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Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2011, 07:38:45 AM »
[ooc]I'm off for my holidays so this is likely the last post between now and after 11.01.12.  I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and all the best in the new year.[/ooc]

This month the SCN's naval board grabbed the lions share of the government funding as three key projects started up.  Treveri's Support Base was started with a scheduled 6 months of prefabrication beginning.  Secondary yard got a new construction slip also starting while at the same time construction continues on the renovations to Prime Yards.  Lastly to bolster colony defence in the frontier 5 Frontier Ground Bases were built, one each on colonies in Treveri, Harridan, Cyrene, Nova Vox and Agrippina.  Additionally, 4 Drusus class scouts went into refit to start the modernization process that is likely to take at least 6 months to complete.  As the research teams for the next generation particle beam weapon are in last stages of testing with the first full production model expected to be ready next month a great many of the support base yards are idling this month waiting for the crush of refits expected to start next month.  Walkirks' Fleet Support Base's parts start on their journey to the planet.

While this was going on Bu Personnel was busy with a wave of promotions and reassignments going through the officer corps.  With 3 fleets two new Legates were made, and several new Centurions promoted as the new structure calls for Task Force commanders to be Centurions.  Additionally, several senior Decurions were shuffled to new assignments to broaden their experience.  The only personnel not so affected were those assigned to survey command.

The new fleets now look have the following structure:
1st Fleet
TF 10; TG 11.1, 11.2, 11.3; TG 12.1
2nd Fleet
TG 20.1, 20.2; TG 21.1
3rd Fleet
(no forces assigned)

Due to an administrative error when the defence squadrons were assigned Task Group numbers TG 11.3 and TG 12.1 exchange systems of responsibility this month to keep all Task Groups of Task Force 11 close to each other.

Survey Force 3 probing from the Move Along system discovers a system with habitable worlds and this month they will begin the survey of it, this delays expansion of the frontier past Nova Vox, not necessarily a bad thing in itself.  Survey Force 2 has discovered a race of early iron age primitives in a binary system under survey.  The Parliament is currently debating what to do about this race given the poor results from the efforts to contact the last few races.  But as this system has a Shanirian compatible planet in it, it is unlikely that ceding it to a group of primitives is a serious option.  Survey Force 1, is now surveying with its needs not met by monthly supply shipments by its survey support vessels holds.  This represents the first time this system has been fully tested and it seems to be performing very well.

This month was also the first time Bu Colonization ran into an issue with insufficient birthing spaces for new colonists.  Additionally, it has been prioritizing the setting up of moon colonies in most settled colony systems a task that is going particularly well and is helping to diversity the economies of our newest colonies.  [ooc]It is, though, one of the most tedious tasks, especially since clicking to bring up a colony system on the map hides the CFN window so I have to manually sort both the CFN and Systems windows, plus it tends to make it easy to forget pure moon colony systems.[/ooc]  This coupled with investments in heavy industry has lead to a steady growth of the GSP of the Confederation.

News from the Drakes is interesting.  They are still emphasising defences for their empire and homeworld in their production, with the result of nearly 9 datagroups of cruiser sized bases nearing completion or installed at a Warp Point in their home system.  Additionally they are prefabricating bases still, plus have shipped bases out to their assembly groups to build their frontier defences.  Although the Drakes see little value in passive defenses on their war ships the SCN conducted several simulated conflicts with their naval officers over the last few months and based on the results the Drakes are adopting for use a new ship class.  As assaults on buoy defended warp points were utter disasters for the Drake flights they have started construction on a new class of ship.  A cruiser sized vessel it is armed with a modified tractor beam weapon system and contains additional command facilities plus mounts for the first time in a mobile unit passive defences em phising a thick armour belt.  This ship will be used for warp point assaults, plus will be added to all flights as a command vessel operating in conjunction with a new class of destroyer sized beam armed ships.  Due to poor performance of this beam weapon with respect to destroying planetary populations there is not so much resistance to sharing the design between the various warlords.

Offline Paul M

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2012, 08:43:53 AM »
[ooc]Back from the holidays though distracted by several RPGs (Skyrim and the Witcher 2 plus ME 2 with ME 3 just around the corner), plus War in the East and Star Wars: The Old pardon the tardiness.  I ended up being talked into a Kobo touch by my brother instead of the Kindle.  I really like the ebook reader now that I've gotten a chance to play with it, but anything in pdf format is all but readable.  Plus if they have DRM you can't even convert them from pdf to something like EPUB.[/ooc]

At long last the production of the replacement weapon for the Energy Particle Cannon has arrived.  The so-called Energy Beam a neutral beam of hydrogen accelerated to relativistic velocities and capable of producing a massive over charging of the target vessels structure, the subsequent discharge to the surrounding space plasma inducing massive currents in the hull that reduced operational electronics to melted blobs.  As the second generation of shield generators and the advanced computer systems for enhancing the fluctuations of the drive field were ready the refits of the fleet could begin.  There was considerable debate on one particular aspect of the refit and that was what to do with the ships in mothballs.  Eventually economic reality prevailed, the ships would be left in the state they were currently except for the Velite which would be activated and refit to the latest standard.  The arguments for both sides of the debate were clear but the reality was the navy needed new ships more than it needed older ships refit and the longer the ships stayed in mothballs the better it was.  A much bigger point was made that the reserve was too small especially in terms of the numbers of destroyers present.

Plans for the refits were laid out in the Naval Planning office for BuShips and sent out to the various support bases and the Prime Shipyards.  By dispersing the refits over the Confederation's network of bases the yard capacity would be used more efficiently.  The Lancea was refit in Byzantium, the Gladius in Tarantum, while Shanir handled the heavy ships.  Additionally the Support Base design itself was updated to the full standard currently available.  The cost increased significantly and no plans exist for updating the existing stations, though some consideration should be given to the idea.  It could be done via ground industry and effectively could be relatively quick.  But for the moment disrupting the production of those stations is not to be considered.

Some 10 Lancea Mod 4 and 4 Drussus Mod 3's were undertaking trials and maneuvers in Shanir.  These had been held back from deployment due to considerations of refit but given the long overrun of the Energy Beam project it is decided to form TG 31.1 and TG 21.3 each with 3 Lancea and 2 Drussus and send them out to the frontier.  TG 21.3 would be refit along with TG 21.1 by the Machine Shops of Mobile Construction Group 3 in Lugudum while TG 31.1 would be refit by the Support Base currently being assembled in orbit around Walkirk when they arrive.

The refits and modernizations of all existing bases although something of a logistics nightmare have an economic side benefit.  As the yard capacity will be tied up by refits and a refit is significantly less expensive than a new construction the budget for colonization can be expanded.  A sizable number of systems in the frontier can use more population as their colonization efforts were placed on hold as better planets were found plus secondary colonization sites (moons or inhospitable planets) can be also be targeted.  These efforts have consumed the vast bulk of the freighter and liners available to move colonists and the expansion of the government subsidized fleet is clearly required.  Two yards will be devoted to this, with the starts on the TYPE 3 CFN Freighter delayed by 3 months between them to give an additional freighter every 3 months.  Unfortunately for the SCN the shipyard capacity of both Prime and Secondary yards is largely consumed by refits to the yards themselves and construction of Dust Bin's Support base.  The refit of Prime Yards has consumed a great fraction of available yard space but will be finished in 2 months just in time for the bulk of the refits to start.

