Author Topic: Patch Notes  (Read 16651 times)

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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2021, 04:05:45 AM »
Version 151

- Rather than get stuck in a system forever, non military NPR ships will try to leave a system populated by another neutral or hostile race if they can find a safe exit

- NPR number of labs will be capped at 150% * Difficulty% * the number of the strongest player's starting labs.  Normally has no effect unless you significantly decrease the # of labs the game suggests for you.
- If the player adjusts the starting tech points suggested on the Create New Game window, NPR starting tech points at the beginning of the game will be adjusted by the same amount. Raising the difficulty modifier reduces any deductions from NPR points.  Lowering the difficulty modifier reduces any increase in NPR points.

- Fixed: Diplo teams weren't having any effect on their target races due to a typo.
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2021, 01:51:27 PM »
Version 152

Fixed: an error when civs upgrade their designs
Fixed: F3 window: sensor rings weren't redrawing when you moved the sliders
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2021, 06:35:26 PM »
Version 153:

- Fixed: F3 window: the red signature range circles weren't factoring in reductions from nebulae
- Fixed: F3 window: the red signature range circles weren't showing for populations
- Fixed: F2 window: Available research labs was sometimes showing as -1 when it should be 0
- Fixed: Inactive Research Lab was wrongly popping up for fractional labs
- Fixed: Inactive Research Lab popup and event log would sometimes wrongly warn you have 0 inactive labs
- Fixed: The Overallocation of Labs event and the resulting automatic reduction labs would sometimes occur when it shouldn't
- Fixed: Several situations in the game where rounding down the difference of two floating point numbers was resulting in -1 when the correct result was 0

- F3 window: The red passive signature range circle will now show the EM signature range instead if it's higher than the thermal range

Version 154:

- 2 more hard to explain but important fixes
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 01:32:07 AM by Kyle »
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2021, 05:05:25 PM »
Version 155

- Fixed: Lagrange point orbital movement was calculating the wrong positions
- Fixed: SM Changing the position of jump points wasnt auto-refreshing the UI
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2021, 04:12:02 AM »
Version 156

- Added Research Proto button to the View Technology window so Missile Engine Prototypes can be marked for research.
- Added missing feature: Payment for purchase of civilian fuel
- Added missing feature: Full civilian fuel harvesters continue to consume sorium, but also provide tax revenue
- Added missing feature: Civilian Fuel Harvesters will appear on the F12 fleet orders window as a possible destination for refueling
- F2 > Research Tab: increasing the height of the window will now increase the height of all 3 major rows, not just the 'select tech and scientist' row
- The New Production Overview window now shows the current date, racial wealth, and recent change in wealth in the title bar
- Events telling you that a scientist has increased their research bonus will now also tell you the scientist's current research field

- Fixed: It was possible to create research projects for Future Prototype component designs
- Fixed: the Tractor Specified Ship fleet order wasn't working
- Fixed: Fuel Harvester Full alerts were occurring for civilian harvesters
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2021, 06:30:57 PM »
Version 157:

- F3 window: the selected body will continue to stay centered as the window is being resized
- Changes in unrest smaller than 0.0001% (which appeared as changes of 0 in the event log) will no longer occur
- Added a new event type 'Unrest Increasing (Total < 0.01%)' which occurs instead of the standard 'Unrest Increasing' if unrest has only increased to a total value of less than 0.01%
- Added a new event type 'Unrest Decreasing (Total < 0.01%)' which occurs instead of the standard 'Unrest Decreasing' if total unrest was < 0.01% before the decrease.  If there was a standard 'Unrest Increase' event since the last time the population was at 0 unrest, then there will be at least one standard 'Unrest Decrease' when unrest returns to 0.
- Added a 'Show Sizes in Tons' checkbox to turret design window
- Added an "Any Amount" checkbox on the Fleet Orders window that appears for Refuel from Target Fleet and Resupply from Target Fleet. If this is checked the move will be considered complete (rather than failing) regardless of whether enough fuel/supplies were available to completely refill.
- The order assigned by the Default Order "Load fuel at harvester" will now be for Any Amount, rather than failing if a full refill isn't possible to do in one shot.  This makes fully automated transport of fuel from harvesters to the capital or elsewhere possible by combining it with the 'Fuel tanks full --> Unload 90% Fuel at X' conditional order.

- Fixed: adding a refit/scrap/repair shipyard task would wrongly do nothing if the shipyard had no default task group selected for construction tasks
- Fixed: creating a turret prototype wasn't refreshing other UI windows
- Fixed: it was possible to research prototype turrets without researching the underlying prototype beam weapon
- Fixed: completed research would sometimes be logged twice

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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #36 on: August 21, 2021, 03:52:09 AM »
Version 158

- F3 Window: time buttons will once again stay pressed while end turn is processing
- When increments are shortened due to npr activity in systems with no player presence, time continues processing - the turn is no longer stopped prematurely.  More info in the progress thread
- Settings window: added a checkbox to disable the above feature
- Added a Turn Progress window to monitor how much time has been processed so far. For now, this ONLY appears for the above feature.
- Turn Progress window includes an interrupt button to stop processing early.

- Fixed: It was possible to design a ship class with a preferred magazine loadout that exceeded the ship's magazine capacity
- Fixed: a recent update caused some prototypes to wrongly appear as future prototypes
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #37 on: August 24, 2021, 07:10:38 PM »
Version 159

- Class Design window: Copying an obsolete class will no longer set the new class as obsolete
- Added new event types so they can be separately filtered: New Alien Ship (Friendly), New Alien Ship (Allied), New Alien Class (Friendly), New Alien Class (Allied)
- SM Mode is no longer required to remove orders with a time remaining, such as unloading cargo. Now it's just a confirmation popup, matching Aurora VB6's behavior.

