Author Topic: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16  (Read 12552 times)

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NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:29:22 PM »
25th August 2039
When the Project 1228 'Azov' class scout was first proposed, there were conflicting views among Soviet ship designers with regard to the merits of a slow-moving ship that relied entirely on stealth for survival, especially as that stealth meant that the Project 1228 could not use active sensors. The discussions become extremely heated and in the interests of avoiding injury to key naval architects the Politburo decided on two competing designs. The first was the Azov, which has proved its worth during the stealthy incursion into the Goavelha system. The second design is the Project 1227 'Novorossiysk' class Fast Scout, which relies on speed rather than stealth. It has the same passive sensors as the Project 1228 plus the powerful Voskhod-4600 active sensor that was first used on the Project 1220 'Nikolayev' class jump cruiser. With a top speed of 10,000 km/s the Novorossiysk can maintain its distance from Invader cruisers and outrun any other known alien designs. The first unit of the class, Novorossiysk, is launched from the Zhdanov shipyard in orbit of Novaya Zemlya and dispatched to Zhukov in preparation for a run into Goavelha.

Project 1227 'Novorossiysk' class Fast Scout    6,000 tons     604 Crew     1177 BP      TCS 120  TH 1200  EM 0
10000 km/s     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 18/55/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 72%    IFR: 1%    Maint Capacity 490 MSP    Max Repair 320 MSP    Est Time: 1.56 Years

Magneto-plasma Drive (15)    Power 80    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 80    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 64.3 billion km   (74 days at full power)

Voskhod-4600 Active Search Sensor  (1)     GPS 57600     Range 343.5m km    Resolution 180
Thermal Sensor TH3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Gurzhor-55 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 55     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  55m km
ECM 30

6th September 2039
Novorossiysk transits into Goavelha, engages her active sensor and sets a course for the Goavelha home world. Three hundred and thirty million kilometers from the jump point and half a billion from Goavelha II, she detects the same two Skadi class ships that were detected by Nikolayev five months ago. They are at the edge of sensor range and located ten degrees off a direct course to the planet. Thirty minutes later two Beowulfs and two Ragnaroks are detected at one hundred and forty-four million kilometers, well inside sensor range. The scout's commander, Captain Second Rank Sergei Yakolev, realizes they have just carried out an intra-system jump to the Goavelha VI Lagrange point and rebukes his tactical officer for not warning him of that possibility. If the Goavelha had waited before jumping, they may have arrived well within missile range of Novorossiysk as her course would have taken her very close to the Lagrange point. Captain Yakolev orders a course change away from the Goavelha warships, intending to swing around them and them move in to get a closer look at Goavelha II's orbital traffic.

Seven minutes after the first four Goavelha warships are detected, forty more arrive at the Goavelha VI Lagrange. All of the ships that were detected by Nikolayev during the previous incursion are present. Two hours later a further group of thirty ships appears, this time consisting of previously unseen ships and classes. Soviet tactical computers classify them as eight Troll, six Valkyrie, five Odin, five Gotterdammerung, two Woden, two Grendel, a Hel and a Garm. All are 6900 or 6850 tons with a speed of 4782 km/s. Their capabilities are unknown but they are almost certainly warships. Eight minutes later, eleven more ships of the same classes appear. Even with the recent loss of sixteen ships, that means the Goavelha Host still has at least eighty-five warships in its home system. Novorossiysk continues on course, moving around the closest ships at one hundred and forty million kilometers.

Leaving the pursuing horde of warships in her wake, Novorossiysk turns to head in-system and moves within maximum sensor range of Goavelha II. She detects seven 13,800 ton Fenrir class ships and nine 13,650 ton Godheim class in orbit. Both are these types are unknown classes. She also detects a 70,000 ton shipyard complex. As she moves further in-system, she loses contact with some of the smaller pursuing ships. As she reaches three hundred million kilometers from Goavelha II, she detects the ten Saga class, originally spotted by Azov, twenty-five million kilometers beyond the planet and approaching it at 1658 km/s. Azov only detected the Sagas on thermal sensors. Novorossiysk is now able to determine their size as 36,150 tons. Given their size and speed they are most likely some form of commercial vessel. The Soviet scout presses onward as Captain Yakolev is determined to get within the range at which his active sensor will pick up smaller ships in orbit, such as various 6900 ton classes.

After moving within one hundred and fifty million kilometers without detecting any additional ships, Novorossiysk turns away from the planet and the pursuing ships and begins to circle around the inner system so she can head out toward the Gorshkov jump point, which is at the far side of the system from the Zhukov jump point. Within a few hours the pursuers drop back out of sensor range and Novorossiysk makes a run for the Gorshkov jump point. She is still two billion kilometers away when the two Beowulfs and two Ragnaroks appear at the Goavelha IX Lagrange point, two hundred and twenty million kilometers from the scout. Fortunately, Captain Yakolev was aware of that possibility and ensured Novorossiysk's course gave the Lagrange point a wide berth. As before, the other large ships follow close behind and probably the smaller ones as well, although the range to the Lagrange point is too great to detect them.

Suddenly a new group of fifteen 13,800 ton ships appears three hundred and forty million kilometers ahead of Novorossiysk, comprising seven Loki, five Vithar, a Gungnir, a Hodur and a Jormungandr. These are all ships that were originally detected in June 2033 during the initial Soviet and NATO incursion into Goavelha from Gorshkov. The new group is on a bearing of 241 degrees while the original pursuers are at 011 degrees. Captain Yakolev orders a course change to 116 degrees to avoid both enemy forces. Once both groups drop off sensors, Novorossiysk follows a parabolic course that takes her back toward the Gorshkov jump point. As she approaches her destination, it becomes apparent that there are no ships at the jump point. Captain Yakolev guesses that Novorossiysk's high speed dash through the system has drawn away any defenders as they attempt to intercept her. Rather than return to the scout's entry point, Yakolev seeks permission to exit the system via the Gorshkov jump point. Admiral Borisov agrees and she leaves the system six days after her arrival, heading for the Soviet-occupied colony on Gorshkov II.

