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Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #135 on: August 22, 2014, 11:24:49 AM »
Well, given that the last time they were annihilated in deep space, trying a close in defence was logical. But then they got swamped by the gun boats, which they had seen there, but not suffered. so in the end they got the worst of both... as by the time the gun boat threat got removed, their fleet was too battered to close in anymore, and too battered to flee. It would have gone even faster if I had remembered the BCs carried Dec2. Well, it evens out with he Cartell BCs having a well hidden datalink after all.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 11:26:29 AM by Starslayer_D »

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #136 on: August 22, 2014, 12:31:57 PM »
Looking at the rules for targetting gunboats again... states they get a +1 to hit on AFM type weapons, this I assume only applies to the AFMc as the AFM counts them as AFM vrs Other.  The +1 also applies to the 28.03 chart but that +1 is not on top of +1 vrs small craft so far as I can tell.  So they are engaged on the 28.03 chart with a net +1.  A fighter engages them on the fighter to fighter chart at a net +2 (+1 for gunboat, and +1 for fighter dog fighter bonus).

I thought they were even easier targets then small craft but seems not.

They launch in the movement phase, but it isn't clear how many movement points they would have remaining when they launch.  Fighters loose 1 MP for being launched but they can't be launched in the turn of the ship transiting in...gunboats can.  I'd think given they have to spend a turn docking that undock also leaves them unable to manuever (speed 0 turn of launch)?

As for the Seals...I can't really comment that effectively as I'd far more details...sometimes defending the warp point doesn't mean defending the warp point and sometimes it means being very close (the Cervii for example).  I just think it might have been more useful to be 41 hexes from the WP with a heavy csp of small craft between you and the WP and an extended minefield in that direction to attrit the enemy force.  But it isn't cut and dried by any means.  Best laid plans and all that....but seperating the Gunboat swarm from fleet support would be my goal in any future easy that will be do I don't know.

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #137 on: August 22, 2014, 05:10:30 PM »
Not easy. The first battle they lost, and the gun boats didn't even get involved. They just shadowed them to the left and right ready to pounce upon them if they retreated. Just the long range firepower from dreadnaughts and then BCs up close. All the battleships were later additions to the red feet lineup.
They did kill off a lot of gunboats which need time to be replaced (at 3 hull space each they eat up construction space by a lot), and they killed a SD, BB and two BC, which do need replacements. So they did slow down the expansion, but and very high costs. So they gained some time to refit their remaining ships with better electronics at the least, if not right out better weapons and defences. But they may loose more systems over it. It depends if the undines are willing to let them do it, as heir home system sits behind a closed warp point, but they have a lot of real estate exposed right now.

[ooc]I have posted the forces involved under scenarios, for those who like to see if they can do better.[/ooc]
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 08:20:27 AM by Starslayer_D »

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #138 on: August 24, 2014, 04:34:53 AM »
Month 213  Shanirian Confederation

The Drake High Council and the Shanirian Assembly confront the reality of the massed warp point defences to the Cervii homeworld.  Attrition attacks are ruled out as economically unfeasable.  The bases likely have sufficient shields that most of the damage would be wasted on hit and run attacks.  The only viable strategic option is containment until some a better solution presents itself.  The SCN is directed to recall its assault ships.  A new plan is drawn up with both sides approving it that will bolster the defences to the point where a counter attack by the Cervii is doomed to fail.  Construction of pre-fabricated bases will be begin and accelerate over the next months.  Meanwhile the strong fleet presence in Elvorfilias will remain to guard the warp point.

The SCN has three other worries though. 
"The Cats Who Say No" (Tee-Kahwha-essno in crew parlance) have been not agreeing to any sort of treaty relationship since contact was established and as they are only a single system from Tarantum this has become worrysome.  TF20 watching the warp point to their homesystem has been continously reinforced but it is still troublesome.  The diplomats have shifted to securing a non-agression treaty.  The Confederation is more than willing to turn over the two systems in the chain that connects to the TCWSN's homeworld but even that has not moved them from their stance of not signing anything.

