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PC: Month 143 - Part 1
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:14:02 AM »
Month 143 - Part I

Month 143, Empire
Imperial Pax Sector and beyond the frontier
The 7th Fleet command staff had spent the last half of last month trying to digest the radically changed circumstances in the both the Axon territories and the Colmar Sector of the ASR. The ASR’s negotiators had shocked the Imperial negotiating team when they announced, without warning, that the ASR was withdrawing from Axon space immediately. The reason for the withdrawal, when the ASR negotiators had finally disclosed it, was even worse – there was a new Eater incursion. The ASR’s negotiators turned over the entire warp map of the Axon territories and also agreed to give the Empire control over all Axon territories except the home system.

The fact of a new Eater incursion into the Colmar Sector had security implications for the Empire beyond the local concerns of the Axon campaign, of course, but those were lost in the general wave of emotion sweeping through the Empire. The new Empress was seen by many as bringing in a new age of peace and prosperity, or at least they hoped it would be true. The fortification plan was well under way with over two hundred bases under construction throughout the Empire. No one wanted to think about a new conflict. At the same time, the general public was demanding that the Axons responsible for the attack be brought to justice immediately, and that the Axon Hierate be defeated and garrisoned as soon as possible.

Admiral Stern, the CO of the 7th Fleet, is well aware of the general mood of the public, and using the information provided by the ASR has put together a bold plan to advance as quickly as possible to secure every Axon population center they can reach as soon as possible. The primary problem the Imperial Fleet faces at this point is its tenuous supply situation, as it is operating far beyond the fringe of Imperial space, something that threatens to hold back a dashing conquest. Still, even so, Imperial forces are moving forward to secure Axon populations even as the ASR fleet under Gwynxa retreats.

Meanwhile, the 3rd Imperial Fleet, backed up by heavy battle groups from the 1st and 7th Fleets, has continued its search for the cyborgs that destroyed the colonies in the Kitakyushu system. The search for the cyborgs has progressed beyond the Kitakyushu system, but the trail is cold. Unmistakable signs of cyborg presence were found in the CS-194 system, adjacent to Kitakyushu system. Nearly every major moon and asteroid in that system bore signs of heavy and hurried mining efforts, however, neither of the systems discovered down chain bore such signs and Admiral Hideoshi, the CO of the 3rd Fleet, submitted a report this month stating his belief that the cyborgs have retreated through closed warp point in the CS-194 system, and that further searches will be counterproductive.

In response to Admiral Hideoshi’s report, the Empress has authorized the withdrawal of the 7th Fleet’s battle groups to support the ongoing Axon pacification campaign. In addition, Admiral Hideoshi was ordered to complete a survey of the systems adjacent to CS-194. If no evidence of cyborg presence is found in those systems the search will be called off and the 3rd Fleet will be reassigned to the Axon campaign, leaving the 1st Fleet’s battle groups to guard Kitakyushu until mobile shipyards being built at the Pax Base can begin building permanent defenses.

Month 143, Alliance
The alliance is girding itself for war. A significant portion of the Alliance’s meager fleet is en route to the Xeon system, while shipyards throughout the Alliance are hurriedly laying down new hulls to bolster the fleet. On the frontier, Case Omega has been initiated. Colony ships from all over the Alliance are converging on the area, and in short order the four nearest colonies to the Xeon system were packed up and on the move back towards the inner systems. Every colony the Alliance placed was laid out with Omega in mind, and all of the colonists were briefed before they embarked for their new homes, so the operation went forward in a remarkably orderly manner. For now all of the colonies were being evacuated to the Twilight Stalking system, a well-established mid-range colony on the outer fringe of the Alliance’s core area.

The evacuations were not hurried refugee operations but rather full-scale relocations. Plans were dusted off, and the colonists dismantled as much of their infrastructure as they could so that it could be used at their new home. In all, the colonists were evacuated from four different frontier planets this month, a total of over ninety four million people. The cost was considerable, even using as much of the colony’s infrastructure as possible, but the Alliance had always planned for such a contingency and was committed to doing whatever necessary to protect its citizens. Unfortunately, the four colony planets evacuated first were also the smallest in the area. The twelve remaining colony planets in the Omega-affect area housed more than ten times as many colonists.

