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Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #285 on: March 13, 2014, 01:58:28 PM »
[ooc]Sorry everyone but ESO sort of interfered with this update and I've been busy with work so it was hard to find the time to get this sorted out...I started the update on March 5 and finished it on March 13.  It may seem boring but I find them rather useful because even though you don't see a lot of the stuff it gives me a good overview of what happened during these 6 months that often gets lost while playing the game.  In particular I can look at maintenance failures, promotions and advancements as part of my prep work with the log files.  I also see what is going on with the civillian shipping firms in terms of replacements and construction.  I delete all this information when I am done the write up but it at least allows me to see how my officers as whole are shaping up.  The current game date is Febuary 94 so there isn't that much of a disconnect.[/ooc]

AD 2293 (December to June) The Big Day...and it wasn't even a joke!

Governor Murray submitts a proposal to the NCC to try and help out the situation on Venus.  As it is unlikely there will be a sudden dramatic increase in the amount of infrastructure delivered to the colony she proposes that instead of taking volunteers from Earth for extra solar colonies that instead Venus is used.  This makes considerable sense especially for Biforst and Faewald.  It will, she points out, lower the population of Venus by some 260 000 per year.  In addition she proposes to use the Mackenzie to transport in excess of 300 000 colonists back to Earth (the ship can make about 10 round trips per year).  These measures should relieve the stress on the Venusian lifesupport systems.

Perhaps the biggest story of the year was the launching of the Apache, the first of the replacements for the Tribals lost in Wolf 358.  April 1 as a completion date made would have made it newsworthy on that detail alone.  On hand at the ceremony was a plethora of dignataries and ex Naval Brass including Rear Adm (ret) C. Frazier, Commadore (ret) E. Ahmed, and Captain (ret) D. Nimm.  Commadore Josh Bird, takes the ship over from the yard, officially assumes command and then heads for the jump point to Wolf 358 to join the naval blockade there.  The event was watched from remote by a good fraction of the NC citizenry (or taped for later viewing).  The NCN considers this a crucial first step to regaining their offensive capacity.  The schedule for the other 3 replacement Tribals and the new Quiver class munitions ships is dependent on the deliveries of Gallicite, the next Tribal is planned to begin construction in the summer when the Gallicite from Venus has been transfered to Earth.

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
AD 2293 (January 25) The machine tools for 5 construction factories are built
AD 2293 (February 5) Housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for 100,000 citizens on Ganymede are complete [ooc]Infrastructure x57[/ooc] and are shipped to the moon via civillian contract.
AD 2293 (February 27) 2 Maintenance Facilities are completed (ships up to 11 400 tonnes can be serviced) [ooc]At this point I made a mistake and didn't have another task with 90% of the industry and it took me a few days game time to sort out what was next up on the list.[/ooc]

Secondary Industrial Tasks
AD 2293 (January 5) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2293 (March 11) A new Fuel Refinery comes online; bringing the total to 97 and prefabrication of colonial housing and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts begins [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]

Industrial Efforts Mars, Sol
AD 2293 (March 21) Housing and lifesupport systems for 1 million citizens is finished [ooc]Infrastructure x200[/ooc] and the industrial park begins producing another batch for a further million citizens.

Civillian Yard:  Robert Napier and Son's Ltd., Sol
AD 2293 (January 25) Monumental (Colossus (EE) class) finishes her refit.
AD 2293 (April 6) Colossus (Colossus (EE) class) is refitted.
AD 2293 (May 22) Leviathan (Colossus (EE) class) completes her refit.
AD 2293 (June 28) Goliath (Colossus (EE) class) finishes her refitting on schedule.

Naval Yard: Deschimag A.G. Weser, Sol
AD 2293 (April 1) Apache (Tribal Mod2 class) built on Earth and assigned to the newly reformed 4th Squadron Battlegroup

Civillian Operations in Sol
AD 2293 (March 2) The supply of Duranium on Wolf-Harrington has been exhausted
AD 2293 (March 6) The supplies of all minerals on Wolf-Harrington have been exhausted. The civilian mining operation is therefore shutting down and the civilian mining complexes will eventually be redeployed elsewhere [ooc]I learned a fair bit when this happened: the garrision remains on the asteroid, but the Deep Space Array vanishes, as do the CMCs.  They don't; however, on any sort of fast time scale, show up at other civillian mining colonies.  I am not sure infact that they will be "redeployed" as I've yet to see the numbers of other CMCs at other civillian mining sites increase beyond what I had been seeing previous to the closure of these CMCs.[/ooc]
AD 2293 (March 16) Lloyd Container Limited has launched a new Lloyd H2 class Fuel Harvester.  The NCCFB is overjoyed by the news.
AD 2293 (April 21) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 17 civilian mining complexes

BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri

The industrial park on Faewald is working at full capacity producing lifesupport parts and housing for 368 000 colonists [ooc]~Infrastructure x110[/ooc].  The capacity of the park is closing in on the requirement, but at the same time the number of people in excess to the current capacity is increasing.  The deficit is now 390 000 colonists and the birth rate is now up to 1 m new colonists per year.  BIC and Government House are coordinating to maintain a steady flow of machine tools to expand the industrial park, plus mines to feed the demand for Duranium but also to justify the investment in terms of resources to Earth.

The 1st Geosurvey team rather than returning to Calheme surveys the inner system worlds.  A-I has its survey completed on January 5, finding Uridium that had been missed by the orbital scan.  They then move to A-IV and comlete their survey on Febuary 5, finding no new resources.  They move to Doineann's lone moon and by Febuary 27 confirms the original orbital survey.  They move on to Calheme's outermost moon (moon 3) and begin their survey on March 2.  They return to Faewald from May 4 to June 2 to allow the Upholder's crew some R&R and then are back on Calheme's moon 3 on June 6.

AD 2293 (January 5) A deposit of 331776 tons of Uridium (Accessibility 0.9) has been found on Alpha Centauri-A I by the 1st Geosurvey Team

On January 15 ICG II breaks orbit making for Earth and that same day FHG X arrives from Doineann for R&R.  FHG X departs for Doineann on Febuary 16 arriving on the 23rd.  FHG I arrives at Faewald on April 14 and departs on May 22, resuming harvesting operations on May 29.  Heavy Lift group I arrives with 40 000 new colonists, lifesupport and colonial housing prefabs for them, and the machinery for both a new mine and an expansion to the industrial park on May 9; the group departs for Earth on May 27.  ICG III arrives at Faewald after a loop past Banshee on May 11.  The brought with them 20 000 new colonists, life support and housing prefabs for 60 000 and machine tools and will carry a load of TN minerals from the mines of Faewald and Banshee, including over 800 scu of Boronide and 400 scu of Gallicite when they depart on June 2.

BIC Operations in AD Leonis

Forge Traffic Control is as usual busy.  On January 5, FHG IV returns to Deeper Sky to resume harvesting while ICG VII departs Forge for Earth.  On January 28 the Ceylon Detachment departs Forge for Earth after disembarking the Forge Peacekeeper Detachment.  Their presence leads to an immediate decrease in the number of drunk and rowdy incidents needing to be handled by the local Justices but an increased number of crewman spending the night in the colonies cooling off tank.  FHG V arrives in Forge orbit for leave on Febuary 11 and is back harvesting on March 21.  ICG VI makes orbit on April 23 and departs on May 6 for Earth.  ICG V arrives on May 28 and departs on June 13 for Biforst.  Heavy Lift group II on the way to Rosetta arrives on May 29 and departs on June 8.  FHG III and XII make a joint arrival in Forge orbit on June 3.  The fuel farm in Forge is in good shape through this time. 

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

The industrial park on Biforst churns out housing prefabs and lifesupport components for 40 000 colonists [ooc]~Infrastructure x8[/ooc] that are added to the stockpile.  So far the colony has faced the typical situation of insufficient bodies to work at full capacity but both the Governors office and BIC want to avoid getting caught as happened on Faewald and a steady growth of both the extraction industry and the industrial park is forseen.  ICG VI departs for Forge on January 10.  FHG VII arrives at Biforst on Feburary 23 and departs on April 6, resuming harvesting on April 7.  FHG VIII arrives on March 13 and departs on April 26, resuming harvesting on April 27.  The Farm at Biforst is in fine shape, it is growing steadily as demand on it is far outweighted by the two FHGs production.

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

The Xenoarcheology team has no breakthru to report which is dissapointing news.  Otherwise the colony is slowly growing, with now a marked difference between it and Biforst showing up.  Rosetta's populaton lags Biforst by slightly more than 100 000 people.  Terraforming of the atmosphere is continuing with the two Terraforming ships still adding Nitrogen to the atmosphere.  On January 11, FHG IX arrives for shore leave and departs on March 2, beginning harvesting on March 8.

BIC Operations in Gl 493.1

Poesidean's mineral production gets a boost in late may as ICG VIII drops off a second telepresence operated mine and a mass driver on moon 6 before arriving in orbit on June 2 to disembark the 20 000 new colonists.  The ships depart for Forge on June 23.  With now two massdrivers present the flow of Duranium and Corundium from the moon starts, although with only 2 mines present on the moon each packet is quite small (less than 1 tonne).

Outsystem Survey Efforts and Naval Operations
Groombridge 34

Things get exciting on January 25 when the engineer on watch is required to bring the James Cook's jump drive down for intensive repairs.  But within a few hours the ship is able to spindle its drive once more and makes its scheduled jump into Sol to send a status update.  Both the Voyageur patiently waiting refueling and the crew of the Cook are relieved to not be stranded in the system.  That day, as well, markes the point where the fuel on the Voyageur is below 10% of her tanks capacity.  On Febuary 28, after engine shutdown the day before, one of the scientists calculates the tanks hold a total of 2 l of fuel based on the pressure measurements he has taken.  The Voyageur is officially dead in space.  The Petrocan is on course for the Voyageur and the ships turn on their transponders to allow for an easier rendevous.  On April 1 the Petrocan arrives aside the Voyageur and refueling operations commence.  The Voyageur is soon able to resume the journey to its own rendevous with the James Cook, waiting patiently at the jump point to Sol.  There is a considerable following of the situation on Earth, with friends, family and collegues eargly awaiting the mail that is relayed from the Voyageur to the Cook and then downloaded into the Comm Buoy on the Sol side of the jump point when the Cook jumps in.  In a fine example of entrepenuriality and the rule of 34 the situation is made into one of the years largest grossing pornographic holodramas.  Contrary to reality the holodrama has the crew of the Voyageur be all female and the Petrocan all male, but this allows everyone regardless of orientation to find some part of the film "of interest." 

Wolf 358

1st Squadron's support group jumps into Wolf 358 to join the Battlegroup there on January 12.  2nd Squadron jumps into Sol on January 13 and arrives at Earth orbit 3 days later.  3rd Squadron on the way to Wolf 358 to relieve 1st Squadron arrive at the jump point to AD Leonis on June 30 after departing Sol on June 17.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 03:04:13 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #286 on: March 21, 2014, 03:20:52 PM »
AD 2293 (July to December) Times are a changing...

As far as Commisioner Buxdorf is concerned the fuel crissis is now more or less a concern, the Galicite crissis has been averted though the situation is still critical and the biggest worry is how to release the "off" button slowly enough to prevent the situation from degenerating.  Faewald needs both more mines but primarily more industrial capacity.  Biforst, Rosetta and Poesidean requires time for their populations to build up.  Poesidean in particular needs substantially more people.  The best way to deal with this situation is to construct two more heavy lift groups after the last terraformers are completed.  The long delayed construction of new ship yards, an expansion to the academy and more facilities to train ground troops can be put back onto the planning table starting in 2294.

BuSurvey gets approval to conduct a survey of the nearer of the two unexplored jump points in Wolf 358.  As the previous two explorations had led to Wolver controlled space this survey would be undertaken with some care, but the fact that none of the buoys deployed near the jump points had recorded a ship transiting gave a good indication that Wolf 358 was not some sort of Wolver nexus system.

The first fruits of the "Centres for Excellence" are now showing up.  The NCN will for the first time in decades have soon have new hardware to play with.

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
2293 (July 23) Ten telepresence operated mines are finished and shipped to Venus by civillian contract.  This finishes the planned upgrade of Venus's extraction capacity (50 TPO mines)
2293 (September 5) Machinery for 5 Mines are produced and shipped to Calisto via civillian contract.
2293 (October 16) Two new Deep Space Tracking Stations are fabricated and shipped to Ganymede via Civillian contract.
2293 (November 28) Machinery for 5 Mine produced and will be shipped to BIC extra solar colonies.
2293 (December 3) 100 Maintenance Supplies are produced for the NCN and fabrication begins for the machine tools for 5 construction factories

Secondary Industrial Tasks
2293 (July 8 ) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
2293 (September 16) The heavy equipment for a Mine is produced.
2293 (October 26) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc] work on the machinery for a construction factory begins

Industrial Efforts Luna, Sol
2293 (July 28) Construction of additional housing and lifesupport for 1 million people to ease the population pressure completed [ooc]Infrastructure x200[/ooc], another 1m people worth is started.

Civillian Yard:  Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Sol
2293 (August 3) Dnepr and Rhine (Amazon class) complete construction and are assigned to the Interstellar Terraforming Mission III.  They set course for Calheme in Alpha Centauri.
2293 (September 5) Retooling for Kingston (EE) class is finished.  The Fergus is laid down.

Civillian Yard:  Robert Napier and Son's Ltd., Sol
2293 (September 26) Titanic (Colossus (EE) class) ends refit.
2293 (October 1) Cyclops (Colossus (EE) class) is refit, this leaves but a single Colossus HP class ship to be refit.

Research Developments
2293 (July 28) Dr. Leopold Herz's team has completed research into improvements in recievers for gravitic sensors (EM Sensor Sensitivity 6) and together with Bell's engineers starts development of a new version of the standard threat detection system for NCN ships  (Bell Phased Array P3-18)
2293 (September 16) Dr. Ben Knowles' team prototypes the hardware that is required for deep space salvage operations (Salvage Module 500) and begins developing min-fabrication tools and field equipment for NC Army construction units (Construction Brigade)
2293 (October 11) Dr. Charlotte Rowley's team has completed improved shipyard management (Shipyard Operations: 20% Time/Cost Saving) and starts looking into improving shipyard construction proceedures (Shipbuilding Rate 750 BP)
2293 (November 2) Dr. Leopold Herz's team has completed research into the new standard threat detection system for NCN ships (Bell Phased Array P3-18) and begins development of the plans for the larger array used by BuSurvey's Scout class probe ships (Bell Phased Array P5-30)
2293 (December 29) Dr. Morgan Fowler's team developes a new alloy to be used in ship frames and platings (High Density Duranium Armour) and starts work on improving the rates a shield can be generated/regenerated (Shield Regeneration Rate 1.5)

The NCN makes several strategic choices based on these developments. 

With respect to sensor research is that they will develop the passive thermal systems before the active gravitation sensors.  Against the Wolvers the passive systems give better warning than active systems.  They will also only develop new sensors hardware when both the active and passive components of the sensor are available.  There are too many sensor systems that need upgrading for it to make sense to not wait.  Missile fire controls will likely not be upgraded unless the sensors range exceeds the fire controls.  The CoE for Sensors is also given the second highest priority in the list and thus will be the first one to get a new research complex.

With respect to defensive systems the NCN decides that based on the relatively short development time and the widespread use of the Barrier system an improved regeneration rate system will be prototyped for production before the "Beta Series" of electromagnetic defences begins research.  A faster regenerating shield is high on the NCNs internal wish list, and it is worth delaying the development of a stronger and faster shield by some months over.

The new Duranium alloy will be used in all upcoming constructions and has a marked effect on the design of the Fallen class light cruiser where it frees up considerable space and ends debate that had been going on about a double or triple thick armour belt.  The NCN also temporarily halts development of the 15 cm laser to produce a more compact Goaltender array with Toronto Arsenal.

The Engineering branch suffers a shock when they get the final sizes for the salvaging equipment.  The orginal intention had been to use the Queen class troop transporter as the basis of the salvager.  It soon becomes apparent that the space is insufficient.  The salvaging equipments size requires that a hull based around the jump engine used by the Kingston class will be necessary making the Salvager a 45K tonne ship.  This does allow for doubling the speed of the salvage operations but makes the NCN rethink its plan to produce 2 salvagers.  They decide to go with a single Junk Yard class ship, and secure an agreement with both the NCC and BIC to allow it to be built ASAP.

