Author Topic: Chapter 2: A Reach For The Stars  (Read 2190 times)

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Chapter 2: A Reach For The Stars
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:19:43 AM »
27th July 04: The frequency of radiation storms declines as the drought nears its end. More Nevithians leave their radiation shielded homes during the day, and life returns to its usual pace. As usual, mandatory radiation screening will be conducted over the next weeks to ensure that no lethal mutations remain untreated. Logistics in the Sha'Thas territory are strained by this effort, and predictions tell of a high chance for untreated radiation damage to the Sha'Thas populace.

2nd August 04: Scientists conclude their research into sensors capable of piercing a planet's crust in search for trans-newtonian minerals. Planetary survey teams are equipped with a batch of prototype sensors to survey Kel Nevath for yet hidden mineral deposits.

9th December 04: After several smaller deposits were found, survey teams assume that further searches will be futile and efforts cease.

13th December 04: Several Sha'Thas clan elders peacefully appeal to the Lord-Sovereign to resign from his position of Sha'Thas Sovereign, as they feel inadequatly led with his attention often divided among several matters of politics beyond the Sha'Thas clan. After debates, the Lord-Sovereign assigns an Arbiter to administrate the Sha'Thas territories: The Arbiter commands the same responsibility of a Sovereign, while Lord-Sovereign Tentar Kalar remains in the official position of Sha'Thas Sovereign with superior authority.

11th June 05: Large mining complexes finish establishment all around Kel Nevath. With an increase in available resources, the Lord-Sovereign orders the first official trans-newtonian research facilities to be constructed. The first such facility is slated to finish construction just before the next drought.
Until now, all trans-newtonian research was undertaken in secret facilities of unknown location, where the powered armour originated from. The media is all over the new project, something many loyalists acknowledge with a sigh of relief, considering the previous times of unrest.

23rd June 05: Scientists in the secret reserach facilities concluded their research into new armour technologies. The higher Starfaith clergy is pleased with this cheap duranium alloy that will coat initial exploratory spacecraft.

September 05: Professor Ladythoggua, a member of the Xolon clan located in the Veradun territories, publishes a thesis about trans-newtonian pebble bed reactors and their potential for stellar travel. His paper is well received from the Starfaith, whom urge the Lord-Sovereign to postpone current plans and allow Ladythoggua to utilise the secret facilities.
The change of plans is resolved later that month, and the professors promises functional plans for a spacecraft before the next drought.

February 06: Smaller riots erupt in Torpua territories after reports of increased radiation poisoning in smaller Sha'Thas settlements increase. Conventional Torpua military is quick to pacify these riots with severe sanctions. By now, all of the eight great clans have sworn their loyality to the Lord-Sovereign and general authorisation is given to school all military in use of trans-newtonian weaponry.

April 06: Construction of the first orbital shipyard commences, with footage of the first shuttle launch inf ront of a jubilating populace broadcasted around the globe.

June 06: About half of the planet's heavy industry is now converted into trans-newtonian facilities.

October 06: Professor Ladythoggua reports success in verifying the concept of trans-newtonian pebble bed reactors. Research into a functional engine adaption starts.

November 06: The last shuttle loaded with materials launches into orbit. The modules still need to be assembled over the course of the coming months, but the shipyard construction is well inside the schedule.

January 07: The professor reports to the Starfaith and Lord-Sovereign in privacy that engines utilising the new almost water-less reactors seems impossible and that he won't be able to present any working engine before the next drought, if ever. The Starfaith is dissatisfied with his efforts and the Lord-Sovereign upset about submitting all trans-newtonian research capacity to this project. Ladythoggua reassures them that a breakthrough might still be possible and any scientific chance be explored.

