Author Topic: The Twelfth of May: (Episode III: Volunteer)  (Read 6203 times)

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Offline Theodidactus (OP)

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The Twelfth of May: (Episode III: Volunteer)
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:01:55 PM »
Upper decks of the Coronado, may 1st, 2142 (Semetary, JaceHahn)
You are stuck outside, in a near-morose party that rapidly depopulates as the night wears on. What, if anything, do you do to while away the hours until Dr. French comes back?

Forequarter of the Coronado, may 1st, 2142 (Jameskiller, 3_14, Malikane, Zebulon)
past the bulkhead, the mood is quite jovial. Every mid-level officer aboard the Coronado seems to have found their way here. There’s a reason for the levity: good news from the front. Somewhere out past Kuiper 75, young Admiral Taylor Storey has just triumphed over a vastly superior alien spaceforce. Something like 150,000 tons of Ophiuchian technology has just been atomized with minimal human casualties. A moment’s inspection reveals subtle details that do not fit the mood of the room: there are entirely too many armed guards, at least 4. They look like standard crew members, outfitted for some special assignment. There is entirely too little alcohol.

Once it’s become apparent that all those invited are here, Lieutenant Commander Mark Hutchinson, right hand of the admiral, offers a hearty toast to the newcomers. He reaches below the table, ostensibly to procure some more booze. No booze is brought forward. Instead the table glows and the staff officer produces a sheaf of black paper. Visible diagrams appear as they are placed upon the table.

one diagram shows staff officer lists aboard the Raphael and the Coronado

one diagram shows fleet positions for the command fleet and the second fleet on may 12th

one diagram shows a minutely detailed map of the political section on board the Raphael, the beating heart of the concordance itself.

Everyone is silent until Hutchinson speaks. When he does, it is with the sombre and serious tones of a general marshalling troops for a hopeless battle.

“Honored guests,” he says. “If you’ve come this far, it means that we recognize you as one with the talent, and the will, to do what is necessary in the coming days. I state not as a matter of hope but as a matter of fact that I am among friends here. What is discussed here will not leave this room. I know that I am among friends. If I were mistaken, things could be very bad for everyone.”

He turns almost imperceptibly to the guards and continues.

“The news from the Ophiuchian front is pleasant but I would hardly consider it good. Storey’s victory is nothing short of a miracle, but I can say with certainty that the Fourth Fleet has no more miracles left in it. Intelligence teams working on behalf of our admiral have reported that the Augustus, command ship of the fourth fleet, must be heavily damaged. Her scanner and engines have been dead since the battle first began. Judging by gamma flash counts and particle traces, the Fourth fleet has no more cobalt torpedos or antimissile charges left, and we have good reason to believe that its battlecruiser line is heavily damaged as well. They will not survive another counterattack from the Enlightened Lords of Ophiuchi...but our Concordant does not withdraw them. As a result, more than 2,000 enlisted men may soon die, in a war of choice  long planned to secure political power for a few old men who know their time is running out. My friends, change is inevitable, regardless of what we do here. The burden simply falls to us to expedite the process and prevent a few thousand needless deaths.”

Most of the assembled seem to know what Hutchinson means. You’re not entirely sure if you do...but the look on his face says that whatever course of action he has in mind will be difficult and extraordinarily dangerous.

“In the coming days, many in this room will be coming face to face with the Concordant himself. Franca is a powerful man, but he is quite mortal. He knows this, and has taken great pains to shield his humanity from the 12 worlds. We will soon make it abundantly clear how human he is...because, honored guests, we mean to kill the concordant.”

It looks to be the first time many have heard the intention laid bare like that. At least one officer shuffles awkwardly.

“Franca has already lost his mandate to rule” Hutchinson explains, “It is simply the case that he is unwilling to surrender power. Our admiral knows this, and ever since Franca activated attack plan Barsoom, beginning a needless war with the Ophiuchi, he has aimed to depose the tyrant. For obvious reasons, Admiral Griffiths cannot be here this evening, but I assure you we have his order, to proceed with the plan below: to disable the political and military arms of the concordance and establish, in its place, an interim government which will make peace with the Ophiuchians and recall the fourth fleet. We have significant resources at our disposal: Men close to the Concordant himself, as well as men active on the bridge crews of the Raphael and the Coronado. We have the means to cripple the Colonial Guard and rally the remaining fleets in terran space to our cause. Everything is in place...but one critical piece. We need a volunteer.”