In terms of expanding the Confederation's naval production facilities the previous schedule remains unchanged.  Secondary Yard is on a schedule that adds 2 yards and additional facilities to its capacity every 9 months.  A further year will see the station reach its final 14 yard state.  A support base is prefabricated every 6 months and is transported and assembled in another 4-6 months.  This adds 2 ship yards and 2 machine shops to the confederation every 6 months now that production is on going.  Unfortunately the first 18 months or so of production of any support base tends to be its local defenses and support elements, so for the most part production of naval reinforcements is still concentrated in Shanir.  This is unlikely to change for some considerable time.  But the demands of refits, which any navy is periodically subject to, is no longer fully falling on Shanir's shipyard complex.  These will be handled by the support bases and mobile construction groups, resulting in a much shorter down time for the fleet as the ships on the frontier will not have to make long distance trips back and forth.

The development of the second generation of computer systems capable of enhancing drive field modulation has lead to its inclusion for the first time ship designs.  The initial system was considered by everyone in the navy a "waste of space and MCr."  There was an ongoing discussion among BuShips Engineers about where it place it however.  An analysis of its capabilities and more importantly its limitations revealed that there was no point in burying the system deep in the ships core as it would be rendered nearly useless after the first engine room on most hulls was damaged.  The loss of the engine room would destabilize the drive field and render the advanced maneuvering system software unusable with a subsequent increase in the time required to turn.  This would render the drive field enhancement system pretty much immaterial as the ship would be required to use engine power to provide location distortion and for a ship with damaged engines and reduced mobility this was considered ill advised.  So the decision was made to mount the system after the first two engine rooms.  The systems intended to defeat drive field modification were placed in more protected locations in the ships structure.

[ooc]I had originally stuck the thing where you put the old ECM system but looking at it a second time I realized that was foolish and changed it to much more forward.  Bases and Space Stations gain no advantage from the new ?x until the ?2 comes out at TL8.  This is a far cry from the old ECM system which was a must have and put as far to the right as you can.[/ooc]

Also completed is the spacecraft storage system for the autonomous space denial weapon.  This has led to the redesign of the Signifer class of fleet support vessels, plus necessitates the design of an ASDW transport vessel.  An ASDW layer system and the control system for them are still in R&D, when the research teams are satisfied with the prototypes and they enter production this will result in a modification to the existing Rego Auram class plus laying down of two new classes one for general purpose ASDW deployment and the other a survey support vessel.  Considerable engineering effort went into the design of the transport ship as various configurations and sizes were studied.  In the end, as the SCN had standardized on the destroyer hull for support ships, it was decided that none of the other designs significantly improved on the one based on the destroyer hull so that hull was adopted.  A quick refit of the Prime Yards will also be undertaken to install 12 racks in it once the current refit is completed. 

Survey efforts are ongoing and it is becoming apparent that the number of open warp points or systems that need surveying may require the construction of a 4th survey force.  As the warp line SF 1 is currently on has shown no branching there is a good chance it will end which will free up that survey force for other duties so the Parliament has adopted a wait and see attitude as a survey force is very expensive proposition. 

(to be continued)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2012, 04:22:35 AM »


ARBALIST MOD 1 class BCG   AM   16 XO Racks    80 Hull     TL 6
   [3] S0x22Aix6ZH(III)Q(BbM)(II)?1RcDRc(III)RcMgM3!1RcDMg(II)RcMgDXrLhQED(III)(II) [6]
   80 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:4  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  1605/ 240.8
   HTK 66    S0x22  Aix6  Dx4  Ex1  Rcx5  Mgx3

A dedicated warship, the Arbalist class is built into mothballs.  This upgrade enhances the ships shields reducing its armour belt to allow it to fire and flee.

HASTA MOD 1 class BCP    AM   16 XO Racks    80 Hull     TL 6
   [3] S0x18Aix12ZH(III)RaQRa(II)?1RaQ(BbM)ED(III)RaMg!1M3!1ED(II)EDXrLhQED(III)(II) [6]
   80 RCP  70 MCP   Trg:4  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  1670/ 250.5
   HTK 70    S0x18  Aix12  Dx4  Ex4  Rax4  Mgx1

The workhorse BC design of the SCN.  It can carry a brigade of combat troops and deploy them to the surface with its shuttles.  The space freed up by the installation of the E beam bays has been largely devoted to enhancing the ships electronics suite.

SPATHA MOD 2 class CAP   AM   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x12Aix12ZH(BbM)Q(II)Ra(II)?1RaRa(II)RaM2!1MgE(II)XrDQLhDE(II)(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  1162/ 174.3
   HTK 55    S0x12  Aix12  Dx2  Ex2  Rax4  Mgx1

The SCN's frontier heavy ship.  The removal of the old Energy partical cannon barbettes freed up space to be used for a significant modernization of the ships electronics.  The inclusion of full military grade sensors was particularily welcomed.  Currently 6 of these ships exist (in base and Mod 1 varients) but a further 8 has been authorised for construction.

GLADIUS MOD 4 class CLP   AM   9 XO Racks    45 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x12Aix10ZH(BbS)(II)(I)?1Ra(II)Ra(I)!1RaM2Mg(II)DLhQDE(I) [6]
   45 RCP  5 MCP   Trg:3  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  837.5/ 125.6
   HTK 46    S0x12  Aix10  Dx2  Ex1  Rax3  Mgx1

The SCN's general purpose cruiser design.  It unfortunately lacks full military grade sensors but for the moment that is not a priority.  With the advances in shield and armour technology there is pressure to install the system or a shorter ranged version on the ship, but this is not an absolute necessity as the ship is always deployed with Drusus scout vessels.

OCTAVIUS MOD 3 class CLC   AM   9 XO Racks    45 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x10Aix10Z(CC)H(II)(I)?1(II)(I)QLhXr(BbM)DC(CIC)DE(II)(I) [6]
   45 RCP  5 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2   Cost =  895.5/ 134.3
   HTK 42    S0x10  Aix10  Dx2  Ex1

The SCN's command ship, a further build of this specialized class has been authorized so that each fleet will have one plus there will be a ship in the reserve.

LANCEA MOD 5 class DDP   (AC) AM   6 XO Racks    30 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x6Aix3ZHs(BbS)(I)Qs(I)?1(I)(I)RaRaM2Mg(I)(I)QsDE(I) [7]
   30 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:3  Bmp +2   Cost =  589/ 88.4
   HTK 28    S0x6  Aix3  Dx1  Ex1  Rax2  Mgx1

This class remains the SCN's Maid-of-all-work class.  47 ships of this class (split almost evenly between mod 3 and mod 4 varients) are in active service, and although it should have 9 in the reserve the demand on the hulls built mean that every one is deployed to a task group and so building up a reserve has not happened.  The upgrade emphises the ships shields over its armour belt and adds to its active defenses.  As with the Gladius there is a lobby in BuShips that wants to install a miniturized version of the military sensor system but that likely has to wait on further developments in Armour and Shield Generators.

