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(UNIT) 2060 Census and Elections
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:22:47 PM »
The 2060 Census reports the following

944.38 million people on Earth (Generating 236 seats for Earth.)
30.36 million people on Luna (Generating 7 seats for Luna)
21.5 million people on Mars (Generating 5 seats for Mars)
1.25 million people on Ganymede (Generating 0 seats but local self rule)
Io, Europa, Castillo, Titan all have sub-million populations and are ruled by the colonial office

Overall results
Minus their two Senate seats, the Golden Dawn has been eliminated from the political system. 
Communist Party of China and Korea have had a complete breakdown, only exist in some Colonies.
New party are note worthy, Tycho Republican Movement (TRM) controlling the Moon, and 2nd largest on Earth.
Social Credit of Mars (SCM) earns seats both on Mars and Earth
Chadwick steps down as CPP leader.   Replaced by Margot De Clerk, who joins with the SCM to produce a coalition.   

Ganymede Elections (2060)

Conservative Party for Prosperity (CPP) Earns 55% of the vote, and 55 seats in the Ganymede Congress
Communist Party for China and Korea (CPCK) earnes 45% of the vote., and 45% of the seats in the Ganymede Congress

Mars Elections (2060)

Conservative Party for Prosperity (CCP) earns 57% of the vote on Mars, earning 57 seats in the Mars Congress
Social Credit of Mars (SCM) earns 28% of the vote on Mars, earning 28 seats on the Mars Congress
Labour Party (LP) earns 9% of the vote, earning 9 seats in the Mars Congress
MarsONE (MO) earns 6% of the vote, earning 6 seats in the Mars Congress

CCP earns 4 seats from Mars
SCM earns 1 seat from Mars

Luna Elections (2060)

Tycho Republican Movement (TRM) earns 57% of the vote, earning 57 seats in the Luna Congress
Conservative Party for Prosperity (CCP) earns 26% of the vote, earning 26 seats in the Luna Congress
Communist Party for China and Korea (CPCK) earns 17% of the vote, earning 17 seats in the Luna Congress
TRM earns 5 seats from Luna
CCP earns 1 seat from Luna
CPCK earns 1 seat from Luna

Earth Elections

Voters where in a very anti-incumbent mood, as traditional parties lost heavy support.

Conservative Party for Prosperity (CPP) - 48% (-11%)
Tycho Republican Movement (TRM)- 22.5% (+22.5)
Labour Party (LP) - 18.5% (-6%)
Social Credit of Mars (SCM) - 9.5% (+9.5%)
Communist Party of China and Korea - 1.5% (-9.5) Did not meet the minimum vote of 2% to obtain seats on Earth
Golden Dawn - < 0.5% (-5.5) did not meet the minimum vote of 2% to obtain seats on earth

Earth Seats

CPP - 117
TRM - 53
LP - 44
SCM - 22

Total Seat allotments

CCP - 122 49%
TRM - 58  23%
LP - 44  17%
SCM - 23 9%
CPCK - 1 <1%

2% is rounding errors

Newly arrived Chadwick is elected as the Praetor of the senate, as CPP now has more power then the Non-Partisans

79 Senators

20 are non-partisan
10 power seats
1 Ex-president (Chadwick)
28 are CPP (10 Goodwill)
13 are Labour (14.5 goodwill)
5 are CPK (10 goodwill)
2 are Golden Dawn

1 (China) -  Byeong-Ho Chung - (auto replaced)
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