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General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by wutaur on Today at 10:34:36 AM »
When designing a ship with Gravitational / Geological sensors, it says "This design is classed as a Survey Ship for auto-assignment purposes".

Now, if you want to include just a small boat bay (250tons) and add it to design - it will become "This design is classed as a Carrier for auto-assignment purposes".

And the question is, is there a possibility that this ship would still remain as Survey Ship for the purpose of auto-assignment to work?
C# Bureau of Design / Re: Rate my Patrol Boat
« Last post by relmz32 on Yesterday at 10:58:57 PM »
why are you using a 1 shot railgun?
C# Bureau of Design / Re: Rate my Patrol Boat
« Last post by StarshipCactus on Yesterday at 10:58:25 PM »
If you round the tonnage up to 3K, you should have a lot of room for armour at that tech level. I don't think you need over 100 billion km range so you could cut the fuel to 50K too. As GreatTuna said, you could also make even more room by ditching the shield and cryo berths. The armour would almost certainly serve you better than 5 shield points.
C# Bureau of Design / Re: Rate my Patrol Boat
« Last post by GreatTuna on Yesterday at 10:40:04 PM »
It's a good beginner design, and I don't see any critical flaws in it which will render it inoperable. That said, there are a few ways you can improve on it.

From top to bottom:

1. The DCR tells me you're using damage control, which weighs down the ship by good 150 tons without providing much benefit (lack of armor and shields will ensure it dies before making use of its damage control, and instant repairs will quickly run into lack of MSP). This weight is better used in more engineering, fuel, and deployment time.
1. 1. On topic of engineering, I'd recommend having at least twice as much MSP as Max Repair, to allow for on-board repairs of the most expensive part of your ship. Max Repair lists the cost of maintaining such part; repairs will require double.
2. Cryo berths also weigh it down a little, but I presume they're there for RP reasons. If they aren't, they can safely be removed; since the boat will be patrolling between populated colonies, there'll always be one close by to drop survivors and POWs.
3. The deployment time could be a little higher.
4. This ship is slow by the Quantum Singularity standards. If it's meant to move around escorting commercial ships, it's fine, and low-boost engines also makes the patrol ship very cheap; but keep in mind that at this tech level it's easy to push 50kkm/s or more.
5. The only thing in terms of defense this ship has is its ECM suite and range of its missiles. 5 points of shield is not stopping anything, and even if they did, you're better off making a properly-sized shield. The capacity of small shields is very heavily penalized.
5. 1. Not to mention that full ECM suite is good 450 tons of extra weight for your ship. Fire Control and Missile jammers can be very useful, but the Sensor one is a lot more dubious.
6. The railgun doesn't need such high capacitor recharge rate. 10cm railguns achieve their maximum rate of fire at Capacitor Recharge Rate 3, and you have 25. (The "Power" row in the description lists the power you need to fire the gun as first number, and the amount of power it's getting in 5 seconds as a second number. Excess power is wasted.)
7. Fire Control looks good, it just won't benefit much from electronic hardening. That only allows it to resist damage from microwaves, while driving the cost up by, i think, 2 times as much. Same applies to your MFCs and passive sensors.
7. 1. You will need an active sensor lock to target enemy ships, either from this ship or from an accompanying scout.
8. Missiles look pretty good to me, no issue here.

C# Bureau of Design / Re: Rate my Patrol Boat
« Last post by ty55101 on Yesterday at 09:36:50 PM »
That is a pretty good patrol boat. I think you might have forgotten to up its deployment time though. Also, is there an active sensor on another ship?
Image Enhancements / Custom flags by Oriolus
« Last post by Oriolus on Yesterday at 06:06:39 PM »
It was a long-standing debt to me to create visually matching flags for the race portraits, spacecraft and space station icons I had previously made. These have been completed today: a total of 600 custom flags with crests/logos. This finally completes my graphic package. ;)
To install, simply copy them to the Aurora C\Flags folder!
C# Bureau of Design / Rate my Patrol Boat
« Last post by Razgriz on Yesterday at 04:15:52 PM »
I'm experimenting using endgame tech but I'm still new to ship design. How can I improve this design. Its designed to patrol settled systems moving between populated colonies in Groups. All my ships are missile focused.

