Author Topic: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15  (Read 8421 times)

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NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:55:33 AM »
5th December 2037
The first item on the agenda for the Soviet Politburo is whether to treat the delivery of the Eridani warships as an act of war on the part of the Eridani Republic and, if so, does responsibility for that act also fall on NATO and on the NATO Martian colony. There are several members of the Politburo who believes the secession of the Eridani Republic to be a sham, designed to protect NATO interests on Earth against Soviet retaliation. It quickly becomes clear that the majority of the Politburo believes that the sale of the ships does represent a casus belli and that in the event of hostilities against the Eridani Republic it would be difficult to ignore the NATO populations on Earth. However, opinions on whether the Soviet Union should declare war are far more divided. The problem for the Soviet Union is that all Eridani industry, including shipyards, is in Epsilon Eridani, a system that no Soviet ship has ever entered. There is no information on the total force available to the Eridani Republic because there is no way to tell how many ships have been built. Trying to force the Sol - Epsilon Eridani jump point would be a complete leap into the unknown. However, not trying to force the jump point would completely cede the initiative to the Eridani. Soviet industry is far more vulnerable and would be an easy target for Eridani or NATO forces. A consensus is reached that war against the Eridani Republic and the remaining NATO forces would be entirely justifiable but militarily and economically inadvisable.

The Politburo turns its attention to the expected arrival of the newly purchased Chinese ships in Sol, the exact time of which has not been announced by President von Kolbe. Two decisions are required. Firstly, whether to fight against the Chinese ships and risk losses to Soviet planet-based industry and the twelve shipyards in Earth orbit or attempt to end the war and return to the status quo ante bellum, including the continuation of Chinese reparations. Secondly, if combat is the preferred option, should the Soviet forces move out toward the Sol - Epsilon Eridani jump point and attempt to destroy the ships as they transit, perhaps risking a confrontation with units of the Eridani Republican Navy, or hold back and fight an open space engagement as the ships approach Earth. An attempt at a peaceful resolution to the crisis is discussed and quickly rejected. The attention of the Politburo turns to military strategy.

The Soviet task group in Earth orbit includes a battlecruiser, an aviation cruiser, five other cruisers of various types and twenty-four fighters. A second task group of equal strength is en route to Sol from Alpha Centauri-B III. Two cruisers are being refitted in Earth's shipyards but will not be ready for three weeks and three more are remaining to guard Alpha Centauri. Eight Molniya class FACs and a Molniya-S scout are also in Earth orbit and eighteen Tupolev-50 bombers are based in a PDC on the surface. Seventy-two more Tupolev-50s are based on Ganymede but they have no missiles available. Admiral Melnikov believes those forces should be more than a match for a dozen out of date NATO cruisers, two destroyer escorts and an unarmed command cruiser, whether in deep space or in a jump point defence. He recommends allowing the newly acquired Chinese warships to transit to avoid a direct confrontation with the Eridani Republic and then moving out to meet them before they can reach missile range of Earth. Once the distraction has been dealt with, the conquest of the People's Republic can proceed unhindered. The Politburo is reassured by Admiral Melnikov's confidence and accepts his recommendation.

6th December 2037
Throughout all of the political upheaval and military confrontation, the colony ships, both Eridani-controlled and private sector, continue to move colonists from Earth to Epsilon Eridani. The colonists all want to leave, and in most cases have bought tickets, while the Eridani Republic has made clear that its military forces would block any attempt by the remaining NATO forces to interfere with 'freedom of movement'. President von Kolbe has stated that anyone wishing to move from the Eridani Republic to Earth is also free to do so.

8th December 2037
The fifteen warships intended for delivery to the Chinese transit into Sol, escorted by an Eridani task group of three Enterprise Mod 1 carriers, five Daring Mod 1 escort cruisers, three colliers with additional missiles for the Chinese and almost two hundred fighters. The Soviet Union has never seen the Daring Mod 1 class as they were all built in Epsilon Eridani and have never entered Sol. Both Soviet task groups are in Sol, one still in Earth orbit and the other close to the Sol - Alpha Centauri jump point. They both set an intercept course for the Chinese ships. Rear Admiral Neal Majewski, commander of the Eridani carrier group after his recent assignment to Ark Royal, warns the Soviet forces that his group will be escorting the older ships to Earth where the Chinese will take delivery. Until that point they are still Eridani ships with Eridani crews and any interference with their progress would be considered an act of war. Both Admiral Thorn and President von Kolbe believe the Soviet Union is in such a difficult position with regard to the vulnerability of their industry that such a warning carries little risk of an actual battle.

This is an unexpected development for Admiral Melnikov. Having grown used to the indecisiveness of NATO, he did not even consider the Eridani would be so confrontational. Allowing the Chinese to take delivery of their ships in Earth orbit is a terrifying prospect. With very little to lose, their first act would almost certainly be to launch a massive attack on Soviet shipyards and industry and at such short range there would be no chance of defending against such an assault. Attempting an all-out assault against the Eridani carrier group would also be very risky, particularly as a mass launch from the Eridani fighters against either of his widely separated task groups would be difficult to defend against. He receives a summons directly from the General Secretary to attend another emergency Politburo meeting within the hour to 'discuss the latest developments'. The General Secretary does not sound particularly happy.

Just before the meeting begins, a second Eridani task group emerges into Sol. This comprises three more Enterprise Mod 1 carriers, nine Cerberus class Monitors, a Virginia class cruiser, two Darings, three Spruances and another two hundred fighters. It remains in Sol for ten minutes, allowing Soviet sensors to get a good look, and then vanishes through the jump gate to Epsilon Eridani. Although the Soviets were aware of the existence of the Cerberus class, as three monitors are deployed at the Sol - Gorshkov jump points, their intelligence agencies had assumed the class had three units, not twelve. The sixth Enterprise class carrier, Clemenceau, is a surprise to them as well. President von Kolbe hopes this display of military might will finally quash any Soviet optimism regarding their chances in an all out war against the Eridani Republic.

After suffering the wrath of the incandescent General Secretary for several minutes, Admiral Melnikov is finally asked to explain to the Politburo how the Soviet Union is supposed to extricate itself from the current situation. The General Secretary points out that allowing the new Chinese ships to reach Earth is unacceptable and a full scale war with the Eridani Republic would be catastrophic, even if the Soviet Union could inflict massive damage on NATO. Melnikov is forced to admit there are no good solutions to the current crisis and he suggests that some form of negotiated settlement with the Chinese would appear to be the best option, even if that means some concessions of the part of the Soviet Union. The General Secretary informs Melnikov that he is no longer in command of the Soviet Union's armed forces. Instead he is demoted to Rear Admiral and assigned to one of the Chinese-built Jiangweis picketing the Sol - Gorshkov jump point, almost six billion kilometers from Earth. In the space age, the Soviet Union has more distant options than Siberia.

Rear Admiral Slavik Borisov, who commanded the Soviet forces during the Kostinbrod Conquest and is currently on board the cruiser Slava, is promoted to Vice Admiral and replaces Admiral Melnikov. Even though Borisov is well known as an aggressive and ruthless commander and no fan of Melnikov, he is also a realist. In a video-conference with the Politburo, he agrees with the recommendation of his predecessor and suggests that negotiations be opened quickly before the Eridani ships reach Earth. The Politburo cannot fire every Admiral who takes a position they don't like and Borisov bears no responsibility for the planning or execution of the Second Sino-Soviet war. Therefore they decide to attempt negotiations. Besides, as Vice Admiral Borisov points out, any settlement can be torn up if the strategic situation improves.

The starting point for the Chinese negotiators is the return of all industry and shipping that was taken from them at the end of the first Sino-Soviet war. The Soviet negotiators almost walk out of the talks on the spot. While the Soviet Union is concerned that its shipyards may be lost in a war with the Eridani, its leaders would rather take their chances in a war than lose a significant portion of their industry. The Chinese maintain they have nothing to lose and if they don't get their industry back, they would rather than it was destroyed by their new fleet or by the Eridani. The Soviets point out that they do have something to lose. They now have a chance to be a Trans-Newtonian power again. Are they really going to throw that away and embrace what would amount to a mutual suicide pact?

