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Offline Brainsucker

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #120 on: July 24, 2013, 08:58:43 PM »
There are many aliens in your game, while I haven't find any one of them yet

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #121 on: July 25, 2013, 06:23:19 AM »
Have you given any thought to naming the stars something other than Gliese this and Wolf that?
I think the FL Virginis system looks promising, although that Gliese 408 planet is nothing to shake a stick at.  It could be terraformed very quickly and start generating money and population and trade if nothing else.

No the star names are given by using the local starmap, as it is an Earth based game.  The names of planets on the other hand will be different...I just don't bother naming planets without colonies...I should name the gas giants I am harvesting though.  That was one of the nice things in Mass Effect...all the planets in all the systems were named and had back stories.

Gliese 408 was the primary candidate for colonization just because it was easy to colonize...but no one likes that it can't have much of a home grown industry.  It would be relatively cheep though to move minerals from Forge to Gliese 408.  Thanks for the input.

Quote from: Brainsucker
There are many aliens in your game, while I haven't find any one of them yet

The aliens are even fighting each other...I've had the game slowed down by alien wars.  I have to admit I am running into the Wolvers everywhere...they are blocking off a lot of possible well one of the terrestrial planets in Wolf 359 is also a great one for colonization (I think it is one of the closest to Earth I have found) plus the explored part of the system was quite mineral rich.  I have NPR chances turned way down though.  Hopefully sooner or later the battles becomes less one sided.

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #122 on: July 27, 2013, 10:52:44 PM »
but well, with the existence of the aliens, we have a reason to build up our military. Without a sign of them in my game, AAR wise / Role Play wise, it is weird if I develop a large & powerful ships in my empire. RP Political wise, some of the politician will said like this," Why do we need to build such weaponry in space? What are you aiming to? The Alien (Sarcasm tone)? or our own people?

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #123 on: July 28, 2013, 03:00:32 AM »
yes...the first Science Vessels that BuSurvey had were fully unarmed and were just what the name vessels.  The George Vancourvers and Scouts are survey ships but they are armed and designed around the concept of a hostile universe.

The NCN also would not have gotten the funding for a lot of things without the Wolf 359 incident.  But having the aliens next door has shaped the political reality a great deal.  The NCN hasn't yet been able to figure out why the Wolvers have not invaded but their entire strategy is based on a "battle of the line" at earth where they use the firepower of the Forts.  They think that given the number of launchers they can muster they have a good chance to win that.  Anywhere else the navy's sole battle winning tactic is a jump point ambush...and that has not been tested so they don't know for sure.

RP wise the navy would be small if the Wolvers had not been found.  Then there is a lot of design changes that are the result of battle experience.  Without the wolvers the missile bases would look a lot different and so too would the ships.  The degree of technological inferiority has forced the navy to ruthlessly exploit every tiny advantage it can and pushed the whole drive technology issue to the forefront.

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #124 on: July 28, 2013, 03:48:33 AM »
Gliese 526 A Jewel in the Dark

AD 2282 (July 1) Jump Point Three in FL Virginis

The Edmonton opened a gap in reality and the three ships in the temporary task group jumped into the unknown showing up in the system that based on old Earth star surveys had been given the name Gliese 526.  The Borsoi and Picket's crews were busy as the ships optical sensor systems took a 360° panorma of the star system while the engineers on the Edmonton worked to recalibrate the drive to open the jump portal back to FL Virginis.  After around 5 minutes the ships were ready to jump back.

AD 2282 (July 4) Jump Point 1 in Gliese 526

Insterstellar Survey IV had entered the system an hour ago.  Commander Andres Bonillo looked at the two other men on his conference screen.  Lt. Cmdr Benjamin Wong the CO of the Scout class ship the Trail Blazer and their Naval Escort CO Cpt. Aaron Benson onboard the Airedale.  "A wreck in orbit around planet two?"
Cpt. Benson nods, "That is our best guess based on the computer enhancements of the pictures from the Borsoi and Picket."  He glances downward away from the camera pickup, "We aren't seeing significant spectral activation and the debries are at a constant temperature that seems consistant with their orbit."
Cmdr Bonillo looks at the chart for the system.  There were 2.4 billion km from the M4-V star that the 6 planets of the system orbited.  The first three planet were terrestrial and the last three were gas giants which made the system not so unusual.  The innermost world had a surface temperature of over 1500°C and a crushing atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide.  The third world was bare of significant atmosphere and the surface was a frigid -148°C.  The three gas giants were more or less typical of the breed and had 17, 9, and 6 moons in order of the innermost to the outermost planet.  The second was very different:  it was the most Earthlike world so far discovered.  A surface temperature of 9°C, 13800 km diameter and around 1 G of surface gravity, liquid water could be seen on the planet though not in huge abundance.   The only negative was the thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen, amonia, and methane. 
"Well gentlemen, one thing I do know is that the area around us is clear of hostiles.  But given our previous experiences I think we can't say that for the rest of the system."  Both other men looked at the pictures of the wreckage on their screens.  "Lt. Cmdr Wong, I want you to take the Trail Blazer insystem and see if you can answer that question for us...and get back without alerting any hostiles if any are present."
"Aye, aye sir."  51 years old and the longest time in service Lt. Cmdr in the NCN Benjamin Wong was carreer navy and he had commanded the ships part of 1st Squadon over a decade ago.  He looked at the display, and a course bloomed on the displays.  "I'll use the outer planets V, IV and III to approach II, that will let me check them out as well."
"While he is doing that I'll survey some of the space around the jump point."  Cmdr Bonillo says studing the plot of the proposed course.  "By now BuSurvey will have dispatched a replacement survey group but they won't arrive until around September.  This will optimize the use of the time we have."
The talk turned to specific matters of the mission and status of the two ships of IS IV, most critically their fuel state but both CO's assured Cpt. Benson their fuel reserves were more than adaquet with each ship having still 50% of a full load on board.