Code: [Select]
Arg class Patrol Vessel      2,806 tons       51 Crew       1,554.2 BP       TCS 56    TH 1,200    EM 150
21383 km/s      Armour 1-17       Shields 5-100       HTK 25      Sensors 7/7/0/0      DCR 31-50      PPV 12.38
Maint Life 2.90 Years     MSP 346    AFR 63%    IFR 0.9%    1YR 61    5YR 912    Max Repair 218.8 MSP
Magazine 76 / 0    Cryogenic Berths 200   
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Morale Check Required   

AGI ARG QSD (2)    Power 1200    Fuel Use 1.61%    Signature 600    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 60,000 Litres    Range 238.5 billion km (129 days at full power)
AGI Omega S5 / R100 Shields (1)     Recharge Time 100 seconds (0.1 per second)

AGI 10cm Railgun V90/C6.25/S1 (1)    Range 87,500km     TS: 25,000 km/s     Power 0.75-6.25     RM 90,000 km    ROF 5       
AGI Beam Fire Control R88-TS25000 (SW) (5%) (1)     Max Range: 87,500 km   TS: 25,000 km/s    ECCM-10     89 77 66 54 43 31 20 9 0 0
AGI Quantum Singularity Power Plant R7-PB100 (1)     Total Power Output 6.6    Exp 50%

AGI BROADSWORD VLS (8)     Missile Size: 7    Hangar Reload 132 minutes    MF Reload 22 hours
AGI DART VLS (20)     Missile Size: 1    Hangar Reload 50 minutes    MF Reload 8 hours
AGI BROADSWORD MFC FC192-R100 (5%) (1)     Range 192.4m km    Resolution 100   ECCM-10
AGI DART MFC FC35-R1 (5%) (1)     Range 35.9m km    Resolution 1   ECCM-10
AGI DART AMM (20)    Speed: 270,000 km/s    End: 0.2m     Range: 3.1m km    WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 1440/864/432
AGI BROADSWORD TORPEDO (8)    Speed: 270,000 km/s    End: 4m     Range: 65.4m km    WH: 72    Size: 7    TH: 1440/864/432

AGI EM Sensor EM0.1-7.5 (5%) (1)     Sensitivity 7.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  21.7m km
AGI Thermal Sensor TH0.1-7.5 (5%) (1)     Sensitivity 7.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  21.7m km

Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 10    Fire Control 10    Missile 10   

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by ty55101 on October 02, 2024, 10:34:41 PM »
Could the smart drag in the ground units OOB be made to have a non smart mode? Maybe a button to switch between smart drag and a specific function. Right now you cannot attach a smaller bombardment formation to support a larger formation with an HQ which is a common complaint and this would be a fairly simple resolution.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Antonin1957 on October 02, 2024, 09:00:22 PM »
Stupid question, but did you load the colonists - check the Transported Items tab for the fleet?

Yes, I did indeed load the colonists. It was suggested that I do not have enough people on the Martian surface to show up on the colony summary screen, so I will transport more people.

Thanks, everyone, for the replies!
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by paolot on October 02, 2024, 05:40:58 PM »
The population of Mars still shows as "0".

Antonin, in the Summary tab of the Economics window, the minimum Population value shown is 10,000.
Even if you see a "0", the people are there, simply they are too few.
So, unfortunately, it takes at least 25 travels of your colony ship to see some population (less, if people start to reproduce; more, if they start starving and dying).

Suggestion: you can ask the civilian lines to bring structures (infrastructure at first) where you want/need, to prepare or expand your colonies.
In the Civilian/Flags tab, add a demand where you want the structure(s), and add a supply where you produce them (or where you have a surplus).
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