                                               ASSAULT FLEET

HASTATI MOD 1 class CAA   AM   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x10Aix16ZH(II)Q(II)(II)PbGGM2GDGD(BbS)(II)CDXrLhQGMgD(II)(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:3   Cost =  1036/ 155.4
   HTK 58    S0x10  Aix16  Dx4  Gx5  Mgx1

A bare bones upgrade of the shield generators of the SCN's assault ship.  Potentially in the future the Xr system will be replaced by a smaller shorter ranged version to allow for additional electronics to be installed.  This class of ships is build directly into mothballs.

                                               FLEET TRAIN

SIGNIFER MOD 1 class FT6   6 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 6
   60 RCP  15 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  479/ 35.9
   HTK 47    S0x4  Aix4  Dx2  Tx1

In an attempt to produce the maximum amount of ASDW capacity as possible the Signifer was upgraded with improved shield and armour systems to free up enough space to install a single mine rack system plus a shear plane.  The ship can carry 12 ASDW field patterns, significan numbers of buoys and a large stock of maintence supplies (nominally 6000 MCr).

BOOMER class DD(MT)           6 XO Racks    30 Hull     TL 6
   [3] S0x3AiAi(MR)(MR)Tf(MR)x3Qs(Ic)(Ic)(Ic)HsQs(BbS)(Ic) [4]
   30 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  276/ 41.4
   HTK 19    S0x3  Aix2  Tfx1

The Boomer is the SCN's design for transporting ASDW field patterns.  Another class vessel will be tasked with deploying the defensive weapon system.  It will be also based on a destroyer hull.  The Rego Auram and Tripwire classes will be updated with the control system.  The Boomer was the result of significant effort on the part of BuShips to produce a class that was inexpensive and maximized capacity.  For general tender duties though a freighter based solution will be adopted, and for survey support a dedicated light cruiser hull will need to be designed.

CASTORUM MOD 1 class DDS   6 XO Racks    30 Hull     TL 6
   [3] S0x7Aix6Hs(BbM)(Ic)(Ic)MgBiMg(Ic)MgBiMgDMgMgLhQD(Ic) [4]
   30 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  379/ 56.9
   HTK 31    S0x7  Aix6  Dx2  Mgx6

A base line upgrade of the Castorum with better shield generators.  More of this critical ship class need to be built.

                                                           FORTRESS COMMAND

BASTION MOD 1 class BS4   24 XO Racks    120 Hull     TL 6
   120 RCP  80 MCP   Trg:7  Tem -1   Cost =  2025/ 101.2
   HTK 114    S0x40  Aix38  Dx6  Ex12

This upgrade makes the base into what it always has been intended to be.  An extremely tough short range, near warp point defensive base.  Due to its cost and long construction time it is unlikely to be seen outside of Shanir itself.

ONAGER MOD 4 class BS3   17 XO Racks    85 Hull     TL 6
   85 RCP  65 MCP   Trg:4  Tem -1   Cost =  1352/ 67.6
   HTK 72    S0x20  Aix20  Dx4  Ex2  Rax8  Tx1  Mgx2

This is the SCN's standard command base.  The removal of the Energy Particle Cannon barbettes resulted in an increase in the electronic suite as was typical during this refit.
PILUM MOD 4 class BS2     10 XO Racks    50 Hull     TL 6
   [1] S0x14Aix13ZHs(BbS)RaRaTRaRa(BbS)RaRaM2!1MgDLhQ(BbS)DE [-]
   50 RCP   Trg:3  Tem -1   Cost =  782/ 39.1
   HTK 47    S0x14  Aix13  Dx2  Ex1  Rax6  Tx1  Mgx1
Another base line upgrade of the bases shield generators and marginal increase in electronics.  This base represents the standard heavy warp point defence base, and is deployed in 2 Pilum and 1 Onager data groups.
PRIME YARD UPGRADE 3 class SS   78 XO Racks    1715 Hull     TL 5
   1715 RCP  205 MCP   Trg:13  Tem -1   Cost =  12997.5/ 143.9
   HTK 540    Sx100  Ax100  Dx8  Lx9  Rcx10  Rx24  Tfx1  Tx2  Mgx8

An upgrade of the Prime Yard construction facility, after completion a 3A refit will be performed to add 12 mine racks to the station.
SUPPORT BASE UGV1 class SS    40 XO Racks    480 Hull     TL 6
   480 RCP  230 MCP   Trg:7  Tem -1   Cost =  5018/ 80.4
   HTK 346    S0x100  Aix120  Dx10  Ex2  Lx4  Rax10  Tfx2  Tx2  Mgx3
The latest version of the support base for frontier deployment.  It has been upgraded to the most modern active and passive defences plus weapon systems and supporting electronics.  It retains the same overall dimensions as the older version and can be built in the same 6 month time period.  As the entire sturucture would have to be refit there is currently no plan to upgrade the existing Support Bases to this design.   
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 03:51:07 AM by Paul M »

Offline Starslayer_D (OP)

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2012, 08:44:25 AM »
Signore Montefiore relaxed into his chair, idly snacking on a few lizards with a hot dip, and contemplated the last year. After the exploration efforts started by a few of the great families, aliens had been found just beyond the expanses inhabited by the race.
A call by the church had gone out, uniting the squabling states in a crusade to deal with the ugly smoothfaced creatures, and had finally succeeded, allthough revealing the deficiencies in the royal fleets support structure, wich had forced the first fleet to retreat from Bari as ammunition stores and maintainance spares had falled short within a month.
Nevertheless, their presence had forced the aliens into battle, and their mobile fleet had been faced with the decission to either allow the race's battlewagons into orbit or try and close the range by their curious design of using mostly beam weapons on their lesser ships.
Still, as a heavy presence of bases was detected in orbit, and the battlewagons had run out of heavy missiles, the fleet retreated for repairs, and came back four months later rearmed and reinforced, leaving the shattered wrecks of the aliens mobile fleet as estemony of their strength.
And well it was that the return was so swift, as the aliens had allmost rebuild their mobile force and their yards were allmost as numerous as those in orbit of Milano, and all busy building more ship to face the battlewagons.
The bases though were found to be beam armed as well, curiously, and utterly useless against the battlewagons heavy missle salvoes. Maybe they had been build for warp point defence? A survey fleet will have to investigate. They did not help against that wich came. Six of the biggest ships the race ever build stood of in high orbit after brushing aside the aliens similary armed battlecruisers, wich due to their recent construction were ever poorer crewed than the similar sized force anihilated in the first clash.
The planet was scoured clean of the infidels, preventing any further threat.

Allthough maybe a suggestion should be send to the design bureau to remove one launcher for the heavy missiles and replace it with further magazines for prolongued engagements. Having 13 of them and only one magazine lead to swift and brutal battles, but then defenceless battlewagons.

