, in which two FPM patrol crafts are destroyed and the rest is damaged.  Nero suffers heavy damage to its armament systems, including jammed missile launcher and damaged maneuvering thrusters.  The Terran fleet is forced to abandon intercept of Mars and return to Earth.  FPM fleet splits in half, with least damaged ships staying on Mars orbit, while the rest returns to Callisto for repairs. 
2245: Terran governments again demands FPM surrender.  FPM responds by enacting the constitution and armed forces.
2247: News of multiple ship hulls launched on Callisto reaches Earth.  Military leaders are unwilling to again commit their small forces to force the rebel planets to surrender.  War turns cold.
2256: Small colonies are planted on all major moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, quickly growing in size.  Terrans create a massive colony on Luna, which quickly becomes the main shipyard for the planet.
2260: Terran Unity Act comes in force.  A big majority of earthen governments agree to unite in their efforts of space exploration and colonization, and what comes with it – the subjugation of rebel planets.
2263: Every settlement of FPM is outfitted with at least one Mass Driver defense center, each capable of intercepting both missiles and ships.  FPM navy reaches twenty four vessels commissioned and over one hundred thousand troops in active defense duty.  In the inner solar system, Terra begins a massive strip mining operation in the asteroid belt just beyond Mars.
2264: A small skirmish ensues over a mining colony on one of the biggest asteroids in the belt.  Terran destroyer fends off attacks by three FPM patrol crafts, with both sides enduring damage.
2267: Terran government prepares for another offensive on the FPM, the biggest one yet, utilizing weapons designed especially for this task.  Majority of interstellar troops are called to action, supported by the entirety of Terran navy.  Again, first target is Mars.
2270: Last settlement on Mars surrenders.  Phobos and Deimos defensive installations surrender as well, but they are scuttled just before Terran troops arrive on location.
        Terran fleets split in half, with damaged vessels returning for repairs, while the remainder guards over Martian orbit.
        FPM notices that it cannot defend itself for infinite time.  Ark begins construction.
2272: Terran fleet engages in a raid against Jupiter system.  Multiple mines and installations are destroyed before FPM navy catches up to the invaders.
2273: New batch of frigates of FPM navy is commissioned.  To the surprise of Terran commanders, they easily outrun and outmaneuver Terran vessels, staying out of their weapon range.  In a series of skirmishes, Terran offensive on Jupiter is stopped after two destroyers, six patrol crafts and several freighters are destroyed for a loss of a single FPM frigate.
2275: Terran automated scouts operating in Kuiper Belt spot the Ark construction site for the first time.  A scouting mission is dispatched, but returns empty handed after being intercepted and forced to retreat.
2276: Another Terran offensive is launched, this time against orbital installations around Titania, which are providing the bulk of fuel for the FPM navy.  Despite the base being completely undefended, it has multiple sentries in close proximity disguised as asteroids, which shred Terran missiles and force close range engagement.  Every Terran ship is damaged, but mission is successful. 
2279: Arks hull is finished, with engines being put in place.  Lists are being drawn for potential colonists.  It's estimated that over 90% of FPM population will be able to depart on the Ark.
2281: In an attempt to hamper Terran navy, FPM launches a surprise attack on Earth itself.  Terran navy, mainly scattered around in the asteroid belt and in orbit of Mars, is unable to react in time.  FPM frigates and corvettes destroy multiple ships in construction on Luna, warehouses full to the brim with parts and resources, as well as a single construction plant of advanced Terran missiles.  It's believed that this attack made the departure of Ark possible.
        Retreating FPM fleet is engaged in a desperate combat by two Terran destroyers, escorted by six patrol crafts.  All of these are destroyed, while FPM navy suffers one frigate and two corvettes destroyed.
2282: A gigantic budget is approved for Terran fleet, to be expanded to twelve destroyers, sixty corvettes (renamed patrol crafts), and three light cruisers of completely new design.  FPM scouts can easily detect the construction.
2284: Ark moves by itself for the first time.  Hull is 90% complete, with electronics remaining to be fitted.
2285: FPM navy attempts another raid on Luna.  This time the attacking force is intercepted by the weapons waiting to be mounted on the half-finished hulls of Terran fleet, as well as missiles launched from orbital platforms around the moon.  While Terrans suffer some damage, over half of the raiding force is destroyed, and all remaining ships are damaged.
2287: Ark completed construction.  Estimated 98% of FPM population at the time (over fifty million people) will find place in cryogenic chambers onboard the vessel.
        Terran fleet is fully commissioned.  Trials are completed on the orbit of Mars.
        The planned offensive of First Fleet, as it's named, is halted after Terran observation posts note a massive movement of nearly all previously seen freighters of FPM, all heading towards Saturn.  Due to this, the campaign objectives are changed – instead of attacking the entire Jupiter system, fleet will split into smaller parts and attempt to take control over other FPM installations leading to the gas giant.  Attacks are met with no resistance save for automated sentries and self-destruction routines.  Sensing a trap, squadron commanders order slow progress, unknowingly aiding FPM in full scale evacuation.
2288: Almost 99% of FPM population finds a spot onboard of the Ark.  A few remaining combat ships stand guard under automated routines.  Massive sleeper ship is destined to depart sol in two days, when Saturn finds itself in the most optimal region of the solar system.
        Arks engines ignite to slowly accelerate the ship to the travel speed.  Its hull is soon visible from Earth.  Terran Fleet is put on high alert, with high command expecting it to attack Earth itself.  That sentiment is changed after the vessel keeps accelerating for days.
        After two weeks of accelerating, Ark is travelling twice the maximum combat speed of Terran vessels.  First Fleet abandons the pursuit, instead heading to the FPM headquarters, which ceased emitting any sort of radiation or heat since the Ark departed.
        Automated vessels of the FPM navy, unable to keep up with the Ark, are ordered to alter their course to splash down on surface of Jupiter.  They reach their final destination after a few weeks of travel. 
2289: Ark passes sun at the distance of less than 0. 2 AU.  Massive sails are visibly deployed, greatly increasing the ships acceleration.  When passing the orbit of Mercury, estimated speed is measured at 0. 2c.  Shortly after, the engines ignite again, aiding the solar sails.
        First Fleet captured every single one of FPM installations, encountering only about forty thousand people left.  During interrogation they admitted to refusing leaving the solar system.  They weren't provided with information about the destination of the Ark.
        Ark passes the orbit of Uranus, travelling at 0. 37c.  After passing the Kuiper Belt, its travelling speed is measured at 0. 44c.  The enormous speed makes accurate tracking impossible, and soon enough the tracking efforts are abandoned.
2290: A specialized telescope is brought to the far solar orbit, with a sole purpose of tracking the vessel.  As it does not emit any light after it extinguished its engines it proves more and more difficult.
2298: Tracking telescope loses track of the Ark which appears to pass a dust cloud.
2301: Last automated radio transmission from Ark is detected by satellites in Kuiper Belt, albeit very weak.  White noise makes accurate translation impossible.


