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Offline Destra

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #255 on: November 01, 2013, 08:09:32 AM »
Well, if the design is sound, and you have no resources to build anything new, one must make do with what you have, and as he said the new refit triples the effectiveness, now depenidng what the original effectiveness of the ship was will see if its even still useful.

Offline Mel Vixen

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #256 on: November 01, 2013, 11:38:48 AM »
Actually thats my normal designphilosophy as well. Stick with your guns and improve them. Radical new designs take time and resources. Also you can update yopur older ships pretty fast to the newest Spec.
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Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #257 on: November 09, 2013, 09:34:52 AM »
I'm surprise that London class is still alive and getting new upgrade. No improvement to Falcon and Arrow Missiles?

Back from my trip...sorry I could not log on due to forgetting my password until I was home.  The London's are intended to remain in service for a while as they make excellent jump point defenders.  They are more or less anti-ship ships as opposed to the Lake's which are more point defence ships.  As a third order building priority (after Lakes, and Tribals) the NCN wishes to replace the existing Terriers/Guardians with Wounded Knee/Gargoyles.   But this also mean more Flowers and Edinburoughs so it isn't as simple matter.

The Falcon and Arrows will be unchanged until new engines go into service then they will make the jump to much more capable systems (higher engine power multiplier and more powerful engines).  But it is possible that the Arrows may not speed 12 000 kps is considered acceptable so they may devote more space to fuel and to maneuvering.  The Falcons likely will just go faster.  However, this is likely to be a few years down the road.

The NCN is going to start their replacement Lake's in '89 as far as I can see.  There should be more than sufficient Gallicite in the system to allow limited ship building.

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #258 on: November 15, 2013, 05:01:50 AM »
when will the update come?

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #259 on: November 16, 2013, 02:06:19 AM »
[ooc]Well the current game date is nearly 2290 so the AAR is somewhat behind the times.  Dealing with the Galicite issue though is blocking a lot of stuff, but it is going forward slowly but steadily.  The update has been delayed due to other calls on my time this week.  Corrected a few goofs in the intial posting.  Things get more interesting (though still logistical) in 89.[/ooc]

AD 2288  (June 30 to December 30)  Watching the Plan Come Together Slowly

The queue of things for the colony on Callisto plus dealing with the Galicite issue is long.  The 10 new mines for Venus will take the better part of a half a year to build and there is then 50 more mines for Callisto to come.  This is not going to be over tommorrow but once the mines for Venus get completed a good part of the Gallicite issue will be solved as the production on Venus will have doubled.

The NCN is using this time to replace the older missiles used in the PDCs with a mix of Javelin IIIA and Arrows plus relacing all the Hawk IIBs with Falcons.  All ships have now had their magazines filled and a small (and utterly insignificant reserve in the view of the Quartermasters Corps) will remain.  Commadore Frasier wants the Lake's put into production and accepts a lower number of reserve missiles.  From the looks of the gallicite reserves the NCN and BIC both feel that new construction starting in the second half on next year should be possible.

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
AD 2288 (August 30) 10 Construction Factories are completed.  They are intended to both speed up things with regards to the colonization of Callisto but also for export to Alpha Centauri.
AD 2288 (September 26) Two more Maintenance Facilities are added to the pool.  Ships up to 10 600 tonnes can now be maintained.
AD 2288 (October 12) The first batch of colony support facilities and housing prefabs for Calisto are prepared [ooc]Infrastructure x100[/ooc] and fabrication of 10 telepresence operated mines for Venus begins.

Secondary Industrial Tasks
AD 2288 (July 15) Colonial housing and lifesupport material for BIC are completed [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2288 (October 23) An older mine is converted to telepresence operation for transport off world.
AD 2288 (December 7) BICs standing order for colonial housing and lifesupport is prepared [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc] and ground breaking for a new Fuel Refinery is complete.

