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General Discussion / Maps and map making
« Last post by nakorkren on October 01, 2024, 06:15:28 PM »
I was thinking the other day that the Galaxy map leads us to misunderstand how travel works in Aurora. It shows the systems as dots, and then big long connections between them. That puts you in the mindset that the JPs are the long travel part, and the systems are "small" local areas. In reality travel between systems is instantaneous, and it's travel within the system that takes a long time.

With that in mind I tried to envision what a map would look like that showed the travel distance between JP within systems, i.e. flip the script and make the distance between systems zero and within systems large, as it really is. The only way I could make it work from a purely geometry perspective was to put it into 3D. I used Matlab's graph object, with the JP as nodes (one single node for say the "Sol-Vega" JP, not one for each direction), with the 'force' distribution layout on so the edges are 'direct' weighted by distance between JP. In theory this should result in the edges length as displayed being proportional to the distances between JP, although I'm skeptical it's strictly proportional. That said, here's my first attempt.

It's definitely easier to interpret when you can spin it real-time, but I do feel like it does a better job of representing how long it takes to get from one place to another. I only represented JP from 6 systems (slightly different colors on each system, used a random RGB color and they weren't as far apart as you'd hope) since I was having to enter the JP positions manually from the game screen. I'm in the process of writing a script to import a csv file extracted from the Aurora DB to create the entire galaxy in one go, since what you see here was manually inputted. If I can get that working I would like to add nodes and edges for key bodies, i.e. player and known NPC colonies, since that's pretty important for understanding transit distance/time. For example in this map, Earth is very close to the Sol-Chara gate, meaning it takes a long time to get to the Vulcar-Rana gate even though it's technically only two jumps.

Coding has been slow since I'm pretty rusty. I found that AI has been a big help with that coding though, which is interesting and echo's Steve's point recently about how he's using it in his work. I'll post an update if/when I get the automated version working. I was able to take some time off today and this is how I spent it, instead of being traditionally "productive" :)

C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by nakorkren on October 01, 2024, 05:55:48 PM »
No that won't be available, as it would invalidate the need for the 1m pop. The 'prize crew' is effectively free, but only counts as 1 effective crewman.

I'm not assuming we'd create prize crew out of thin air, I was envisioning that we'd transfer X of our crew from our original ship(s) to the captured ship, reducing the remaining crew on the giving ship(s), the way prize crews are/were sourced in real life. That doesn't obviate the need for a 1M pop colony to replace the missing crew, it's now just on two ships instead of one. With a largish fleet each ship gives up say 20 crew and now you have a decent prize crew for the captured frigate, etc etc.

Maybe more trouble than it's worth I guess.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 01, 2024, 05:44:13 PM »
Having unmanned ships with 100% morale definitely seems like a bug to me.

Yes, I agree on this point. I need to find a mechanic that creates a penalty but without any fiddly micromanagement and without players ending up designing ships that carry extra crew around. I have an idea that I am going to try out.

I've added the following new posts on the Changes List:

Under-manning Penalties:
Captured Ship Penalties:

Thank you, this is excellent! Being able to load conscript crews is an especially nice touch.

I assume there's no intention to make under-manning impact refueling/ordnance transfer rates? This would mean captured enemy tankers could be pressed into service without crew replenishment, but this is a non-issue compared to losing the ability to use their fuel in the middle of an offensive campaign.

Yes, I considered that but decided it wasn't important enough for the amount of effort required to adjust all fuel, supply and ordnance-related code.
C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 01, 2024, 05:42:48 PM »
Will the "Add replacement crew" command be an option between ships? Or maybe an equivalent "Transfer prize crew"? Otherwise you have no way to add a prize crew, unless perhaps the boarding crew counts toward the manning requirement?