7th February 07: One of the shuttles heading for the orbital shipyard construction site reports unusual cargo amid the new shift of construction workers and their tools. Fragmented transmissions in the following minutes describe a violent story of the shuttle being hijacked by terrorists, the pilots severly wounded and most of the workers killed. The shuttle accelerates further towards the orbital yard, with the terrorists constantly transmitting propaganda against the tyrannic Lord-Sovereign, whose plans they intend to blow up in a nuclear fireball. Shortly before the shuttle can close in on the shipyard, the transmission is interrupted by gunshots, screams and the wounded co-pilot yelling that he'd detonate the bomb so the shuttle couldn't crash into the construction site. Moments later, the shuttle explodes in a nuclear fireball. Luckily, it was still far away enough for the shockwave to cause only minor damage to the shipyard.

March 07: Police raids in Torpua territory conducted by the Torpua conventional military reveal connections with the shuttle bombing. All rebels are executed publicly after interrogation.

April 07: Further raids in Sha'Thas and Torpua territories are attributed to successful interrogation of the prior month. Further executions occur. As the shipyard is seen as an essential step toward not only the Starfaith, but many sun religions, no riots or protests arise and further rebel cells are revealed by turncoats.

September 07: Based on instructions from professor Ladythoggua, fuel refineries finish constructions to allow the workings of the future engine technology.

May 08: In another report to the Starfaith clergy and Lord-Sovereign Tenta Kalar, professor Ladythoggua clearly pronounces that he and his team won't be able to finish a feasable engine technology before the next drought. However, they were able to create a working concept of pulsed proplusion that could work. He stands firm in the opinion that his engines will be functional before the drought after the upcoming one. The Lord-Sovereign isn't pleased, but can do little else than wait unless he wishes to call most of the last period a wasted effort.

September 08: The first official trans-newtonian research facility is finished, staffed by civilian personnel from all of the greater clans and standing in Veradun territories, close to the Lord-Sovereigns residence. The facility cannot contribute to Ladythoggua's efforts, however, as all his work is still kept secret along with the location of the first laboratories.

December 08: The next drought has arrived, with radiation storms taking up in frequency and intensity almost a month earlier than expected. A few unsuspecting Nevithians were cought all over the globe and treated for radiation poisoning in local hospitals. Professor Ladythoggua failed to deliver any working engine technology for the Starfaith, but works with ever more vigor - at least partially motivated by the ire he certainly earned from his sponsors.

February 09: After almost a month and a half, radiation storms are on a decline again; the drought over. Heavy rainfalls occur for a week as more water than usual had evaporated. Several smaller settlements - especially in the still damaged Sha'Thas territoy - require shipments to make due.

April 09: After extensiv training and equipment manufacturing, all greater clans now maintain one battalion of trans-newtonian soldiers. Almost all industrial conversion projects are completed and only areas unmodernised by the new physics remain conventional.

November 09: Without further complications, the construction of the first Nevithian orbital shipyard is completed. Sadly, due to a lack of functional proplusion technology no prototypes can be layed down. After an official opening ceremony with a speech from the Lord-Sovereign and second-highest Starfaith functionary, the shipyard sinks into a temporary media silence until professor Ladythoggua can finalise his research.

July 10: A new research facility finishes construction and is outfitted with the most modern equipment.

December 10: Sha'Thas territories are officially considered fully recovered from the two rebellions of the Lord-Sovereign's first drought. The reality isn't that positive yet, as increased lethal mutations, famine and the still ruined capital remain as scars.

July 11: Professor Ladythoggua finally completes his research into a functional proplusion system. He immediatly tasks his entire research staff to produce a functional engine utilising it.

August 11: After Ladythoggua reports his success to the Lord-Sovereign, the Starfaith clergy begins to plan its first exploratory spacecraft. The Xolon clan, from which the professor originates, receives orders to ready its trans-newtonian industries to produce the new engines for the Nevithian Dominion.

