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1. I wondered where I can see the transponder status for my ships.
2. Am I correct in assuming that the only way to toggle transponders on/off is on a command moving the ship somewhere (including for instance a waypoint)?

In the naval organization screen, if you click on a fleet, the ships in the ship list on the right will have an F in the status column if the friendly transponder is toggled on, and a T if the regular transponder is toggled on. And yes, as far as I know, there's no way to toggle transponders without orders, which require a location.
Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: Solar Hegemony Redux
« Last post by Garfunkel on Today at 11:48:10 AM »
Now I'm curious what these tank "companies" look like
Just 250-ton things for transport and I'm merging ten of them together to form a tank unit. Probably will add another ten later.

R.I.P. good ol' P-for-pursuit designation
I was seriously thinking of going with the older designations, including Pursuit but decided against it as it would have been anachronistic at that point.

I'm curious about why? Usually I find it's easier to keep a fixed ratio between cargo and colony ships
Ah but these are fighters. So the amount they can carry is quite small in any case and I'm not really using convoys, there's no need for math. Any large movement will take weeks or months anyway so I'm mostly winging it.

R.I.P. lucky number 13.
Space Age America is still superstitious!


Soviet surveyors had now found gaseous Sorium in the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Neptune had not been surveyed. If this gaseous Sorium could somehow be harvested and refined, the USSR would never run out of fuel for starships. In January, they built another research lab, for a total of 18. Commonwealth had 10 and the United States had 18. In February, the US improved the efficiency of their maintenance facilities to such an extent that their capability reached 62,500 tons without adding any new facilities - though this would not be enough to cover all the new shuttles that the Pentagon wanted to build.

On 15th July, the Joint Space Command officially marks its first spaceborne combat squadrons operationally ready:

Kremlin has monitored the growing American space power with concern - there are, after all, only 30 Krivaks in space and the Americans now have 48 combat shuttles. However, as there currently are no crises between the two superpowers, the Soviets are content to wait until advances in armour, sensors and powerplants allow them to commit to a technological leap ahead. Meanwhile, Washington is struggling with the maintenance issue. There are barely enough facilities to keep everything running smoothly but there is no room for expansion. The situation could be improved if the obsolete shuttles could be dismantled and Pentagon issues requests to industry partners to that effect. Perhaps some sort of salvage craft could be built to safely dismantle the shuttles in orbit?

In August, the Commonwealth first Spaceport is opened. In the same month, Soviet scientists demonstrate High-Density Duranium Armour and the competing design bureaus get to work. Their work results in four competing models based on the older Krivak designs:

Code: [Select]
Krivak-M2-10B1 class Gunship      240 tons       3 Crew       17.9 BP       TCS 5    TH 18    EM 0
3647 km/s      Armour 1-3       Shields 0-0       HTK 1      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0.98
Maint Life 28.06 Years     MSP 34    AFR 5%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 0    5YR 1    Max Repair 8.8 MSP
Kapitan tret'yego ranga    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Glushko RD-107 (1)    Power 17.5    Fuel Use 724.72%    Signature 17.5    Explosion 17%
Fuel Capacity 23,500 Litres    Range 2.4 billion km (7 days at full power)

Yurga MBP 100mm T-10 Gun 1A10 (1)    Range 10,000km     TS: 3,647 km/s     Power 0.75-0.5     RM 10,000 km    ROF 10       
Sapphire Gun Sight N001 (1)     Max Range: 30,000 km   TS: 625 km/s    ECCM-0     10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NPO Energomash  PWR-Generator/052 (1)     Total Power Output 0.5    Exp 10%

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a Fighter for auto-assignment purposes
Extremely fast but with a weak gun and limited range, the 10B1 version would be suitable for interceptor duty.

Code: [Select]
Krivak-M2-10B2 class Gunship      260 tons       3 Crew       19 BP       TCS 5    TH 18    EM 0
3366 km/s      Armour 1-3       Shields 0-0       HTK 1      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 1.65
Maint Life 14.77 Years     MSP 14    AFR 5%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 0    5YR 2    Max Repair 8.8 MSP
Kapitan tret'yego ranga    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Glushko RD-107 (1)    Power 17.5    Fuel Use 724.72%    Signature 17.5    Explosion 17%
Fuel Capacity 1,700 Litres    Range 0.16 billion km (13 hours at full power)

Yurga MBP 100mm T-10 Gun 2A10 (1x2)    Range 10,000km     TS: 3,366 km/s     Power 1.5-1     RM 10,000 km    ROF 10       
Sapphire Gun Sight N001 (1)     Max Range: 30,000 km   TS: 625 km/s    ECCM-0     10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NPO Energomash  PWR-Generator/100 (1)     Total Power Output 1    Exp 10%

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a Fighter for auto-assignment purposes
Almost as fast but with an extremely limited range, the 10B2 version would only be suitable for combat inside the Cis-Lunar space.

