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Carolus Rise
« on: May 22, 2012, 01:37:52 PM »
Carolus Rise

2048 April 18th 03:56 Atlantis System. A lone freighter emerges throe the Sol wormhole, it sends a message throe light beam to Atlantis Colony.

“This is the Empire last communication to its brethren in Atlantis System. The Empire are destroyed, an Alien ship has wiped out all human civilization in Sol system, you are our new seeds in history, may you live long and prosper. In this ships data banks are our total wealth in research technology, use it well and avenge us! In your military ranks are a female, descendant of the Bernadotte house, she will be your Empress and rule you all to greatness.”

2048 April 19th 06:09 Atlantis. Diame Fabre, governor of Atlantis, is looking into the camera and starts speaking to the people of Atlantis.

"The Emperor is dead, the Empire is dead and all humanity in Sol system is dead..."

She pauses for several seconds.

"I received a communication from a lone freighter that entered our system throe the Sol gate, telling of a great enemy ship that poisoned the Mars and Earth with high radiation, killing everyone on those planets, in a last effort a small freighter were loaded with the total wealth of technology researched by man and are being delivered to us.” We have to be strong in the times to come and we all need to look at each other for the strength that we might miss and we will need to prosper and multiply so that we one day can reclaim our lost heritage.”

A long pause follows.

A new camera is moving down a dark corridor to a closed door, it is opened and several sleeping forms can barely be seen in the semi dark room, a voice shouts, “Attention!” the sleeping forms jumps up and the light is turned on, an Imperial Colonel moves to the second person on the right, the private salutes the officer, he starts to answer the salute, then stops and goes down on one knee, looking up at the young perplexed woman, he tries to find the words to speak, after several attempts he finds his voice and says.

“Beatrice, you are the only surviving heir to the throne, we all need you to follow us to the Governor´s house, there everything will be explained”

The comrades are looking on, they are chocked by their Colonel’s move and stunned by his words, one after the other they all kneel to their comrade. She looks around and with tears in her eyes she tells them all to rise, I am not your empress.

Colonel Andersson  interrupts: ”Highness, we know you are not our empress, we need you as our leader, earth is gone, as well as everyone in Sol system, we need to go to the governor now, Highness.”

She looks long at the kneeling colonel and then she sighs and says. ” As you will colonel, let’s go to the governor and get some information about what’s happening in the Empire”

Colonel Andersson says with a pained voice: ”Highness the Empire is gone, the only remnant is Atlantis and one freighter”

In silence they walk for several minutes, then they can hear a sound that i growing in the distance, the sound of angry and frightened voices. After exiting a door they comes out on a great plaza where there is several hundred person, standing at the ornated gates of the governor’s residence, they are shouting for the governor to come out and speak to them.

Colonel Andersson says ” Highness we have to take the back way into the house.”

Beatrice: ”No I think we need to go throe the front gate, we need to calm the people”

Colonel Andersson: ” But Highness they can be dangerous!”

Beatrice: ” No I thinks not, they are afraid, as we all are.. Colonel you and the rest will stay here...”

Colonel Andresson: ”But?!”

Beatrice: ” You all will stay here until I calls for you! ”

2048 April 19th Atlantis 06:14   A camera is filming the grand plaza in front of the governors building and the entrance to the governors house in Atlantis, a large crowd has begun to gather, terror are in their eyes and they are shouting for the governor to come out and say what is going on, violence is in the air. The guard detachment outside is trying to stop the crowd to break down the gates.

2048 April 19th Atlantis 06:15 The gates are broken down and the guards are raising their riot gauss guns and prepares fire into the crowd, then a silence is spreading from the rear of the crowd, a single woman is marching towards the mob, her head is raised and her proud outlook makes people give way to her.

After a minute she is at the door and with a hand wave dismisses the guards to the back of the room, they look at the guard captain that nods, then she turns around to the people.

With a high voice she starts to talk.

My name is Beatrice, Viktoria, Estelle Bernadotte of the Swedish royal blood and also of the imperial blood!”

She looks at the people and sees a hope dawning in their eyes.