Novorossiysk's run through Goavelha has revealed that the Host has a large and powerful fleet. To have a realistic chance of a successful invasion, the Soviet Union will need to either massively increase the size of its fleet or develop a significant technological advantage. The most important lesson, from the perspective of Admiral Borisov, is that the Soviet Union doesn't even have a fraction of the number of anti-ship missiles required to destroy such an armada and producing enough missiles would take many years. In fact, ordnance shortages have been a severe constraint for the Soviet Navy for decades. Therefore he begins to consider the possibility of a fleet that doesn't rely on missiles. The Nevsky class railgun armed cruisers are a start in terms of offensive firepower but the Soviet Navy also needs to develop a defensive doctrine that will allow it to withstand missile attack without the profligate use of anti-missiles.

15th September 2039
Azov, still picketing the Goavelha - Zhukov jump point, detects the approach of the two Beowulf class ships. picking up their thermal signatures at thirty million kilometers. It is unlikely they have detected the stealthy scout, especially as Azov does not detect any active sensor emissions. She quietly transits into Zhukov and heads for the protection of Rear Admiral Zhukov's task group, which is still covering salvage operations in that system.

Azov is in Zhukov, eighteen million kilometers from the Goavelha jump point, when sixteen Goavelha ships transit into the system. As with the previous incursion, they use a squadron transit with four groups of four. The Goavelha fleet includes nine Troll class, three Grendels, which appear to be the jump ships for the Troll squadrons, three Gotterdammerung and a Garm, which is probably the jump ship for the Gotterdammerung squadron. All the Goavelha ships are 6800 tons and are all detected by the Voskhod-4600 Active Search Sensor on Nikolayev, a jump cruiser that is part of the Soviet task group located ninety million kilometers from the jump point. Rear Admiral Zhukov orders his ships to race to the rescue of Azov. The Project 1200B escort cruisers Marshal Timoshenko and Marshal Voroshilov, which fought in the First Battle of Zhukov, are absent as they are en route to Novaya Zemlya to reload their magazines with anti-missiles. All the other ships have made the trip to Novaya Zemlya to reload and the recently constructed Project 1204B missile cruiser Admiral Golovko has also joined the fleet.

The seven Project 1204B 'Atlant-B' class missile cruisers launch at eighty-three million kilometers, dividing their five hundred and sixty P-505 Garpun-C anti-ship missiles between fourteen of the sixteen enemy ships. The four Project 1200B escort cruisers launch their Palash missiles against the other two targets. The Soviet stocks of the P-506 Palash-B are running low though and only Admiral Nakhimov has the latest missile. The other three ships are using the older and slower P-500 Palash-A. The missiles streak toward the enemy fleet and Rear Admiral Zhukov can only hope they arrive in time to prevent the destruction of the fleeing Soviet scout.

Thirty-eight minutes after launch the P-505 Garpun-Cs reach their targets and all fourteen targets are obliterated, half of them suffering catastrophic magazine explosions. The salvo of twenty-four Palash-Bs from Admiral Nakhimov is also sufficient to destroy the last Gotterdammerung, leaving just one Goavelha ship. Given the ease with which the Goavelha fleet was annihilated, Rear Admiral Zhukov could be accused of overkill but with the reverses suffered by the Soviet Union in recent years, he wasn't taking any chances. Eleven minutes later the slower Palash-A missiles arrive and the last Goavelha warship is blown to pieces. Another one-sided victory for Rear Admiral Vadim Zhukov and a further boost to Soviet morale.

Once again though the task group has exhausted its anti-ship missiles and Soviet stockpiles of the Garpun-C are insufficient to re-arm more than three of the Soviet missile cruisers. The rest will have to use the P-504 Garpun-B and there are only four hundred and forty of those available, along with one hundred and sixty Garpun-As. Zhukov decides to move his six railgun-armed cruisers to the Zhukov - Goavelha jump point, enabling them to attack any transiting Goavelha warships before their sensors can recover from transit. The seven Project 1204B are ordered to return en masse to Novaya Zemlya to re-arm. The two jump cruisers and the four escort cruisers will remain close to the salvage ships and accompanying freighters still working at the site of the earlier battle. Azov is ordered to remain near the Goavelha jump point so she can conduct further scout missions if required.

22nd September 2039
NATO officially ceases to exist. The alliance has been falling apart for some time, primarily because there was no longer any meaningful military or economic role for it to fulfill. The nations involved have only a fraction of their peak populations and their military assets are extremely limited. Any serious defence against Soviet or alien attack would rely almost entirely on the military forces of the Eridani Republic. The national governments have all given into the inevitable and are focusing all their efforts on evacuation. To ensure the security of the few remaining military assets of NATO, the Eridani Republic takes custody of the remaining planetary defence centres on Earth and Titan.

4th October 2039
The Soviet Union detects the presence of a new alien race in the Gorshkov system. Active sensor emissions are detected one point one billion kilometers from Gorshkov II in the direction of the 82 Eridani jump point, moving at just 1000 km/s. The only two Soviet ships in the system are Novorossiysk, in orbit of Gorshkov II, and Okean, an Azov class scout close to the Kostinbrod jump point. There are almost four million Goavelha on the colony but no Soviet ground forces or deep space tracking stations. All installations and personnel were evacuated from the system as part of Admiral Borisov's strategy to re-orient the direction of Soviet expansion. Novorossiysk is dispatched to gain a closer look while Okean pulls back toward the Sol jump point.

Fifteen hours after initial contact, Novorossiysk detects strength-600 shields, which is double that of the Invader cruisers. After a further seven hours the alien ship is within range of Novorossiysk's Voskhod-4600 Active Search Sensor and registers as 60,000 tons. Despite its huge size, the GRU believes that based on the shield strength and the powerful sensor mounted by the alien ship, it must be a warship, although the low speed seems strange. Novorossiysk hails the ship in an attempt to open communication and continues to close the range, checking for any smaller alien ships. She moves within eighty million kilometers without detecting anything and then opens the range to one hundred million and monitors the progress of the alien vessel. There is no response to her hails.