Even as the colonies were evacuated the 1st and 3rd Exploration Fleets were directed to the warp point at the Qingdao system, which would be the break point once Omega was fully implemented. The Qingdao system possessed two warp points that led into the interior of the Alliance, one to the Xiamen system and the other to the Twilight Stalking system, both of which were closed on the Alliance side, giving the Alliance a clean escape point if the Eaters broke through the Xeon system. The mines and buoys the two Exploration Fleets were setting up weren’t there for the Eaters. They were being emplaced to enforce the Omega quarantine zone, which would be established if the Eaters entered Alliance space. If the Eaters did prevail in the Xeon system, no ships, civilian or military, would be allowed through the warp point in the Qingdao system once the quarantine was announced. All ships in the quarantine zone would receive a coded transmission that would wipe their navigation databases, and all captains had been informed of the blockade. The Alliance was ready to go to any length to prevent the Eaters from gaining access to the rest of the Alliance.

Privately, the Alliance Council was hoping that the ASR could stop the Eaters in the Xeon system, which would make Omega unnecessary. Word had leaked out almost immediately about the ASR, and Alliance public news distribution outlets were cautious, ecstatic, or doom-and-gloom, or all three in turn. The Alliance’s Ambassador to the Xeon State was ordered to find out more about the ASR and, if they looked like they were what they claimed to be, then he was to do everything he could to establish a working relationship with them.

Month 143, The Xeon State
Even as the ASR and the Alliance rushed ships to their system, the Xeon were preparing for a final battle. Every armed ship in the system, including the lightly armed ships of the survey fleet, had been rushed to the warp point connecting to the Golan system. Tugs were laboring to tow every armed base in the system to the warp point as well, stripping the other warp points of defenses. Mine and buoy fields were being redeployed as well. The Xeon State would throw everything it had into its defense.

As if to make up for its earlier intransigence, the Xeon government now facilitated increased contact between the Alliance and the ASR. It turned over all of the information it possessed on the Alliance to the ASR, and pre-approved any shipping that the two might want to send to each other’s territory.

Both the Alliance and the ASR approved the Xeon government’s request to shelter colonies within their borders, but it would take some time to find likely prospects and work out the details.

Month 143, ASR Capital
The ASR, tired of war after the grueling conflict in the Colmar Area, is ramping up to fight what is already being called the Fourth Eater Incursion. Ships are en route for the Le Harve system from all over the ASR and in general the public is behind the government. In particular, the Gorandans are determined to end this new threat as quickly as possible.

The immense refit program to upgrade the ASR fleet to include cloaking, command datalink, and the latest munitions is largely complete, although there are still several squadrons here and there that have not yet been refitted. Most of these older units were in the Colmar Area, and are either forward deployed in the Axon territories or are in the Cholet system, guarding against a renewed threat from the Third Eater Incursion. For the most part the ASR’s fortress network has yet to be refitted, as priority has been given to the fleet’s mobile units.

As Area Marshal Gwynxa had anticipated, the ASR Assembly and the Chief Executive Officer has already decided to abandon the Axon campaign even as he turned his fleet around. The CEO has issued orders to the chief negotiator dealing with the Empire about the Axon issue to turn the entire mess over to the humans, with the exception of the Axon home planet. That will remain under ASR control. Area Marshal Gwynxa has been ordered to muster as many ships at Le Harve as quickly as he can, and to save the Xeon system if at all possible. The Assembly is very excited about the Alliance and the potential it represents, and the Gorandans, in particular, want to meet the Rogen as soon as possible.

Month 143, Day 1
Imperial Chosen Fleet, Chosen-controlled system of Alkumar
“Sire, the Axon slave who styles himself ‘Ambassador’ is present.”

Jirquan, Lord of the Imperial Fleets, gestured lazily for the slave to be brought into his presence.

Bishop Korand, the Prophet’s Representative to the Chosen, looked around curiously as he was escorted into what could only be described as an ornate throne room. So far the Chosen had been very formal and distant in their dealings with him, but he hadn’t been able to shake his distinct unease while in their presence. The Chosen were tall, almost skeletally thin beings with fur over their entire bodies. Each Chosen possessed four arms, and in almost every case their upper arms, which appeared to be one of the most heavily muscled parts of their bodies, were obviously enhanced with what appeared to be advanced and very deadly technology. Korand had formed the distinct opinion, during his dealings with the lower level Chosen he had been exposed to so far, that the Chosen universally viewed the Axon delegation as nothing more than prey. He knew it was unprofessional, but he also knew that he wasn’t the only one to have that opinion either.

The room aboard the Chosen monitor was large for a room on a space ship, and was filled with more Chosen than Korand had seen in one place before. Prior to this meeting he had only encountered two Chosen in the same room at the same time, and now they were in a room with at least ten of the creatures. Every single one looked at him with what was unmistakably the stare of a predator. All appeared subservient to the Chosen sitting on a high throne.

Jirquan watched through hooded eyes as the slave was brought forward, wide-eyed at the majesty of the Chosen. “Speak, and tell me why I shouldn’t have you served as tonight’s entrée!”

