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C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by paolot on November 03, 2024, 02:17:10 PM »
Geosurvey from orbit doesn't need that a body is a colony. So, why not the same for ground geosurvey?
Please, remove the need that a body is declared as a colony, to unload geosurv troops on it.
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by nuclearslurpee on November 03, 2024, 01:42:04 PM »
I started working on the generation of large, pre-generated NPR Empires with tens or even hundreds of systems, complete with established colonies and distributed forces. They will be assigned a 'number of transits' distance for exploration from their home world, then generate all those systems and distribute a preset total of terraforming, installations, etc to the potential colony sites in that area, with more assets to the best sites, but generally smaller colonies further out. When generating systems, they will not connect to any systems that existed before the race was created, but they can connect to their own systems.

Initially my plan was to add a new, very large alien Empire to my existing game, but I will more likely create a new game with pre-generated NPR empires.

Please, please, please make it so that NPRs generated in-game can be like this.

I have always thought it's a bit weird to meet "coincidentally" NPRs just when they are beginning to play their own "TN Start". Even if the new NPR generation during a game was changed to cause some number of systems to generate in a chain before generating the NPR home system, that would be much more immersive to me.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Andrew on November 03, 2024, 11:43:20 AM »
I seem to get one second advances in some circumstances where npr ships are regenerating their shields
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by skoormit on November 03, 2024, 11:17:35 AM »
I started working on the generation of large, pre-generated NPR Empires with tens or even hundreds of systems, complete with established colonies and distributed forces. They will be assigned a 'number of transits' distance for exploration from their home world, then generate all those systems and distribute a preset total of terraforming, installations, etc to the potential colony sites in that area, with more assets to the best sites, but generally smaller colonies further out. When generating systems, they will not connect to any systems that existed before the race was created, but they can connect to their own systems.

Initially my plan was to add a new, very large alien Empire to my existing game, but I will more likely create a new game with pre-generated NPR empires.

Please, please, please make it so that NPRs generated in-game can be like this.
I would much rather encounter a new NPR around the time that our exploration frontiers begin to overlap, rather than exactly when my exploration frontier reaches their home system.

Currently, Aurora only generates new systems as they are entered for the first time, which is why non-game-start NPRs are always discovered in their home system.
What if Aurora instead created systems ahead of the explored frontier by a number of hops (possibly a game configuration parameter)?

Those systems would exist unknown to the player (or any NPR) until discovered.
If a new NPR is generated in such a system, Aurora can follow the process you describe above to expand the NPR outside their home system, backfilling some or all of the systems between their home system and the currently explored frontier (and also expanding in the other direction from their home system, away from the explored frontier).

Most of these "exploration buffer" systems won't contain new NPRs, of course.
To avoid unnecessarily increasing calculations during turn processing, Aurora can leave uninhabited, undiscovered systems in stasis--no need to calculate orbital motion (or anything else) on a system that nobody yet knows about.

C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by skoormit on November 03, 2024, 10:59:29 AM »
In the System Generation and Display window, using Wide View, the colony cost projection panel (bottom right) is blank for moons with no eccentricity around planets with non-zero eccentricity, even though the temperature on such a moon will vary by the planet's distance from the sun.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Kurt on November 03, 2024, 10:51:41 AM »
What causes 1 second interrupts?  I remember Steve mentioning the possibility but not the reasoning.

In my campaign I had set up auto time advance as there was obviously a battle going on someplace in the universe as I was getting serial five second advances.  The auto time advance went on for a while, then there were three 1-second advances, followed by an eight second advance, two more one second advances, and then Aurora apparently locked up.  Task Manager says Aurora is doing something in the background, so its chugging away on something.  This has happened before and sometimes if I let it go it'll clear up on its own and begin advancing time again.  Other times it hasn't and I have to shut it down and start again from the last save. 

Just curious about the one second advances. 
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by Kurt on November 03, 2024, 09:29:02 AM »


@Kurt: your idea of courier-based communications is very interesting. What is the "physics" justification for this over light-speed comms? I think it could be managed in a campaign of this size if you use real ships for the job, combined with the "Send Message" order. It would add some micro but probably not too much if your roleplay goal is to prioritize independent action by commanders.

Couriers are for inter-system message transport, in-system comms are handled by the usual light speed transmission, either radio or laser based.  In my campaign I have built small cheap couriers with commercial engines and stationed several in each inhabited/exploited system.  To reduce player overhead, I don't actually move the couriers between systems to carry the messages, instead I plot the course to the destination and note the time involved without actually sending the couriers, as I would then have to send them back to their origin. 

As I noted elsewhere, my campaign is smaller than Steve's, at least currently, and even at its current size it is something of a pain to keep track of who knows what and when. 