President von Kolbe announces that in the interests of finding a peaceful solution and allowing time for negotiations to take place, his ships will halt their approach towards Earth if the Soviet Union ceases its ground assault against Hainan Five. Von Kolbe is  aware he has succeeded in weakening the Soviet Union and does not want excessive Chinese demands to push them into a corner. The Soviet Politburo decides to agree to a ceasefire on the basis that the threat of the ships imminent arrival being removed will improve their negotiating position, although some members insists von Kolbe is demonstrating weakness and this move shows he was never serious about confronting the Soviet fleet. The Chinese demand their ships be delivered immediately. Von Kolbe politely refuses, pointing out his intent is to assist the peaceful liberation of the Chinese, not push the Sol system into all out war. He explains to both sides that if the Soviets refuse to negotiate in good faith, his fleet will continue its approach and if the Chinese make demands that could push the Soviets into an unwanted conflict, the ships will turn around. The People's Republic and the Soviet Union find themselves in the unusual position of being the object of political manipulation rather than the originator.

The negotiations continue for several days, aided by Eridani facilitators. Eventually a settlement is arrived at that neither side is very happy with but is good enough to avoid a war. The Chinese end their reparation payments and receive a number of installations and ships from the Soviet Union (shown below). With a further reduction in wealth, the Soviet Union cannot use all of its construction factories anyway and the maintenance facilities were not needed on Alpha Centauri-B III, which can already support the largest Soviet ships. The Soviet Union had no use for the Genetic Modification Centres. The single shipyard and limited number of returned research facilities were a problem for the Chinese but this was one area where the Soviet negotiators simply refused to give any more ground. In overall terms the number of installations returned is far less than the original number given to the Soviet Union but is enough to give the Chinese a real start in rebuilding their economy. The Eridani Republic also agrees to provide the Chinese with a military shipyard with a single slipway of 6000 ton capacity and eleven spare maintenance facilities. Thirteen Chinese-built colony ships are transferred back to their original owners. The Soviet Union has twenty-seven Soviet-built colony ships in operation which are faster than the old Chinese ships, plus the colony ships of the seven Soviet shipping lines. The two shipping lines that were originally Chinese have been assimilated into the Soviet economy and have no wish to return to Chinese ownership. The Soviet-occupied Chinese colonies on Mars and 70 Ophuichi III are returned to the Chinese, mainly because it was something the Soviets could give away that had great symbolic value but little economic value, and the Chinese regain their sovereignty over the Bernard's Star chain. Finally, twenty thousands tons of minerals are transferred, intended for the construction of construction factories, automated mines and ordnance factories.

Assets Transferred to People's Republic of China
1x Commercial Shipyard (1 x 40,000 slipway)
1x Naval Shipyard (1 x 6,000 slipway) - from Eridani Republic
200x Construction Factory
150x Mine
100x Fuel Refinery
5x Research Facility
35x Maintenance Facility (+11 from Eridani)
1x Deep Space Tracking Station
8x Genetic Modification Centre
1x Naval Academy
5000x Duranium, 5000x Corundium, 5000x Tritanium, 5000x Vendarite
5,000,000 Litres of Fuel

3x Luda II class Colony Ship
10x Luda class Colony Ship

12th December 2037
The peace treaty to end the brief Second Sino-Soviet war is signed in Beijing. The People's Republic is keen to exercise its new independence and the first reclaimed colony ships depart for the colony in 70 Ophuichi, which has a population of four million ethnic Chinese. Conversion of manned mining complexes to automated mines begins and retooling of the Soviet shipyard to build Xian II class freighters gets underway. The Eridani Republic and China jointly announce a new mutual defence pact, giving China a powerful ally to defend it against the Soviet Union and giving the Eridani an allied presence in the Sol system. The Chinese regard the defence pact as a significant achievement and believe they have by far the best of the bargain. President von Kolbe and Admiral Thorn are preparing for what they regard as an inevitable future clash with the Soviet Union and want the first Soviet blow to fall on the Chinese rather than on Epsilon Eridani. To celebrate the pact, the Eridani provide the Chinese with a thousand tons of each Trans-Newtonian mineral, to support the Chinese economy until their automated mines can come on line.

14th December 2037
In the midst of its recovery from the disaster in Kostinbrod, the Soviet Union has been shaken by another severe blow to both its prestige and its industrial might. In the short term, the wealth gained from the Kostinbrod conquest will sustain production. In the long term, the outlook is bleak. The new head of the Soviet Navy, Admiral Slavik Borisov, is instructed to determine a long term strategy to improve the Soviet Union's strategic situation, in particular protecting its vulnerable industrial assets, and to look at potential military solutions to its economic problems. One small item of good news is that the first Project 1218B 'Lebedev-B' Salvage Vessel is launched by the commercial shipyard in orbit of Alpha Centauri-B III. The Soviet Union is at least capable of mounting salvage operations once more.

15th December 2037
The reaction in the NATO countries to the recent events is profound. The leaders of several countries send strongly worded protests to the Eridani Republic, protesting that their nations were endangered by reckless Eridani actions. Many of their citizens see a very different picture. To them, the mighty and feared Soviet Union has been humbled and weakened by the Eridani Republic, all without firing a shot in anger. In opinion polls, the favourability ratings of the Eridani Republic and President von Kolbe reach record levels. There are demonstrations in several cities insisting that governments increase the availability of colony ship berths.

16th December 2037
The Eridani Republic launches the first two Hermes II class Fuel Harvester Bases. Concerned that the existing fuel harvesters in orbit of Tau Ceti IV would not be sufficient to meet the needs of the growing Eridani (at the time, NATO) fleet, President von Kolbe authorized the construction of the new, larger fuel harvesters in the shipyard that was used to build the Mackenzie class maintenance vessels. The two Hercules class Tugs begin towing the bases to their new home.

Hermes II class Fuel Harvester Base    123,300 tons     1321 Crew     2039 BP      TCS 2466  TH 0  EM 0
1 km/s     Armour 1-220     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 10 MSP    Max Repair 60 MSP
Fuel Harvester: 24 modules producing 960000 litres per annum

Fuel Capacity 1,000,000 Litres    Range N/A
Guardian CIWS (2x6)    Range 1000 km     TS: 16000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit

1st January 2038
Admiral Slavik Borisov gives his report to the Politburo. The overriding long-term priority of the Soviet Union must be to transfer the bulk of its industry and population into Alpha Centauri as quickly as possible, which will provide the same level of protection for Soviet industry as Epsilon Eridani provides for Eridani industry. The first Soviet tugs are under construction and moving the Soviet shipyards will be their most important task. Borisov states the Soviet Union must make achievement of the above goal not just a political strategy but an inspiration for the Soviet people. He suggests that the Alpha Centauri-B III colony be renamed Novaya Zemlya, or New Land, and the colony must become the new home of the Soviet people, in both a literal and psychological sense. Sufficient propaganda must be used to make colonization of this new world an aspiration for all Soviet citizens. Aiding this effort is the movement of Alpha Centauri-B, which is approaching its closest point to the Sol jump point in its eighty year orbit around Alpha Centauri-A. It will remain within half a billion kilometers for 2-3 years, after which it will gradually move away again until it reaches its furthest point of six point five billion kilometers.

From a military perspective, Borisov states that any major conflict in the Sol system must be avoided until Soviet industry and a substantial proportion of the Soviet population is safely in Alpha Centauri. A military solution to the looming economic crisis will have to be sought elsewhere. He recommends completely re-orienting the Soviet focus from the current expansion route through the Gorshkov system to a new expansion route via the Ross 154 system, which lies beyond Alpha Centauri's inner jump point. The existing axis of expansion uses a route through the Sol system, where the movement of all Soviet ships can be observed by NATO, the Eridani Republic and China, and the Sol - Gorshkov jump point is five point six billion kilometers from Sol in the outer system, hardly an ideal location. It is also a very dangerous route as Gorshkov is bordered by Kostinbrod, where the Invaders and the Houma are probably engaged in combat, Gliese 908, where the Goavelha Host has mounted a very strong jump point defence, and 82 Eridani, where NATO units of a joint Soviet - NATO task group suffered significant damage in combat against another alien race which the Soviet Union has yet to directly encounter.