Missiles and Fighters
AD 2288 (July 15) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) completed
AD 2288 (September 11) Construction of 48Arrow Anti-Ship Missiles (Batch 2) completed this ends Batch 2 production.  The next production run is planned for when the Tribal Replacement Program begins.
AD 2288 (October 12) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) completed
AD 2288 (November 12) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) completed
AD 2288 (December 12) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) completed and fabrication of a further 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) begins
AD 2288 (August 16) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 022 completes its space acceptance test
AD 2288 (October 23) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 023 is accepted by the NCN

AD 2288 (August 16) Fairmile B2(EW) 007 is scrapped. (Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 1.875.  Gallicite: 1.9 tonnes.) 
AD 2288 (October 23) Fairmile B2(EW) 006 is scrapped. (Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 1.875.  Gallicite: 1.9 tonnes.) 
AD 2288 (November 4) 1272x Hawk II Counter Missile are scrapped. (Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 154.4208.  Tritanium: 79.5 tonnes.  Gallicite: 74.9 tonnes.  Fuel: 31800 litres.) 
AD 2288 (October 2) The Martian Iindustrial park refits PDC Tharsis to the Tranquility U1 standard.
AD 2288 (December 17) The Lunar industrial park refit PDC Tranquility to the Tranquility U1 standard.

Code: [Select]
Tranquility U1 class Point Defence Base    4,600 tons     119 Crew     483 BP      TCS 92  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 7-24     Sensors 15/100     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 40.32
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1   

TorAr Goaltender II Laser Array (6x1)    Range 30,000km     TS: 12000 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 1    ROF 5        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grundig Sureshot Mk1-25/20X  BFC (2)    Max Range: 40,000 km   TS: 2500 km/s     75 50 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANDU AHW 6MW (3)     Total Power Output 18    Armour 0    Exp 5%

PDC CMS 510-0050 (1)     GPS 100     Range 5.0m km    Resolution 1
NorTEL IR Array 0-3 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km
Bell Phased Array P3-15 (1)     Sensitivity 15     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  15m km

This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre and can be pre-fabricated in 2 sections

Naval Yard: Victorias-Esquimalt Graving Yard, Sol
AD 2288 (July 5) Retooling for Virtue class completed and the first 6 bases are laid down.
AD 2288 (November 27) Retooling for Lake Mod1 class completed the navy hopes to lay down the first replacement ship in 2289.

Research Developments

AD 2288 (September 16) Dr. KnæikiR Hólmkellson's team finishes their work on improved terraforming efficiency (Terraforming Rate 0.0015 atm) and he begins work on a ship based salvaging system (Salvage Module 500) as this is out of his field progress is unfortunately going to be slow.
AD 2288 (December 7) Dr. Jeffrey Mayrant has joined your scientific establishment.  His research specialization is Energy Weapons, and there is a collective sigh of relief in the Navy Weapons Division as there is but a single scientist currently available with this skill and she is getting on in years.

Northern Coalition Army

AD 2288 (December 2) The men and women of the 2nd Extra Solar Bde Support Troops graduate from Camp Wainwright and are reviewed by their new CO, Colonel Lucy Clower.  After they clear the barracks the recruits for the Biforst Peacekeeper detachment are bussed in.

Civillian Operations in Sol
AD 2288 (November 27) The civilian mining colony on 2004 NT33 has been expanded to 12 civilian mining complexes

BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri

Faewald's industrial park continues to churn out spare parts for the existing lifesupport systems as well as the housing needs for ~160 000 more people [ooc]~Infrastructure x50[/ooc].  As the population is growing faster than this the colony is slowly slipping further and further behind.  The Peacekeeper detachment is loging more hours dealing with civic disturbances, minor larceny and other actions.  So far though the NCC Governor has managed to stay on top of the issue.  The fact that the industrial park continues to produce at full capacity is doing a lot to keep the situation under control.  ICG I completes its shore leave period on July 15 and departs for Earth with the typical Urgent Request For More Industrial Fabrication Tools.  FHG X arrives for shore leave on August 25 and departs for Doinenann on October 7.  ICG IV arrives on September 10 with a load of lifesupport and housing prefabs plus 20 000 new colonists after having dropped off a telepresence operated mine on Banshee.  The ships crews are finished with R&R on October 1 and start their return trip to Earth.  FHG I arrives for a break on September 19 and break orbit on November 3 and arrive to resume harvesting operation at Doinenann on November 11.  On October 7 the Upholder recalls the 1st Geosurvey team to the ship and heads for Faewald where the crew enjoys shore leave from October 10 to November 8, and the Team is back surveying Calheme also on November 11.  ICG II arrives at Faewald on December 13 with equipment for a mine, 20 000 new colonists and colony support equipment and housing prefabs.  The fuel farm holds 1.97 m litres at the end of the year.