Code: [Select]
Junk Yard class Salvager    44,850 tons     320 Crew     1050.2 BP      TCS 897  TH 400  EM 0
445 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-112     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 0
MSP 88    Max Repair 200 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 9   
Cargo 5000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   
Salvager: 2 module(s) capable of salvaging 1000 tons per day

Saab CJA 2-900     Max Ship Size 45000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
MAN NP CE-200 (2)    Power 200    Fuel Use 6.19%    Signature 200    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 16.2 billion km   (420 days at full power)

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

NC Army
2293 (October 6) St. Petersburg Independent Rifle Bn (CO: Colonel Oliver Oliver) completes training at camp Wainwright and the departing soldiers are replaced by recruits for the Arkangel Independent Rifle Bn.

Civillian Operations in Sol
2293 (July 23) Burns Freight and Logistics has scrapped Burns H2 061 (Burns H2 class) due to its age.  The NCCFB still cannot fathom why they didn't replace the harvester given it being a surefire money making proposition.
2293 (September 5) Hvítkárrson Carrier Limited has launched a new Hvítkárrson L2 class Spaceliner.  Sol has now 2 liners transfering passengers between Earth and the 6 colonies.
2293 (October 26) The civilian mining colony on Haumea has been expanded to 19 civilian mining complexes
2293 (November 12) Williamson Logistics has launched a new Williamson H2 class Fuel Harvester.  The NCCFB is pleased to see more Civillian harvesting capacity.
2293 (December 14) The civilian mining colony on 2004 NT33 has been expanded to 21 civilian mining complexes
2293 (December 19) The civilian mining colony on 2004 NT33 has been expanded to 22 civilian mining complexes
2293 (December 29) The civilian mining colony on Neujmin has been expanded to 18 civilian mining complexes [ooc]I am not seeing any evidence that the CMCs are being "redeployed" from Wolf-Harington[/ooc]

BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri
As is usual the industrial park is running at full capacity and slowly loosing ground.  Housing and lifesupport for 400 000 colonists was produced [ooc]~Infrastructure x120[/ooc] while the demand in excess of the colonies capacity is now 410 000. [ooc] a zero is is 410 000 rather than 41 000!  [/ooc]  Little can be done but keep up the shipments of machine tools from Earth is the view of Government House.  Faewald is closing in on a breakeven point, and with the population nearing 9 million is also not far from the point where it may attract private investment into the system. 

The 1st Geosurvey Team completes their survey of Calheme's moon 3 finding no new TN mineral reserves and are moved by the Upholder to moon 2.  [ooc]Well eventuatlly I accidently abandoned the colony before they were picked up and they got teleported to Earth so I had to do some SM magic to get them where they should be.[/ooc]

Traffic wise the last half year has been quiet for Faewald.  FHG II arrives for shore leave and offloading to the Farm on November 4 and the ships are back harvesting on December 19.  ICG I with 20 000 new colonists, machine tools for the industrial park and housing prefabs and lifesupport for 40 000 arrive on November 30 and depart for Earth on Christmas day.  FHG X arrives in Faewald orbit on December 29.

BIC Operations in AD Leonis

Forge traffic control is also having a quiet time.  FHG XII returns to Deeper Sky to harvest on July 9.  FHG III also completes shore leave and is back harvesting on July 14.  ICG VII arrives on September 16 and its departure for Biforst is delayed due to scheduling confusion. [ooc]I believe it ends up waiting several month due to me making a mistake and not spotting the group never got the remainder of its orders given to it[/ooc]  FHG VI spends from October 27 to December 8 enjoying Liberty Row and is back harvesting on December 9.  FHG IV arrives on December 15 and its crews will celebrate Christmas ashore.

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

Biforst's industrial park adds housing prefabs and lifesupport for 50 000 people to the stockpile [ooc]~Infrastructure x10[/ooc].  Only ICG V arrived during this time with 20 000 new colonists, housing and lifesupport for 60 000, and heavy machinery for a mine on September 28.  The group departed for Forge on October 11.

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

The Xenoarcheology team persists in data analysis but as yet has had no major breakthrough decifering the Alien language.  Heavy lift group II arrives on November 22 with 50 000 new colonists, heavy machinery for a mine and lifesupport and housing for 70 000 colonists and departs for Forge on December 8.

BIC Operations in Gl 493.1

Poesidean is occupied with expanding humanities foothold on the planet with minerals arriving routinely at the mass driver in orbit.  FHG X arrives on August 15 to add to the colonies fuel farm and give the ships shore leave.  The group is back harvesting at Amphitrite on September 28 after a 2 day transit.

Outsystem Survey Efforts and Naval Operations
Groombridge 34

The Voyageur rendevous with the waiting James Cook on July 3 at the jump point to Sol.  The squadron jumps back to Sol, setting course for Earth upon arrival.  They arrive in Earth orbit on August 14.  The tanker Petrocan arrives 10 days later. 

Wolf 358

3rd Squadron will relieve 1st squadron of Wolf Watch duties on July 13.  1st Squadron heads back to Sol, and will arrive in Earth orbit on August 18.  Interstellar Survey III and both Grav Survey Missions accompanied 3rd Squadron on the trip from Sol arriving in Wolf 358 on July 24.  Once 3rd Squadron has refueled on August 8 they depart for the unexplored jump point (currently given the number 2).  Arriving there on August 23, the Mastif, Warder and the Jump Tender Perryvale transit the unexplored jump point.  They arrive in Ross 695.  Five minutes later they are back in Wolf 358 with the initial data for analysis.  As per SOP the Scout class ship Scout will have to do a probe.  After consultation with each other it is decided to have the two BuSurvey ships take a detour to survey the two comets currently in the central regions of Wolf 358 before heading to the jump point to Ross 695 arriving on October 13.  The Grav survey missions will remain at the jump point to AD Leonis until it is clear the system Ross 695 is safe.

2293 (August 23) An exploration of a jump point in the Wolf 358 system has revealed the new system of Ross 695
2293 (September 7) Minerals Discovered on Wolf 358-A Comet #1: Duranium 28,808 (1)  Neutronium 2,200 (0.8 )  Tritanium 2,307 (0.8 )  Vendarite 19,913 (0.7)  Sorium 8,805 (0.7) 
2293 (September 22) Minerals Discovered on Wolf 358-A Comet #4: Neutronium 1,836 (1)  Corbomite 1,182 (0.8 )  Boronide 852 (0.9)  Mercassium 3,759 (0.9)  Vendarite 68,300 (1)  Corundium 4,229 (1) 

Ross 695

Ross 695 is a single star system with a class M4-V primary.  3 terrestrial world orbit the star at 4, 22 and 62 million km.  All worlds are small, lacking in an atmosphere and have no water making none of them possible colonization targets.  They are followed by two gas giants with 18 and 23 moons.  One moon on each gas giant is terrestrial.  Following this is a terrestrial world but it is a cold, airless ball. Then a dwarf world and at 1.7 billion km is a super jovan with 8 moons one of which is terrestrial.  Effectively a failed binary star system.  A dense asteroid belt with some 230 major asteroids extends from 200 to 500 m km from the red primary.  Scout has completed its initial survey by October 20 finding no trace of Wolvers or other aliens in the system.  On October 18 the two grav survey missions enter the system and commence the gravitational survey of the outer system.  By the end of the year most of the planets and moons have been surveyed with not particularily spectacular results.

2293 (October 26) Minerals Discovered on Ross 695-A I: Duranium 8,201,250 (0.5)  Neutronium 944,784 (0.2) 
2293 (December 18) Minerals Discovered on Ross 695-A V: Sorium 12,517,800 (0.7) 
2293 (December 21) New Jump Point found in the Ross 695 System
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 01:02:50 PM by Paul M »

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #287 on: March 28, 2014, 11:19:35 AM »
[ooc]Well this was ready on Wednesday at about the 98% level but it wasn't till today I got a chance to double check a few things.[/ooc]

AD 2294 (January to June) The Future Engine Question is Raised

Commisioner Buxtorf and Rear Admiral Broddison have high level meetings where they hammer out an agreement on the future development of engines for the NC's starship fleet when the new drive systems become available (likely inside of two years).  From the NCC's side the issue is simple enough:  the Gallicite level is still critical and refiting the fleet twice, once to the new engine, and once again when higher efficiency engines become available is just not affordable.  They suggest that the refit waits until the research into the higher efficiency engine is carried out.  To the NCN for which speed is life this is not their perfered solution.  However, the question of fuel is still a non-trivial consideration, even more so for BuSurvey's fleet.  However, the levels of Corundium, a necessary component of any mine, have been dropping significantly as mines necessary to combat the Gallicite crisis have been brought into production.  The NCC wants to concentrate first on securing Corundium from Calisto and then expand its sources of Gallicite.  They suggest that the development of missile engines and engines for pinances be made at the current fuel efficiency as changing these later will not entail much effort.  This alone will give the NCNs ships more defence against Wolver missiles and better offencive punch while they wait on the development of more fuel efficient 3rd Generation engines.  Rear Admiral Broddison is not happy to have to wait but it is clear looking at the production figures that refiting the existing NCN fleet will be a multi year process anyway.  Gallicite production is currently around 1300 tonnes per year and refits would take on the order of 100 tonnes per ship with the Navy having some 60 ships.  BICs colony transport groups would also need to be updated for a further 40 ships, and BuSurvey has 10 ships.  Add in construction of new counter and anti-shipping missiles and the arguement for giving the NCC more time to enhance production is hard to fight against.

To make matters worse for the NCN, the fact Commissioner Buxtorf can declare in June that the NCC considers the fuel crissis dealt with at last garners him considerable political support in the Assembly.  Not to mention that by this point all four ship yards are constructing ships, something that hasn't been seen in several years, adds considerable weight to the assembly support to his statements.  [ooc]AD 2294 (June 27) The Political Reliability Bonus of Civilian Administrator Tobias Buxtorf has increased to 30%[/ooc]  The Government and the Assembly put their support behind the NCC and the NCN has to accept securing the development of 3rd Generation missile engines and scaled back production of what will be the Arrow II and Falcon II series of missiles. 

The addition of Nitrogen to the atmosphere of Callisto has been halted on March 30 to begin the addition of a small amount of oxygen.  Terraforming overall in the Sol system is proceeding well with thickned atmospheres on all Jovian moons aiding colonization efforts by increasing the temperature of the moons surfaces.  Mars is now within 4 years of having a breathable, if thin, atmosphere.  That will free up a considerable amount of lifesupport systems for deployment to Luna and Venus.

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
AD 2294 (January 15) The machine tools for 5 Construction Factories are fabricated.
AD 2294 (June 12) A new Research Lab is completed and assigned to the NCC's secondary research task the bulk of the industrial park starts manufacturing the parts for two new Maintenance Facilities.

Secondary Industrial Tasks
AD 2294 (January 4) Machine tools for a construction factory are produced.
AD 2294 (February 10) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2294 (April 20) The 98th Fuel Refinery begins operation.  The NCCFB's goal is 100.
AD 2294 (May 27) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete. [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]  The heavy machinery for a mine enters initial production.

Missiles and Fighters
AD 2294 (March 30) Construction of 48 Arrow Anti-Ship Missiles (Batch 3) completed
AD 2294 (April 26) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 3) completed
AD 2294 (May 21) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 3) completed
AD 2294 (April 15) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 030 is accepted by the quartermasters division of the NCN and assigned to a training squadron for the Cherokee.  The squadron is temporarily based at Fort Dublin.

Civillian Yard:  Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Sol
AD 2294 (May 6) Retooling for the Junk Yard class ends and the Junk Yard is laid down and then the yard begins re-retooling for the Kingston class it just re-tooled from.

Naval Yard: Victorias-Esquimalt Graving Yard, Sol
AD 2294 (January 25) Retooling for the Flower Mod1 class is finished and two new jump tenders begin construction.

Research Developments
AD 2294 (January 15) Dr. Sophia Patel has joined the NCC Research division.  Her area of speciality is: Construction / Production, securing this critical fields viability.
AD 2294 (February 15) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team demonstrates the pre-production prototype of a smaller TorAr Goaltender III Laser Array to the Navy and recommences research into the next larger laser array focal size (15cm Laser Focal Size)
AD 2294 (April 5) Dr. Leopold Herz's team produces the Scout classes primary sensor system (Bell Phased Array P5-30) and together with engineers from the new firm Burns HiTek begins development of a prototype threat detection system for the NCNs pinances (Burns Hitek EMTD 12)
AD 2294 (April 10) Dr. Leopold Herz's team turns over the approved plans for the Burns HiTek EMTD 12 for production and begins research into better IR sensors systems (Thermal Sensor Sensitivity 6)

Civillian Operations in Sol
AD 2294 (March 5) The civilian mining colony on Reinmuth has been expanded to 14 civilian mining complexes
AD 2294 (May 16) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 18 civilian mining complexes
AD 2294 (June 27) The civilian mining colony on Van Biesbroeck has been expanded to 9 civilian mining complexes

BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri

The industrial park on Faewald produces sufficient housing and additional lifesupport for 400 000 colonists [ooc]~Infrastructure x120[/ooc].  At this time the industrial parks capacity allows for the production of life support/housing for 1 107 000 people, while growth is estimated to be 1 235 000.  More machine tools for expansion of the industrial park are in transit and will arrive in the fall.  Even this addition will leave the industrial park producing approximately less than growth by 100 000 people.  Break even is expected to occur in 2295.

On January 22, the Interstellar Terraforming Mission III arrives in Calheme orbit and begins the long process of reducing the atmospheric oxygen levels to values that are not dangerous for humans.  The unfortunate side effect will be a cooler world.  Given Calheme's already frigid average temperature of -31 °C this will make colonization even more costly.  Once Faewald's industrial park can cope with growth the NCC intends to start a colony on Calheme to operate planetside terraformers produced locally on Faewald.  On Febuary 5, the 1st Geosurvey team takes a break from their survey of Calheme's moon 2 to allow the Upholder's crew shore leave, they are back surveying the moon on March 8 and on June 22 announce completion.  They have found no evidence of any TN minerals on the moon missed by the orbital survey.  That same day they start their survey of Calheme's innermost moon.

FHG X is done with shore leave on January 30 and back harvesting at Doineann on February 6.  ICG IV arrives with 20 000 new colonists, the machine tools for an expansion to the industrial park, more heavy equipment for mining and lifesupport systemry and prefabricated housing for 13 000 people on February 12.  The group departs for earth on March 5.  FHG I arrives in Faewald orbit on May 8, and departs after R&R on June 17 arriving at Doineann to resume harvesting on June 22.  On May 10, Heavy Lift Group I arrives with 40 000 new colonists, the lifesupport and housing for them plus a full load of machine tools and equipment to expand the industrial park.  The ships break orbit for Earth on May 27.  One day after Heavy Lift Group I arrives ICG II makes orbit with the same cargo load as ICG IV, the ships depart for Earth on June 2.

BIC Operations in AD Leonis

As is typical for the early part of the year Forge's traffic control is very busy.  ICG VIII on the way back to Earth makes orbit to refuel and rest its crews on January 22, departing for Sol on Febuary 5.  ICG V arrives on January 24 on the way back to Earth and breaks orbit on Febuary 5.  FHG IV completes R&R on January 25 and is back harvesting at Deeper Sky the next day.  ICG VI makes orbit on January 28 on the way to Biforst and departs on Febuary 10.  FHG V arrives at Forge for leave and resumes harvesting on April 16.  Intersteller Terraforming mission arrives at Forge for leave on May 17, the crews have been working on the atmosphere of Gliese 408 II for 18 months now and are half way to producing an atmoshpere that can be breathed un-assisted.  Heavy Lift Group II arrives on May 20 and departs for Earth on June 7.  FHG XII makes Forge orbit on May 22 for R&R and is back at Deeper Sky harvesting on June 27.  FHG III pulls into orbit at Forge on June 22 to offload to the farm and give the groups crew leave.  Forge's farm has more than 5 m litres of fuel in it and the harvesters are filling their tanks in record times.

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

The industrial park on Biforst adds sufficient housing and lifesupport system prefabricated components for 40 000 people [ooc]Infrastructure x8[/ooc] to the stockpile and then starts to assemble the Listening Post class base brought by ICG VII on June 2.  FHG VII arrives in orbit on April 17 and departs for the recently named gas giant of Valhalla on May 27.  FHG VIII joins the other group on May 2 and breaks orbit for Valhalla on June 12 arriving at the gas giant 2 days later.  ICG VII arrives at Biforst on May 20 with a much delayed load of 20 000 colonists, prefabricated components for a listening class base, housing and lifesupport prefabs for 50 000 people and the heavy machinery for a new mine.  ICG VII departs for Forge on June 2.  ICG VI makes Biforst orbit on May 25 carrying 20 000 colonists, prefabricated housing and lifesupport components for 70 000 colonists and machine tools for the industrial park.  The group departs for Forge on June 7.