Having given the situation some thought, I am probably going to establish a courier network, with jump-capable couriers stationed on each side of jump points, strung out in between systems.  This will effectively allow for near light-speed communications in between systems.  The couriers are small enough and cheap enough that it should be doable, and as commercial ships don't require maintenance checks.


Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by nakorkren on November 03, 2024, 08:20:55 AM »
Because of the need for that challenge I started working on the generation of large, pre-generated NPR Empires with tens or even hundreds of systems, complete with established colonies and distributed forces. They will be assigned a 'number of transits' distance for exploration from their home world, then generate all those systems and distribute a preset total of terraforming, installations, etc to the potential colony sites in that area, with more assets to the best sites, but generally smaller colonies further out. When generating systems, they will not connect to any systems that existed before the race was created, but they can connect to their own systems.

I am EXTREMELY interested in the update to allow the addition of muti-system/planet NPCs! I've always wished we would encounter NPCs that had already substantially colonized (or conquered) multiple major planets, and that it would offer more variety and challenge particularly as the player is usually in that state. Will you be implementing that separately from the current system of scaling newly discovered NPCs based on your own size adjusted by difficulty and a random factor? The way you described it, with NPC extent being entirely in undiscovered systems (which makes sense), makes it sound like that's your intent. Would you consider making it part of the base NPC discovery mechanism? In theory in your current game, once you incorporate the two homeworlds you've captured, the next NPC you find will be massive but entirely contained (initially) to a single colony, which seems weird. Having a super "tall" NPC will also result in them very rapidly depleting their minerals on the homeworld, unless that is also scaled with starting NPC size?

I just launched my first 120,000 ton Dreadnought, which is much more powerful than the Yamatos.

Can't wait to see the specs in your next (final?) writeup. This has been a campaign for the ages. A very interesting and well researched theme, many NPCs, an overextended player empire engaging in multi-front wars, very large combat ships, and not just one but multiple homeworld ground invasions!

Once all that is done, I'll probably start a new campaign.

At the risk of venturing into "when will the next update be out" territory... Do you intend to release 2.6 before the start of your next campaign, or continue updating it through that campaign?

Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on November 03, 2024, 05:42:06 AM »
I do note that it seems like logistics continue to be the biggest challenge in mounting a war against a peer polity, and the AI still doesn't seem to present a great tactical or operational challenge, although I may be drawing too many conclusions from the most recent conquest of the Zharovians who were quite dispersed and worn-down from their other war.

The problem for the Zharovians was they had the worst possible design combination against my designs. They were entirely energy-based and had slower ships and shorter-ranged weapons. My main problem was running out of MSP. The Bloodclaw were more dangerous and if they had been at full strength, instead of worn down by two separate wars, they could have been formidable. Based on what I found when I salvaged their home world bases, I suspect the Yamatos would have been quickly destroyed if they had attacked them at full strength.

I now have two alien home worlds occupied and it is a matter of time before the third one. The Capellans have a large fleet and could be a problem, but I just launched my first 120,000 ton Dreadnought, which is much more powerful than the Yamatos. Once I assimilate the Zharovians and eventually the Bloodclaw, the Empire will be hard to stop without a significant new challenge.

Because of the need for that challenge I started working on the generation of large, pre-generated NPR Empires with tens or even hundreds of systems, complete with established colonies and distributed forces. They will be assigned a 'number of transits' distance for exploration from their home world, then generate all those systems and distribute a preset total of terraforming, installations, etc to the potential colony sites in that area, with more assets to the best sites, but generally smaller colonies further out. When generating systems, they will not connect to any systems that existed before the race was created, but they can connect to their own systems.

Initially my plan was to add a new, very large alien Empire to my existing game, but I will more likely create a new game with pre-generated NPR empires.

I'm also looking at expanding the spoiler races to create larger threats. So far its only ideas, but I am considering having a minority of Aether Rifts start much larger (instant 'Eye of Terror'), multiple swarms appearing in known space simultaneously or within a short period (Tyranid Invasion) and some form of Tomb Worlds (Necrons) where aliens emerge from large underground facilities and begin expanding as they activate more forces. This would either be a variation of precursors, or a new threat entirely, probably with some key installation on each tomb world that can be destroyed to prevent further activation. I know these are all 40K-themed, but so were the original spoilers in many cases.

Once all that is done, I'll probably start a new campaign.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by nuclearslurpee on November 02, 2024, 06:19:04 PM »
(See attached) Ground force HQs elements with capacities over 1 million should use at least one decimal place to indicate their capacity. At least for HQs with under 10M capacity.

This post inspired by a recent double-take I did which briefly caused me to think I'd mis-designed my high-level HQ unit.
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