Yes, suggesting the crusade in the cardinals council had been a good opening move. The incidence of civil disturbances has gone down dramatically, and the great families no longer plotted to sink daggers in each other's backs, given that reports from the various exploration groups showed the presence of further aliens on the frontiers.

The race would have peace among itself while the stars burned with the anger of the righteous! Holy war to clean the planets of the unbelievers and abominations in the face of god would forge the race into a glorious unity and great destiny!
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:39:03 PM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2012, 06:59:06 AM »
Observer Report 129-UR-MILPOLDATA

The Drake's main yards are largely consumed with their first Battlecruiser hull, and construction of bases.  Based on their orders and contracts still existing they will be maintaining a steady production of bases or prefabricated bases for the foreseeable future (at least 25 months) but there are clear indications they will be switching over to ships as the first of the new cruiser class nears completion.  Their design board is still reviewing the various offers on the destroyer consort.  They have added two more assembly ships to their mobile yard capacity but the ships left their home world last month, one will be joining the force assembling bases to cover the Cartell and Theban trade warp points.  Where the other went is unclear.

The arrays on the Warppoints to Angband are now substantial with the main trade warp point covered by 9 bases, all indications they intend to thicken them even more.  The Navy officers querried show no interest in larger bases, but the Drakes as a whole are a conservative species.  The standardization, though, is reaping benifits when they come to mass production.

The High Concil has not changed their view on yards outside the homesystem so they have only their main yards orbiting Angband.  There are some indications they may build another group of assembly ships for the Londonium area.  They have stated they will be requesting transit rights for a small group of warships as well, but it was rather tentative.

Based on observations and news reports plus additional operations our picture of what is going on in their other frontier region is less clear.  Colony transports regularily leave for the warp point leading there, and there is very significant flow of personnel coming and going as well.  Sizable amounts of raw materials come from the region but remarkably little finished products.  Our anaysts believe that they have a good number of resource extraction facilities on moons or inhospitable planets but also several colonies on habitable worlds.  The amount and type of contracts placed would seem to indicate they are not Drake-compatable as there is a huge demand for excavation and construction machinery plus air treatment plants.

They had a major war game lasting several weeks recently.  The winner, "Blue Flight" has been dispached towards their "other frontier Region."  There are some reports in diplomatic circles that they had encountered someone out there.  Other rummors indicate this is a temporary measure undertaken until more "Joint Task Force" ships can be produced and their crews trained. 

There has been increased calls from the other Flight Leaders for allowing expansion of their fleets, even if the ships are built into mothballs.  But given the political nature of things it is likely the debates will take some time, there isn't a united viewpoint yet.  The Firms on Argos that do drive parts and starship structures are doing their best to promote a fleet expansion.  But given the fact their yards are nearly working at full capacity there is a plethora of other contracts they can bid on so they have not devoted a great deal of advertising and bribery to the issue.

The health of the Warlord and his successor designate are good.  The support of the other Flight Leaders for the current political agenda seems to be fairly solid.  The Beurocracy is content and although the turn over of personell in trade and alien relations is very high, the rate of assasination seems proportional to the amount of income a post brings, there is no end of willing candidates.  None of the other alien races has reacted negatively to the Drake's security efforts.

Further attachments:  Annex 107 Balance of Trade, Appendix 14 Notable News Articles, Report on Drake Naval Appropriations and Potential Profit Impacts


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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2012, 02:19:18 AM »
[ooc]Here are the designs of the NPR mentioned above.  They currently have a significant fleet in terms of numbers and size of ships.  Also based on their build philosophy they will be major carrier users so I have started production of the carrier ships themselves with lots of (Hx6) which will get refit to fighter bays in the future.  They are nearly at HT8 (unless they get very unlucky I would guess no more then 2 turns) and so should be capable of producing the fighters inside of 10 turns by which time they should be almost at the point of having a CVL in prototype.  This race is pretty terrifying when you consider neither the Theban's nor the SCN has deployed a BB.[/ooc]

                                                                                      RM BATTLE FLEET

   DARDO class DN   AM   26 XO Racks   130 Hull     TL 7
   130 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:7  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost = 2961/444.2
   HTK 96    S0x14  Aix28  Dzx3  Rcx13  Mgx1
   Notes:   Heavy Bombardment SD

   DARDO U1 class DN   AM   26 XO Racks    130 Hull     TL 7
   130 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:7  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  2969/ 445.4
   HTK 102    S0x15  Aix31  Dzx3  Rcx12  Mgx4
        Notes:  The update to the heavy bombardment SD to account for lessons learned in their first combat test.  A slight reduction in throw weight for a major increase in magazine capacity.

   CAVOUR class BC   AM   16 XO Racks   80 Hull     TL 7
   80 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:7  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost = 1891/283.7
   HTK 63    S0x8  Aix16  Dzx2  Ex5  Wax6  Mgx1
   Notes:   Workhorse BC, while this ships magazine capacity is small the ship will rarely see much battle as the battlewagons will have removed the opposition before their shorter ranged missiles come into play.

   AVIERE class CA   AM   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x16Aix16QH(II)(BbS)(II)(II)(II)Dc(II)DcPgx8M4PgLhQ(II)Pg [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:5   Cost =  1222/ 183.3
   HTK 62    S0x16  Aix16  Dcx2  Pgx10
   Notes:   Blockade Cruiser for WPs. Participated in the second follow up attack.

   BOLZANO class CL   AM   9 XO Racks   45 Hull     TL 7
   45 RCP  5 MCP   Trg:4  Bmp +2   Cost = 1311.5/196.7
   HTK 31    S0x3  Aix9  Dzx1  Fx1  Ex2
   Notes:   Survey Ship [ooc]Cost is likely a bit off but I had to redo the automatic design as it failed to automatically include an Xr, and that is a critical system for survey.[/ooc]

        DORIA class CT   AM   3 XO Racks   16 Hull     TL 6
   [1] S0x4Aix4ZH!1(I)?1(I)EQs(I)(I) [8]
   16 RCP  9 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost = 315/47.2
   HTK 18    S0x4  Aix4  Ex1
        Notes:  designed to run down fleeing enemy ships

   LITTORIO class CT   AM   3 XO Racks   16 Hull     TL 6
   [1] S0x4Aix4ZH!1(I)?1(I)EQs(I)(I) [8]
   16 RCP  9 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost = 315/47.2
   HTK 18    S0x4  Aix4  Ex1
        Notes:  a computer error caused the Littorio to have exactly the same specifications as the Doria, the persons responsible were thoroughly punished and a new design for a fast fleet scout was laid down.

   LITTORIO II class CT   AM   3 XO Racks    16 Hull     TL 6
   [1] S0x4Aix4ZH!1(I)?1(I)XrPgQs(I)(I) [8]
   16 RCP  9 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  355/ 53.3
   HTK 19    S0x4  Aix4  Pgx1
        Notes:  a fast fleet scout armed only for last ditch self defense.