Attica, a system on the frontier, had been visited by an Undine survey fleet exploring through one of the systems un-explored but known warp points.  TG Centurion, was on its way to join the forces in system and two mobile construction groups were moving towards the system as well.  The aquatic mammels were not friendly and two promising warp chains had been abandoned as they led to this races space.  The Confederation viewed them as persona no gratia for the most part and the standard proceedure was to avoid contact where possible.  Up to now it had been possible to put closed warp points between them and the Confederation.  This one would be secured.

In Rubicon, as system including a foward operations base, the warp point to the Council of the Moon's Home System Antelope and a pre-industrial race on the companion start of the binary had been visited as well.  TG 31.1 had responded to the alert and was presently in system.  [ooc]I have to ask my strategic planner if the RM would have initiated contact at this point or not...they could have just vanished back through the closed warp point...which may be more sensible for them to they can't maintain the ship without revealing its existance and the survey ship has only 1 months maintenance onboard.[/ooc]

On the whole the Shanirian Assembly is facing a financial crissis due to the cost of maintaining its fleet on a semi-war-footing.  The Drakes are in a similiar straight, with both governments living mainly on trade revenues.  The cost of the build up for the Cervii war though is considered worth it by the SCN as they have now upgraded most of their mothballed ships to only one version behind current, and they will refit them before returning them to mothballs.  They have also gained valuable experience with the demothballing proceedure.

Refitting and new construction for the Survey Fleets is also nearing completion and survey operations will resume inside of 3 months.

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #139 on: September 09, 2014, 11:38:46 AM »
Moth 216, Cannon Cartell, Ewon System

The Cannon Cartell is a quite martial capitalist society. They are willing to trade with almost anyone and aim to create trade opportunities with everyone they contact.   And they have succeeded nicely, so far. By an accident of galactrography, they quite early ran out of open warplines to exploit, having met dead ends or neighbours.
Their home system, Ewon, is a crossroads of traders and goods, with an almost unprecedented number of nine warp points. Knowing that riches are coveted, the Cannon Cartell has fortified their systems on a scale rarely seen by any other nation in the known galaxy, and they know about most of it by rumour if not well paid spies. Each warp point is guarded by at least three BS4 and ten BS3, the later with capital missile armaments and the former with plasma guns. And thick mine belts to fence in all unauthorized passage.
They are wary of some of the races they have contacted, as  many of these are rather warlike, but they have managed to gain trade, if not military agreements with most of them, and relations have been peaceful.
Recently, one of their partners: the Undine Conglomerate, a race rather less prone to cordial relations and loathed by several races for their tendency to react unfavourable to new contacts; but, on quite cordial terms with the Cannon Cartell, has been invaded by a so far implacable foe, a fleet of red ships with substantial technological superiority. A
fleet sent by the Cartell to aid them in defending a warp point was annihilated alongside the undine defenders, sending the Cartell military into a frenzy of strategic evaluation and cautious refits, which affect among other things their complete force of carriers.
Only in one case has their diplomatic efforts backfired, with the House of Liao.  They are a small one system empire ruled by a council of advisors in the name of an absolute monarch. Despite being a pocket empire, they are proudly independent and refused an attempt by the Cannon Cartell to enter  into a partnership agreement. Breaking off the
existing trade and military treaty to retreat into isolation, preferring that to being dominated by their larger and richer neighbour. But that was over two years ago, and nothing else has come of it... until now.

The emptiness of space on the warp point leading to the Liao system is suddenly broken by the emergence of a string of light cruisers and two corvettes, all aligned perpendicular to the looming Doombringer bases which watch over the warp point at a distance of 425.000 km. The first of the cruisers fires a broadside of five lasers, hitting with all of them but due to the distance boiling off just some of the base's armour. By happenstance, this is the base on active duty, and their gunnery crews, although surprised by the sudden assault and the accuracy of the fire, react swiftly and allocate five plasma guns and two rapid fire missile launchers to each of three light cruisers, vaporizing one and heavily damaging the others. Missile fire from a Destroyer and two Eradicator class bases further out crosses beams fired by the remaining light cruisers, but the Liao crews are very well trained and despite the shock of transit react and engage the missiles, negating most of them with accurate point defence fire and launched EDMs.  The plasma guns on the corvettes miss the base due to the effects of the transit.

