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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #165 on: December 28, 2019, 12:57:59 PM »
Are those chances per shot or per round, because it looks to me that 1 19% chance of killing an infantry unit per round with a LAV is strictly inferior to 3 15% chances with a MAC, or 3 chances of 10% with a LAC. Sure, that autocannons are larger (the MAC is 3 times as large than a LAV, but the LAC only 1.5 times as large), but on the face of it LACs seem slightly more efficient than LAVs for this purpose.

Offline Alsadius

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #166 on: December 28, 2019, 01:47:26 PM »
The percentage numbers are the percentage of the attacking weapon's tonnage that the weapon can kill each round if all attacks hit.

So for example, consider a LAC against PA/GE infantry with x2 HP and x2 armour. All three shots are assumed to hit. AP is 1.25 vs 2 armour, so there's (1.25/2)^2 = 39% chance of penetrating armour with each shot. A penetrating shot deals 2 damage against 2 HP, so it'll always kill. That means each shot has a 39% chance to kill, and with 3 shots per round, there's an average of 1.17 kills per round.

However, a LAC on a LV is a 36-ton weapon system. An infantry target can be as small as 3 tons(if they're carrying PWL). So I assume the infantry it's killing are 3 tons each. 1.17x3 tons = 3.51 tons per round of infantry killed. That 3.51 tons is equal to 9.75% of the 36 tons of the weapon system, so I round it off to 10%. You can assume the more common 5-ton infantry if you like, but it'll boost every weapon's efficiency proportionally, so it won't make much difference.

Similarly, if we look at CAP versus vanilla infantry, it's a 12-ton weapon system that kills 6x 3-ton infantry targets each turn, or 18 tons of enemies. 18/12 = 150%, which was the number I used in my original post on this topic.

Also, the LAV gets another big boost from being infantry-mounted. It's a 16-ton weapon to the LAC's 24 tons, but you can't actually create a 24-ton LAC, because it needs to go on a LV. That means you add the 12 tons of LV on top, and get 36 tons for the weapon in total. So it's actually more than twice as heavy in practice, which really hurts its efficiency.

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #167 on: December 28, 2019, 05:06:41 PM »
All fair. Although IIRC damage ratings also benefit from technology increases, as do non-infantry armour and hitpoints, so once you get power armour CAP and HCAP appear to still be the most cost and size effective ways of fighting enemies of the same or lower tech levels.

Against higher tech enemies you need to start bringing heavier weapons, but that was to be expected.

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #168 on: December 31, 2019, 10:50:40 PM »
So, while working on theorycrafting ground unit designs, a question occurred to me that I really should have thought of earlier: "How practical is a Bolo?"

For those who haven't heard of them, Bolos are a sci-fi concept of gigantic tanks mounting both anti-ground and anti-orbital weapons. Also AI controlled, but that's more a story theme; what I was wondering is how practical ultra-heavy vehicles with STO weapons that basically engage in gunnery duels with full warships would be.

Lets start with base armor rating of 10 (Ceramic Composite, I think). A fully armored Ultra heavy vehicle would have 120 armor and 240 hp - since bombardment damage is 20*SQRT(Damage) and armor piercing is half that, we can computer that it takes a 144 damage beam or warhead to have a 100% kill chance. That's a lot higher than I expected, due to the square root in the equation. Here's some chances for other weapon damages:

100 damage: 48%
64 damage: 20%
36 damage: 6.3%
25 damage: 3%
9 damage: .4%

In my experience, at around that tech level you might hit 36 damage with a spinal laser or a huge missile warhead (Warhead damage MSP x 6 is 15k RP compared to 10k for Ceramic Composite), so clearly a Bolo would be able to tank a few hits. Now, based on some of the screenshots of ground unit design, a fully armored UHV with a 25cm STO laser would probably cost around 200-250 BP (assuming armor rating doesn't multiply the cost of the STO weapon, anyways). That's, based on my Aurora experience, about the cost of a handful of fighters.

So somewhat to my surprise my conclusion is "this definitely sounds feasible".