10th October 2039
The People's Republic of China is struggling to restart its economy, partly because of limited mineral supplies and partly because of the need to construct additional maintenance facilities before its 13,500 ton Virginia class cruisers start to suffer serious maintenance failures. It has a very limited number of automated mines, split between seventeen on Mercury and nine on a small mining colony in the 70 Ophuichi system. There are also alien ruins in 70 Ophuichi but the People's Republic has no way to transport engineer brigades, even if it had such forces. Reluctantly, China appeals to the Eridani Republic for assistance.

President von Kolbe and Admiral Thorn discuss the Chinese request. Both are keen to support the Chinese as the People's Republic provides a useful buffer against the Soviet Union and any other threats that might materialize via Sol, although they are reluctant to hand over any significant amount of Eridani industry. Instead, they offer the People's Republic a 99 year lease of the old NATO Titan fleet base. It has twenty-four Okinawa class maintenance bases that can handle ships of up to 48,000 tons plus a Cheyenne class PDC with a dozen F-24A Cobra fighters and long range active sensors. The fighters are armed with AGM-1A Sabre anti-ship missiles and one hundred and fifty more are stored in the base's magazines. The People's Republic will be able to base its fleet at Titan, which will be out of range of any immediate Soviet attack, and also transport automated mines to the moon, which still has extensive mineral deposits. Finally, five old Atlas class freighters are transferred to the People's Liberation Army Navy. Even though the freighters, equipped with ion engines, have been superseded by the Atlas Mod 1 and Mod 2 in Eridani service, they are still superior to the three Xian II class freighters built by the Chinese since the end of the Second Sino-Soviet war.

Titan Survey Report
Duranium 697,549  Acc: 1
Neutronium 217,875  Acc: 0.5
Corbomite 15,150  Acc: 0.2
Tritanium 77,301  Acc: 0.8
Boronide 15,150  Acc: 0.2
Mercassium 62,876  Acc: 0.5
Vendarite 127,825  Acc: 0.7
Sorium 47,825  Acc: 0.7
Uridium 67,476  Acc: 0.5
Corundium 14,564  Acc: 0.65
Gallicite 71,701  Acc: 0.8

11th October 2039
The 60,000 ton alien ship in Gorshkov continues to ignore Soviet hails and appears to be on a direct course for the small colony on Gorshkov II, albeit at only 1000 km/s. The KGB and GRU both recommend treating this new race as potentially hostile. For the moment though the main Soviet fleet presence is in Zhukov and there are no ships available to send into Gorshkov. In any event, the system has dramatically declined in importance for the Soviet Union in recent years and the occupied Goavelha colony is considered expendable. It is adjacent to Sol though so Novorossiysk will continue to monitor the activities of the alien ship.

15th October 2039
The Eridani Republic launches the first four Sentinel class escort cruisers. Armed with twenty-four 10cm lasers, they will provide close protection for Eridani carriers and other high value warships. The remaining Spruance class destroyer escorts will now be sold to the People's Republic, as operational requirements allow.

16th October 2039
Novorossiysk continues to monitor the progress of the huge alien ship in Gorshkov, now just three hundred million kilometers from Gorshkov II. Suddenly, active sensor emissions from a second ship of the same type, designated as Behemoth class, are detected close to the 82 Eridani jump point. It would appear this new alien race is determined to move into Gorshkov in force. Admiral Borisov brings this news to the Politburo and a discussion takes place regarding whether to inform the Eridani Republic. As with the Invader threat, the decision is made to withhold the information to avoid any sign of weakness on the part of the Soviet Union.

21st October 2039
The first Behemoth passes through the inner system and it becomes clear it is simply following Novorossiysk rather than heading for a particular planet. Eventually, Novorossiysk is ordered to accelerate, break off and disengage her active sensor, so she can see what the two alien ships will do once they lose track of her. The aliens can be tracked via their sensor emissions. Both Behemoths make a futile attempt to follow the Soviet scout.

26th October 2039
Eridani engineers involved in recovery operations at a ruined alien outpost in the Kappa Ceti system, four jumps from Epsilon Eridani, recover an automated mine with very advanced technology. Replication of this technology in existing mining complexes should increase production by as much as twenty-five percent; a significant boost for the mining operations of the Eridani Republic.

2nd November 2039
The two huge alien ships in Gorshkov abandon their pursuit of Novorossiysk, presumably because she has run out of sensor range, and head toward the inner system. Novorossiysk holds position while Okean begins to move back toward the inner system at 500 km/s, relying on her stealth to avoid detection.

6th November 2039
The first Behemoth to be detected settles into orbit of Gorshkov II and begins emitting significant radiation. In the first few hours it is not enough to cause serious harm but its cumulative effect over time will be considerable. The second Behemoth has set a course for the Gorshkov - Goavelha jump point. If it transits into Goavelha it will no doubt meet serious resistance. Admiral Borisov, monitoring events from Novaya Zemlya via the jump gate network, orders Novorossiysk to accelerate to max speed and attempt to scout the Goavelha jump point if the alien ship does indeed transit.

9th November 2039
Behemoth 002 enters the Gorshkov - Goavelha jump point. Novorossiysk engages her engines and heads for the jump point, which is two point six billion kilometers away after her run into the outer system.

12th November 2039
Behemoth 001 detects the approaching Soviet scout and makes an attempt to intercept. Novorossiysk streaks past at ten times the speed of the alien ship and transits into Goavelha three days after beginning her run. While the last Soviet ship to enter this jump point did not fare well, when Novorossiysk transited in the other direction, the jump point was clear. Admiral Borisov is hoping the confusion caused by recent Soviet visits to Goavelha and the arrival of the huge alien ship will have prevented the Host from establishing a serious jump point defence.

Novorossiysk arrives in Goavelha and her passive EM sensor detects the active sensor emissions and shields of Behemoth 002 at a distance of sixty-four million kilometers. There is no sign of any other passive signatures near the jump point. The alien ship reverses its course toward the inner system and heads for Novorossiysk. For the moment Captain Yakolev decides to hold position, confident that his ship can easily evade the Behemoth if it moves too close. The burning question is where are the Goavelha? There are no wrecks to indicate a battle yet the alien ship has been in their system for three days and they have apparently yet to confront it. Eight hours pass and the alien ship reduces the range to thirty-four million kilometers. There is still no sign of Goavelha warships. Admiral Borisov orders Captain Yakolev to take his ship away from the jump point and monitor events in the Goavelha system. Novorossiysk heads out on a course perpendicular to that of the Behemoth, maintaining its range from the inner system.