Ross 154 connects directly to Alpha Centauri and has two additional jump points. The first leads to Wolf 1061, which has two colony cost 2.00 planets that could be terraformed into habitable worlds and one of those has alien ruins. Beyond Wolf 1061 are five other known systems, two of which have potential terraforming targets, including a colony cost 1.10 world in Kuiper 75, five transits from Alpha Centauri. Kuiper 75 is the only system beyond Wolf 1061 that has not been surveyed and is the only possible location for future expansion from the chain as none of the other systems have unexplored jump points. The second jump point from Ross 154 leads to Wolf 922 which in turns connects to the Goavelha system of Gliese 908. Unlike the Gliese 908 - Gorshkov jump point, the Gliese 908 - Wolf 922 jump point is undefended, or at least it was in September 2035 when the Soviet survey ship Mars transited from Wolf 922. In summary, Borisov believes that changing the axis of Soviet expansion to the route through Ross 154 would open up several worlds to possible colonization and allow a surprise attack on the Goavelha, all of which would take place away from the prying eyes of the other human powers. He recommends that one last effort be made in Gorshkov in order to salvage several Goavelha wrecks in that system and then all Soviet ships, including the Sol - Gorshkov picket, should be withdrawn into Alpha Centauri and the Ross 154 chain. In addition, to aid in any eventual attack on the Goavelha Host he recommends the design of a small, stealthy scout ship that can enter Gliese 908 and gain information on Goavelha strength and deployments.

5th January 2038
The ex-NATO Martian colony, which declared independence on November 30th 2027, petitions to join the Eridani Republic with the same status as any other colony world. While independence is welcome after years of neglect by NATO, the complete lack of Trans-Newtonian industry means the Martian colonists are planet-bound and unable to defend themselves. A plebiscite was held and an overwhelming majority voted to negotiate with the Eridani. The negotiations run very smoothly and the ex-NATO colony becomes the sixth colony of the Eridani Republic. There are also Chinese and Soviet colonies on Mars so the Republic makes no claim on the planet or nearby space.

10th January 2038
The Eridani light carriers Indomitable and Invincible complete their refits to the Mod 2 standard.

20th January 2038
The Bath Iron Works shipyard that recently refitted the Eridani light carriers begins retooling to build the Eridani class Missile Cruiser. Although this is a direct descendant of the Virginia class cruiser and will fulfill a similar role, it has been completely redesigned. The engines are two generations more advanced and the sensor suite has almost twice the capability. The most familiar aspect of the Eridani class is the battery of four 20cm C4 Ultraviolet Lasers, which are unchanged from the Virginia. Their fire control has been substantially upgraded to provide the tracking speed required for a warship as fast as the Eridani. The eight Mk2 Guided Missile Launching Systems of the Virginia, with their forty second reload time, have been replaced by one hundred and fifty box launchers, allowing the Eridani to fire a salvo of overwhelming power when necessary while retaining the option to use smaller salvos when required. Even with box launchers, the overall magazine space has been increased by twenty-five percent.

Rather than use a specialized missile and fire control, the Eridani class uses the same fire control system as the F-24D Cobra and will carry the same AGM-1D Sabre anti-ship missile. This will make ordnance production decisions and long-range logistics far easier than in the past. While this means the Eridani class will have shorter ranged missiles than its potential Soviet opponents, the Eridani Republic relies on fighters for long-range strikes. The Eridani class is intended as a mid-range combatant. The relatively low resolution of the SN/APG-43 Missile Fire Control will allow this cruiser to engage FACs at twenty-seven million kilometers, which will prove useful against opponents such as the Swarm. Both ECM and ECCM are included in the electronic suite, which will increase both survivability and the range at which the Eridani class can engage ECM-protected opponents.

Eridani class Missile Cruiser    15,000 tons     1016 Crew     2718 BP      TCS 300  TH 2100  EM 0
7000 km/s     Armour 7-54     Shields 0-0     Sensors 16/36/0/0     Damage Control Rating 8     PPV 114
Annual Failure Rate: 225%    IFR: 3.1%    Maint Capacity 906 MSP    Max Repair 180 MSP    Est Time: 1.62 Years
Magazine 600   

Rolls Royce RR100 IC Fusion Drive (21)    Power 100    Fuel Use 60%    Signature 100    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 300,000 Litres    Range 60.0 billion km   (99 days at full power)

20cm C4 Ultraviolet Laser (4)    Range 320,000km     TS: 7000 km/s     Power 10-4     RM 4    ROF 15     10 10 10 10 8 6 5 5 4 4
SN/SPG-50 Beam Fire Control (1)    Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 7500 km/s     97 94 91 88 84 81 78 75 72 69
Tokamak Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 16    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Mk3 Box Launcher (150)    Missile Size 4    Hangar Reload 30 minutes    MF Reload 5 hours
SN/APG-43 Missile Fire Control (3)     Range 110.6m km    Resolution 40
AGM-1D Sabre Anti-Ship Missile (150)  Speed: 45,000 km/s   End: 27.8m    Range: 75m km   WH: 6   Size: 4   TH: 150 / 90 / 45

SN/SPS-46 Area Search Sensor (1)     GPS 12960     Range 213.0m km    Resolution 120
SN/SQR-40 Thermal Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  16m km
SN/SLR-53 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  36m km
ECCM-1 (1)         ECM 20

16th February
Fleet Admiral Lobov, the fifth Soviet Project 1204B 'Atlant-B' missile cruiser, is launched from the Nikolayev South shipyard.

26th February 2038
Mao Trading, a newly formed Chinese shipping line, launches its first Xian II class freighter.

1st March 2038
Eridani engineers arrive at TW Piscis Austrini II to begin recovery work amid the alien ruins

10th March 2038
The Spanish general election is won in a landslide by a party dedicated to ensuring the successful emigration of the Spanish population to the Eridani Republic. Essentially, a party with manifesto to evacuate Spain. This sends political shockwaves around the world and emboldens similar parties in other NATO countries. There is talk in some political circles of Earth-based nations following the example of the NATO Martian colony and petioning to becoming part of the Eridani Republic.

15th March 2038
The Soviet Union delivers three engineer brigades to the third planet of Wolf 1061. They begin recovery of damaged installations within the ruined alien colony.

17th April 2038
The Soviet Union launches its first two Tugs. Their first mission is to tow a pair of Soviet shipyards into Alpha Centauri.

3rd May 2038
The People's Republic of China builds its first ship, a Xian II class freighter, since its liberation from Soviet domination.

15th May 2038
Pro-colonization parties are elected in the Netherlands and in Poland.

3rd June 2038
Irresistible, the sixth Illustrious Mod 2 light carrier, is launched from the Roanoke shipyards.

8th June 2038
The Soviet Union launches its first jump gate construction ship. While there is no immediate task for this ship, mainly because of the gate construction efforts of the Goavelha Host, it will be a very useful strategic asset in the future.

13th June 2038
Mikhail Kutuzov, the sixth Soviet Project 1221 'Nevsky' class cruiser, is launched from the 61 Kommuna shipyard in Earth orbit.

17th June 2038
The total population of the NATO countries on Earth falls below six hundred million. The growth of pro-colonization and pro-Eridani parties is accelerating. The Sun newspaper in the United Kingdom runs the headline 'Will the last one to leave Earth please turn off the lights'.

18th June 2038
The People's Republic of China completes the construction of enough maintenance facilities to support their 9000 ton Daring class area defence cruisers and Spruance class escorts. Maintenance of the Virginia class cruisers is not yet possible as they are 13,500 tons.