Of course, at some point it's probably more cost effective to land ground forces specifically to kill the Bolo for your warships, which honestly is probably the ground combat system working as intended. Or build a gigantic 100 MSP Exterminatus missile purely to demolish the bolo tank and screw the planet it's sitting on, so always remember to support your Bolos with point defense ground units!

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #169 on: January 10, 2020, 04:01:53 PM »
Thats an interesting analysis. Ironically it also jives with the lore of the Bolo. Which is that it was damn hard to kill one, and it usually made an absolute mess of the local area when you did.

Still, thats a lot of killing. And to your point on point defense, the Bolo's themselves (well, the later Marks) had pretty intense PD batteries on them for precisely that reason. Not to mention battle screens. :)

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #170 on: January 10, 2020, 04:13:29 PM »
I might be mistaken but I believe STO weapons are Static units only.

Offline Bremen

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #171 on: January 10, 2020, 04:43:30 PM »
I might be mistaken but I believe STO weapons are Static units only.

Judging by the chart on page 4 you are correct. Oh well, it was more just a RP consideration than anything.

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #172 on: January 10, 2020, 09:06:01 PM »
Thats actually pretty disappointing, the idea of giant rolling surface to orbit tanks greatly amuses me.

Offline Alsadius

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #173 on: January 11, 2020, 02:46:42 PM »
I didn't build a full-fledged calculator, but I did make an Excel sheet more advanced than my last one, so I could compute overall performance of units, in a somewhat less theoretical setting. This still doesn't take into account morale, orbital bombardment, fighters, generals, terrain, or breakthrough rules, but it does allow for calculations of whole formations shooting at each other, and includes hit chances and fortification levels.

For a simple example, I took the units I built back on page 10. I had an armour regiment attack an infantry regiment. Each was supported by a proportional part of the brigade and divisional artillery, so 9 medium bombardment and 4x heavy bombardment modules each. Since the armoured unit is a much bigger and scarier force, I compensated by saying that the infantry has reached max dig-in(including construction vehicles), while the armour has none.

As I expected from a combat system this clean, it's pretty well balanced. The armour unit kills 37 BP of defenders in the first round, but spends 20 BP of vehicle-based supply to do it. The infantry actually kills 54 BP worth of attackers, and only burns 12 BP of vehicle-based supply to do it. From an economic point of view, this tenacious defence is pretty effective. But the attacker will still win, as it's a much heavier unit which can withstand those losses. The losses on the attacker's side only represent 4.2% of his force in BP terms, whereas the defender has lost 16.8% of his BP.

The fortification level matters a lot, though. Reducing the defender to self-fortified only, their losses go up dramatically, to 62 BP/round. With no fortification at all, it's 92 BP/round, and the defender is virtually wiped out after two rounds.

At max fortification, here's the unit results:
Off-Topic: show
Attacker regimental HQ(V w/ HQ, FFD): No kills, loses 0.4 units = 10.63 BP, uses no supply.
12x Elite Battle Tank (SHV w/ SHAV, 2x HAC): Kills 13.9 units = 10.85 BP, loses 0.2 units = 11.44 BP, uses 8.4 BP of supply.
36x Main Battle Tank (HV w/ HAV, HCAP): Kills 41.0 units = 17.57 BP, loses 1.4 units = 17.96 BP, uses 8.0 BP of supply.
54x Support Vehicle (LV w/ LAC): Kills 26.2 units = 5.42 BP, loses 9.7 units = 14.02 BP, uses 2.0 BP of supply.
9x Brigade Bombardment (LV w/ MB): Kills 4.4 units = 1.81 BP, no losses, uses 0.8 BP of supply.
2x Division Artillery (V w/ 2x HB): Kills 2.0 units = 1.18 BP, no losses, uses 0.7 BP of supply.