Another string of six light cruisers and two corvettes emerges with guns blazing. This time facing the opposite direction of the previous ships. The remaining two Doombringer bases crews are now at their post, their two salvoes damaging most of the cruisers while they in turn punched through the armour of the first Doombringer base with their lasers and eliminated its shields with CAMS. The two Destroyer bases focused fire on another cruiser, but the missiles where mostly intercepted. The active datagroup of Eradicator bases fired laser warhead armed missiles at the untouched two light cruisers of the first wave leaving them streaming air. The newly arrived corvettes, in return, missed the
Doombringer base with their plasma guns.
The third wave saw six heavy cruisers and again two corvettes, this time emerging again on the first vector. The first three cruisers turned to face the Doombringer bases, and the first unleashed a hail of sprint mode missiles from seven advanced launchers and a powerful beam of searing light from a spinal mounted laser system, far more powerful than
the lasers used by the light cruisers. The bases responded, their fire now weakened by the damage wrought upon the first base, by targeting four cruisers, splitting their fire between them and launching their own CAM. The results were very varied, with one cruiser being almost vaporized, two taking heavy damage and one only scratched, not even
venting atmosphere. The remaining light cruisers and the heavy cruisers united their fire to burn deeper into the first Doombringer and also remove the passives of the second, leaving gaping holes where once weapon bays had stood.  Missile fire from the bases tries and take out corvettes before their plasma guns can recharge, with very slight
results. The Liao corvettes proved to be very tough against missile fire, and although one was damaged heavily, managed to respond with their own plasma guns, this time successfully.

By the time the fourth wave emerged, again delivering six heavy cruisers, most of the light cruisers had been reduced to weaponless wrecks which slowly aligned towards the warp point to exit the battle. But the defenders had their hands full with the remaining threats and could not spend weapon allocation towards their elimination, especially as the Liao crews proved to be very well trained in regards to their handling of point defense fire.  The newly arrived cruisers emerged facing the other way to the last group, and slowly turned towards the Doombringers, while the third wave now were all aligned on them. After an intense exchange of fire the first two Doombringers were reduced to drifting clouds of wreckage, leaving only one of the huge defenders facing the invaders, supported by the eight missile bases out at 1.650.000 km. The end of their sojourn was heralded by the fifth wave, this time of six battle cruisers, one of which immediately unleashed a broadside of four capital missiles and three roentgen lasers. The last remaining Doombringer base tried to stave off its fate by concentrating fire upon two battle cruisers, but it was not enough and bit by bit it was carved up by lasers of all kinds and missiles, as the damaged light cruisers and the corvettes retreated.
The heavy cruisers now turned their attention to the Destroyer bases and engaged them with accurate long range laser fire from their spinal mounts.  As the bases could stand off the missiles from the battlecruisers and were too far out to be engaged by their laser weapons  the defenders fire targeted the remaining cruisers with devastating effect.  Laser warhead missiles detonated around the cruisers and spalled away armour and the surface mounted datalink that meshed their point defences together.  The last wave of reinforcements for the attackers arrive consisting of three battlecruisers and three light cruisers.  The next time the bases fired the heavy crusiers were fighting independently and two cruisers vanished engulfed in concentrated fire from the bases and the damage to the rest was apparently significant.

In the exchange of fire now largely only a missile duel both Destroyer bases are damaged, as well, an Eradicator was taking fire.  Before they lost control over the ring of buoys waiting for ships attempting to sweep the mines the control systems on the Destroyer bases send out updated commands.  After receiving them the 80 IDEW-P locked onto the mass of enemy ships and fired into the remaining attacking ships, punching holes into them.  The second ring of mines also received a command and the controller modules of the mine field was instructed to fire at maximum rate on all targets detected. After receiving fire from the IDEW-P the Liao force turned around and vanished back though the warp point, apparently deciding they did not have enough ships left to break through the minefield and successfully pursue further engagements in the Ewon system.  The defenders were happy to see them go and assault shuttles move in to start recovering life pods of both friend and foe.