13th November 2039
After pursuing Novorossiysk for several hours, the Behemoth changes course back toward the inner system. Suddenly, wreckage and life pod beacons appear almost on top of the Behemoth. Based on the amount of wreckage, the destroyed ship was 1000 tons, presumably a Goavelha Norn class FAC. The close proximity of the wreckage and lack of missile explosions suggests that the Behemoth destroyed the FAC with energy weapons. Seconds later, there is a large secondary power explosion and a second FAC is destroyed, then two more. The Behemoth's shields remain at strength-600. Fifteen seconds after the start of the battle, a fifth unseen FAC blows up and then the Behemoth is engulfed by one hundred and thirty-eight strength-9 nuclear detonations. The source of those missiles is unknown, although it may be the FACs. Amazingly the Behemoth survives and maintains its 1000 km/s speed although its massive shields are down. Novorossiysk is monitoring the battle from a distance of one hundred and seventy million kilometers and cannot detect a ship as small as a fast attack craft at that range. Within the next sixty seconds, six more FACs are destroyed at increasing distances from the Behemoth. Why the Goavelha FACs are closing to almost point blank range is unknown, although if they are not the source of the recent missile attack it is possible that they are armed with energy weapons.

Novorossiysk detects shields of strength-108 on the Behemoth. The alien shields have recharged to the point where they can be detected at such a distance. The shields continue to increase, by two points of strength every second. Another FAC is destroyed, this time at over 300,000 kilometers from the Behemoth. Why the FACs are being destroyed at ever-increasing ranges is a mystery to Captain Yakolev. If the Behemoth has energy weapons with such a range, why did it wait until the FACs were so close before opening fire? The first few were destroyed at only a few thousand kilometers. Throughout this engagement, Novorossiysk has not detected a single Goavelha ship, only the life pods and wreckage from the FACs. More wreckage appears; at 375.000 km from the Behemoth and then 425,000 km. Captain Yakolev begins to suspect something else is going on. Either the range of the suspected alien energy weapons is much greater than any Soviet equivalent and for some reason they choose not to use them until point blank range or something else is destroying the Goavelha FACs. It can't be missile weapons as warhead detonations would be detectable throughout the system. Novorossiysk has never been closer than thirty-four million kilometers to the huge ship. With the resolution of her primary sensor she would be unable to detect any ships of 2500 tons or less within that range. If the Behemoth has small, fast escorts with short-range weapons they might be responsible for the destruction of the FACs. The only way to be sure is for Novorossiysk to move in and find out, relying on her 10,000 km/s speed to stay out of trouble.

Two more Goavelha FACs blow up, at 475,000 km and 525,000 km from the Behemoth. Sixteen have now been destroyed. The Behemoth's shields are at strength-200. Based on the steady progression of wrecks toward the inner system, it seems the Goavelha FACs have taken their best shot and are now retreating, pursued by some unknown and unseen assailant. They continue to be destroyed at the rate of one every ten seconds or so. By the time the time the Behemoth's shield strength stablises at strength-591, indicating at least some internal damage, thirty-five FACs have been destroyed. There is still no sign of Goavelha ships or any further Goavelha missile attack. The slaughter finally ceases after fifty wrecks litter space within two point five million kilometers of the Behemoth. The alien warship now turns toward Novorossiysk, which is more of a concern for Captain Yakolev than it would have been a few hours earlier. Although the Behemoth has no chance of catching the Soviet scout, he has no data on the assumed but hitherto unseen escorts. It also means the Behemoth probably regards Novorossiysk as the closest threat, which means it is not detecting any other Goavelha ships, or they are further away. Instead of closing on the Behemoth, Captain Yakolev orders his helmsman to take the ship in-system, hoping to establish the location of the main Goavelha fleet and perhaps draw the alien ship into a further confrontation with the Goavelha.

Two hours after her course change, Novorossiysk detects two Ragnarok and two Beowulf class ships at three hundred and forty million kilometers. Novorossiysk is one hundred and forty-five million kilometers from the Behemoth, which is three hundred and fifty million from the four Goavelha cruisers. The Goavelha obviously detect Novorossiysk because they change course to intercept the scout as it moves closer to them than the Behemoth. Captain Yakolev reverses course in the hope that his retreat will lessen the threat of his ship and allow him to observe a clash between the two alien forces. Suddenly, Novorossiysk detects twenty 800 ton craft from the same alien race as the Behemoth at just three million kilometers. The escort theory has just become more than a theory. The alien fast attack craft are moving at 10,000 km/s, the same as Novorossiysk, so she cannot use her speed to escape, although she can hold the range open if she runs directly away from them.

The problem us that running will take her deep into the outer system and Captain Yakolev doesn't know for how long the FACs will pursue. The Gorshkov jump point is on a bearing of 268 degrees while the pursuing FACs are at 339 degrees, the Behemoth is at 275 degrees, the Goavelha cruisers are at 14 degrees and the distant Zhukov jump point is at 26 degrees. Captain Yakolev decides to run for the Gorshkov jump point, despite the fact the alien FACs will able to significantly close the range. He is gambling that due to their size their weapons will be very short ranged. He gives the orders for a course change. Unfortunately, his crew is still very green and despite their previous run through Goavelha, they have never been in such imminent danger. Confusion reigns as the navigator plots the wrong course and then the helmsman tries to take manual control without using the correct security code. It takes seventy-five precious seconds to sort out the mess and get the ship moving, by which time the FACs are at two point two million kilometers. They cut the range even further as Novorossiysk passes straight in front of them and by the time they settle into a stern chase the gap is just 750,000 kilometers. The Behemoth tries to intercept as well but gets no closer than ten million kilometers.