Defender regimental HQ(V w/ HQ, FFD): No kills, loses 0.9 units = 22.62 BP, uses no supply.
1440x Line Infantry (Inf w/ PW): Kills 3.6 units = 14.18 BP, loses 64.6 units = 6.46 BP, uses 7.1 BP of supply.
36x Machine Gunner (Inf w/ CAP): Kills 0.5 units = 2.13 BP, loses 3.9 units = 0.93 BP, uses 1.1 BP of supply.
36x Light AT Gun(Inf w/ LAV): Kills 3.2 units = 12.76 BP, loses 5.2 units = 1.65 BP, uses 1.1 BP of supply.
36x Light AA Gun(Inf w/ LAA): Kills 0.4 units = 1.42 BP, loses 6.5 units = 2.58 BP, uses 0.4 BP of supply.
36x Light Mortar(Inf w/ LB): Kills 1.1 units = 4.25 BP, loses 6.5 units = 2.58 BP, uses 1.1 BP of supply.
9x Brigade Bombardment (LV w/ MB): Kills 1.5 units = 8.25 BP, no losses, uses 0.8 BP of supply.
2x Division Artillery (V w/ 2x HB): Kills 1.4 units = 11.05 BP, no losses, uses 0.7 BP of supply.

Don't take any of these numbers too literally - efficiency varies pretty fast if you start changing the assumptions - but it's a reasonable case study, I think.

The results are largely unsurprising - AV is good against tanks, SHAV is overkill vs infantry, and so on. However, two things jump out at me.
- The regimental HQs I designed are extremely vulnerable. They should probably be doubled up for redundancy, and/or moved to a heavier chassis. Alternately, for a cheap garrison force, perhaps give up on the concept entirely. Also, pairing it with the FFD makes them both too vulnerable - probably better to split them up.
- Personal weapons are actually pretty efficient, even against tanks. They meat-shielded the defending force very well, but their damage was also surprisingly good too. They're supply hogs for the damage they do, but they still dished out more pain in total than the AT gunners did, just by sheer weight of numbers.

Also, testing things out more broadly, some extra conclusions:

  • Playing around with PWL options, I think they can actually make sense as meat shields, but only if they're meat-shielding for infantry or artillery. Adding them to the armoured regiment was bad, because the infantry force can kill them in job lots - they're so much less survivable that they wind up dying to a hit that a tank would just bounce. But adding them to the infantry regiment, they meaningfully reduce total casualties, because they're so cheap and small when they die. The tanks can't kill them any faster than they can kill good infantry, but the force as a whole suffers less when PWLs get shot than when PWs or LAVs do.
  • It looks like adding a few thousand tons of PWLs to the infantry force improves their performance about as much as the same mass(and same BP) of PWs or CAPs. The reduced killing power is made up for with enhanced survivability, more or less. So I'd probably use PWLs if the primary firepower is coming from somewhere else (e.g., artillery, fighters), and regular weapons if the unit needs to kill its own targets.
  • Autocannons are weak, but against a balanced force they're not awful. But they're not good either, and I still think they could use a buff.
  • The implied lifespan of a defensive force against serious attack looks pretty short. That tells me that you might be able to get by without supply formations at all, and save costs there.
  • Digging in is the one big advantage that a garrison has, and it should be used thoroughly for defensive forces.
  • I tested down-armouring the tanks, and it's a bad plan. However, up-armouring the infantry was also a bad plan. Armour values that are near enemy AP values is the worst place to be, so either keep them low so the units can be cheap (infantry), or keep them as high as you can get them to bounce shells off(tanks). I'd probably only power-armour my infantry if they're assault troops or marines for boarding combat, where tonnage is at a premium, and where the enemy is likely to include a lot of low-AP infantry. The same is true of genetically engineered high-HP infantry.
  • Super-heavy and ultra-heavy vehicles are eminently practical, despite their high costs. Testing a force of 10x "Ogre"(UHV w/ SHAV, HAC, HAA, HCAP) with a UHV headquarters, it beats the heck out of that tank force, even without any fortification (257 BP/round killed, 180 BP/round lost). And that's for a force that costs slightly less BP than the the armour regiment, and takes up about half the tonnage. It's very vulnerable to specialist weapons, and so it's not "OP" in any great way, but I hope the AI will know how to counter it.

