Author Topic: Tutorial, Part 1 - Game Creation  (Read 4666 times)

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Tutorial, Part 1 - Game Creation
« on: December 30, 2009, 09:49:06 AM »
New Game Creation

When you launch Aurora, you are presented with the Game Detail screen. This screen, by default shows the last game selected (Usually Steve?s campaign). To create a new game, click the New button. I?ll present the steps as they are shown to you.
1. You are asked for a starting year. Type in the year your campaign starts at and click OK.
2. Next you are asked if you want Aurora to create Sol and create a race on Earth. If you select No, you will need to create your own starting system and race. We?ll click Yes for now. See Tutorial 1a for creating a new system/race.
3. Next you need to enter in the number of jump points for the Sol system. We?ll enter in 3.
4. Next you are asked if you wish to create the race in stages. If you click No, the race will be created randomly. We?ll click Yes.
5. A suggested species name of ?Terran? is given. You are asked if you wish to change this. We?ll click No.
6. Next is the suggested maximum deviation in oxygen pressure. In this example it is 45%. We?ll leave it at that.
7. Next is the suggested maximum atmospheric pressure. In this example it is 2.9. We?ll leave this alone too.
8. Next is the suggested maximum temperature deviation. In this example it is 23 degrees (Celsius). We?ll tweak this to 30 degrees.
9. Next is the suggested maximum gravity deviation. In this example it is 60%. We?ll leave this alone.
10. Next is the suggested race name. The game suggests ?Terran Federation?, but we?ll change that to ?Confederation of United Terra? with a short race name of ?Confed?.
11. Next is the theme. The game has suggested Italia. We?ll change that to USA.
12. Next is the government type. The default is Player Race. We?ll leave this alone.
13. The default commander name theme is USA. We?ll leave this too.
14. Now we are asked if we wish the race to have surveyed the home system for jump points. We?ll say yes.
15. Next is the suggested population. In this example it is 265m. We?ll change this to 750m.
16. Next we get a warning that it may take a bit for large populations.
17. We get asked if we wish less industry than normal. We?ll say no.
18. We get asked if we wish to convert ordnance factories to construction factories. We?ll say no.
19. We get asked if we wish to convert fighter factories to construction factories. We?ll say yes.
20. We are asked if we wish to set a name for the homeworld. We?ll say no.
21. Next we are asked about starting research points. In this example we have 180,000. We?ll increase this to 250,000.
22. Now we are asked if we wish random distribution of the points. We?ll say yes.
23. The game now goes through the creation process and you will get a notification that the process is complete.
24. Now we can change any game settings. We?ll just turn on the ?Use Inexperienced Fleet Penalties?. You can hover your mouse over any option and a tip will pop up to explain it. If you change anything, be sure to click Save, then Select. If you do not click Save, your changes will not take effect.
25. Now we are at the main screen.

This is the end of the tutorial, part 1. Tutorial 1a shows the process for the alternate setup. Tutorial 2 is the basic game setup.

*edited with updates*[/url]
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 03:37:05 PM by Erik Luken »