13th November 2039
Novorossiysk transits into Gorshkov and heads toward the Sol jump point. To the great relief of Captain Yakolev and his badly shaken crew, there is no sign of pursuit. After running for an hour, she comes about and heads back toward the Gorshkov jump point, ready to re-enter the system after waiting for the alien FACs to move away. The Behemoth in Gorshkov begins moving toward Novorossiysk at 1000 km/s but it will take days to close the range. Captain Yakolev is aware of the threat from any accompanying escorts but, based on the action in Goavelha, they do not appear to operate independently until the Behemoth they are protecting comes under attack.

14th November 2039
Ten hours after leaving Goavelha, Novorossiysk re-enters the system. The first noticeable difference is the wrecks of two Beowulf and two Ragnarok class ships eighty-seven million kilometers from the jump point. The Behemoth is in close proximity to the wrecks. There is no immediate sign of the small alien attack craft or any other Goavelha ships, although it will be a few minutes after transit before Novorossiysk's active sensors will come on line. The Behemoth, and presumably the unseen attack craft, starts heading for the jump point. With nothing to observe and a serious threat from the aliens, Admiral Borisov orders Novorossiysk to leave Goavelha and head via Gorshkov, Sol, Alpha Centauri, Ross 154 and Zhukov, to the far side of Goavelha's other jump point. She will make any further scouting runs from that direction.

21st November 2039
Twenty-four of the twenty-five systems in Eridani territory have now been surveyed for jump points. The only exception is Gliese 1 where the Swarm presence is preventing a survey. Nine systems contain a total of twenty-one unexplored jump points. The Republic has not explored any new systems since EQ Pegasi in January 2036 and further expansion of Eridani territory is now being planned. All of the recently constructed ships are carrying out training exercises in Epsilon Eridani and once those are completed, new expeditions will get underway using only those ships capable of 7000 km/s or more.

27th November 2039
A ground force training facility is constructed on Jamestown, the first in the Epsilon Eridani system. One of the areas in which Earth is still required is for the training of new ground forces. Twelve facilities are available on Earth.

5th December 2039
After a high-speed, twenty-one day journey Novorossiysk arrives at the Zhukov - Goavelha jump point. She transits into the Goavelha system with her crew fervently hoping that any defenders have been drawn away. Fortunately, the area around the jump point is clear of passive signatures. Six new wrecks have appeared since her last visit to the system. Wreckage from three Valkyries, a Troll and a Gotterdammerung is located one hundred and forty million kilometers from the Gorshkov jump point in the direction of the inner system and the wreck of a Hodur is two hundred million kilometers from the jump point. There is no sign of any active sensor emissions from the Behemoth. Novorossiysk heads in-system, giving the Goavelha VI Lagrange point a wide berth.

The first sign of any defenders is the detection of active sensor emissions from a Troll class destroyer that appears at the Goavelha VI Lagrange point. Novorossiysk moves toward it to get a closer look. Meanwhile, Admiral Borisov orders Rear Admiral Zhukov to take his task group into Goavelha in case there is a chance to pick off any isolated groups of Goavelha ships. The task group is at its maximum strength with seven Project 1204B missile cruisers, six Project 1200B escort cruisers, six Project 1221 railgun cruisers and two Project 1220 jump cruisers. The missile loadouts in the fleet are an issue though as only two of the escort cruisers have anti-ship missiles and the Project 1204Bs have a mixture of Garpun-Cs and Garpun-Bs, which have different speeds.

Once within two hundred million kilometers of the active sensor emissions, Novorossiysk is close enough to detect the Troll on her own actives and it appears to be alone. The task group is still well over four hundred million kilometers away so Novorossiysk changes course to draw the Troll toward the approaching ships. Why this 6900 ton Goavelha destroyer is operating solo is something of a mystery, although the Host has suffered significant losses in recent months. It continues to pursue the Soviet scout, even after Novorossiysk joins Rear Admiral Zhukov's task group. Zhukov considers closing in to use railguns and save ordnance but if the enemy is missile armed he may end up using anti-missiles anyway. Therefore he orders the escort cruiser Marshal Timoshenko to launch her twenty-four P-500 Palash missiles once the destroyer is within eighty million kilometers. Two missiles are shot down by point defence and six more miss. The other sixteen detonate their strength-6 warheads on target. Six of the hits inflict internal damage, based on atmosphere streaming from the damage ship, and the Troll's speed falls to 3478 km/s. Marshal Voroshilov launches half of her twenty-four Palash missiles. There is no point defence fire and eleven missiles hit. The Goavelha ship still survives, although she is crippled and her speed plummets to 433 km/s. Zhukov decides not to waste any more ordnance and orders the cruisers Admiral Senyavin and Admiral Lazarev to close in and finish her off with railguns. The Nevsky class ships close to 100,000 kilometers and open fire. There is no return fire and the Troll class destroyer is rapidly reduced to wreckage.

Novorossiysk accelerates to her 10,000 km/s maximum speed and heads for the planet with the task group following in her wake. When she moves within active sensor range she detects seven 13,800 ton Fenrir class and nine 13,650 ton Godheim class in orbit, the same as the last time she was within range. Rear Admiral Zhukov suspects these may in fact be orbital bases rather than ships. The lack of any mobile units is puzzling, although they may have all been drawn towards the battle near the Gorshkov jump point. Even without any mobile units, if the Fenrirs and Godheims are some form of defensive orbital base with anti-missile defences then it is unlikely the missile firepower of the Soviet task group will be enough to destroy them. The task group carries a significant portion of the remaining Soviet stocks of modern missiles so Zhukov is reluctant to test that theory. Once again it comes back to the fact that the Soviet Navy is not yet powerful enough to take on the Goavelha Host in a straight fight. However, if the Host continues to take losses and the Soviet Navy can introduce newer and more powerful ships that balance will change over time. For now, Admiral Borisov and Rear Admiral Zhukov agree that the task group should withdraw and continue to cover the salvage operations in Zhukov. Novorossiysk will remain and attempt to discover the fate of the Behemoth.

7th December 2039
In a pass through the inner system Novorossiysk detects ninety-three units of a new Goavelha class. The Norse class is 23,500 tons and moving at 2552 km/s. Presumably this is a commercial vessel, possibly a freighter or colony ship. The sheer number of ships emphasizes the Goavelha shipbuilding capability.