If I get even more ambitious, I'll see if I can clean up the sheet and post it on Google Sheets, so others can play with it.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 01:28:33 PM by Alsadius »
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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #174 on: January 11, 2020, 05:17:10 PM »

It is to be noted that that armoured force is about 4 times the industrial commitment of the infantry force it was facing, and while it was effectively taking down the infantry even with the infantry well fortified, it seems fairly clear that against an equal BP force that has been properly entrenched bringing equal BP forces to bear on them is non-viable without a major technology or support advantage.

Likewise of interest is how the odds shift when the defenders haven't had the help of construction vehicles to dig in. It'd definitely move in the favour of the attacker, but by how much is the question.

PWL will probably also do pretty well shielding HQ units, or basically any force that should not be on the frontline but is likely to get shot at during the course of the battle. AA formations and artillery are particularly likely targets of enemy fire.

Terrain will matter. A lot. Mostly because of the to-hit and fortification modifiers. The more the terrain protects either side, the more you will want to bring extra supplies for the rate of fire advantage it gives. On desert planets you probably don't need to bring a formation of supply vehicles to back up the stores in the units themselves because with equal forces the battle will be over pretty quickly. When on a mountainous, rifts, forested or jungle planet, or worse any combination of the above, that assumption is flat out wrong.

It would be fair to consider the question of how useful PAI forces are in the assault role compared to a similar BP and a similar weight of unarmoured infantry, if you are willing to run a simulation. Given that they would have different commitments in BP for the same weight.

Offline Bremen

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #175 on: January 11, 2020, 05:38:09 PM »
I didn't build a full-fledged calculator, but I did make an Excel sheet more advanced than my last one, so I could compute overall performance of units, in a somewhat less theoretical setting. This still doesn't take into account morale, orbital bombardment, fighters, generals, terrain, or breakthrough rules, but it does allow for calculations of whole formations shooting at each other, and includes hit chances and fortification levels.

For a simple example, I took the units I built back on page 10. I had an armour regiment attack an infantry regiment. Each was supported by a proportional part of the brigade and divisional artillery, so 9 medium bombardment and 4x heavy bombardment modules each. Since the armoured unit is a much bigger and scarier force, I compensated by saying that the infantry has reached max dig-in(including construction vehicles), while the armour has none.

As I expected from a combat system this clean, it's pretty well balanced. The armour unit kills 37 BP of defenders in the first round, but spends 20 BP of vehicle-based supply to do it. The infantry actually kills 54 BP worth of attackers, and only burns 12 BP of vehicle-based supply to do it. From an economic point of view, this tenacious defence is pretty effective. But the attacker will still win, as it's a much heavier unit which can withstand those losses. The losses on the attacker's side only represent 4.2% of his force in BP terms, whereas the defender has lost 16.8% of his BP.

Something to keep in mind is that you're testing formations with no anti-heavy vehicle weapons. It's true infantry can't use anything bigger than light anti vehicle, but static can, and they get similar fortification values to infantry. I was playing around with possible formations, and I came up with the following for my "cheap planetary garrison":

Garrison Regiment (5,000 tons)
1 Regimental HQ (AR 3, Static-HQ 5000, 112 tons)
548 Troopers (AR 1, Inf-PW, 5 tons)
58 Anti-Tank Squads (AR 1, Inf-LAV, 16 tons)
50 Supply Caches (AR 1, Inf-LOG-S, 10 tons)
6 Anti-Tank Emplacement (AR 1, Static-HAV, 60 tons)
5 Anti-Air Emplacement (AR 1, Static-HAA, 72 tons)

(the artillery was in a separate command formation)

Also units that don't fight, like command units, can be given the "avoid combat" tag to make it much less likely they take hits.

Offline Alsadius

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #176 on: January 11, 2020, 06:27:33 PM »
In double-checking things while posting this comment, I realize that I seem to have misunderstood the supply rules a bit. The supply amount listed for a unit is the amount for a full 10-round resupply, not the per-round usage. That means I overstated my supply usage above by a factor of 10. I also grossly oversupplied my units in the formation design post on page 10 that I was basing this on. I thought I was providing 13 rounds of fire for the formation, but I was actually providing 130 rounds. I'll want to adjust that substantially. (No wonder the supply requirements felt so onerous!)