“My people I understand your fright, I am also frightened by the prospect of the future. But we are a proud people and after the third world war on Earth they were all frightened by their future, still they managed to save their race and then climb to greatness.”

A long pause follows, she looks down onto the pavement and then raises her tear filled face to the crowd and begins again.

“We have all lost relatives and dear friends, but most off all we have lost our ancestral home to an enemy we don’t know anything about. Therefore I need you all to calm down and turn that rage and fear into something positive, use it to raise our race to greatness once more. We will all mourn our dead.”

A sigh.

“I remember my old grandmothers sister, Queen of Sweden when she was frightened at the prospect of leading Sweden after the War on Earth, she told me that every man, woman and child sometime had to get over their fear and use it to be able to go on in life, some couldn’t do that and were almost all of them a failure in life. So I ask you all now do you want to be a failed race or shall you all follow me into the history books and be the people that arose from extinction and went on to be the greatest race of the Milky way?”

A giant YES! sounded from the crowd and to a man, woman & child they all fell to a knee and shouted. “We will follow you to greatness!” was shouted again and again, the peoples ranks were swelling with newly arrived people by the hundreds and in less than 10 minutes there were tens of thousands shouting. “We will follow our Empress!”
After some time the woman raised her hands and the people quieted down.

“I will use your energy and your kindness to fuel myself in the coming days and in years from now I will remember this day as a new beginning not an end of the human race, now please go home and mourn our lost brothers and sisters in Sol system, for now I will not take the title of Empress.” Someone shouts “NO we want you as our Empress!” almost at once the people started shouting the same, the chant was going on and on. She raised her hands once more and the crowd stilled once more. “I will be your Empress! But not now, when Earth is saved and in our hands I will take the title of Empress, if God wills it! We will all work towards the day when we can set down our feet’s on Earths soil again and I will lead you towards that day with all my heart!”

Several seconds passed before an old man fell to one knee and shouted! “I don’t care if we are holding Earth or not. You are my Empress and I will lay down my life to protect you and the Empire!”
And in waves after waves the people in the plaza were kneeling to the young woman. All our saying the same words as the old man said it, every man, woman and child are pleads there life to the Empire and to the woman.

Then they starts to disperse and when she turns around there is a kneeling crowd behind her, the governor, stands up and says to her “Majesty, we will all give our life’s to fulfil your dream! But we need a name for the new dynasty?”

After a long thought she responds with a small speech “My name is Beatrice, Viktoria, Estelle Bernadotte of the Swedish royal blood and also of the imperial blood, but my line will take the old Latinised name of the old Swedish warrior kings, Carolus. This time we have in front of us shall be called Carolus Rise!”

2048 April 19th 10:00 At the governors palace there I a meeting going on, all of the department heads and the new Queen is there and the meeting is long and almost fruitless.
After one hour the meeting is adjourned.

Diame Fabre. “Highness we don’t have any defence against an alien in space what shall we do? Our defence forces is limited, we have 1 division of combat troops and one of engineers but nothing ells is on or near the colony.”

Beatrice: “We have more than you think, a friend of mine, Nils Ackershus, is working in the ruins and last week they found something interesting, they found several hundred missile launchers, large ones but with no reload mechanism, in the area next to that find there were some 800 missiles, made to fit those launchers, I have called for him to appear in 25 minutes and see what can be done with it”

2048 April 19th 11:39 A nock on the door is heard, a guard opens it and a young man walks into the large room, he walks towards a desk and behind it a revolving chair stands with the back towards him. After several seconds he asks, “ I was to report here?!”

Beatrice: ” Yes you were to come here.”

Nils Ackershus: “Who?... Beatrice?... What are you doing here?”

Diame Fabre. “ She is waiting for you, she needs help with a special project and you are supposed to have an answer to a were dire situation”

Nils Ackershus: “ I have what?!”

Beatrice, turns the chair around and looks Nils deep into his eyes and says “You had a plan to transfer a cargo ship into a warship, didn’t you?”

Nils Ackershus: ”What?! But that was only an idea, it can’t be done without a shipyard.”