8th December 2039
Novorossiysk detects a fleet of thirty-three 13,800 ton Goavelha warships one point three billion kilometers from the Gorshkov jump point. There is still no sign of the Behemoth. Novorossiysk continues closing on the jump point.

11th December 2039
Novorossiysk transits the Goavelha - Gorshkov jump point without detecting any more Goavelha ships or the Behemoth. It appears the Host has destroyed the intruding ship and its escorts, although the cost was high. The Soviet scout ship heads to Earth to refuel, via the Gorshkov - Sol jump point. The Behemoth orbiting Gorshkov II is still emitting high levels of radiation. The cumulative effect is slowing population growth slightly.

15th December 2039
The Soviet task group in Zhukov is holding position on the Goavelha jump point, along with Azov. Three salvage ships and seventeen freighters are fifteen million kilometers away, completing the recovery of Goavelha wrecks from the Second Battle of Zhukov. Suddenly, nine Goavelha warships jump into the system, arriving in two groups of four 13,800 ton cruisers and a single 6850 ton destroyer. The cruisers consist of six Freya class and two Hodur class, the same types that destroyed the Soviet cruiser Gorshkov in June 2033 with very powerful energy weapons.

Admiral Zhukov orders his ships to open fire individually as soon as they are ready, without waiting for a coordinated fleet attack. While tempted to withhold anti-ship missiles, due to Soviet ordnances shortages, and rely on railguns, the enemy is too close and has too much firepower so he instructs his ships to use all weapons with the exception of anti-missiles from the Project 1200Bs. However, he does orders the commanders of the Project 1204B missile cruisers to launch no more than forty missiles against any single target. Several of the escort cruisers have crews that have trained in fleet operations and are therefore quick to respond. Their combined railgun fire rips apart the Goavelha destroyer. Rear Admiral Zhukov's flagship, the missile cruiser Chervona Ukrayina, reacts equally fast, hitting Freya 010 with a dozen 200mm railgun rounds, none of which penetrate its armour, and launching forty Garpun-C missiles against the same target. Less than five seconds later, Freya 010 is blown to pieces by the missile salvo. Chervona Ukrayina's railguns are recharging and her fire control locks on to a new target. The rest of the Soviet task group is yet to open fire.

Fifteen seconds into the engagement the Goavelha fleet opens fire. A barrage of energy weapon fire from just two Goavelha ships at a distance of 10,000 kilometers completely obliterates the Project 1204B missile cruiser Vladivostok. She was struck fifteen times by strength-16 hits. At twenty seconds, the cruisers Alexander Nevsky, Nikolayev and Admiral Lazarev open fire on separate targets with their heavy railgun batteries, inflicting many hits and scoring at least some internal damage. Goavelha return fire from three more ships destroys the escort cruiser Marshal Voroshilov and the scout Azov. Captain Alexeyev, the commander of the intrepid scout ship, is killed by a direct hit on the bridge.

Twenty-five seconds after the Goavelha transit, the Soviet task group finally responds in full force. With the exception of Chervona Ukrayina, which has already launched, all of the Project 1204Bs launch salvos of forty missiles at separate targets and simultaneously strike those targets with point blank railgun fire. All five targeted enemy ships are smashed into irradiated debris. A single hit is scored on Marshal Timoshenko, which shakes the cruiser to her keel but doesn't penetrate her armour. Only the two Hodur class ships remain from the Goavelha assault force. They last less than ten seconds before being buried under a hail of railgun fire.

The entire engagement lasted only forty seconds and resulted in the loss of nine Goavelha and three Soviet ships. Rear Admiral Zhukov considers ordering his task group to pull back to cover the salvage ships. However, they will now also be salvaging the ships at the jump point so his ships will have to cover them anyway. Instead, he leaves the six Nevsky class railgun cruisers on the jump point, as they have a short-range armament and stronger armour than the older designs, while pulling his other ships back to 500,000 kilometers. He would prefer to withdraw the Nevskys to the edge of railgun range but that would leave any salvage ships at the mercy of a new assault.

31st December 2039
Okean, the Soviet Azov class scout ship in Gorshkov, reports the Behemoth in that system has left orbit of Gorshkov II and is heading for the Sol jump point. At its apparent top speed of 1000 km/s it will take some time to arrive.

11th January 2040
A pair of Goavelha construction ships emerges from the Sol - Gorshkov jump point. Three Eridani Cerberus class monitors and four Soviet Jiangwei class cruisers are on picket duty. Unlike the previous incursion by Goavelha construction ships, this time it is the Eridani who respond first, destroying both vessels in a barrage of 20cm laser fire. The monitors pick up the life pods and interrogate the Goavelha survivors. Several of them have served on a Goavelha Snow Leopard class Jump Destroyer Escort and after some persuasion are willing to provide a detailed specification. For an escort the ship is lightly armed, although its primary purpose is apparently to lead a squadron of more capable escorts and provide jump capability. The technology does not appear to be up to the standard of the latest Eridani and Soviet designs, although it is possible this class no longer represents the latest Goavelha technology.

Snow Leopard class Jump Destroyer Escort    6,850 tons     607 Crew     1065.8 BP      TCS 137  TH 660  EM 0
4817 km/s    JR 4-50     Armour 2-32     Shields 0-0     Sensors 6/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 3
Annual Failure Rate: 93%    IFR: 1.3%    Maint Capacity 389 MSP    Max Repair 240 MSP    Est Time: 1.36 Years
Magazine 264   

J7000(4-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 7000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 4
Ion Engine E8 (11)    Power 60    Fuel Use 80%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 82.1 billion km   (197 days at full power)

Size 1 Missile Launcher (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Missile Fire Control FC7-R1 (1)     Range 7.6m km    Resolution 1
Enterprise Anti-missile Missile (264)  Speed: 30,600 km/s   End: 4.9m    Range: 9m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 204 / 122 / 61

Active Search Sensor MR7-R1 (1)     GPS 126     Range 7.6m km    Resolution 1
Thermal Sensor TH1-6 (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  6m km

12th January 2040
After the destruction of the construction ships, Okean reports that the Behemoth in Gorshkov has reversed course and is heading back to Gorshkov II. Presumably, it was chasing the Goavelha construction ships, which were not detected by Okean, until they left the system.