Date of recording past launch: Year 677, Month 6, Day 11

I think this one might work. . .  I hope it does.  There's so many of those, and they are all dead.

Now where. . .  here.


frakk, it's lighting up.  It must work now.

Okay.  So.  Hi.  I'm Jarema.  Previously employed as an officer on gunnery station gamma of destroyer FNV Independence, duty number 422853.  I doubt the records are stored anywhere. . .  so, born on Ganymede, settlement twenty-six.  We used to call it New Amsterdam because of how many water-filled channels there were.  So much water in there.

Oh, yeah.  Recording.

I don't know exact date, so I cannot say exactly what year it is, let alone month or day.  I don't even know for how long this damn ship has been flying.  It is still intact, but some sections are impossible to enter.  Believe me, I tried.  It's not easy to go through locked bulkheads, especially with no artificial gravity available.  I found explosives, but I'm afraid I might destroy the entire ship when trying to blow them up, so screw it.  I'll just stay here.

I don't know why I woke up.  When they put me to sleep, I was told we were to be woken up just after we reached Sirius.  Supposedly we would need twenty years to get there.  But man. . .  I don't think we're heading for Sirius.  I don't even know if we're still in the same galaxy.  We should be.  I hope.  Anyway.  I woke up, something woke me up.  I'm cold, I've been cold since I got out of this cryogenic pod.  Display said that it's an emergency wake up, because of malfunction of freezing elements.  Shame only I got out.  From my entire container, all forty people, only I got out.  The rest must be dead.  I don't know.  I didn't go back to this place.  I don't ever want to go back there.  It feels haunting.  It's just rows after rows of containers fastened in place, with hundreds, thousands, millions of people sleeping there.  Completely unconscious.

I wandered around the ship for a while.  A lot of corridors are completely blacked out.  Probably to preserve energy, which isn't all that strange.  I don't think we're close to any star.  Hang on, let me check. . .

I'll need a moment with this.

Date of recording past launch: Year 677, Month 6, Day 12

So, this station has access to navigation systems.  There's at least one thing I know now - we're flying for at least 99 years, 12 months and 31 days now.  Some idiot designing the software didn't think of possibility that this ship would survive longer than a century.  Great.

What was I. . .  navmaps.  Yes.

That's. . .  hard to process.  You look at the stars, and you don't really see any of the constellations you used to see.  They're all completely different, I couldn't recognize a single pattern out there.  Nothing.  Couldn't even find the polar star.  It looks like the nav computer is having trouble on its own, because it couldn't tell me accurately where we are.  Just. . .  that we're far.  And we're travelling quickly.  We'll need a miracle to slow down.  I don't know much about propulsion systems, but I know that this ships engines are designed for slow, gradual acceleration.  But. . .  we're moving at point 44 light speed.  Back at Sol we used gravity and solar sails to accelerate.  Did no one think of some sort of slowing down system? That's, like. .  basics.  My damn gun had sixty different safety measures, but there isn't anything I can find that could slow us down.  Maybe propulsion is locked here, I don't know.

I need to study the map charts.  Maybe I'll be able to triangulate my. . .  our, position in the galaxy.

Got it.  We're currently 398 light years, give or take a light year, away from Sol.

It's. . .  unimaginable.  We wondered about travelling to distant stars, but for us, Proxima Centauri was a possible destination.  And now? We're way past this.  I don't think we'd be able to even get there.  Not enough fuel, anyway.

I also found some automated navigational logs, created automatically.  It's. . .  interesting.  They are very longwinded, but I'll try to condense them as much as I can.  Oh, and we're at 677 years past launch.  Ma, I've lived 650 years longer than you did.

Okay, logs.

32 years into the journey we've entered a system composed of a small star and a single dwarf planet.  Computer decided that it's not worthy of our attention and used the star for minuscule amounts of gravitational assist.  I can live with that.
89 years into the journey the automated defense systems destroyed a massive asteroid on a collision course with the Ark.   Estimated size was sixty-seven kilometers in diameter.  We got showered with debris, but power field was able to withstand this sort of barrage.
101 years in to the journey, another star, this time without a single orbiting body.  Another assist.
198 years.  Another assist.
208 years.  Another assist. . .  and reached our top speed of point fifty-one light.  That's. . .  dangerous in my book.  We've dreamed of reaching point one with our engines before, but this. . .  man.  Scary.
271 years.  Entered a somewhat livable system, with a main sequence star, multiple bodies, a lot of gas giants. . .  but apparently not a single livable planet.  So we moved on.
355 years.  Again, same situation.  Lots of planets, nothing sustainable.
501 years.  Long flight.  Defenses again activated, but this time. . .  well, computer describes it as an unknown threat.  Couldn't identify it.  Ship has a scar on the bow, now.
540 years.  Another lone star. . .  but huge.  Might turn into black hole soon.  Well, soon. . .  in galactic scale of time.
673 years. . .  really, not that far back.  Passed another promising system, but the star was emitting so much radiation it was impossible to live on any planet in the system.  Which is a shame, because apparently one of them had atmosphere similar to earth.  I imagine it could be a bit hot there, though.

And that's it.  There's a lot of stuff here, believe me.  Navigational logs take well over capacity of a hard drive.  It's very. .  condensed, but I don't think it's imperative to listen about correctional engine thrusts.

I'll take a break.  Travel around the ship, try to find new stuff.  I have plenty of supplies, but eventually I'll run out.  Need to find a space to hunker down.  I'll come back, I hope.

Date of recording past launch: Year 677, Month 7, Day 01

So, it's been over two weeks now.  At least I think it was, I slept at least fourteen times.  Found plenty of supplies, a very nice zero-g bed, and training computers for ships crew.  I think I found myself a new hobby.  Because, why not? There's nothing else I can do on this damned ship.  Sure, I can look through the logs.  I can look at the surrounding space.  I don't know anything about how am I supposed to read it though, or where to look for clues as to where we're heading next.  I can't just sit around and look at the bunk, so. . .  I'll spend some time learning.  I know that this control station can send orders to the ship systems, there are options for it - but I have no idea how to use it.  So. . .  I guess I'll learn how to use it.  Or blow up the ship trying, I don't know.

Following this there is at least two hundred further entries into the voice logs of the station GOI-17.  These are determined to not be important to the progress of the Ark, and due to their explicit language are considered unsafe for general audiences to listen.