Bishop Korand winced as the Chosen on the throne said something in their yowling, screeching language. After a second the Chosen standing in front of the throne spoke, and a hidden computer translated his words into Axon. “Speak now of the proposal you bring to the Lord of the Imperial Fleets.”

Bishop Korand stepped forward. “I am the duly ordained representative of the Prophet, and I have been authorized to offer you a bargain. I have come to offer peace, and perhaps even cooperation.”

Korand listened as his words were translated into the Chosen language. While the translation was taking place he watched the Lord of the Fleets in an attempt to gain some insight into the mindset of the Chosen but he was disappointed. The Chosen gave no hint of his thoughts, or at least none that Korand could interpret.

The Lord of the Fleet’s considered Korand’s words for a few seconds and then spoke again. Once again the Chosen in front of the throne listened to the Lord’s pronouncement and then spoke, and it was the Lord’s representative’s words that were translated for Korand’s benefit.

“The Lord of the Imperial Fleets is curious as to what the Axons think that they can give him that he cannot take for himself.”

Bishop Korand was prepared for this question. “Aside from the peace for which all peoples strive? We offer critical information about the political situation in this area of space. The Chosen have only recently come into contact with what we call Known Space. There are many races, many governments in this area. Some are more dangerous than others. We can offer much information about the races and governments that would be enemies to the Chosen. All we ask in exchange is that the Chosen turn their attentions from our territory.”

“We see no reason to believe that any race in this area of space would be considered a threat to the great Chosen Empire! Certainly you are no threat, nor are your allies the Xanti.”

“Lord, you are most perceptive. Certainly you speak the truth. However, consider this. You have encountered only units belonging to our ally the Xanti, and they were weakened considerably after they betrayed us before you entered our space. There are other governments active in our former territory that are much more dangerous than we are. One of the most dangerous has invaded our territory to take advantage of our disarray and the treachery of the Xanti. You may be right that they are not a threat, but if you have no knowledge then you cannot know for sure, can you? We could offer much knowledge. In addition, in exchange for an agreement to avoid our territory we would be willing to give you a complete warp map of Xanti territory.”

Lord Jirquan settled back into his throne and considered the offer. Dealing with a slave was ludicrous, of course, but sometimes a temporary deal could be advantageous. The offer of the warp point data was interesting, and would speed their conquest efforts of this area considerably. And if what the slave said were true, that there were numerous other races in this area, then intelligence would be critical. For a minute Jirquan peered at the Axon representative, considering the offer. He was sorely tempted to throw the slave in the pens and continue on with the conquest as they had up to now, but progress had been so slow. He was certain that enemies in the Court were sabotaging his requests for additional survey assets, and without the survey assets he couldn’t accelerate the rate of conquest.

Abruptly Jirquan came to a decision. He would face criticism for dealing with slaves, but a temporary deal could always be changed when it became advantageous to do so. He gestured to his seneschal. “Tell the slave that I accept their offer. You will arrange the details in my name.” With that he dismissed the slave.

Bishop Korand’s head was spinning as he was escorted from the room. Surely it couldn’t be this easy? But it was that easy. Within a matter of days Bishop Korand and the Fleet Lord’s Seneschal had worked out the agreement. Neither intended to honor the agreement a second longer than was absolutely necessary, of course, but both hoped that the other didn’t know that. The agreement was as follows:
1. The Chosen agree to stop advancing towards Axon territory.
2. The Axons agree to give the Chosen warp route information for Xanti and ASR territory.
3. The Axons agree to give the Chosen all of the intelligence they currently possess about the political and military situation within the area known as “Known Space”.
4. Both sides tentatively agree to the possibility of working together in the future, if such operations become necessary.

Neither side was particularly eager to work together, or to further expand their current relationship. The Chosen had seen how the Axons honored agreements when the Axon corvette-carrier fleet left the Xanti fleet to die in the claws of the Chosen. Of course there was also the minor detail that the Chosen considered the Axons nothing more than slaves-in-waiting. On the Axon side, they feared that if they revealed their weakness to the Chosen, along with any of their internal warp routes, they would merely encourage their erstwhile “Ally” to renew their invasion.

In any case, the Axons had bought the time they needed. By the end of the month they transmitted the warp map for the ASR, or at least as much of it as they knew about, and the Xanti territories, to the Chosen.

Month 143, Day 1
ASR-controlled Axon Prime
“Exalted Senior! A priority message from one of our scouts has come in!”

Admiral Rondallas hissed in annoyance as one of his junior aides ran into his office, brandishing a sheaf of message flimsies as if they were on fire. “Enough! Have standards on home world decayed so much?”