BIC Operations in AD Leonis

FHG III finishes shore leave and returns to Deeper Sky to resume harvesting on July 21.  FHG IV completes their rest and relaxation and resumes harvesting at Deeper Sky on July 26.  ICG VII visits from September 2 to 16, its crew enjoying a break on its journey from Biforst to Earth.  Interstellar survey II and the two Grav Survey Missions arrive in Forge orbit on December 2, they leave on December 7 heading for GJ 1154 by the end of the year they are in Gliese 408 heading for the jump point to GJ 1156.  ICG VIII arrives on December 5 and departs on December 17 after a refueling stop and crew break on their way to Poesidean.  ICG V makes orbit on December 6 on December 17 for Biforst.  FHG V is at Forge for leave on December 7.  Heavy Lift Group II arrives on December 12 and departs for Rosetta on December 17.  The Troop Transport Squadron makes orbit on December 13 leaving on December 22.  The fuel farm on Forge is struggling to keep up the large demands being put on it but has maintained a perfect record in terms of fueling every ship that requests it so far.  It ends the year with a bare 0.38 m litres of fuel.

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

FHG VII departs Biforst orbit on July 5 and arrives at the gas giant A-III on July 7.  On August 21 FHG VIII arrives at Biforst and the ships depart on October 7 arriving at the gas giant on October 8.  ICG VI arrives with 20 000 new colonists, lifesupport and house material plus the machines for a new mine on September 29 and the ships depart for Forge on October 12.  The Fuel farm on Biforst is continously growing and it is not clear that one of the FHGs could not be moved back to Forge.  It ends the year with 1.96 m litres of fuel.

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

It was a quiet 6 months on Rosetta.  The big excitement being the arrival of Troop Transport squadron with the last two battalions of the 1st Extrasolar Bde.  The ships completed unloading of the troops on September 19 and remained in orbit with their crews taking shore leave until September 21st when they then departed for Forge.  The NCs Exnoarcheology team has made progress but no breakthroughs in this time as well.  The Colonies Fuel farm is not robust but is sufficient to refuel the ships of the Heavy Lift Group when they return next year.   The fuel farm ends the year with 0.44 m litres of fuel.

Outsystem Survey Efforts and Naval Operations

Wolf 358

On July 3, 3rd Squadron arrives in system.  The Foxhound is then detached and after emplacing a comm/sensor buoy at the jump point to AD Leonis proceeds through the nearest 4 jump points laying a buoy at each one.  The Foxhound rejoins the squadron on August 13.  By the end of the year no activity has been reported, so the Wolvers in HIP 51317 and Ross 128 do not seem to communicate.

Lacaille 9352

The ships of interstellar survey IV continue to survey this system while the Wild Rose Detachment remains at the jump point.  It becomes clear quickly that the system is very rich in minerals.  The BuSurvey ships are done with the inner system gravitational survey and the geological survey of all planets and moons by November 26 and arrive at the jump point to Sol on December 8 their mission a big success.  The NCN and BuSurvey ships jump back to Sol and set course for Earth and well deserved R&R time.  The faster navy ships arrive at Earth orbit on December 29.

AD 2288 (July 5) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV: Sorium 61,744,000 (0.3) 
AD 2288 (July 7) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV - Moon 3: Duran 3 (1)  Neut 289 (1)  Corb 3 (1)  Trit 8 (1)  Merc 33 (1)  Sorium 289 (1)  Urid 441 (1) 
AD 2288 (July 7) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV - Moon 5: Duranium 13,448 (1)  Neutronium 6,889 (1)  Corbomite 6,084 (1)  Vendarite 3,249 (1)  Uridium 9,216 (1)  Gallicite 196 (1) 
AD 2288 (July 11) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV - Moon 8: Duranium 113 (1)  Corbomite 28 (1)  Mercassium 176 (1)  Sorium 588 (1) 
AD 2288 (July 13) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV - Moon 10: Neutronium 409,600 (0.7)  Tritanium 176,400 (0.6)  Boronide 108,900 (0.8 )  Mercassium 36,100 (1)  Sorium 396,900 (0.9)  Uridium 624,100 (0.6) 
AD 2288 (July 20) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV - Moon 13: Duranium 147,968 (0.2)  Corbomite 462,400 (0.4)  Uridium 226,576 (0.3) 
AD 2288 (August 3) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A IV - Moon 18: Duranium 20,352,200 (0.1)  Corbomite 13,456 (0.2) 
AD 2288 (September 4) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A V: Duranium 36,450 (0.1) 
AD 2288 (September 20) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A VIII: Corundium 2,924,100 (0.8 )  Gallicite 2,862,864 (0.8 ) 
AD 2288 (September 20) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A VI - Moon 1: Duranium 39,200 (0.9)  Neutronium 44,944 (0.9)  Tritanium 102,400 (1)  Mercassium 2,704 (0.9)  Uridium 8,464 (0.8 ) 
AD 2288 (October 2) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A VI - Moon 10: Duranium 720,000 (0.8 )  Tritanium 250,000 (0.9)  Boronide 270,400 (0.6)  Gallicite 184,900 (0.8 ) 
AD 2288 (November 12) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A VII - Moon 1: Duranium 3,317,888 (0.4)  Neutronium 414,736 (0.8 )  Tritanium 7,365,796 (0.6)  Boronide 11,902,500 (0.1)  Uridium 256,036 (1) 
AD 2288 (November 14) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A VII - Moon 7: Corbomite 1,690,000 (1)  Uridium 3,802,500 (0.9) 
AD 2288 (November 20) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 9352-A VII - Moon 8: Neutronium 43,560,000 (0.4)  Corbomite 3,663,396 (0.9)  Vendarite 6,625,476 (0.1)  Sorium 13,176,900 (0.1)  Gallicite 40,985,600 (0.7) 