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

January 25 is a big day for Rosetta, Interstellar Terraforming Mission I has completed thickening the atmosphere with Nitrogen and switches over to removing the Ammonia contanimation.   The process is expected to take approximately 6 years.  So far no breakthrough is reported by the NCC Xenoarcheological team but they continue to work on the Alien language.  FHG IX arrives for shore leave on March 6 and departs for the gas giant on April 15 arrivig there to resume harvesting on April 22. [ooc]I am seriously wierded out by the time it has taken a rating 80 xenology team to get nothing.  I also don't like the fact that the summary page says "Unknown Race-Xenologist Team Required" even though there is a xenology team present on the planet.  Feedback would help I have to say!  Also the team has not had any improvements to their ratings which makes me wonder if they are doing anything at all.[/ooc]

Outsystem Survey Efforts and Naval Operations
Ross 695
Surveying for jump points is completed on May 9 and the system is found to have a total of 3.  Some 230 asteroids are checked for TN mineral wealth a whole 2 are found to contain any.  Neither find is particularily rich.  This seems to be par for the course with respect to asteroids.  The actual chance for a find seems to be on the order of 1%.  Discussions between Cpt. V. Zweig and Cmdr. I. Ibrikarson are held even with several seconds of light lag delay and the decision is made to probe the two new jump points as the grav survey missions still have time on their clocks.  2nd Squadron (CO: Cpt. E. Bolton) relieves 3rd Squadron on May 19.  The NCN will await the new BuSurvey ships of Interstellar Survey IV (CO: Cmdr. E. Barker), which 3rd Squadron will request be sent upon arrival back in Sol, before starting the probes.

AD 2294 (January 15) Minerals Discovered on Ross 695-A Comet #8: Duranium 47,686 (0.8 )  Neutronium 13,162 (0.7)  Tritanium 698 (0.7)  Vendarite 14,289 (1) 
AD 2294 (January 19) New Jump Point found in the Ross 695 System
AD 2294 (March 14) Minerals Discovered on Ross 695-A Asteroid #209: Duranium 192 (1)  Corundium 441 (1) 
AD 2294 (May 9) Gravitational Survey Completed in the Ross 695 system. The system has a total of 3 jump points
AD 2294 (June 17) Minerals Discovered on Ross 695-A Asteroid #227: Neutronium 7,621 (1) 

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #288 on: November 14, 2014, 03:14:46 AM »
[ooc]Game date is currently June 2300, so I have a bit catching up to do.  Unfortunately, most of what happens is necessary but slow development.  This being the case I'm giving the readers digest condensed version.  The last update will include some pictures and more information on updated ship classes.  I am still getting that vastly annoying Morale error every five days, and I'd love to know what ships are triggering it, but so far it has only increased even with significant scrapping going on.[/ooc]

AD 2294 (July) to 2296 (Dec)  Catching Their Breath (Part I)

The period of excitment had given way to a period of recovery.  The NCC had a task to do, and their perfered methodology was "slow and steady."  Resources were allocated to rebuilding the ships lost against the Wolvers, but at the same time an emphisis was given to getting out of "holes."  Building reserves of strategic materials, investments in new technology, major infrastructure projects and the fruits of long term terraforming efforts were what month after month the NCCs staff focused on.  Earth shatteringly new mostly it was not, but month by month things changed and usually in a positive direction.

Fuel was no longer a critical factor in planning so the NCC's Fuel Board meetings, for the first time in over a decade, were a more relaxed place to be.  The stockpile of Galacite was carefully monitored and expenditures required triple signatures and significant documentation, but here also it was clear that the stituation was "under control" at least.  Vendrite and Boronide were on the watch list as the supplies of either were under 5000 tonnes but also the production was rather low.  Corundum was the last critical strategic material but was being expended to increase the mines on Callisto primarily.  The goal was to achieve a yearly production of greater than 1200 tonnes to allow for a production of a reasonable number of mines for colonies.

Civillian mining production was increasing but the number of minerals produced was going down and some of the mine sites were nearing exhaustion.  This was a long term problem the NCC would have to deal with but for the moment the bulk of Duranium, Neutronium and Uridium production was by civillian mining concerns.

Sol System

Earth's production facilities are in full utilization with a never ending stream of: machinery for factories, and mines, colonial housing and life support and ship maintenance parts being produced.  Interspersed in the standard flow were the following "big ticket items."

AD 2295 (April 9) A new campus for the NC's Military Academy is opened in a well publicied event.
AD 2296 (September 30) A further Research complex is added to Center of Excellence for Sensors

Terraforming Efforts
AD 2295 (February 18) Addition of Nitrogen to the atmosphere of Ganymede has been halted and the terraformers begin producing Oxygen.
AD 2296 (August 25) Addition of Oxygen to the atmosphere of Ganymede has been halted and the terraformers return to increasing the Nitrogen levels.
AD 2295 (September 8 ) Addition of Oxygen to the atmosphere of Callisto has been halted and the terraformers return to increasing the Nitrogen levels.
AD 2295 (October 9) Addition of Nitrogen to the atmosphere of Mars has been halted as the atmosphere is now thick enough to support Oxygen at the breathable level, so the terraformers now work on raising the Oxygen to 0.11 Atm.

Civillian Yard: Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Sol
AD 2294 (October 13) Fergus (Kingston (EE) class) built
AD 2295 (January 18) Retooling for Kingston (EE) class completed
AD 2295 (April 24) Junk Yard (Junk Yard class) built and immediately dispached to the wreck of the Taiho 2

Salvage Operations of Junk Yard

AD 2295 (June 9) Evidence of Missile Launcher Reload Rate 6 found within wreck of Taiho (Wolvers)
                        0x Size 3 Missile Launcher salvaged from wreck of Taiho class [Wol] and loaded into cargo holds of Junk Yard
                        1x J9000(3-50) Military Jump Drive salvaged from wreck of Taiho class [Wol] and loaded into cargo holds of Junk Yard
                        Salvage of Taiho class [Wol] completed. Minerals Salvaged:  DUR: 250
AD 2295 (June 9) 300 research points for Missile Launcher Reload Rate 2 has been downloaded from SV Junk Yard to Earth
AD 2295 (June 29) 40 research points for Missile Launcher Reload Rate 2 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

The recovery of the jump drive is critical for the planning of future minefields as it is now known that Wolver ships will arrive inside of 50, 000 km of the jump point.  The jump drive system is brought to Earth and stored, it will be later dissambled and studied in greater detail.  The Junk Yard is dispatched to Rosseta to salvage the wrecks there.
[ooc]The 0x Size 3 Launcher confused me and so I thought it best to dissemble it pronto.[/ooc]

The (EE) refit to the Colossus and Bauxites exchanges a single large engine for the older twin engines.  The improved fuel efficiency is sufficient to give the ships slightly over 24 billion km of range.  This is enough to make the Earth-Faewald run twice before needing to refuel.  BIC has lobbied hard with the NCC to release the Galacite for the refit and in 2294 they get their wish as the refit program is approved.  Overall fuel is less a critical worry but still reducing fuel expenditures is considered worth expending Galacite on.  As each ICG returns to Earth the Bauxites are sent to the yard for refitting.

Civillian Yard: Robert Napier & Sons, Sol
AD 2294 (July 7) Titan (Colossus (EE) class) refitted
AD 2294 (July 12) Retooling for Bauxite Long Range (EE) class completed at  on Earth
AD 2294 (September3) Bauxite and Iron (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2294 (November 24) Garnet and Iridium (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2295 (February 13) Amber and Amethyst (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2295 (June 22) Diamond and Emerald (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2295 (November 9) Mithril and Jade (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2296 (June 22) Obsidian and Opal (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2296 (July 30) Ruby and Quicksilver (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted
AD 2296 (October 15) Quartz and Palladium (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) refitted

NCN Tribal Replacement Plan/Frigate Replacement Plan

The NCN has also been lobbying the NCC for Galacite.  This has been to cover two projects.  The first is the replacement Tribal class ships project, including the construction of two Quiver class combat colliers.  The second is the Frigate Replacement program.  The FRP is intened to, as an interweb wag called it, replace the "Old Steel" of the 1st Task Groups squadrons with the more modern Heavy Frigates.  The older 3000 tonne ships are reaching the end of their viable life expectancy and their combat effectiveness is questionable.  The plan calls for re-purposing the London class frigates, and replacing the Terriers and Guardians with Wounded Knee and Gargoyle class ships.  The older ships will be scrapped but a small number of Guardians and a single Terrier will be retained along with the Protecteur class Resupply ships and Edmonton class jump tenders.  In order to allow for the transfer of the London's to the new 3rd Squadron structure two Lake class corvettes are produced.

Naval Yard: Deschimag A.G. Weser, Sol
AD 2294 (August 7) Cherokee (Tribal Mod2 class) built
AD 2295 (September 8 ) Haida (Tribal Mod2.1 class) built
AD 2296 (July 30) Mohican (Tribal Mod2.1 class) built replacing the 4 Tribals lost in Operation Hat Trick
AD 2296 (September 20) Retooling for Quiver class completed

Naval Yard: Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock, Sol
AD 2294 (November 24) Saxifrage and Lady Slipper (Flower Mod1 class) end construction.
AD 2294 (December 24) Retooling for Lake Mod1.2 class completed, 2 Lake Mod1.2 class corvettes are laid down.
AD 2295 (March 29) Retooling for Gargoyle Mod1.1 class completed, this allows the construction of Wounded Knee, Gargoyle, and Flower class ships.
AD 2295 (August 18) White Trillium and Red Lilly (Flower Mod1 class) leave their slipways.
AD 2295 (November 14)  Lac Quappelle and Lac Champlain (Lake Mod1.2 class) are completed.

As part of the FRP the oldest of the Terriers is sent to the yards to be broken up.
AD 2296 (November 10) Airedale (Terrier Mod1.4 class) is scrapped. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 1x Telus ASMFC 53-1000, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si

Research Developments
AD 2294 (November 4) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team completes research into Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Technology and turns their attention to improving the jump drive's secondary services (Jump Drive Efficiency 6)
AD 2295 (May 9) Dr. Charlotte Rowley's team tables a report of shipyard operation improvements (Shipbuilding Rate 750 BP) and begins a collaboration with Sol's universities to investigate the use of VI technology to impove interactivity between institutions (Research Rate 400 RP)
AD 2296 (October 10) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team developes a large focal array for the NCN (15cm Laser Focal Size) and then with the engineers of Thales set about to develop a prototype ship mounted weapon.
AD 2296 (November 5) Dr. Ben Knowles's team delivers the plans for various construction machines to the NCA (Construction Brigade) and the research complexes are reconfigured to develop improved terraforming systems.
AD 2296 (October 30) Dr. Leopold Herz's team end their investigation into improved thermal imagining systems (Thermal Sensor Sensitivity 6) and begins work on a top secret defence project BlackOps Project 1 (Meson focusing 1)
D 2296 (November 5) Dr. Leopold Herz's team delivers the build to print data for the Burns HiTek FLIR 12 and begins work with NorTEL on their survey instrument of BuSurvey's ships (NorTEL Sci IR Telescope)
AD 2296 (November 20) Dr. Leopold Herz's team produces a design for NorTEL Sci IR Telescope and starts on the a military version (NorTEL IR Array 1-3)
AD 2296 (December 25) Dr. Leopold Herz's team demonstrates the newest military passive IR sensor array to the NCN (NorTEL IR Array 1-3) and begins basic research into Graviton production (Active Grav Sensor Strength 12)

BIC Operation in Alpha Centauri

The industrial park on Faewald is running flat out and barely keeping up with the new demand.  The Govenor and the NCC on Earth agree to halt the transfer of anything but factory parts in an attempt to get ahead of the game.  Then the oddest thing occurs with protests begining in early March over the level of protection the colony has:

AD 2295 (March 3) Unrest is rising on Faewald because the population believes that the central government is not providing sufficient military protection.

This catches Governor House by surprise to say the least.  As if there isn't more critical things to complain about, but they unpack the pre-fabricated Tranquility class PDC that they have and by March 18 the assembly is complete and its 4 lasers are available to protect the colony from any near orbit threat.  The industrial park returns to its standard task of mass production of housing and lifesupport for the fast growing colony. 

The Upholder continues to play hotel to the 1st Geosurvey team, which works on the moons felt to be worth a resurvey.  The results are unfortunately best described as unspectacular.
AD 2294 (August 28) A deposit of 12.25 tons of Sorium (Accessibility 1) has been found on Calheme - Moon 1 by the 1st Geosurvey Team
AD 2294 (November 4) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-A VII - Moon 1
AD 2295 (November 24) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-A VII - Moon 8

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

Much like on Faewald the Industrial Park on Biforst largely spends its time producing housing and lifesupport systems.  Unlike Faewald though the production is stockpiled against later need.  So it is easy to work the assembly of a listening post class PDC into the schedule.

AD 2294 (October 23) Assembly of the PDC Listening Post ends

Routine deliveries of new colonists, infrastructure, mine equipment and machinery to expand the industrial park continue.  The colony is growing at a healthy pace although it is still cannot run 3 full shifts due to lack of workers.

BIC operation in Gliese 526

The ruins on Rosetta still continue to baffle the NCC Xenoarcheology team.  Work to understand the alien's writing and data storage methods continues but so far the progress has been slight.  The small Industrial Park of the colony is largely used to produce housing and life support that will be unnecessary once the atmosphere is fully terraformed, but for the moment is looking rather more critical as the population is very close to what can be currently supported.  As with the other colonies a listening post class PDC is assembled to monitor near space around the colony itself.
AD 2295 (April 9)Assembly of the PDC Listening Post is finished.

In early April or 2296 the Junk Yard arrives in Rosetta orbit to salvage the three wrecks present there.  It confirms two of them are Wolver ships as was long suspected, and while no working systems are recovered sufficient parts of several engines are found to give insights into the Wolvers advanced propulsion system.  The third wreck is of an unknow class of ship, but clear evidence of extensive engines are found before being processed into refined Galacite.  The resources recovered from the wrecks will be a big boost to both BIC and the NCN's construction plans.  The Junk Yard having completed its mission sets course for Sol.

AD 2296 (April 8 ) Salvage of Tone class [Wol] completed. Minerals Salvaged:  DUR: 158  NEU: 13  CRB: 24  BOR: 26  MER: 20  SOR: 14  URI: 86  GAL: 315
AD 2296 (April 16) 100 research points for Ion Engine Technology gained by SV Junk Yard
                         Evidence of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Drive Technology found within wreck of Akagi (Wolvers)
                         Salvage of Akagi class [Wol] completed. Minerals Salvaged:  DUR: 308  NEU: 34  CRB: 47  BOR: 154  MER: 10  SOR: 14  URI: 79  CRN: 56  GAL: 75
AD 2296 (April 24) Salvage of unknown class completed. Minerals Salvaged:  DUR: 59  NEU: 32  CRB: 59  TRI: 73  BOR: 47  MER: 4  URI: 32  GAL: 375

BIC Operations in Gl 493.1

Poisedean continues to recieve shipsments of people, with the Kingston class Transport Fergus added to the route, delivering 50,000 new colonists with each trip.  The modest Industrial Park assembles a listen post class PDC and then starts production of the machinery for a teleoperated mine.  This will take several years but with new machinery transfered from Earth the actual time required will be less.

AD 2296 (June 30) Assemble of the PDC Listening Post completed

BIC Operations in Gliese 408

Interstellar Terraforming mission II completes its initial mission goal of thickening the atmosphere of Gliese 408 II to 0.10 Atm, and then sets course for Forge and well earned R&R.  The new habitable planet is renamed Arboria and BIC starts examining how to shift its available colonization assets to begin the process.  The planet though possessing water and a breathable (if just) atmosphere is also relatively hot, with an average temperature of 45°C meaning that air conditioning systems are a necessity, especially in summer or at the lower latitutes.  But the amount required is approximately a tenth needed for Faewald, and it is considered an acceptable exchange.

AD 2296 (January 2) The atmosphere of Gliese 408-A II has just become breathable

Outsystem Survey Efforts
Ross 695
AD 2294 (July 25) Minerals Discovered on Ross 695-A Comet #1: Tritanium 12,165 (1)  Mercassium 18,522 (0.8 )  Uridium 30,600 (0.7)  Corundium 9,394 (1) 
AD 2294 (September 20) An exploration of a jump point in the Ross 695 system has revealed the new system of Gamma Virginis
The Bloodhound conducts a probe of the a jump point in Ross 695 and strikes gold.  An amazing system is found.  A binary system with a full habitable world and 3 others that are terraformable.  A considerable number of gas giants, moons and astroid belts are also present.  The unfortunate reality is that the system is at the limit of the Navy's range with the older Terrier/Guardian Frigates even with refueling at the jump point to Wolf 359.  Survey efforts begin after a probe reveals no alien presence but it is clear that the system survey  will require significant time to complete.