The unfortunate aide came to a lumbering halt, stammering in confusion. “But, the message…”

Rondallas restrained himself. The youngster truly didn’t know. “It is obvious to me that you have much to learn about proper behavior.” When the young aide seemed about to speak he hurried on. “I have no doubt whatsoever that the message you carry is quite important. It may even be galaxy shattering. Is it so important that you must rush down the hallway, shouting as you went? Important as it is, would it make any difference if I read it ten seconds, or even a few minutes earlier?” Seeing the aide’s crestfallen look, Rondallas decided to have pity on the youngster. “Your eagerness does you credit, but you must never forget that in our hearts we are predators, and it is only our sophistication and our culture that separates us from our bestial predecessors, and indeed, from our current enemies. We must always be aware of this. Our instinct for carnage always lurks, and we must never again give in to any weakness, because all weaknesses will eventually lead us down that road. We are Evarid, and we are hunters, but we are civilized and can decide not to give in to our urges. Do you understand?”

The aide straightened and saluted with his tail ramrod straight. “I do, exalted senior.”

“Very well. You will report to Master Orlananl every evening for the next two cycles for training in proper culture and self-control. You are dismissed.” Rondallas watched the young Evarid go, pondering on the folly of youth. He suspected that every race had similar problems.

With the matter resolved, he settled back on his tail and looked at the message. It took only a few seconds to sort through the headers and reach to body of the message, and when he did he almost fell off of his tail, something almost unknown among the taciturn Evarid. For a second he regretted chastising the youngling, but after a few seconds he realized the truth of what he had said, even in this situation. A few seconds would not make any difference, and proper behavior was even more important in these situations than it was in normal times. After thinking about it for a few seconds he eyed the flimsy again.

Original contact time: M142, D30, H1200
Contact verification time: M143, D1, H0000
Contact ETA to the warp point to the Rigel system is six hours. Contact speed 20,000 KPS, composition – 89 corvettes of unknown type.

The rest of the message was additional details and warnings to the rest of the scouting elements. After a few seconds of thinking Rondallas shrugged his massive shoulders. “Computer, activate office holo, display a warp route map of the local area.” After the map was up and oriented to his satisfaction he could see that his fears were concerned. “Computer, analyze contact data contained in report 001-918-00134Z and display ETA to warp point #3 in this system.”

“The ETA is 96.0 hours, within acceptable approximation.”

“Hssssssssss…” Rondallas focused on the map. “Computer, enlarge map field to include all systems known to the Axons within ten jumps of the Rigel system. Highlight non-Axon populated systems in red.”

The map blinked out, replaced in a few seconds by a new display with many more systems. They had a very big problem. Eighty-nine corvettes could carry enough warheads to destroy many populations, and warning messages were still flying about what had happened to the Terrans. The map was clear, if he allowed the Axon force to get past his detachment, then they would be able to damage or destroy multiple worlds before they were finally hunted down. Ninety-six hours wasn’t much time, though. In fact…” In a matter of seconds he had the distances to the warp points in the Axon system displayed. He grunted as he settled onto his tail again. “Comm., raise the fleet, Admiral Porasss.” A warning message had already gone out to the orbiting fleet, so it took only seconds before his second in command was on the screen. “Porasss, we have a situation. Our deep space detection network has detected an incoming Axon corvette force. It appears certain that they are on a mission similar to the recent attack in the Empire.”

The other Evarid flinched, and then straightened. “How can we serve, Sir?”

“I have reviewed the data. Even if you departed now, this minute, for the warp point to Rigel you would not arrive before the Axon force could enter the system, and once in the system they could easily evade you at the rate that they are traveling. Therefore, I am going to detach all cloaking units from our force and put them under your command. You are to take them to the warp point to Tirosk. Once there you will hide under cloak and destroy the Axon force before it can break out into the ASR. You will not, under any circumstances, allow the Axons to enter ASR territory. You’ve seen the videos the Terrans have sent, so you know why. Are your orders clear?”

The other Evarid sat silently for a few seconds. “You are aware, Sir, that their target may not be the ASR, but rather their own planet? These Axons have not shown a large amount of sanity. They may have decided to destroy their own planet rather than leave it to us.”

“That is why I will remain here with the ships that are not going with you.”

Porasss hissed in dismay. “Sir, your force cannot hope to face that many Axon corvettes! You will only have a few cruisers and destroyers, and a single carrier!”

Rondallas shook his head. “I think it is unlikely that the Axons will attack their own. They did not, even when they destroyed the Andalon and Breen civilizations. Even so, I cannot abandon them, and I will not divide your force further. We will stay here, and we will defend the planet if it comes to that. You have your orders, you are to depart immediately!”