Date of recording past launch: Year 679, Month 4, Day 22

Finally, I'm certified for stellar navigation.  Can reach the damned navigation systems.  I've spent days just practicing and preparing for the exams.  Even so far away from Earth and nearest school, official training programs are still haunting me.  I hoped I've had that part of my past behind me. . .  Apparently, it all comes back.  Time. . .  and time. . .  again.

Anyway, now I can tell this damned ship where to go.  But first, I need to look at local stars.  So. . .  I'll be back.

Oh man, this is some amazing news.  I can't really sit down.  Well, I can't because there is no artificial gravity, but also because I'm so excited.  You know.  All my audience, you know how it must feel, when you're so excited.  Alright, so get this.  We're currently travelling at 0. 49 light speed.  Nearest star ahead of us is less than three light years away, and we're heading nearly straight towards it.  It's truly a massive star system, and it appears it's binary, too - or even tertiary.  There's three objects emitting light in this system, and at least five planets.  At least that's what the ships systems were able to determine.  We will be there within two years of travel.
We've passed last star over a hundred days ago.  It was a supermassive O-class star, which gave us quite a speed boost, even though we passed it at well over fifty astronomical units away.  It also charged our batteries quite a lot, and that's good, because we're running low on energy.  Now every ship part is dark except for the ones where movement is detected - so there is an island of light around me, and that's it.  Sometimes it feels really strange.  I've managed to escape depression and the feeling of loneliness, because I know there's people around me. . .  but this doesn't help.  I've noticed I'm hallucinating sometimes, too.  Seeing things that shouldn't be there, or hearing things.  I have enough of sanity left to recognize that as such, but I don't know how much longer I can take it.
Anyway, I'm going to use all sensors on this ship to look at the incoming system.  If it's promising, I'll gamble on it being a suitable homeworld for us all.  We don't really have much fuel, enough for a few braking maneuvers, but not much more.  It wasn't supposed to travel this far.  I'm kind of amazed it hasn't fallen apart yet. 
I'll be a few days.

Date of recording past launch: Year 679, Month 4, Day 23

I authorized a 0. 02m/s travel direction change to the ship.  We're going there.  I've named it Homeland.  I've used every single search and scan system on the Ark to scan it.  There's some. . .  interesting things about.  It's definitely a binary system.  Main star is a main sequence star of class G, with the luminosity and size similar to that of Sun.  The second star is a. . .  white dwarf, it appears.  It orbits pretty far out, at over 180 AU from the main star, and seems to have either almost, or no influence on the parent star.  It is orbited by a few small bodies, but nothing special.
The main star is orbited by at least ten different bodies.  One of those is an extremely hot gas giant.  I initially mistook it for a third star, but it's just a super-jovian.  It emits a faint glow, but its absolutely massive satellite system aids in the reflected light. . .  as does the white dwarf.  Other than that it has another gas giants, but I wasn't able to get proper scans of the inner system.  I know there is at least four planets and a few moons, but no exact scans.  Besides that, I was able to detect a big mass of asteroids in the system, but nothing that would look like your typical comet.
I'm going to stay away from the consoles for a while. 

Time-recording software of the console is damaged.  It can't call any dates, so I'm having to rely on automated maneuvers of the ship navigational systems.  They are better than me anyway.
It's been. . .  well over a year since my last entry into the computer.  I've spent this time traveling around the ship and learning its layout.  Not that there is a lot of it, but it's still better than sitting in a single spot.  We're very close to Homeland now.  I'll try to describe it as well as possible.  I don't really need to. . .  but I don't really have anything else to do now.  Power is failing on the ship.  Generators don't work, and I think we got hit by a meteor, a terrible tremor woke me up a few weeks back.  I couldn't find any damage, but always assume the worst.
Currently we're closing on the orbit path of the white dwarf.  A few cameras we have outside are focused on it.  Looks a bit like moon seen from Earth on a clear night.  Not that I've ever seen it personally before, but my last ship had a plenty of recordings, and it looks very similar.  The dwarf has three tiny planets orbiting it, and a swarm of asteroids in a fairly big belt.
The main star has thirteen planets orbiting it, including dwarfs and super-giants.  I'm fairly sure the super-big one is very close to converting into a star itself - one stellar collision more and it'll ignite.  The rest of the planets. . .  well, I'll list them one by one, coming from the star.  I named them too, by the way - took the liberty to do it.
So, the first planet is Atron.  A dwarf planet, diameter of about two thousand kilometers, orbiting very close to the star.  It has no atmosphere, nothing interesting about it. 
Second planet would be Enyo.  This one is traveling around the star at about 110 to 120 million kilometers from the star, and has very dense atmosphere, composed mostly of carbon dioxide.  Reminds me a lot of Venus - crushing atmosphere, pools of lava. . .  yeah, you can see those when clouds thin a bit.  Looks like hell. 
Third planet I've named Hecate.  It's like. . .  Venus 2. 0.  Very similar to Enyo, but it appears to be slightly cooler than it, even though the atmosphere is very similar.  But then, it's almost twice as big, so that makes a difference too.
Now we come to the interesting part.  Planets four and five orbit at nearly the exact same range from the main star, but. .  completely opposite to each other.  Difference being, one of them looks like a perfect candidate for a new home, while the other. . .  reminds me of Mars a bit.  It isn't red though - it's green.  The pale green you can see when copper oxidizes.  It has massive polar caps, but barely any atmosphere.  The habitable one I've named Unity.  The other, Celestis.
Following that, is the first gas giant.  I've named it Eos.  It's. . . .  what was that noise?

No further recordings found.
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Offline MeatyBoii (OP)

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Re: Revival
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2022, 03:44:51 PM »
Interstellar makeup of the Homeland solar system

Upon the arrival of the Ark in the Homeland system, it automatically begun to archive and categorize all objects visible to its sensors. The initial spotting tasks ordered by Jarema Draycott recovered ten bodies of the system, including the white dwarf. Upon arriving in the Inner System of Homeland, Ark breaked hard enough to maintain a stable orbit around the system star, and begun an extensive scouting operation, aided by a cloud of satellites and long-range reconeissance missions by automated vessels attached to it.

After six years of scouting operation, the automated subroutines commanding the ship decided that the Homeland system is a viable base of operation for the humanity, and begun waking up the crew and cryogenically frozen passangers.


Homeland is centered around a G0-V class star. Slightly bigger and brighter than Sol, with tolerable UV radiation, it allows humans and earthen flora and fauna to live on planets orbiting the star.