3rd July 2038
The Eridani Republic creates a fifth version of the venerable Sabre anti-ship missile. The AGM-1E has twenty percent greater range than the D-model due to recent advancements in fuel efficiency technology

AGM-1E Sabre anti-ship missile
Missile Size: 4 MSP  (0.2 HS)     Warhead: 6    Armour: 0     Manoeuvre Rating: 10
Speed: 45000 km/s    Endurance: 33 minutes   Range: 90.0m km
Cost Per Missile: 4.5
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 450%   3k km/s 150%   5k km/s 90%   10k km/s 45%
Materials Required:    1.5x Tritanium   2.75x Gallicite   Fuel x2500

28th August 2038
The Eridani Republic lays down the first units of two new classes. The Churchill class jump cruiser is the successor to the Alexander class and has several significant improvements. The Blohm + Voss BV1500-V500 Jump Drive jump drive is capable of carrying out a squadron transit of five ships and is powerful enough for those ships to emerge up to 500,000 kilometers from the jump point on the far side. This makes the Churchill ideal for assaults on defended jump points. This cruiser has the best sensor suite of any NATO or Eridani vessel to date. The recently developed SN/SPY-47 Area Surveillance Array has a range of over two billion kilometers and the SN/SLR-55 EM Detection Sensor has a sensitivity approaching that of a deep space tracking station. The SN/SPY-48 Small Target Detection System is specifically designed to detect hostile FACs and can do so at up to two hundred and sixty million kilometers. Speed is in line with the 7000 km/s requirement for all new Eridani military designs

Churchill class Jump Cruiser    15,000 tons     1393 Crew     4665 BP      TCS 300  TH 2100  EM 0
7000 km/s    JR 5-500     Armour 5-54     Shields 0-0     Sensors 16/180/0/0     Damage Control Rating 15     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 120%    IFR: 1.7%    Maint Capacity 2916 MSP    Max Repair 1190 MSP    Est Time: 1.52 Years
Flag Bridge   

Blohm + Voss BV1500-V500 Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 15000 tons    Distance 500k km     Squadron Size 5
Rolls Royce RR100 IC Fusion Drive (21)    Power 100    Fuel Use 60%    Signature 100    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 100.0 billion km   (165 days at full power)

Guardian CIWS (1x6)    Range 1000 km     TS: 16000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
SN/SPY-48 Small Target Detection System (1)     GPS 6480     Range 260.8m km    Resolution 20
SN/SPY-47 Area Surveillance Array (1)     GPS 129600     Range 2,129.5m km    Resolution 120
SN/SQR-40 Thermal Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  16m km
SN/SLR-55 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 180     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  180m km
ECM 20

The Sentinel class escort cruiser is designed for close protection of high value units, such as fleet carriers, and can produce a sustained barrage of defensive fire from its twenty-four 10cm C3 Ultraviolet Laser Turrets. Four SN/SPG-51 Beam Fire Control systems provide tracking at up to 20,000 km/s. The Sentinel is the replacement for the Spruance class destroyer escort, which was originally intended to counter mass Soviet missile strikes. The Spruance has not been particularly successful and the Sentinel was designed to take account of the lessons learned during the operational life of its predecessor. Once the Sentinel is in service the remaining Spruances will either be scrapped or sold.

Sentinel class Escort Cruiser    13,500 tons     1453 Crew     2851 BP      TCS 270  TH 1900  EM 0
7037 km/s     Armour 6-50     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 5     PPV 96
Annual Failure Rate: 291%    IFR: 4%    Maint Capacity 660 MSP    Max Repair 120 MSP    Est Time: 1.44 Years

Rolls Royce RR100 IC Fusion Drive (19)    Power 100    Fuel Use 60%    Signature 100    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 300,000 Litres    Range 66.7 billion km   (109 days at full power)

Single 10cm C3 Ultraviolet Laser Turret (24x1)   Range 80,000km   TS: 20900 km/s   Power 3-3   RM 4  ROF 5   3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
SN/SPG-51 Beam Fire Control (4)    Max Range: 80,000 km   TS: 20000 km/s     88 75 62 50 38 25 12 0 0 0
Small Tokamak Fusion Reactor  (1)     Total Power Output 8    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Tokamak Fusion Reactor (4)     Total Power Output 64    Armour 0    Exp 5%

SN/SPN-49 Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 4320     Range 71.0m km    Resolution 120
SN/SPS-52 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 36     Range 6.5m km    Resolution 1
ECM 20

10th September 2038
The new government of the Federal Republic of Germany officially adopts a policy of evacuation to the Eridani Republic. This is regarded by many analysts as a tipping point. Germany is a key member of NATO and since the secession of the Eridani Republic has the third largest economy in the alliance after the United States and Japan.

18th September 2038
A Soviet salvage fleet completes its work in the Gorshkov system and heads for the Sol jump point. The last two FAC deployed in the system are ordered to depart, leaving just a pair of garrison battalions and two deep space tracking stations on the captured Goavelha colony. These will both be evacuated as soon as possible.

2nd October 2038
A new Eridani colony is established on Tau Ceti V. The planet has a breathable atmosphere but a surface temperature of -54C. Once the current terraforming operations on the Bermuda colony in Epsilon Eridani are complete, terraforming efforts will focus on Tau Ceti V.

3rd October 2038
The People's Republic of China completes construction of its second Xian II class freighter.

10th October 2038
Allies of Eridani President Arno von Kolbe within the Eridani Legislature take advantage of the President's immense popularity to pass a bill to amend the constitution. A two-thirds majority is easily achieved and the restriction preventing re-election of a sitting President is removed.

12th October 2038
Marshal Voroshilov, a Soviet Project 1200 class escort cruiser, is refitted to a Project 1200B 'Berkut-B'. All six of the Project 1200s which were still in service have now been refitted to the 1200B, which means all Soviet cruisers are capable of 5333 km/s. The battlecruisers and aviation cruisers still have a top speed of 4000 km/s as there is no longer a Soviet shipyard large enough to refit them. The original shipyard was destroyed in the first Sino-Soviet war.

1st November 2038
The population of the Eridani Republic is well over a billion, more than double the five hundred and sixteen million inhabitants of NATO countries on Earth

2nd November 2038
Soviet gravitational survey ships completes a survey of Kuiper 75, revealing it to be a dead-end system. This means that all six systems beyond the outer jump point of Ross 154 form a closed jump chain. The only expansion route from the entire Alpha Centauri chain is now via the inner jump point of Ross 154, which leads to the Goavelha systems of Wolf 922 and Gliese 908. Soviet colonization efforts will focus on the eight Soviet-claimed systems of the Alpha Centauri chain. As per Admiral Borisov's report to the Politburo several months earlier, all Soviet military planning will be concentrated on an eventual offensive into Gliese 908.

3rd November 2038
The Soviet Union launches a Project 1228 'Azov' class scout, the first in a new class that features a prototype Soviet cloaking device. The cloak will reduce the active sensor signature of the Project 1228 to same as that of a ship of 600 tons. The engines are of a new type that reduce thermal emissions by twenty-five percent. While the maximum speed is low for a modern ship, it will very likely operate at minimal speeds anyway to reduce its thermal signature. Soviet scientists are already working on technology to further reduce thermal engine emissions. As well as a jump drive, the Azov is equipped with excellent passive sensors for a ship of its size. Its first mission will be a stealthy probe into Wolf 922.

Project 1228 'Azov' class Scout    3,000 tons     308 Crew     518 BP      TCS 12  TH 120  EM 0
2666 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1-18     Shields 0-0     Sensors 18/55/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 18%    IFR: 0.2%    Maint Capacity 432 MSP    Max Repair 200 MSP    Est Time: 4.4 Years

NPO Energomash RD-360 Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 3600 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
NPO Reduced Signature MPD (2)    Power 80    Fuel Use 60%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 50.0 billion km   (217 days at full power)

Thermal Sensor TH3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Gurzhor-55 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 55     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  55m km
Cloaking Device: Class cross-section reduced to 20% of normal

The Eridani Republic completes the refit of Decisive from a Daring Mod 1 to a Daring Mod 1A. Because of the larger size and advanced systems of the Daring Mod 2, it is not economically viable to refit the Mod 1s to the Mod 2 design. Instead the Mod 1A variant is a straightforward engine replacement for the Mod 1, increasing their speed to 7000 km/s while retaining all of their other systems. The seven remaining Daring Mod 1s will be upgraded one at a time over the next few years.