                                                                                 CARRIER COMMAND

   CVE CAINO class CVS   9 XO Racks    45 Hull     TL 7
   [2] S0S0Aix4ZH(BbM)Hx6BiHx6BiHx6(II)(I)(II)QWaMg?1QLhQDz(I)(II)(I) [6]
   45 RCP  105 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2   Cost =  836.5/ 125.5
   HTK 46    S0x2  Aix4  Dzx1  Wax1  Mgx1
        Notes:  this ship, when the small craft system for the long range strikers are developed, will be used to escort convoys and the fleet train.  It currently only exists as CAD drawings in a naval study.

   CV (TRAINING) FALCO class CVE   AM   6 XO Racks    30 Hull     TL 7
   [1] S0S0Aix3ZHsBiHx6BiHx6(I)(I)(I)(I)Q?1MgLhQDz(I)(I)(I) [7]
   30 RCP  70 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2   Cost =  566/ 84.9
   HTK 34    S0x2  Aix3  Dzx1  Mgx1
        Notes:  this ship is not intended for combat but solely for training purposes.  The first of the class has just started production.  Planning calls for only a production run of 3 ships.

        FT(MS) AUDACE class FT7   8 XO Racks    80 Hull     TL 6
   [4] S0S0Aix4ZH(BbM)HQHQTfHQHQLhQHQHQTfHQHQH(MS)(IcIcIc)Hx6(IcIc)LhQ(IcIcIc)(IcIc) [4]
   80 RCP  1445 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  663/ 42.2
   HTK 51    S0x2  Aix4  Tfx2
        Notes:  this is a jack-of-all-trades vessel.  It will carry 18 squadrons worth of replacement flight crew, plus their crated fast strikers.  It can, when the bays are added, recharge a squadrons life support, though not arm or rearm them.  Additionally, it can carry maintenance spares and repair parts as its large hold capacity gives it high flexibility.  Plus its machine shop is suited to assembly and repair to support the fleet advance.  Construction on the first of this class has just begun.

                                                                                  FORTRESS COMMAND

   GORIZIA class BS5      36 XO Racks   180 Hull     TL 7
   180 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:7  Bmp +2   Cost = 3151/157.6
   HTK 99    S0x16  Aix34  Dzx4  Fx17  Ex17
        Notes:  Standard WP defense base.

   GORIZIA C class BS5      36 XO Racks    180 Hull     TL 7
   180 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:7  Tem -1   Cost =  3241/ 162.1
   HTK 99    S0x16  Aix34  Dzx4  Ex15  Fx15
        Notes:  command version of the base designed to control buoys and minefields.

                                                                              FLEET TRAIN

   MARCELLO class FT9   13 XO Racks    130 Hull     TL 7
   [5] S0x3Aix6ZHHBiHHBiHTiHBi(SY)Bi(IcIcIcIc-It)(IcIcIcIc-It)DzHsQs(BbL)Dz(IcIcIcIc-It) [3]
   130 RCP  25 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  1477/ 80.8
   HTK 51    S0x3  Aix6  Dzx2  Tix1
        Notes:  The first of this class has just started construction.
   TRIESTE class FT6   AM    60 Hull     TL 7
   [2] SH(IcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)(IcIc)(BbS)QsTix3(IcIc) [4]
   60 RCP  15 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  435/ 32.6
   HTK 32    Sx1  Tix3
        Notes:  Tug class vessel deployed with each shipyard.

        MONTECUCCOLI class CA   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 7
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2   Cost =  1134/ 170.1
   HTK 59    S0x4  Aix9  Dzx1  Pgx1  Tfx2  Mgx15
        Notes: designed in response to the lessons learned in the Bari battle this ship carries enough magazines to reload typical RM force, plus maintenance supplies to allow the force to operate away from supply.  It carries the most advanced cargo handling systems to speed up transfer of missiles.  Typical load is 1000 CM, 600 SM and 400 mixed missiles plus 1000 MCr maintenance supplies.

   CARDORNA class CA   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 7
   [3] S0x4Aix8Z(MR)x3H(BbS)QTiHH(MCS)HH(DCS)(II)(II)Pg(II)M1PgXr?1LhQDc(II)(II)(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:2  Bmp +2   Cost =  1077/ 161.6
   HTK 46    S0x4  Aix8  Dcx1  Pgx2  Tix1
        Notes:  a ship designed to control buoys and mine fields.  It carries 36 mine patterns, 40 IDEW-P or F, 60 IDEW-E and up to 1000 MCr in maintenance supplies.

   REGOLO class CA   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 7
   [3] S0x6Aix12ZH(BbS)Q(ML)HHTiHH(MR)x7(II)(II)(II)?1QLhDc(II)(II)(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:1  Bmp +2   Cost =  865/ 129.7
   HTK 51    S0x6  Aix12  Dcx1  Tix1
   Notes:  this vessel will be deployed in a pair with the Cardorna for fleet operations or by itself to support fixed defences.  It carries 84 patterns of mines, 40 DSB-L and 1500 MCr worth of fleet maintenance.


   EUGENIO DI SAVOIA class SS   113 XO Racks    1785 Hull     TL 7
   1785 RCP  15 MCP   Trg:13  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  16556.5/ 211.1
   HTK 661    S0x200  Aix200  Dcx15  Fx10  Rcx50  Mgx10
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 02:42:33 AM by Paul M »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2012, 08:22:45 AM »
*grin* Spilling the beans are we?

These guys have more BC's active than the thebans have construction included. They have more production than the shanirians and thebans, too. Though with trade the balance is made up. Shanirians and thebans are more spread out, and have allies, but the raw concentrated might is at the moment nasty. And they are not a hivemind or machine race with research hindrance. On the other hand, they do not have the build or income advantages. I guess it's more an ISW 3 scenario with bigger and nastier rigellians in terms of productivity and numbers.

Will be very interresting to see how this plays out. Also, to keep up the suspense, Paul and I agreed on handing them over to another friend of ours who is very good at empire running.

Overall, with Turn 136 now runing, the game stays interresting. Fleet sizes are manageable, empire sizes start to get sprawling.

Hmm.. wasn't there an option to show # of systems known? The shanirians sure have the better organised fleet, especially in terms of supporting ships. The thebans are slightly ahead in technology and reaping the results of aggresive colonisation. Also it seems the thebans are amassing a very dispersed and large yard capacity. Kinda the colonies revolted against the nodal yard/fleet system and asked for a local buildup as the distances put fleets more often than not over a turn away in movement. So more localised fleets comming. Not cheap though. Incomes are low, only 2 systems, home system included, make over 2000 MC a turn. The rest is more in the 700 MC range. And those are allready in the 'important enough to warrant extra protection' category!  :o

The slow growth and build rates sure make strategy very different from normal SF games. IMHO, more like the novels. Much more.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:42:40 PM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2012, 06:30:54 AM »
Not sure who I would be withholding the beans from.  The RM has now started on development of the strikefighter and its bay so the clock is ticking.  The only good news is that it will be a while before they get the CVL hull and more critically the CV hull in service.  So the fighter won't be an immediate factor, it is a weapon system that requires mass to be more than an anoyance.  They have an ugly economy (in terms of our game) and yes they are pretty much the ISW3 Rigillians without Weber's built in stupidity.  Their DNs give them a huge advantage...since even once we get a BB built, the SD will take a further 22 turns or so to prototype, then refit and so on so 30 turns give or take a few before either the Thebans or the SCN can start building those.  By then the RM will have been laying down CVs.  ((Added in Edit:  no that is too generous they should be just completing their first CV hull prototype more or less..they have the CVS, CVL and CV to go through so 190 HS of prototyping while we have about 180 HS of BB+SD prototyping to do.))