First major body orbiting the Star is a barren rock named Atron. Completely devoid of atmosphere, orbiting very closely to the star it's a subject to frequent and deadly solar storms. It's very possible that the planet was either captured by the star, or gradually degraded over milions of years to the state in which it is now. Only deeply dug underground settlements have any possibility of surviving on this planet, but as it's nearly devoid of any easily traceable resources, the exploration or colonization remains uncertain. The side exposed to the star is constantly above 700 degree celsius, while the dark side reaches absolute zero.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 31.77m km
Diameter: 2784km
Gravity: 0.14G
Pressure: none
Tidally locked to the star
Year length: 34 earth days
Average surface temperature: 319° Celsius (Solar Ring; Solar Pole: 728° Celsius, Dark Pole: -271° Celsius)


Second body in the Homeworld system is Enyo. In its characteristics very similar to Venus, with its incredibly dense and poisonous atmosphere, very high temperatures and crushing pressure, nonetheless it was possible for Ark to deploy resource probes to the planet (none were recovered). It's covered by a thick layer of clouds most of the time, sometimes thinning enough to show the flowing seas of lava on the surface. Despite very rich deposits of materials, it might prove immensely difficult to extract those.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 91.66m km
Diameter: 16400km
Gravity: 1.42G
Pressure: 184 atm
Atmosphere makeup:
97% Carbon Dioxide
2.8% Nitrogen Dioxide
0.2% Trace Elements
Year length: 168 earth days
Day legth: 4026.48 hours (169 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes)
Average surface temperature: 678° Celsius


Third body in the system is Hecate. Similar in its characteristics to Enyo, it's another venusian hell planet. Interestingly, this one is different, in that it has two layers of clouds. First, lower layer, hovering from the surface to about 2000-2500 meters above the surface of the planet is a dense, thick cloud of mostly carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, with an intense red color due to very rich iron deposits of the planet. The second layer, laying from 8000 to 17000 is water vapor, condensed in heavy and hot hurricane clouds, endlessly roaming the surface. The eye of the hurricane is commonly elevating particles from the first cloud layer into upper atmosphere, leaving reddish sheen across the planet, which slowly falls down back to the surface. Winds inside the eye of the storms commonly cross speed of sound. The only sample brought back from the planet revealed that a big majority of the planet is covered in hot, iron-rich ash, and thus it makes it unviable to extract any resources from this planet. Still, it's one of the favorite viewing galeries for humanity in Homeworld system.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 109.78m km
Diameter: 11000km
Gravity: 0.91g
Pressure: 41.78atm
Atmosphere makeup:
95.03% Carbon Dioxide
2.9% Nitrogen Dioxide
2% Water Vapour
0.07% Trace Elements
Year length: 220 earth days
Day legth: 19.6hrs
Average surface temperature: 654° Celsius


Fourth body in the system, our homeworld, Unity. Easily recognizable from the orbit due to a sprawling network of seas, oceans, lakes and rivers. First discovered by Ark in year 679 (Standard Date), first presence of humanity was a small automated shuttle who chose to land on the spot that currently bears the name of Unity Square in middle of the Capital City. After a few weeks of trials, it was determined that this planet should house the escapees from Sol.
Unity isn't an ideal place for human. While there is plenty of water, photosyntesis works, and local fauna and flora is gentle and mostly avoids humans, there still were initial trouble. The Great Death begun after plants brought from Earth spread on the planet, forcing farmers and governments to quickly intervene in order to stop the mass casualties caused by quickly increasing percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere. While this was stabilized, high amounts of oxygen in the air caused fatalities for decades to come. Multiple moons for a long time caused unpredictable tsunamis and earthquakes (remainders of massive tsunami defence walls are still seen all around the oldest settlements on the planet), until their routes and gravitational effects were mastered. Only after two centuries on the planets did the population reach the number that initialy left Sol. Since then, the population steadily expanded, going as far as to create settlements on natural sattelites of Unity, and eventually spreading out around the system. However, after the Civil War and subsequent de-armament treaties, more and more installations were shut down, and as it stands now, Unity is the only planet with human presence in Homeworld. In recent decades there is a population boom, mostly due to stabilizing oxygen levels in the atmosphere and more and more land being cleared for construction and settlements.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 176m km
Diameter: 13174km
Gravity: 1.04g
Pressure: 1.14atm
Atmosphere makeup:
71.309% Nitrogen
17.695% Oxygen
8.684% Argon
1.232% Neon
0.079% Water Vapour
1% Trace Elements
Water Extent: 83.78%
Year length: 445.3 earth days
Day legth: 26.01 hrs
Average surface temperature: 14.4° Celsius
Moons: 4 (Nyx, Moros, Brutix, Myrmidon)


Celestis is the fifth massive stellar object in the Homeworld system. It is orbiting the parent star at the distance being nearly exactly the same as Unity, just at an offset angle of 178°. It shares a lot of characteristics with Mars, including thin atmosphere, high metal contents on surface and polar caps. Celestis however has much more water on it – measured at between 35 to 45%, with big majority stored in massive, very thick polar caps, with the rest stored in small, shallow seas sprinkled around the planet. Despite this, there is next to no life on Celestis. Very low oxygen levels in water, and next to no oxygen in the already thin atmosphere means that life as we know it had no chance in developing on the planet.
Celestis housed a small humanity settlement for a short period of time during civil war, but it was abandoned almost directly afterwards. Ever since then it remains a first pick for a potential colony, should the need – or more importantly, a possibility – arise. Massive deposits of minerals are just one of the reasons for a potential expansion of humanity to its closest neighbour.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 176m km
Diameter: 14750km
Gravity: 1.26G
Pressure: 0.06atm
Atmosphere makeup:
45% Nitrogen
35% Helium
20% Oxygen
Water Extent: 42%
Year length: 445.3 earth days
Day length: 28.9 hrs
Average surface temperature: -17.25° Celsius


Eos is the last planet in the inner system of Homeworld. It's a frozen world with no atmosphere, with big deposits of oxygen-rich water (between 35% and 40%) and medium-sized deposits of minerals. Due to the reddish tint to the ice on the planet, it's clearly discernible on Unity's nightsky when directly reflecting starlight during night. Complete lack of atmosphere and low gravity make it easy to visit, but there isn't much reason to do so, unless when looking for resources or water.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 221.09m km
Diameter: 4200km
Gravity: 0.28G
Pressure: none
Water Extent: 37%
Year length: 627.8 earth days
Day length: 48 hrs
Average surface temperature: -56.5° Celsius


Talos is the first gas giant of the system. Visually similar to Eos, its atmosphere contains a lot of water vapour in addition to standard gas giant composition of hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia. It harbors a thin and narrow planetary ring, composed mostly of dust and silicate rocks. The planet itself has a predisposition to became a major hydrogen source. It has 17 major moons, some of which are mineral-rich.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 1978m km
Diameter: 88000km
Gravity: 0.9G
Pressure: 250-450 kPa
Year length: 46 earth years
Day length: 14.4 hours
Moons: 17