He looks out at the newcomers gathered here for the first time: “An outsider. Someone new to the complex power play between the Concordant and the Second fleet, someone with a reason to get close to both our admiral and our concordant at the right time.”

He holds up another sheet of black paper.

“Admiral Griffiths has prepared an operation to remove the concordant from power, Code Named Lantern Ash. I can’t tell you what you’re signing up for...yet. It’s a simple task, straightforward. But I will do you the courtesy of a friend: this will put you under direct suspicion of the highest kind if this operation is discovered, even in its infancy. You will be agreeing to something which is patently treasonous, however necessary the treason may be. I cannot promise a reward of any kind...I cannot even promise that you will survive. But we need someone, one of you, willing to do anything to see Admiral Griffith’s cause carried out…”

(Jameskiller, 3_14, Malikane, Zebulon) Lt. Co. hutchinson must be desperate or crazy or both, to entrust such sensitive information to new recruits to his "cause" any of you volunteer? You may ask any question to the narrator that you like, in order to get a better grasp of the peculiar world that you now find yourselves in...but whoever volunteers first gets the prize...
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 05:25:34 PM by Theodidactus »
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

Offline MagusXIX

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 05:13:56 PM »
I am curious what is meant by "Franca has already lost his mandate to rule."  Should he already have been replaced by someone else, according to law?

Offline Theodidactus (OP)

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2014, 05:28:48 PM »
I am curious what is meant by "Franca has already lost his mandate to rule."  Should he already have been replaced by someone else, according to law?

Hutchinson seems to be speaking hyperbolically, rather unbecoming of an officer. Franca secured power in a narrow decision and has been politically unpopular on quite a few worlds...but of course he's not a politician, he's just a military commander.

Of late, he's made a few military decisions that seem rather...stupid, to put it bluntly. He ordered a sudden, unexpected, apparently unnecessary attack on the Neighboring "Enlightened lords of Ophiuchi", hostile aliens that claimed all stars within 50 light years of their home...but mostly kept to themselves. This attack has been rather unpopular even among the admirals and dukes close to Franca, but voting him out of office at this point would be foolish: there is no clear replacement and it would lead to internal struggles that would weaken humanity in the face of a likely Ophiuchian counterattack. Technically, the concordant is elected by the six admirals and two dukes, in reality he's got both dukes in his pocket, the loyalty of several large worlds, and at least 2, possibly 3 of the admirals. he's never going to get replaced.

Cynics at all levels suspect that Franca ordered the attack in the first place to solidify his control over the navy, which was fragmenting due to natural stresses and strains of leadership. In the best possible light, Franca's attack was an attempt to decisively win a war against an alien threat that was festering for years while humans did nothing. In the worst possible light, Franca's attack was an opportunistic way to increase his power at the expense of a small fleet and a few thousand starmen.  
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 05:30:20 PM by Theodidactus »
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

Offline 3_14159

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2014, 07:30:18 AM »
There's one answer I need before formulating my action: What's the official reasoning for not withdrawing or resupplying Fourth Fleet?

Offline Owen Quillion

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2014, 10:58:05 AM »
(I may have a more in-character response later, but Dr. French's feelings on the matter are as thus:

He does suspect that a government without a Concordant at the head might run more efficiently (note his one character trait), and furthermore he has suspected something was amiss with this military operation and is very deeply concerned that the Concordant stands accused of intentionally riling the Opichiuans given the threat they represent. He stands sympathetic to this cause... but has no intention of volunteering blindly, either, since it goes against his nature. He's willing to stick his neck out but not without a fully formulated plan.

He's also disturbed at the mention of 'crippling the Colonial Guard', especially given the implication that there are at least three variables in this problem - Loyalists, the Guard conspiracy, and whatever this conspiracy could be called.)

