Author Topic: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?  (Read 273377 times)

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Offline JacenHan

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #555 on: August 14, 2013, 05:01:50 PM »
The Terran Empire currently has 6 extra-solar colonies, as well as colonies on Mars, Io, and Ganymede. Despite the fact that the 2nd Carrier Strike Group was destroyed by a single enemy ship in Proxima Centauri, exploration and expansion proceeds as usual. Neutronium and Corundium stockpiles are low, but mines on Venus and Brooks work hard to alleviate that shortage. New jump drives are being designed to accompany the new 15,000 ton and 30,000 ton ship classes.

Offline Aloriel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #556 on: August 15, 2013, 12:07:39 AM »
We call this "The Pentagon Maneuver". I literally have about 4000 missiles pursuing me. They all move about 2500 km/s, while my fleet is up over 4000 km/s. I am flying circles around the missiles so that I can shoot the launchers. The blue circle is my laser range.

I've already flown a few loops at this point, and the enemy is down several PDCs. I am engaging with guns because I don't want to use my missiles on this horde of PDCs. I simply don't have enough to destroy the lot, so why spend them?

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Offline Aloriel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #557 on: August 15, 2013, 03:29:11 PM »
Because I thought some of you may be questioning these barrages of 1000 missiles, I present you with my message window:

Crazy huh?

Too bad for them that each and every one of those missiles is a waste of a shot.

Note that this is just one wave of them. They typically fire off 3 full waves like this, then a myriad of smaller waves.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 03:30:51 PM by Aloriel »
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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #558 on: August 16, 2013, 05:50:55 AM »
Aloriel, you may want to bring in some ground forces and draw out the enemy troops so you can hit those with a missile volley, and then just grind away at the enemies defenses.

Offline Aloriel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #559 on: August 16, 2013, 11:28:57 AM »
Ground forces have been en route for some time. This battle over the planet is taking place in minutes/seconds. Travel to the planet takes a few weeks, even at the higher speeds that my dropships travel at. Also, unfortunately, I don't think I have enough dropships to handle their ground forces. I only have 3 dropships, with 5 battalions each. The sensor report says they have 25 ground strength. I'm guessing that means 25 battalions, plus who knows how many in PDC barracks.

As I sit here tinkering with my designs and research, and reviewing the statistics, I am highly tempted to withdraw and wait for more ships. I have early warning sensors scattered at all jump gates. I'll have months of advance notice. I can sit back and lick the few scratches they actually caused (a couple missiles actually caught one of my frigates in the early stages of the invasion - back when they had a space force). Finish research on a couple techs, and build them into new ship designs...

Yes. Let's do that. But first, I'm going to draw their fire until an espionage team can land. And maybe transfer the last of my missiles to the missile cruisers... see if I can't take out a few more PDCs.
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Offline Bgreman

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #560 on: August 17, 2013, 02:23:46 AM »
The sensor report says they have 25 ground strength. I'm guessing that means 25 battalions, plus who knows how many in PDC barracks.

The contact strength is the sum of the offense and defense ratings of all exposed units (not taking into account the race's racial base combat strength tech).

Offline Aloriel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #561 on: August 17, 2013, 02:27:14 AM »
I'm guessing "exposed" means those not in PDC barracks? 25 seems an extremely low amount, even for low tech. Especially considering the vast quantity of PDCs they have.
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Offline alex_brunius

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #562 on: August 18, 2013, 07:33:01 AM »
I'm guessing "exposed" means those not in PDC barracks? 25 seems an extremely low amount, even for low tech. Especially considering the vast quantity of PDCs they have.
Unless that vast quantity of PDCs also have barracks right? Then almost none of the troops would be exposed. :)

Offline Bgreman

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #563 on: August 19, 2013, 09:59:24 AM »
I'm guessing "exposed" means those not in PDC barracks? 25 seems an extremely low amount, even for low tech. Especially considering the vast quantity of PDCs they have.

Yes, you only get a contact for those ground units not in PDC barracks.  A low tech infantry division has a contact strength of 3.75, while a low tech armor division has a contact strength of 6.

Offline Aloriel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #564 on: August 19, 2013, 03:44:11 PM »
So, then it's a good thing I intend to blow up all the PDCs :)
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Offline icecoldblood

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #565 on: October 27, 2013, 06:05:36 AM »
One of my ships just had both its engines blow up simultaneously. The best part? I forgot to allocate enough MSP to repair even ONE of them. :P


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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #566 on: October 28, 2013, 05:59:24 PM »
Just started a new game in 6.3, going to try and play for a conclusion, however awful  ;D

I spent my initial research on a spread of techs (ion engines and a few other drive buffs, GCs and railguns, basic jump tech, a bit into sensors and various support techs) with any extra RP necessary to design components for my early units, but I'm going to try and keep it "honest" from now on. I have all 3 spoilers on, which is a bit nerve-wracking. Sol has some pretty decent minerals, including loads on Luna, so that's going to be my first settlement. It also has 5 JPs (started with complete Sol grav survey, but not geosurvey) so I have seen those 5 systems, and one more from the other JP in the first system I chose for survey. Not bad results either, at first glance.

There are 2 additional ColCost 2 planets (1 is 1 jump away, the other is in the 2 jumps distant system) and a 3.27, for a running total of 5 decent prospects within 2 jumps, and 4 systems totally unsurveyed for additional JPs, so it seems very possible I might yet find more good prospects close by. There are another half a dozen clustered around 5 ColCost, so unless they have excellent minerals, or develop some supreme strategic significance, they are going to wait awhile ;D

So far, no contact with anyone, but of the 6 other systems I have visited, 5 were jump in, get the system data, jump out. And none of my ships currently have any worthwhile sensors at all, so there could have been ships in all of them, and I'd never have known...