The SCN's view of their support infrastructure is that it is in a shambles and they want more money/yards invested in it.  Steve's new rules make a large difference in the need for things.  The Minerva Tenders will be extremely important, as are things like the Rego Auram class and Caltrop mine layers.  The trouble is there is little immediate return for investment in Fleet Train and Auxillary units.  I'm inclined to blame this on the SDS's desire to reduce book keeping and interest in small empire vrs empire games.  The SCN's Naval Procurement Board always has a fight to get money diverted to fleet train units since the demand of the active fleet soaks up the budget or the yard capacity quickly.  The MS in the support bases are now showing their value as refits are going quickly.  It will still take a good six months more to get it over with but that is due to the refit being "comprehensive."  Everything I have built just about goes into this refit.

I have only one system over 2000 MCr but have one very close (1900 MCr I think) and 2 sitting near to 1000 MCr.  700 MCr is in this game a lot of income, and represents a pretty substantial investment from the empire.  The growth rates being low for non-habitables has really checked income growth.   With the reduced build rates and slower growth the game runs more like the Stars at War official history then did any of our previous starfire games.  I'm not fond of Starfire's compound interest economy since it encourages behavior that is sucidal (unarmed explorers, cancerous expansion, no early military investment etc).  Personal taste I know but I'd be more happy with such things if there was a down side to them, but so far I've yet to see one.

Still waiting on a reply to my email...send a message too we'll work him from both sides.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 08:38:31 AM by Paul M »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #53 on: February 12, 2012, 12:48:33 PM »


Briefing for Parliamentary SubCOM Naval Affairs

The first high level meetings with the Council of Benthian Lords was convened on their homeworld.  Our observer teams, Naval Attache's from BuShips and others were present.  The main goals were met as we now better understand the "Squids" capabilities.  We also understand why they were crippling their economic growth.  It seems they encountered a probe ship from the Theban's (see INTREP-THEB-2-AN for more details on what we believe the Theban capacities are) and from what we can tell took great exception to them as a race.  We could not get a firm understanding of why they reacted this way exactly.  Their emotions are clearly disturbed even by a picture of a Theban.  Our delegates, however, took the time to acquaint the various Lords there of a few details.  Eventually, the conceded that attacking a race for which had an economy over twice as great as theirs was senseless.  We agreed to pass on a message to the Theban government that they are considered species non-gratia in Benthian Space.

The Benthian economy is actually in good shape, unfortunately the demands of their fleet are taking upwards of 60% of their production purely in maintenance.  This is unsustainable in the long term and our Naval and Economic liaison teams are working with the Benthian Admiralty to produce a politically acceptable force reduction.  Their current fleet is a single Battleship that they just finished making and is currently undergoing refit, 6 battle cruisers with another 3 nearing completion, 6 heavy cruisers and 9 light cruisers.  They have another 26 survey frigates.  Their production facilities (2 large unarmed or defended space stations) and the near planet defences of their homeworld (3 large bases) we have know about from reports of our traders.

After a series of late sessions the final concept is to refit 3 battlecruisers and mothball an unrefit battlecruiser as each one finishes their refit.  A patrol squadron of a heavy cruiser and two light cruisers will be formed as well as a similar group of ships to cover each survey force.  The remaining heavy and light cruisers will be refit, swapped through the forces as necessary and then eventually a light and two heavy cruisers will be mothballed.

To get the Benthians to agree to this our negotiators proposed that the SCN would provide technical details on various ships the Benthians don't have.  These consist of colliers, tenders, tugs, repair ships, control bases, control ships, and mine layers.  As well the SCN has given the Benthians a plan for a large freighter based mobile shipyard class of vessel that the SCN will pay for and the Benthian's will build.  The Confederation agreed to cost+10% for each ship built with an order for one, plus 2 more once the first model is produced.  We will also order 3 of the mobile repair ship class from them at the same rates.  And the Confederation will pay for the production of a second Battleship for their navy.  Our economists assure us that this represents only about 6 months worth of trade with the Benthians and the good will is well worth it.  The Naval liaisons point out that it gets us 6 construction vessels at a slight cost increase but at no cost in terms of yard capacity (which is a net savings of money).  They also point out that it will give us mobile yards more than a year before we would otherwise have them.

Given the Benthian response to alien encounters, almost all of them have been negative according to our cultural team, we should be prepared to intervene to keep the situation from spiraling out of control.  Our people are looking into their history to find out how best to approach such a delicate situation.

Ratification of the above agreement is still required but it is our opinion that it represents a good deal for both the SCN and the Benthian Navy.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 02:03:35 PM by Paul M »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #54 on: February 13, 2012, 03:23:18 AM »
Over the last few months the SCN has seen a wave of refits move through its forces.  Only the Arbalist class has not had a vessel enter into a refit to the latest standard, and that is mainly due to the wait till the ship under construction is completed.  Prime Yard completes its refit on schedule adding a further 2 machine shops to the homeworlds capacity and returning 2 shipyards to active service.  Secondary Yard begins another refit to add a futher shipyard.  The Support Base in Cyrene is nearing the end of its assembly process as the first group of ships in the 3rd Fleet arrive on station.  The development of the mine control system clears the last road block to the refits of the Tripwire and Rego Auram class vessels and allows for the completion of the Survey Support Vessel Type 2 design.  The construction on the prototype Battleship hull continues now reaching the 50% point.

The cost of the refit while not insubstantial is such that a large surplus of funding has been made available to BuCol and this has been spent on clearing up a backlog of colony transfer requests.  With the discovery of the Attica system beyond Move Along, that had 2 habitable and a hostile world in it starter outposts were laid down and have just reported their successful completion of first-in protocols.  In general the profits of shipping lines has soared in the last few months as BuCol has utilized virtually every available hull to move people or equipment around the Confederation.

Survey Force 1 has had to pull back to resupply as their spare maintenance was down to 50% of nominal.  The warp chain they are surveying finally started to branch so it seems they will busy for a while more in that sector of space.  Survey Forces 2 and 3 are conducting routine surveys in the frontier but while the military is down with refits Survey Command is being cautious about probes.

Technological research into improving our basic scientific knowledge has begun with substantial university and research institute funding being provided for innovate grant proposals.

Diplomatically the Benthian Lords and the Confederation signed a partnership agreement which was a welcome sign of peace and stability in the galaxy.  The Confederation has ratified an agreement to pay for some ship construction in the underutilized Benthian yards and if this experiment proves successful may expand the agreement in the future.