Epsilon Indi

On November 3 1st Squadron NCN arrives at the unexplored jump point and the Borsoi lays a comm/sensor buoy.  The Edmonton opens a jump portal for the herself, the Borsoi and the Guardian, and the three NCN ships transit through to a system comparison with starcharts reveals to be Gliese 1061.  On November 16 Interstellar Survey I arrives and they jump into Gliese 1061 where the Pathfinder is dispatched to probe the system finding by December 1 that the system is thankfully free of a Wolver infestation.  The BuSurvey ships start their standard survey patern while the navy ships remain at the jumppoint to Epsilon Indi.

Gliese 1061's primary is a red star (M5-V) and it is orbited by seven planets with 5 comets making their slow journey in and out of the inner system.  The inner most planet is a dwarf world.  Next is a terrestrial world that has an acceptable gravity (0.53), a thin exotic atmosphere of Nitrogen, helium and neon (0.28 atm pressure), large parts of the planet are covered in ice (69%) but it has a surface temperature of -135 °C which will make colonization expensive.  Two more dwarf planets follow each with a moonlet.  Next is a gas giant with 17 moons (including 2 terrestrial).  A second gas giant with 18 moon only one of which is terrestrial.  Lastly a dwarf planet and its orbiting moonlet.

AD 2288 (November 3) rd 08:55:26,Gliese 1061,An exploration of a jump point in the Epsilon Indi system has revealed the new system of Gliese 1061
AD 2288 (December 7) th 05:32:01,Gliese 1061,Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A VI: Sorium 124,000 (0.4) 
« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 10:20:53 AM by Paul M »

Offline joeclark77

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #260 on: November 16, 2013, 12:08:55 PM »
Have you started constructing any jump gates, or are your freighters still using jump drives?  Building jump gates would get your civilians to help build up the out-system colonies.

Offline Destra

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #261 on: November 16, 2013, 07:21:39 PM »
I don't remember him mentioning anything about jump gates, but I could be wrong, but at least he posted up yesterdays report, starting to have withdrawls :p need my fix ya know :p

Offline MWadwell

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #262 on: November 17, 2013, 03:07:33 AM »
I don't think that Jump Gates have been researched yet.....

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #263 on: November 17, 2013, 04:04:12 AM »
The NCC has no idea you can make a "jump gate" so has no reason to try and research them.  If they encounter one randomly on a jump point then they will do so (I think there should be a chance of this happening...I need to check settings).  As far as civillians "helping" they seem to be a two edged sword, their planning stinks.  Though admittedly Faewald, as the sole textile producer in the galaxy would make a killing.

Sorry its been a busy time of late but the game is advanced to nearly '90  I just have to write up things.   I'm always amazed though how much longer it takes to do things at times then you expect.  I think preperations for that colony on callisto are going to take closer to two years to finalize.  But at least the Gallicite issue is looking to be "solved" (it needs more work devoted to it but the stockpile level is now growing if slowly). 