It is to be noted that that armoured force is about 4 times the industrial commitment of the infantry force it was facing, and while it was effectively taking down the infantry even with the infantry well fortified, it seems fairly clear that against an equal BP force that has been properly entrenched bringing equal BP forces to bear on them is non-viable without a major technology or support advantage.

For sure, but a BP advantage for the attacker is expected. The attacker is hitting one planet at a time, while the defender needs to garrison all their planets. Similarly, space-efficient attacking forces(even at the cost of more BP per unit of combat power) are entirely expected, because of the cost of building troop transports.

Likewise of interest is how the odds shift when the defenders haven't had the help of construction vehicles to dig in. It'd definitely move in the favour of the attacker, but by how much is the question.

Losses per round go up by about 70%. Everything gets twice as easy to hit, except the HQ, which is only 50% easier.

Of note - the math breaks down a bit here. The attacker is getting credit for 1.3 kills on the HQ per round, but of course there's only one HQ in the force. As a result, the loss cost is slightly overstated. Again, don't take these numbers too literally.

PWL will probably also do pretty well shielding HQ units, or basically any force that should not be on the frontline but is likely to get shot at during the course of the battle. AA formations and artillery are particularly likely targets of enemy fire.

My understanding is that they can be held behind the front lines, and mostly avoid combat that way. You're at risk of breakthroughs, but at that point you're already in trouble.

Terrain will matter. A lot. Mostly because of the to-hit and fortification modifiers. The more the terrain protects either side, the more you will want to bring extra supplies for the rate of fire advantage it gives. On desert planets you probably don't need to bring a formation of supply vehicles to back up the stores in the units themselves because with equal forces the battle will be over pretty quickly. When on a mountainous, rifts, forested or jungle planet, or worse any combination of the above, that assumption is flat out wrong.

Fully agreed.

It would be fair to consider the question of how useful PAI forces are in the assault role compared to a similar BP and a similar weight of unarmoured infantry, if you are willing to run a simulation. Given that they would have different commitments in BP for the same weight.

Changing the infantry defenders from 1 armour to 2 armour means they go from losing 36.83 BP/round to losing 40.19 BP/round. Losses fall substantially(from 87 units to 54 per round), but since the cost of all infantry has just doubled, the net effect is a bit detrimental. You save more forces for future rounds, though, so a more detailed multi-round model might show it being somewhat advantageous.

It'd probably be a good plan if your primary limitation is troop transport and not BP, though. Marines getting power armour looks like a good decision, and maybe also landing forces.

Something to keep in mind is that you're testing formations with no anti-heavy vehicle weapons. It's true infantry can't use anything bigger than light anti vehicle, but static can, and they get similar fortification values to infantry. I was playing around with possible formations, and I came up with the following for my "cheap planetary garrison":

Garrison Regiment (5,000 tons)
1 Regimental HQ (AR 3, Static-HQ 5000, 112 tons)
548 Troopers (AR 1, Inf-PW, 5 tons)
58 Anti-Tank Squads (AR 1, Inf-LAV, 16 tons)
50 Supply Caches (AR 1, Inf-LOG-S, 10 tons)
6 Anti-Tank Emplacement (AR 1, Static-HAV, 60 tons)
5 Anti-Air Emplacement (AR 1, Static-HAA, 72 tons)

(the artillery was in a separate command formation)

Interesting. This is a good point - my force was originally intended to work in mixed formations alongside armour units, but that means it's not expecting to do its own heavy lifting at anti-tank work. Yours is more balanced in this regard.

And sure enough, its performance improves a lot. Those AT emplacements do amazing work - each one costs 1.2 BP, and kills 6.75 BP per round. The sum total for the unit is that it'd take 22.85 BP per round of damage, and inflict 95.41 BP worth.

I also rather like the front-line HAA because of a quirk in the rules - LAA is as good in the front line as anywhere(since it can only cover its own unit), and HAA is equally good anywhere(since it can shoot at anything), but MAA really wants to be in a supporting position so it can back up several subordinate units at once. HAA also makes a pretty good anti-tank gun on top of that, roughly comparable to MAV(though twice the size). For a real garrison force, I think this would be a reasonable choice. Back it up with some supporting STO weapon emplacements, of course.