Moth 216, Alaisiagae System, Northern Lizard expanses.
About the same time as the Cannon Cartell was defending themselves, somewhere; quite elsewhere, in the galaxy...  Scaly beings, with clawed hands and snouts full of teeth, warily watched the warp point before them. Usually more interested in trade and peaceful contact, the galaxy had reminded them that war also had its place. It has been long since anything happened here, but they had not forgotten. The aliens on the other side had surged through the warp point and raided the lush planet the ships now guarded. After being fought to a standstill and then being expulsed from the system again in two bloody battles, a pursuit into the aliens home system had not been advisable, as the fleets beam battlecruisers had all taken damage and were in need of repair. Still, the lizards had been confident of holding the system against a counterattack, their battle cruisers had proved to be faster than the aliens commercial drive engined hulls, and longer ranged as well. Years had passed without anything happened, time used well in the Norsk system,
for the development of new ships and weapons, and the refit and expansion of their fleet.
Now twenty-one battle cruisers and six light carriers guarded the warp point from a distance, holding a vigil but far enough out for their crews to come to alertness while being safe. Twelve Grendel class battle cruisers with a spinal laser and a broadside of heterodyne lasers escorted six Skadi heavy missile battle cruisers with a broadside of seven capital launchers and three of their more mixed Wooden class cousins who traded two launchers for a capital force beam waited. Then, something stirred. Slowly, an enemy fleet emerged: six titanic dreadnaughts, guarded by a twenty-seven heavy cruisers and a smattering of destroyers and frigates, with a solitary battlecruiser. Possible that last was the lone old style Grendel captured by the aliens? Fate was a fickle crone though, just as the unveiling of the first of the Grendel's Mother class dreadnaught had been feted by the defenders, the aliens showed their hand by bringing six of similar sized ships into the system.

Slowly falling into range of their missiles before the advancing alien fleet, they waited until they could bring their XO racks into play to start the engagement, launching salvoes of internal and external missiles at the enemy ships. But this fire was not one sided, as soon as their revealed which of their battlecruisers had capital missile launchers, the enemy dreadnaughts fired back with capital missiles from their external ordinance racks, and with 39 inbound, the defenses of the targeted Wooden battlecruiser where overwhelmed and breached. One of the Skadi fared similarly, and both ships where then targeted by further salvoes from the heavy cruisers and destroyers until their first three engine rooms had been taken out, dooming them eventually to fall back into the waiting jaws of the pursuing fleet. Also, the Grendel battlecruiser in the enemy line up used its higher speed to dash slightly ahead and then carved some of the armor off a second Skadi. On the other hand, two invading cruisers and a dreadnaught all had taken damage, although some of the fire on one of the cruisers was intercepted by a reaction launched EDM. Definitely the aliens had learned some lessons from the previous battles, not only were their ships more resilient and less easily disarmed by fire taken, but also they were better prepared for missile fire. The lizard fleet switched over to laser war heads to slowly strip their enemies of their armour and data links while the two slowed ships drifted closer to the enemy battle line amidst a very dangerous looking but utterly ineffectual firework display of plasma torpedoes. Analysis indicated that at least twelve cruisers now carried two launchers, and the dreadnaughts five, but they all missed repeatedly. The hostile Grendel proved more effective, slowly burrowing through the armour of the second targeted Skadi and removing finally some engine rooms before succumbing to return fire which slowed it down as well.

