Astra Imperia > After Action Reports
Astra Imperia play test battle
I am using the newest set of rules straight from Erik.
The racial profiles are as follows with SR standing for Surrender Roll
TCN Racial Profile:
WP: 75
AR: 85
AG: 60
XE: 20
SR: 67
Obsidian Blade Racial Profile:
WP: 80
AR: 50
AG: 40
XE: 10
SR: 60
I am going to have one TCN Light Cruiser vs 2 large Obsidian Blade Escorts
--- Code: ---TCN Cruiser
4,712 tons, 2094 power required, 2250 power produce, 248 crew 73 engineering crew, 14 command crew, 335 total crew, 2,477 LP
Signature: 335, 369 when shields are up, 569 when firing full broadside, 469 when firing broadside without PD Lasers
Main Sensor array: 1 ton, 46 LP
3 crew, 1 command crew
Base class 4, range 39, detection range 50, acquisition 45%, 1 ton, 10 LP
Channel Class 4, 40 channels, 10 LP
Signature Class 4 80m active, 20m passive, 20 LP
Resolution Class 4, 30m, 6 LP
Shields: 10 tons, 106 LP, 20 power, 34 signature
5 crew, 1 engineering crew
Shield regeneration generator, Gen 4, Regen 8, Power 20, 12 LP
Theta, power 12, EM 5, Thermal 50, Kinetic 25, Mitigation 9, Collapse 85, Sig 34, 10 tons, 94 LP
Armor: 10 tons, 75 LP
Theta, EM 45, Thermal 20, Kinetic 10, collapse 150, 10 tons, 75 LP
Point Defense Lasers (x20): Total 100 crew, 6 engineering, 300 tons, 740 LP, 100 power
15 cm, FDR 10, 1/2DR 15, 1DR 20, power 5, HTK 1, tons 15, 5 LP
Visible light EM 4, Thermal 8, Kinetic 0, 12LP
ROF Class IV, 2 per turn, 10 LP
Standard Lasers (x10): Total 50 crew, 3 engineering, 150 tons, 80 power 280LP
30 cm, FDR 16, 1/2DR 24, 1DR 32, power 8, HTK 2, 15 tons, 8LP
Visible light 4 EM, 8 Thermal, Kinetic 0, 12 LP
ROF 2 per turn 10 LP
Capital Lasers (x6): Total 30 crew, 3 engineering, 180 tons, 582 LP, 110 power
45 cm, FDR 22, 1/2DR 33, 1DR 44, Power 11, HTK 2, 11 LP, 30 tons
Visible light EM 12, Thermal 24, Kinetic 0, 12LP
ROF Class IV, 2 per turn, 10 LP
High Energy Focus
Standard Grav Pulse Engines: 10 thrust
Total 1325 tons, 90 LP, 1750 power
35 power per thrust per 1,000 tons.
325 tons
18 LP
Standard Antimatter Power Plants: x15, 2250 power, 210 tons, 450 LP
50% meltdown chance, 150 power, 14 tons, 30 LP
Damage Control Crew x4: 4 power, 20 tons, 40 LP
Class III FTL Engine: 150 tons, 30 power, 21 LP
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Obisidan Blade Escorts
Streamlined 10% of hull
Agile 5% of hull
4,659 tons
2052 power required, 2100 power produced
83 crew, 77 engineering crew, 8 command crew
Signature: 232 signature, 264 with shields, 456 with full broadside, 356 without PD
Main Sensor Array: 1 ton, 35 LP
3 crew, 1 command crew
Base Class 3, range 28, acquisition 40%, detect range 40 hexes, LP 7
Channel class 3, 30 channels, LP 8
Signature class 3, 15 LP
Resolution class 3, 40, 5 LP
Shields: 10 tons, 15 power, 88LP, 32 signature
5 crew, 1 engineering
Regeneration Generator Gen 3, 6 regen rate, 15 power, 9LP
ETA, power 11, EM 5, Thermal 45, Kinetic 20, mitigation 8, 80 collapse, 10 tons, 88LP, 32 signature
Eta 40 EM, 20 thermal, 10 Kinetic, 140 collapse, 10 tons, 70 LP
Point Defense Lasers (x5): 25 crew, 1 engineering, 75 tons, 25 power, 100 power
15 cm, FDR 10, 1/2DR 15, 1DR 20, power 5, HTK 1, tons 15, 5 LP
Near Infrared, EM 4, Thermal 6, LP 10
ROF Class III 3 per 2 turns, 5 LP
Standard Lasers (x6): 30 crew, 1 engineering, 48 power, 90 tons, 138 LP
30 cm, FDR 16, 1/2DR 24, 1DR 32, power 8, HTK 2, 15 tons, 8LP
Near Infrared, EM 4, Thermal 6, LP 10
ROF Class III 3 per 2 turns, 5 LP
Capital Lasers (x4): 20 crew, 2 engineering, 44 power, 120 tons, 104 LP
45 cm, FDR 22, 1/2DR 33, 1DR 44, Power 11, HTK 2, 11 LP, 30 tons
Near Infrared, EM 8, Thermal 12, LP 10
ROF Class III 3 per 2 turns, 5 LP
Class II FTL:
15 engineering
150 tons, 40 power, 18 LP
Standard Ion Pulse Engines: 12 thrust
15 engineering
40 power per thrust per 1,000 tons, 480 per 1,000
1525 tons
Standard Fusion Power Plants (x21): 2100 power, 336 tons, 420 LP
42 engineering
50% meltdown chance, 100 power, 16 tons, 20 LP
--- End code ---
The starting courses of each are 90 degrees in relation to each other.
Erik L:
Couple of points... PD class weapons are limited to a range of 8 (pg 12). You didn't say how the main weapons were mounted, so I'd assume half in each broadside. Refer to page 11.
My estimate of the outcome... It will come down to initiative. If the TCN cruiser can bring one of the OB ships in range and figure an 80% hit, the OB ship will have at least 25 pts internal damage after one broadside. Scratch that. Much more. The TCN lasers fire 2x per turn, so that is 32 EM and 64 TH (80% hit), which will do about 9 pts of internal from the thermals. The capital lasers, figure 2 of the 3 in the broadside hit, will do around another 130 pts of internal damage. Which should gut the ship.
If the OB gets initiative, one broadside will inflict about 15 damage. If the second ship hits, most of it's damage will penetrate as well, for about another 80ish damage.
The OB will need to watch out if they attempt to bracket because then the TCN ship would be able to fire on both, potentially ending the fight with a broadside to each. Best bets would be to cross the T's and fire at the bow/stern.
But that's just my opinion. I'm interested in seeing how it plays out.
Thanks for pointing out about PD. I may be doing sensors wrong too, not sure. Writing it up right now. Crossing the T is what both sides are trying for. PD are turreted and the rest are broadsides.
Erik L:
Depending on range, most likely the ships all started within detection range of each other.
With the shields up, lock on will be automatic for both sides. Their signatures are well over 100. For the case of the OB locking on to the TCN ship the formula is 369 (signature) - 40 (resolution) + 40 (acquisition) for a final chance of 369% :)
PD can be used offensively right? As in instead of using them to intercept missiles they can be used as normal guns within range 8.
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