Diame Fabre “ Cannot!? You shall see to that it is possible in the shortest time possible, you will be the head of this project and all of Atlantis will help you as best as everyone can. You will have almost absolute power in this enterprise.”

Beatrice: Holds up her hand to interrupt Nils, denial and says “ I have seen your blueprint for the Atlantis class ship, I would probably say that it’s an auxiliary cruiser, but my question to you Nils, can we do it with our resources?”

Nils Ackershus: “Ohh, Beatrice it’s only a program, it can’t be done… or can it?”

Beatrice “Nils do it for me and the people of Atlantis, try at least so we can defend us against this alien menace, of course we could sit here and wait for it to come and try to throw small rocks at it…”

Nils Ackershus: “ May I borrow your computer Beatrice? I will make a test of another idea I have.”

Beatrice, stands and moves away from the computer on the desk.
During one hour Beatrice and Diame stands at one window overlooking the great plaza, speaking in hushed tones.

Nils Ackershus: “YES! Yes it can be done, if I am allowed to use the 11 transport shuttles I can take all the 600 launchers and place them in the cargo holds, remove the outer walls, jury rig them to fire at once and at a target, but this will cost a lot in manpower, money and possible in lives to.”
“Look here is my proposals, the first is the freighter and the second my cruiser”

Freighter Type-3 class Freighter    140,550 tons     1016 Crew     2286 BP      TCS 2811  TH 3375  EM 0
1600 km/s     Armour 1-240     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 10    Max Repair 47 MSP
Cargo 100000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 100    

Atlantis Commercial Ion Engine  (30)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 112.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 91.4 billion km   (661 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes


Atlantis class Auxillary Cruiser    140,600 tons     2490 Crew     7889.0001 BP      TCS 2812  TH 3375  EM 1200
1600 km/s     Armour 5-240     Shields 40-300     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 130     PPV 720
Maint Life 11.79 Years     MSP 27559    AFR 1216%    IFR 16.9%    1YR 365    5YR 5480    Max Repair 160 MSP
Magazine 4800    Cargo 45000    

Atlantis Commercial Ion Engine  (30)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 112.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 91.4 billion km   (661 days at full power)
Alpha R300/7 Shields (40)   Total Fuel Cost  280 Litres per day

Atlantean Box Missile Launcher (600)    Missile Size 8    Hangar Reload 60 minutes    MF Reload 10 hours
MFC Atlantis Dynamics 192 (1)     Range 192.0m km    Resolution 100
ASM Revenge (600)  Speed: 15,000 km/s   End: 3.6m    Range: 3.2m km   WH: 22    Size: 8    TH: 75 / 45 / 22

ASS Atlantis Dynamics 128 (1)     GPS 16000     Range 128.0m km    Resolution 100

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

“As you can see there is a lot of shielding on this ship, we have found almost 80 of these shield generators, they will cost a lot of fuel to have on at all time but in the beginning we probably want need that on all off the time, I also got a proposal, we need to build a shipyard that will be able to build a small ship that can be stationed on the Sol side and if attacked warn the picket waiting on the other side. This is probably the smallest we can build and have a small detection capability. The big problem is that we will use a lot of engineers on this ship, but that is a drawback we cant fix now.”

Scouter class Frigate    2,800 tons     153 Crew     285 BP      TCS 56  TH 112.5  EM 0
2678 km/s     Armour 1-17     Shields 0-0     Sensors 80/80/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 7.63 Years     MSP 1064    AFR 62%    IFR 0.9%    1YR 32    5YR 484    Max Repair 80 MSP

Atlantis Commercial Ion Engine  (1)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 112.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 459.1 billion km   (1984 days at full power)

LargeThermal Sensor 80 (1)     Sensitivity 80     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  80m km
Large EM Detection Sensor  (1)     Sensitivity 80     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  80m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Beatrice looks at Diame and they both agree that this need to be done, but the Atlantis is the critical project and should be started at once, Nils also points out that he will need all of the brigades to manhandle all of the found equipment out to the spaceport. Before Nils leaves Beatrice moves over to him, hugs him and gives him a long kiss before he leaves.
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

Wargame player and Roleplayer for 33 years...