The battle ran on for a long time until four of the dreadnaughts heavily damaged and many other enemy ships where lightly damaged and streaming atmosphere. The lizards paid for this with their three damaged battlecruisers, who succumbed to a hail of standard missiles as soon as they came into range of them. All capital missiles but a last salvo spent after fifteen minutes of battle the so far passive carriers, who had stayed well beyond weapon range, launched their broods:  24 squadrons of fighters raced in a wide arc towards the long trail of crippled ships, and started rolling it back up towards the fleet. With half of them expending their rockets upon the crippled cruisers for the loss of only three of their number due to their superior speed and freedom of position with evasive maneuvers, the remaining twelve squadrons with unfired ammunition faced the alien ships which had bunched up to protect each other. Again approaching carefully and using evasive maneuvers, they bore in while the battlecruisers provided covering fire against any ship daring to use their point defense against the oncoming fighters. With one pass they crippled all dreadnaughts and even three cruisers before flying back to the carriers.  Left behind were the remains of a total of four squadrons worth of comrades, taken by the defenders Wa missiles launched in a flurry of dense flak. The fighters landed, reorganized and rearmed, and then launched again. This time, they followed the twelve Grendels into the enemy battle line.  The beam armed battlecruises charged then enemy, activating their tuners to close quickly. The resulting clash was quick, brutal and final.  The aliens ships were all crippled alongside three grendels reduced to nothing more than hulks with a  drive field. Although the alien fleet surrendered, almost all ships blew themselves up after launching their crew in escape pods, which the Lizards picked up.

[ooc](Plasma torpedoes are definitely not a long range weapon system on par with capital missiles. Closer than twenty hexes they actually start to hit and then their prove worthwhile due to their point defense evasion, but with an effective range of fifteen hexes they are more an alternative to the Wa than to the Rc. And their magazine costs is huge.
This battle showed that the Wa armament of the Conclave of Netheril dealt far more damage than the plasma torpedoes, with a total of 7 shots hitting, and five of them only after the Lizard Grendel BCs closed to within close beam range on them. The Conclave was doomed by design philosophy and a weapon system in this battle, again, which was more a
waste of tonnage than anything else. Had they military engines, the Lizards still could have played keep way, but zigging and zagging would have brought them into range. Luckily for the conclave, the lizards green crews sure brought far less CM on target than standard crews would have once they managed to stay at 24 hexes after the initial losses. I dare say though had the DN been armed with capital missiles the battle could have swung the other way or at least killed far more Lizard ships by e.g. forcing an earlier commitment of the fighters.)[/ooc]
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 02:06:35 AM by Starslayer_D »

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #140 on: September 10, 2014, 04:16:44 AM »
[ooc]One thing that is interesting is how little an influence EM has with the UTM changes.  It is functionally only around for the first turn of fire from a newly transited force.  After that it is rare any ship has a negative adjustment from it.  This removes one of the advantages of the plasma torpedo (it isn't affected by EM) and leaves it only with the -5 interception modification.  The plasma torpedo may be a substantially more efficient weapon when used defensively against a warp point assault. 

The commercial engined guys may want to consider equipping their ships with tunners.  At least it gives them a few rounds of higher speed.  I am happy my battle plan for the Lizards turned out to be a resounding success. 

The WP on the Cannon Cartell was touch and go...Starslayer and I were discussing if the CAs should have been sent in first rather than the CLs.  Assuming the same activation rate my feeling is that it would have resulted in the loss of the CAs rather than CLs but not much else...but it is hard to say for certain.  It is another of these 100 HS warp points so that limits the size of what can come through.  I'm continously amazed at the number of those things that show up...compared to Steve or Kurt who never encountered them so far as I know.  Datagrouped point defence with elite crews really makes it hard to score serious hits at this tech level.  I wasted a fair amount of fire on the CTs for virutally no hits.  I think I also missed up the kilt fire on the CAs.  All in all it was a good battle and not as one sided as it originally looked.[/ooc]

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #141 on: September 10, 2014, 11:17:21 AM »
[ooc]Indeed. The Liao could have broken into the system, but their fleet would have been to crippled to take on the shipyards further in or any sizeable deep space fleet. So they opted for preserving their ships and broke off. Now we have to see what the cartel decides to do besides strengthening the WP defences.[/ooc]