AD 2282 (July 17)  Way Point 1 (468 million km from stellar primary)

The Trail Blazer arrives at the jumping off point for the journey to the inner system.  So far the passive sensors on board have detected neither the IR signature of active engines or grav pulses from an active sensor.  The ship proceeds at full speed for Way Point 2 located at 0° and 303 m km from the primary just outside the orbit of planet six.

AD 2282 (July 23) Way Point 3 (133 million km from stellar primary)

The Trail Blazer had slid past planet V, its sensors finding nothing present outside of orbiting moons and the ship was now moving at half its maximum velocity, halving its thermal signature.  At this point; however, the ship was now within at least the known Wolver maximum detection range of their longest range scanner system.  The ship proceeds on course for Planet IV, the tension on the ship increasing until sensor duty is cut down to 4 hours and the science boffins are brought in as auxillary watchstanders.  Absurd as it is the crew is behaving like sound travels in space and most conversations are quiet and every loud noise causes the crew to start.

AD 2282 (July 29)  Inner Most Gas Giant

The Trail Blazer's finds the Gas Giant and its moon system also bare of any alien threats and the ship shapes a course for the outer most terrestrial planet in the system, a cold airless ball of rock.

AD 2282 (July 30)  CAB Orbit

The Trail Blazer's sensors show nothing as the ship slides past the planet its engines now throttled back to quarter power reducing the IR signature of the ship still further.  Their target is now Way Point 4, a point in space some 30 m km from the primary approximately half way between planets III and II.

AD 2282 (August 4) Approaching Planet II

The crew was suited up and the ships spin had been cancelled.  Lt. Cmdr Wong could feel sweat pouring down his sides and the band on his helmet that kept it from sliding down into his eyes was damp.  The ship had crossed the point where they would be detected by their own IR sensors and so far nothing.  The debrie field was now resolved to be three distinct ones and still nothing showed on his ships passive sensors.  His eyes flicked to the panel beside his chair, the armed light blinked red.  The ships missiles warheads were armed, the twin launch rails showed green.  "Guns, you all set?" 
"Yes sir."
He taped a screen.  "Henry stand by for active sensor sweep."  He focused on the screen, it would show once he gave the order all ships inside of 10 m km of the Trail Blazer.  It would also be like setting of a flare.  He rotated his chair till he could see the sensor operator.  "On three Henry give me 30 s active sensors." 
"30 seconds active on three, Aye Aye Sir."  the reply was by the book as for this part of the mission nearly everyone on the bridge was from the Naval part of the crew rather than the BuSurvey or University members.
"One...Two...Three!"  Benjamin keep his voice controlled as he counted down.
"ACTIVE!"  The emitters were energized and moments later data poured in.  The space around the ship out to nearly 1 million km was clear of anything larger than 50 tons while the primary array confirmed the emptiness of space out to 10 m km.
"Henry...another 30s."  Benjamin released his breath as nothing red showed up on his plot.
"Secure from active sensors. Helm put us in a polar orbit."  He glanced at the panel showing his missile warhead status and away, he would wait a while before safeing them.  He touched a key, "Professor Cardella, your people can start setting up for a survey."

AD 2282 (August 16) Polar Orbit Planet II

The final survey results were in. Duranium and Corundium in massive amounts.  The Duranium was not that easy to get too but the Coundium was going to be a real pain to extract.   But the real prize was the ruins of a city they had spotted on the shores of what had once been a large sea and was now mostly sand.  This was going to change everything.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 07:32:14 AM by Paul M »

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #125 on: July 31, 2013, 04:59:14 AM »
interesting story, with a bit suspense in it. Lt. Commander Benjamin Wong is an old guy who is not too bright with his career, as for years of his career, he got only an expendable scout class starship. Yet, this story make him important for me, the reader. Dunno if his career will ended just as a mere scout captain, or will raise as a battle group commander. Who know, but, maybe it's too late for him to reach anything special now.