Offline Theodidactus (OP)

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2014, 12:02:01 PM »
here's the best intelligence from the ophiuchian front right now:

Kupier 75 sits at a critical hyperlane intersection in Ophiuchian space. Numerous inhabited systems wait behind those jump points, including the home system of the Enlightened Lords. The lords had been threatening war for more than a decade...but nothing happened. The Fourth Fleet was ordered into the system in early april of this year in order to score a single, decisive blow against the alien menace. After quickly overwhelming the jump point defense, they were to hold the intersection against all comers. Intelligence believed the primary attacks would come from Ophiuchi itself, and that the fourth fleet's powerful short ranged weapons would easily overwhelm enemy craft that jumped through...instead, the fourth fleet found itself fighting off attack after attack from guard posts within Kuiper 75 and the neighboring HO Librae system. The fourth fleet has successfully repelled 2 fleets of equal tonnage and one fleet of significantly higher tonnage, but its ships are badly damaged and their primary weapon, the short ranged but incredibly powerful cobalt torpedo, has almost been fired to depletion.

On April 30th the fleet was ordered back from the jump gates,  to a small gas giant orbiting Kuiper 75-C. The concordance has been unwilling to sound retreat, officially because they have gained an immense strategic advantage by taking kuiper and believe they can continue to control these spacelanes, particularly denying the Lords commmerical traffic,  with long ranged Polaris missiles fired from the fourth fleet's missile cruiser. The official strategy is to hold the system until a further decision is made: the third fleet might be sent in to support the second if a counterattack on human systems seems unlikely, and that's partially what will be discussed aboard the Raphael
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

Offline MagusXIX

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2014, 08:18:46 PM »
Lt. Col. Claude's main concern is that it may be impossible, too late, to broker peace with the aliens.  If the aliens won't have peace, then a coup would seriously gimp humanity against an outside threat that could potentially wipe out her entire species.  Who is right and who is wrong doesn't particularly concern her at the moment, due to the magnitude and potential consequences of what is being suggested.  After an apparently long silence (no one has spoken up yet!) Lt. Col. Claude will cautiously, politely, and with as much decorum as she can muster, address her concerns to her superior officer, and ask if any of the civilian experts could enlighten everyone about the probability of brokering a peace with the aliens so soon after such blatant acts of hostility.  While voicing her concerns, she will be very careful to make it appear as if she is unfazed by the passion with which these men would seek treason, as well as nonplussed by the cowardly methods (assassination is what seems to have been suggested!)

While she has lost respect for the officers present, mostly due to their chosen method and not necessarily their intentions, she'll reserve judgement of Admiral Griffiths until such a time as she can look him in the eye with her newfound knowledge.

Of course, she remains diligent in her mission to protect the xenologists.

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2014, 07:53:51 AM »
Lt. Co. Luciana Tourinho is deeply divided on the issue. On the one hand, it seems clear that the Concordant is not acting in Humanity's best interest, on the other hand the whole plot seems rather sketchy, and the final goals unclear.
Seeing as no one else seems to answer the call for volunteering, he asks Hutchinson: "Sir, what kind of change are you, are we, trying for? What happens should we succeed in brokering peace with the Enlightened Lords? And what if we can't?"

Offline Theodidactus (OP)

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2014, 02:52:56 PM »
The Officer's reply is clipped and almost annoyingly free from any useful information. Whether he is putting up a Facade or not is unknown, but his attitude conveys more than his words: he and his fellow officers are in charge of the situation. Nothing can happen they have not anticipated. Their actions and the result are effectively inevitable, nothing can stop this now. They are simply looking for actors, men to play parts.

He says: "Communication with the Enlightened Lords has been difficult, but we, we know, that translators resigned too quickly. We know why. Our SECOND action will be to broker some kind of peace with the Lords. Our FIRST action will be to withdraw the fleet, and save thousands of lives."
He throws sinister glances to the armed guards in the room.

"Now, do...I...have...a...volunteer?"
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

Offline MagusXIX

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2014, 06:54:50 PM »
Just to be clear, they are looking for a civilian to volunteer, correct?  They wanted an outsider.  Lt. Col. Claude reports directly to Admiral Griffiths, so she's likely fairly well known and already mistrusted by Franca.

Offline Malikane

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2014, 10:55:12 PM »
Gregoire notes the oppressive silence following the discussion with distaste.  He has his own doubts, and he is not overly optimistic on their chances of pulling this off successfully.  Still, he is quite certain that the Concordant has overstepped his bounds, and with that motivation in mind he pragmatically considers the alternatives.  If the Ophiuchians do counterattack, having the ships of the Fourth Fleet would be invaluable.  If that fleet is destroyed by the Concordant's goals, then that could leave humanity open to a devastating counterattack. 