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #142 on: September 11, 2014, 04:26:08 AM »

[ooc]It is another of these 100 HS warp points so that limits the size of what can come through.  I'm continously amazed at the number of those things that show up...compared to Steve or Kurt who never encountered them so far as I know.[/ooc]


As far as I know, both Steve and Kurt had 100 HS WP's - but Steve ignores the WP capacity limit, and Kurt has used a transit rules for small WP's similar to 4th edition for a while now (i.e., for 100 HS WP's, large ships transit in over a number of movement phases, but for larger WP's, the standard R3rd ed rules applies).

But I may be wrong....

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #143 on: September 11, 2014, 05:12:08 AM »
As far as I know, both Steve and Kurt had 100 HS WP's - but Steve ignores the WP capacity limit, and Kurt has used a transit rules for small WP's similar to 4th edition for a while now (i.e., for 100 HS WP's, large ships transit in over a number of movement phases, but for larger WP's, the standard R3rd ed rules applies).

But I may be wrong....

That is right, Kurt in the last stuff he wrote was using the 4thE warppoint rules.  Steve, if he had 100 HS WPs, certainly never had them intefere with ship movements.  I mean a single 100 HS limit WP would block the bugs from ISW4 cold. 

The Shanirians didn't bother with the DN because they can't move one more than 2 transits from their home system, and best case about 6-8 transits.  I have basically on every warp line that goes anywhere one of the things.  It makes it pretty much impossible to use ships larger than a BB.  So even building them outside of Shanir itself would not help.  They become mobile BS4s and the SCN decided that they can afford to maintain more bases and just have bases rather than having ships that are trapped in varioius areas of the Confederation due to the WPs.  The Drakes haven't got any except for the one to the Cervii system so they have have 1 DN operational and 2 more under construction.  They also had not built many BBs as they thought to wait till the DN was available.  The Squids have one 100 HS WP between their home system and 90% of their space and the connection to the Shanirians is also 100 HS. Though they have just found a new larger one but it doesn't help that much for moving things around since they can't get out of the homesystem with anything bigger than a BB.  The Moonies have none that affect them, but on the other hand they just want to be left alone.

The RM is pretty good with 100 HS not affecting them in the main but they just pulled out of a warp chain that they could only access via one and they have an awesome system that has access via one.  Over all though most of their WPs are big enough to move their DNs through.

They do make a huge difference when present that is for sure.  Especially in the later part of the game where small-ish assault ships aren't really so viable.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 07:13:08 AM by Paul M »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #144 on: September 11, 2014, 02:51:45 PM »
They also make specialised ships necessary, like BB warp point probers... No one really wants to stuff a SD down a 100 HS WP.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #145 on: September 12, 2014, 02:51:57 AM »
Month 218, Thing of Odin, Baile Feirsta System