Gamma Virginis
AD 2294 (December 8 ) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A VII: Sorium 5,791,800 (0.9) 
AD 2294 (December 23) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A V - Moon 12: Uridium 729 (1) 
AD 2294 (December 23) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A V - Moon 13: Duranium 2,381 (1)  Uridium 380 (1)  Corundium 256 (1)  Gallicite 1,764 (1) 
AD 2294 (December 24) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A V - Moon 14: Duranium 259,200 (1) 
AD 2294 (December 25) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A V - Moon 16: Vendarite 8,100 (0.9)  Sorium 6,561 (0.9) 
AD 2295 (January 9) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2295 (January 24) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A II: Duranium 223,027,200 (0.1)  Mercassium 62,726,400 (0.1)  Vendarite 113,848,900 (0.1)  Corundium 116,208,400 (0.1) 
AD 2295 (February 14) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A III: Duranium 38,158,850 (0.1)  Neutronium 10,732,180 (0.7)  Corbomite 58,430,740 (0.1)  Boronide 36,578,300 (0.7)  Vendarite 50,979,600 (0.1)  Uridium 5,934,096 (0.1) 
AD 2295 (February 18) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2295 (February 30) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A I: Duran 72,144,070 (0.1)  Neut 213,444 (0.1)  Corb 1,920,996 (0.1)  Trit 8,054,244 (0.1)  Vend 9,622,404 (0.8 )  Sorium 41,835,020 (0.1)  Urid 13,176,900 (0.9)  Gall 5,645,376 (0.1) 
AD 2295 (March 15) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A IV: Duran 1,782,272 (0.1)  Neut 13,924 (0.3)  Trit 7,365,796 (0.1)  Boron 13,816,090 (0.1)  Merc 31,329 (0.1)  Vend 34,117,280 (0.6)  Sorium 1,006,009 (0.1)  Urid 8,702,500 (0.1)  Corun 20,106,260 (0.1)  Gall 9,412,624 (0.1)
AD 2295 (March 26) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A VI: Duranium 24,780,800 (0.9)  Sorium 11,022,400 (0.1)  Uridium 4,494,400 (0.1)  Corundium 7,617,600 (0.1) 
AD 2295 (April 21) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A VIII: Duranium 45,030,050 (0.1)  Boronide 32,421,640 (0.1)  Vendarite 2,579,236 (0.1)  Gallicite 1,364,224 (0.1) 
AD 2295 (May 10) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2295 (June 12) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A IX - Moon 3: Neutronium 1,327,104 (0.9)  Vendarite 1,285,956 (0.9)  Corundium 93,636 (0.6)  Gallicite 129,600 (0.5) 
AD 2295 (June 24) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A IX - Moon 4: Duranium 62,005,250 (0.2) 
AD 2295 (July 12) tMinerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A IX - Moon 14: Corbomite 3,415,104 (0.8 )  Boronide 4,553,956 (0.4)  Mercassium 435,600 (0.4) 
AD 2295 (September 20) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B I: Duran 50,984,800 (0.9)  Neut 15,023,380 (0.1)  Corb 20,142,140 (0.4)  Trit 751,689 (0.1)  Boron 2,663,424 (0.1)  Merc 26,010,000 (0.1)  Corun 2,832,489 (0.1)  Gall 13,111,640 (1) 
AD 2296 (February 2) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B IV: Sorium 2,177,900 (1) 
AD 2296 (February 2) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B IV - Moon 3: Duranium 648 (1)  Boronide 1,024 (1)  Sorium 121 (1) 
AD 2296 (February 4) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B IV - Moon 11: Tritanium 1,183 (1)  Sorium 876 (1)  Gallicite 1,665 (1) 
AD 2296 (February 4) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B IV - Moon 10: Tritanium 49 (1)  Boronide 264 (1)  Sorium 23 (1)  Uridium 30 (1)  Gallicite 77 (1) 
AD 2296 (February 7) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B IV - Moon 17: Corbomite 1,960,000 (0.1)  Sorium 3,610,000 (0.3)  Gallicite 1,299,600 (0.4) 
AD 2296 (February 24) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B III: Sorium 2,850,000 (0.7) 
AD 2296 (February 25) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B III - Moon 2: Duranium 106,722 (0.9)  Corbomite 7,056 (0.8 )  Vendarite 379,456 (1) 
AD 2296 (February 25) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B III - Moon 3: Duranium 2,521 (1)  Uridium 420 (1)  Corundium 289 (1)  Gallicite 1,849 (1) 
AD 2296 (March 7) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B II: Duran 15,736,050 (0.7)  Corb 213,444 (0.5)  Boron 6,290,064 (0.8 )  Merc 7,322,436 (0.1)  Vend 4,052,169 (0.3)  Sorium 156,816 (0.1)  Urid 10,246,400 (0.1)  Corun 2,944,656 (0.3)  Gall 2,509,056 (0.9) 
AD 2296 (March 11) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B Asteroid #45: Duran 116 (1)  Corb 46 (1)  Trit 64 (1)  Merc 174 (1)  Sorium 973 (1)  Urid 1,414 (1)  Gall 538 (1) 
AD 2296 (March 15) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B Asteroid #58: Duranium 1,311 (1)  Neutronium 16 (1)  Boronide 92 (1)  Vendarite 416 (1) 
AD 2296 (March 19) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B Asteroid #77: Duranium 16,635 (1)  Tritanium 3,181 (1)  Corundium 8,538 (1) 
AD 2296 (March 21) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B Asteroid #76: Duran 260 (1)  Neut 6 (1)  Corb 454 (1)  Trit 9 (1)  Boron 18 (1)  Vend 61 (1)  Sorium 262 (1) 
AD 2296 (March 27) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B Asteroid #64: Duranium 54 (1)  Neutronium 557 (1)  Vendarite 207 (1)  Corundium 8 (1) 
AD 2296 (March 27) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-B Asteroid #73: Duranium 26 (1)  Corbomite 5,991 (1)  Boronide 7,779 (1)  Mercassium 829 (1)  Vendarite 2,725 (1)  Uridium 1,109 (1) 
AD 2296 (August 1) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #33: Duranium 300 (1)  Neutronium 518 (1)  Corbomite 225 (1)  Tritanium 361 (1)  Uridium 625 (1)  Corundium 342 (1) 
AD 2296 (August 10) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #11: Duranium 1,800 (1)  Neutronium 151 (1)  Tritanium 52 (1)  Gallicite 190 (1) 
AD 2296 (September 1) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #25: Duranium 606 (1)  Neutronium 3,181 (1)  Boronide 973 (1) 
AD 2296 (September 4) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #20: Duranium 9,032 (1)  Gallicite 973 (1) 
AD 2296 (September 8 ) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #32: Duranium 1,861 (1)  Corbomite 289 (1)  Tritanium 441 (1)  Mercassium 1,296 (1)  Sorium 272 (1)  Uridium 1,225 (1) 
AD 2296 (September 11) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #4: Duran 737 (1)  Neut 829 (1)  Corb 2,916 (1)  Trit 1,253 (1)  Boron 2,025 (1)  Urid 44 (1)  Corun 303 (1)  Gall 1,384 (1) 
AD 2296 (October 6) Minerals Discovered on Gamma Virginis-A Asteroid #24: Corbomite 2,256 (1)  Tritanium 144 (1)  Uridium 841 (1) 
AD 2296 (December 15) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2297 (January 2) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 07:12:45 AM by Paul M »

Offline MarcAFK

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  •'s so simple an idiot could have devised it..
Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #289 on: November 14, 2014, 08:07:53 AM »
As I recall the morale error happens with very old ships, Try scrapping the oldest ones first.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Bryan Swartz

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #290 on: November 15, 2014, 02:33:44 AM »
Thanks for the update!  Please do continue this excellent story

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #291 on: November 16, 2014, 02:47:51 AM »
I have (as shall be seen) started an agressive scrap and rebuild campaign...I had the messages going down but they just shot up to around 22.  I don't think I have the many older ships still in service but we shall see.

I shall continue Bryan, the write ups just stopped due to work making me do 100 or so pages in administrative documentation and writing more "documentation" for fun was ... hard to motivate myself over.  But the game updates will hopefullly come out steadily.  I just need to catch the game and AAR up, so there are about 2 more Readers Digest Condensed Versions to come.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 05:16:10 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #292 on: November 21, 2014, 11:43:43 AM »
[ooc]Well it turns out 2 more parts as I have been noticing my save as drafts have been or are being truncated...I guess there is a limit on the file size that can be saved.  I forgot to save a log file though and so 6 months are missing.  I'll recover as much as I can from other history information in game though.  I'm also including ship designs and screenshots (in the next update) for a few things to help orient people.[/ooc]

AD 2297 (July) to 2300 (June) Catching Their Breath (Part II)

2300 is the 75th Aniversery of the start of the NCC's mandate to take humanity to the stars.  As such there are a great many celebrations, and events planned to occur throughout the year.  During an address to the NC Assembly Commissioner Buxtorf highlights three projects in particular that have achieved notable mile stones in the past year or so.  Arboria's settlement and the modification of the planets atmosphere, the modification of the Martian atmosphere, Rosetta's settlement, investigation of the last two jump points in Sol, the strengthing stockpiles of TN materials, and the state of the fuel farm.  For once in a long time, he does not have to raise alarms, though he is does raise concerns as some TN minerals are still in a state best called critical.  The civillian mines have been reduced to supplying Duranium, Neutronium and Uridium so the NCC has to find sources of all the others.  The presentation is well recieved by the Assembly, since it requires no particular actions from the Government.

The Assembly is actively involved in dealing with issues arrising from the growing offworld populations.  To the extent that efforts to expand southward on Earth itself have essentially slowed to a glacial creep.  Excavating and refurbishing the older cities of southern Europe, the souther seaboards of North America and claiming the vast gulfs of the ex-Russian prarie have taken longer and cost more than ever expected.  The outreach to the Japanese and Australasians is ongoing and proceeding far better than dealing with the areas on the southern shores of the Med, Africa or the bulk of the Asian continent.  Many of these areas are still under the sway of local governments that are fiercy xenophobic or even more fiercy independent.  It probably doesn't help that a growing segment of the population views them a neo-barbs, a view that becomes more poplar the further from LEO one is. 

Events in Sol in terms of Terraforming have made remarkable progress.  On Mars, the picture of Leonard Jenkins (a volunteer from all the Jenkin's on Mars) dressed in a red atmosphere suit taking the first breaths of Martian air is broadcast across the system.  He survives the experience and pronounces the air breathable but cold.  This simple action lays to rest the worry that had existed for decades of a major breach of a Martian habitat resulting in the death of millions.  It also means that the life expectancy of anyone lost away from the colony has dramatically increased.  Hyperthermia is still a grave danger as the surface temperature still is -35°C but no longer is your life measured by an oxygen tank level. 

The NCC starts a major effort to re-distribute a fraction of the Martian infrastructure that is not longer needed to support populations without air to Luna, Ganymede and Venus.  The shipping firms transport significant amounts of material from Mars to the other worlds but all start hauling people robbing the NCC of a lot of the gains it was hoping to make.  The result though for the first time in decades an increase to the population of Ganymede and Venus.  This is followed by the flow of infrastructure from Martian factories to the rest of the solar system.  The NCC detects increased shipping traffic in the solar system itself now that Mars's population is well below what the colony can support.

The NCC's oldest ship the GEV Upholder is scarpped on December 29, 2298.  The first ship the NC built has been in service for over 50 years and is credited with surveying most of Sol and then serving as a mobile base for the 1st Geosurvey team for years.  Parts of the ships control room and the air lock are preserved by the newly formed BuSurvey headquarters museum.  BuSurvey itself, largely due to the increase in the number of Captain's in the NCN is formally granted status as an individual command, seperating it from the Naval House. 

On February 1, 2300 the members of the NCC Xeonarcheology team are presented to the Assembly and given awards for their service to the NCC.  They are the first humans to have deciphered an alien language.

AD 2297 (December 10) The atmosphere of Mars has just become breathable
AD 2298 (August 5) Addition of Water to the atmosphere of Mars has been halted and the terraformers return to thickening the atmosphere with Nitrogen
[ooc]Safe Greenhouse Gas is added until October 25, 2298 to simulate the effect of water in the atmosphere.[/ooc]
AD 2300 (January15) Addition of Nitrogen to the atmosphere of Io has been halted and the terraformer begin liberating Oxygen

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
AD 2297 (February 15) Construction of Mines completed
AD 2297 (March 10) Construction of Maintenance Facilities completed
AD 2297 (July 15) Construction of Ground Force Training Facility completed
AD 2297 (July 20) Construction of 100 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2297 (September 25) Construction of 10 Construction Factories completed
AD 2297 (November 27) Construction of 10 Mines completed on Earth Construction of Commercial Shipyard Complex P+S Werfen GmbH
[ooc]the time between is lost due to me forgetting to make my regular save log[/ooc]
AD 2298 (August 10) Construction of 10 Mines completed
AD 2298 (August 15) Construction of 100 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2298 (November 20) Construction of 6 Deep Space Tracking Stations completed
AD 2299 (January 19) tConstruction of 10 Construction Factories completed
AD 2299 (March 20) Construction of 10 Mines completed
AD 2299 (July 20) Construction of Research Lab completed
AD 2299 (July 25) Construction of 100 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2299 (September 25) Construction of 10 Mines completed
AD 2299 (October 15) Construction of 2 Maintenance Facilities completed
AD 2299 (October 21) Construction of 100 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2299 (December 20) Construction of 10 Mines completed
AD 2300 (January 21) Construction of Prefab PDC Tranquility U3 complete
AD 2300 (February 5) Construction of Refit PDC LP Alert Bay completed
AD 2300 (June 5) Construction of Naval Shipyard Complex complete
AD 2300 (June 10) Construction of 100 Maintenance Supplies completed on Earth Construction of 5 Construction Factory has begun on Earth (90% of Industry)

Secondary Industrial Tasks
AD 2297 (February 6) Construction of Construction Factory completed
AD 2297 (March 10) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2297 (March 15) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2297 (May 12) Construction of Mine completed
AD 2297 (June 15) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2297 (June 20) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2297 (August  20) Construction of Construction Factory completed
AD 2297 (September 20) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2297 (September 25) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2297 (November 21) Construction of Mine completed
AD 2297 (December 25) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2297 (December 30) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
[ooc]the time between is lost due to me forgetting to make my regular save log[/ooc]
AD 2299 (April 12) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2299 (July 5) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2299 (August 30) Construction of Construction Factory completed
AD 2299 (September 30) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2299 (October 6) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2299 (December 5) Construction of Mine completed
AD 2299 (December 9) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2300 (January 15) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2300 (March 10) Construction of Construction Factory completed
AD 2300 (March 15) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed
AD 2300 (April 15) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc]
AD 2300 (June 10) Construction of Mine completed
AD 2300 (June 15) Construction of 25 Maintenance Supplies completed and Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts [ooc]Infrastructure x32[/ooc] begins

Missiles and Fighters
AD 2298 (July 5) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 001 constructed
AD 2298 (September 4) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 002 constructed
AD 2298 (December 20) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 003 constructed
AD 2299 (May 25) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 004 constructed
AD 2299 (July 25) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 005 constructed
AD 2298 (July 5) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missiles (Batch 4) completed
AD 2298 (November 14) Construction of 48 Arrow Anti-Ship Missiles (Batch 4) completed
AD 2298 (December 10) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 4) completed
AD 2298 (December 26) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 4) completed
AD 2299 (April 22) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 4) completed
AD 2299 (May 19) Construction of 120 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 4) completed
AD 2300 (April 1) Construction of 24 Arrow Anti-Ship Missile (Batch 4) completed
AD 2300 (April 15) Construction of 60 Falcon Counter Missile (Batch 4) completed

Code: [Select]
Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) class Pinnace    225 tons     3 Crew     41.5 BP      TCS 4.5  TH 9  EM 0
2666 km/s     Armour 1-3     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 0
Maint Life 53.4 Years     MSP 58    AFR 0%    IFR 0%    1YR 0    5YR 1    Max Repair 12 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 0.2 months    Spare Berths 82   

Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150 (1)    Power 12    Fuel Use 190.97%    Signature 9    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 5,000 Litres    Range 2.1 billion km   (9 days at full power)

Seimens SCMS Sentry 61-0050 (1)     GPS 12     Range 720k km    Resolution 1
Burns HiTek FLIR 12 (1)     Sensitivity 1     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  1m km [ooc]Here is where you can see why I made a bug report.  The passive EM sensor works properly the Thermal not.[/ooc]
Burns HiTek EMTD 12 (1)     Sensitivity 1.2     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  1.2m km

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

Industrial Efforts: Mars
AD 2297 (May 27) Construction of Housing and Lifesupport for 1 million colonists [ooc]Infrastructure x200[/ooc] complete.
AD 2299 (October 6) Construction of Housing and Lifesupport for 1 million colonists [ooc]Infrastructure x200[/ooc] complete.