Code: [Select]
Krivak-M2-10B3 class Gunship      350 tons       4 Crew       25.2 BP       TCS 7    TH 18    EM 0
2500 km/s      Armour 1-4       Shields 0-0       HTK 2      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 2.33
Maint Life 17.62 Years     MSP 34    AFR 10%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 0    5YR 3    Max Repair 8.8 MSP
Kapitan tret'yego ranga    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Glushko RD-107 (1)    Power 17.5    Fuel Use 724.72%    Signature 17.5    Explosion 17%
Fuel Capacity 37,800 Litres    Range 2.7 billion km (12 days at full power)

Yurga MBP 100mm T-10 Gun 3A10 (1x3)    Range 10,000km     TS: 2,500 km/s     Power 2.25-1.5     RM 10,000 km    ROF 10       
Sapphire Gun Sight N001 (1)     Max Range: 30,000 km   TS: 625 km/s    ECCM-0     10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NPO Energomash  PWR-Generator/150 (1)     Total Power Output 1.5    Exp 10%

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a Fighter for auto-assignment purposes
Clearly slower but still impressively fast in comparison to old shuttles, the 10B3 version could at least strike at American craft in the inner system and they would be hard pressed to escape its three guns.

Code: [Select]
Krivak-M2-10B4 class Gunship      400 tons       5 Crew       28.9 BP       TCS 8    TH 18    EM 0
2187 km/s      Armour 1-4       Shields 0-0       HTK 2      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 3
Maint Life 24.04 Years     MSP 104    AFR 13%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 0    5YR 5    Max Repair 8.8 MSP
Kapitan tret'yego ranga    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Glushko RD-107 (1)    Power 17.5    Fuel Use 724.72%    Signature 17.5    Explosion 17%
Fuel Capacity 36,700 Litres    Range 2.3 billion km (12 days at full power)

Yurga MBP 100mm T-10 Gun 4A10 (1x4)    Range 10,000km     TS: 2,187 km/s     Power 3-2     RM 10,000 km    ROF 10       
Sapphire Gun Sight N001 (1)     Max Range: 30,000 km   TS: 625 km/s    ECCM-0     10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NPO Energomash  PWR-Generator/203 (1)     Total Power Output 2    Exp 10%

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a Fighter for auto-assignment purposes
Finally, the 10B4 version has the most firepower with its quad cannon and while its range is just as limited and it is somewhat slower, it can maintain a steady rate of fire long enough to outlast even the most grueling combat scenarios. Kremlin decides to take no action yet and urges the design bureaus to refine their designs a bit more.

In November, Earth runs out of Tritanium. USA has been moving mines to Luna but the Soviet colony is far too small to support mines, a fact that Kremlin wants to change as soon as possible. The year ends with the third American wave of Lunar colonization - the first wave hit 5 million inhabitants, second wave reached 10 million and the goal of the third wave is to reach 15 million - half of whom will work in the mining industry and the other half keeping them alive, healthy and happy as only Capitalism can achieve!
Checking "Known Star Systems" in the game settings overrides any racial naming convention (System Theme) with the actual star name (or constellation name if that setting is also enabled) as each system is discovered by matching the KnownSystemID used for system generation to the Name (or ConstellationName) in DIM_KnownSystems. However, this also bypasses "Maximum Number of Systems" for some reason rather than using 0 as infinite and as my galaxy reaches 1500 systems in FCT_System I would like to limit further generation for the sake of simulation time. I don't believe there's a way to force-limit the galaxy size with known stars, however.