Daring Mod 1A class Area Defence Cruiser    10,700 tons     872 Crew     2204 BP      TCS 214  TH 1500  EM 0
7009 km/s     Armour 5-43     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 20
Annual Failure Rate: 152%    IFR: 2.1%    Maint Capacity 772 MSP    Max Repair 252 MSP    Est Time: 1.5 Years
Magazine 1040   

Rolls Royce RR100 IC Fusion Drive (15)    Power 100    Fuel Use 60%    Signature 100    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 56.1 billion km   (92 days at full power)

Mk5 Guided Missile Launching System (20)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
SN/SPG-31 Anti-Missile Fire Control (4)     Range 35.3m km    Resolution 1
RIM-8B Stiletto (1040)  Speed: 40,000 km/s   End: 2.5m    Range: 6m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 373 / 224 / 112

SN/SPN-27 Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 1680     Range 30.4m km    Resolution 60
SN/SPS-30 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 252     Range 35.3m km    Resolution 1

10th November 2038
The strains within NATO have actually increased since the secession of the Eridani Republic. Newly elected leaders are almost all in favour of emigration to the Eridani Republic and building a safer and more prosperous future for NATO citizens in the Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti systems. The longer-serving leaders, which remain in power primarily because no elections have been held during the past year, still maintain their Earth First policy and are trying to hold on to what little power and influence they still retain.

18th November 2038
The Soviet Union launches a new Project 1204B 'Atlant-B' class missile cruiser

28th November 2038
The stealthy Soviet scout ship Azov transits into Wolf 922 from Ross 154 and heads for the jump point to Gliese 908, the system in which a major Goavelha population is located.

15th December 2038
Azov reaches the Wolf 922 - Gliese 908 jump point without detecting any Goavelha ships. She enters Gliese 908 and immediately picks up thermal and EM emissions from the Goavelha population on the second planet. Based on the sensor signature, the population is slightly larger than the Soviet Earth-based population of one point five billion. Keeping her speed down to 1000 km/s, the scout begins to move around the system, between the orbits of the seventh and eighth planets. There are several wrecks in Gliese 908, four of which are at the jump point to Gorshkov and include the NATO and Soviet scout ships destroyed in June 2033, a small Kostinbrod ship and a Goavelha ship. There are five wrecks in the inner system, ranging from 1000 tons to 14,800 tons, none of which can be identified.

1st January 2039
Alpha Centauri-B moves within four hundred and fifty million kilometers of the Sol jump point. For the next forty years, the star will gradually move further away.

19th January 2039
Azov has circled around to the far side of the inner system from the Wolf 922 jump point and is slowly closing on the populated world at 500 km/s when she detects thermal signatures from two units of a previously unknown Goavelha ship type, designated as Beowulf class, at a distance of thirty million kilometers. There is great concern among the bridge crew that the stealthy scout has been detected. However it quickly becomes apparent the two Beowulfs are on a course toward the moons of the eighth planet and don't appear to be aware of Azov's presence. Captain 2nd Rank Mikhail Alexeyev, commanding the Azov, orders his helmsman to move away from the path of the Goavelha ships, maintaining a speed of 500 km/s, so that they will pass astern.

The tension level on the Azov increases considerably when a further twenty-five ships are detected in the same location as the Beowulfs as they move within twenty-four million kilometers. The thermal signature of the Beowulf class is 1980 while the thermal signatures of the newly detected ships are all 1320. Fourteen are of the previously unknown Ragnarok class and four more are Hrothgars, also a new class. The rest comprise five Loki class, one Vithar class and one Jormugandr. Units of all three classes were detected during the brief June 2033 visit to the system, although these are previously unseen ships. The Goavelha fleet is moving at 4782 km/s so it seems unlikely these are freighters or other types of commercial shipping. The twelve Goavelha ships that pursued and destroyed the Soviet cruiser Gorshkov six years ago were of the Freya and Hodur classes.

Captain Alexeyev breathes a silent sigh of relief when the twenty-seven Goavelha ships pass within nineteen million kilometers of Azov without altering their course and begin moving further away. The smaller signatures disappear from Soviet sensor screens and Alexeyev believes the excitement is over. Suddenly, at twenty-five million kilometers, an active sensor signature is detected from one of the Hrothgars. Tension ratchets up once again but there is still no change of course by the Goavelha. Alexeyev's tactical officer suggests an occasional active sensor sweep may be a standard procedure for the Goavelha, rather than a sign they have detected the Azov. Thirty minutes later, emissions from the Goavelha active sensor cease. Captain Alexeyev decides to maintain his ship's heading for two hours to avoid any Goavelha ships following the same course as the receding fleet before turning back toward the inner system.

Twenty-seven hours after contact with the Goavelha fleet is lost, it reappears on a reciprocal course, heading back toward the inner system and passing within twenty-two million kilometers of the Soviet scout. There are active sensor emissions from two ships but again no sign that Azov has been detected.

25th January 2039
The People's Republic of China establishes a small automated mining colony on Mercury.

4th February 2039
A long-range Eridani colony expedition lands 300,000 colonists on TW Piscis Austrini II, five jumps from Epsilon Eridani. The planet is the site of alien ruins and was guarded by Golem warships. Although the atmosphere is easily breathable, the surface temperature is -52C. Fortunately, habitable biodomes were discovered within the ruins with the potential to support over two million inhabitants. TW Piscis Austrini II has deposits of all eleven Trans-Newtonian minerals, albeit at very low accessibility with the exception of Duranium and Sorium, which are at 1.0 and 0.6 respectively.

18th February 2039
The first three Daring Mod 2 area defence cruisers are launched from the BAE Systems shipyard in Roanoke orbit.

20th February 2039
Moving at 200 km/s, Azov reaches the orbit of the third planet and detects active sensor emissions from two ships, designated as Norn class, in orbit of the populated second planet. Slowly, she spirals in toward the star, passing behind Gliese 908-A II in its orbit at a distance of forty million kilometers. She reduces speed to 100 km/s and heads for the innermost planet, where Captain Alexeyev intends to enter orbit and shut down his ship's engines to reduce her thermal signature to almost zero. As the scout moves further in-system, she detects a fleet of ten Goavelha construction ships holding position just outside the orbit of the second planet.

28th February 2039
Azov arrives in orbit of Gliese 908-A I and shuts down her engines. The planet is thirty-eight million kilometers from the populated world of Gliese 908-A II, which is currently at the far side of the star, but will pass within nineteen million kilometers at the closest point of its orbit. As the inner planet orbits the star every ten point four days, this will allow Azov to get a fairly close look at Gliese 908-A II and its environs without a betraying thermal signature.

3rd March 2039
The Soviet Union launches Aleksander Suvurov, the sixth Project 1221 'Nevsky' class railgun-armed cruiser. After a period of rebuilding, the Soviet Navy has recovered from the debacle in Kostinbrod. Its active warship strength includes two battlecruisers, two aviation cruisers, six Project 1204-B missile cruisers, six Project 1200-B escort cruisers, six Project 1221 'Nevsky' class railgun-armed cruisers, two Project 1220 'Nikolayev' class jump cruisers, four Chinese-built Jiangwei class cruisers and forty-one FACs, half of which are railgun-armed. A seventh Project 1204-B is under construction and should be completed within two months. All twenty Soviet-built cruisers are capable of 5333 km/s, while the larger battlecruisers and aviation cruisers have a maximum speed of 4000 km/s.

4th March 2039
The orbits of Gliese 908-A I and Gliese 908-A II bring them to their closest point. Azov detects thermal signatures for all the ships that she recently encountered near the eighth planet plus signatures of strength-1200 for ten ships of the previously unknown Saga class. All the latest information is sent to Novaya Zemlya via the jump gate network.

8th March 2039
After consulting with the Politburo, Admiral Slavik Borisov gives to go-ahead for a Soviet assault on the Gliese 908 system. The deciding factors are the lack of any Goavelha picket at the Gliese 908 - Wolf 922 jump point and the 4782 km/s speed of the Goavelha ships detected by Azov. The Soviet warships involved in the assault will only include those ships capable of 5333 km/s, which should allow them to fight a battle at a range of their choosing. The slower battlecruisers and aviation cruisers will remain in Alpha Centauri to guard the system. Four Hegu-B troop transports will carry the newly reformed 4th Guards 'Kantemirovskaya' Tank Division as far as the Ross 154 - Wolf 922 jump point where they will be joined by five Project 1210 'Moskalenko' landing ships. The ground assault forces will remain there until the outcome of the anticipated naval engagement is known.