2nd February 2040
The populations of Jamestown and New Amsterdam both exceed that of Roanoke for the first time. For several years, Roanoke was the focus of colonization as it is the Eridani Republic's primary shipbuilding centre and NATO was determined to secure the safety of its shipyards. In order to operate those shipyards, a sizeable population was required. The populations of Jamestown, which is home to the Republic's factories, and New Amsterdam, which is the research centre, have both been expanded in recent years as those installations were transported from Sol. Since its transformation into an ideal habitable world, Bermuda, which is a centre for mining and refining, is also gaining population.

6th February 2040
With the assignment of new F-24D Cobra strikefighters and F-32B Anaconda interceptors to Independence, all six Eridani fleet carriers have now moved to the Future Strikegroup model, although Independence is the only fleet carrier with a strikegroup consisting entirely of the latest fighter designs. All six light carriers have strikegroups of F-24Ds as they are the most likely to see action. As the fighter factories on Jamestown continue to produce the latest fighter models they will be assigned to the fleet carriers and the older models will be placed into storage or sold.

13th February 2040
Okean, the Soviet scout ship in Gorshkov, has moved close to the Goavelha jump point so it can monitor any Goavelha activity while maintaining its watch on the Behemoth in orbit of Gorshkov II. Its thermal sensor detects the emergence of a Goavelha construction ship. The Behemoth immediately breaks orbit and heads for the construction ship, which also puts it on course for Okean as well. The construction ship runs in one direction, pursued by the Behemoth, while the Soviet scout ship sneaks away in another.

1st March 2040
The Soviet Union completes the design of a revolutionary new cruiser. The Project 1300, which so far lacks an official class name, incorporates several brand new technologies and is intended to run down hostile warships while defending against enemy missile attack without the use of ordnance. As well as better armour protection than the Kirov class battlecruisers, the Project 1300 is equipped with shield generators, a first for any Soviet warship. The primary active defence against missiles is provided by four twin gauss cannon turrets, another new technology, capable of firing twenty-four gauss rounds between them every five seconds. The main armament comprises eight 200mm railguns, which is actually one less than the much smaller Project 1221 'Nevsky' class railgun cruiser, but it will be supported at point blank range by the gauss cannon firing in offensive mode. The 200mm railguns also provide a secondary point defence function. New fire controls for both the gauss cannon and railguns have been designed, incorporating the latest Soviet advances in fire control technology.

The Project 1300 dedicates a significantly smaller proportion of its mass to offensive firepower compared to earlier designs because it is primarily focused on defence. Admiral Borisov and the Soviet design team for the Project 1300 hope this vessel will prove survivable even against superior numbers of hostile missile combatants and will finally provide a solution to the ordnance supply problems that have plagued the Soviet Union for many years. The Zhdanov Shipyard at Novaya Zemlya, which has a single slipway, has begun retooling to build the Project 1300. A process that will take over a year. The Nikolayev South Shipyard, which has two slipways and is currently in Earth orbit, is increasing capacity and should be able to begin retooling as well within a month.

Project 1300 class Gvardeysky Kreyser    23,000 tons     2068 Crew     4276 BP      TCS 460  TH 2480  EM 4500
5391 km/s     Armour 8-72     Shields 150-300     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 10     PPV 124
Annual Failure Rate: 403%    IFR: 5.6%    Maint Capacity 1220 MSP    Max Repair 150 MSP    Est Time: 1.51 Years

Magneto-plasma Drive (31)    Power 80    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 80    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 400,000 Litres    Range 44.7 billion km   (96 days at full power)
Delta R300/15 Shields (60)   Total Fuel Cost  900 Litres per day

Twin R3 Gauss Cannon Turret (4x6)    Range 30,000km     TS: 20850 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 3    ROF 5        1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
200mm Railgun (8x4)    Range 160,000km     TS: 5391 km/s     Power 12-3     RM 4    ROF 20        4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1
MR-510 Podkat Railgun Fire Control (2)    Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 6250 km/s     97 94 91 88 84 81 78 75 72 69
MR-511 Gauss Fire Control (2)    Max Range: 80,000 km   TS: 20000 km/s     88 75 62 50 38 25 12 0 0 0
Stellarator Fusion Reactor (4)     Total Power Output 24    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Voskhod MR-151 Active Sensor (1)     GPS 15120     Range 151.8m km    Resolution 120
Voskhod-2 SR Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 21     Range 2.3m km    Resolution 1
ECCM-3 (1)         ECM 30


Offline Rastaman

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 03:01:33 PM »
Great to see the ongoing evolution in tactics and tech.  I always wondered how effective Gauss guns are against missiles, so I'm looking forward to this. 
Fun Fact: The minimum engine power of any ship engine in Aurora C# is 0.01. The maximum is 120000!

Offline UnLimiTeD

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2011, 05:08:27 PM »
It's really getting Interesting.
The Chinese are getting back into play, the Eridani will take over the exploration and expansion role, and when it looked especially grim for the Soviet Union they get help from unexpected direction and come up with a new Heavy Cruiser.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2011, 08:18:12 PM »
The first Behemoth to be detected settles into orbit of Gorshkov II and begins emitting significant radiation. In the first few hours it is not enough to cause serious harm but its cumulative effect over time will be considerable.

This happened to me at Earth at the very beginning of one of my first campaigns (maybe my very first). I have not seen it happen or seen anybody even mention it since then. I was starting to think I dreamed it or something.