Civillian Operations
AD 2297 (June 8 ) The supplies of all minerals on Van Biesbroeck have been exhausted. The civilian mining operation is therefore shutting down and the civilian mining complexes will eventually be redeployed elsewhere
AD 2300 (May 6) The supplies of all minerals on Reinmuth have been exhausted. The civilian mining operation is therefore shutting down and the civilian mining complexes will eventually be redeployed elsewhere
[ooc]The "redeployed elsewhere" is a lie![/ooc]

Research Developments
AD 2297 (January 10) 100 research points for Ion Engine Technology has been downloaded from SV Junk Yard to Earth
AD 2297 (September 30) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team finishes BlackOps Project 1 (Meson Focusing Technology 1) and switches over to assisting the engineers from Thales in producing a space testable laser prototype (Thales MilL-VIS Deegan) for the NCN.
AD 2297 (November 21) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team demonstrates to the enthusastic NCN Engineering Evaluation Team the prototype laser (Thales MilL-VIS Deegan) they then begin BlackOps Project 2 (10cm Meson Focal Size) for the NCN.  The Deegan is the shipboard laser system the NCN has wanted since Hattrick's closing phases.  It has a range in excess of the current fire controls (120k km) and a single burst can nearly penetrate even a Wolver ships armoured shell.  It avoided the engineering mistake of the previous design and has a balanced draw from the ship board energy systems.
AD 2298 (July 5) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team completes the build to print design for the NCN's most advanced shipboard reactor (CANDU FR 9MW) and begins collaborating with Saab to produce the assault version of the standard 4500 tonne jump engine (Saab JB3-90E1).
AD 2298 (August 25) Dr. Leopold Herz's team finishes the design of the NCNs new standard starship search sensor (Seimens SSS 63-3000) and begins work on the design of the counter missiles sensor for destroyer and larger vessels ( Seimens Sentry Extra 63/3-0050).
AD 2298 (August 30) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team has completed work for the 4500 tonne jump engine (Saab JB3-90E1) and begins work on the civillian jump engine to replace the current one used on 30K tonne vessels ( Saab CJB 3-680).  The engine ends up being only 50 tonne larger than than the JX3-60 used by the Edmonton class tenders.  It gives a enhanced jump radius of 100K km but is still limited to a total of 3 ships.
AD 2298 (October 30) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team in conjunction with Saab engineers demonstrates the upgraded civillian jump engine (Saab CJB 3-680), and set to work on the larger version for the Kingston, Loch, and Amazon classes (Saab CJB 3-900).  The new CJB 3-680 allows a standard 3 ship group to jump at once ending the need for tedious ferry operations at each jump point.
AD 2298 (November 14) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team completes BlackOps Project 2 (10cm Meson Focal Size) and starts to work on with the firm Dillahunt to produce a test bed prototype (Dillahunt APDK 10cm).  There are limited public rummors about the system under development but that the NCN is working on a defence project with significant impact to the security of Earth is suspected by various individuals pluged into the Inter Web.
AD 2298 (November 20) Dr. Leopold Herz's team completes the destroy version of the standard CM sensor (Seimens Sentry Extra 63/3-0050) and begins work on a lower resolution long range "Wolver Finder" shipborne system (Burns HiTek Tracker 63-9000).
AD 2299 (February 10) Dr. Leopold Herz's team turns over the design for the "Wolver Finder" for production (Burns HiTek Tracker 63-9000) and starts work on a upgrade to the standard PDC search sensor (PDC SS 610-2000).  The CM version for PDCs is considered sufficiently long range that it will not be upgraded.
AD 2299 (February 18) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team in close collaboration with Saab reveals the new large sized civillian jump engine (Saab CJB 3-900) and turns their attention to an upgraded engine for the Enchanter class incorporating assault range, and extra powerful coils on the spindle to enable the portal to be held open long enough for a 4th ship to pass through (Saab JB4-180E1).
AD 2299 (April 29) Dr. Morgan Fowler's team delivers the test results on the fast charging Barrier generator (GE Barrier A117) and begins work on improving the efficiency of the shield itself (Beta Shields).  This is the last component necessary for the refit of NCNs combat forces.
AD 2299 (June 17) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team demonstrates the first test of the new defence system (Dillahunt APDK 10cm) and turns the design over to Toronto Arsenal for series production(TorAr Backstop PDCFDT).  Based on the fact the weapon system was apparently able to engage target drones in LEO speculation is that it is a combination Laser Ionizer and Particle Beam designed to allow missile interception above the atmosphere, something that the current laser based systems can not do.
AD 2299 (August 12) Dr. Lauren Wheeler's team delivers the production drawings of the PDC point defence system to the NCN for approval (TorAr Backstop PDCFDT) and commences work on improving the reaction time of such turrets (Turret Tracking Speed (10% Gear) 4000 km/s).  Dr. SigraeifR Hildibjornson takes over the research from Dr. Wheeler when she retires due to medical concerns shortly after completion of the Backstop turret.  Her retirement is well attended by both Fortress and Ship officers due to her being responsible for the development of the laser weapon family now used in the NCN.
AD 2299 (October 6) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team with Saab support delivers the built to print for the new jump engine for the Enchanter class (Saab JB4-180E1) and starts working on an engin capable of moving the next gen ship to the stars (Saab JB4-240E1).  It will be able to to stay open long enough for four 12,000 tonne ships to pass through, with an arrival circle of 100K km.
AD 2299 (October 26) Dr. Leopold Herz's team has completed the design of the PDC search sensor upgrade (PDC SS 610-2000) and begins development of better orbital observation satilites (Planetary Sensor Strength 300).

Civillian Yard: Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Sol
AD 2297 (July 30) Niagra and Kitchner (Kingston (EE) class) are completed.  Niagra is assigned to BIC Sol replacing the MacKenzie while the Kitchner becomes the lead ship to Heavy Lift Group IV.

Civillian Yard: Robert Napier & Sons, Sol
AD 2297 (January 15) Retooling for Queen class completed
AD 2297 (March 3) Sapphire (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) built and assigned to ICG I, allowing eventually the Emerald to be assigned to BICSOL (Light Transport) and the Bauxite to be paid off
AD 2297 (September 12) Elizabeth I (Queen class) built on Earth and assigned to Troop Transport Mission I
AD 2297 (November 15) Retooling for Bauxite Long Range (EE) class completed
AD 2298 (April 25) Catherine the Great (Queen class) built on Earth and assigned to Troop Transport Mission II
AD 2299 (August 20) Pyrite and Titanium (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) built and assigned to ICG II
AD 2300 (January 15) Amber (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) built and assigned to ICG III

Code: [Select]
Queen class Auxiliary Transport    29,800 tons     205 Crew     720.8 BP      TCS 596  TH 400  EM 0
671 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-85     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 5     PPV 0
MSP 76    Max Repair 55 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 3   
Troop Capacity: 5 Battalions    Cargo Handling Multiplier 15   

Saab CJX 2-600     Max Ship Size 30000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
MAN NP CE-200 (2)    Power 200    Fuel Use 6.19%    Signature 200    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 24.4 billion km   (420 days at full power)

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050 (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Civillian Yard: P+S Werfen GmbH, Sol
[ooc]What is missing is the expansion of this yard to 15,000 tonnes but that didn't take very long.[/ooc]
AD 2298 (September 15) Upton (Upholder Mod2 class) is constructed and sets off for the jump point to Alpha C departing Sol on September 30 with the aid of a BIC jump ship and then proceeds to Faewald.
AD 2298 (October 15) Retooling for Petrocan (EE) class completed
AD 2299 (April 22) Slipway added to P+S Werfen GmbH
AD 2299 (April 7) Fas Gas (Petrocan (EE) class) built on Earth and assigned to Beta Tanker Mission
AD 2299 (November 1) Mobil (Petrocan (EE) class) built on Earth and assigned to Alpha Tanker Mission

Code: [Select]
Upholder Mod2 class Geological Survey Vessel    2,000 tons     39 Crew     208.4 BP      TCS 40  TH 100  EM 0
2500 km/s     Armour 1-14     Shields 0-0     Sensors 6/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
MSP 130    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0   

MAN NP CE-100i (1)    Power 100    Fuel Use 9.28%    Signature 100    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 48.5 billion km   (224 days at full power)

NorTEL Sci IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  6m km
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Code: [Select]
Petrocan (EE) class Tanker    9,950 tons     92 Crew     321.4 BP      TCS 199  TH 400  EM 0
2010 km/s    JR 1-25(C)     Armour 1-41     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 0
MSP 81    Max Repair 50 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 3   

Saab CJX S-200     Max Ship Size 10500 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 1
MAN NP CE-200 (2)    Power 200    Fuel Use 6.19%    Signature 200    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 146.1 billion km   (841 days at full power)

Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000 (1)     GPS 500     Range 2.5m km    Resolution 100
NorTEL Civ IR Telescope (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

This ship re-uses the original jump engine, just to save resources.  This is viewed as an interm solution and the next generation of the Petrocan will use the most modern solo jump engine.

Naval Yard: Deschimag A.G. Weser, Sol
AD 2297 (August 20) Quiver (Quiver class) built on Earth and assigned to 4th Squadron/TG2
AD 2299 (June 30) Retooling for Quiver Mod1 class completed
AD 2299 (August 30) Quiver and Magazine (Quiver Mod1 class) ends refit
AD 2299 (October 26) Apache (Tribal Mod2.2 class) finishes being refitted
AD 2299 (November 1) Haida (Tribal Mod2.2 class) completes refitting
AD 2299 (November 25) Retooling for Enchanter Mod1.3 class completed
AD 2299 (December 25) Cherokee (Tribal Mod2.2 class) refitted on Earth
AD 2299 (December 30) Mohican (Tribal Mod2.2 class) refitted on Earth

Code: [Select]
Tribal Mod2.2 class Destroyer    8,850 tons     226 Crew     1135.55 BP      TCS 177  TH 300  EM 270
2259 km/s     Armour 2-38     Shields 9-200     Sensors 18/18/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 28.6
Maint Life 5.58 Years     MSP 481    AFR 104%    IFR 1.5%    1YR 26    5YR 391    Max Repair 50 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Flight Crew Berths 6   
Hangar Deck Capacity 250 tons     Magazine 172   

Rolls Royce NP E-M80Si (5)    Power 80    Fuel Use 63%    Signature 60    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 620,000 Litres    Range 20.0 billion km   (102 days at full power)
GE Barrier A117 (9)   Total Fuel Cost  63 Litres per day

TorAr Goaltender III Laser Array (2x1)    Range 30,000km     TS: 12000 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 1    ROF 5        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grundig Snapshot Mk1-80/16X BFC (1)    Max Range: 32,000 km   TS: 8000 km/s     69 37 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANDU FR 9MW (1)     Total Power Output 9    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (6)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System (2)    Missile Size 5    Rate of Fire 150
Telus ASMFC 53-1000 (1)     Range 20.1m km    Resolution 20
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (2)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
Falcon Counter Missile (72)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 2.8m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 60 / 36 / 18
Arrow Anti-Ship Missile (20)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 16.6m    Range: 12m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 64 / 38 / 19

Seimens SCMS Sentry Extra 63/3-0050 (1)     GPS 39     Range 2.3m km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 63-3000 (1)     GPS 2160     Range 16.7m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 1-3 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Bell Phased Array P3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The most powerful NCN currently in service, fully updated.  The firecontrol systems of the NCN were not updated in the latest round of R&D activities as they still out perform their associated sensors.  The ship carries now the improved DPPD turrets and associated fire controls which give the ship a small chance to engage even the the Wolver Type M missile.  The new Barrier systems have improved quench recovery modifications improving the recyling time by 100 seconds.  This will allow for faster incombat regeneration of the ships first line of defence.  Improvements in the armour belt have reduced the mass of the ship and thus increased its overall agility incombat somewhat.  Higher efficiency engines have boosted its range somewhat as well.  The main changes were in the ships sensor package.

Code: [Select]
Quiver Mod1 class Collier    8,950 tons     183 Crew     1183.5 BP      TCS 179  TH 300  EM 270
2234 km/s     Armour 2-38     Shields 9-200     Sensors 18/18/0/0     Damage Control Rating 6     PPV 15.6
Maint Life 5.71 Years     MSP 496    AFR 106%    IFR 1.5%    1YR 26    5YR 387    Max Repair 50 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Flight Crew Berths 7   
Hangar Deck Capacity 250 tons     Magazine 315   

Rolls Royce NP E-M80Si (5)    Power 80    Fuel Use 63%    Signature 60    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,150,000 Litres    Range 36.7 billion km   (190 days at full power)
GE Barrier A117 (9)   Total Fuel Cost  63 Litres per day

TorAr Goaltender III Laser Array (2x1)    Range 30,000km     TS: 12000 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 1    ROF 5        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grundig Snapshot Mk1-80/16X BFC (1)    Max Range: 32,000 km   TS: 8000 km/s     69 37 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANDU FR 9MW (1)     Total Power Output 9    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (1)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
Falcon Counter Missile (115)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 2.8m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 60 / 36 / 18
Arrow Anti-Ship Missile (40)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 16.6m    Range: 12m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 64 / 38 / 19

Seimens SCMS Sentry Extra 63/3-0050 (1)     GPS 39     Range 2.3m km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 63-3000 (1)     GPS 2160     Range 16.7m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 1-3 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Bell Phased Array P3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

This ship is designed based on the experience of Operation Hattrick.  A collier/tanker that can accompany the battleline is an absolute requirement as running out of missiles leaves the NCNs current combat ships only with their DPPD turrets.  But a resupply vessel that is too fragile is a huge risk to bring near an enemy like the Wolvers so the Quiver class removes the bulk of the missile tubes from a Tribal and uses the space for enhanced magazine space and extra fuel.  One Quiver is intended to resupply 2 Tribal's ASMs after an engagement.  During an engagement the ship adds to the anti-missile defences of the squadron.

Code: [Select]
Enchanter Mod1.3 class Jump Ship    9,000 tons     217 Crew     1109.5 BP      TCS 180  TH 300  EM 270
2222 km/s    JR 4-100     Armour 2-38     Shields 9-200     Sensors 18/18/0/0     Damage Control Rating 5     PPV 6.3
Maint Life 2.89 Years     MSP 385    AFR 129%    IFR 1.8%    1YR 68    5YR 1017    Max Repair 150 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Flight Crew Berths 11   
Hangar Deck Capacity 250 tons     Magazine 144   

Saab JB4-180E1     Max Ship Size 9000 tons    Distance 100k km     Squadron Size 4
Rolls Royce NP E-M80Si (5)    Power 80    Fuel Use 63%    Signature 60    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 620,000 Litres    Range 19.7 billion km   (102 days at full power)
GE Barrier A117 (9)   Total Fuel Cost  63 Litres per day

TorAr Goaltender III Laser Array (1x1)    Range 30,000km     TS: 12000 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 1    ROF 5        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grundig Snapshot Mk1-80/16X BFC (1)    Max Range: 32,000 km   TS: 8000 km/s     69 37 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANDU FR 9MW (1)     Total Power Output 9    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Falcon Counter Missile (64)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 2.8m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 60 / 36 / 18
Arrow Anti-Ship Missile (16)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 16.6m    Range: 12m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 64 / 38 / 19

Seimens SCMS Sentry Extra 63/3-0050 (1)     GPS 39     Range 2.3m km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 63-3000 (1)     GPS 2160     Range 16.7m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 1-3 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Bell Phased Array P3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The updated jump engine gave the ship both increased arrival or departure range but also allows a single jump ship to bring along 3 consorts.  Thus to assault jump 4th Squadron only 2 enchanters are now necessary.  The space saved was used to increase the onboard missile storage of the ship for its secondary collier role.

