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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2016, 03:30:34 PM »
The new, much simpler, Select Names window. You can now select a name from any of the available Name Themes in a number of places within the program. The Class names and System names from the old Racial Themes are included as individual categories.


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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2016, 07:33:12 PM »
Shipyard Tasks tab. Similar to VB6 version except more screen space due to new font and wider window. I've also adjusted the columns to move progress further to the right and used left justification for most columns to make it more readable


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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2016, 09:40:35 AM »
Screenshots of the ground units tab. This first pair show the Japanese forces in 'population' view and then 'all units' view. Note the drop down next to the Transfer Local button. You can directly transfer ground units to other populations on the same planet, ground bases or ships in orbit. In this case a troop transport is top of the list and is showing its available capacity. if you try to move too many units, it will be loaded to capacity and the rest will not move.


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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2016, 10:08:29 AM »
These screenshots demonstrate the new multiple ground unit selection option in C# Aurora. This can be used for transferring units to other population or ships but will mainly be used to reassign units to new HQs. When assigning multiple units to an HQ, Aurora will work out the best arrangement (see the Changes List for more detail). In this case, one brigade HQ with four attached units is selected, a standalone brigade HQ and five standalone units. The Transfer button is pressed to transfer them all to the Division HQ. As part of the transfer process, Aurora attaches any standalone units to any available slots under a brigade HQ within the division (including HQ that are part of the same transfer). The second screenshot shows the result of the button click. One unit was not transferred because there were no available slots.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2016, 07:30:54 PM »
This is the new Ground Unit Training tab. While the layout is a little different, the main change is that units can be named before the task is created and renamed while the task is in progress. Also, low tech units will no longer be displayed as an option once mobile infantry has been researched.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2016, 07:51:59 AM »
I've updated the industry tab to include fuel refineries and maintenance facilities. The mineral requirements and maintained ships will be covered in a different tab.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2016, 08:29:20 AM »
First screenshots of the mining tab. The major change is the addition of a detailed breakdown of mineral usage, plus I have included the modifiers for the different types of mining.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2016, 06:31:27 AM »
The Wealth & Trade tab. Essentially identical to VB6 Aurora.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2016, 12:02:04 PM »
I am playing around with colour themes. Here is an example of a black and white theme instead of the default dark blue / pale yellow. For now I just wanted to check how easy this was but I will add full functionality for different colour themes before release

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2016, 01:44:24 PM »
Just for interest, this is a screenshot of the tactical map on my main monitor - 3440 x 1440 ultra widescreen. The screenshot may have a horizontal scrollbar in lower resolutions.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2016, 08:13:10 AM »
First screenshot of the Research tab. The main improvement is integrating the research queue into the same list as the current research projects. I've also included more information on each project, such as the total modifier from scientist bonuses (including specialisation) and any research anomalies. Not all of the buttons will be enabled in every situation but I have left them enabled here just for the screenshot.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 08:59:24 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2016, 02:29:36 PM »
This is the Event Window. I am still playing around with it but the final window will look like something along these lines. It is very similar to the existing window. You can change the event colours and hide event types. The functionality is a little different as you can now just click any event and hide that type rather than scrolling through the list. You can override the hide flag by clicking the Show All Events checkbox. The colours are ones I just setup for the screenshot - you can use whatever colours you like for each event type and these are set by each race.

Rather than a number of events, you set the number of days into the past for which you wish to see events.

Also, there is a new dropdown for Event Category, which groups events into Production, Mining, Environment, Ships, Commanders, etc. so you can filter the view.

Events for the last two increments are taking place as I advance time in C# Aurora (as a lot of the population-related production/research code is complete). Everything earlier happening in VB6. The addition of this window will make the next stages easier as I can see what is happening in the game, rather than having to step through code.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2016, 06:42:49 PM »
This is the first screenshot from the new Naval Organisation window. This window will replace the VB6 Task Group and Ship windows, plus several minor windows used for reporting of fuel, maintenance, etc. It is a work in progress but the screenshot below shows the sidebar plus the Ship List tab of the Fleets tab.


Instead of the Task Forces and Task Groups in VB6 Aurora, C# Aurora takes an approach similar to the optional functionality of the VB6 Naval Organisation tab, albeit with much easier and more flexible UI. There are four primary components of Naval Organisation; Admin Commands, Fleets (VB6 Task Groups), Sub-Fleets and Ships. The Admin Commands in green and the sub-fleets in light blue are purely administrative constructs and don't appear on the tactical map.

Every race starts with a single top level Admin Command (which can't be deleted but can be renamed). All other Admin Commands descend in a tree from this one. You can only attach an Admin Command to another Admin Command but you can have an unlimited number of levels in the Admin Command hierarchy.

Fleets can only be attached to Admin Commands. Many fleets can be attached to a single Admin Command but each fleet can only be attached to one Admin Command

Sub-Fleets can only be attached to a Fleet, or to another sub-fleet. You can have an unlimited number of levels within the sub-fleet hierarchy. These are used to organise the ships within the larger fleets. Sub-fleets have no on-map function and all ships within the sub-fleet hierarchy move within the parent fleet.

A Ship can be attached to a Fleet or to a sub-fleet. When attached to a sub-fleet, it is still a member of the parent Fleet at the top of the sub-fleet hierarchy.

The sidebar tree has full drag and drop functionality so you can move Admin Commands, Fleets, Sub-Fleets and Ships around as long as the above rules are followed. You can also drag ships and sub-fleets between different fleets as long as they are in the same physical location. Entire sections of the tree can be moved with a single drag-drop. Also, you can open up multiple Fleet windows and drag and drop between the trees in two different windows.

