Gunboats get fXr for is part of the basic cost. That includes the PGB. Looking at the story the Gunboats and CLs entered first as a simultaneous transit...and the gunboats were largely ignored by the mines, though they say something about half having AFMHAWK on their racks which would have been worthless in a furball...but ok maybe for shooting at incoming fighters or something. The 2000 GBs lost 700 or so in the intial few rounds, relatively few to the mines. In the book anyway the GBs are hard to engage by mines, as they charge the forts once they start firing pods equiped with CAM2-b. Nothing is said about the mine field at that point, and the mines on the warp point were gone by then but not the belts around it. Or the belts infront of the fortresses to stop rammers.
The rules for GBs are in 27.14.x, but the relevant ones are: There are certain offsetting disadvantages to the GB. First, because it is so large (for a small craft) and has such a powerful emissions signature, it is detected as if it were a starship and
may be targeted by anti-starship weapons at -3 to the hit number (Table 28.01) or engaged on the Fighter Kill Table by any type of unit at a +1 bonus to the hit number (this +1 includes AFM-type
missiles). A single point of damage destroys any GB and GB do not benefit from "f?". GB spend 2 MP per -1 for EM, with a limit of -2 on the fighter table (28.03) and -3 against starship weapons
(28.01). Avian races (or any other races that receive a bonus for operating fighters) do not receive any racial benefits for operating GB and the superior dogfighting ability of the strikefighter means
that any fighter has an additional +1 to kill a GB on the Fighter Kill Table (for a total of +2, which means that an "fG" at range 1 would have a to-hit of 5 and an "fL" at range 3 would have a 3 to hit). Unlike fighters and other small craft, GB are subject to minefield attacks. GB drive fields are far stronger than any pn drive but somewhat weaker than that of a very small starship. As
mines are very dumb and nearsighted, not all of them attack the GB; but the patterns that do attack view each squadron as one "starship" and therefore spread the attacks over the entire squadron--
and often guess wrong about where the GB actually are. This makes the mines easy to intercept for the GBs' Dxz but for a GB even one mistake is lethal. Each GB squadron which enters,
leaves or spends an MP in place in a minefield is attacked by one pattern which fires a 10-mine salvo. (Each pattern can only fire at one GB squadron, so if there are more squadrons than patterns
some squadrons will avoid attack altogether.) Rather than rolling lots of dice for point defence, each salvo rolls 4 dice (even if the squadron has less than 4 GB). The basic to-hit number is 1, modified
• +1 if the GB squadron made transit on this turn (even if it was´carried on "XOg")
• +1 if the mines are AMMF
• -1 if the squadron uses any level of Engine Modulation (see UTM6)
• (remember the non-auto hit/miss rule!)
Each hit kills one GB, up to the number of GB in the squadron. If a GB makes transit directly into a minefield placed in the same hex as a closed WP, each squadron is still engaged by´a single pattern (up to the number of patterns in the hex). However,
the initial mine attacks are confused due to the short engagement times and many mines miss. On the impulse in which the´GBs made transit, only a single roll is made (as described above)
against each attacked squadron rather than four separate rolls. Each attacking pattern still expends 10 mines.
But so far as I can see the GB violates essentially every rule in the minefield section. They also soak up IDEW and DSB fire...though in Centauri I assume they had 2nd gen control systems and could target the IDEW specifical by class. The basic kill number is equal to the chance of a non-minesweeping mode point defence in general and is -2 from the basic...and there is no targeting bonus (extra shots) allowed on mines, so they should die in job lots.
In the books they don't, and in the game they are relatively immune to mines, unless you try charging a AAMF on the turn of transit then you face a kill number of 3... Most of the time the kill number is 0, so the losses are 5%.