Naval Yard: Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock, Sol
AD 2297 (September 6) Agincourt (Wounded Knee Mod1.1 class) built on Earth and assigned to Battlegroup 2nd Squadron/TG1
AD 2298 (September 23) Chimera (Gargoyle Mod1.1 class) built on Earth and assigned to Battlegroup 2nd Squdron/TG1
AD 2299 (January 26) Nighthag (Gargoyle Mod1.1 class) built on Earth and assigned to Battlegroup 1st Squadron/TG1
AD 2299 (January 26) Stalingrad (Wounded Knee Mod1.1 class) built on Earth and assigned to Battlegroup 1st Squadron/TG1
AD 2299 (February 25) Ypres (Wounded Knee Mod1.1 class) built on Earth and assigned to Battlegroup 2nd Squadron/TG1
AD 2299 (July 10) Retooling for Gargoyle Mod1.2 class completed
AD 2299 (July 25) Mi-Go (Gargoyle Mod1.1 class) does not even exit its slip as it goes into an immediate refit to its electronics and barriers.
AD 2299 (September 30) Mi-Go (Gargoyle Mod1.2 class) refitted on Earth and is assigned to Support Group 1st Squadron/TG1
AD 2299 (November 1) Stirge (Gargoyle Mod1.1 class) also goes into an immediate refit to replace its electronics and barriers and will be assigned to Support Group 2nd Squadron/TG1
AD 2299 (December 30) Gargoyle, Stirge, and Grendal (Gargoyle Mod1.2 class) end their refits.
AD 2299 (December 30) Wounded Knee and Normandy (Wounded Knee Mod1.2 class) refitted on Earth
AD 2300 (April 15) Wild Rose (Flower Mod1.1 class) refitted on Earth

Code: [Select]
Flower Mod1.1 class Jump Tender    4,500 tons     116 Crew     541.95 BP      TCS 90  TH 150  EM 180
2222 km/s    JR 3-100     Armour 2-24     Shields 6-200     Sensors 18/18/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 3
Maint Life 3.92 Years     MSP 151    AFR 81%    IFR 1.1%    1YR 16    5YR 234    Max Repair 37 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 0   
Magazine 33   

Saab JB3-90E1     Max Ship Size 4500 tons    Distance 100k km     Squadron Size 3
Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si (5)    Power 40    Fuel Use 66.5%    Signature 30    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 300,000 Litres    Range 18.0 billion km   (93 days at full power)
GE Barrier A117 (6)   Total Fuel Cost  42 Litres per day

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (1)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
Falcon Counter Missile (33)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 2.8m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 60 / 36 / 18

Seimens SCMS Sentry II  62/3-0050 (1)     GPS 27     Range 1.6m km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 63-3000 (1)     GPS 2160     Range 16.7m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 1-3 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Bell Phased Array P3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The space saved by the more modern jump drive is used to improve the ships shields so now they are as strong as the other heavy frigates.

Code: [Select]
Gargoyle Mod1.2 class Heavy Frigate Escort    4,450 tons     113 Crew     598.9 BP      TCS 89  TH 150  EM 180
2247 km/s     Armour 1-24     Shields 6-200     Sensors 18/18/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 6
Maint Life 9.29 Years     MSP 336    AFR 39%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 7    5YR 105    Max Repair 36 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Flight Crew Berths 5   
Hangar Deck Capacity 250 tons     Magazine 110   

Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si (5)    Power 40    Fuel Use 66.5%    Signature 30    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 350,000 Litres    Range 21.3 billion km   (109 days at full power)
GE Barrier A117 (6)   Total Fuel Cost  42 Litres per day

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (6)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (2)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
Falcon Counter Missile (108)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 2.8m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 60 / 36 / 18

Seimens SSS 63-3000 (1)     GPS 2160     Range 16.7m km    Resolution 60
Seimens SCMS Sentry II  62/3-0050 (1)     GPS 27     Range 1.6m km    Resolution 1
NorTEL IR Array 1-3 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Bell Phased Array P3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Code: [Select]
Wounded Knee Mod1.2 class Heavy Frigate    4,450 tons     130 Crew     598.9 BP      TCS 89  TH 150  EM 180
2247 km/s     Armour 1-24     Shields 6-200     Sensors 18/18/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 13
Maint Life 9.49 Years     MSP 336    AFR 39%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 7    5YR 101    Max Repair 36 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 3   
Magazine 75   

Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si (5)    Power 40    Fuel Use 66.5%    Signature 30    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 350,000 Litres    Range 21.3 billion km   (109 days at full power)
GE Barrier A117 (6)   Total Fuel Cost  42 Litres per day

Nordion Buckler CM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 30
Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System (2)    Missile Size 5    Rate of Fire 150
Grumman SCMFC 52-50 (1)     Range 3.0m km    Resolution 1
Telus ASMFC 53-1000 (1)     Range 20.1m km    Resolution 20
Falcon Counter Missile (24)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 2.8m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 60 / 36 / 18
Arrow Anti-Ship Missile (10)  Speed: 12,000 km/s   End: 16.6m    Range: 12m km   WH: 4    Size: 5    TH: 64 / 38 / 19

Seimens SCMS Sentry II  62/3-0050 (1)     GPS 27     Range 1.6m km    Resolution 1
Seimens SSS 63-3000 (1)     GPS 2160     Range 16.7m km    Resolution 60
NorTEL IR Array 1-3 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km
Bell Phased Array P3-18 (1)     Sensitivity 18     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  18m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Northern Coalition Army
AD 2298 (December 26) Yellowknife Ranger Bn completes its infantry training at Camp Wainwright and the recruits for the 2nd NC Engineering Bde arrive to begin their training.
AD 2299 (January 19) 1st NC Construction Bde completes its training at Stanford Training Area and embarks on the Queen Elizabeth for transport to Rosetta, the recruits that will form 3rd NC Engineering Bde arrive shortly after they depart the barrack blocks.
AD 2300 (June 30) 2nd NC Engineering Bde finishes training at Camp Wainwright and it is followed by the new inductees for the Arborian Peacekeeper detachment.

Frigate Replacement Program

The FRP as originially planned assumed that 3rd Squadron/TG1 would be composed of 3 London Escorts, and a Guardian class area defence Frigate forming the Battlegroup.  The support group would conist of two Edmonton class jump tenders, a Protecteur class resupply vessel, and a Guardian class area defence Frigate.  A light re-supply group would be formed of a Terrier class Missile Frigate (mainly to lay mines), two Protecteur class resupply vessels, an Edmonton class jump tender and Guardian class area defence Frigate.  However, to update the JX3-60 jump engine of the Edmonton's would require an additional research effort and the new JB3 90-E1 engine is only 50 tonne large than the current engine on the Edmontons and can be used by ships 50% larger.  So there seemed little sense in retaining the 3000 tonne hull or ships designed around it in service, with the exception of the Scout class of probe ships.  This was compounded by the fact that it would require more schooling for the crews, and a doubled amount of maintenance spares space to keep modernized versions in service.  The final nail on the original plan was the discovery of micro cracks and other indicators of fatigue in the space frames of some of the oldest ships.

The FRP was adjusted to replace the 3rd Squadron now with the Gargoyle class area defence Heavy Frigate but still retain London's only now modernizations would not be limited to 3000 tonnes but could be of any size up to 4500 tonnes.  This was especially critical as the Deegan was not a small system.  The support group would then be the same as all other support groups in TF1.  The concept of a light resupply group was changed to include Flowers and Edinburough class ships.   Mine laying could be accomplished by building an extra Wounded Knee class ship.  It is also decided due to their age to pay off the existing London class ships and build newer ones once ship yard space was available for the task.

This change had an impact in outsystem naval operations, which up until now had been the responibility of TG1.  But the re-organization, construction and training of the new ships would take considerable time so outsystem naval operations was transfered to 5th and 6th Squadrons.  This would allow the sequential paying off and new construction necessary to fill out 1st and 2nd Squadrons to take place.  The Flower class jump tenders would require refitting as well.  This was nearly a complete rebuild and it was looked into if refitting or Paying off/re-building made the most sense.

NCN Paid Off List
AD 2297 (May 12) Beagle (Terrier Mod1.4 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 1x Telus ASMFC 53-1000, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 100,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2297 (July 15) Banff (Edmonton Mod1.3 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Saab JX3-60, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 4x GE Barrier A119, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 10,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2297 (October 26) Bloodhound (Terrier Mod1.4 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 1x Telus ASMFC 53-1000, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 100,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2297 (December 10) Borsoi (Terrier Mod1.4 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 1x Telus ASMFC 53-1000, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 100,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2298 (July 23) Foxhound (Terrier Mod1.4 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 1x Telus ASMFC 53-1000, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 100,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2298 (September 29) Mastiff (Terrier Mod1.4 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 1x Telus ASMFC 53-1000, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x Nordion Arbalist ASM Launch System, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 100,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2298 (October 5) Watchman (Guardian Mod1.3 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 150,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (March 20) Picket (Guardian Mod1.3 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 129,802 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (March 25) Sentry (Guardian Mod1.3 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 150,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2300 (March 15) Purple Violet (Flower class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Saab JA3-90, 5x Rolls Royce NP E-M40S, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 1x Seimens SCMS Extra Vigilant 52/3-0050, 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 3x Boeing SBCM Cell, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 3x GE Barrier A119, 83,268 Litres Fuel
AD 2300 (March15) Lookout (Guardian Mod1.3 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 1x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 1x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 1x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 4x GE Barrier A119, 1x Boeing SBMAG, 1x Seimens SCMS Vigilant Plus 51/4-0050, 3x Rolls Royce NP E-M40Si, 150,000 Litres Fuel

Spaceframe Renewal Program

It started with rumors on the Inter Web and then moved on to investigative journalism.  Commercial firms usually scrapped their ships after 20 years in service.  BuSurvey, BIC and the NCN had ships nearly a half a century old still in service.  The Upholder was humanities first spaceship for example.  In the case of BIC and the NCN the hulls had recieved periodic modernizations often quite extensive in scope which meant that the major components (in particular the engines) were often decades younger than the hull they were mounted on.  Various special interest groups and citizen groups started asking if the spaceframe itself was still sound after all this time.  Extensive testing revealed the existance of micro-cracks in many of the oldest spacecraft.  The effect of these micro-cracks on the integrity of the spaceframe itself was studied and the most rigorous analysis showed it was unlikely to cause catastrophic failure, but the possibility of such an event could not be excluded.  However, like a horse with the bit in mouth the issue grew and grew until the NCC mandated that all older spacecraft would be paid off from the active list and replacement ships constructed.  [ooc]Or put another way...the constant pressing of OK realy is annoying![/ooc]

Needless to say the shipyard firms were estatic over this decision and as it turns out a large fraction of BIC's fleet and BuSurvey's force is around 30 years old so a considerable number of ships were designated to be paid off and replacements built.  Various and sundry Inter Web conspiracy theory emerged but they are conflicting and contradictory of each other.  Is it a conspiracy of the shipyards, or a conspiracy by BIC?  Reasonable people avoid the question entirely.  BICs plan is to pull ships off the route, pay them off and then rebuilt them. 

AD 2297 (June 15) Bauxite (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NP CE-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 5x Cargo Handling System, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 10,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2297 (October 9) Mackenzie (Mackenzie class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NT CE-62, 3x Cryogenic Transport, 17,385 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (February 1) Upholder (Upholder Mod1 class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Geological Survey Sensors, 1x MAN NT CE-62, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 40,615 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (April 29) Amber (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NP CE-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 5x Cargo Handling System, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 250,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (April 29) Amethyst (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NP CE-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 5x Cargo Handling System, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 250,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (May 19) Petrocan (Petrocan class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 1x Saab CJX S-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 4x MAN NT CE-62i, 500,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (September 25) Diamond (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NP CE-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 5x Cargo Handling System, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 250,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (December 9) Husky (Petrocan class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 1x Saab CJX S-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 4x MAN NT CE-62i, 500,000 Litres Fuel

Scrapping of Obsolete Fighters/Systems
AD 2299 (January 26) Fairmile B3(EW) 001 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 5,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (February 1) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 021 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 5,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2299 (July 25) Fairmile B3(EW) 002 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 5,000 Litres Fuel
AD 2300 (January 21) Fairmile B3(EW) 003 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 5,000 Litres Fuel

AD 2297 (October 9) 1x MAN NT CE-62 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 4.6875.  Gallicite: 4.7 tons. 
AD 2299 (January 26) 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 2.25.  Gallicite: 2.3 tons. 
AD 2299 (February 1) 1x MAN NT CE-62 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 4.6875.  Gallicite: 4.7 tons. 
AD 2299 (February 1) 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 2.25.  Gallicite: 2.3 tons. 
AD 2299 (July 25) 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 2.25.  Gallicite: 2.3 tons. 
AD 2299 (December 9) 3x NorTEL IR Array 0-3 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 13.5.  Uridium: 13.5 tons. 
AD 2299 (December 9) 8x MAN NT CE-62i scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 37.5.  Gallicite: 37.5 tons. 
AD 2299 (December 9) 12x Bell Phased Array P3-15 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 54.  Uridium: 54.0 tons. 
AD 2300 (January 21) 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 2.25.  Gallicite: 2.3 tons. 
AD 2300 (March 15) 7x GE Barrier A119 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 8.4.  Duranium: 2.1 tons.  Corbomite: 3.2 tons.  Boronide: 3.2 tons. 
AD 2300 (March 15) 2x NorTEL IR Array 0-3 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 9.  Uridium: 9.0 tons. 
AD 2300 (March 15) 5x Rolls Royce NP E-M40S scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 37.5.  Gallicite: 37.5 tons. 
AD 2300 (March 15) 2x Bell Phased Array P3-15 scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 9.  Uridium: 9.0 tons. 

BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri

The NCC switching over to only shipping machinery for fabrication grew the industrial park on Faewald significantly [ooc]By the end of this time period Construction Factory x61[/ooc], which had two effects.  The positive effect was that finally there was more production of housing and lifesupport modules then the population growth.  For the first time in decades the demand list started to shrink rather than grow.  To say that everyone involved was elated was an understatement.  The negative effect was that the demand on Faewald's duranium stockpile was greater than the production of its mines.  This led to periodic production slowdowns (October-November 2298, September-October 2299, and March-April 2300).  These were offset by instructing the inbound Heavy Lift group or ICG to drop off their cargo at Faewald and then divert to Banshee to load all available duranium and then off load it at Faewald.  This, as the outages indicate, was at best a stop gap solution.  The NCC now that it had sufficient industrial capacity switched to sending mines to build up the amount of duranium being mined.  The industrial park in the time frame produced enough housing and lifesupport for around 4.3 million people [ooc]Infrastructure x1290 plus probably around 400 more in the time period that I lost[/ooc].

The 1st Geosurvey team was also busy.  On March 23, 2297 they are dropped off on Calheme and on April 5, 2297 they report that they have concluded their survey.  After years of effor they are done.  The finish a quick survey of moon 1 of planet VII before heading for the planets of the B component starting with the innermost planet on May 13, 2297.  They remain there until they return to Faewald on October 19, where the newly arrived Upton takes over from the Upholder as their support ship.  The Upholder gives its crew R&R at Faewald and then departs for Earth.  The Upton transports the 1st Geosurvey team back to B I on November 5, 2298.  The team completes their survey on March 1, 2299.  They arrive on B II the same day and inside of two weeks on March 11, 2299 complete the survey of B II.  The next day the team in on B III and they complete the survey of that world on July 25, 2299.  They then move to moon 4 of B IV arriving on July 28, 2299.  The extra crew space on the Upton allows it to remain on station for 2 years eliminating the 8 month limit the survey team previously had to take into consideration.

AD 2297 (March 23) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Calheme
AD 2297 (April 5) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Calheme
AD 2297 (April 5) A deposit of 4 326 400 tonnes of Neutronium (Accessibility 0.1) has been found on Calheme by the 1st Geosurvey Team
AD 2297 (April 13) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-A VII - Moon 1
AD 2297 (May 13) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B I
AD 2298 (November 5) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B I
AD 2299 (March 1) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-B I
AD 2299 (March 1) A deposit of 11 771 761 tonnes of Boronide (Accessibility 0.2) has been found on Alpha Centauri-B I by the 1st Geosurvey Team
AD 2299 (March 1) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B II
AD 2299 (March 11) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-B II
AD 2299 (March 12) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B III
AD 2299 (July 25) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-B III
AD 2299 (July 25) Additional deposits of Uridium have been found on Alpha Centauri-B III by the 1st Geosurvey Team. The total amount available has increased from 7 840 000 to 24 840 256 tonnes.
AD 2299 (July 25) Additional deposits of Neutronium have been found on Alpha Centauri-B III by the 1st Geosurvey Team. The total amount available has increased from 4 064 256 to 8 809 024 tonnes.
AD 2299 (July 28) 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 4

BIC Operations in FL Virginis

Biforst continues as it has for the past decade or so.  ICG VI and VII continue to arrive loaded with new colonists, and some combination of colonial life support systems, and machinery for mines or the industrial park.  The industrial park produced enough housing and life support for ~600 000 new colonists [ooc]Infrastructurex122[/ooc] most of which was stockpiled against later need.