30th March 2008
At one minute past midnight, twenty Soviet cruisers under the command of Rear Admiral Vadim Zhukov transit into Gliese 908 from Wolf 922 and set course for the inner system. Zhukov, currently on board Chervona Ukrayina, has previously commanded two other cruisers within his task group; the Project 1204B missile cruiser Varyag and Alexander Nevsky, the lead ship of the Project 1221 'Nevsky' class. He also commanded the missile cruiser Sevastopol, which was lost in Kostinbrod, during the First Sino-Soviet war. He has a reputation for impatience but has proved himself to be a capable captain. This will be his first engagement as a task group commander.

Within minutes of the arrival of the Soviet task group, Azov detects many ships leaving orbit of Gliese 908-A II, which is on the same side of the star as the Wolf 922 jump point. Ten Saga class ships head in-system at 1658 km/s, away from the Soviet force and on a course that will take them close to the innermost planet where Azov is hiding. A fleet of two Beowulfs, fourteen Ragnaroks, five Lokis, four Hrothgars, a Vithar and a Jormungandr sets a course toward the Lagrange point of Gliese IV at a speed of 4782 km/s. Rear Admiral Vadim Zhukov believes they will jump to the Lagrange point of the sixth planet, which is nearer his own task group. Eighteen minutes after their departure, Azov loses their thermal signatures but can still detect active sensor emissions from a Hrothgar class. She also loses thermal contact with the ten construction ships parked up just outside the orbit of the second planet. Presumably they are heading away from the threat.

At 07.58, the Goavelha fleet reaches the Lagrange point of Gliese IV and Azov can no longer detect active emissions from the Hrothgar. The assumption is that the Goavelha have made the intra-system jump to the orbit of Gliese VI. For the moment though, its exact whereabouts cannot be confirmed. At 10.03, the Voskhod-4600 active sensor on Nikolayev, a Project 1220 jump cruiser, detects two 33,850 ton ships at three hundred and forty-three million kilometers, almost directly between the Soviet task group and the inner system. Both ships are of the previously unknown Skadi class and are moving away at 1328 km/s. Zhukov's staff officers classify them as probable freighters.

(see attachment)

Online Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 03:57:05 AM »
At 10.21, two Beowulfs, fourteen Ragnaroks and four Hrothgars are detected at the same distance, heading toward the task group from the Gliese 908 VI Lagrange point. The Beowulfs are 20,700 tons and the other ships are all 13,800 tons. Sixty seconds later, the five Lokis, the Vithar and the Jormungandr, all of which are 13,800 tons, are detected 800,000 km behind the first group.

Each of the six Project 1204B missile cruisers in the Soviet task group is armed with eighty P-505 Garpun-C anti-ship missiles, the latest missile in the Soviet inventory, which has onboard active sensors, a speed of 32,000 km/s, a strength-9 warhead and a range of ninety million kilometers. The six Project 1200B 'Berkut' escort cruisers each have a secondary armament of twenty-four P-506 Palash-B anti-ship missiles, also capable of 32,000 km/s which have a strength-8 warhead and a range of eighty-five million kilometers. Rear Admiral Zhukov intends to launch his main strike from long range then close to energy range and use the powerful railgun batteries on the six Nevskys, supported by the secondary railgun armament of the Project 1204Bs.

At 14.30, with the Goavelha two hundred million kilometers away, the situation changes dramatically. Thirty-three additional ships are detected within the Goavelha fleet. All are 6850 tons and were not detected earlier due to the Voskhod-4600 having a resolution of 180. The new ships include eighteen Midgard class, eight Heimdall class, four Kolga class and three Berserker class. Units of all four classes were detected during the brief June 2033 incursion into Gliese 908, although none of the actual ships detected in this Goavelha fleet have been seen before. The Goavelha force now comprises sixty ships, outnumbering the Soviet task group 3-1 and out-massing it by 2.25-1. Rear Admiral Zhukov reports the situation to Admiral Borisov and requests instructions. His concern is that if the Goavelha fleet is mainly armed with missiles, even the powerful anti-missile defences of his task group may be overwhelmed.

Admiral Borisov is faced with a dilemma. If he orders Zhukov to fight and his task group is lost or suffers serious casualties, the Soviet Union will be without an effective naval force. On the other hand, if he orders a retreat the Goavelha Host will very likely fortify the Wolf 922 jump point and the Soviet Union may be unable to re-enter the system without heavy casualties. A third consideration is that with only six hundred anti-ship missiles on board his ships, it is unlikely Rear Admiral Zhukov could destroy more than a fraction of the enemy force, especially given the likely weight of point defence fire, and an energy-range engagement against a superior enemy force would be unwise. After a brief conversation with the General Secretary, Admiral Borisov orders Zhukov to withdraw into Wolf 922 and monitor the jump point to Gliese 908 from a safe distance. So far the Goavelha Host has shown a reluctance to deploy its military outside its home system. Borisov hopes that policy will remain until the Soviet Union can significantly increase the power of its own fleet.

March 31st 2039
At 04:46, the Soviet task group transits into Wolf 922 and sets course for the Ross 154 jump point. The pursuing Goavelha fleet was two hundred and twelve million kilometers astern when the Soviets left Gliese 908. At 17.16, with the task group two hundred and forty million kilometers from the Wolf 922 - Gliese 908 jump point, four Hrothgars and twelve Ragnaroks use a squadron transit to jump into the system in four groups of four. This suggests very strongly that the Hrothgar is a jump cruiser. All sixteen ships begin pursuing the Soviet task group. Almost thirty minutes into the pursuit there is no sign of any additional Goavelha ships transiting into Wolf 922 so Rear Admiral Zhukov decides to turn and fight, intending to destroy a significant fraction of the Goavelha Host's warship strength while determining their general level of technology.

Each of the twelve Ragnarok class ships is targeted by forty Garpun-Cs and each Hrothgar is targeted by twenty-four Palash-Bs. Two Project 1200Bs retain their Palash-Bs to finish off any cripples. The Soviet task group launches at 22:13, when the two fleets are seventy-seven million kilometers apart. There is no sign of any anti-missile fire and the Soviet anti-ship missiles rapidly close on their targets, spreading out slightly to engage the four separated Goavelha squadrons.

Chaos ensures as the five hundred and seventy-six missiles reach their targets. Eighty-seven are destroyed by point blank point defence fire and approximately twenty percent of the rest miss the wildly evading Goavelha warships. While Soviet sensors cannot sort out the exact events in the few seconds that follow, they record three hundred and thirty-four strength-9 warhead detonations, sixty-eight strength-8 warhead detonations and fourteen separate secondary explosions. Three Ragnarok class ships are completely destroyed and the thirteen other ships all suffer varying degrees of internal damage. Undeterred by the onslaught, the Goavelha ships all continue to advance at their best speed, ranging from 4564 km/s for a pair of Hrothgars to 869 km/s for a crippled Ragnarok. Rear Admiral Zhukov orders the escort cruisers Marshal Timoshenko and Marshal Voroshilov to launch their missiles at the two least damaged Hrothgars then orders all his ships to close in for an energy engagement. Twenty-five minutes after launch the forty-eight P-506 Palash-Bs destroy one target and cripple the other, reducing its speed to 1086 km/s.

The twelve remaining Goavelha ships are soon strung out in a long column, stretching for millions of kilometers. At midnight, with the closest Goavelha ship at fifteen million kilometers, a single incoming missile is detected. Admiral Isakov launches a trio of 9K50 Strela-25 anti-missiles and destroys it. Forty-five seconds after the first contact, a second missile appears, followed five seconds later by three more and five seconds after that by a further four. The Goavelha are apparently firing their remaining missile launchers as individual ships come into range. Admiral Isakov launches more anti-missiles and is joined in her defensive duties by Kronstadt.