I can sort of guess what's going on here, but would appreciate spoilers about exactly what circumstances bring this about, as opposed to a more "normal" contact i.e. entering a new system and being hit by dozens of FACs.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 09:06:21 PM »
This just keeps getting better and better.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 07:34:36 PM »
I can't imagine the Soviets are terribly pleased about the Eridani selling so much military stuff to China. Are they gonna try something about that? Perhaps massive strikes on China after they've mostly evacuated to Alpha Centauri?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 07:42:29 PM by Deutschbag »

Offline voknaar

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 02:00:25 AM »
I imagine so long as the Chinese don't start getting cocky and want revenge with their new found weaponry the Russians would focus on evacuation procedures until most/all of their important assets are out of sol. China may even follow suit of the other two powers and make an attempt to secure a jump chain from Russian incursions. I cant remember off hand but I think both NATO/Eridani Republic & Russia have chosen to keep their foreign exchange of nuclear gifts of peace and love with aliens a secret. I know Russia has though. So China might be heading out not quite knowing just how hostile the universe has been!

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 02:21:38 AM »
Iirc China has found hostile aliens already and when they sent their ships to defend the jp Russia started the first war.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 05:29:49 AM »
I can't imagine the Soviets are terribly pleased about the Eridani selling so much military stuff to China. Are they gonna try something about that? Perhaps massive strikes on China after they've mostly evacuated to Alpha Centauri?

They'd better be quick - I'd imagine that the Chinese are going to copy NATO/USSR and move all of their industry/population to 70 Ophiuchi, and establish themselves in that WP chain....

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 05:43:13 AM »
Leaving the pursuing horde of warships in her wake, Novorossiysk turns to head in-system and moves within maximum sensor range of Goavelha II. She detects seven 13,800 ton Fenrir class ships and nine 13,650 ton Godheim class in orbit. Both are these types are unknown classes. She also detects a 70,000 ton shipyard complex. As she moves further in-system, she loses contact with some of the smaller pursuing ships. As she reaches three hundred million kilometers from Goavelha II, she detects the ten Saga class, originally spotted by Azov, twenty-five million kilometers beyond the planet and approaching it at 1658 km/s. Azov only detected the Sagas on thermal sensors. Novorossiysk is now able to determine their size as 36,150 tons. Given their size and speed they are most likely some form of commercial vessel.

In a pass through the inner system Novorossiysk detects ninety-three units of a new Goavelha class. The Norse class is 23,500 tons and moving at 2552 km/s. Presumably this is a commercial vessel, possibly a freighter or colony ship. The sheer number of ships emphasizes the Goavelha shipbuilding capability.

With all of these vunerable commercial ships around, I'm surprised that the USSR doesn't produce an updated Project 1222 "Vidyut" FAC (i.e. one with the engines upgraded to allow it to go faster than 10k/s - and then let them loose into Goavelha (with a Novorossiysk as their eyes) to destroy as much commercial shipping as they can catch. It would be a relatively cheap and easy way to knock the Goavelha back a step or two (and force them to divert materials from their military shipyards to replace the commercial ships....)

What do you think?


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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 08:31:31 AM »
Well, if the USSR want to invade the Goavelha, it means much less spoils.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2011, 10:18:08 AM »
I can't imagine the Soviets are terribly pleased about the Eridani selling so much military stuff to China. Are they gonna try something about that? Perhaps massive strikes on China after they've mostly evacuated to Alpha Centauri?

I do not think it is worth their time to strike the Chinese again.  They already did that and the net result was that NATO sold the Chinese their surplus armaments.  Unless the Soviets want to occupy the Chinese population on Earth, there is nothing to stop NATO from simply doing the same thing again.  The Soviets need to either leave well enough alone or strike with such overwhelming force that there is no free Chinese population left on Earth to whom NATO could provide armaments.  Given their issues with multiple alien species, I assume the Soviets will go with leave well enough alone.  It is simply a matter of having too many fronts in their conflicts coupled with the potential for greater war spoils elsewhere.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 10:26:23 AM by Maltay »
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2011, 10:21:20 AM »
I imagine so long as the Chinese don't start getting cocky and want revenge with their new found weaponry the Russians would focus on evacuation procedures until most/all of their important assets are out of sol. China may even follow suit of the other two powers and make an attempt to secure a jump chain from Russian incursions. I cant remember off hand but I think both NATO/Eridani Republic & Russia have chosen to keep their foreign exchange of nuclear gifts of peace and love with aliens a secret. I know Russia has though. So China might be heading out not quite knowing just how hostile the universe has been!

In theory the Chinese already secured the Barnards Star JP from Sol.  I imagine that with their newfound armaments from NATO, they will declare the Barnards Star JP off limits to at least the Soviets and start evacuating their infrastructure and population to 70 Opiuchi for protection.  They do not want to fall prey to the same thing that felled them last time.  They cannot rely on NATO bailing them out again.  Quite simply, Sol is not a defensible position.

Previously, they were delayed in starting state-owned shipping, moving their infrastructure and population, and securing new minerals because of the necessity that they improve their maintenance capacity to effectively maintain their new armaments and thereby deter the Soviets.  With the long-term lease on the old NATO fleet base on Titan, they no longer need to worry about that and can start shipments as soon as a few more freighters and colony ships are complete.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 10:28:31 AM by Maltay »
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 10:24:44 AM »
Well, if the USSR want to invade the Goavelha, it means much less spoils.

I agree.  The Soviets keeps conquering people for the spoils and then losing almost as much as they gain.  They experienced this with the Chinese and then with their conquest in Kostinbrod.  At this point, their approach to this strategy might be sheer desperation.  The GoaVelha probably represent their last real chance to defeat someone and cash in on the spoils.  They either need to make it work or give up on the idea entirely.  I imagine that they have yet to decide which way to go as they do not yet have the armaments to effect either strategy.  As such, they would avoid damaging commercial shipping and infrastructure until such point as they are in a position to make a choice.  Simpy an example of hedging their bets.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 10:28:42 AM by Maltay »
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

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Re: NATO vs Soviet Union: Part 16
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2011, 02:06:45 PM »
If I was in the Russian Politburo I'd see about using some hit and run tactics on civilian shipping. Perhaps a FAC with a combat drop module to board isolated shipping. Perhaps even use a microwave weapon. Assuming Microwaves don't cause secondary explosions etc then they would make for good civilian disabling weapons. Use the scout to ID targets of opportunity sneak in  the combat dropship board --->??? --->profit.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 02:09:54 PM by voknaar »