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

Rosetta's industrial park continues to produce colonial housing and additional lifesupport managing to stay ahead of the population growth of the colony.  Sufficient for ~380 000 colonists is produced localy [ooc]Infrastructure x76[/ooc], which combined with that transported in by Heavy Lift Group II keeps a margin of some 300 000 between the population and the colonies capacity.  Interstellar Terraforming Group II arrives on to join ITG I and speed up the process of atmosphere modification.  In a major relief for the colonists on January 6, 2300 the amount of Ammonia in the atmosphere falls to a level that is no longer perceptable.  The 4 terraformer ships begin increasing the amount of Nitrogen in the atmosphere.

AD 2300 (January 6) All traces of Ammonia removed from atmosphere of Rosetta

For what seems to be a small eternity the NCC Xenoarcheology team has been engaged in digs at the engimatic ruins found on the planet.  The situation had gotten so unbelievable that the NCC had formed a second team to assist in the dig but before that team could be sent to Rosetta the long awaited breakthrough occured.  On December 10, 2300 the team announced that they had discovered both how the aliens stored their information and more importantly how to read it.  They also had determined that the aliens of the Abbaji Republic were at approximately the same technological level as the Norther Coalition [ooc]Aliens are TL3[/ooc].  The fact that the team had assumed a much higher technology level was a contributing factor to the delay as they had not tried several "simplistic" approaches under the assumption the more advanced aliens would not use such "primitive" concepts.  The timing is also very good for the availablity of a construction brigade to attempt to bring the alien infrastructure back into operation.   The 1st NC Construction brigade arrives on July 15, 2999 and sets to work attempting to recover as much of the alien city as possible.  The score a major success at the end of June 2300 when they manage to recover the major components of a research complex.

AD 2298 (December 10) Ruins on Rosetta have been fully surveyed by the NCC Xenoarcheology Team. The alien race which inhabited the planet as been identified as the Abbaji Republic and their language and symbology have been translated. [ooc]97 abandoned installations were found which may be recovered by an construction brigade[/ooc]
AD 2299 (September 10) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned automated mine
AD 2299 (December 20) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered 4 abandoned Maintenance Facilities
[ooc]AD 2299 (December 20) The Morale of 1st NC Construction Bde has increased to 101[/ooc]
AD 2300 (January 6) 1st NC Construction Bde has attempted to recover an alien installation on Rosetta but the installation was beyond repair
AD 2300 (June 30) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned Research Facility on Rosetta
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 09:21:29 AM by Paul M »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #293 on: November 23, 2014, 02:46:51 AM »
AD 2297 (July) to 2300 (June) Catching Their Breath (Part III or Part IIB)

BIC Operations in Gliese 408

For the purposes of settling the newly named planet of Arboria, BIC tranfers ICG V from the Biforst run.  The First-In colonists (20 000 recruited from Venus) arrive with Govenor Alexandra White on July 25, 2977.  They carry with them the housing, power systems and other necessities to set up the colony.  On November 20, 2297 Heavy Lift Group IV (Kitchner) arrives with 50 000 more colonists, plus duranium and corundum mined and previously stockpiled on Forge.  On February 29, 2298, making a special run, ICG VI arrives with: 20 000 more colonists, additional colony support systems, the heavy equipment needed to mine the planets TN materials plus fabrication machinery to start a industrial park.  Further trips by ICG V bring in heavy equipment for more mines, further fabrication tools and more colonial support systems and housing.  By the end of June 2300 the industrial park turns out enough extra housing and cooling systems for ~900 000 more colonists [ooc]colony cost is ~30[/ooc].  Heavy Lift Group IV in the same time period transfers 200 000 new colonists from Venus to Arboria.

Interstellar Terraforming Mission II finishes their task of increasing the Oxygen level of Arboria's atmosphere to 0.11 Atm on February 25, 2299.  They break orbit heading for Rosetta.

AD 2299 (February 25) Addition of Oxygen to the atmosphere of Arboria has been halted as specified conditions have been met

Outsystem Survey Operations
Gamma Virginis
This system is just too far away, plus the Wolf 358 system borders two systems infested with Wolvers.  BIC's analysis is that significant development in engines plus establishement of additional refueling will be necessary.  Its current lift capacity is also stretched between 5 colonies and with the space frame replacement program under operation it is clear that new capacity will not be available for several years.  The system is listed as high priority but set on the "To Be Colonized" List.

But in terms of wealth, prospects for both colonization and expansion so rich a system has never been found.

AD 2297 (January 2) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2297 (May 21) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2297 (June 8 ) New Jump Point found in the Gamma Virginis System
AD 2297 (June 26) Gravitational Survey Completed in the Gamma Virginis system. The system has a total of 8 jump points

Gamma Virginis/HIP 66675
While Alpha and Beta Grav survey missions were wending their slow way around the outer system it was decided to investigate the nearest jump point to the entry point.  The Jump Tender White Trillium and the Normandy transit throught to find the system listed in the old starcharts as HIP 66675.  It is, unspectacular.  A dim red dwarf surrounded by two close orbiting terrestrial worlds and the remains of a third.  The innermost world is only 6.6 m km from the stars photosphere.  These three are followed by a pair of gas giants with one and two terrestrial moons respectively.  Then a dwarf planet and a large dispersed asteroid belt and a final gas giant.  Outside of this is a large dispersed ort cloud containing dozens of larger asteroids.  None of the worlds have water or breathable atmospheres.  IS III conducts a probe of the system but the Scout finds no alien presence in the system and they return to Gamma Virginis on May 22.  Dissapointing sums it up.

AD 2297 (May 9) An exploration of a jump point in the Gamma Virginis system has revealed the new system of HIP 66675

Wolf 358/NN 3667
After the conclusion of the survey of Gamma Virginis the NCN returns to its standard "Wolf Watch" station in Wolf 358.  However, one jump point remains unexplored.  Largely because it was 5 billion km from then entry jump point, a distance over 50% of the range of a Terrier class frigate.  While the 6th Squadron is on "Wolf Watch" the Vimy Ridge and the Jump Tender Wild Rose are detached to probe jump point 5.  The arrive on August 14, 2298 and the Wild Rose transits both ships through to the system NN 3667.  The trip was a waste of fuel.  The system's entry jump point is 2.5 billion km from a dim white dwarf (D8-VII) not even surounded by asteroids.  The ships return after the standard 5 minutes of photography and spectroscopy necessary to determine the system ID and set course for the 6th Squadron. 

AD 2298 (August 14) An exploration of a jump point in the Wolf 358 system has revealed the new system of NN 3667

Gliese 1061
After completing an overhaul after the survey of Gamma Virginis Alpha and Beta grav survey missions ferried by IS I set course for Gliese 1061, beyond Epsilon Indi.  They will finish the survey of this system.  The system has a single world with water, but an unbreathable atmosphere and reasonable gravity.  It is unfortunately far enough from its red dwarf primary to be bitterly cold.  Still worlds with water are not that common that it isn't on the colonization eventually list.  The BuSurvey ships arrive on December 5, 2298.  While the two grav survey missions finish off the survey of the outer system the ships of IS I intercept the last two of the systems 5 comets and conduct mineral surveys.  On June 24, 2299 the BuSurvey ships head back to Sol, mission accomplished.

AD 2299 (January 1) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A Comet #2: Duranium 656 (1)  Neutronium 33,682 (0.8 )  Vendarite 18,092 (0.7)  Sorium 11,454 (1)  Uridium 17,399 (0.9)  Gallicite 38,489 (0.7) 
AD 2299 (February 30) Minerals Discovered on Gliese 1061-A Comet #4: Duran 300,080 (0.8 )  Neut 43,918 (0.9)  Corb 16,147 (0.9)  Boron 27,362 (0.9)  Merc 42,316 (0.9)  Vend 4,618 (1)  Sorium 7,873 (0.9)  Gall 11,719 (1) 
AD 2299 (April 13) New Jump Point found in the Gliese 1061 System
AD 2299 (June 4) Gravitational Survey Completed in the Gliese 1061 system. The system has a total of 3 jump points

Sol/Kapteyns Star
The decision is made in late 2298 to complete the survey of Sol, probing the last two jumppoints.  The NCN is convinced they are not infested with Wolvers but 3rd Squadron is free to do the task and there is a good alignment of Jupiter with the furthest jump point allowing for easy refueling of the tankers.  3rd Squadron arrives at Jump point 7 on January 28, 2299.  The Dorset and Banf are detached to do the probe.  Some 5 minutes later the ships are back in Sol reporting the discovery of the system called Kapteyns Star.  The entry jump point is 3.2 billion km from a dim red dwarf (M2-V) that is surrounded by a belt of asteroids.  IS II arrives at the Sol side of the jump point on February 13, 2299 and enters Kapteyns Star.  The James Cook starts gravitational surveys in the region of the entry jump point while the Voyageur heads insystem to survey the asteroids.  The ships of 3rd Squadron and the BuSurvey's IS II transit back to Sol on August 12, 2299.  A further full detailed survey for jump points leading out of this system can wait for improved engines.  Jump point 6 will be probed in 2300 when the Earth is aligned with the jump point itself.

AD 2299 (January 28) An exploration of a jump point in the Sol system has revealed the new system of Kapteyns Star
AD 2299 (May 11) Minerals Discovered on Kapteyns Star-A Asteroid #4: Neutronium 1,475 (1) 
AD 2299 (May 26) Minerals Discovered on Kapteyns Star-A Asteroid #31: Neutronium 331 (1)  Sorium 10,445 (1)  Gallicite 566 (1) 
AD 2299 (June 1) Minerals Discovered on Kapteyns Star-A Asteroid #33: Uridium 174 (1) 
AD 2299 (June 25) Minerals Discovered on Kapteyns Star-A Asteroid #35: Duranium 5 (1)  Tritanium 56 (1)  Gallicite 25 (1) 
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 09:06:25 AM by Paul M »

Offline Bryan Swartz

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #294 on: November 23, 2014, 06:52:20 AM »
I'd recommend imgur.  A new galaxy map would be a great thing! 

Offline MarcAFK

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  •'s so simple an idiot could have devised it..
Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #295 on: November 23, 2014, 07:41:35 AM »
Imgr seconded, I used to use photobucket, but switched to imgr for more anonymity for civcraft, the only downside to imgr seems to be the hours I waste looking at gifs of kittens and whatever. Oh and it sometimes stops uploading when my internet disconnects, and doesn't seem to continue the upload where it was keft.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #296 on: November 23, 2014, 09:11:07 AM »
Thank you Mark and Bryan.  I have updated the post to include a starmap using Imagur.

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #297 on: June 22, 2015, 07:45:34 AM »
A bit barebones I'm sorry to say but I've got to get through to 2305 which is the current game date.  Using EXCEL speeds things up I have found.  I need to get the details for the new system listed plus I will look to see if I have the 2300 system details.  I know I wrote them down...just have to find them.  OP Ivanhoe is over but it is in September 2305.  Looks like I will have 2 6 month turn write ups between the above one and this one, they will unfortunately be out of order in the AAR.

AD 2300 (July) to 2301 (June) Catching Their Breath (Part IIIC)

The NCC is actually doing very well in this time point.  Fuel is building up quickly in the outer colonies, and even Earth's farm is largely being kept at around 10 million litres by utlization of the civillian harvester at Jupiter, with only occasional use of the Refineries.  Levels of minerals are reasonable with the three outstanding Venderite, Boronide and Galacite under careful watch by the NCC with a strong desire to maintain the slow but steady increase in their stockpiles.

The Assembly is happy with the economic progress being made with significant wealth flowing into the governments cofferes from largely taxes on the population but a significant amount starting to come in from taxation on trade good and transfers between the Sol colonies.  On a local political front the rate of acquisition of new territory by the NC has slowed down dramatically.  There are three primary reasons for this.  The first is that the Wolver intrusion caused a serious negative impact on the diplomatic efforts with the southern hemisphere and pacific basin powers.  There is significant animosity over the so called "White Man's Stupidity That Nearly Got Us All Exterminated."  That there was little chance of that happening is logic, the response is not.  That all the major defences are in the North wasn't exactly helpful.  Regardless the diplomatic efforts certainly were stalled, and currently the efforts are mainly in regaining lost ground rather than forging ahead.  The second reason is that the recovered areas, are in need of significant upgrading of infrastructure, archeological efforts and fundamental rebuilding.  The south of Europe and the coastal areas of the North America are covered in the mouldering wreckage of a civilization and the engineering companies contracted to render them habitable again are making far slower progress then expected.  Coupled with the efforts of Archeologists to preserve older pre-fall structures makes the task considerably more complicated then anyone ever imagined.  The last reason is large numbers of refugees flooding north, across the Mittlemer, from the Azatlan City States, over the Siberian wastes, and even landing along the Carribique shores.  The numbers have been substantial and they stress the capabilities of the NC.  The problem is far less the numbers then the fact that they all need substantial re-education and training as there is simply not that many jobs that can be done by under-educated individuals.  This also ties down a significant fraction of the NC Army in border patrol duties.  Here the fact they have guass rifles is less a factor then the fact they have exception orbital sensors, but it still requires the formation of more and more units to patrol the borders.  The fact that people are leaving the established states in the south to go north also feeds into the first problem with many states claiming a "brain drain" to the NC.  Worse many of these people sign up for colonization drives and end up being statistics on Venus.  The shipping lines still producing colony ships in excess of any sensible need.

Terraforming efforts of the moon Io are advanced, as a small amount of Oxygen has been built up around the moon (0.005 Atm) and the terraformers resume releasing Nitrogen to thicken the atmosphere furhter.
2301 (June 21) Addition of Oxygen to the atmosphere of Io has been halted as specified conditions have been met               

Industrial Efforts, Earth, Sol
Primary Industrial Tasks
2300 (July11) Construction of Construction Factories completed                     
2300 (September12) Construction of Mines completed                     
2300 (October16) Construction of Construction Factories completed
2300 (December12) Construction of Mines completed                  
2301 (April 6) Naval Shipyard Complex "Old Norfolk Naval Yards" is assembled in LEO.  It is intended to produce naval vessels of up to 12 000 tonnes.               
2301 (April 11) Construction of 100 Maintenance Supplies completed                     
2301 (June 6) The prefabrication of a PDC Tranquility U3 class point defence base is completed and work on more Construction Factories begins.                     

Secondary Industrial Tasks
2300 (July 18) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete Infrastructure x32                        
2300 (September 12) Construction of Construction Factory completed on Earth                     
2300 (September 17) Construction of Maintenance Supplies x25 completed on Earth                     
2300 (October 16) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete Infrastructure x32               
2300 (December 7) Construction of Mine completed on Earth                     
2300 (December 12) Construction of Maintenance Supplies x25 completed on Earth                     
2301 (January 9) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete Infrastructure x32                     
2301 (March 6) Construction of Construction Factory completed on Earth                     
2301 (March 11) Construction of Maintenance Supplies x25 completed on Earth                                 
2301 (April 11) Colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts is complete Infrastructure x32                  
2301 (June 6) Construction of Mine completed on Earth                     
2301 (June 12) Construction of Maintenance Supplies x25 completed work on new colonial housing prefabs and lifesupport systems for BIC extrasolar colonization efforts Infrastructure x32 has begun                  

Missiles and Fighters
2300 (October 11) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 006 (Fairmile C3(EW/SAR)) built               
2300 (December 12) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 007 (Fairmile C3(EW/SAR)) built            
2301 (February 15) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 008 (Fairmile C3(EW/SAR)) built               
2301 (April 16) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 009 (Fairmile C3(EW/SAR)) built               
2301 (June 21) Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) 010 (Fairmile C3(EW/SAR)) built and construction of the next Fairmile C3(EW/SAR) begins.               