With a weary soul, Baernstola Aethelhild watched the plot before her. Seven bloody years, and one was almost back where the whole affair started. For Seven years, the Yeti had been attacking the Thing, been thrown back, had their home system and several colonies occupied, and then when victory was already a certainty, had regained it all. All this time, they had stubbornly refused to communicate. Not that they were unable and unwilling to talk with people, but they refused to talk with the people of the Thing. And the contact specialists where still unable to make heads or tails out of their language, too. even the assistance of a theban team of communication specialists did not help. Apparently, the thebans and the Yeti could talk all right and fine. but sit a Yeti and one of Odins own at a table, and all which came was icy silence of meaningless gabble. And now, with the nigh invulnerable ships of the Tharnaxs help, the Yeti had removed the Things occupation forces and fleets from their home system, regaining the economy there and the large pool of people. Who knows what they have build now, and when they would attack again, binding the Things fleets to guarding the warp points leading to their systems. The yeti were just too dangerous and allowing them to rebuild a fleet was not wise.
Time to end this. After the short war with the heathen Regia Maria, the people had gained some interesting technology, and now where ready to unleash it upon the Yeti. No longer would they have to risk expensive ships and countless willing pinnace crews. But...  for information. And thus, Aethelhild watched the plot, awaiting the return of the second scouting pinnace. The first had failed to return at all, and the second one had been launched two days later. And now it has come back. The Yeti had been very busy. Five battlecruisers, eleven cruiser sized bases and fifty-one corvettes presented a sizeable force and most likely would stop any conventional assault, given how well trained Yeti crews usually are. And the pinnace reported taking fire from lasers and capital point defenses from the corvettes, so apparently those have been created to deal with any armed pinnace attacks. But there was no need to risk neither ships nor pinnaces in an assault. Slowly, 5 heavy cruiser sized freighters unloaded warp capable automated bods from their cargo holds, each pod loaded with three of the new strategic bombardment missiles armed with laser warheads. Eighty pods from each freighter, four hundred in total, representing months of industrial output poured into destruction. Finally they were programmed and ready to fulfill their purpose. They advanced and plunged into the warp point. On the other side, they divided into two groups who advanced into opposite directions, plowing through a  weak minefield and continuing on. A pinnace followed them almost a minute later to observe. The pods headed out, until they reached a point 2.5 ls from the warp point, pursued by he corvettes who poured longer ranged point defense fire and lasers into them. The battle cruisers also encountered the northern group and added their fire, leaving in the end a total of 129 pods in that group to fire, while the southern one fared better and still ahd 149 left, Both groups then unleashed destruction upon the corvettes, with between six and nine missiles slashing down on each corvette. Those deployed EDMs, as they had used their point defense to fire upon the pods. But the missiles exploding into scythes of laser beams rendered the EDM useless, flashing right past the distorted drive fields to carve away at the corvettes below. Caught in the middle of two huge swarms of missiles, the corvettes where whittled down until only half of them survived. five of them still with crew quarters and decent mobility, the others slowed to a crawl and without any life support or even reduced to immobile lasers within a floating wreck.
Seeing this, the pinnace returned through the warp point and reported. for the immense number of pods and missiles spend, the results where a bit of a letdown, but the pods had to be send in two groups else the Yeti could have concentrated upon one group. Now another group of pods moved towards the warp point, all 120 remaining to one of the SBMHAWK carriers, and transited to sit on the warp point. The survivor of the transit stayed there and divided their fire upon the bases, with three bases getting ten pods and all others nine. The bases in response deployed two EDM, and these coupled with their point defense rendered much of the incoming storm of missiles impotent, with only two bases streaming air, although all lost their shields and various degrees of armour. Again a pinnace observed and reported back, also noting that the still mobile corvettes and the battlecruisers hightailed it out of there, retreating away from this new weapon systems onslaught. Undouptly they would be met again somewhere else. Two days later, another wave of pods damaged the abandoned bases further, destroying two and leaving the others scattered and streaming air amidst drifting, lifeless corvette wrecks.
To be continued…

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #146 on: September 25, 2014, 11:31:33 AM »
Moth 222 - Undine Conglomerate - Helium System

-Maximum air breach-
For the past two month the colonists on the many asteroid belts of the Helium system could track the survey ships of the red fleet and their cruiser escorts while they surveyed he system, and one after another located and probed the warp points of the system. As courier drones from Thantalum and Rhenium told, first by pinaces, and then presumably with ships where the pinaces encountered no resistance. The probe in Thantalum was stopped immediately by the strong defences, but the pinace in Rhenium escaped.
Now, they watched as further forces of the red fleet entered the system and split up to accompany two cruisers around the system. Cruisers who one after another settled in orbit around the barren moons and planets and then proceeded to fire gun missiles into the domed and now doomed colonies, destroying their integrity beyond what their engineers had dreamed possible, incinerating flesh and metal in nuclear fireballs and opening them to the void, until only the lonesome small shipyard tasked to build defences for the system remained. The six corvettes build by it had been send away to strengthen Rhenium, and the two bases remaining close by the shipyard could offer some protection but never ha been designed to deal with attackers able to fire capital missiles, and thus where quickly smashed from beyond any range they could reply. No succour could be send, as the fleet in Ocean was busy refitting with better defences and more powerful energy weapons, a vital task as else the ships would not be able to face the red fleet a third time and survive.
The observers silenced, the ships of the red fleet continued onwards toward the rhenium warp point, amalgamating once again into one huge pulk of ships and settled down to await the last reinforcements. But the undine expanses had just ben split into two large pieces and several splinters like Rhenium and the defenceless Aluminium system.