A steady stream of Goavelha missiles enter sensor range, either in small groups or alone. Anti-missiles, primarily from Admiral Isakov, are effective in dealing with them, although at six minutes past midnight a single missile avoids all anti-missile fire and is destroyed by Admiral Isakov's railguns at 10,000 kilometers. At 00:07, with over one hundred incoming missiles destroyed, a salvo of five missiles is detected, the largest group so far, which indicates another Goavelha ship is within range. Thirty seconds later Admiral Isakov's magazines run dry and Kronstadt takes over the primary defensive role, supported by Admiral Nakhimov.

A second Goavelha missile is shot down by railguns at 00:10:26. Two hundred incoming missiles have been detected so far and, as the minutes pass, the seemingly endless stream of missiles shows no sign of abating, Rear Admiral Zhukov feels like his task group is walking uphill into a hailstorm. While his ships have suffered no damage, the drawn-out anti-missile engagement is wearing away at the nerves of his crews. A single large wave would have been more dangerous but less of a psychological strain. Several of the Goavelha ships are adopting strange courses, moving sixty degrees to port instead of straight for the Soviet task group, possibly to keep the range open while they launch missiles, although a course reversal would make more sense in that case.

At 00:11:56, Kronstadt runs out of anti-missiles. Admiral Nakhimov, which has already expended one third of her missiles, and Marshal Voroshilov take on defensive duties. Another missile is shot down by railguns. Eight incoming missiles enter sensor range together, split into two salvos of four, which is the largest combined volley so far. At 00:15:36, Admiral Nakhimov becomes the third Project 1200B to exhaust her magazines. Rear Admiral Zhukov is beginning to get concerned. On the other hand, with a  dozen badly damaged Goavelha ships proving so troublesome, he is glad he didn't decide to engage the sixty ships in Gliese 908.

(see attachment)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 10:50:14 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Online Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 03:58:05 AM »
A Goavelha ship, identified as Ragnarok 005, changes course and starts heading back toward the Gliese 908 jump point at 3912 km/s, perhaps indicating it has run out of missiles and is returning home to reload. The other Goavelha ships are still either closing on the Soviet task group or continuing on the sixty degree offset courses. The closest hostile ship is Hrothgar 002 at six point seven million kilometers and the most distant is Ragnarok 009 at twenty-four million. The Soviet ships are one hundred and forty million kilometers from the Gliese 908 jump point and almost four billion kilometers from the Ross 154 jump point.

At 00:20:11 Marshal Voroshilov launches her last 9K50 Strela-25s, leaving Marshal Timoshenko and Admiral Oktyabrsky as the only two Project 1200Bs with anti-missiles in their magazines. Four hundred Goavelha missiles have been engaged so far, with six being shot down by last ditch railgun fire. None have survived to hit a Soviet ship. Ragnarok 007 joins Ragnarok 005 in running for home. Soviet tactical officers notice the rate at which new missiles are being detected is gradually starting to slow and by twenty-five past midnight there appears to be only one source of incoming missiles, firing salvos of two. Eight Goavelha ships are now on courses back to the jump point, although four continue to close on the Soviet task group.

(see attachment)

Online Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 03:58:47 AM »
Finally, at 00:38:01, the last Goavelha missile on sensors is destroyed, although it is possible that some of the more distant Goavelha ships may yet open fire. Four hundred and fifty-six incoming missiles have been destroyed. Marshal Timoshenko has a full load of three hundred and ninety 9K50 Strela-25s while Admiral Oktyabrsky has just fifty-four missiles remaining. The other four Project 1200B escort cruisers have empty magazines. The twelve Goavelha ships are spread out haphazardly over fourteen million kilometers of space and moving at different speeds, with the closest just three point four million kilometers from the Soviet task group and the furthest at sixteen million. Rear Admiral Zhukov gives the order to close in on Hrothgar 002, which is currently the fastest Goavelha ship at 4347 km/s. Nine ships, including Hrothgar 002, are fleeing for the jump point while Ragnaroks 009, 011 and 012 continue to close in. Some Goavelha ships are increasing speed as they repair engines.

(see attachment)

Online Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 04:02:39 AM »
Ragnarok 012, heading straight for the Soviet task group at 2173 km/s, becomes the closest Goavelha ship at a distance of one point five million kilometers. The Soviet ships continue to pursue Hrothgar 002 and ready their railguns to engage the Ragnarok class ship if it moves within range. However Ragnarok 012 is closing from the port bow so it is unlikely it will enter railgun range before the Soviet ships leave it in their wake. As the task group moves within one point six million kilometers of Hrothgar 002, the Goavelha jump cruiser increases speed to 4564 km/s, reducing the rate of overtake. Almost simultaneously, a pair of incoming missiles are detected from Ragnarok 011, just under four million kilometers away on the port bow. Admiral Oktyabrsky launches anti-missiles. There is still no sign of any missile launch from Ragnarok 012 which by now is one point one million kilometers off the port quarter and starting to fall astern. Further salvos are detected from Ragnarok 011, which appears to be launching approximately every sixty seconds.

Pairs of missiles continue home in on the Soviet task group, even as it slowly closes the gap on Hrothgar 002. Admiral Oktyabrsky's magazines run dry, leaving Marshal Timoshenko as the last escort cruiser with ordnance. Ragnarok 011 is only moving at 1304 km/s so it slowly drifts from the port bow to one point four million kilometers off the port beam and eventually to the port quarter before falling astern of the Soviet task group, firing all the way. Ragnarok 012 is already almost three million kilometers astern. A missile from Ragnarok 011 evades three waves of anti-missiles and the combined railgun fire of three Project 1200Bs is required to destroy it. By the time the incoming salvos cease, Marshal Timoshenko is down to three hundred Strela-25s.

The Soviet task group gradually overhauls Hrothgar 002 and at 160,000 kilometers, Rear Admiral Zhukov orders his six Project 1221 'Nevsky' railgun-armed cruisers to open fire with their main armament of nine 200mm railguns. Their secondary armament of six 100mm railguns is still out of range. The six cruisers can each fire more than one hundred 200mm railgun rounds per minute and there is no return fire from the Goavelha ship. It is a short engagement. With the debris of the Hrothgar tumbling in the wake of the Soviet task group and no sign of further Goavelha missile attack even though the Soviets are in the midst of the scattered Goavelha ships, Rear Admiral Zhukov decides to divide his force. Pairs of Nevskys are detached to chase down isolated Goavelha ships while the rest of the task group remains together. There is no counter-fire and the damaged Goavelha cruisers are run down and systematically obliterated.

A resounding victory and a badly needed morale boost for the Soviet Navy. However, it was based on the Goavelha decision to send only a quarter of their strength after the retreating Soviets. As in the past, the Goavelha Host seems reluctant to deploy the bulk of its warships outside its home system, which Gliese 908 is now judged to be, relying instead on survey and construction ships to expand its knowledge of nearby space. While the defeat of the sixteen warships was still a significant achievement, any thoughts of invading and conquering Gliese 908-A II have to be put on hold until the Soviet Navy significantly increases its strength.

The Soviet task group conducts search and rescue operations, picking up the Goavelha survivors. Interrogation of the prisoners yields information that will quickly lead to the research of two tech systems; Max Jump Squadron 4 and Fire Control Speed Rating 5000 km/s. The Soviet Union has almost completed its own research on the latter but the former is an unexpected bonus to Soviet jump drive technology. Information is also gained on two new star systems, Gliese 67 and Struve 547, both of which lie in the Kostinbrod Territories. For the moment, the bulk of the task group will remain near the Goavelha wreckage so that salvage operations can take place. Over time, small detachments will be sent back to Alpha Centauri to restock their missiles.

2nd April 2039
The Soviet Union decides that as Gliese 908 is almost certainly the Goavelha home system, its current rather anonymous name will be changed to Goavelha on Soviet star charts. Furthermore, in recognition of the victory achieved by Rear Admiral Zhukov in the Battle of Wolf 922, that system is renamed Zhukov in his honour and he is made a Hero of the Soviet Union. While this seems to be a disproportionate reward for a relatively one-sided victory achieved in a failed campaign, the Soviet people are in serious need of a Hero and the Politburo has decided that Vadim Zhukov is the best available choice.