Thanatos is a star in the making. Scientists believe that should Thanatos absorb another massive stellar object (of about Eos size) it's possible that the processes ongoing on this planet will finally tip the scales and turn it into a proper star. Thanatos has a massive accreation disk, full of minerals, water and silicone, but most of it is in microdoses, which makes the harvesting next to impossible due to length and cost of the process.
It has a massive moon system composed of 49 objects, all of which measure at least 20 kilometers in diameter. A few of them show signs of containing valuable minerals, but humanity never explored those thoroughly enough to determine that for sure.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 3821m km
Diameter: 132000km
Gravity: 81.52G
Pressure: 8900 – 22000 kPa
Year length: 124 earth years
Day length: 10 hours
Moons: 49


There is nearly nothing interesting about Astarte aside from the system of moons that are orbiting it. The gas giant doesn't display any shows of containing gasses useful for space travel, it doesn't emit much radiation, even its surface is moving very slowly. Its planetary disc contains mostly ice, with trace elements of random ores and minerals.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 4766m km
Diameter: 126000
Gravity: 3.01G
Pressure: 450-850 kPa
Year length: 172 earth years
Day length: 9 hours
Moons: 33


Helios is a dark blue gas giant, sitting at the fringe of the Homeworld system. Unknown elements in its composition cause the gas clouds on its surface to barely reflect any light, which made the planet invisible to most human sensors for three decades after arriving in the system. Despite this, its rich clouds of hydrogen mean its a source of potentially limitless fuel, should it ever be required. Its disc is composed mainly of silicone and ice, while its moons were not properly explored. It is, however, placed very far from the sun, making the theoretical travel a very difficult task.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 6001m km
Diameter: 110000km
Gravity: 0.91G
Pressure: 390-770 kPa
Year length: 243 earth years
Day length: 7 hours
Moons: 28


Algos is an ice-covered planet, orbiting the star far away from the star. It has a very thin, hydrogen-based atmosphere which slightly discolors the planet when viewed with a telescope. The entire surface is covered in ice, but it's highly unlikely that there is any liquid water under the planetary surface due to massive distance from the star. It does have four small satellites, but none of those were properly surveyed.

Planetary data
Average orbital distance: 7254m km
Diameter: 16800km
Gravity: 0.46G
Pressure: 0.21atm
Atmosphere makeup:
~85% Hydrogen
~15% Helium
Possible other elements
Water Extent: 35%
Year length: 324 earth years
Day legth: 22 hours
Average surface temperature: -233.37° Celsius
Moons: 4

Other notable objects in Homeworld Planetary System

Homeworld-B (Hera)

Homeworld-B (later called Hera) is a white dwarf (class D7-VII), probably caught in the gravity well of the main star. There are no closeups of the star remaining – the archives on Ark were damaged after arriving, and no expedition was sent to it due to distance and difficulty of the travel. On the night sky it can't be differentiated from other, further laying stars, unless one knows what he's looking for.
Hera is a host to at least three dwarf planets, which commonly reflect the light of the dying star. Other than that, there is a swarm of asteroids around it, held at Hera's orbit due to unproportionally high gravity force compared to its size.

Asteroid belts

Homeworld is a home to four major asteroid belts. In total, the Unity Observatory is tracking over 1200 celestial objects in size of at least 15km in diameter on stable orbits around either main star or Hera. They are mostly concentrated at:
Loose ring between Eos and Talos, with outher fringe of the belt being cut off cleanly – it's possible that gravitational interference of Talos interrupts orbits of the asteroids
A very thin, tilted (29° compared to the orbital plane) asteroid belt between Talos and Thanatos. It's widely believed that it's remnants of the planet that caused Thanatos to begin burning its hydrogen
A wide, sprawling belt of asteroids outside of the orbital paths of dwarf planets in the system. The furthest tracked asteroid is orbiting about 5b km away from Hera.

Dwarf planets

Homeworld is a home to at least seven dwarf planets:
Hyperion, Obelisk, Oberon and Navitas orbiting the main star, the last orbital bodies in the system
Tristan, Deimos and Ishtar orbiting Hera


Interestingly, the system is nearly devoid of comets. Only three were detected, with fairly short orbital period (not farther than 550m km from the star). It's theorised that most of the comets were caught in strong gravitational pull of the massive gas giants present in the system.

OOC: I'll add images to this post after I reach the threshold of required number of posts.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 04:17:56 AM by MeatyBoii »
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Re: Revival
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2022, 03:24:08 PM »
Hey, this is really good, can't wait for more!
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Re: Revival
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2022, 07:24:42 AM »
History of Homeworld system, part 1

      The Ark has crossed the interstellar border to the Homeworld system at year 700, month 2, day 12. Just few weeks later it was able to use gravity assist from the white dwarf to greatly amplify the braking maneuver. During this, an automated satellite is dispatched to reconnaissance around the dwarf planets of the small system, but a malfunction of the engines causes it to be unable to stop accelerating, which eventually throws it out into the void of interstellar space.
After nine months of travel, Ark arrives at high orbit around Astarte. Thanks to very convenient placing of one of its biggest moons, a massive gravitational boost is provided, which greatly reduces the need for fuel in braking. After this maneuver, Ark is poised to reach Unity after two years and closing on to the main star once.
Sacrificing its solar sails, Ark is able to greatly reduce its orbital velocity, and needs only the smallest amount of fuel to achieve stable orbit around Unity.
After 702 years, 8 months and 29 days, humanity has reached its new home.