The one quibble I'd make here is the infantry logistics. They get massacred - you're losing 9 a round to enemy fire, and only consuming 2-3 per round for supply needs. You might do better to swap them out for another 100 riflemen, switch to vehicle logistics at the support level, and accept the increased supply cost in exchange for decreased impact of enemy fire.

Also units that don't fight, like command units, can be given the "avoid combat" tag to make it much less likely they take hits.

I didn't see that rule - I know you can set a while formation to support/rear, but not individual units within a formation. I can't see it in Steve's change log or screenshots, but I know there's probably a lot I've missed. That'd make HQs and the like a lot better. It'd also soften what I said above about infantry-based supply.

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #177 on: January 11, 2020, 06:40:11 PM »
I also rather like the front-line HAA because of a quirk in the rules - LAA is as good in the front line as anywhere(since it can only cover its own unit), and HAA is equally good anywhere(since it can shoot at anything), but MAA really wants to be in a supporting position so it can back up several subordinate units at once. HAA also makes a pretty good anti-tank gun on top of that, roughly comparable to MAV(though twice the size). For a real garrison force, I think this would be a reasonable choice. Back it up with some supporting STO weapon emplacements, of course.

I really like HAA as well, mostly for two reasons. First, it scales well with multiple formations - for LAA or even MAA to some degree, the more formations you have on a planet the wider the firepower is scattered, but HAA always gets the shot. Since my planetary garrison plan is basically "quantity has a quality all its own" I like the idea of HAA and spreading it out.  The second reason I like them is that AA damage to fighters is exponential, so a hit from a HAA deals 2.25x the damage of MAA and 9x of LAA. From there it's only a question of if they should be front line units or in reserve, and since I suspect planetary garrisons are frequently going to be be overwhelmed and destroyed to the last man, I figure they're at high risk anyways and might as well be put where they can contribute the most to the fighting/make victory as costly as possible for the attacker.

And yeah, my plan is to drop a mix of cheap garrison units and a few STO formations on a colony as an alternative to keeping ships on station. I wouldn't expect them to survive any major assault but they're a cheap way to give a planet some teeth (and also deal with the whole "demand more military protection" protests). And as a colony grows I can keep dropping more ground units on it (or start training them on site), hopefully making the largest colonies quite tough nuts to crack.

The one quibble I'd make here is the infantry logistics. They get massacred - you're losing 9 a round to enemy fire, and only consuming 2-3 per round for supply needs. You might do better to swap them out for another 100 riflemen, switch to vehicle logistics at the support level, and accept the increased supply cost in exchange for decreased impact of enemy fire.

A fair point about the quantity - I hadn't looked into the supply rules as much as you had, so I mostly just picked 50 since it was a round number. OTOH I figure each supply cache only costs as much as two PW infantry, so if they take the hit instead of a trooper I'm not losing much, and they're cheaper than vehicle logistics.

I didn't see that rule - I know you can set a while formation to support/rear, but not individual units within a formation. I can't see it in Steve's change log or screenshots, but I know there's probably a lot I've missed. That'd make HQs and the like a lot better. It'd also soften what I said above about infantry-based supply.

It's a bit hidden, but the change is in this post

3) When you design a ground unit class, you can designate it as a 'Non-Combat Class'. A class with this designation suffers an 80% penalty to hit and any hostile unit selecting targets treats this unit as 80% smaller. This could be used for supply vehicles, HQs, FFD units, etc. It is intended to simulate the type of unit that will actively avoid combat and is therefore much less likely to be chosen as a target. This applies regardless of field position.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 07:03:29 PM by Bremen »

Offline Alsadius

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #178 on: January 11, 2020, 08:39:25 PM »
Thank you for the info. That makes a bigger difference than you might expect. Instead of killing 37 BP/round, the attacker only kills 19 BP/round instead. The defender's HQ getting blown up was a huge part of the attacker's damage. The attacker's losses also drop, from 54 BP/round to 47 BP/round, but that's much less drastic. Using your garrison force, the updated values are it killing 86.99 BP/round and losing 19.89 BP/round, so roughly comparable ratios.