3rd April 2039
Azov detects the thermal signatures of two Beowulf and two Ragnarok class ships arriving in orbit of Goavelha II from the direction of the Zhukov jump point.

5th April 2039
Admiral Slavik Borisov personally orders Captain Alexeyev to take the Azov out of orbit of Goavelha I, sneak out of the inner system and determine which Goavelha ships remain at the Goavelha - Zhukov jump point.

18th April 2039
The Eridani Republic launches Roanoke and Jamestown, the first two Eridani class missile cruisers. A second Daring Mod 1 is refitted to the faster Mod 1A variant.

4th May 2039
Soviet engineers working amidst the alien ruins on Wolf 1061-III find advanced technology within a recently recovered mining complex that will improve Soviet mining output by almost fifteen percent.

6th May 2039
The combined population of all the NATO countries on Earth falls below four hundred million. Every NATO country is suffering severe economic disruption due to the departure of the majority of its population. Except for a small percentage of die-hards, those remaining on the planet are primarily interested in emigration to the Eridani Republic and are electing leaders who promise as speedy a departure as possible. Domestic political issues are relegated to a sideshow. NATO is almost dead as a functioning multi-national entity and any attempts by Earth First politicians to coordinate any international activity meet with a lacklustre response. Three Eridani populations, Roanoke, Jamestown and New Amsterdam, all exceed three hundred million and it is only a matter of time before one of them eclipses the total Earth-based population of the NATO countries.

9th May 2039
The Soviet Union launches Admiral Golovko, the seventh and final unit of the Project 1204B 'Atlant-B' missile cruiser class. In recent months, Soviet warship construction has slowed almost to a halt. Soviet designers are awaiting the results of several key research projects before creating the blueprints for a new generation of warships.

18th May 2039
A pair of Goavelha construction ships enter Sol via the Gorshkov jump point. This is the first Goavelha incursion into Sol since the Soviet Union withdrew from the Gorshkov chain and is a shock for the defenders, who haven't seen a Goavelha ship in several years. The jump point picket has been reduced over the past few years and now comprises four Soviet Jiangweis and three Eridani Cerberus class monitors plus supporting FACs. The Eridani ships are still trying to get to action stations when the Soviet cruisers Xiangfan and Jiaxing open fire and blow the two construction ships to pieces. Admiral Thorn, head of the Eridani military, is concerned about the faster Soviet response and decides to rotate new monitors out to the jump point so the existing ships can return home for overhaul and training. While the Eridani Republican Navy has been carrying out extensive training exercises in Epsilon Eridani, the crews of the three monitors on picket duty have been losing their edge.

1st June 2039
The Soviet scout Azov reaches the Goavelha - Zhukov jump point and finds it unguarded. Admiral Borisov orders Captain Alexeyev to hold position on the Goavelha side and report any approaching ships.

13th June 2039
The third Eridani class missile cruiser, New Amsterdam, is launched from the Bath Iron Works shipyard in Roanoke orbit.

20th June 2039
The Soviet geological survey ships Akademik Golitsyn and Professor Molchanov transit into Gliese 563.2 to begin a survey. This system is four jumps from Alpha Centauri via Ross 154, Wolf 1061 and Gliese 588 and was first discovered in February 2029. They immediately detect a Goavelha construction ship sat on the jump point and seven wrecks in three different locations. The closest wreck is a Soviet Project 1216 'Molchanov' class survey ship, which solves an eight year old mystery regarding the fate of this missing ship. At the time there were no jump gates in the Wolf 1061 chain and the survey ship was operating well outside communication range. The ship failed to return from a scheduled two-year mission but the Sino-Soviet war and the appearance of the Goavelha meant that sufficient resources were never available to mount a search and rescue mission. The other six wrecks include a Goavelha Tyr class survey ship, a 12,400 ton Golem Sendai class and four unknowns ranging from 6450 to 46,350 tons. With the confirmed presence of both Golems and Goavelha in the system and the obvious loss of their sister ship to hostile action, the two Soviet survey ships do not want to remain for long. They transit back into Gliese 588 and head for home, sending an alert over the jump gate network.

27th June 2039
The Soviet Union begins salvage operations at the site of the recent battle in the Zhukov system

1st July 2039
After a landslide election victory, Arno von Kolbe begins his second six-year term as President of the Eridani Republic. In his inaugural address, he announces that the Eridani Republic must shed its Earth-bound roots and build its own national identity. Therefore the use of Earth-specific names for new ships and new colonies will cease. To mark this new dawn, the Tau Ceti V colony, established in October 2038, will be officially named New Horizon, ending the tradition of using colonial names from North America and the Caribbean.

25th July 2039
The seventeenth moon of Epsilon Eridani II, home to the Eridani colony of Bermuda, becomes the fourth ideal habitable world in the Epsilon Eridani system. Three of those ideal worlds are moons orbiting the same gas giant. The other is Epsilon Eridani III, site of the New Amsterdam colony. The Eridani terraforming fleet, which now comprises twenty-one ships, each with two terraforming modules, sets course for the New Horizon colony in Tau Ceti.

10th August 2039
The populations of Roanoke, Jamestown and New Amsterdam each exceed that of the combined NATO populations on Earth, which is currently three hundred and thirty-four million.

17th August 2039
Okean, the second Azov class scout, transits the Gorshkov - Kostinbrod jump point. The ship is on a solo mission to establish the situation in Kostinbrod as it is more than three years since a Soviet ship entered the system. The wrecks of the Soviet ships remain and have been joined by a over a dozen more, including six that are identified as ships of the Houma Empire. The two Ordianum class Invader ships have been joined by a third and all three are just one point five million kilometers from the jump point. Okean jumps back into Gorshkov and runs for the Sol jump point at her maximum speed of 2666 km/s. Fortunately for the slow moving scout, the Invader cruisers show no interest in pursuing her into Gorshkov. After a day with no sign of pursuit, Admiral Borisov orders the scout to move back toward the jump point and take up a picket position ten million kilometers away.

to be continued...

Offline Cassaralla

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 08:28:50 AM »
Excellent read as always but there appears to be something missing between the first and second posts.  Rather a shock to go from detecting a couple of freighters to the end of a missile engagement in one jump.

Online Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 10:50:52 AM »
Excellent read as always but there appears to be something missing between the first and second posts.  Rather a shock to go from detecting a couple of freighters to the end of a missile engagement in one jump.

Oops! Corrected. I have added the missing section at the start of the second post.


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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 11:30:21 AM »
Awsome chapter as always.   Now I can't wait for the next one.   :)
There does indeed seem to be a bit missing at the end of the first post. 
Time to read the rest  ;D
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 11:35:00 AM by Wintrow »

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2011, 04:47:11 PM »
Really great. I wonder how long will hte Chinese lasts.

Offline Beersatron

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2011, 04:51:26 PM »
I am curious, did you always plan to evacuate Earth like this or are you just going with the roll of the dice?

It is great any which way and if you should even think about stopping this campaign then I shall have to call upon my Flying Monkeys of Doom (that have frickin lazor beams) to persuade you otherwise  ;)

Offline Anarade Relle

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 07:17:00 PM »
Another great installement. I'm particularly pleased that the Soviet Union has had some good luck.

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2011, 01:36:00 AM »
I hope this campaign keeps going the Soviet Union has a nice hit list building up.

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2011, 01:45:59 AM »
My middle boy (Chinese Empire in our Empires/New Empires Campaigns) is definitely rooting for a massive comeback of the Chinese. 

He has sworn to dispatch no less than four battle groups with 20 CVL's to support them should they fail in their current attempts to redeem themselves.  >:(

Excellent write ups.  :) PLEASE continue !!!!
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2011, 05:54:07 AM »
Very excellent. Everyone is now back in the game, and it looks like the Chinese will inherit the earth and Sol System.

Not the best place to be, but still, not the worst, either.

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Re: NATO vs Soviets: Part 15
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2011, 06:46:24 AM »
What happens with all the deserted space in old NATO countries now?
With all the infrastructure?
I mean, theres a mass of roads and living space and agrarian resources now, and no ones there to use it.
Those that stay must live quite comfortable.