Month 3
Nothing changed much this month:-
Income - 765 MCr
Research on Laser II - Cost 125 MCr - RP total - 102 out of 200 Required
Shipbuilding - New Portland Freighter - Cost 422 MCr - 90 tons total built out of 621
Colonization - 0.6 PP moved from Earth to Asteroids - Cost 600 MCr
Maintenance Costs - 209 MCr
Final balance = 5025 MCr
Discovery 1 jumped to Sirius, a distance of 3 LY taking 6 days. For the next 20 hours they took general readings of the system finding 4 medium gas giants, 2 asteroid belts and three rock planets, 1 Terran type and 2 barren. They decided to take a closer look at Sirius-2 - and opened a new chapter in Earth's history.
As they approached the planet, they began to pick up unusual readings. They needed to get in closer to carry out their survey but the captain was no fool. He approached at speed 1 stern first. If necessary he could reverse direction quickly. He could not activate his jump engines within 140,000 km of the planet (14 hexes from the planet and he needed to be within 100,000 km to obtain useful readings (that's what the manual said i.e. me). The planet had 1 moon in orbit at 80,000 km. He approached the planet with his active sensors on and shields up. A stealthy approach could be seen as a hostile act.
Unknown to the captain, the planet was home to the Hawth - a reptilian race who had recently mastered space flight and started to colonise their system. They had no FTL ability but that would soon change as they had just started researching FTL engines. They were fairly determined (Willpower 76), highly arrogant (86), fairly aggressive (73) and, although they were not generally xenophobic (40), they believed they were the highest life form in the galaxy and they did not welcome visitors. Two "Defender" frigates were powered down, hidden behind the moon, waiting for a chance to pounce on the unsuspecting invaders. Both were armed with 4x2cm mass cannons in turrets - and both were ready to attack.
If the moon wasn't present, the Terrans would have a 35% of spotting the engine off Hawth frigates but, as they are hiding, I decided to not give them a chance to spot them until they were 2 hexes away (just mean I guess). By then, the Hawth were in motion.
Remember that the Terran ship has speed 1 on vector 060.
Initiative - Terran 4 Hawth1 8 Hawth2 6
Hawth move first and apply 1 thrust in vector 240. Terrans apply 1 thrust in direction 060 to reduce speed to zero.
The Terrans have no weapons so cannot fire.
The Hawth open fire with 4 mass cannons each. At 2 hex range, mass cannons require 88 or less on d100 to score a hit. Hawth1 gets 3 hits, as does Hawth2. Each volley scores 3 thermal and 9 kinetic. The alpha shields reduce the thermal to 1 each by mitigation which is absorbed by the shields, reducing the thermal on the rear shield to 13 and the collapse value to 23. The first 9 kinetic also hit the shields, reduced to 7 by mitigation and thus reducing the protection to 3 and the collapse value to 16. The 2nd volley does the same, reducing the protection to 0, the collapse value to 13, and 4 points hit the armor. The armor gives no protection against kinetic damage so the 3 points hit the hull. 2 points of structure are damaged (441 to 439) and 2 hits obtained on the structure internally (437).
The Terrans rebalance the shields to try to reduce damage from the next attack. The kinetic protection becomes 7/6/7/6 (Forward / Port / Aft / Starboard) and the thermal protection becomes 15/14/15/14. The problem for the Terrans is that the next attack will probably collapse the shields, allowing all the damage to hit the hull.
Unknown to the Terrans, discussions are taking place on the Hawth flagship. They have seen that the Terran ship has no weapons and their honor code prevents them from attacking defenceless prey. They decide that, provided the invader leaves the system, they have made their point. They decide to cease fire and see what happens. (Rolled against xenophobia (dr=52, xenophobia = 40). The Terran ship can't believe its luck and accelerates as quickly as possible to a point where they can activate their FTL engines and return to Earth.
To be continued.