      After four days, the AI commanding the vessel decided to wake up the first batch of crewmen. From the offset, the procedure proved dangerous – and deadly. While the freezing process was safe and no casualties were recorded, the extensive journey, much longer than expected, led to unknown and poorly understood consequences of that process. Approximately 20% of the population stored in the Arks extensive storage facilities were dead by the time they were woken up. They were given the space burial; massive containers were launched towards the sun, most of which reached its surface after over a year.
      First human object to reach surface of Unity was the shuttle Bravo-Gamma 92 on reconnaissance mission. Currently, its landing spot marks the middle of the Capital City, and the shuttle itself is on public display, but heavily protected. After that, a swarm of automated probes and satellites was sent across the system, to find as much information about the planets and moons of the system as possible, while at the same time more and more specialists were woken up from the cryogenic sleep and brought to the surface of Unity, in order to start construction of cities that would host the extensive human population.
      After a decade, population of Unity reached ten millions people, housed in few major cities, centered around the Capital City. As more and more construction projects finished, and more people came down to the surface, the Ark itself started losing its importance, only influenced by the extensive damage sustained by the ship during its epic interstellar voyage.
Fairly quickly it became obvious that a massive chunk of the vessel was missing. The Control Station Gamma-Omikron-Iota 17, which provided us with a lot of missing information from a  human during the travel of the vessel in its final leg of the journey, was left exposed to the vacuum of space, with the corridor leading to it completely missing. When compared to the blueprints of the ship, one can see that an entire wing, filled with colonists was lost. The damage sustained is consistent with a asteroid hit, which must have been traveling at the similar trajectory and speed during the crash. The primitive force field used to deflect micro meteors was disabled halfway through the journey by a powerful blow – its deflection caused the generators to overcharge, which fried the circuits all over the ship. From that point onward, Ark sustained more and more damage, eventually leading to entire sections of the ship being badly damaged or rendered unusable. Upon arriving in Homeworld, it's estimated that another major dust cloud or asteroid cluster would destroy Ark. Thankfully, it managed to avoid that danger and brought us here.

The big poisoning

      By the year 716, entire population arriving on the Ark settled on the surface of Unity, and began spreading around, cultivating plants brought with them from Sol. Population steadily rose, but after another decade, doctors begun noticing how there was a drop in the birth numbers, and more and more completely healthy people were dying suddenly, with no signs beforehand that anything was amiss. After two years, it became a real trouble for the fledging colony – more people were dying than being born.
      In early year 719 a young farmer conducted an experiment on his own massive field, just outside the circle representing the major roadway between all the cities on the surface. Having built two completely isolated greenhouses, one of them housed a mix of indigenous and earthly plants, while another had only indigenous plants inside, which were deemed edible for humans. After just six months, he was able to prove a massive change in oxygen levels inside the first enclosure. While humans are used to very specific levels of oxygen in the air, it appeared that the massive spread of earthly foods caused an enormous spike in oxygen production. These findings were quickly supported by leading scientists, and soon enough, it was clear why people were dying in droves.
      Now the question arose: What to do next?
      Abandoning earthly crops was not an option. While local plants were edible, their calorie count was way too low to sustain human population, both due to not being enough to feed people on vegetarian diets, as well as not enough to cover the needs for livestock. While scientists and politicians argued, more and more people were dying, and the society began structuring. It came to it that every single city was working on its own solutions to the problem.
      Eventually, after another year – and with population of the planet having shrunk by over 40% since the begin of the problem – a city named Io established an „air stabilizing center”. A massive, tall tower, full of advanced technology, was erected right outside the city limits, and it began its work on filtering the air of the Io itself, whose city center was protected by a massive dome. After just few days, oxygen levels dropped back to normal, and Io became the major population center on the planet, with every other city becoming a ghost town.
Similar structures were erected in every other major city, and later at regular intervals around the planet. Within a year the oxygens level have stabilized, and after another four years they arrived at the optimal level for humans, even despite the massive increase in crop production. First crisis of the fledging colony was averted, but at a big cost. Over 15 million people died, among them many young and healthy people. Unity recovered from the crisis after only 40 years, when the population levels returned to normal. Ever since then, population has been increasing, at a slow but steady pace. Currently, population of humans in Homeworld does not exceed 560 millions people.

Colonization efforts in Homeworld

      During the late stages of the oxygen crisis, a few individuals begun acquiring blueprints for technologies that would aid them in interplanetary travel, as well as investing in massive scientific programs, aimed at easing the travel around the Homeworld system. In year 725 first launch pad was built, with aim of delivering crafts built on the surface to the orbit of the planet and maybe some of the closest moons. Soon enough, the planetary government decided on creating its own space program, and within five years the first official space mission, unaided by Ark, was launched towards Nyx and Moros, which were going to pass the planet close enough for a single mission to arrive at both. From this point onward, more and more missions were launched, both official and private. While the government focused on establishing potential outposts around the system and scientific discoveries of various bodies around it, private individuals focused on potential income and new industries arising from space mining.
      In year 731, Helios was discovered. A gas giant, completely missed by both Ark and observatories on Unity. Its dark gas clouds made it barely visible against the darkness of space, and it was by pure chance that it was discovered as its shadow was spotted on surface of Algos, usually very bright due to ice surface.
      In following years, unmanned reconnaissance missions were launched towards all easily reachable planets in the system (up to Helios). Algos was deemed not worth it due to massive distance and very difficult orbit, at times influenced by Hera. Last probe reached its final target, Helios, after eleven years of travel, delivering valuable images and spectral scans. It also managed to snatch a few images of Algos, as it was passing nearby (in galactic scale).
      In year 751, first permanent human installation on Unity orbit was established. Hub housed sixty people at first, but quickly grew in size to almost a thousand, utilizing technologies salvaged and reused from the Ark. After a short time, a space dock was installed, which allowed for construction of probes and small vessels on the planetary orbit. Just two years later, a manned mission was dispatched to Brutix, the major moon of Unity, and first colony was established.
      Up until this moment, Ark was used as a mission support for every ship and vessel departing for the unknown in Homeworld system. Its usage was limited to government only, with private citizens not allowed onboard or even close to it, which over time prove to be more and more point of conflict. Eventually, one of the leading space consortiums – Homeworld Contracting – demanded access to the Ark on grounds of Unity Constitution, which allowed for „Free and open access of every citizen to every non-military property of New World”. The government, however, declined this, declaring the Ark a military object, and putting a makeshift defense force onboard to protect against any attempts at hijacking or illegal landing.
      Following this, the situation became even more strained. Several private consortiums started their own interstellar projects, including a settlement on Brutix, main moon of Unity, as well as on the surface of Celestis. In face of more limits being imposed by the government, private citizens became drawn by the limitless vastness of space, going so far as even creating an independent enclave on very high Unity orbit. Not few years later, a first armed vessel – a crude and rudimentary shuttle with a singular improvised gauss gun – was put in service of Homeworld Contracting. The corporation faced immediate repression and demands of its surrender, but they did not falter. After two years another five vessels joined, creating an ad hoc private military fleet.
      Faced with that development, the Unity government was forced to enact its own armed forces and space fleet. With small, but functional docks and shipyards onboard the Ark and the space station, they immediately begun constructing their own spaceship designs, as well as creating more and more settlements all around the Homeworld system. In year 767 – two years after the event – a first proper military spaceship, christened UMV Victory, was put into service and stationed on low Unity orbit. It was followed by another three of this class, and soon enough they begun imposing will and laws of New World. The constitution was rewritten, which from now on didn't allow private citizens to own or operate heavy military equipment. It also chose an official name for planetary government: Terra Nova.
      The four patrol vessels of Terra Nova started chasing the privately owned armed ships relentlessly around the Unity orbit. Within a month, seven of those were detained, with the remainder having either fled to outer reaches of the system, or hiding around the moons. The Victory class cutters, while properly armed with gauss cannons, didn't have enough fuel storage to even reach Brutix, which made it impossible to chase the fleeing vessels. It did, however, put a stop to an ever-increasing number of corporate-owned spaceships. For over two hundred years the situation stabilized, with corporations recognizing their own limits and adhering to rules of Terra Nova, while the space exploration and expansion across the system progressed at a steady pace. In the year 999, just a day before a millennial celebration of departing Sol, a disaster struck.