The other Evarid stiffened to attention and saluted. There could be no other answer. Within minutes the bulk of the ASR fleet over Axon Prime departed for the warp point that led back to the ASR. Six battlecruisers, fifteen cruisers, six strike carriers, and fourteen escort carriers made a formidable force, even if they couldn’t match the Axon force in terms of fighters.

Three days later the ASR force moved into place around the warp point back to the ASR. A day later the Axon corvettes entered the Axon Home System. It took them nearly three days to cross the system, and much to Porasss; relief, the Axon corvettes headed directly for the warp point to Tirosk, ignoring Axon Prime in the inner system.

Month 143, Day 7, WP to Tirosk, in the Axon Home System
Newly promoted Bishop Korak looked around at the Retribution Fleet’s officers, who were all, unfortunately, looking at him. He had very little experience at naval affairs, and had only been put in charge of the Retribution Fleet because of his unimpeachable record at rooting out unbelievers. As little as he trusted most naval officers, it would have been nice to have a few with some experience present to leaven his mostly untried officers. Still, he had been given the responsibility of this mission, and he would carry it out. He looked out across his command deck. “Captain, what is our status?”

“Sir, we are holding at thirty light seconds from the warp point and the enemy fleet. All flight groups are armed and ready for launch.”

“Very well. Sensors, what is the enemy’s disposition?”

“Sensors show six light cruisers and fifteen destroyers positioned as a group one light second away from the warp point, in between us and the warp point. The sensor readings match, with a high reliance, to ASR Richelieu class destroyers and Magellan class cruisers.”

“Intelligence, what can you tell me about the enemy ships?”

“Sir, the Richelieu is an outdated design equipped with two capital force beams and a single advanced point defense unit. The Magellan class is actually a survey class, equipped with a single capital force beam and two advanced point defense units.”

Korak looked at the display for a few seconds. The enemy force was obviously cobbled together at the last minute, and his fighters could overwhelm it in seconds, if all was as it appeared. Still, the ASR had proven tricky in the past. “Have the fighter patrols been sent out as I ordered?”

The commander of the fighter groups stood and bowed. “Yes sir. In addition to the constant patrols to our sides and rear, I have run six fighters with long range scanner packs through the area around the warp point, staying just out of engagement range of the enemy forces. There do not appear to be any cloaked units. We cannot say what lurks on the far side of the warp point, of course.”

Korak winced at this reminder, a needless warning useful only to save the other’s position should something go wrong. “Yes, yes.” He waived the other away. “Very well. We cannot remain here. Launch the fighters. All second generation fighters are to be armed with anti-matter close attack missiles, and will attack the enemy fleet. All first generation fighters are to be armed with fighter guns and will remain with the fleet for fleet defense. One squadron of each are to be equipped with long range scanners.”

There were salutes across the bridge as the officers scrambled to obey his orders. Within two minutes the entire fighter force had launched. Three hundred and sixty 2nd gen fighters raced towards the enemy fleet blocking the route to the warp point, while one hundred and two 1st gen fighters hovered protectively around the fleet. A further twenty four 1st gen fighters circled further out, protecting against cloaked ships sneaking up on the fleet.

The ASR force did nothing until the Axon fighters had closed to 1.75 light seconds range, at which time they launched a truly incredible number of missiles. The Axon fighter force faltered as two hundred and eighty eight anti-fighter missiles raced towards them from an ASR force that supposedly didn’t mount missile launchers at all. Explosions began marking the advancing fighter force as Korak shook his head in confusion. How could the Gorandans do this? “Sensors, are there cloaked ships out there?”

“No sir! The missiles are definitely coming from the known contacts!”

“But how?” Korak gaped as just under one third of his fighters disappeared as the avalanche of missiles fell upon them. Even as the missiles impacted the ASR force turned and ran. As Korak watched a second wave of missiles was launched from the impossible ships. This time one hundred and thirty five fighters were destroyed and the fighters had closed to one light second.

Korak watched in dismay. Two thirds of his attack force was gone! How did they do it? What could he do? Even as he struggled to come up with a plan his fighter commander pre-empted him.

“Sir, all attacking fighters have jettisoned some of their external ordinance. They will be able to close with the enemy faster, and should be in a position to attack even as they launch for the third time.”

All eyes on the bridge turned to the plot. Indeed the fighters had speeded up, closing on the fleeing enemy force. Just as the fighters closed to point blank range the enemy ships turned to keep them out of their blind-spots. All of the Axons on the bridge leaned forward as the two groups interpenetrated.

Continued in Part II.