I'm also much more bullish on infantry logistics than I was previously. Your unit goes from losing 9/round to enemy fire down to 2/round, for example.

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Re: C# Ground Combat
« Reply #179 on: January 11, 2020, 09:50:33 PM »
In double-checking things while posting this comment, I realize that I seem to have misunderstood the supply rules a bit. The supply amount listed for a unit is the amount for a full 10-round resupply, not the per-round usage. That means I overstated my supply usage above by a factor of 10. I also grossly oversupplied my units in the formation design post on page 10 that I was basing this on. I thought I was providing 13 rounds of fire for the formation, but I was actually providing 130 rounds. I'll want to adjust that substantially. (No wonder the supply requirements felt so onerous!)

That's... rather much. It can work out that such a level of supply is necessary though, when a planet is very defensible. 130 rounds of combat works out to about a month of fighting (IIRC 1 round is 6 hours, if it's 3 hours is about 2.5 weeks of fighting), and I can see very well defended planets take that long to get the defenders ground down unless you go in with absolutely overwhelming force, and at that point you are basically committing a vast chunk of your GFTF production for an extended period of time.

For sure, but a BP advantage for the attacker is expected. The attacker is hitting one planet at a time, while the defender needs to garrison all their planets. Similarly, space-efficient attacking forces(even at the cost of more BP per unit of combat power) are entirely expected, because of the cost of building troop transports.

True, but at the same time the relative cheapness of stationing and keeping troops in secured space is not to be neglected. This is not real life where regardless of engagement you are going to need to ship tons of material to a regiment every day just to keep the soldiers in fighting form. I mean, just a day ration (let's take the Humanitarian Day Ration as an example) weighs 850 grams and provides about 2200 calories. Soldiers burn between 4500 and 5000 calories per day, so let's say that's 2 ration packs at 1700 grams total and we'll fudge the difference.

The infantry regiment you used has 1595 individual units, and let us round it to 1600 people in a regiment (this is nonsense, the weapons teams and administrative staff would comprise of at least 100 people between them, and far more likely several hundred). With 2 ration packs per person you'd need to supply just the soldiers with at minimum 2.7 tons of food every day. And that's just food, we're not talking about munitions, spare parts, or fuel, all of which would by the way strictly speaking be abstracted away into the ground supply system, and you don't have to provide any supply until soldiers are in combat.

So, sure, the defender has to have a presence of some sort everywhere and probably can't afford to place as much BP density as the attacker on any given planet that could end up under attack. Given that the defender is likely to be at a naval disadvantage he probably also can't move the troops he does have as easily as the attacker. But at the same time, GFTF are production facilities with a defined amount of production capacity and if both the attacker and the defender have the same BP totals available for their armies, attacking and defending forces may well end up costing the same anyway, with only their relative concentrations differing.

Losses per round go up by about 70%. Everything gets twice as easy to hit, except the HQ, which is only 50% easier.

Of note - the math breaks down a bit here. The attacker is getting credit for 1.3 kills on the HQ per round, but of course there's only one HQ in the force. As a result, the loss cost is slightly overstated. Again, don't take these numbers too literally.

Of course, but it does show the importance for the defenders to dig in very deep.

My understanding is that they can be held behind the front lines, and mostly avoid combat that way. You're at risk of breakthroughs, but at that point you're already in trouble.

While true, it's relevant to note that bombardment and counterbattery fire are just as random as normal ground unit fire, only fighters flying Flak Suppression missions directly target a specific type of enemy formation. Because of this, having PWL infantry in the formation is just as effective at soaking bombardment fire and keeping valuable formations safe as they are at soaking fire from enemy breakthrough units.

Tagging relevant forces as combat avoidant just makes the PWL 500% as effective as they would normally be, because you wouldn't define them as combat avoidant, you want them to get shot at in such circumstances.