Offline Destra

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #264 on: November 18, 2013, 01:19:36 PM »
Mhmm I know all about crisis's now too, just started a conventional start and just finished exploring the system of almost every rock out there, aside from those way out there, my first gen TN geo ships can't make it there and back, and I litterally ran out of, can't remember its name, but its required for mines, luckily luna is the only good source in sol and I've gotten just enough mines there to break even finally. Roughly around 50 now, but nutronium there's no good source at all, only small sets of high acc, or lots of ore just 0.1 acc z:s, so the government is going to look into creating a generation ship to see about reaching the next solar system :p, but there might be a discovery on one of those still unsurveyed outter rocks ....

Also, can't wait for the next update, need my fix :p

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #265 on: November 20, 2013, 08:52:59 AM »
Mhmm I know all about crisis's now too, just started a conventional start and just finished exploring the system of almost every rock out there, aside from those way out there, my first gen TN geo ships can't make it there and back, and I litterally ran out of, can't remember its name, but its required for mines, luckily luna is the only good source in sol and I've gotten just enough mines there to break even finally. Roughly around 50 now, but nutronium there's no good source at all, only small sets of high acc, or lots of ore just 0.1 acc z:s, so the government is going to look into creating a generation ship to see about reaching the next solar system :p, but there might be a discovery on one of those still unsurveyed outter rocks ....

Also, can't wait for the next update, need my fix :p

Well I just re-organized the log file so I can write things up in a sensible fashion.  So "soon," hopefuly not to long a wait but Starslayer's and mine's Starfire campaign has also been "reprioritized" a few times more than is fair. 

Anyway on crisis management:  there is a reason that everyone says to makes sure Earth starts with lots of minerals in a Conventional Start.  It costs a lot of them. Corundium is the mineral required for mines, and at the moment generally speaking it is rare.  It isn't like there isn't lots of it, but lots of systems have it in huge quantities but with an accessability of 0.1.  It is vastly frustrating that Gl 493.1 (system with Poisedean) has only a SINGLE deposit of it (thankfully it both big and with good accessability).  Callisto's reserve it pretty critical and I need to get mines out there ASAP...though ASAP in Aurora is "less than 2-3 years" it turns out.  I'm looking to secure sources of these sorts of only other alternative is to hope that new civillian concerns start up on the comets.

You need to research jump point theory as opposed to generation ships!

Offline Destra

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #266 on: November 20, 2013, 01:09:47 PM »
Lol I know, just my people don't know anything about jump points or the ability to travel to other systems with them, though the government will push for a survey of the outer system bodies in the vain hope they have nutronium in large amounts. On there they will find a crashed ship to which opens the galaxy to them and the generation ship will be scrapped, that will probably happen in a few years once the second generation of survey ships are build OR we use a freighter as a fuel tanker, not sure which atm :p You kind of inspired me to actually write this down and MAYBE post it up one day :p

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #267 on: November 21, 2013, 06:35:13 AM »
AD 2289 (January to June)  It is a long slow way to Callisto...

This period had the completion of the telepresence operated mines for Venus as a high point.  Once operational the flow of Gallicite, while not sufficient for long term security, was sufficient with the Gallicite from Hestia and Faewald to stop the downward trend of the stockpile.  It also unblocked the development effort for the colony on Callisto to mine Corundium.  The NCCs concept for this colony underwent several changes over the next 12 months, principly scaling back the initial number of mines to be produced.  Also it has become obvious that the secondardy mining initiative, developed to aid in Extra-solar colonization efforts needs to change its typical cycle.  Currently it produces a refinery, then colonial housing, then converts one of the older Earth mines to operation via telepresence, and lastly produces more colonial housing.  The mines on Earth though are mostly converted or removed so the cycle will change after a total of 5 telepresence operated mines are ready replacing the convertion of an older mine with construction of the parts for a conventional mine, then more housing, and then parts for a construction factory.

For the NCN they have been steadily replacing the missiles expended in Hat Trick plus they have replaced the PDCs magazines with newer missiles.  This leaves them in a better state than before Hat Trick.  The colliers are all now fully loaded with missiles and while their reserve stockpile is clearly too small for operations, Commadore Frasier is adament on halting production to conserve Gallicite for the Lake replacements.  He also halts production of the Fairmile C1 pinnaces as a sufficient number now exist to replace all the older B2 models.  The NCN as well keeps its formations away from Earth giving each squadron plenty of training time.  This is only possible due to the current fuel situation and the Navy takes advantage of it.  This will correct one of the issues raised in the review of Hat Trick where the poor training of the ships resulted in long delays between the issuing of and acting on orders.