Millenial incident

      Celestis became a home to a sizeable colony, hosted under thick domes erected across last two centuries. About one hundred thousand civilians lived there in relative peace, with people of all careers and trades worked on expanding the colony, while mining and providing valuable minerals to Unity. The only local defenses were erected after a meteor storm badly damaged landing pads for the orbital shuttles, which forces an installation of multiple CIWS turrets around the domes. This defense prove to be inadequate when faced with impending attack.
At the day of the strike, only the ancient UMV Victory was on the orbit of Celestis, conducting weapon drills. The incoming trade vessels were noticed days before, but were deemed safe, as their Ids and visual scans indicated. The trade treaty required them to stop alongside the patrolling vessel and allow for military crew to visit and control both cargo and the freighters crew for any inconsistencies. As the four freighters were tethered to all sides of the Victory, the last thing the few crewmen of it were expecting was troops in heavy combat armor assaulting their ship. Most of them were killed on spot; a few who managed to hide from the fire had their harnesses destroyed, and they fell to their death in the empty, cold vacuum of the space.
      The invading force boarded the Victory, while freighters continued to low Celestis orbit. Equipped with multiple drop pods, usually used to deliver cargo to the surface, they were refitted for life support and full to the brim with troops in combat armor, with heavy weapons and enough equipment to pacify the entire cluster of colonies.
      As the pods dropped to the ground, local security officers were first surprised to see unknown assailants in completely unknown armor, only to be killed seconds later. Attacking force, composed of no more than a thousand people, quickly spread around and took control over four main habitats, with the remainder quickly surrendering without a fight, after the threats of life support being cut were sent to them. Jamming field was established around the entire area, in order to stop communications with Unity, but a single janitor managed to send a distress call to Unity. It is believed that this is what allowed for the planet to defend itself.
      As last areas in the habitat on Celestis were conquered by attacking force, another eight freighters arrived above the ring of the cities encircling Capital City on Unity. Similarly as before, drop pods were launched towards landing ramps, where armored troops quickly emerged and overrun surprised policemen who were called to investigate the situation. At this very moment, the distress call from Celestis arrived, and the entire armed forces of Unity – albeit small and weak – were put at high alert. At the same time, reports from major cities came in with pleas for help in repelling the unknown force. The armed forces were immediately mobilized and sent to fight. Supported by a few fighters available to them, the first strike was against further drop pods launching from unknown freighters. The pods, hit by heavy weapons from fighters and defense system, fell to the ground, killing all aboard. On the orbit, the two patrol craft in service with Terra Nova Space Force engaged and captured five of the freighters – with remaining three attempting to flee. Two of them clipped the atmosphere of the planet, and their small, weak engines prove inadequate, with freighters falling to their demise, crashing against massive mountain ranges on the surface. The last freighter managed to escape and flew at full speed towards gas giants of the system.

      On the surface, fights continued.

      Capital City is encircled by a highway, connecting twelve massive cities. The invading force managed to capture five of those, with assaults being commenced against the capital. Having captured the main arsenal of the army, they quickly begun using the already limited stocks of heavy weaponry. At the same time, they progressed along the Highway, encroaching on further cities and settlements around them. By the end of the day one, situation seemed dire. Fleeing civilians clogged the roads leading to the Capital City, while the military attempted to contain the situation. Despite the aerial and space superiority, they were forced to continuously retreat, eventually losing control of further two cities, and with Capital City in range of artillery guns of the invading force. The fighting died out during the night, with invading force establishing forward firing posts and apparently regrouping for next assaults. The defenders at the same time consolidated their own positions, gaps filled with volunteers, reservists or veterans. Up above, in space, combat vessels continued their combat patrols, with two shadowing the fleeing freighter, third heading to Brutix, and fourth flying towards Celestis.
      By the end of the day, Terra Nova lost its entire colony on Celestis, fights broke out on Brutix, Moros and Myrmidon, invading force captured half of the Unity cities, and situation looked desperate. On midnight, someone hacked into news network on Unity. A pre-recorded transmission was shown, displaying an old woman, who spoke of inequality, treason and repetition of history. She declared war on Terra Nova, and asked every person with heart in the right place to join her in the task of destroying the totalitarian government on Unity, and replacing it with truly free, democratic government.

      Civil war has started.
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Re: Revival
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2022, 03:03:47 PM »
Day 1

   The invasion begins. After a few hours, the invaders openly describe themselves as revolutionaries fighting for democratic and free government for the humanity in Homeworld.
Five cities are quickly overrun and fall under control of the invaders, who openly named themselves  the "Humanity Freedom Movement", henceforward named HFM.
   Main planetary arsenal falls under control of HFM who quickly loot all heavy equipment before securing the location.
   The Freedom Broadcast is made public.
   Human colonies at Celestis and Brutix fall under control of HFM.
   In space, most of the invading fleet is destroyed or captured by Terra Nova (TN) navy vessels. Out of all the freighters of the invading force, just one made it to safety, outrunning the cutters in pursuit.

Day 2

   HFM forces at Myrmidon and Moros reignite their fighting. Small and poorly armed defense forces of the colonies are forced to surrender, with the arriving cutters still three days of travel away. The few available CWIS defences are jury rigged to target incoming naval vessels, information made public by a rogue broadcast. TN Navy vessels retreat and return to Unity orbit.
   HFM continues the offensive on the Unity itself. A heavy push supported by few available tanks and mechs is launched against the last city with military unit stationed there. While the barracks manage to hold out, the entire city is quickly conquered by the invading troops.
   TN Navy regroups in the orbit of Unity. In all, four patrol crafts, two cutters and five captured ex-HFM freighters, which were found to have a gauss gun each. They are pressed into TN Navy, with skeleton crew operating those.
   By the end of Day 2, military units besieged in the recently counquered barracks attempt a breakthrough to the capital city. Despite moderate losses, most of the troops - as well as all heavy equipment - makes it to the city wall.
   HFM controls seven out of thirteen settlements on Unity.

