'Give me where to stand'
(Part 9 in the Sunset Saga)
New Empires Campaign - month 41
Vice Admiral Embressa's warning had reached the WP to the Wolff Confederation home system barely 100 hours before the AI force would arrive. The survivors of Embressa's command arrived at the WP only hours before the AI fleet, and waited in Sunset as their enemy approached. After the Sensor Vessel Dra confirmed that the AI ships were nearing the WP, they transited into the Wolff home system to assist in the defense. A few hours later a single AI freighter transited the WP and was destroyed by the defenders, but it had served its purpose before it had even arrived in the home system. The AI had monitored its transit and calculated the WP's capacity. With the WP's size now known, the AI waited only a short time before the assault began.
Baltian Vice Admiral Penn had prepared his defenses as thoroughly as possible. He knew this would decide the fate of his homeworld, and that no support from the New Euro would be available for this. For better or worse, the defense would depend on the races of the Wolff Confederation alone. They did not possess the advanced weapons of the Euro, but they did have the knowledge that they were all that stood between their homes and families and the destruction that would come if they failed. They also had one advantage. The AI would attack unaware that the far side of the WP was located in a nebula.
With the Drakus 5th Cruiser and 1st Destroyer Squadrons supported by a group of Cryocian Storm Corvettes in reserve should any AI ships break through, the assembled forces of the three races stood as one, and waited.
Baltian Forces
Vice Admiral Penn (LG+2/Elite)
Heavy Cruisers Peter the Great (Crack) , Alexander the Great (Average)
11XOb (ADMa x1/ RbM x7) CAb / 67HS
[3] (S1) x6 (A1)x12 Zb Qa Qb Qb Dcza (Ib Ib) (Ib Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (M2) H Mg Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Yb ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x9/ Dcza x1/ Dzb x2/ ?a) RbM x150
Destroyers Queen Elizabeth (Average) , Queen Mary (Average) ,
Queen Victoria (Average) , Queen Camilla (Average)
5XOa (ADMa x1/ RbM x1) DDb / 35HS
[3] (S1) x3 (A1)x8 Zb Ht Mgt Qa Dcza Rb Rb (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Rb Rb Ya Dzb Qb ?a (Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x4/ Dcza x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RbM x54
WP Explorer Picasso (Average)
FG / 22HS
[2] S1 A1 A1(MNE) (MNE) H Xb Qb (Ia) Yca (Ia) (Ia) [4] / gig
Mobile Repair Ship 1 (Average)
FT4b / 32HS
[2] (MS7) H H Qa (Ica) (Ica) [2] / gig
Missile Collier 02 (Average)
FT0 / 7HS
[2] Mgs (Mg) x3 Hs Qa (Ica) [4] / RbM x204
Tug 01 (Average) FT1 / 12HS
[2] H Ta (Ica Ica) Qa (Ica) [3]
System Defense Fort A1 (Average) , A2 (Average) , A3 (Average)
10XOb (RbM x10) AF/60HS
- (A1)x18 Zb H Qb Qb Rb Rb Rb Rb Db Rb Rb Rb Rb (CICb) Rb Rb Rb Rb Qb Yb
- / gig
(Rb x12/ Db x1) RbM x120
Buoy2 - 6XOb/GbM x3 (x120)
Buoy2 - Apew/E x2 (x24)
Drakus Forces
Vice Admiral Callasenne (LG+1/Crack)
Drakus 1st Cruiser Squadron
Heavy Cruiser Jasinik (Average)
10XOb (ADMa x1/ RbM x6) CA / 60HS
[3] (S) x5 (A) x4 Zb H Qb H (Ia Ia) (Ia Ia) (Ia Ia) Qb (M2) Mg Rb Rb Rb Da Rb Rb Rb Da Rb Rb Rb Yb Da Qb (Ia Ia) [4] / gig
(Rb x9/ Da x3) RbM x150
Destroyers Dysyn (Average) , Dahlirn (Average)