Thus my problem: unchecking "Known Star Systems" to force "Maximum Number of Systems" to be respected reverts to naming newly-discovered systems with the race's System Theme (even if the system was previous generated by another race) rather than the actual star/constellation name connected to the KnownSystemID that the system was generated with. While that behavior is surely intended, I'd like to continue my theme of using each star's real name. Is there a System Theme that uses the correct star/constellation name or will I need to rename more than 1100 systems as I find them to their real names by cross-referencing FCT_RaceSysSurvey, FCT_System, and DIM_KnownSystems?

I've slowly worked the System Theme list and tried some of the most likely suspects (and some longer shots) with no luck so far:
- "No Theme" names newly discovered systems "System #X" where X is the KnownSystemID; DIM_KnownSystems is still in use just not for the correct name
- "Stars (Proper Names)" names newly discovered systems from a list of star names but does so in alphabetical order rather than using the correct name
- "Class Name Only" is a blank theme that delivers systems names as "System #X" again, the same as "No Theme"
- "Name Plus Number" is another blank theme that also delivers systems names as "System #X" just like "No Theme"
- "Stars and Planets" draws from a preset list in alphabetical order as you'd expect from a System Theme
- "Stellar Class" is another preset theme using a small collection of "Stellar <noun>"

In retrospect I can check populated preset lists by using "Select Name" from the System Generation and Display window but the three empty sets were worth a try. Any ideas or am I stuck sorting names out of the database for 1100+ systems?

If you check the help text that appears when you mouse over the number of systems, it states that doesn't apply to Known Stars games.

Known Stars uses the actual stars near Earth - about 65,000 of them. Fixed system games use randomly generated stars and the 'number of systems' is used to define the available system numbers (which are used instead of the known stars list), so for 1000 system, the 'location' of each system is a number in a list from 1-1000, rather than a 3D point in space.

The system themes are almost all created by players, so you can create an add your own. However, as the systems in a random game bear no relationships to known stars, any system theme would just randomly assign real star names to whatever system was generated.
General Discussion / Can't load back colonists
« Last post by vorpal+5 on Today at 11:34:25 AM »
I'm hesitant to call it a bug, but it sounds like one, at least. I drop 200,000 colonists on a new colony, but then realize there is a tiny bit of insufficient infrastructure for them (by a factor of 10), so I order to load back 180,000 and... nothing happens, even after 10 days. I move back and forth to another moon, save and restart the game, redo the order, but still nothing happens. My colony ships definitely have transport shuttles.

Any explanation other than a bug?
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Caesar on Today at 07:45:22 AM »
1. I wondered where I can see the transponder status for my ships.
2. Am I correct in assuming that the only way to toggle transponders on/off is on a command moving the ship somewhere (including for instance a waypoint)?
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by Jorgen_CAB on Today at 06:11:19 AM »
I also might consider that missile armed fighters under the new missile system can also be "more" effective against enemy fighters. You can possibly engage enemy fighters with laser warhead missiles so they can't use their shorter ranged PD weapons to defend themselves... the lower damage of these missiles is less of an issue against enemy fighters with no real armour to speak of.

I have not tried this yet to be honest so this is only theoretical from my side.
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by pedter on Today at 05:26:22 AM »
but MSPs grow to 147%?!

I see 3x Engineering Spaces on the destroyed components list - it is possible that the MSP storage was destroyed without destroying the MSP itself, leaving the ship well above available capacity. I'm not certain that's what happening as I seem to recall destroyed fuel tanks also destroying their contained fuel but maybe engineering spaces are different for some reason.
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by Jorgen_CAB on Today at 05:19:26 AM »
I think you have to add to the above the PD benefits of beam fighters. While missile fighters can be better in the right circumstances on attack, they have no defensive benefit at all, while at least half the overall value of beam fighters is on defence.

Yes... that is true... but the issue are that you can't rely on them for PD as you use them for both offence and defence. If they leave the carrier then the carrier are very vulnerable. From a resource perspective fighters are relatively expensive PD rather than using a turreted gauss. A clever opponent can wait for the fighters to leave the carrier. Having dual purpose laser cannons in turrets means you can use them for both at the same time. Improved PD, attack fighters and enemy ships. There is very little loss in efficiency.

As for missile fighters being useless that depend on how they are designed. My heavy bombers tend to get some additional 5t fire-controls of either resolution 1 or 5 sometimes both. That means they can be used against enemy fighters or missiles in last ditch efforts. So they can be to somewhat dual purpose even if not very effective. I also could potentially use bombers to intercept enemy missile fighters if I'm desperate.