Offline OAM47

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #567 on: October 29, 2013, 07:13:19 PM »
Well, the day before 6.3 beta came out I started a new 6.2 game, funnily enough.  Pretty amazing though, so I'm planning on keeping it going for awhile.  Here's why:

Without getting too much into spoiler territory (and if anyone feels I go to far, I'll block it off with the tag), I got extremely lucky/unlucky and found a certain race behind 3 of the 6 JPs in Sol.  Two of those JPs, with the hostile presence are within the asteroid belt.  All four others are extremely far out, to the point where the inner two are the only ones feasible for low tech development.  How I went about finding the hostiles was pretty interesting too.

The month is December 2055, after a 2050 start date.  I was quickly probing all the JPs and brought a large survey force into JP1.  It was a binary G/K system with 2 planets and a moon of colony cost 2-3.  The survey gets off to a great start and scans the G start while the jump tender probes the other points.  However, once the force gets to the B star, the lead scout is suddenly blown out of the water with a series of 5 size 9 explosions.  I quickly recall the force and send my military in, consisting of 3 command cruisers and 12 destroyers.  I lose 5 ships and am forced to withdraw.  While repairing I decide there's no reason not to explore the other inner JP and send my scout force there, the jump ship jumping in first.  I half expected to find something there as when I did the initial quick jump in and out I had an interrupt, but I was not prepared for upwards of 15 hostile ships picketing the far side that promptly blew up the ship.  Was my only jump tender too....

Fast forward to June of 2058.  I have another jump tender and decide to try out JP3 just for some action while I'm building up a new class of command cruiser and some fresh missile cruisers.  It wasn't fuel efficient out that far, so I only made one scanning pass, but on my way back one scout gets a flyby by the exact same race in the other two systems... and oddly doesn't get blasted out of the void.  That scared me enough that I decided to keep all ships at Earth until I was ready to clear out JP1.

I was finally ready to make another go at JP1 in December of 59.  This time I sent 6 command Cruisers, 2 of which were actually not only the new class, but a quick refit for new armor as well, 7 Destroyers, and 6 of the new missile cruisers.  Long story short, for taking out 4 enemy vessels, with a total tonnage of about 55,000, I lost all but two command cruisers (of the old type too...) and two of the missile cruisers.  One of the command cruisers was so badly damaged it almost wasn't worth fixing, and it had to limp home at 333 km/s because that's all the engines it could repair after what was done to it.  I had been doing pretty well, with all 6 command ships intact, along with 4 destroyers and one damaged but operational missile cruiser, but had decided to chase down the last ship manually.  The thing was, I only had a speed advantage of 70 or so, but was confident because I was fairly sure the main enemy base was on the second planet (it is, actually), but the ship wasn't headed there, it was just basically following what I thought was a course directly away from my previous line of advance.  As it so happened, though, that intersected with a smaller, asteroid base, where it quickly resupplied missiles and took out all but those last ships...  It was on the verge of rearming again but at the very last second the crippled command ship UNS Albatross managed to get in range and fire it's PD turrets directly on the enemy, wounding the ship enough it couldn't finish us off.

I do not believe there are any mobile units left in the system, though I found two PDCs in orbit of the second planet.  Tested it's defenses with my operational missile cruiser and it couldn't breach the AMMs, though if I had had all 6 ships I might do better, as the distance my missiles were stopped wasn't consistent, indicating that one alone might be taxing them.  I also sent two assault battalions to capture the asteroid, taking it easy as pie, and capturing about 2200 of the AMMs.  They're pretty good missiles, superior to my own, though not in *every* aspect, so I'm confident I'm not too far off from parity.

It's now late 2061, and since my shipbuilding capacity has increased, I'm about 4 months off from trying again with a massed missile strike on those PDCs.  Only one problem though.  Rather unexpectedly I've hit the inevitable Earth duranium crunch.  I had to implement severe rationing that has already delayed the completion of the needed ships by at least a year (and even then, this fleet that's going is less than half the tonnage of the one I lost most of in 2059).  One of Uranus' moon has a good acc 1 source though that I'm currently in the process of setting up automines on, also full of Sorium which I'm about to run out of as well, so I think this will be just a minor blip.  If I don't get a hold of that world guarded by PDCs in the next 3-4 years though, I'm going to be toast...

Offline OAM47

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #568 on: October 30, 2013, 02:44:03 PM »
Third try is the charm.  Sent 6 missile cruisers in and bled the enemy AMMs dry.  Of 1320 missiles fired, 280 were left after the enemy had run out.  Of those 80 hit, severely damaging one PDC.  Decided to pick up some of the AMMs from the nearby stock as an insult to injury and finished them off that way.

Sadly, none of the easily inhabitable planets have any minerals, so it looks like I'm going to have to bust JP2 if I want my economy to recover.

Offline DatAlien

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #569 on: November 25, 2013, 04:15:17 PM »
(still in 5.6)

I am busy relocating isolationist, xenophob cephalopods with poor language skills to new colonies to boost their population growth so they stop complaining that they are a minority and mines from Earth(Sol) to Hawking (Ross 154).

Th Solar Union has settled 7 Planets in 6 Systems and operates Outposts in 7 more, the biggst being the mining outpost on the planet Trophy(Gliese 832) with exports around 2500 tons of all minerals per year, exept for Corundium
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