October 11: Within two and a half months, the research team was able to present the Starfaith with a functioning engine design ready to be mass produced. It was an immense component weighting in at 1250 tons, but this was deemed necessary for the spacecraft to reach acceptable speeds and minimal fuel consumption in order to reach even the Third Mother 160 AU away from Kel Nevath.
Code: [Select]
Illuminator class Prospector    2,400 tons     123 Crew     386 BP      TCS 48  TH 100  EM 0
2083 km/s     Armour 1-15     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/3     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 101    Max Repair 100 MSP

Xolon Nuclear Pulse Prototype Engine (1)    Power 100    Fuel Use 9%    Signature 100    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 416.6 billion km   (2314 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (3)   3 Survey Points Per Hour
Several of the Illuminator-class survey spacecraft should be constructed during the next droughts and complete the first stellar travel of the Nevithian race. The orbital shipyard - meanwhile named after the great clan of Veradun - finally received new media attention as the first Illuminator was layed down. The supposed launch date was just before the next drought.

November 11: The public research facilities are dominated by the general afford to advance deeper into the matter of trans-newtonian physics. At the current rate, future prospects tell of a general increase in new research affords in a drought or two. Most of Kel Nevath's industry is now used to construct further laboratories in all of the greater clan's territories. With current mineral deposits delivering abundant resources to fuel the new industries, the Nevithian economy is booming and the general population in a positive mood. The rise to power of Lord-Sovereign Tentar Kalar seems to be accepted after two and a half drought of his rulership.
Despite the positive prospect, security checks concerning the shuttles leaving for the orbital shipyard are increased as not to repeat the bombing incident.

March 12: A new research facility joins the planetary scientific community.

August 12: Scientists achieve improvements in the shuttle movements into orbit around Kel Nevath. This results in a 5% decrease in time and cost efforts for future shipyard operations.

December 12: A total of ten trans-newtonian research facilities are now conducting research into scientific matters around the globe.

March 13: The launch of the first Illuminator spacecraft has almost arrived. On order of the Starfaith, shipyard workers extensivly test drive the already completed spacecraft and Paladin Akencheres personally inspects all components to prevent any rebellious sabotage efforts.

3rd April 13: The Illuminator leaves the orbital drydock and performs a test flight around Kel Nevath. Its flight is followed by street festivals whereever radiation storms allow the streets to be filled with civilians. Imperial power armoured troops hold guard over all festivities, although minor vandalism incidents occur in larger Torpua and Sha'Thas cities. After its successful maiden voyage, the Illuminator accellerates towards Saradush - a planet only a seventh of Kel Nevath's size, but the closest planet in the current orbital position.
Another Illuminator-class prospector is layed down in the shipyard.

7th April 13: The Illuminator reports that no trans-newtonian minerals could be found on Saradush. Scientific minds all around Kel Nevath debate the implications of this find - whether the exotic matter is exclusive to Kel Nevath, the small size of Saradush is responsible, or that it's the planet furthest away from the First Mother.
Regardless, the Illuminator sets course for the second super jovian, as other planets are on the opposite side of the First mother. Scientists eagerly await the spacecraft's next report.

20th April 13: New reports from the Illuminator falsify the theory that size or distance from the First Mother might be the reason for a lack of resources. Scientists had expected to find at least the gaseous mineral of sorium within the huge super jovian, but the Illuminator's geological sensors could find no traces of trans-newtonian minerals. While some scientists attribute this to sheer luck - or lack thereof - a growing community of criticists begin to re-evaluate the concept of the geological sensors used in the spacecraft. The Starfaith holds internal debates whether their investment into the Illuminator and its sister ship under construction might have been a mistake for the short run.

June 13: So far, not a single survey of the Illuminator has brought up any trans-newtonian resource find. Both super jovians are rich sources of hydrogen, a resource with the potential for conventional engine technology, but the find of these elements is a minor note to the scientific community. Professor Ladythoggua receives the Enlightened Mind, a highly decorated scientific award, for his efforts in proplusion technologies just before the next drought descends upon Kel Nevath.
Unfavoured theories suggest a lack of further trans-newtonian minerals on any planet of the primary star, as the First Mother's affords were all put into the Nevithian society. Regardless of truth or fiction, the production of the second Illuminator spacecraft are halted until the first ship delivers further results.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 11:51:12 AM by Vynadan »