Industrial Efforts: Mars and Luna
2300 (October 1) Sufficient new life support for 1 million people is prodcued on Luna                     
2301 (May 4)  Refit PDC LP Sirius Planum completed on Mars                     

Civillian Operations
2301 (April 16) The civilian mining colony on Neujmin has been expanded to 24 civilian mining complexes                     
2301 (June 12) The civilian mining colony on Encke has been expanded to 25 civilian mining complexes   

Research Developments
2300 (November 4) Dr. VíkingR Hœkillson's team has completed the design of the largest military jump engine ever produced indended for the jump tender consorts of the CL Fallen class (Saab JB4-240E1 Jump Drive) and begin research into further engine efficiency (Fuel Consumption: 0.6 Litres per Engine Power Hour)
2301 (March 6) Dr. Charlotte Rowley's team has completed research that further improves the rate that CoE can develop technolgy for the NC (Research Rate 400 RP) and begin efforts to produce a new set of tax rules to deal with the current economic situation (Expand Civilian Economy by 20%)
2301 (May 15) Dr. KnæikiR Hólmkellson's team has completed research into new terraforming techniques (Terraforming Rate 0.002 atm) and turns the laboratory space over to the Logistics Team who start to work on the TOE for a Brigade HQ.            
2301 (June 12) Dr. Leopold Herz's team has completed research into improved orbital sensors (Planetary Sensor Strength 300) and begin research into missile tracking algorithems that will improve interception probabilities ( Max Tracking Time Bonus vs Missiles 20% )
2300 (August 2) Dr, Bethany Bruce joined the NCC scientific establishment.  Her specialization is in the field of high energy laser physics (Research (Energy Weapons) 20%).      

Civillian Yard: Robert Napier & Sons, Sol
2300 (October 27) Jade (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) is built and is assigned to BICSol's light transport group.         
2301 (March 18) Emerald (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) is built.         

Naval Yard: Old Norfolk Naval Yards, Sol
2301 (June 12) 500 tonnes of capacity added (capacity now: 1500 tonnes)                     

Naval Yard: Deschimag A.G. Weser, Sol
2300 (July 6) Sorcerer and Wizard (Enchanter Mod1.3 class) refitted                     
Naval Yard: Victorias Esquimalt Graving Dock, Sol
2300 (August 8 ) Hippogriff (Gargoyle Mod1.2 class) refitted                     
2300 (September 12) Purple Violet (Flower Mod1.1 class) built            
2300 (October 6) Ortona and Vimy Ridge (Wounded Knee Mod1.2 class) refitted                  
2300 (October 6) Gryphon and Harpy (Gargoyle Mod1.2 class) refitted                     
2300 (December 2) Saxifrage and Red Lilly (Flower Mod1.1 class) refitted                     
2301 (April 11) Lady Slipper and White Trillium (Flower Mod1.1 class) refitted                  

Naval Yard: Arkangelski Design Bureau, Sol
2300 (August 17) 500 tonnes of capacity added (capacity now: 1500 tonnes)         
2300 (October 21) 500 tonnes of capacity added   (capacity now: 2000 tonnes)               
2300 (December 20) 500 tonnes of capacity added (capacity now: 2500 tonnes)                  
2301 (February 15) 500 tonnes of capacity added   (capacity now: 3000 tonnes)               
2301 (April 6) 500 tonnes of capacity added   (capacity now: 3500 tonnes)                  
2301 (May 27) 500 tonnes of capacity added   (capacity now: 4000 tonnes)               

Northern Coalition Army
2300 (July 26) The 3rd NC Engineering Bde completes training.                     
2300 (December 20) The 1st Extrasolar Bde LTR* Bn is trained.                     
2301 (February 7) The Arborian Peacekeeper Detachment graduates.                  
2301 (May 15) The 2nd Extrasolar Bde LTR Bn is trained                     
2301 (July 6) The Atlantean LTR Bn is trained.  The 3 LTRs and the Peackeeprs are loaded on the Elizabeth I for transport to their deployments.
*LTR:  Local Training and Recruitment.  A company sized formation intended to train colonists for duty with the regulars.  It is intended to keep the deployed far from home forces up to full strength.                  

Frigate Replacement Program

Efforts continue to pay off more ships of the 3000 tonne frigate classes.  But additionally older ships in the Heavy Frigate catagory are paid off and then rebuilt, rather than refit as this ensures a longer cycle time until they too will need to worry about hull fatigue.

NCN Paid Off List
2301 (January 25)  Mayflower, Pacific Dogwood, Fireweed (Flower class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 3x Saab JA3-90, 15x Rolls Royce NP E-M40S, 3x NorTEL IR Array 0-3, 3x Bell Phased Array P3-15, 3x Seimens SCMS Extra Vigilant 52/3-0050, 3x Seimens SSS 53-3000, 3x Grumman SCMFC 52-50, 9x Boing SBCM Cell, 3x Nordion Buckler CM Launch System, 9x GE Barrier A119, 750,000 Litres Fuel         

Spaceframe Renewal Program

The renewal of BICs cargo ships without significant operational impact is continuing but it is going slowly.  But the requirement to keep up a steady flow of heavy equipment to Faewald is a top priority with BIC.  This will mean a far less organized and efficient process but one which keeps the flow of goods and supplies at essentially normal levels.

2300 (July 11)   Jade (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NP CE-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 5x Cargo Handling System, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 250000 Litres Fuel      
2300 (December 2) Emerald (Bauxite Long Range (EE) class) scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x MAN NP CE-200, 1x Seimens Civ Navi 2M/5000, 5x Cargo Handling System, 1x NorTEL Civ IR Telescope, 250000 Litres Fuel      

Scrapping of Obsolete Fighters/Systems

2300 (December 17) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 023, 024, 027, 031 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 4x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 4x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 20,000 Litres Fuel            
2301 (April 16) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 013 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 5000 Litres Fuel            
2301 (June 21) Fairmile C1(EW/SAR) 028 scrapped on Earth. Recovered Components: 1x Seimens SAMS Vigilant 51-0050, 1x Bombadier Backboard NPM1-150, 5000 Litres Fuel            

2301 (January30)   15x Rolls Royce NP E-M40S scrapped. Salvage from scrap: Wealth: 112.5.  Gallicite: 112.5 tons.                 

BIC Operations in AD Leonis

Forge is as usual a hub of BIC operations, its traffic control centre handling the routing of messages and flight plans for ICGS or FHG though the year.  FHG IV and FHG VI complete shore leave on July 26 and are back harvesting on the 27th.  On October 11 Heavy Lift Group IV, FHG III and FHG V arrive in Forge orbit for crew R&R.  October 20 sees the crew of Heavy Lift Group III added to the mix.  Both Heavy Lift Groups leave on the 27th of October but two days later ICG V arrives on the way back to Earth after having delievered new colonists and supplies to Argos.  ICG V breaks orbit heading for Earth on November 17.  FHG III and FHG V's crews finish their leave and are back at work on the 23rd of November.  ICG VI arrives on Novemeber 30 to give its crews a break from their ships departing on December 12.  In late December and early January 6th Squadron replaces 5th Squadron at the AD Leonis-Wolf 358 jump point for the Wolver Watch.  A dance of refueling tankers ensures that the ships are fully fueled both on station in Wolf 358 and for the return to Sol.  ICG VIII on the way to Posidean arrives on January 18 and depart on January 30.  ICG VII pauses its journey at Forge from February 2nd to the the 15th.    FHG XII is in orbit around Forge from April 16 until May 27.  During that time Heavy Lift Group II arrives on April 30 and Heavy Lift Group IV on May 8.  Heavy Lift Group II departs on May 15 while the Kitchner (HLG IV) leaves on May 20.  FHG XII is back harvesting on May 28. 
BIC Operations in Alpha Centauri

Faewalds local industrial park is fully employed turing out housing and lifesupport producing sufficient for 3.4 million people over the year.  Production is slowed in September and later seriously between January and Feburary by a lack of Duranium as the demands of the industrial park exceed the production capacity of the mines.  Faewalds fuel farm shows constant growth over the year as production outstrips utlization.
FHG II finishes shore leave on July 11 and is back harvesting at Doinene on the 18th.  The two terraforming ships of Instersteller Terraforming Mission III arrive in Faewald orbit for a long shore leave, remaining there until October 11, and then returning to Calheim to resume removing oxygen from the planet's atmosphere on the 21st of October.  ICG III arrives on September 12th transfering to Faewald the Duranium that has been mined on Banshee and departs for Earth on October 1 with its holds at over 30% utilized by minerals for Earth's hungry industrial park.  ICG I arrives on October 18 and departs for Earth on November 12.  FHG X arrives in Faewald orbit on December 2 and departs on January 3.  Shortly after on December 7 FHG I arrives to give its crews shore leave, with them breaking orbit on January 9.  Febuary 15 sees the arrival of ICG IV, which offloads its cargo and departs on March 6.  Heavy Lift Group I arrives on April 21 and departs on March 6.  The NCC is trying various cargo configuration out during this time to see which is the best way to meet the demands of Faewalds burgeoning population in the best way.

The 1st Geosurvey team completes the surface survey of B-IV moon 4 finding nothing new in September and then returns to Faewald to give the Upton's crew shore leave.  The Upton returns to its mission on December 12, and drops the Geosurvey team on B-IV moon 12 fifteen days later.  The survey of the moon is complete in May with additional tritanium found and the team moves on to moon 20.

2300 (September 5) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 4         
2300 (December 27)th 1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 12                     
2301 (May 15) The 1st Geosurvey Team has completed its surface-based geological survey of Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 12         
2301 (May 15) Additional deposits of Tritanium have been found on Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 12 by the 1st Geosurvey Team. The total amount available has increased from 1476225 to 2125764 tonnes.                     
2301 (May 20)  1st Geosurvey Team dropped off on Alpha Centauri-B IV - Moon 20                     
BIC Operations in FL Virginis                        

Biforst's industrial part turns out housing and lifesupport for 720 000 people over the year.  The colony is still maintaining a lead on its current population so they are mainly mothballed or put into warehouse storage.  The lesson of Faewald has been fully absorbed in the NCC and by BIC so the number of mines is fixed at twice the number of factories to keep from ending up without sufficient minerals to build.  The Fuel Farm also increases over the year as here also demand is outstripped by production.

ICG VI arrives on August 4 and departs on August 17.  FHG VIII adds to the farms volume and turns its crews loose for some R&R on November 7, the ships are back harvesting on December 22.  ICG VII arrives on May 29 and leaves on June 12.  FHG VII makes orbit on June 23, adding to the farm and allowing its crew some time off their ships.

BIC Operations in Gl 493.1                  

Poesidean continues to grow and its industrial park is hard at work on the equipment an tele-operated mine to expand the number providing it with Duranium and Corundium.  FHG XI arrives on February 8 and is back on its duty station on March 20.  On the 2nd of April Heavy Lift Group III (Fergus) arrives with new colonists, the ship departs for Forge on April 21.  The colony is prospering and its fuel farm is also slowly growing as the number of ships arriving per year is small due to the distances from Earth.
BIC Operations in Gliese 408   

Arborea prospers and its industrial park turns out housing for nearly 1 million new colonists using Duranium transfered from Forge's mines.     ICG V and Heavy Lift Group IV arrive through the year (see the above for AD Leonis and subtract a few weeks as the ships leave Earth go to Arboria and then to Forge) bringing further housing materials, new colonists and heavy equipment for mines or factories.   

BIC Operations in Gliese 526

Rosetta's industrial park turns out housing and lifesupport for 360 000 people over the year.  Heavy Lift Group II arrives on November 6 and departs on November 17 its cargo holds loaded with Galacite and maintenance facilities for Earth.  FHG IX arrives in Rosetta orbit on January 16 and is back harvesting on March 16.  The fuel farm of the colony is slowly growing as the other colonies as demand is exceeded by production.

The efforts to recover the alien technology is ongoing.  The return to operation of a Terraforming engine is a major step forward and will move forward the time when the planet is fully habitable by years.  Manning it has a significant impact on the small colonies available personel but the trade off is considered to be worth it.

2300 (August 30) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Rosetta                     
2300 (October 1) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered 1200 tons of stored Gallicite on Rosetta                     
2300 (December 2) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned fuel stockpile of 6 750 000 litres on Rosetta            
2300 (December 20) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered 1x R9/C3 Meson Cannon on Rosetta                     
2300 (December 27) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned Construction Factory on Rosetta                  
2301 (February 15) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered 3600 tons of stored Mercassium on Rosetta                     
2301 (April 1st 1) NC Construction Bde has attempted to recover an alien installation on Rosetta but the installation was beyond repair   
2301 (April 26) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned Mine on Rosetta                     
2301 (May 15) 1st NC Construction Bde has attempted to recover an alien installation on Rosetta but the installation was beyond repair   
2301 (June 28) 1st NC Construction Bde has recovered an abandoned Terraforming Installation on Rosetta                  

Outsystem Survey Operations
Sol/Lacaille 8760

The final unexplored jump point in Sol is to be probed in August again by the 3rd Squadron and with the support of Insterstellar Survey I.  The ships of 3rd Squadron arrive at the jump point, the 2nd furtherst one from the Sun in Sol on August 8.  Again the Dorset and Banf are detached to probe the unexplored jump point.  They spend 15 minutes on the other side before returning to Sol with initial information on the new system.  No habitable worlds being found the ships of the 3rd Squadron settle in to wait for the arrival of the BuSurvey ships scheduled for August 24.  All ships jump into Lacaille 8760 and the Pathfinder starts its probes to see if the system if free of Wolvers while surveying for further jump points near the arrival jump point begins.  The Pathfinder is plagued with equipment malfunctions during its solo journey with one engine and half of its geosensor array needing major repairs while the ship was underway.  The probe; however, is routine with no alien infestation being found and the intial exploration is nearing completion at the end of June 2301.

2300 (August 8 )  An exploration of a jump point in the Sol system has revealed the new system of Lacaille 8760

Lacaille 8760 is a dim (luminosity 0.06) red star (class M0-V) with a mass slightly under half of the sun (0.47 solar mass).  It has a planetary system consisting of 2 dwarf planets and 3 gas giants.  The innermost planet is one of the dwarf worlds at a distance of 37 m km, the planet is remarkable only in that it could be used as a base with terraforming (surface temperature 31° C, Gravity 0.16G) but lacks water so isn't a serious contender for colonization.  At 147 m km is the next dwarf world, which is wholy unsuited for colonization.  Next at 251 m km is a Super Jovian with a system of 19 moon, of which 3 are terrestrial but all would require extreme terraforming efforts and none possess water.  At 316 m km is another more normal sized gas giant with 15 moons one of which is terrestrial but again is a major terraforming project and lacks water.  The last world orbits at 1.44 b km and is a standard gas giant with 9 rocky moons.  Two asteroid belts are present, the first at between 20-25 m km with 5 major asteroids, the second is between the two outer gas giants (500-1 000 m km) and has 20 major asteroids.  There are also 16 comets present in the system but most seem to have very long orbits.            

2300 (September 28) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A Comet #12: Neutronium 292 (0.9), Corbomite 18422 (0.8 )
2300 (October 18) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A IV: Sorium 744 600 (0.9)                    
2300 (October 29) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A IV - Moon 4: Tritanium 11 522 630 (0.1), Mercassium 538 903 (0.1), Vendarite 2 880 658 (0.1)     
2300 (November 3) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A IV - Moon 6: Duranium 3 732 (1)                    
2300 (November 21) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A III: Sorium 275 000 (0.4)                    
2301 (January 2) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A Comet #16: Duranium 85 262 (0.9), Neutronium 9554 (0.8 ), Corbomite 2180 (0.9), Sorium 12 618 (1), Uridium 93 620 (1), Corundium 17 745 (1)     
2301 (January 3) Minerals Discovered on Lacaille 8760-A Comet #13: Duran 202 960 (1), Neut 6610 (1), Trit 1417 (0.7), Boron 9620 (0.7), Vend 3152 (0.7), Sorium 4942 (0.7), Gall 4301 (0.7) 

« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 01:06:16 AM by Paul M »

Offline MarcAFK

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  •'s so simple an idiot could have devised it..
Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #298 on: June 22, 2015, 08:47:24 AM »
Did adding the starmap cut the bottom off the post?
I can't seem to find the part where you mentioned having image hosting problems , also about a year seems to be missing.
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #299 on: June 22, 2015, 10:20:47 AM »
I also can't see where I posted that I had issues with hosting sites...maybe I edited it out though once Imagr worked...and you are correct I did skip a year!  I will repair the mistake as soon as I can.  I have spotted the file for January 2300 to June 2300, but I need to look for the July 2299 to December 2299 file.  I will also look for my summary data on the NC in 2300 that is on sheets of paper though.  Added in Edit: found the july 2299 to december 2299 data!  So that is a plus.

Using the import into EXCEL though really saves a lot of time.  I can sort the file by system and do a lot of the editing quicker...a lot quicker actually compared to any of the other methods I've tried.  I must admit a lot of the information is nice for me to see but not interesting to others (how many promotions, political reliablity gains, training gains etc) that helps me have a feel for things going on behind the scenes in the NCN.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 11:08:03 AM by Paul M »