"I volunteer, with one reservation.  If we succeed, who is to take command? Having no clear chain of command in the middle of a war like this could be as disastrous as not acting at all.  Admiral Griffiths? Is he the man to rule?"
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Offline Theodidactus (OP)

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2014, 05:56:53 PM »
Gregoire notes the oppressive silence following the discussion with distaste.  He has his own doubts, and he is not overly optimistic on their chances of pulling this off successfully.  Still, he is quite certain that the Concordant has overstepped his bounds, and with that motivation in mind he pragmatically considers the alternatives.  If the Ophiuchians do counterattack, having the ships of the Fourth Fleet would be invaluable.  If that fleet is destroyed by the Concordant's goals, then that could leave humanity open to a devastating counterattack.  

"I volunteer, with one reservation.  If we succeed, who is to take command? Having no clear chain of command in the middle of a war like this could be as disastrous as not acting at all.  Admiral Griffiths? Is he the man to rule?"

Smiling smugly, the officer declares "yes, he is."

Yao Yab Wu speaks up, her voice soured with skepticism...

"you want kill the concordant?"

The officer shakes his head.

"It takes a special sort of man to kill another man. Down the barrel of a gun, virtually everyone not wearing combat fatigues looks to be an innocent. We have another man for that job."

He slides a standard communicator across the table to his new volunteer.

"this is in all respects a standard communicator. There is nothing suspect about it, it will pass all inspections...because it is a standard communicator. communication, gentlemen, will be our most powerful tool. You will take this. In less than two weeks, you will find yourself aboard the Raphael, walking side by side with Admiral Griffiths and the Concordant himself. Something will happen. Something that, for obvious reasons, I cannot divulge.  You will know it when it happens. You will report the following:
- The Concordant is dead
- The Concordant was killed by a militant faction of the colonial guard
- Strategic Command has ordered complete radio silence on all military channels in the Epsilon Eradini system, effective for one hour.

As for the rest of you..." he says, looking out over the room "You will attend to your duties until the right moment, when you will be called upon to serve us once again. You will not fail us. I know you are made of stronger stuff than that. I cannot answer many of your questions, there are untrustworthy people in our midst. Do any of you have any that I might be able to answer?"

[ooc]He won't answer many...but he might answer a few. Get them in before I post the next episode later tonight!
having moments like during my election fiction where I want every side to win cause the future possibilities for all are fun[/ooc]
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 06:11:14 PM by Theodidactus »
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound

Offline Owen Quillion

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2014, 06:25:05 PM »
"Just to sate my curiosity, Lieutenant Commander, does the Colonial Guard know of this plan? I'm aware there has at least been talk among them of deposing Franca, and I just want to make sure that this is a quick, clean coup and not the start of an internecine conflict with an enemy at our doorstep." Dr. French keeps an inquisitive tone throughout, attempting to not let on that he fears a struggle over the imminent power vacuum.

Offline Malikane

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2014, 07:45:51 PM »
Gregoire takes the communicator silently.  For better or worse, the die is cast. He listens to others' questions and the responses, but does not add any of his own.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

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Re: The Twelfth of May: (III: Volunteer)
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2014, 09:51:24 AM »
"Just to sate my curiosity, Lieutenant Commander, does the Colonial Guard know of this plan? I'm aware there has at least been talk among them of deposing Franca, and I just want to make sure that this is a quick, clean coup and not the start of an internecine conflict with an enemy at our doorstep." Dr. French keeps an inquisitive tone throughout, attempting to not let on that he fears a struggle over the imminent power vacuum.

"Elements of the guard have been plotting something since the man was elected..." he replies. "However, we simply cannot be sure how large these elements are...they likely amount to nothing more than a pitiful minority. We know a comparatively low-ranking member of the guard was recently reported. That, however, is all we know. Assuming we all complete our assigned tasks, this will be quick, and very, very clean."
My Theodidactus, now I see that you are excessively simple of mind and more gullible than most. The Crystal Sphere you seek cannot be found in nature, look about you...wander the whole cosmos, and you will find nothing but the clear sweet breezes of the great ethereal ocean enclosed not by any bound