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Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: People's Democratic Republic of United Earth Nations
« Last post by Garfunkel on October 24, 2024, 07:39:31 AM »
Armed Forces of the People's Democratic Republic of Allied Earth Nations

The armed forces of the People's Democratic Republic of the Allied Earth Nations have the glorious task of safeguarding the citizens from external threats, wherever they might be and whatever form they might take. Their secondary task is to ensure the economical and industrial prosperity of the PDR.

The AF-PDR is divided into two main forces:
The Aether Force and the Ground Force. The former fights in the Aether, namely space, and controls all military assets whose primary purpose are missions performed in the Aether. The latter fights on solid surfaces, whether these are planets, asteroids, stations or ships. Both forces are further split into branches, each tasked with a specific mission. These are as follows.

In Aether Force:
The Battle Fleet is tasked with the decisive battle against major enemy combatants. It specializes in close quarters battle and operates the heaviest ships that Earth can build.

The Strike Fleet is tasked with the encirclement and neutralization of major enemy assets. It specializes in long distance combat and operates the carriers and fighters required for this mission.

Assault Fleet is tasked with breaking enemy strong points, sieges, and planetary fortresses. It focuses entirely on such assaults and operates a mix of specialized vessels, designed solely for this purpose.

Guard Fleet is tasked with the defense of colonies, outposts, and shipping lines. It operates a variety of light and medium ships as well as armed stations, and is the most widespread Fleet.

In Ground Force:
The Territorial Army is responsible for defending Earth, PDR colonies, outposts and bases. For this purpose, it operates both land warfare and orbital warfare units.

The Republican Army is the sword of the PDR, tasked with overwhelming enemy ground forces and to take planets. It operates armoured, mobile units. However, it can only operate on planets and moons where the gravity, temperature, and the atmospheric pressure are all within human tolerances.

The Ranger Corps is part of the special forces of PDR. Its task is to perform opposed landings on bodies that are hostile to human existence, such as lacking an atmosphere or being too hot or cold for normal troops. The Rangers operate specialized equipment and vehicles for this purpose.

The Marine Corps is part of the special forces of PDR. It has two tasks. Firstly, it provides security forces for the Aether Force and, secondly, it operates the specialist vessels capable of boarding enemy aether ships. The Marines should not be confused with the Rangers as they are not meant to operate in extreme environmental conditions.

In addition to these forces mentioned above, the Ministry of Stability and Harmony commands the peace officers of the Bureau of Counter-Revolutionary Activities. While it is a paramilitary organization, the BCRA officers can support the military forces if the need arises.

Would you like to know more?

General Discussion / Re: WH40K Ships in Aurora 4X: Cobra Destroyer
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 24, 2024, 06:50:14 AM »
Here is a campaign where I tried to turn WH40k designs into Aurora scale design, while retaining the flavour of the different ships.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 24, 2024, 06:46:39 AM »
I'd like to be able to project the position of a system body (at an arbitrary point in the future), given its orbital parameters and current location.

Would that be a straightforward formula you could share?

...It's a few hundred lines of code...

I suspected that might be the case.

Am I correct in recalling that orbiting bodies sweep their orbital area at a constant rate over time?
And if that is correct, is that how Aurora implements it?
If so, I can probably work out the general case formula from there.
(Not, like, over a lunch break. But eventually.)

Orbital Speed = Math.Sqrt((2 / DistanceToParent) - (1 / OrbitalDistance));
C# Bug Reports / Re: Typo Thread bugs
« Last post by skoormit on October 24, 2024, 06:38:28 AM »
"{shipname} cannot lauch a {missilename} as no missiles of the required type are available in the ship's magazines."

(I can't tell you how many times I've seen this message and never noticed the typo.)
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 24, 2024, 05:57:49 AM »
What happens to ground units transported on board a ship if the ship gets hit and the troop transport component gets damaged?
Assuming there is no spare space for them of course and i have the exact amount of tons of GU's as transport capability.

They will be damaged in proportion to the loss of troop capacity.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Migi on October 23, 2024, 08:08:14 PM »
I've noticed that my officers are retiring at age 32-33. Should there be a kind of military administrative structure to provide them with jobs as they age? A fleet staff structure or a general staff for ground commanders? If the answer is "yes," how would I create such a structure?

I don't have any warships, and the only ground unit I have is the "1st Infantry Regiment." I don't have any alien invasions or NPRs enabled in this game. It's my 7th restart.

You can assign commanders to academies, via the commanders screen. If you have lots of scattered academies that can give them something to do.

You can also create a naval command structure using the Naval Organisation screen.
Some people use this to create a civilian command structure as well, here is a post showing that:
The industral, logistics and survey admin types will provide useful bonuses even in an entirely peaceful game.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Garfunkel on October 23, 2024, 07:32:35 PM »
Then you don't have to worry about your officers retiring. Academies will train new ones.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Antonin1957 on October 23, 2024, 05:56:02 PM »
If you have no navy or army why would any officers stay in the service?
Unemployed officers tend to retire faster than employed officers. It is usually a good idea to use your starting research points to develop some tech, then design some ships and spawn them using your starting points for troops and ships.That way you have a navy (military or commercial) and army and that means your officers have meaning. Also you can actually do things and have fun

I have a couple of survey ships, a sorium harvester and a couple of freighters. I have not built a military because I'm not very interested in the military side of the game, at least not until I understand the basics of building up an economy.
General Discussion / Re: Academy Commandant
« Last post by Aloriel on October 23, 2024, 04:39:31 PM »
I agree completely. I figure Steve probably doesn't want to try to account for all of the crazy governments players will want though.
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by Andrew on October 23, 2024, 04:36:39 PM »
If you have no navy or army why would any officers stay in the service?
Unemployed officers tend to retire faster than employed officers. It is usually a good idea to use your starting research points to develop some tech, then design some ships and spawn them using your starting points for troops and ships.That way you have a navy (military or commercial) and army and that means your officers have meaning. Also you can actually do things and have fun
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