5XOa (ADMa x1/ RbM x1) DD / 30HS
[3] (S) x3 (A)x3 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Rb Rb (Ia) (Ia) (Ia) Rb Rb Yb Da Qa (Ia) (Ia) [5] / gig
(Rb x4 / Da x1) RbM x64
Drakus Support Ships
Missile Collier 1 (Average) , 3 (Average) FT0 / 7HS
[2] Mgs (Mg) x3 Hs Qa (Ica) [4] / RbM x204
Tug A1 (Average) , A2 (Average) FT1 / 12HS
[2] H (ica Ica) Ta Qa (ica Ica) [4]
Sensor Vessel Dru (Average) CT / 16HS
[2] H (Ica) Qa Yca (Ica) [4] / gig
Cryocian Forces
Armed FT's 01 (Crack) , 02 (Crack) , 03 (Crack) , 04 (Crack) ,
05 (Crack) , 06 (Crack) , 07 (Crack) , 08 (Crack)
FT2 / 16HS
[2] A Qv H H Qv H H Hs Pgb H Qa (Ica) (Ica) [4] / gig x1
(Pgb x1)
WP Defense Bases 01 (Crack) , 02 (Crack) , 03 (Crack) , 04 (Crack) ,
05 (Crack) , 06 (Crack) , 07 (Crack) , 08 (Crack)
BS0 / 15HS
(Pgb x1/ Eb x1)
AI Forces
DN / CVA 03 (Average) , 04 (Average) , 06 (Average)
18 XOa (RcaM x5, GBa x1) (AM1) DN / 130HS
[3] (S1) x24 (A1)x24 Za Qa Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Qv Qb Qb Qb Mg Dzb Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Bga Bga Bga Bga BLa H Qv (M1) Rca Rca Rca Qb Rca Rca Yca ?a (Ia Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig, GBa x4 +1 (ast internal weapon), 40 CP GB crew in Qv (Average)
(Rca x5/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RcaM x80
BB 01 (Average) , 04 (Average)
14 XOa (RcaM x7) (AM1) BB / 100HS
[3] (S1) x14 (A1)x16 Za Qb Qb (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Qb (M1) Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Mg (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Yb Qb H ?a Qb (Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig
(Rca x4 / Rb x8 / Dzb x4/ ?a) RcaM x70, RbM x80
DD 13 (Average) , 14 (Average) , 15 (Average), 16 (Average) ,
5XOa (RcaM x1/ RbM x3) (AM1) DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x8 (A1)x8 Za Ht Qa (Ib) (Ib) Rca (Ib) Db Rb (Ib) Yb Rb ?a Qb (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Rb x2 / Db x1/ ?a) RcaM x10, RbM x20
DD 32/b (Average) , 33/b (Average)
4XOa (RcaM x2) (AM1) DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x7 (A1)x7 Za Ht Qa Mgt (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Rca Dzb Rca Yb ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x2/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RcaM x27
DDE 07 (Average) , 08 (Average)
5XOa (RcaM x2/RbM x1) (AM1) DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1)x5 Za Hs Qa (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Db Db Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x6/ ?a) RcaM x10
DDE 02/b (Average) , 05/b (Average) , 06/b (Average) , 11/b (Average)
5XOa (RcaM x2/RbM x1) (AM1) DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1)x4 Za Hs Mgs Qa (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Db Db Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x6/ ?a) RcaM x22
WP at center of map. WP size is C.
Wolff system is a reflective nebula.
Buoy2(GbM) x10 and Bouy2(E) x2 on each radian at 2tH from WP.
Buoy programming at allied players option at beginning of battle.
Baltian CICb's may activate/reprogram/control buoys after the BS it is in reached battle stations.
Cryocian ships/bases on any radian and grouping at 10tH from WP.
Each Cryocian WP Def BS will have tractored its corresponding Armed FT prior to the WP assault.
