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C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes List
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on May 27, 2024, 09:58:26 AM »
Join Fleet and Begin Overhaul

I've added a new order called 'Join Fleet and Begin Overhaul'.

This functions as a combination of the Join Fleet and Begin Overhaul orders, with the moving fleet joining the target fleet and immediately entering overhaul. This order will only be available if the target fleet is in a maintenance location and the overhaul will only start if the target fleet is still in a maintenance location when the moving fleet joins it.
General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Empire: C# Edition
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on May 27, 2024, 09:52:07 AM »
Yes, I have a similar one in my current campaign. I can't decide whether to just exclude very eccentric planets as potential home worlds, or leave it alone for flavour. The NPR is likely to correct the problem anyway by building lots of infrastructure.
The Academy / Re: Survey Ship Fleet Organization
« Last post by skoormit on May 27, 2024, 09:39:45 AM »
I have a method that requires approximately one manual order per survey ship per system.

Specifically, for each system explored:
One manual move order per survey ship
One manual send message order for one survey ship
One manual move order for a jump tender

(Occasionally you have to give manual geosurvey orders for far outlying bodies; this is true no matter what you do.)


1) You are surveying systems that do not already have stabilized jump points (which is usually the case, right?)
2) You are willing to make survey ships without their own jump drive

Standing order to use:

1) Survey Next Three System Bodies or Locations


Assign a jump tender to each survey group.
When entire survey group is in the same system, move the tender to the jump point of the adjacent system that you want the group to survey next.
When a survey finishes standing orders, give it a move order to the next system.
If it is the last survey ship to finish, give it also a send message order like "can move tender now"
When you receive that message, move the tender to the jump point of the next adjacent system you want to survey (if no jump points yet found, wait until one is found).

You might want to have multiple tenders per group, so that when you reach a dead end system, you can position the tenders appropriately for the surveyors to backtrack to the next target system individually, rather than waiting for the entire group to travel with a single tender.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Empire: C# Edition
« Last post by Kiero on May 27, 2024, 09:15:17 AM »
I assume their home world has a very eccentric orbit?

Yup 0.41
Water Vapor is messing things up for them, periodically.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by skoormit on May 27, 2024, 08:57:22 AM »
QOL Suggestion:

Naval Organization window, Fleet -> Movement Orders tab
Double clicking any order in the list of the fleet's current orders should remove all orders after that one (perhaps with a confirmation prompt).

Sometimes I need to trim a long list of orders back to a specific point.
Repeatedly clicking the Remove Last button is the only way to do it currently.
Sometimes that's a LOT of clicks, and sometimes a user overclicks and then has to re-create the unintentionally removed orders.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Kaiser on May 27, 2024, 08:35:58 AM »
I do not remember if it has been suggested, could it be possible to personalize the naval organization tab with different colours?

At some point, when there are many ships, fleets, sufleets and command, it became a little messy and my eyes fly around before I can individuate the ship/fleet I am looking for.

It would be great having the possibility to assign a given color to a specific fleet or ship.
The Academy / Re: Survey Ship Fleet Organization
« Last post by Gram123 on May 27, 2024, 07:47:25 AM »
Would definitely not start a flamewar over your suggestion. I explore a lot because that the part of the game i enjoy, well not the surveyship micromanagement but the discover new system and mine them. I dont find much fun in the war mechanism against the AI, so usually I completely turn off the AI, meaning I never use warships.  I simply like to explore and extract resources build colonies, expand population, etc. I just the way i like to play, and that require a lot of surveyeing because i never meet any ressistence and use a lot of resources very fastly.
The Academy / Re: Survey Ship Fleet Organization
« Last post by Garfunkel on May 27, 2024, 07:37:46 AM »
You are not the first player to complain about this issue and the answer is both obvious and obtuse at the same time. Simply, stop exploring so much. There is no win condition that requires you to explore the entire galaxy. Odds are, there are plenty of systems where you need to build up your infrastructure, clear out spoilers, handle NPRs and so on. The problem is that you think that you must keep exploring constantly and the management of the survey ships is grinding you down. The answer is not to add more automation to handle it, the answer is to stop exploring for a period of time and then resume exploration once the systems you have already surveyed are fully under exploitation. Also, 30+ ships is a massive number for your survey fleet. What I do is either use a handful, like 4-6, big all-in-one survey ships, or then a bunch of smaller, specialized vessels that work in tandem to do a single system at a time. And between systems they take breaks. That way each system survey is special, I name the interesting planets/moons/comets/asteroids, medals are awarded and a nice little ceremony held at Earth for the commanders. This way it's a story event that you enjoy doing, rather than "oh no, yet another survey order to assign". If you ever feel like that, simply stop surveying and focus on something else for a while.

There are only 2 reasons to keep surveying as much as possible, as fast as possible, and that's because you want to encounter something spicy or you desperately need a specific mineral and you've been unlucky so far. Don't kill the fun of Aurora through your own actions! Also, if you think I'm daft for suggesting this, that's fine. Last time I gave this advice to another player, they had a little temper tantrum about how I dared to tell them to change their playstyle and posted some nasty stuff. Just ignore me if you feel that way, we don't need to start a flamewar or anything.
The Academy / Re: Survey Ship Fleet Organization
« Last post by Gram123 on May 27, 2024, 07:26:52 AM »
Hmm. But there are no easy way to resemble right? And i cant really use Return to entry point. As they forget their entry point once divided right? I have tried to do this by adding a Rendezvous at the entry point and use "Move to closest Rendezvous point" But once they all return to entrypoint/Rendezvous they still need to be reassembled manually in the Naval organization or with the Join fleet movement command.

Am I missing something with individually ships? I have like 30 survey ships in individually fleets. And I use "Survey Next three system bodies or locations" and then condition to go back to refuel and resupply. But everytime a ship is low on fuel/or supply they go back to a colony or supply ship and they need to be assigned to a new system the can go and survey. The amount of times you have to go and move a survey ship that has returned for fuel/supply into a new system requiring survey is just never ending.
General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Empire: C# Edition
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on May 27, 2024, 07:16:54 AM »
A bizarre race has been incorporated into the empire.

Temperature range: -16.47 to 128.66

I assume their home world has a very eccentric orbit?
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