I have used some dedicated beam fighter concepts in my campaigns with multiple factions and they do work if used, especially if the other side have not taken measures to combat them. Like deploying anti-fighter corvettes. One faction had 2500t anti fighter corvettes attached to their escorts with tractor beams. These where just a few thousand km/s slower than the enemy fighters but their long range weapons and heavy armour where formidable. For some reason I like to put tractor beams on larger main combat ships, they double as tugs for damaged ships or they often can bring along stations and other equipment that is needed. Perhaps not super efficient, but can be quite useful as it make the ships more useful outside their designated role.

Another development in most campaigns are anti-fighter fighters/FAC.... like really fast fighters with a miniaturized long range laser cannon or just a long range cannon. These would rush out and attack the fighters with lower ranged weapons. The side with the best engines would often be able to neutralize the other side using beam fighters but not always. It also created a race to who had the best anti-fighter escort for the beam fighters, which was an interesting development too. If I remember correctly these anti-fighter assets just tended to get bigger and bigger... the reasons for this is quite clear. Bigger ships are just better at beam combat.

In my campaigns fighters with beam weapons have mainly always eventually been relegated to interceptor duty, that is intercept enemy scouts, fighters and other lone ships or smaller groups of ships that have little or no defences against fast beam armed fighters or FAC. They also double as PD of course. These interceptors usually are well armoured and big, mostly 500t with a big long range gun and/or really fast, depends on the faction and technology at hand. But they usually are big so they can have some armour. They have to be able to take some hits. In addition to those I also have PD fighters, their role is to protect the bombers carrying missiles from enemy missiles.... these are railgun armed fighters.

So yes I deploy a large numbers of beam fighters in my campaigns too and they can be very effective in the right circumstances.

But when you come down to the nitty gritty, the fact is that the larger the ship the better and more efficient it is at beam fighting. A fighter sized craft completely waste its main purpose of stealth when used as a beam fighter. The smaller the ship the easier they are to neutralize in beam combat.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by pedter on Today at 04:55:38 AM »
Checking "Known Star Systems" in the game settings overrides any racial naming convention (System Theme) with the actual star name (or constellation name if that setting is also enabled) as each system is discovered by matching the KnownSystemID used for system generation to the Name (or ConstellationName) in DIM_KnownSystems. However, this also bypasses "Maximum Number of Systems" for some reason rather than using 0 as infinite and as my galaxy reaches 1500 systems in FCT_System I would like to limit further generation for the sake of simulation time. I don't believe there's a way to force-limit the galaxy size with known stars, however.

Thus my problem: unchecking "Known Star Systems" to force "Maximum Number of Systems" to be respected reverts to naming newly-discovered systems with the race's System Theme (even if the system was previous generated by another race) rather than the actual star/constellation name connected to the KnownSystemID that the system was generated with. While that behavior is surely intended, I'd like to continue my theme of using each star's real name. Is there a System Theme that uses the correct star/constellation name or will I need to rename more than 1100 systems as I find them to their real names by cross-referencing FCT_RaceSysSurvey, FCT_System, and DIM_KnownSystems?

I've slowly worked the System Theme list and tried some of the most likely suspects (and some longer shots) with no luck so far:
- "No Theme" names newly discovered systems "System #X" where X is the KnownSystemID; DIM_KnownSystems is still in use just not for the correct name
- "Stars (Proper Names)" names newly discovered systems from a list of star names but does so in alphabetical order rather than using the correct name
- "Class Name Only" is a blank theme that delivers systems names as "System #X" again, the same as "No Theme"
- "Name Plus Number" is another blank theme that also delivers systems names as "System #X" just like "No Theme"
- "Stars and Planets" draws from a preset list in alphabetical order as you'd expect from a System Theme
- "Stellar Class" is another preset theme using a small collection of "Stellar <noun>"

In retrospect I can check populated preset lists by using "Select Name" from the System Generation and Display window but the three empty sets were worth a try. Any ideas or am I stuck sorting names out of the database for 1100+ systems?
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by Jeltz on Today at 04:53:41 AM »
I don't know if it's a bug, it's certainly a curious thing: one of my GEVs was attacked by an unknown unit, the first broadside was absorbed and damage control repairs the faults... but MSPs grow to 147%?!

Aurora 2.5.1, vanilla, W10, conventional start, real stars
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