Taking a longer view the NCN thinks it can replace its lost Tribals starting in 3 years as by then the Gallicite situation should be in hand assuming the development plan the NCC is pushing goes forward reasonably on schedule.  The next concern will be to replace the older frigates.  Operations with the heavy frigates are showing them to efficient ships and they have better endurance than the older ships.  The NCN isn't sure how easy it will be to do this, as you have to replace the entire squadron so there is a steep Gallicite cost to this activity.  However, the long range planning is focusing on the the Tribal replacement program.

BuSurvey and BIC are also looking at the current situation.  BIC has secured agreement for 4 new Petrol Class fuel harvesters and a further 4 Amazon Class terraformer ships.  After that it is clear that more freighters are a requirement but one that will be harder to sell as the current freighter fleet at full utilization is stressing the overall production system of Earth to maintain a steady flow of mines, factories and housing off planet.  How much more can be handled at the moment is unclear.  BuSurvey is also looking at a situation where it is likely to go into a bit of a hiatus as all easily reached target systems have been surveyed.

It is also clear that everyone is waiting on the expected new engine development as these will speed up everything, but they will not be available for several years and the Gallicite issue at that point will have to be factored in.

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
AD 2289 (April 4) Construction of 10 telepresence operated Mines ends.  They are shipped to Venus by civillian contract and are shortly producing vital Gallicite.
AD 2289 (April 19) Lifesupport and housing prefabs for the new Callisto colony are produced and stockpiled [ooc]Infrastructure x100[/ooc] and fabrication of the equipment for 10 Mines begins

Secondary Industrial Tasks
AD 2289 (February 24) A new Fuel Refinery starts production (Current production on Earth is 4.32 m litres per year)
AD 2289 (April 09) Lifesupport and housing prefabs for BIC are produced [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc] and the convertion of an older mine to telepresence operation begins.

Missiles and Fighters
AD 2289 (January 12) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) completed
AD 2289 (February 13) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 2) completed
AD 2289 (March 14) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 2) completed
AD 2289 (April 14) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 2) completed this marks the end of Batch 2 production.
AD 2289 (January 2) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 024 joins her squadron
AD 2289 (March 9) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 025 finishes space trials
AD 2289 (May 20) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 026 recieves a favorable grade from NCNQM

AD 2289 (May 20) Fairmile B2(EW) 002, 003, 004, and 005 are scrapped.  (Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 7.5.  Gallicite: 7.5 tonnes) There are now no more B2 pinnaces in service.

Naval Yard: Victorias-Esquimalt Graving Yard, Sol
AD 2289 (February 29) Steadfastness, Loyalty, Hope, Valour, Integrity, and Faith (Virtue class OWPs) are constructed.  They move under their own power in a day or so to their assigned positions in Earth orbit and are formally named as the Orbital Weapons Platforms: Earth Squadron.  [ooc]For those curious, it is possible to give orbiting bases a task force training order and they still remain in orbit but train as usual.  I had some concern they would end up "lost in space" but they don't.[/ooc]

Civillian Operations in Sol
AD 2289 (April 4) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 15 civilian mining complexes
AD 2289 (May 25) The civilian mining colony on Haumea has been expanded to 15 civilian mining complexes
AD 2289 (June 11) Williamson Logistics has launched a new Williamson H2 class Fuel Harvester, this brings the total number of harvesters to 10 and the NCCFB is very happy.  The Petrocan tankers are now making reqular trips to Jupiter to skim off the cream of the civillian production for the Farm on Earth.

BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri

Faewald's industrial park is still running full out and falling behind.  Even though it again produced housing and lifesupport of over 160,000 people [ooc]~Infrastructure x50[/ooc] the colonies population is growing faster.  The NCC though is promising 5 new factories which will go a long way towards improving the situation.  However much the typical colonist "grins and bears it" there is a never ending stream of protests and rallys against the efforts by Governor House which keep the Peacekeepers busy.  ICG II departs for Earth on January 2.  ICG III arrives at Faewald on March 27 after having droped off a new telepresence operated mine on Banshee and loaded the minerals the mines there have extracted.  Onboard the ships for delivery to Faewald are 20 000 new colonists and the typical load of housing prefabs and lifesupport machinery.  The ships of ICG III leaves Faewald orbit on April 24 after giving its crew time for shore leave and loading the output of Faewald's mines including nearly 800 stardard cargo units worth of Boronide and Gallicite.  FHG II is in orbit with its crews on leave from April 17 until May 30 when they depart for Doinenann arriving in orbit there on June 7.  Heavy Lift Group I arrives at Faewald on June 3 with 40 000 new colonists plus their housing and lifesupport needs and a new factory for the park.  On the way to Faewald, the group had dropped off a telepresence operated mine on Banshee bringing the total there to 10.  The ships departs for Earth on June 21.