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #126 on: July 31, 2013, 08:16:24 AM »
Lt. Cmdr B. Wong is, unfortunately, due for retirement...he is 51 years old and has only not been retired since he was on a mission for basically the last year.  He actually has had a very active career:  he was the CO of a Terrier and London class Frigate plus a fort and even did a stint as a member of the Naval Office Staff.  He has a not bad promotion score (633 or so) but he kept getting beat by up and coming go getters.  I was quite astounded how he ended up where he did.  There even was a commander slot that opened up but some youngster beat him to it.

I think I may look at medals as they might tend to move people along in thier careers.  About the only problem I see is that for the NCN most of them would be given out posthumanously.

Actually the Scout class, isn't "expendable" as such.  It is equiped with the best passive electronics going.  It requires a pretty "cool" commander since you are relying on your low IR signature and the slightly better than typical passive systems to keep your crew alive.  It was pretty tense when I was doing that part of the turn.  I usually use 1 day turns, that went down to 3 hours, then 20 min, then 5 min and then 30 s.  When it kicked into 5s I thought the situation was going to go south but so far as I can tell the system is clean.

Offline joeclark77

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #127 on: July 31, 2013, 08:37:39 AM »
I have occasionally seen a momentary thermal signature when approaching a planet with ruins, which then disappears.  My guess is that they're mines with no warheads, or sensor bouys with engines but no fuel.  Maybe there was something like that, causing your clock to slow down to 5s.  So... what kind of ruin is it?

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #128 on: July 31, 2013, 09:14:14 AM »
The switch to 5s time interval happened when I was over 100 mkm out so I don't think it was anything like that.  I'm not sure what caused it but it sure gave me some worries.

As for the ruins they are "ancient ruins" and that is about all I know right now.  Unfortunately the NCC lacks both engineering brigades and the salvage module.  So exploiting this windfall will take a bit of time.  They also won't find out about it until the end of the year or early 2283.   So exploiting the find is likely down the road a ways.

Offline joeclark77

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #129 on: July 31, 2013, 09:25:51 AM »
It will probably take years for your xenologists to crack the language, anyway, so that gives you plenty of time to work on construction brigades.  Drop a xeno team on the planet as soon as you can.  Your event log should tell you what type of ancient ruins they were.  Possible types are "destroyed outpost", "ruined city", "ruined colony", "intact city", etc, and those give you a better idea of the size of the find.  See the wiki:

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #130 on: July 31, 2013, 10:05:15 AM »
Ah...well as the AAR says it is a ruined city.

The Xenology team will have to wait for some colonists/infrastructure as the planet is not really habitable.  They would die in a few days when their enviromental suits systems were exhausted.  Even the geosurvey team is based on a ship at the moment. 

I'll have to see who I have that can make up that team...won't be any naval people in it...but I think I have some spare scientists and Army officers.

Thanks for the wiki reference.

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #131 on: July 31, 2013, 10:09:26 AM »
The Xenology team will have to wait for some colonists/infrastructure as the planet is not really habitable.  They would die in a few days when their enviromental suits systems were exhausted.  Even the geosurvey team is based on a ship at the moment.
I always picture my teams as being self-sufficient, setting up "camp" with what amounts to a tiny fraction of a unit of infrastructure (a few tents rather than a city-sized dome).  After all, studying the geology of a whole planet probably requires that you move around a bit.  Even if there are domes, you'd be operating far outside of them.

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #132 on: July 31, 2013, 09:29:35 PM »
edit : never mind then.

I'm surprise that the task force commander, Capt. A Benson is actually there.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 09:47:04 PM by Brainsucker »

Offline Paul M (OP)

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #133 on: August 01, 2013, 05:35:48 AM »
The game allows you to do many things that I don't think are sensible.  The geosurvey team always has a ship in orbit and I assume that they are living on it while conducting their more detailed survey.  I just ignore how they get down from orbit.  When that ship exceeds its cruise duration they pack up the team and go back to a settlement for R&R.  For the Xeno-team they either need a ship or as is far more sensible the NCC will set up a research outpost to support them.

There is only 7 Captains in the NCN so most of them will wear two or more hats.  Commadore Morgenrot is CO of Task Force 1, CO of Task Group 2 of Task Force 1 and CO of Squadron 4 of Task Group 2 of Task Force 1 for example.  As for Cpt. Benson, he is both the CO of Task Group 1 and the CO of Squadron 1 of Task Group 1.

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Re: The Northern Coalition (AAR)
« Reply #134 on: August 01, 2013, 06:26:04 AM »
Paul I am nowhere near the current point of the AAR but I just wanted to say that I enjoy your AAR very much. Please keep it up, it's awesome!
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