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Box launcher reloading! Does the maintenance location need to have enough capacity to match the tonnage of the ship(s) being reloaded or simply being a maintenance location is good enough?

Per the changes post:

For C# Aurora, box launchers can only be reloaded in a hangar, or at an Ordnance Transfer Point (a Spaceport, Ordnance Transfer Station or Ordnance Transfer Hub). Reloading at an Ordnance Transfer Point is 10x slower than in a hangar (similar to the penalty for maintenance facilities in VB6 Aurora).
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Xkill on Today at 02:15:24 PM »
Box launcher reloading! Does the maintenance location need to have enough capacity to match the tonnage of the ship(s) being reloaded or simply being a maintenance location is good enough?
Yeah, I was hoping for more like some sort of diplomatic action with another empire so that you would treat their population as a colonist source, and could set up colonies of their population in your empire, or something along those lines.

Alas, it means I get to do fun dumb things instead involving colonies and SMing population numbers around.
The Academy / Re: Civilian Mining Complex
« Last post by skoormit on Today at 11:03:10 AM »
If you search for Civilian Mining here:

You can find the C# Detailed change post specifying exactly what changed here:
( )

Unfortunately, the post you linked has not been updated to reflect the inclusion of Gallicite in the qualification, which Steve mentioned in this AAR comment thread.

...I do agree though that the maintenance changes add extra strain, so I'll change the civilian mining location checks to Duranium or Gallicite
I seem to be laboring under a misconception.  In conducting a jump assault, I thought it went this way:

Turn 1: Attacking fleet jumps in, can't target because doesn't know what's there.  Defending fleet can't target or fire either.
Turn 2: Attacking fleet suffers jump shock and may or may not be able to fire.  Defending fleet can fire.

But, based on an experiment I just ran (I'm calling it that), it seems that the defenders can fire as soon as the attacking fleet appears, i.e., on turn one.  Is this right?

I ended up developing a doctrine of sending in a carrier wing or two for scouting/fire absorption before sending in my main assault force partially because of this issue.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Kaiser on Today at 07:09:26 AM »
Could you guys explain what you are talking of? Something like emigration?
That still exists.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by db48x on Today at 02:22:47 AM »
I assume that there's no system in place for colonists to be moved between populations of different empires?

There was at one point the notion of a neutral empire that any other empire could draw colonists from. I can’t recall now if that’s still a thing or not.
I assume that there's no system in place for colonists to be moved between populations of different empires?
With enough decoys, ATG and as much speed as you can give it, its got a decent shot of getting through, i think for something like a super mac on a OWP I will have them mount 3 size 99 launchers to represent rapid fire SMAC fire so 3 rounds in a burst etc. my only sad thing around this is, you cant make missile launchers bigger than 99 (why steve? come on pls give). so I cant have a literal 3000t projectile which they have in lore at most i can have a 1225t round

To be fair, if you are saying that ships are 1/5 to 1/20 their canonical sizes, a 1225 ton round works for the job, in fact it is a bit overkill at that ratio. Unfortunately however we are stuck with 247.5-ton projectiles (99 MSP * 2.5 tons/MSP) which implies just about a 1/12 ratio, solidly in the middle of that range but an unfortunate upper limit.

Maybe this should go into the suggestions thread, but instead of MACs say it is for Nova Cannons, Steve likes WH40K so that may pander more.  ;)

Yea i cant get the ratios right perfectly, but 1/12 ratio isnt bad I am basing that 1225t number based off a 5x increase on size due to projectiles in halo lore using mass not volume to specifiy size, its as close as you can about get. and yea we should *Cough* suggest to steve to increase the max size of missile launchers.
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