[ooc]I ran into and oddity in the (MR) system, it can't be installed on SS hulls.  That makes no sense as it is a storage device...and it is unclear if you are supposed to be able to store mines in holds.  It would certainly be easier if you only needed a (ML) and (MR) plus any number of holds to make FT hulled mine layers.  Ah well means I can refit those Hx9's on prime yard into weapons and defences rather than into (MR)x3.[/ooc]

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #55 on: February 14, 2012, 06:12:29 AM »
I am not so sure about the (MR) myself, they have only been covered in SA. Myself I went for the CHS2 + T + holds way to deploy mines.

And I certainly will have to slow down the Theban fleet expansion. I am defenitely breaching the 60% maintainance myself. Time for a write up.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #56 on: February 14, 2012, 06:29:56 AM »
To deploy Mines requires a (ML) which requires a (MR).

The only real question is if you can store mine paterns in a H then transfer them from the H to the (MR).  The rules in SFA are far from clear, as that they can be stored in a safe-just-from-the-factory condition in SS is implied.  But not allowing storage of mines on ships except in a (MR) keeps minefields under control, as you have to have fairly expensive ships to deploy them en mass.  This is pretty clear in the examples given in SFA as well.  None of those had mines stored in H.  That the (MR) is a military system pretty much excludes mine layers from being built on anything but military hulls outside of something like my Minerva tender (but it is useless for anything but slow local minelaying).  The point of the rule change was to prevent CFN mine laying after all, which is all you are doing.  Using the CHS and T speeds up the process but the process could be as easily done at 1 csp per H per tac turn by CFN ships.

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #57 on: February 14, 2012, 08:31:08 AM »
The empire has been subject to some turmoil. While the home system and the old colonies have been quite content with the concept of central reaction forces, the new colony systems felt more and more exposed. Finally this came ahead, and thus the imperial defense strategies and shipyard nodes have come under review.
New construction of ships has been halted except for refits and prototypes, and the odd ship to fill out existant datagroups, untill a new distribution of the fleets units can be assayed.
New yard capacity has been constructed in the last three months to help with fortifying several systems with automatic weapon controll bases and minefields. Small patrol forces will be established to visit exposed systems regularely. Allthough given the military capacity of even small star nations like our allies the Federated Suns, it is douptfull they will be able to dissuade any meaningfull attack.

Also worried is Ramses Anechote of the Office of Civil Services and Colonisation. Colonists take now three months of journey to reach new settlements on acommodable planets, tying down significant amounts of shipping space. A moratorium on further expansions may have to be passed, replacing it with a build up of closer but more hostile locations up to airless rocks.
The nine survey forces are tying up a sizeable amount of maintainance. On the other hand, they represent a well trained force of heavy cruisers wich can be refitted if need arises. Further debate in the buerocracy will have to resolve this.

New yards have been established in the following eleven systems, each group consisting of 2 SS1 Toth with another under construction:
Akil, Alexander, Edfu, Kaka, Merawi, Neferibe (alse 3 mobile MS), Nesperenhat, Nun, Preherwenemef, Ptolemy, Rashidi, Setau
In total 22 SY in the new minor nodes. These will next build tugs and BS1 Nut and minefields for the various warp points while slowly expanding into SS2 Toth.

The following nodal systems have been under development for a longer time:
Amenhotpe    1 SS10 Toth,                  
                   3 BS3 Sethek III, 1 tug
Hamadi         1 SS10 Toth, 3 SS4 Toth,
                   3 BS3 Sethek III, 1 tug, 1 BS1 Nut, 3 CA Candace IV, 4 CL Aten IV, 1 CL Nekhbet IV
Merymose     3 SS6 Toth,                    
                   3 BS3 Sethek III, 5 CL Aten IV, 1 CL Nekhbet IV
Montuemhet  3 SS6 Toth,
                   3 BS3 Sethek III, 3 CA Candace IV, 2 CL Aten IV, 1 CL Nekhbet IV, 1 tug
Neferkhau     3 SS10 Toth,  
                  3 BS3 Sethek III, 1 BS1 Nut, 1 tug, 3 SYM
Thebes         3* SS10 Toth armed, 1 SS10 Toth, 1 SS Khepri II,
                   3* BS3 Sethek III, 1* BS2 L Nephet, 1 Tug
Thebes WP defense forces
                   9 BS4 Khnum, 9 BS3 Sekthet III, 6 BS2 L Nephet III, 5 BS2 R Enead III, 6 BS1 Nut

In total 138 SY in the old nodal systems. The Neferkhau Orbitals will be armed as soon as the funds are avaiable. Amenhotpe due to it's exposed location as well, allthough with only one orbital there is the small matter of dead zones created by the planet.
Maybe we should design an armed version of the SS6 Toth.

Thebes Fleet:
4* Bastet III, 18* Busiris II, 12 CA Candace III, 9 CA Duat, 6 CA Urt-hekhau II, 8 CL Aten IV, 1 CL Nekhbet IV, 5 DD Amon II, 6 DD Mut V, 4 CT Amethaunta III

Merymose Fleet:
3* CA Candace, 2 CL Athen IV, 1 CL Nekhbet IV

Neferkhau Fleet:   
1 Bastet III, 3 Busiris II, 3 CA Candace IV, 6 CA DUa, 3 CL Aten IV, 3 CT Amathaunta

Hamadi Fleet will be created after this survey shows sufficient forces have been constructed in system.

Survey forces:
14 CA Unen-em-Hetep, 10 UA II Tenders, 6 Ptah probe FG,  20 Anukhet II EX

Under construction: 1 BB Osiris (3 months to go), 6 Bastet III, 10 Busiris II, 1 Tug, 11 SS1 Toth

We have sufficient command BC's under construction to fullfill our current needs. The makeup of the patrol forces is not yet finalised, but most likely will be a Nekhbet CL leading 2 Aten CL witha  datagroup of Mut DD attached for each force.
For deployment beyond our borders, a backbone of ammunition and maintainance colliers should be created and assigned to the major nodal forces. Mine layers will be constructed and asigned to each system to faciliate the build up of the warp point defenses.

(Note to self...  building mines but no MCS is a major oops.)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:43:17 PM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #58 on: February 14, 2012, 09:12:37 AM »
Technical information on the current theban ToE


   OSIRIS class BB   AM   20 XO Racks    100 Hull     TL 6
   [3] Sx8Aix16ZH(BbS)RcRcQ(III)RcRc(III)RcRcXrD(III)M5DWx3D(III)DLhQWx3!1DMgMg(III) [5]
   100 RCP   Trg:6  Tem -1   Cost =  1912/ 286.8
   HTK 67    Sx8  Aix16  Dx5  Rcx6  Wx6  Mgx2
   Notes:   Prototype, final deployed class will be different.