One plan tossed about to help alivate the problem is to start shipping infrastructure to Calheme and then use the population of Faewald to fill it, relieving the stress on Faewald's infrastructure.  But there is worries that this will only end up burning the candle at both ends so for the moment the NCC is focused on moving parts for construction factories and a single mine.  The NCC is keeping a close watch on this issue inorder to prevent it happening in its other colonies.

BIC Operations in AD Leonis

Forge Traffic control is as usual busy.  The sensor buoys on the systems 4 jump points make their job considerably easier as ships are now in continous contact with traffic control and there is no need to rely on scheduling.  The crews of FHG V are fully rested by January 18 and the ships return to Deeper Sky to harvest more fuel.  FHG III enters Forge orbit for shore leave on January 24 and returns to Deeper Sky on Febuary 18.  ICG VI's crews are enjoying a break from their journey to Earth from January 26 to February 8.  ICG VII arrives on April 27 and leaves on May 10 for Biforst.  FHG VI arrives at Forge or R&R on May 21.  The Farm is struggling to keep up with the constant demands on it but although it is often below 500 000 litres the constant flow of FHGs to and from Forge has kept the system balanced.  It is clear though that another FHG or two would be a big assist to this effort.

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

The colony on Biforst continues to grow as ICG V arrives with 20 000 new colonists, equipment for a mine and housing and lifesupport gear, the fully refueled ships leave on April 14 for Forge.  They also start up their industrial park in January which given the severe worker shortage of the colony is capable of producing only sufficent housing for 15 000 people over a full year, but still represents an investment in the colonies future growth.

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

Rosetta gets a big boost when Heavy Lift Group II arrives in orbit on May 30.  It has 50 000 new colonists, mining equipment, and full load of housing and lifesupport prefabricated modules.  The ships depart for Forge on June 16 after a full rebunkering.  The NCC Xenoarcheology team reports no signficiant progress on the alien ruins although they have now explored and mapped the city and its underground complexes fully.  The 1st Extra-solar Brigade is now able to rotate troops guarding the ruins though for the most part the colony is largely busy with its own concerns.

Outsystem Survey Efforts and Naval Operations

Gliese 1061

By the end of February the work of Interstellar Survey I is completed and the BuSurvey ships together with their NCN escorts jump back to Epsilon Indi on March 1.  The BuSurvey ships have enough fuel onboard to continue on to Earth (arriving on May 14).  The NCN ships of 1st Squadron have to pause at the Sol-Alpha Centauri jump point on April 4 as by now the Edmonton's fuel state is critical with only 3145 litres onboard.  The Petrocan is dispatched from Earth and on April 29 the squadron is refueled sufficiently to make it home.  1st Squadron makes Earth orbit on May 18.

AD 2289 (January 2) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A VI - Moon 14: Duranium 5 (1)  Tritanium 174 (1)  Vendarite 11 (1) 
AD 2289 (January 10) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A IV: Vendarite 374,544 (0.3) 
AD 2289 (January 13) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A III: Uridium 127,449 (0.7) 
AD 2289 (January 17) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A Comet #1: Duran 10,658 (1)  Neut 14,220 (0.9)  Trit 12,379 (0.9)  Merc 7,497 (1)  Vend 18,066 (0.7)  Urid 7,679 (0.8 )  Corun 2,904 (0.8 ) 
AD 2289 (January 27) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A II: Uridium 30,813,600 (0.1)  Gallicite 28,164,250 (0.1) 
AD 2289 (February 2) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A Comet #3: Duranium 5,392 (1)  Neutronium 45,360 (1)  Tritanium 5,951 (1)  Corundium 3,763 (0.9)  Gallicite 40,180 (1) 
AD 2289 (February 12) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A V - Moon 1: Duranium 242 (1)  Corbomite 625 (1) 
AD 2289 (February 22) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A V - Moon 11: Corundium 385,641 (0.1) 
AD 2289 (February 27) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A V - Moon 15: Duranium 4,681,800 (0.8 )  Boronide 1,742,400 (1) 

GJ 1154

The BuSurvey ships return to this system on January 19 to resume survey operations.  Interstellar Survey II tackles the inner ring of survey points and the geological survey of the star systems planets.  The two Oberons will cover the outer system to see if there is any further outgoing jump points.