No that won't be available, as it would invalidate the need for the 1m pop. The 'prize crew' is effectively free, but only counts as 1 effective crewman.
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by nakorkren on October 01, 2024, 05:23:47 PM »
skoormit, you're absolutely correct, it was a frame of reference issue. Matlab treats polar angles as counterclockwise from the positive x axis, i.e. "math notation". Based on the Galaxy map Aurora appears to use clockwise from the positive y axis, i.e. "navigation notation". I had considered that the x vs y axis might be the zero point, but didn't consider that the "handedness" might be flipped. I'll adjust accordingly. Thanks for pointing it out.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Ghostly on October 01, 2024, 05:16:31 PM »
Having unmanned ships with 100% morale definitely seems like a bug to me.

Yes, I agree on this point. I need to find a mechanic that creates a penalty but without any fiddly micromanagement and without players ending up designing ships that carry extra crew around. I have an idea that I am going to try out.

I've added the following new posts on the Changes List:

Under-manning Penalties:
Captured Ship Penalties:

Thank you, this is excellent! Being able to load conscript crews is an especially nice touch.

I assume there's no intention to make under-manning impact refueling/ordnance transfer rates? This would mean captured enemy tankers could be pressed into service without crew replenishment, but this is a non-issue compared to losing the ability to use their fuel in the middle of an offensive campaign.
C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by nakorkren on October 01, 2024, 04:29:59 PM »
Will the "Add replacement crew" command be an option between ships? Or maybe an equivalent "Transfer prize crew"? Otherwise you have no way to add a prize crew, unless perhaps the boarding crew counts toward the manning requirement?
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by skoormit on October 01, 2024, 04:19:08 PM »
Steve, in exploring some mapping alternatives, I ran into what seems to be a programming error. When I take the AU and Bearing values from the Galactic Map Overview tab for each jump point, and convert them from polar to Cartesian, I end up with a map that looks inverted from what the game displays, i.e. X and Y for each coordinate are swapped. I just used the standard Matlab function pol2cart and plugged in the theta matrix (bearing, converted from deg to radians using deg2rad function) and rho matrix (AU values) straight off the galactic map overview.

Whether the error is yours or mine remains to be seen. Is it possible you transposed the X and Y results when converting from polar to Cartesian? If I intentionally plot x as y and vice versa, I get a map that looks like what's in the game.

Not sure this matters, as long as it's consistent within the game, but just curious. Granted I'm pretty crap at coding, but I can't seem to find an error in my (3 lines of) code.

By convention, the reference direction (that is, the direction of a zero-degree angle) for polar coordinates is horizontal to the right from the origin (east, in other words).
For naval navigation, on the other hand, the bearing of zero degrees is vertical upwards from the origin (north, in other words).

I suspect you have observed not a transform of x and y, but a -90 degree rotation.
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 01, 2024, 03:37:08 PM »
Steve, in exploring some mapping alternatives, I ran into what seems to be a programming error. When I take the AU and Bearing values from the Galactic Map Overview tab for each jump point, and convert them from polar to Cartesian, I end up with a map that looks inverted from what the game displays, i.e. X and Y for each coordinate are swapped. I just used the standard Matlab function pol2cart and plugged in the theta matrix (bearing, converted from deg to radians using deg2rad function) and rho matrix (AU values) straight off the galactic map overview.

Whether the error is yours or mine remains to be seen. Is it possible you transposed the X and Y results when converting from polar to Cartesian? If I intentionally plot x as y and vice versa, I get a map that looks like what's in the game.

Not sure this matters, as long as it's consistent within the game, but just curious. Granted I'm pretty crap at coding, but I can't seem to find an error in my (3 lines of) code.

The X,Y coordinates are generated from the distance and bearing and the locations on the map match that distance and bearing. If there was a problem with the conversion, they wouldn't be in the right places.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 01, 2024, 03:02:36 PM »
Having unmanned ships with 100% morale definitely seems like a bug to me.

Yes, I agree on this point. I need to find a mechanic that creates a penalty but without any fiddly micromanagement and without players ending up designing ships that carry extra crew around. I have an idea that I am going to try out.

I've added the following new posts on the Changes List:

Under-manning Penalties:
Captured Ship Penalties:
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