Day 3

   TN Navy initiates first orbital bombardment of supply lines of HFM army. Due to lack of training and poor combat readiness, most of the shots miss and destroy civilian housing as well as industry.
   Fleeing HFM freighter is observed falling apart due to probably excessive acceleration and attempted tight maneuvers.
   Ex-TN UMV Unity broadcasts message to Unity government, warning against move towards Celestis, claimning that life support systems would be destroyed if any offensive operation is spotted.
   HFM army on surface of Unity attempts reconneissance in force against the capital city. The vanguard is destroyed by massed defensive fire from multiple locations. HFM artillery and mechs attempt to provide cover, but they are unable to help pinned troops, who surrender.
   At the same time, a pincer move is executed about both neighbouring cities on the capital ring. Both cities quickly fall, nearly devoid of all civilians and with only automated defenses remaining.

Day 4

   TN Navy secures the few remaining defensive systems on the Ark. They are activated, and Ark is officialy christened a defensive installation.

Day 5

   HFM forces now control all the cities on Unity except for capital city which remains encircled. There are some supply planes and drones ferrying supplies in and out, with few destroyed by anti-aircraft fire. This is countered by orbital bombardment, which slowly becomes more and more accurate.
   The small and disorganised groups of HFM troops on Myrmidon are suddenly facing civilians who took arms and makeshift weapons against them. After an hour of struggle, the last HFM soldier surrenders. This is the first TN settlement retaken during the civil war.

Day 11

   HFM forces on Unity attempt a massed assault on the capital city. The defensive wall is breached in multiple spots with HFM units pouring through the openings, but are eventually forced back. Both sides face heavy losses.
   HFM gains control of two gauss guns under construction on Unity. They are turned into a makeshift turret with use of skills of their engineers.

Day 13

   Second defensive turret is built by HFM and placed in the middle of one of the conquered cities.
   Three vessels are detected incoming from the asteroid belt separating inner and outer planets. They lack targeting components and have to be aimed manually.

Day 14

   HFM draw out orbital fire with few units feigning advance. Once cutters open fire, the defensive turrets fire back. Two glancing hits remove chunks of superstructure of one of the cutters, forcing it to retreat to the shipyards of the Ark. Further shots heavily damage two of the captured freighters. TN Navy is forced to retreat to higher orbit beyond the predicted range of the turrets.
   Four vessels are spotted approaching Unity, with one of them visibly larger than the remaining three. The vessels of TN Navy are put on high alert and resupplied from the Ark.

Day 16

   HFM forces attempt another assault at the capital, utilising nearly all available forces. Despite initial troubles, they are able to break the defences after two hours, partially due to TN army units surrendering in vulnerable sectors. The turrets used for defence against orbital threats were turned at the spires of the capital city, bringing down the biggest building of the planet.
   The initial advance of HFM is stopped by a last ditch counterattack by all remaining mechanized forces of TN. HFM maintains a few bridgeheads in the city, but are unable to break through.

Day 19

   TN attempts an attack on HFM positions within the capital city, but they are unable to break through the heavy defences.
   On other fronts, small TN detachments depart for four different cities on the circle highway. They meet only token resistance, and quickly reestablish control over the settlements. HFM is aware of these attacks but are unable to commit any more troops to the new fronts.

Day 21

   Approaching vessels send a transmission to the armed forces at Unity. They identify themselves as HFM Navy ships, escorting a troop transport. They officialy request a cease fire on the surface of Unity, which is denied by TN. Three escorts accelerate, while the troop transport slows down.

Day 23

   HFM Navy engages the TN Navy vessels. Being much larger, boasting heavier armament and protection they manage to gain an upper hand on the orbit of Unity. Two cutters are destroyed, four freighters damaged and attempt to flee. HFM does not undertake a pursuit.
   The HFM troop transport accelerates again and heads towards Unity.
   Another two massive ships are spotted arriving to Celestis.
   HFM Army undertakes another assault, this time supported by orbital forces. They are able to overwhelm the defenders at multiple sectors, eventually forcing multiple units to surrender. A few sectors still hold out, however, with a large number of civilians enlisting into volunteer units.

Day 24

   HFM army takes control over the Ark, whose defences are destroyed or incapacitated.
Multiple shuttles detach from the troop transport and begin lifting troops to the surface, bringing exhaused combat troops back to the ship.

Day 25

   Remainder of TN Navy heads to Brutix and enacts a blockade of the moon.
   HFM Army retreats from the forward positions around the capital city, with the troops converging on the shuttle pad. A tight defensive circle around this location is established. Shuttles are seen flying between the troop transport and outlying cities on Unity.

Day 27

   TN Army attempts a recon mission against known HFM forwards position. They meet no resistance. TN staff discovers that the majority of HFM forces are retreating from the planet, with heavy shuttles lifting a lot of heavy equipment from the planet.
   TN Army units attempt a massed assault at the shuttle pad, but are driven back by heavy orbital bombardment.

Day 28

   HFM Navy ships begin approaching the TN Navy vessels blockading Brutix. A short fight starts, which leaves both sides with heavy damage. HFM ships limp back to the troop transport, who ignites its propulsion and moves towards Celestis.

Day 29

   TN Army begins mop up operations across the entire surface of Unity. No alive troops of HFM are found.
   Shuttles launch from Brutix and Moros, linking up with the troop transport. Soon enough contact is reestablished with both colonies, as the police units are able to reestablish control over the colonies.

Day 30

   There are officially no HFM forces in close proximity to Unity left. The tracking instruments on Ark were destroyed and the incoming or departing vessels are untrackable.

An excerpt from the Unity Herald, the prime newspaper of Unity, a day after the invasion forces departed from the planetary system around Unity

The invasion proves to be devastating to Terra Nova. While the collateral losses were not as sever as it was first expected, massive losses to infrastructure, stolen industry, as well as extremely diminished armed forces of Unity might prove detrimental to our continued existence.

Of course, we are here. The invaders are gone, currently escaping to the outer planets. But who knows how many are there really? Initial attack came as a complete surprise, with both navy and army caught by a complete surprise. We still aren't in contact with Celestis, and it's feared that the contact wont be established any time soon. From what we know, the invaders have entrenched themselves deeply in the planet, with some smuggled photos showing something that could be described as orbital defenses, something that our navy is plainly incapable of counteracting.

Currently, our politicians are unable to answer any questions posed by anyone. They can make no promises, nor do they want to – for the first time in a long time. Military outright refuses to talk with any civilians about the situation. Questions regarding the state of Ark remain unanswered.

For now? We can't be sure of anything. We don't know what to do, what will happen, and what's our current course of action.

We must wait – and see what happens.