AD 2289 (March 10) Minerals Discovered on GJ 1154-A VI: Sorium 9,120,000 (1) 
AD 2289 (March 10) Minerals Discovered on GJ 1154-A VI - Moon 3: Duranium 5,639 (1) 
AD 2289 (April 28) Minerals Discovered on GJ 1154-A IV: Neutronium 50,979,600 (0.1)  Mercassium 53,406,860 (0.1)  Vendarite 57,153,600 (0.1)  Uridium 63,504 (0.1) 
AD 2289 (May 18) Minerals Discovered on GJ 1154-A II: Duranium 36,980,000 (0.7)  Tritanium 8,549,776 (0.1)  Vendarite 72,488,190 (0.1)  Gallicite 8,054,244 (0.1)
AD 2289 (June 1) Minerals Discovered on GJ 1154-A I: Corundium 27,225 (0.5) 

Sol and then Groombridge 34

Based on the sucess of the Wild Rose detachment another is formed composed of the Pacific Dogwood (Cmdr Billy Bell), Ortona (Cmdr Rachel Lawerence) and Stormness.  Interstellar Survey III (Cmdr Max Parker) is assigned to do the actual survey operations after the NCN finishes the probe.  The small force is assembled on the jump point by May 18 and the next day the P.Dogwood detachment conducts a probe spending 5 minutes on the other side before returning.  The jump point goes to a system named Groombridge 34 in the old starcharts.  The full force then jumps back in and the Scout (Lt. Cmdr David Chambers) conducts a probe of the system.  By May 25, Scout confirms no Wolvers are present in the A component of the system and the Thor Hyerdahl commences survey operations.  A comm/sensor buoy is laid on both sides of the jump point.

The Groombridge 34 system is binary system with 2 red stars (A: M2-V and B: M4-V).  Unfortunately the seperation of the stars is a massive 157 AUs.  The A component consists of a Super Jovian orbiting a mere 1.14 m km from the primary.  It is trailed by a ring of debries making an asteriod belt of 19 major chunks.  Next are two terrestrial worlds.  The first is of interest as it has a surface temperature of 25°C, water in liquid form, a gravity of 0.53 G and a thin atmosphere (0.17 atm) of Nitrogen (79%), Methane (16%) and Amonia (5%).  The second is a larger world with a surface gravity of 1.08 G, a surface temperatue of a frigid -125°C, no water and a slightly more substantial (0.31 atm) atmosphere of Nitrogen (88%), and Oxygen (0.5%) with deposits of frozen CO2.

The B component is of more interest with 4 Terrestrial worlds, followed by a gas giant with 20 moons caped by a dwarf planet.  The second Terrestrial world has a gravity of 0.85 G, a surface temperature of -80°C, water is present in the form of ice sheets covering around 10% of the planet (making it much like Mars) and a thin (0.36 atm) atmosphere of Nitrogen (76%) and Oxygen (24%) that is nearly breathable (Oxygen level is 0.09).

Based on the distance seperating the two components there will be no effort to probe the B component until better drives are developed as the combined distance makes its practical exploitation nearly impossible.  Cmdr Max Parker suggests that it is sufficient to do the geological survey as this system will be low on the list of exploitation due to the distance to the jump point.

AD 2289 (May 19) An exploration of a jump point in the Sol system has revealed the new system of Groombridge 34
AD 2289 (June 9) Minerals Discovered on Groombridge 34-A III: Duranium 132,323,900 (0.1)  Gallicite 14,607,680 (0.1) 
AD 2289 (June 19) Minerals Discovered on Groombridge 34-A I: Sorium 312,187,000 (0.9) 
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 09:07:20 AM by Paul M »

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #268 on: November 27, 2013, 03:57:55 AM »
what is wild rose detachment?

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #269 on: November 27, 2013, 05:02:41 AM »
Wild Rose Detachment was a small exploration group made up of the Jump Tender Wild Rose, the heavy Frigate Normandy and an Edinburough class supply ship.  It did the probe of Lacielle 9352 (the system off Sol jump point 4).  And yes I'm working on the next update.  Sorting out the log file into something I can make sense of.