You can detach a sub-fleet with a single click, at which point it becomes a full fleet in its own right. Any sub-fleets further down the sub-fleet hierarchy become sub-fleets of this new fleet.

I will create a 'join as sub-fleet' order so when one fleet joins another, its ships will automatically form a sub-fleet within the joined fleet, allowing them to subsequently detach as a whole unit.

There is still more work to do in this area, one item of which is to include a visual cue for when a fleet is out of range of its admin command. I will also add the option to display parasites, ground units or cargo within the tree.

Fleet Summary
When the Fleets tab is selected, the top portion displays a Fleet Summary, which in function is similar to the Class or Ship summaries. The current location and any orders are displayed on the top line, while the fleet commander and his bonuses are on line two. Line three displays any useful information for the fleet, such as speed (and max speed if moving more slowly), the protection value, weapon and sensor ranges, plus any special capabilities such as survey strength, mining, terraforming or fuel harvesting. These will only appear if their value is greater than zero. Line four shows capacity-related information, such as fuel storage, cargo storage, troop transport capacity, etc. plus the total size of the military hulls in the fleet. Line five shows default and conditional orders.

Ship List
The ship list that was previously show in the upper right of the VB6 Task Group window now has its own tab. With more space, more ships can be displayed and the individual ship commanders are shown in the right-most column (the fleet commander is shown in green). Ranks now have an associated abbreviation which can be changed by the player.
When a ship has a potential issue, such as low fuel, maintenance supplies or ordnance or shields are active but depleted or the deployment time has been exceeded, that rating for the ship is highlighted in either orange or red depending on severity. For example, when fuel falls below 40% capacity, it is highlighted in orange. Below 20% is highlighted in red.

Here are some more screenshots to demonstrate the Fleet Summary section. Note the detailed information on the first line regarding location and orders.When an object is referenced for location purposes, that will be the nearest jump point or planet.




Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2016, 07:45:25 AM »
The Fleets Orders tab within the Fleets tab on the Naval Organization window. The first screenshot is a basic view showing the Sol system with the default settings. In VB6, all the various movement options, such as order delay, how many items to load, whether to load sub-units of HQs, were displayed all the time. In C# Aurora, those will appear along the bottom of the window only when needed for the specific order type. There are three potential views for the left-hand column - the normal destination view, a list of auto-route destinations (where the orders are calculated automatically) and Order Templates, which are sets of orders you create and store. These are all in VB6 Aurora but not displayed in this way.

With regards to auto-route destination, in VB6 these are restricted to populations, but I will add the option to have auto-route waypoints as well (you will see a list of populations, plus all auto-route waypoints you have established). This code isn't written yet so no screenshot.

BTW I've spotted the missing space in Remove Last but I am too lazy to recreate all these screenshots :)

One of the odd things in VB6 Aurora was that when you show moons in the destination list, they can appear next to the wrong planet because planets with populations are excluded from the system body list. In C# Aurora, they are greyed out instead of not appearing, which makes things much clearer

This screenshot shows planets turned off and fleets turned on. Fleets are now prefixed by FLT: to make the list easier to read. Civilian harvesters are also displayed (prefixed by CIV: ) so you can use them to refuel.

Here is a fleet that has received orders. The order list now shows the destination followed by the order. Any transits are shown in orange.

A fleet with troop transports picking up ground units. The whole third list is now replaced by the potential selections and will disappear once you use Add Move. Ground forces are shown with their formations to make selection easier.

There are no longer separate orders for each installation type. Instead, there is a Load Installation order that allows you to select which installation to pick up and also shows you the current number of installations. I have setup the code in C# Aurora to make it a lot easier to add new installation types and this new order is part of that process.


Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Screenshots published so far
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2017, 06:29:20 PM »
Here is the first screenshot of the new System View window. It isn't quite finished yet but given recent discussions on terraforming, max capacity and tide-locked planets, I think it is worth showing a progress update. This is a non-SM view. There are quite a few differences between this and the existing window, including:

1) You can select races as well as systems. If you change race, the same system will be displayed if the new race is aware of it
2) The current survey status is shown at the right-centre top.
3) The Star information lists the different types of system bodies associated with that star. Habitable is less than colony cost 2.0. Near Habitable is between colony cost 2.0 and 3.0 and is split between normal and low-grav.
4) There are no longer different tabs for different stars. You select a star to show its planetary system
5) The system body information has been changed to show all the key data without scrolling. Max population capacity is shown in the right-hand column.
6) Many more bodies can be colonised due to the new low-gravity infrastructure rules. Bodies with low gravity have LG after the colony cost.
7) Populations can be given names that are different to the system body (although that isn't on this screenshot because the Commonwealth pop hasn't been renamed).
8) Jump points are shown in the bottom left. You no longer have to visit a different tab.
9) The colony cost factors for the selected system body now include water availability, a modifier for low gravity and a flag for if the body can retain an atmosphere.

The second screenshot shows Sol in SM mode with Ceres selected. The various SM options are available, including exploring or modifying jump points, changing minerals or survey status and generating new systems. Every button you can see is functional with all the code behind it. System Generation is complete for both movement orders and for this window, except for generating new races. The Create Race button has not been added to this window yet for the same reason.

With Ceres selected you can see the colony cost for Acceptable Gravity of 1.00 LG. This means that even if you were to create perfectly habitable conditions the colony cost would never fall below 1.00 and you would need low gravity infrastructure to compensate. Although in this case the Atmosphere Retention is flagged as 'No' so you wouldn't be able to terraform it anyway. I'll post the updated terraforming rules separately once completed.