Changing the infantry defenders from 1 armour to 2 armour means they go from losing 36.83 BP/round to losing 40.19 BP/round. Losses fall substantially(from 87 units to 54 per round), but since the cost of all infantry has just doubled, the net effect is a bit detrimental. You save more forces for future rounds, though, so a more detailed multi-round model might show it being somewhat advantageous.

It'd probably be a good plan if your primary limitation is troop transport and not BP, though. Marines getting power armour looks like a good decision, and maybe also landing forces.

Iterative testing would be required here, yes. I would expect that the compounding effect of losing about 1/3rd less units is helpful, because that also means you lose 1/3rd less firepower over time. It's definitely something that will require a bit of thought though, because it also means that you are effectively bringing 1/2 the infantry to the fight on the same production budget. It's one of those 'we could equip everyone with 5 million credits worth of equipment and see them swarmed and torn apart, or we could equip everyone with 500 000 thousand credits worth of equipment and lose half of them and win anyway' cases.

It wouldn't be the first time where the numerically superior side wins on count of being numerically superior and having more guns to shoot, despite the enemy being better protected.

Interesting. This is a good point - my force was originally intended to work in mixed formations alongside armour units, but that means it's not expecting to do its own heavy lifting at anti-tank work. Yours is more balanced in this regard.

And sure enough, its performance improves a lot. Those AT emplacements do amazing work - each one costs 1.2 BP, and kills 6.75 BP per round. The sum total for the unit is that it'd take 22.85 BP per round of damage, and inflict 95.41 BP worth.

That's a pretty damn good trade.

I also rather like the front-line HAA because of a quirk in the rules - LAA is as good in the front line as anywhere(since it can only cover its own unit), and HAA is equally good anywhere(since it can shoot at anything), but MAA really wants to be in a supporting position so it can back up several subordinate units at once. HAA also makes a pretty good anti-tank gun on top of that, roughly comparable to MAV(though twice the size). For a real garrison force, I think this would be a reasonable choice. Back it up with some supporting STO weapon emplacements, of course.

More like such a formation would be the ground security complement for the STO emplacements. Those HAA units are rather expensive in supplies for an AT weapon, but the question of 'do I deploy them forward and risk them getting shot apart by ground forces early but deter enemy tanks' or 'do I keep them in the back so they can bully enemy airpower but get flattened in an instant in a breakthrough' is an entirely valid one that I expect will depend at least in part on what sort of enemy forces you are facing. I'd move them forward sooner with an enemy assault force with a large armour component.

Thank you for the info. That makes a bigger difference than you might expect. Instead of killing 37 BP/round, the attacker only kills 19 BP/round instead. The defender's HQ getting blown up was a huge part of the attacker's damage. The attacker's losses also drop, from 54 BP/round to 47 BP/round, but that's much less drastic. Using your garrison force, the updated values are it killing 86.99 BP/round and losing 19.89 BP/round, so roughly comparable ratios.

I'm also much more bullish on infantry logistics than I was previously. Your unit goes from losing 9/round to enemy fire down to 2/round, for example.

If you are losing logistics to enemy fire from non-breakthrough units it might be worth reconsidering forward deploying logistics units. Due to how logistics work they are always at risk, and the highest logistics unit in the planetary OOB gets drained first anyway. It might work out better to have a small(ish) vehicular logistics unit attached to the force but separate and kept in the rear, where it's not as likely to get flattened during the fighting unless the battle is lost anyway.

Because in any fight where that garrison force is part of a higher command with vehicle supply units on hand, supply integrated in any formation that is likely to take fire is going to be lost supply. So you wouldn't want to put infantry supply forces forward anyway except when your forces have drained their supply pool and need a top up, which is just a micromanagement hell issue, and you want to keep your logistics vehicles as far back as possible because they are going to supply everything down the chain of command from the HQ they are attached to anyway.

The most efficient use of infantry supply units in a way that doesn't create a micromanagement problem would be to use them to supply to MAA and HAA units away from the frontlines who are likely to be targeted by fighters on Flak Suppression missions, which don't target non-AA unit elements, and nowhere else as no other units would not be fired upon while having a draw on supply.