Undine Conglomerate -  Terbium system

The five surviving survey cruisers waited around the warp point whom they had probed two moth ago, and lost their probing cruiser beyond, apparently to a small force of the red fleet which send fifteen of the gunboats after it. But now their wait for reinforcements was shattered by three battleships streaming through the warp point and launching 36 gunboats. The watching cruisers turned to fleet, while the battleships watched them run. Soon after the battleships where reinforced by three more and three BC and three cruisers, who also all launched gunboats. All those formed up into an unstoppable force of 117 gunboats and charged after the cruisers, who, armed only with a single advanced missile launcher and a very strong point defence suite prepared to engage them. But the gunboats refused to come close and apparently, having learned from engaging the probing cruiser, just fired salvoes of fighter missiles into them until they all where slowed down enough by the leakers through their point defence until the red ships of the foe could catch up and slowly pound them to glowing wisps of vapour with their long range lasers. A long chain of systems now lay open, leading without side branches through eight sparsely settled frontier systems until a closed warp point cut off further access to the undine core systems. Luckily, the first settled system of Telurium Salt already had a small fleet gathering and further reinforcements where about to set forth just after shaking down from a refit.

SURVEY DELTA class CA        12 XO Racks   60 Hull    TL 4
60 RCP  40 MCP       Trg:1  Bmp +1        Cost = 1613/242
HTK 43   Sx6  Ax6  Dx6  Rax1  Mgx1  
Not a good design, suffering from undine design philosophy and even more from never receiving any refits.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 09:47:15 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #147 on: September 30, 2014, 07:42:04 PM »
As far as I know, both Steve and Kurt had 100 HS WP's - but Steve ignores the WP capacity limit, and Kurt has used a transit rules for small WP's similar to 4th edition for a while now (i.e., for 100 HS WP's, large ships transit in over a number of movement phases, but for larger WP's, the standard R3rd ed rules applies).

But I may be wrong....

Nope, you got it right.  I don't like the limitations imposed by the smaller warp points, so I used an alternate rule first included in a Sky Marshal, if I remember correctly.  Using that rule even large SD's or Monitors could get into any system, but it would take time for them to squeeze through a warp point if it was very small. 


Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #148 on: October 01, 2014, 02:14:41 AM »
Nope, you got it right.  I don't like the limitations imposed by the smaller warp points, so I used an alternate rule first included in a Sky Marshal, if I remember correctly.  Using that rule even large SD's or Monitors could get into any system, but it would take time for them to squeeze through a warp point if it was very small. 


Given they never rear their heads in any of the scenarios, or books I'd say you are not alone in this feeling.  The RNG apparently hates our game given the number of them that show up, as they are rare (<10% of all WPs) based on their chance to show up in the chart if memory serves.  But they really hit you hard at about TL7 when you could build a DN.  Probably the chart needs to have their chance to show up reduced even more so they show up only 2% of the time 1% open and 1% closed, or the size adjusted to 130 HS.

Alternatively one could say it is a reason for the existance of the battleship, as there is no sensible reason for building them once you can build DNs.

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #149 on: October 01, 2014, 04:36:56 AM »
Well, DN do have an existential reason, if you can defend an inner core behind 100 HS WP against invaders with them, or if you can send them around longer detours to arive still. Thus, for the Thebans, BB are the fast reaction force and DN are the big stick send out to eventually arive and deal with the problem.
The high number of 100 HS WP in existence though leads to the creation of WP probe BB which help to gather WP data against heavy oposition before one risks squeezing a DN through an unknown WP.