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General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by pedter on Today at 04:19:47 AM »
2. I don't see any tech I can research to create a Sector Command. Where is it hidden?
2.  Is Improved Command and Control, I think in Logistics but it could be construction

Confirming that it's in Logistics rather than Construction / Production.

1. Does water in the atmosphere do something special? I'm injecting some for good measure...

Water vapour in the atmosphere is part of the water cycle and shows up based on hydro extent, temperature, and total pressure; you can control hydro extent of a body by adding or removing water vapour with terraformers. Below -28C hydro extent and water vapour freeze solid and out of the atmosphere respectively, above +100C the hydro extent boils off and exists entirely in the atmosphere as water vapour, and between the two you'll have some vapour in the atmosphere and some on the ground as hydro extent with higher total pressure resulting in higher water vapour partial pressure.

You may still find different values than -28C (I've also seen -17C, -18C, and -27C, but Titan just melted at -28C) from older sources but that is the v2.5.1 temperature at which ice sheets spontaneously melt and begin to evaporate into the atmosphere as the water cycle takes over. Some of how water vapour, liquid water, and solid ice move about can be found in the change log:
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Andrew on Today at 03:37:55 AM »
2.  Is Improved Command and Control, I think in Logistics but it could be construction
Questions, always questions!

1. Does water in the atmosphere do something special? I'm injecting some for good measure...
2. I don't see any tech I can research to create a Sector Command. Where is it hidden?
C# Suggestions / Re: My Take on Government
« Last post by Zap0 on Yesterday at 11:27:28 PM »
I have often wished, especially in light of the advanced government system that Geoffrey has in Antimatter, that Aurora had some sort of government system that you could select. You could choose from the vague standards of authoritarian, democratic/parliamentarian, monarchic/imperial, and oligarchic. Each would have customizable government departments that provide certain bonuses that diminish based on sector distance. The democratic ones would have elections and a bicameral congress (senate from planets, representatives from population). Oligarchic would have a selection process for some sort of triumvirate or whatever.

One of the strengths of Aurora is the ambiguity of it's mechanics, allowing you to imagine a large variety of things and mold it into your mental image. Being more explicit can be detrimental to that, so I'd be careful with such mechanics unless they add a lot to the game. In some sense, the racial values (xenophobia etc.) can model some societal/government outlook already (not that these stats do much). Could adjust them every time there is a change in government.
Roleplaying some restrictions on actions or decision making process can totally be fun though, see the government simulator spreadsheet for instance.

Re: pictures, you're using Discord image links and Firefox tracking protection blocked them for me, since they track usage and whatnot. Discord images also tend to get unavailable after some time, better use a different image host in the future.
C# Suggestions / Re: My Take on Government
« Last post by Aloriel on Yesterday at 10:58:11 PM »
I have often wished, especially in light of the advanced government system that Geoffrey has in Antimatter, that Aurora had some sort of government system that you could select. You could choose from the vague standards of authoritarian, democratic/parliamentarian, monarchic/imperial, and oligarchic. Each would have customizable government departments that provide certain bonuses that diminish based on sector distance. The democratic ones would have elections and a bicameral congress (senate from planets, representatives from population). Oligarchic would have a selection process for some sort of triumvirate or whatever.

Each would, of course, have it's benefits and drawbacks. Authoritarian and monarchic governments would maybe have reduced loyalty (e.g. much higher demand for PPV and garrisons), while democratic and oligarchic would require approval of certain actions (such as declaring war, political parties that you must appease by meeting their demands, etc.). Unhappy pops would rebel and form a new empire of their own design. Meanwhile, Authoritarian might have an increase in certain types of labor, while democratic might have improved financial and perhaps things like throughput of spaceports and the like.

Obviously, I haven't fully thought it out. It's just something I'd like to see at some point.
Forum Issues / Re: It's nice to see the forum up again!
« Last post by Erik L on Yesterday at 08:04:48 PM »
Half of the wiki tables are now InnoDB and not the myISAM they are supposed to be. I've got no idea how to fix this. I do have a ticket open with the host for it.

The ultimate issue was out of drive space. I deleted around 90 gigs of logs to free up some space.
C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on Yesterday at 06:50:54 PM »
Since reading the post of the new "Colonization Pressure" mechanic, I was puzzled if the actual "Colonization Pressure" words would clearly reflect what was going on. So I have turned to my friend Chat GPT using the full changelog from Steve, asking the same question. Here is the answer:

Instead of "Colonization Pressure," you could consider using the term "Migration Incentive" or simply "Migration Pressure." These alternatives reflect the concept of individuals being incentivized or pressured to migrate to certain colonies based on various factors such as infrastructure, security, and population capacity.

However, I was still unsure, since if I understood properly, what is going on is that the higher this number is, the higher number of people will be unhappy at their colony and be willing to pay to relocate to another world with perhaps higher desirability. When highlighting this, and after several other conversations, we agreed on the following:

"Relocation Rating"

I think the Relocation might still be better than Colonization. Eventually we could keep pressure and go for the following:

"Relocation Pressure"
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by ISN on Yesterday at 02:37:41 PM »
I think correcting it is better than leaving as is, as it will be easier to understand what is happening.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the maps end up looking like with the change!
C# Mechanics / Re: Potential Changes to Shipping Lines
« Last post by Droll on Yesterday at 01:38:51 PM »
Honestly at that size you should just go for an integrated mousepad lol.
C# Suggestions / Re: My Take on Government
« Last post by doodle_sm on Yesterday at 01:25:16 PM »
I don't see any screens in your post. Did they get eaten?

I can see it on my end. He's using Deep Space Populations to represent various ministries in a government. The Deep Space Population governors are what I am assuming help represent the ministry themselves
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