   BASTET III class BC   AM   16 XO Racks    80 Hull     TL 6
   80 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:5  Tem -1   Cost =  1881/ 282.2
   HTK 64    S0x14  Aix12  Dcx3  Wax8  Mgx1
   Notes:   Command BC. While in it's armament and capability it is a direct descendant of the Nekhbet command CL, current
        evaluation shows that it needs to be deployed in datagroups with similar armed BC's, as grouping it with Candace CA's makes it   
        kinda stick out like a sore thumb. A relevant deployment will be taken under consideration when the naval budget has more

   BUSIRIS II class BC   AM   16 XO Racks    80 Hull     TL 6
   [3] S0x6Aix10ZH(III)Q(II)(BbS)(III)(II)(III)DcRcx3LRcx3XrMg?1DcM4DcQLh(II)L [6]
   80 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:5  Bmp +2   Cost =  1550/ 232.5
   HTK 52    S0x6  Aix10  Dcx3  Lx2  Rcx6  Mgx1

   CA CANDACE IV class CA   AM   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x8Aix10ZH(BbS)(II)WaWaQ(II)Wa(II)WaDcM5(II)!1WaDc(II)WaWaMgDcLhQ?1(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:6  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  1350/ 202.5
   HTK 50    S0x8  Aix10  Dcx3  Wax7  Mgx1
   Notes:   Latest version of the workhorse CA, vastly improved, though expensive

   CA DUA class CA   AM   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x6Aix16ZH(BbS)(II)Q(II)(II)(II)Dc(II)!1?1M3Lxx4(Dec)MgDcLhQ(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:4  Bmp +2  Tem -1   Cost =  1122/ 168.3
   HTK 51    S0x6  Aix16  Dcx2  Lxx4  Mgx1
   Notes:   Assault + CA

   URT-HEKAU II class CA   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 5
   [3] Sx8Aix20Z(BbS)H(II)Q(II)XrL(II)DL(II)DM3L(II)DQLhL(II) [6]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:4   Cost =  964/ 144.6
   HTK 55    Sx8  Aix20  Dx3  Lx4
   Notes:   Assault ship

   UNEN-EM-HETEP class CA   12 XO Racks    60 Hull     TL 4
   [3] Sx3AAZ(BbL)(IcIc)HWQXcW(IcIc)XcWM2XrWMgQLh(IcIc)DXcD(IcIc) [4]
   60 RCP  40 MCP   Trg:3   Cost =  1470/ 220.5
   HTK 31    Sx3  Ax2  Dx2  Wx4  Mgx1
   Notes:   Survey CA

   CL ATEN IV class CL   AM   9 XO Racks    45 Hull     TL 6
   [2] S0x6Sx5Aix8ZH(BbS)(II)QsWa(I)Wa(II)DcM2WaXr(I)Wa(II)WaMgQsDc(I) [6]
   45 RCP  5 MCP   Trg:3   Cost =  943.5/ 141.5
   HTK 38    S0x6  Aix8  Dcx2  Wax5  Mgx1
   Notes:   Workhorse CL.

   CL NEKHBET IV class CL   AM   9 XO Racks    45 Hull     TL 5
   [2] Sx4Ax4ZHW(II)Qs(I)W(II)W(I)M2WDXr(II)(CIC)MgDQs(BbS)(I) [6]
   45 RCP  5 MCP   Trg:3   Cost =  758.5/ 113.8
   HTK 36    Sx4  Aix8  Dx2  Wx4  Mgx1
   Notes:   Command CA

   DD MUT V class DD   6 XO Racks    30 Hull     TL 6
   [3] S0x4Aix5AAZHs(I)Qs(I)(I)WaXr(I)Wa(I)M2Wa(I)DcMgQs(I) [7]
   30 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:3   Cost =  608/ 91.2
   HTK 27    S0x4  Aix5  Dcx1  Wax3  Mgx1

   DD AMON III class DD   6 XO Racks    30 Hull     TL 5
   [3] SAix5AAZHs(I)(I)Qs(I)DL(I)LM2(I)(I)DQs(I)L [7]
   30 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:3   Cost =  468/ 70.2
   HTK 23    Sx1  Aix5  Dx2  Lx3
   Notes:   Assault destroyer

   SURVEY TENDER UA II class DD   (AC)    30 Hull     TL 3
   [3] SA(BbM)(Ic)HQsH(Ic)XiXrR(BbM)H(Ic)HRMg(Ic)Qs [4]
   30 RCP  20 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  396/ 59.4
   HTK 18    Sx1  Rx2  Mgx1

   PTAH class FG   (AC)   4 XO Racks    22 Hull     TL 4
   [2] SAZH(Ic)XcXr(Ic)DQs(Ic)L [4]
   22 RCP  3 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  513.6/ 77
   HTK 12    Sx1  Ax1  Dx1  Lx1
   Notes:   Survey Ship, for probing systems

   CT AMATHAUNTA III class CT   3 XO Racks    16 Hull     TL 5
   [2] SAiHs(I)W(I)W(I)MgQsD(I) [8]
   16 RCP  9 MCP   Trg:1   Cost =  188/ 28.2
   HTK 12    Sx1  Aix1  Dx1  Wx2  Mgx1
   Notes:   This replaces the older Amathaunta class wich fielded 3 missile launchers but no point defense as fast, light skirmisher.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 04:10:48 AM by Starslayer_D »

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Re: Theban Empire
« Reply #59 on: February 14, 2012, 09:13:57 AM »

   BS4 KHNUM class BS4   24 XO Racks    120 Hull     TL 5
   [1] Sx15Ax15ZH(BbS)QQWx4DWx4DWx4DM4Wx4DWx4MgMgLhQD(DCS)XrC

   120 RCP  30 MCP   Trg:5   Cost =  1553/ 77.7
   HTK 68    Sx15  Ax15  Dx5  Wx20  Mgx2

   BS3 SETEKH III class BS3   17 XO Racks    85 Hull     TL 5
   [1] Sx11Aix40Ax21ZH(BbS)QLx4M2LLM2?0Lx4TQLhL

   85 RCP  15 MCP   Trg:5  Bmp +1   Cost =  1086/ 54.3
   HTK 72    Sx11  Aix40  Lx11  Tx1

   BS2 L NEPHET III class BS2   10 XO Racks    50 Hull     TL 5
   [1] SSAx13ZHTQsLx3M2(BbS)QsLx4

   50 RCP   Trg:3   Cost =  643/ 32.2
   HTK 42    Sx2  Aix26  Lx7  Tx1
   Notes:   Close in defense base

   BS2 R ENNEAD III class BS2   10 XO Racks    50 Hull     TL 5
   [1] Sx11Ax5ZH(BbS)Wx4M2WWDQLhDWWMg

   50 RCP   Trg:3   Cost =  610/ 30.5
   HTK 38    Sx11  Aix10  Dx2  Wx8  Mgx1
   Notes:   Ranged defense base

   BS1 NUT class BS1   5 XO Racks    25 Hull     TL 3
   [1] Sx3Ax6HDDXr(DCS)Qs

   25 RCP   Trg:1   Cost =  330/ 16.5
   HTK 15    Sx3  Ax6  Dx2
   Notes:   DCS Base
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 09:27:14 AM by Starslayer_D »