General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by db48x on Yesterday at 09:00:18 PM »How should I design and use a spy/sensor probe?
Missile Size: 10.00 MSP (25.000 Tons) Warhead: 0 Radiation Damage: 0
Speed: 80,000 km/s Fuel: 5,625 Flight Time: 41 minutes Range: 195.26m km
Thermal Sensor Strength: 1.2 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 8,660,254 km
EM Sensor Strength: 1.2 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 8,660,254 km
Cost Per Missile: 23.84 Development Cost: 772
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 800% 3k km/s 266.7% 5k km/s 160% 10k km/s 80%
While it was traveling the sensors range appeared on the map.
Then when it arrived at the waypoint the sensors range disappeared.
Any missile with an engine self–destructs when it reaches its target or the fuel runs out. What you want to do is design a two–stage missile, where the second stage has sensors but no fuel or engine, and the first stage has the fuel and engine to get it there. Make sure that the deployment distance is 0, so that it drops the probe exactly on the target rather than the default of 150,000km away. The first stage can have sensors if you want, but remember that they will go away when the second stage buoy is released so you may prefer to use the MSP for something else.