- Fixed: Non-racial components were not being recovered from scrapped ships
- Fixed: Turn progress window was sometimes too wide
- Fixed: Fleet Orders, SM Set task group position: system menu wasn't alphabetized
- Fixed: extremely rare possibility of infinite loop in system gen
- Fixed: adding a repair or scrap task to shipyard wasnt auto-refreshing the shipyard tasks tab
- Fixed: Increments weren't being shortened for gauss cannons
- Fixed: F3 window: Temporary fleet training waypoints were appearing while auto-repeating shortened turns
- Fixed: F3 window: time buttons would be left in the pressed state if a warning popped up and was cancelled
- Fixed: Gauss cannons were unnecessarily inserting rows to the WeaponRecharge table
- Fixed: Conditional and Default orders were being assigned to fleets with ships being refit/repaired/scrapped
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2021, 08:44:00 AM »
Version 160

- Using SM to set the Sector Command level to 0 will now delete the Sector, making it possible to found a new sector at a different population in the same system

- Fixed: Wrong formula for sector radius on the F2 window and the Sector window
- Fixed: It was possible to have duplicate sectors for a single Sector Command HQ with SM trickery. Uniqueness is now enforced in the DB.
- Fixed: Deleting a population with a Sector Command HQ wasn't deleting the sector founded at that population
- Fixed: Sector window: The displayed capital wasn't using the race-defined name for the location
- Fixed: Colony cost formula was taking the sum of the cost factors of all dangerous gasses present rather than the maximum
- Fixed: it was possible to add PDCs to fleets in flight using SM
- Fixed: Ground units in PDCs should have had 0 maintenance cost but didn't

Version 161:

- Fixed: ground units with 0 maintenance cost were wrongly losing readiness when empire is in debt
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 09:30:10 AM by Kyle »
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2021, 04:50:24 AM »
Version 162:

- F2 window: Added a new checkbox to the Policy tab: "Set selected population as the default destination for mass drivers in its system"

- When a population with a Sector Command HQ transfers to another race through conquest or other means, the sector commander is first unassigned and any systems belonging to that sector are removed from the sector.

- Fixed: Galaxy Map: colony cost was wrong for bodies with multiple dangerous gasses
- Fixed: Galaxy Map: changing the default race was not reloading system positions
- Fixed: system generation: moons were not being ordered by distance from parent body
« Last Edit: August 26, 2021, 04:52:49 AM by Kyle »
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2021, 10:22:30 PM »
Version 163

- Added missing feature: Combat Engineers get a 100% attack bonus versus PDCs and 100% defense bonus inside PDCs
- Fixed: When a civilian freighter accepted an intersystem contract, the quantity on the supply contract wasn't being reduced
- Fixed: View Technology window, Magazine category: The 'Cap per HS' and 'HTK' columns had swapped titles
- Fixed: an error in one of the increment shortening routines
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2021, 05:35:11 PM »
Version 164

- In addition to the 10b km radius around the primary star, default geo survey orders will now also search within a 5b km radius around the fleet
- Updated dozens of floating point math operations to fix floating point issues with cargo shipping and other areas where absolute precision is required
- Fleet Orders window: PDC Components, which are 5000 tons, now only require cargo ships with 5000 tons capacity -- not 25000 -- in the fleet to appear on the list of available orders
- Fixed: F2 window Summary tab: Manned mines were showing as inactive in the wrong circumstances
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2021, 11:29:30 AM »
Version 165

- Added new feature: Repair PDC

- Refitting a PDC now requires it to be repaired first
- Refitting a PDC will now make use of components in the population stockpile if available
- Refitting a PDC will now popup a confirmation box if the refit cost is expensive relative to building a new PDC
- Refit and repair progress on ships will halt while they are being combat boarded
- Refit and repair progress on PDCs will halt while they are being combat boarded or attacked by ground units
- To be consistent with commercial ships, the maintenance clock for PDCs will now always be 0 (they don't have maintenance breakdowns)
- The new crew grade in the 'ship repaired' log entry will now be rounded

- Fixed: F3 window: Civilian fleets were appearing on the right-click context menu
- Fixed: Intel window: Known systems list showed duplicates if more than one race had the intel
- Fixed: Refitting a non-PDC ship wasn't using existing components in the population stockpile
- Fixed: Creating a Refit PDC task from the UI wasn't doing anything
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2021, 04:58:44 PM »
Version 166

- Added racial and non-racial research cost modifier settings to the Game Details window

- Optimized: the orbital movement phase is now about 5.9 times as fast
- Fixed: Game Details window: removed erroneous tooltip that Difficulty Modifier isn't implemented
- Fixed: Commander window: search results list was empty when sorting Civ Administrators by Admin rating
- Fixed: Population window: list of populations was including other race pops when sorting by population size
- Fixed: When sharing fuel storage tech via diplomatic relations, some fuel techs would be shared that weren't yet known
- Fixed: Population window Env tab: clicking Save Atm wasnt auto-refreshing the new Production Overview window
- The Inactive Research Labs popup will no longer appear for populations where the research industry has been shut down
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Offline Kyle (OP)

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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2021, 12:26:45 AM »
Version 167

- Emergency fix for the F2 Population window, nothing was showing for most races
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