Baltian AF are at 18tH from WP on radian 1. AF's may not occupy the same tH.
Drakus and Baltian tugs are in the same hex as an AF - one tug per AF. They have not tractored the AF's.
The two Baltian CA/DDx2 groups and one Drakus CA/DDx2 groups rotate GQ, determined randomly.
The GQ CA/DDx2 group will be at 17tH from the WP on radian 7.
The other CA/DD's will be at 30tH from the WP on any radian.
All unarmed allied ships will be no closer than 35tH to the WP.
As this is home system defense - any allied ship may attempt to ram.
AI Bga have 5 loads of K and 5 loads of R for external ordinance.
AI know the WP size, but not surge. Random facing on exiting WP.
AI transit order, links, etc. to be determined by AI player.
AI ships may ram, but not ST.
Notes. This is a nearly impossible nut to crack if the defender has much ability. Loading more GBa into the XO's would have helped the AI and could be an option, but is unlikely to change the outcome. Any ships that slip past the defenders would face a Drakus Group identical to the one in Swan at Sunset, plus 5 Cryocian Storm Class CT's (as in Death in the Silent Places but all crew grade of Green x2 and Crack x3). They are shields/DF down and on a random radian at 90tH.
Six AI destroyers led the assault and were met with only fire from the Baltian Cruiser Peter the Great and sporadic mine detonations. Even with this light weight of fire, deprived of their shields four of the six destroyers were left venting air and more importantly, none of the destroyers' datalinks were left intact. Thirty seconds later as the first AI carrier and two escort destroyers transited, the first wave's sensors came on line and assessed the true depth of the defenses. Courier drones flashed back through the WP even as the first Kraken Class carrier was destroyed moments after clearing its XO's. With all of the bases and Peter the Great link now at battle stations, fire poured onto the WP as the bases took direct control of the mines to concentrate fire. The AI courier drones were to late to prevent the transit of the second Kraken Class ship and it also disappeared moments after appearing at the WP. No more ships would transit after this and several of the destroyers would successfully transit back into Sunset. Of the ten destroyers that made transit, only three escaped - all of which were damaged to a greater or lesser degree. The other seven perished. Two attempted to ram the Baltian forts but were stopped short. They did occupy the defenders long enough to allow the two AI GB sqns that had launched from XO's to reach the forts and crash into them. One sqn had suffered enough fire that the remaining gunboats kamikaze runs barely breached the heavy fort's protective outer skin. The other fort was less fortunate and left with barely a third of its launchers still online - but it survived. The rudimentary sensors of Baltian and Drakus courier drones sent through the WP showed the remaining AI ships to be withdrawing.
Vice Admiral Penn weighed his options. With only a single AI Kraken Class carrier, two Dragon Class battleships and five destroyers -most damaged- if the defenders were to summon their reserves and give chase there was a good chance they might overwhelm and defeat the remaining AI ships. But the damage had been extensive. In less than five minutes half of the Cryocian Armed FT's and bases had been destroyed, two of the three forts were damaged -one heavily- leaving them unable to link into an effective fire group, and possibly most serious was that over two thirds of the mines had been used stopping the attack. And with no Euro small craft to counter the AI gunboats losses would be heavy. With billions of civilian lives at stake - there could be no pursuit from the home system.
But one hour later Rear Admiral Levianna transited the WP with the Drakus reserves and sent a message speeding toward the WP to Ember and the defenders waiting there. She intended to avenge Embressa and all of the allied crew members who had died that day.
Three hours later New Euro Vice Admiral Hermione Shepherd sortied from the WP to Ember with the CVL Destruction and her escorts, CVE's Nile and Shannon, the Baltian CVE's Red Oak and White Oak, the Lady Anne, and two sensor vessels to hunt down the last of the AI ships. Four days later, and only 3 light minutes from where Cryocian Rear Admiral Xenexis first fought the AI in Sunset, elements of the two groups would meet.